The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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    They Will Always Be Maintained. Here, and There Will Be
Required. &orce as Largess Is Now Employed", arid
'in the Course of Time, afc the. State "Grows, Bigger Pay
Rolls WilKBe Needed iri'New Construction and in Re.
pair WQrk on Old Consumption 1
f There were yesterday fifty em
ployes In the offices of the Oregon
sjtate highway commission In the
, capitol at Silew. ' f .f ' " (
The work of the several de
j partments iU'l 'centralized Sunder
What Is called the general office
I in aUch manner aa to "4niure'pro-
per coordination and to avoid any
duplication . of , f f prt. .
: ; The " state highway engineer
. ; keeps all records, "contracts, etc.
- Ilia office is the centraloffice of
the com mission? William Duby of
Baker, JJ, B, Van, Duser of Port
land and W. H. Malone'of Corjral
)a are the present members of
, the commission. Mr. Duby is
chairman; Roy A. Klein Is state
highway engineer. 1 ' ' '
' The division offices keep in con
tact with the resident engineers.
"Iwo ' division, headquarters are
maintained in Salem in connec
tion, with the general offices.
: . dther division offices are at La
Grande, The' Dalles, Med ford and
j&arsh'rteld: ' A
i The auditing department is, of
course, at Salem. 'IZZ'ti. Myers Is
tlie:Tt6Wcefcp6fr: and,.: ".deputy
. auditor from the otfjco of .the sec-
retary - of Male has a'lesk in the
. highway "of f ice, , in pVder to ex
pedite the payment of highway
? plalmav,?';' .'-. rill-"- ' ..
, , 'Th'Wbolft Forre ,.''!,
' Following la .a jjili. list of the
. employes of the main office here:
.""Klein, i Roy.; A,,1; state highway
-; engineer; r r---4 ---: - i
Devers, J. M., attorney.
' " McCullough, C. B., bridge en
gineer! V ' .
P'robert, 8..UJ, office engineer.
'Clarke, W. D., division engt-
. peer.' ' . - - , '
Sawyer, J. 8., division! engineer.
' ' Scott; 'J. H., market roads en-
' . Eineer. .-.'"'!
frosecrans, ' Merle, assistant
bridge engineer. ! '
PaxsonO, S., field bridge en?
Finkbeiner,. N. M., engineer, ot
materials. ;.
Display Now Featured in Our Window
After the show, see our windows. You'U find
- -1 ; something of interest here.
- ' showi a complete line of
Brunswick anck Victor Phonographs
'h.'-':;?;v;- r"v" '' ' -T'" ' -' -' -"And1
I " To : Our Comfortable Music 'Department and Hear the
Latest -Selections in Music
i Order; Your Phonograph this week and Benefit by the
- : Saving we make you.
DeSousa, J. W., assistant office
1 Parsons, L. E-, assistant office
engineer. . ...
! Nash, J. W., assistant office en
gineer. - Skelley, E. A., chief draftsman.
McCallister, J. W., draftsman.
Robertson, R.' H,, draftsman.
Rowland, Theodore, draftsman.
Wendroth G'. J., draftsman.
Witter, C. T.t draftsman.
Walsh, A. M., draftsman.
Stlffler, W. W-, draftsman.
Simpson, W. D., draftsman.
Reeves, ' W. A., structural de
signer. Chase, 0. A., structural design-
Anderson, Wm. S-, structural
Weber, J. A., mechanical de
signer. Glalsyer, H. B., chief clerk.
Smith, Carl F., auditor.
Esch, Era., auditor.
Myers, L. N., bookkeeper.
Hoover, C. T., costkeeper.
McFarland, Jas., clerk.
Rupert, Ethel, clerk.
; Wright, W. S., clerk.
Neptune, 0. B., clerk.
Holleriberg,' R- V., clerk.
t Yeagef. 'G M., clerk.'
f: Struble, Gertie, clerk.
i:. Smith, -W. II., laboratory assist
ant. ;; ' ,v' '
! Kelso, G. N., laboratory assist
an t. -
Ingrey, Helen, stenographer.
.Braun, Elizabeth, stenographer.
McGee, Lora, stenographer.
Hill, Jessie, stenographer.
' "Wenger, Trlsta, stenographer.
Parsons, Ruth E.. stenographer.
Wicklander, Amanda A., typist-
Wrjght, WTm., blueprinted
Bross, Josephine, telephone ope
rator and mailing clerk.
;. Will Be Permanent
These offices will be permanent.
They will have to be maintained
always, and the headquarters will
have to be at the state capital.
There will always be the state
i .South F-V v v V .-
Without Interest
highways to bo maintained and
repaired, and there will, likely
never come a time when there will
not be some new work undertak
en. There will be a "peak load"
at some date in the future, when
the new work may not be exten
sive. But that time will pass, and
there will then be a demand for
still more paving of. state high
ways. And It 'will likely transpire
that the reissuance of the serial
bonds and the Increasing income
from automobile licenses and
gasoline sales taxes may keep the
program in full swing even in the
time of the passing of what has
been looked for as the "peak
load" period in the payment of
serial bonds and interest.
In the above statement concern
ing the permanent employes of the
state highway department, no ac
count is taken of several hundred
seasonal employes and contractors
reporting here during the seasons
of active road building.
(Continued from page 9)
pleted the work in that vicinity
has been taken down and will be
reconstructed at St. Paul. The
county has already advertised for
SOOO cubic yards of sand and gra
vel to be used there and also for
tho hauling of the same; contracts
have ' been made for furnishing
the asphalt and fuel oil that will
be required.
27 Voted Special Tax
In addition to the regular road
district tax levied by the ' county
court to keep up repairs in the
road districts, 27 of the districts
levied special taxes amounting to
$44,000, with which to make per
manent Improvements in their dis
tricts. The county court.allows the
district voting the special taxes to
select the roads where the work is
to be done. Much good road work
has been accomplished by this me
thod. Who Is Responsible
W. H. Downing, county Judge,
and J. T. Hunt and James Smith,
connty commissioners, make up
the county court having charge of
the road work.
W. J. Culver Is the county road
master, having direct and super
vising charge of the work. The
deputy road masters are F. O.
Johnson for the north end, S.
Lambert of Stayton for the eastern
part and L. A. Van Cleave for the
Scollard or Woodburn " section.
,0 OF
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Pavement in the
Hedda Swart is in the ,Salem office
as engineer.
During the height of the work
ing season, about 400 men are em
ployed In and out ot the. four
plants and on the roads.
20 to 23 Miles for 1024
The hard surfacing of the paved
county market roads will be ex
tended this year to include 20 to
25 miles. The cost of the payed
county market road3 in Marion
county ia about $15,000 a mile, in
cluding draining and ' grading
work. This was the estimate when
the original 100 mile program was
outlined, and it has been ' more
than lived up to; that is, we will
have about 125 miles to show for
the original estimate of 100 miles.
A Wonderful Showing
And we will have a great deal
more to show. We will have the
complete equipment, worth many
thousands of dollars, absorbed in
the cost of constructing the roads.
And five years of most valuable
experience; and the repair plant
out on Center street In Salem, near
the asylum for the insane. And a
program outlined for the future.
The state paved highways, built
under the contract system, have
cost about $25,000 a mile; though
they are mostly wider and thicker
than the county market roads.
As to the Future
What of the future? For the
Marion county paved market road
program it looks most promising.
We have already the greatest
mileage of paved market roads of
any county on the Pacific coast
And, keeping the present reven
ues and following the present prac
tices and rules, we will got 15 to
16 additional miles every year,
hereafter, for the next nine
While the market road bonds
are being retired
And after that, the program
may proceed even faster, with the
saving on the interest payments
and the annual payments of $Rr,
000 on the principal. Anyway,
there will be more money to spend
each year, after nine more years.
Income Will Grow
Also, the income will grow in
the meantime. Under the Pierce
(present Governor Pierce, then
state senator) market road law,
Marion county levies a one mill tax
and the state matches it, and out
of the share of Multnomah county
Marlon county gets $15,000 to
$20,000 annually, as under the
Pierce market road law none of
the money Is expended In Multno
mah county, excepting 10ft of the
share of; that county, the balance
from the taxes collected there be
ing distributed to the various coun
ties according to their assessed
property, and as the outside coun
ties match the state money. It Is
the practice ; of Marion county to
match, all money available. In
this way Marlon county has the
use of $100,000 a year or over of
market road funds. Also, over
$50,000 as her share of the auto
mobile licenses. All these funds
are KTowIng every year. So are
the funds from the direct taxes of
about a mill and a half.
A Glorious Future '
One may' reasonably 'predict,
from the above, that the time will
finally come, in Marion county,
when all the public roads will be
paved. Most of the main roads
leading to the market cities and
.towns are now paved; with a lot
of rounding but and f inishing np
to be completed the doming sea
son. '
,' Paved, Roads Cheaper
It is a great thing to enjoy and
I contemplate the further extension
lot -the 'enjoyment f ot -'bucV ft road
. ...... ... . . , , . .r-
- ft rt,ia. ' Wfflym'wr , I
Siskeyou Mountains, on the Pacific Highway
in Jackson County
system, making life more worth
living in many, many ways.
The Slogan editor said, many
times, in the campaigns for paved
roads, that, in the long run, paved
roads would be cheaper than un
paved roads, that are a series of
mud holes in the rainy season, and
long streaks' of dust, overhung
constantly with clouds of dust, in
the dry season. Before Marion
county launched her paved market
road program, this county was
spending tens oftthousands of dol
lars a year in "summer fallowing"
her dirt roads; money that was al
most as good as thrown away.
There was never much to show
for the money.
The same amount of money,
with the organization and mach
inery we now have, will keep the
paved road in repairs Being kept
in constant repair, they will en
dure. Our children and children's
children will have them to enjoy.
The possibilities of larger and
better business with paved , roads
throughout the county are beyond
computation in value. Her paved
market roads will mark Marion
county as one of the richest and
most desirable sections ef the
world, in commercial ways and in
many other ways that any reader
can appreciate.
Officers Claim Minnesotan
Offered Money "To Set
tle Out of Court"
ter a preliminary hearing of more
than five hour3 in a crowded lit
tle Virginia court room,' Repre
sentative Harold Knutson of Min
nesota and Leroy M. Hull, a 29-year-old
government employe, to
day were held for the grand jury
on grave charges preferred against
them by two Arlington county po
lice officers.
Judge Harry It. Thomas with
held issuance of a formal holding
orders to give them opportunity to
arrange new bond. Each has been
S -
4 ' ,, -. : .-j ' ,. ;-j"t
v r rt
rr.-'; jfdtx-v
North on Otter Crest
"4 " " -r
mmm held
held in $5,000 bond for the pre
liminary hearing. Four witnesses
were heard during the day John
Wise and John R. Burke, the of
ficers who made the arrests on the
night of March 9 on a road on the
outskirts of Washington; Louis
Zimmerman, brother-in-law of
Burke and driver of the officers
car when the ajrrest was made, and
Harry Woodyard, Jailer.
Wise, the first witness, testified
as to the conditions under which
the, arrests were made when he
and Burke came upon Knutson's
car parked about 150 feet from
the main road. He told of "of
fers" made to him by Knutson,
"t;0 settle out of court," saying
the "offers" were refused.
Wise said he was unaware at
the time that Knutson was a mem
ber of congress, or whether he
was "democratic or republican."
Burke and Zimmerman., called by
the defense, described the circum
stances of the arrests substantially
as did Wise. During Zimmer
man's testimony there were fre
quent heated exchanges between
opposing attorneys as to the pro
priety of the defense questions.
Woodyard testified he had
charged the men on the books with
a ''felony" on advice of Sheriff
Howard Fields.
After a strenuous appeal by de
fense counsel for a reduction of
bond fiorn $5,000 to $2,000, Judge
Thomas ruled the former amount
was not excessive.
Give us this day a fair price for
our daily bread.
Dates for Hearings are
Fixed By Commissioners
The putdic service commission
has set hearings up to April 29,
ns flolows:
March 24, St. Helens, applica
tion of the Union Oil Company for
a grade crossing.
March 2.", Portland, Columbia
Stages accident investigation.
March 26, Portland, Central
Oregon railroad development.
April 2, Portland, Northwestern
Electric company steam heating
rates and service.
April 3, Albany, application of
highway commission for an over
head crossing near Albany.
April 4, Wyeth, application of
1 . - ' .
in Lincoln County, on a section' of the lEoosevelt Coast -Highwayi proposed for
" f ; ' !A early-construction, - -
Heat does not harxja Oakland new
Duco Body finishl Visit our sales
rooms any day or .evening this week
and see flames .appliecLto finish
without harm. See also iiine other
tests that, prove the desirability of
this permanent and beautiful finish.
We are usng this same paint In out painting depart
mcnt. Come in and see some of our . finished Jobs. ;
High Street
the O.-W. R. & N. Co. to discon
tinue agency at Wyeth.
April 4, Dodson, grade crossing
at Dodson.
April 5, Portland, application of
the S. P. & S. lor suspension of
the fencing law.
April 9, Riverside, application of
the Oregon Short Line to discon
tinue its agency at Riverside.
'c April 29, Eugene,, Bourgeis
Evans Lumber company log boom
Thursday Egg Special
As long as 200 dozen fresh ranch
Limit 3 dozen
t t
-.A - .... W "
i -
at Trade
Glycerine Mixture Sur-
- A
pnses oak
. -- . t- -
Simple glycerine, buckthorn
bark, etc.; as mixed in Adlerika re
lieves any case gas on the stomacl
in TEN" minutes.' Most medicine!
act only on, lower bowel ,. but
Adlerika acts on BOTH tapper and
lower bowel and brings -out, all
gasses ' and. poisons." ' Brings out
matter you never' thought' 'was In
your 'system. " Excellent' Jor obstinate-
- constipation.. -Guar d.a
against appendicitis. Ady.
to a customer,
! S . S 111.'
- - - - - - t - -. . ,y,
. i1
1. 1 t
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