THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON " WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1021 SIFS ED ADS-Community Of f erings aed Wants mm She J&pe&tm CLASSIFIED SECTION Phone 23 Advertising Dept. 1 CLA, SSIFIID ADVERTISEMENTS Rat per word: Pr lasertion Tart Insertions .,.. Se NORWICH TTWIOIf rilZ INSURANCE SOCIXTY W. H. Borghardt. Jr. a lda t A fat 871 Stat St, Money To Loan Ob Roal Estate T. K. TORI) (Ore Ladd Bulk Bank) automobiles RcfMdHng i Motor Repairing Our work is guaranteed JACK DOERFER MOTOR REPAIR 410 S. Commercial la-marlO FOR GENERATOR, STARTER AND IG nitioa work with guaranteed re mi In. No work, no pay. H. H. Harris, 173 So. AUTOMOBILES Tops lb AUTOMOBILE Cushions Recovered SEE O. J. HULL 256 Stat lb marl9 HOUSE AND APARTMENTS. PHONE . , 2056J. 2 marl9 FOR RENT POUR APARTMENTS AND house, 920 to $60. Immediate pos session. Beck A Hendricks.4 U. S. Bank Bide. 2 mar 19 FOR RENT ABOUT MAT 1st. STORE . room oa State St. Seo J. H. Lauter- Hotel Argo. 2rtI3t(l FOR RENT Apartments 2a FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTment, - 893 North Hummer. 2a-mar2 21 IIIS FOR RENTa-DOWNTOWN APARTnien with water and beat Patton Apar meats. Call Pstton's Book store. Ja-tf i i i 9 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT 693 N. Summer. Phone 1078. 2a-mar20 FOR RENT A 4 ROOM APARTMENT, . with private bath. 1047 S. Commercial. Phone It 88 J. 2a maris 19 20-21 22-23 THREE AND FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apartments, private bath, Bo . inn. with nrlvsta bath, close la. Call at 803 Ortroa bldg. 2a-fl0tf fOR . BINT APARTMENTS, 891 SO. Commercial. FOR RENT Rouses 2b BOUSE POR RENT ply 191 13th St. -PHONE 1825. AP- 2bml9 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 1148 NOR way St. See F. L, Wood. 2bml9- UNCURNI8HED FOUR ROOM HOUSE Lights and. water In . boas. Phone 84J. 2bmI9 I f BOOM MODERN HOCt E WITH OA-I rage, oa paved street, a none iirt. i zo-meu FOR RENT Romu .2c FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM NEAR , Capital. Phon 1877K. ml9 rarwTien dardr stzk u" BT TA wonUag ramisneo Kooa a, - prat i I eeaU each. - Statesman ttusiasa wi fl. Ground floor. I FOR RENT APARTM.INTB A I Sleeping rooms. Leonard .tot!, 354 H. I Front tr - FOR SALE Miscelaiuieoaa "4 FOR SALE ANCONA EGG 8 86 HUN- dred. Whit Wyandotte cockerels. Pbon 118F2. 4-msr21 FOR 8ALE FURNITURE INCLUDING ras-s and draperies. - Call 1104JI. - i 4-mar20 FOR SALE 150 OAO WHITE LEO- sts nnllets. L. B. Locke. Macleav. Or. , 4-niar21 FOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWING ..machine, refrigerator, mason jars 1553 Stat St. 4-mar20 REDUCED PRICES ON DAY-OLD ehicks after Anrtl lit. Whit Leghorn (Man- -: saa strain) a 12.50 Per 100. Barred Rocks.. S1S00: 20. books order. J. ' M. Biggie, Independence, Ore. 4-msr25 HOUSE AND APARTMENTS. 2056J. PHONE 4al5 FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL CHINA CLOS- ' t, almost w, cheap. .Phon Jiu- 4ml9 ECO AND CARPET WEAVING HUGS for sale or mad to order. Phone U S4AJ. 408 8. 19th St 4m20 FOR SALE CHEAP 1 OLIVER CHILL ed plow, 12 Inch: II John Deer plow, 14 Inch; also whiffl tree and neck--Mb, sum J. II. Lauterman. Hotel AreT. . 4tf APPLFR TIELIVERED FH )NE 494. 4m21 HAY 110 1397M. DIVISION 8T. PHONE 4m21 BLACK WALNUT TREES 4 TEARS Id, cheap, t Call on owner, 100S - I i ' FURNITURE FOR SALE 447 CENTER j. FORWENT 2 ' EGGS FOR HATCHING RIB Mo FOR I r0UND GOLD BROOCH. THE ACE. , 15. 2201 W. Nob Hill St. 4al2lr w 6aml8 . Mnnr irmnti urn HATCH IN O eggs. 94 per hundred. M. M. Mage, Ru . S. Ralem Phona 81F25. . Willamette Valley ; i Nursery saa nKfawV of Dr. Beaa'a Big Froaek prma tres Uttj also walnut and I U- Vt mm 3 1 Mathia. Rt. T. 81 BllwartA hlehwa. Phaa 105F5. 4 tf PITHFRRrn BABY CHICKS ' At redaed prices. Whit Leghorns, Reds, Barred Roeks, Whit Rocks, Min r Mku imiiii Baff Orpingtons. D- i liverie Tuesday every week. 8alns r Cblckeri, 958 Stat. JTion 6J Birnm tor.iwn urn HATCHWO eggs. 0e. doiea. 1. A. Harris, Salem. Phon i TWO ROOM COTTAGE WITH FIREpUe at Ny Beach, Newport. A aap. j.... iiis. n.rfi.u Ae Portland. Or. i " " ' 4ml9 i rwnntwrvm TTPEWRITER CO. -, Hot ynr asaehln tpaird by ft fopl wh aaaka It. Bplti rel 1.7. ..-4... ann w aaaaia Bldt. rmtm e i www ...7. Phone . n " V ' OB IALB OLD HIW8PAPERS 10 ' eeaU bundle. ClrsalaUoa iepartmaat Statesman On week (six latcrtiont) 8e On month , 20c 8ix months' contract per mo 15e 13 months' contract, per mo 12e Minimum for any advtrtieement 25c FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4 WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP Junk, hardware, rluthinv tc f'.r.,r.l Bargain i louse and Junk Co., Center auu irooi at the bridge. 4 f 14tf Beautif ul Oregon Rose and eleven other Oregon songs together wnn a line collection of patriotic songs, sacred songs and many old-time favor itea. ALL FOR 25e. (Special nncea in mitntfiv Ittal Especially adaptable for school commun ity or noma tinging. Bead for Western Songster 70 pages now in its third edition Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. Salem, Or. AVE TOUR FURNITURE OR AOTO cleaned and polished with "Kwik- Inin" or will sell yoi tba material to do the work yourself, 50c and fl. Will also clean your wallpsper or shades. ACeau wanted, 1. u Bos 429 or fboao 1M30 4ilftt 0U8TOM HATCHING SAVE MONEY a baby ehix by asing the big Wish- Don incubator. Lloyd Le. Phone 1 4l3St FOR SALE Livestock 4a GOOD, FRESH. JERSKY COWS AT third house east of Turner on pave-. ment. 4a-marl3 FOR SALE HOLSTEIN BULL, 3 years oia. Address . 11. r.gan & Son. Ger- vais, Rt. 2. Phone 3KU. 4a niar21 FOR SALE A FIXE SPAN OF WELL matched young mares 1500 lbs. each. Hound and gentle for $350. Also a splendid span of geldings, weight 1600 lbs. each for 82. 0. Other teams as low as 9200. John H. Scott. 208 Ore gon Bldg. Phone 254 or 622. 4a-marl9 FOR SALE REGISTERED DUROC-JER- sey pies and brood sows. J. H. Knee- man, Silverton, Ore. 4a-mar20 FOR SALE 1 MARE, 8 YRS. OLD Weight 122. Works single or double. Rt. No. 8, Box IOC. 4aml9 FRESH MILK GOAT& . at. HOOLEY, 4a-m21 Hubbard, Oregon. 8EVEN GOOD MILK COWS, FRESH and eoming fresh, for sale. w. c Soderman, Jefferson, Or, Rt. 1. Phone 49F2 from Salem 4a-flOtf HELP WANTED Female 5b WIDOWER WITH THREE CHILDREN 1 V4, 4 and 10 years old wants house keeper. Carl Bens, Argo hotel. 5b-marls" GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL house work. Must be good rook. Apply forenoons at 325 N. Capitol St. 5fml9 HELP WANTED Male Be WANTED BOY TO LEARN PRINTING trade. Night work. Apply at States man office, 215 8. Commercial St., up stairs, after 6 p. m. WANTED Employment 12 LICENSED STEAM ENGINEER WANTS position. Address 620. care Statesman 12ml9 WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. 1484R. 12 a7 WANTED Mlscenaneoos 18 WANTED TO RENT ABOUT THREE rooms furnished or small house. Carl Bens. Argo hotel. 13 marl2 WANTED FARM NEAR SALEM. State all particulars in first letter. Box 612 Statesman. 13ml9 WILL GIVE USE OF ONE ACRE OF land for rare of same, 'i acre now i strawberries. R. N. Allen, Rt. 3. Box 69A. 13ml9w DRESSMAKING SHOP AT 429 Court St. 1 13m20 WANTED STRICTLY MODERN 6 OR 7 room dwelling, within walking dis tane priced between $4000 and $5000 Want owner to take vacant lot to the value of 9750; some cash, balance monthly. Anderson A Rupert. 400 Ore. rn Bldg. 13ml3tf WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people. Ad dress the Paeifie Homestead, Statesman BIH Salem. Or. HELP WANTED Salesmen Be EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO SELL motorcycles. Harry W. Scott. aemiu SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL CHEV rolets. A good proposition lor a real salesman. X,ewton-Chevrolet Co. 5emtf SALESMAN TO COVER WILLAMETTE Vallev. Handling extensive nae aa- vertising calendars and novelties. Stat references first letter. v. . vaisn, B0 Mission St., San Francisco. 5em27 LOST AND FOUND iOST AT THE WOODLAND BANquet l.t Friday evemnc. an agate natpin. R.tnrn to Mrs. F. B. Sonthwick, 1079 Marion. 6a-marl9 STRAYED BIO BAY MULE NOW AT RiHbaek ranch, inaepenaence. uwon nay have same by paying costs 6am 19 MISCELLANEOUS I can paint your roof Black. Yellow, Blue or Green and save yon money. Also roof repalr l.w ..J .hinrlinr. See M. R. Mathews. Phone 167. ' -marl8tf PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper pnbliihed. uuiuttat-uutn i, POULTRY 7m Lowest price ever offeted on BABY CHICKS "W are offering Oregon customers Beat White Leghorns any quantity 100 t 1000 at 11c. each. Brown Leg horns 12e each. Black Minorca and riiaiI, tslaoit Reda 15c. each. W ship only good rfiieks, extra count and prepay Parcel Post charge on March orders. We hatch 23,000 chicks weekly and can fill order prpmp t ly. mum ( at once. TTfTTMlSSTON JJATCaERY, CampwOlL CsL J-mSO POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN 11 ATCH1NU EGGS (Hanson strain ). 91.00 per eelling, $j.UO per 1O0. C. H. Irisher, RF1 Salem, Ore. Phone IbeSl. 7a m22 PUREBRED ANCONA CHICKS 918.50 hundred. Rt. 5, Box 45, Salem. Phone 118F2. 7a-a UOOLWOOD CHICKS 200 289 EGG stock. Frs range- C. A. Dowd, Au burn Rd , Rt. 6, Saletu. Ore. 7a m20 FOR SALE BABY CHICKS THAT Will live, several breeds, flake's Petland, 273 State. 7a-w9tf THE AVERAGE H E.t DOES NOT PAY a profit. Purebred hens bred to lay pay big profits, and have inada hun dreds of poultry men wealthy. Four teen trios of world champion pur bred chickens will be given free to am bitious men, women, boys and girls. Send name and address and full infor mation will be mailed. Purebred Chicken Editor, Northwest Poultry Jour nal. Salem. Oregon. Ilep't. A 7a-jSOtf REAL ESTATE City 8 OWN YOUR HOME FOR SALE MODERN 5 ROOM HOUSE new paper and paint, hard finish. Phone 382. J. Cronixf, 193 N. Commercial. 8-inar20 JUST LISTED A NEW BUNGALOW close in, corner lot, paved street. A bargain at 94500; terms. Krueger, 147 North Com I. St. Phone 217. 8-marl9 ROOM NORTH SALEM AND LOT 50 Ity 130. 2 rooms plastered, 1 ceiled, 1 lathed. Nearly new. $1125: $300 down. A 6 room house, 4 rooms plastered. Bath, toilet, electric lights, built-in kitchen. In good order outside and in. fltfUll; X3UU down, balance f25 per month. New 5 room plastered house. Bath, toilet, electric lights, garage. No base nient rash. Not far to car line. $2500; 'A .See J A. MILLS, 331 Mi State St. 8-mar20 WONDERFUL BUY BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW 5 rooms with all the built ins. Lights. bath, attic, Pull cement basement. Ideal location. Just completed, immediate possession. Small payment down, bal ance like rent. Price $3400. POOR MAN'S CHANCE to bny a home. $200 down. Price $900, buys bouse, 4 rooms, 2 lots. LOTS! We have them in all parts of the city at right prices, flu and up. Let us show you some real nurga'ns. See CH1I.DS & HECHTKL 540 .State St. 8 marlStf BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 4 room bungalow, garage, woodshed, good location, $2000; easy terms. 6 room bungalow, garage, full re ment basement, on pavement, at car 93500 ; easy terms. 5 room new bungalow, strictly mod ern, dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full basement, fireplace, garage, 2 more rooms could be finished. ThU fin residence has everything in built ins, the particular liousewife will like it. Only 95900 ; reasonable terms. 6 room absolutely up to the minute strictly modern, new Dutch Colonial residence. It has all the heart of a particular house wife could desire, ai 975 E street. Do not bother the owner on Sunday. If it interests you see ua week-day. Priced very reasonable. SOCOLOFSKY, Realtor 341 State Su. 8marl8tf BILLY SUNDAY SAYS: "The rent payer who sings 'Home, Sweet Home' is kidding himself and serenading the landlord. AO. 24 5K. bungalow, garage, easy terms 83400.00 No. 212 6R. bungalow, garage, new 5500.00 No. 12 5R. bungalow, garage new 2500.00 No. 237 7R. bungalow, garage new 6200.00 No. 50R 4R. bungalow, garage new, terms 2100.00 We build to suit purchaser and sell on easy terms. Houses for rent. We write insurance. Money to loan on real estate. If it is a house, lot, farm, or trade, see me RICH L. REIMANN Realtor Office Phone 1013. Res. Phone 726R. ' 307-308 Ortgon Bldg. 8 marlHtf GOOD BUYS See description of East Salem resi dence on Builders page. 9J.00. New Fairmount Hill cottage $3800, Fairmount Hill 7 room residence 85500. North Salem 8 room residence with 314 lots, 94000. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. 8mlCtf BARGAINS 5 acre ranch choice land, close in, modern bouse except furnace, for city residence. Price $6000. 17 acres 5 in timber, 12 acres cut fivated. Exchange for lots. Price $1700 147 acre ranch, smsll house, large bcrn, other outbuildings. Sandy soil One and a half miles from Marion, Price per acre. 970. 8 and 22-100 A., 3 miles out on paved highway, fair house, barn and chicken coop, good well of water. Price 7j00 Will deal for residence. J. F. LATHAM 331 Va SUte St. 8ml fit BARGAINS ONLY A 4R. bungalow at 92100; 5 room and garage (very desirable) 92200; 6 room modern 93100. (terms): An other 0 room (paved street) 'modern, $3000. An extra good buy in a 6 room modern except basement at 92000 Add 9250 and yon have a 93000 place. asy terms on some. Sea Th Fleming Realty Co. 341 State St. 8m9tf ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS, GARAGE Wood shed, chicken yard. Priae 91800 $500 down, balance 6 per cent. Also 5 acres, good house, barn and well 4 acre in garden, walnut trees and small fruit. Price 9300O; SoOO down, balance 6 per cent. See owner at 1005 Mill street, Salem, Oregon. 8-aprl5 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALEM property. 7 acres all in cultivation. miles from Oregon City. Good build inrs and water. A. J. Anderson, Rt 6. Box 137. 8m 19 BILLY STIFF w 1 RErwEMtwAh IHcrv REAL ESTATE City OR SALE BY OWNER. BRAND NEW, atnctl modern six-room bungalow. South alem ; close in. Price fe5(j0. Phone 1784. 8 flTtf SPECIAL 5 nice lots for 81300; terms., 3 room new house 81150; terms. 5 room plastered, paved street and on car line, $1800. 6 rooms. A bargain for $l?)00; with $300 down. Fine lot all in fruit, $350; terms. 2 good houses for rent. THOMASOX. 33114 State St. ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ON NO. Cottage St., $3000; cash $500; balance to suit. New 5 room bungalow on No. 18th St. This place is strictly modern and a good buy at $5000; terms. New 5 room modern bungalow on So. 19th St., large lot, ice $4000; terms. A first class 6 room cottage located at No. 475 So. 18th St. We consider this an excellent buy at $2350; terms $500 cash, balance to suit. A strictly modern 5 room cottage on Leslie St., 4 block from 12th St., near store and school, partly furnished, $350(1; good terms. 2 lots on North 23rd St., 2 blocks from State St. Price $300 each. You make the terms. ANDERSON 8c RUPERT 406 Oregon Building 8ml3tf EXCHANGE FIVE ROOM PLASTERED bungalow and one acre iu fruit $4000, on Oregon Electric near Portland to trade for home in Salem. For sale small house and two lots $000. Strictly mdern six room bungalow, oak floors, east front, paved Mreet. A snap at $55O0. A good 10 room house on pave ment, corner lot, good location. $4000. Two houses for rent and one furnished. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. 8ml3tf 8 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, HARD- wood floors, 8G000. 5 room new bungalow, corner, elec tric range, ice box, linoleum, wood in basement, $6800. 5 room new bungalow, hardwood floors, corner, $5750. Large house, close in. suitable for apartments or roomers. Business loca tion, $10,000. Apartment house $16,000. Apartment house $6500. Apartment house $5800. Ford coupe $350. GERTRUDE J. M. PACE 8ml4tf WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE LLST- ing of acreage and city property. Any thing and anywhere, at real bargains. Read these over 67 acres of good land, 7 room house in fair condition, good granary and ether out buildings, one good team of horses and harness, one cow, some chickens, a drill, mower, rake, 2 plows, wagon and other tools. 1 miles from small town, good high school and church. Think of it. AH for $30OO; $1300 down, balance at 5 per rent, long term. A new building with fine stock of groceries and fixtures in front part. 4 good living rooms, bath and toilet. Corner lot, a fine location, and a real bargain all at $3500. Uood five room house and garage to rent at $22. $2000 buys a five room house on N. Summer, terms. 20 acres, joins suburban town, 14 acres in crop, good barn, small new bouse, poultry house. Buyer gets 4 of crop, $1600; terms, or will trade for house in Salem. A fine seven room house and 4 acres of good land in Woodburn, a gfod buy at $6500; or will trade for prop erty in Salem. SEE THESE FINE PLACES Acre tract 1 to 100. 3 miles from Salem on paved road at very reasonable prices and good terms. ,A fine selection of five room houses at prices to suit. A very good six acre tract, one mile from Salem. A snap at $1800. $3150 buys a 10 room apartment. Easy terms, monthly payments. 141 acres, dairy ranch, good house, silo, barn, and other buildings, crop goes with place. Price $10,000; or will trade. Is close to country town. Stock of groceries good location at $1600. A good Fordson tractor, plow, and disk to trade or sell, part payment on five room bungalow. Remember our aim is to get what you want and where you want it. MOISAN & ULRICH 122 N. Com' I. Phone 1354. 8ml5tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY TH", wording "For Rent," price 10 cents each. Statesman Businesa Office, on Ground Floor. $2750 Three new bungalows, plastered, built in kitchen, modern plumbing and elec trict lights on paved street and car line. Terms of $750 down. East front. Let ns show you these bungalows. You will like them. $3500 New 5 room bungalow with full ce ment basement and garuge. N -ar school. Terms. $4500 6 room bungalow, new, with hard wood floors, basement, furnace, fire place, double garage. This is a real bargain. We write fire insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST tc CO. Realtors. 275 State St. Phone 515 Sinlltf A TEN ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN AT A bargain, if you act quick. Can be ar ranged in 4 apartmi nts. A low price Will take good auto on deal. 7 room modern house, six blocks from business center, all in first class condition, modern in every way. A yery low price. 110 acre farm very wdl improved to exchange for good city property. Ex cellent chance for some one. See nis soon 5 room bouse close in for sale or rent. Has a lot of furnitnre. On pav ed st. Her is a genuine bargain. 16 room apartment paying about 15 per cent on investment. Very elose in. Call early and see me about it. See Me First G. W. LAFLAR 410 Oregon Bldg. 8 m4tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording ''For Sale, Enquire at." Pries 10 cents each. StaWsman Business Office. Ground Floor. A BARGAIN 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, beautiful surroundings. Will sacrifice at $3500 and give terms anyone can handle. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 8ml2tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7 wording, "Rooms to Rnt." price 10 cents esch. Statesman Business Of fice, flronnd Floor ...rny.y., . ' 1 1 W0S UTTL6 Voy 8 f AftS . ('1 REAL ESTATE City 1.180 BUYS HOME ON PAVEMENT 4 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from school nd earlin. Lot Phone 2073M. 75x135. KI35N. 21st 8ni20 CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Large up to the minute list of the v ry best offerings iu Salem and vicinity sent free to any address Harris, 208 Oregon Building, phone 254. 8-f22tf FOR SALE A GOOD LOT AND SMALL house for $.150, if you hurry. F. L. Wood. 341 Sale St. KuilO REAL ESTATE Trades 8a Will Trade Italian prune trees for two horse cul tivator, wai;on, or hay. Mathis Nursery CoJ Sa' - varil -'tiosite O. E. depot. Phone 1758 or 10F4. 8a-mar24 II I H IN ESS OPPORTUNITIES 8b MONEY TO LOAN ti'o ON FARM PKOP erty. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. 81. a 10 REAL. ESTATE Farms 9 FOR SALE 12'i acres of good land adjoining the city of Salt-in ; also a Maxwell truck, good as new. All for $20011; terms. This is an ideal location for a poultry ranch. Also ripe for sub division. A real snap for the investor or speculator. See mv agents CMM.DS & BECHTKL 540 State street. 9 marl9lf HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM PHONE 1395W. 8m25 5 ACRES WITH GOOD IMPROVEMents, an in cultivation, family orchard, spring water piped to house and barn, close to small valley town. Ideal for a poultry plant. $1600 and will con sider a good equity or lot in Salem as part payment. Also a splendid deal on a good stocked and equipped dairy ROBINSON, Oregon Bldg. -marl 9 REAL ESTATE Suburban 10 FOR SALE 'SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, modern, on property 100x100; newly papered and painted throughout, and in first class condition, hen house, wood shed and garage; near first cls-s grade and high schools; located in Junction City, Oregon. Price $2500; reasonable terms. 4 rati or address Edward F. Bailey, Attorney at Law, Junction City. Oregon. 10al2 USED CARS FOR SALE 11 1923 TOURING, NEW TIRES. 8PEED ometer. Perfect condition. Terms. 1845 Fir St. Phone 1749R. Il-marl8tf FOR SALE 1921 Dodge touring" $050 Dodge touring, lots extra equiomrnt $5."0 1920 Dodge sedan $750 1922 Ford touring, looks like new $325 Terras BONESTEELK MOTOR CO. Phone 423 ll-marl8tf BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU SPEND your money for used cars. In buying used cars from us you get the experience of 20 years of careful and successful buying to guide vou. 1922 Buick 4 roadster $625.00 1920 Hupmnbile 450.00 1919 Buick 6 485.00 1921 Chevrolet 300.00 1920 Port 250.00 1922 Buick Six Sedan 1315.00 We have others to choose from. 388 N. Commercial. Otto J. Wilson, Phone 220. 11 marlStf LOOK THESE UP. THEY ARE REAL buys taken in on new Gardner Cars 1922 Gardner touring, like new. 1922 Baby Overland, only run 8,000 miles. 1922 Chevrolet, a real buy. 1919 Dodge. Salem Branch of BURDETT ft ALBEE, 173 S. Liberty. Ilml9 1919 FORD TOURING, GOOD TIRES, new paint, upholstering good. 1924 license. $160: terms. 359 No. Liberty ll-marlStf QUALITY USED CARS AT A PRICE III AT WILL. ri.fc.ASfc 1UU Ford touring Bahy Grand Chevrolet Elgin touring Ford touring Overland touring Overtand touring: Dodge touring Chalmers touring - Oakland coupe New Ford "touring at a $135.00 . 150.00 . 165.00 . 235.00 . 225.110 . 325.-00 . 595.00 . 700.00 .1000.00 discount and many others for yon to select from. (We Give Terms) F. W. PETTYJOHN & CO. 219 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 llml.'.tf USE FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZE FORD DEALER 1921 Roadster -. ...$260.00 1923 roadster 360.00 1919 touring 165.00 1920 touring 215.00 1922 touring 275.00 1923 touring..... 315.00 1921 eonpe 370.00 1922 coupe.. 425.00 1920 truck 235 00 1922 truck 385.00 Other cars from $45 and up. All cars are guaranteed. Sea us before buying. Liberal terms Op-n evenings and Sundays. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 260 N. High ll-m8tf 1920 FORD COUPE. GOOD MECHANI csl shape, new tires in Tear, shock ab sorbers, spot light, stop light, dash light, speedometer, foot feed, sun visor and 1924 license, $325.00; reasonable terms. 359 No. Liberty. It -marlStf WOOD FOR SALE 14 16 INCH BLOCK WOOD $3.75 PER load. 4 loads $14. Phone 1479W. 14m30 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4, ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mill wood ' Dry aecond growth fir Dry old fir 16 inch BLOCK mill wood is the best fnel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Walls. 280 8. Church. Phon 1542 n9tf w Billy Dates the Leading Lady CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OR night. Phone 6K6. 173 South rt J. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A STRUBLE, REGISTERED Arch iter ta, 610 Bank of Commerce Building. AUCTIONEERS WOODRY h WOODRY Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEERS 1C10 N. Summer Tel. oil for Expert Rt-s. sale dates. L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer Thon 470202 U. S. Bank Bldg. s9 0. SATTERLEE Auctioneering Rooms 2.) Breyman Block Phone 247 or 12 1 I J . AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Metal, rags, pap r. Auto wrecking. Repairing. Parts for all cars 50 to 75 per rent off list price. 975 N. Com'). Phon 588. f 8tf BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros., Phon 1803, 418 Csurt. ft. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AND RZPAIKINO LLOYD E. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICT cles and repairing; 387 Court. CLEANERS ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 1868. We spe cialize on one day service CARPET AND RUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any site without seams. New mattresses mad to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff ruga. 13V4 and Wilbur- streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwicker, Prop. " CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St., Phon 283. CHIROPODIST DR. 8. r. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT ft 8COFIELD, P. 8. C. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg Phone 87; res. 828-R. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Surveys, esti mates. J no. H. Neef, 919 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FOR OEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 N. Summer street. Phon 674-J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phon 1867R or 59F12. d26tf DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING Carrie Fisher, McCornack Bldg., over Millers. nl5U PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 1W wording "Dressmaking"; price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS, 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished, Phon 980. 414 Court St. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO trical machine repairing, contracting 837 Court. Phone 488. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial for the best and oldest journal in th west. Th articles and advertise menls ar of special interest to the poultry breeders ot th tsortnwesl. Northwest Poultry journal, ill uoin mercial street, Salem. Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOTANCIAJw CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO., General contracting and building esti mates gladly famished. Phon 1867R or 59F12. d2tf WOOD FOR SALE 14 FOR 8ALE DRY SECOND-GROWTH fir wood. 4 ft. for immtdiat delivery Phon 106. 4-fl2tf LARGE DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7 per cord.-Ash. $8. Phone 1879W. 14m30 DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7.00 pir cord delivered. Phon 19F3. Mayfield. 14 fl3tf DO YOU WANT GOOD WOOD AT REA8 onable prices! Then call 1879W tor ash, old or second growth fir. Prompt delivery. 14-j26tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM oa city orafarm property. Reserve De posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land. Or. LOANS Farm and City. Most liberal rates and payment pri'i'.eg- a. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. 202! Ore. Bldg. Salem, Or. IS tf FARM LOANS No additional ex-pens ANDERSON ft RUPERT, 406 Oregon Building- LOANS LOANS IO AN 8 I ean make your farm or city loans, beat service given. If you need a loan, se m: and if yon bar money to place, aee me I always have takers. Q. W. Laflar, Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS LESS INTERE8T, longer time, do commission. Protects against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly Instalments, pre-pay-ment privilegea. 3. C. Hieginund, room 2, over Ladd ft Bush bank. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUKT8 funeral wreaths, decorations. C. T. Breithanpt, florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone 80. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREO- tors. 210 Center. Phone 1650. FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for lea money. 972 Court, Pbon 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. GARDEN PLOWING GARDEN PLOWING. GRADING, FER tilizer, wood sawing. Tucker. 1123J. m-4tf HEMSTITCIUNO HEMSTITCHING. 8TAMPING. PLEAT- ing. Th Petit Shop, Room 6, over Bnaicka 29tf SALEM ELITE H E M S T I T C II I NO pleating, buttons, atamping and needl work; 328 Oregon bldg. Phone 379 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING tamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil , ley's store. Phone 117 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. 0. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIST Does a general practice. Treats Goit r Gall Stonea. and Dropsy, arising fron diseases of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and res' dene. 296 N. Liberty J-'t Salem. Or Phone 147. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life, Accident, lire. A tm ol.ilo 219 U. S. Nal'l. Bunk Bldg. Phone CO" LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOH MF- nd women, 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 819 8 Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest largest best.' Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. ' MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W MUSIC LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music. Semi-classic and ballads 19 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Me- Cornsck Bldg, MUSIO STORES 8HERMAN, CLAY ft CO., PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and others. MoorVa Musie Hons, 415 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano atudies. Repairing phono graphs and aewiag machines; 432 Stat street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furai ture Co.. Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSIOIAMS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg Phone 110. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL 1483M. NURSE PHONE n25tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS AND ROSES Near Auburn hall. East Salem. North western Nursery. Phon 111F3. m9 FRUIT. NUT AND 8HADS TREES Pearcy Bros, 237 Stat. COMPLETE LINE TREES 8 MALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nar MSery Co.. 426 Oregon Bid g., Phon 75 OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co, 325 Stat street, opposite Ladd ft Bush Bank. "Us Quality Proven Shor-ona." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORX gon Bldg. Rooms 801 to 304. PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc. Rsliabl workman. TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTI ful colors; 91 does a room. Mox O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. By Alexander PHYSICIAN OF PHYMOTBXBAPHY DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PH Tel etherapy, treats all ailments, wemea'a ailments especially. 265 N, Commercial treet. Phone 20C5M. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI- ' ' no tuaer. Leave orders Will's Maate Stor. PLUMBINO PLUMBING AND - GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsbcr Bros, 141 8. Libarty. Phon 550. f9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL , work. Phon 1397-J. 8bop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETO. RADIATORS. FENDERS. BODIES ad or repaired. J. O. Bair. 838 State Bt. REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. ' Umbrellas, Cutlery and Kay Lawnmowers, rasor-blades, scissors, niyes snd tools sharpened. 8CAV ANGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE OAR-, bage and refuse ot all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Osa pools cleaned and dead animals re moved. Phones: Of tie 529, Res. 2058. MAYFIELD SCAVANGER SERVICE. Garbage and refusals of ail klada r- mri. rnone twrn.- T sscoarx) bans oood WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH, ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 942 North Cwausarcial Phone 1368W. STOVES AND STOVX REPAIBINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' Dtpot Nation! fence, sixes 26 to 5S In. high..- Paints, oils and varnishes, te., logaabrry aa bop hooka. Salem Feno and 8to Works, 250 Court street. Phon 124. TRANSFER AND HAULINO WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0US9 hold goods. Onr specialty ia piaao aad furniture moving. We also saak b try trips. W band) th bast coal 94 wod. Call oa aa for prie. We gHy good measure, good quality and g-aod service. Lamer Traaafer Co. Phone iso CAPITAL CITY TRA IFER CO I2 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Gt our rata. TRANSFER AND HAULINO Mnds. Phone 1fW or ALL TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES . 7 J. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stag Terminal Salem, Ore. 8A LEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Loaves Salem, Central Stag TrauaJr 7 a. m; 11 a. m.; 6 p. a. Leaves 8ilvertoa News Stand: 9 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6 p. as. " ' ialem-Idepadene-Moamonth Dryfsiowf . 'eaves Salem, Central 8tag Terminal a m ; 9 . m.; 11:10 a, as.; 9:10. a . .... 5:10 p. m. Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel ' 8 15 . m.; 1 p. 9:15 . aKV Lesve, Independence, Beaver Hotel 8:30 . m.; 9:50 a. m.jl:l$ . ' 4 p. m.; 6:80 p. m. : - - "'' Leaves Central Stag Terminal, . 8ald for Dallas at: .. 1 ' 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. ax. 9tl0 " Leave Gail Hotel, "Dallas at 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 ."m. - -' . We make connections at Sales to -i 4 parts of th valley. Extra trip by apt ooinrmeni. J w pa print ni v.... VETERINARIAN FRED W. LANOE, VETERINARIAN Office 220 South Liberty. Phonal 1 , Res. Phone 1003J. n9t , WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER 00 ' umca, bus ooam uommereial Bf. Tel per cant discount oa demeetic fu) rata paid ia advane. No deduction) for sbsenc or sny cans unless watel Is shut off yonr premise. - - - WELL DRILLING R. A. WE8T. RT. , GARDEN ROAD iiura nouse west ot Hweagle school 23 years experience drilling wlls Oregon. Washington and Idaho.- ml9 PUBLIC NOTICES BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Marion coun- -ty, Oregon, up to 1:30 o'clock p . m. on April 2, 1924, for furnishing 350 cords of sound body fir wood " In 16-lnch or 4-foot lengths. Bids' will be considered for a part of v the same in sound dry slab. De-' livery to be made at the Stayton '. crusher. " The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. U. G. BO YER, County Clerk ml9-26. bids Wanted Sealed bids will be receded by the County Court ot Marion conn ty, Oregon, up to 1:30 o'clock p.' m. on April 2, 1924, for furnish- ' ing 200 cords of dry 4-foot fir wood or large second growth. De livery to be made at the Salem, , paving plant or the county shops. . The court reserves the right to , reject any or all bids. U. G. BO YER, County Clerk ml9-26. QWN YOUR HOME REE ADS UNDER THIS HEADING ON TIIK classified p ao e today :: ; Orefa 8utwaua.