The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Columbia, Stages Report ' -
. The Cojmnbia Stages, with head
.quarters lijv Portland, have filed
with ' the public ' Berries commis
sion a report .covering the opera
tions for 1923. This shows oper
ating revernue ot $314,743.07, op
erating expenses of $279,947.47,
and net revenue ot $34,795.60,
-1 - : t
Home Talent Play
"A Family Affalrf Liberty hall,
March 21, 8 o'clock; 35 and 20
cents, i School benefit. -. m21
New Mel! nber Introduced
J. M. Devers, attorney for the
state highway department, n as in
troduce as new member of the
Kiwant club at the Tuesday
luncheon.' Mr. Devers is the ifeth
member of the club.
$42JSO I Buya Your Choice
of li patterns, 9x12 Axmlnster
rugs. ' 'Hamilton's.
4ii 20
Horacji Sykes Here
Horace Sykes, former deputy in
the state fire marshal's office and
now jwith the Northwest Mutual
Fire , Insurance company of Seat
tle, was a, visitor.,. in . Salem this
weeki Mr,' Sykes came for a con-,
ferertce with the state fire marshal
regarding 'work: which. Mrl Sykes
!' I ' '
Ington through the extension de
partment jDf the state college at
Pullman. ""The particular work
pertains to fire protection for the
grain farmers and is of interest to
eastern Oregon farmers especAl-
Special Dance at Dreamland-
Thursday night, Introducing
Holman's Serenaders. Better mu
sic. Don't miss this. Ladies free.
Will 'Visit Corvaliis
Several members of the local
Klwanis club and their wives will
be in Corvaliis Friday night to at
tend the presentation of avchap
ter to the recently organized club
of that city. There will be a din
ner served at 7 o'clock.
Miss Kathleen Duffy, of the Ore
gon Hoot Owls, in song ballads,
and dancing by the Misses Evelyn
Hunter and Kathleen Smyth. The
Corvallla visitors are bringing with
them several wrestlers, including
Robin Reed, captain of the OAC
wrestling team and national 135
pound champion. These will be
matched against local and Port
land talent.
Metropole Jazz Orchestra
M. Carmenti and his famous
Metropole Jazz orchestra late from
the Bismarck; Gardens, Chicago,
presenting new musical and com
edy features,. will be at the armory
under auspices of Company F,
Friday night, March 21. m21
Buzz Originate
Others imitate..
Boys' Radio Class Tonight
The Boys radio telegraphy class
meets tonight at 7:30 at the
YMCA. The class Is free to any
boy who is interested. Eric Butler
is teacher of the class.
. :BjaghV Bold
and. Excbjanged. .
fcfr jr. Com! Bt. . : Phone 492
' " ; i.J j v.We T JT , Cask, '
For Good Work
And quick service bring your
films to the Capital Drug Store.
, ml8tf
Oregon Poet Coming-
Endorsement to the proposal of
the Salem Arts league to bring
Anthony Euwer, Oregon poet, to
Salem in the near future, was
given Tuesday . noon by the Ki
ln,.'italtaa Prune Trees. Good wanls club.
trices on Walnuts, Seed lint Cher-
y Trees. 8r to loc. General wur-i row ugnting rtxtnrca
lery, Stock, Balei Yard and Office,
J4i Ferry BtV
A. J. Mathia, Prop.
frfflce Phone 100. Res. 1140M
Get our prices and save money.
Salem Electric Co. F. S. Barton,
prop.. Masonic Temple. Phone
1200. m9tf
' WxriJ Neimeycr
; v ' Druggist
In Business For Your
? r-1 Health
175 N. Coml : Phone 167
Damage Is Heavy -
Some extent of the damage to
the loganberry vines by the freeze
this winter was revealed yesterday
by Mrs. A. W. Meade of Rickreall,
who visited the offices of the Ore
gon Growers Cooperative associa
tion. She said that after two and
a half acres had been trained they
found that only one Tine out of
every six was alive and that they
had ceased to train more vines.
She also reported that a neighbor.
E. T. Haymer, owner of an eight
acre tract, was in the same fix, as
well as one or two other of the
growers in the vicinity.
Oregon planes will accompany the
other tour across the remainder of
the state and will pass Salem well
along this morning.
Bams Are Chief Callers
Ordinary spring varieties of
bums are the chief callers at the
Red Cross headquarters on State
street. . A majority of these are
fairly well dressed and are seek
ers after permanent loans of a
dollar or two. Work is the great
est need at present, and anyone
having either steady work or odd
jobs ot gardening and cleaning up
rubbish is requested to telephone
332. Clothing has been given out
almost as fast ae it is received.
The churches were generous in
their response to calls for clothing,
food and groceries.
Uenry ie to Build . versity girls' glee club will make
A residence costing S5.000 will Ha firat IDnAiriiiCA of ttin unuin
be built at 715 Stewart street, by
Henry Lee, according to a building
permit Issued yesterday, by Mar
ten Poulsen, city recorder. R.
Follom will spend $500 in alter
ing and repairing a residence at
1344 North Fifteenth.
Company F
Something new, something dif
ferent. Syncopatin fools of fun, at
armory Friday night, March 21.
Cigar Store Has Radio
I. R. Smith, local cigar store
man, has installed a fine Tadio
outfit equipped with an amplifier.
Concerts will be furnished those
in the vicinity of State and Com
mercial streets every .night. Mr.
Smith will incidentally use his
equipment in obtaining the latest
baseball news as soon as the base
ball season is under way.
32-Piece Sot of Dishes
3 patterns to choose from, for
only $4.95, at Hamilton's. m20
All Axmlnster Rugs
On sale at big reductions for a
few days. Buy now for future re
quirements. Hamilton's. m20
Hospital Dance Postponed
Because of the death in Portland
Tuesday morning of O. P. Hoff,
state treasurer, the St. Patrick's
dance which was to have been giv
en "by employes of the state hos
pital tonight, has been postponed
until Wednesday, March 26.
Big Elk Progr
Four acts of vaudeville by pro
fessional talent from Portland and
three wrestling bouts will be
staged as a part of the double
header program at the Elks' club
Thursday night at which time the
Corvaliis lodge will pay a visit
to Salem. There, will be a short
hnnlnAe, omsIaii with noarl 40
HI . Oregon Bldg. -TCWpiione 7 lapplicatlon8 to be acted upon, ac
the ' Scavey Bell Insurance I cording to Harry Wiedmer, secre-
General Insurance
"Billy BelL 7 ,'. . Jrank wagay
. '
tary. The program will be fol
lowed by a Johnny Jones feed.
The vaudeville Includes vocal and
instrumental numbers, with jazz
dancing and singing, it was an
nounced yesterday by A. L. Wal-
Wanted, Experienced Marceller
At 245 N. High. Marlnello Shop
Opening Film Shop
E. T. Busselle will open a second
store in Salem, taking the small
place recently vacated on the
ground floor of the Masonic tem
ple building, according to Attorney
Carl T. Pope, secretary of the
building. The shop will handle
films and do enlarging work.
Lions to Invade Eugene-
Nine automobiles carrying 35
Lions will leave from, the Cham
ber of Commerce rooms at 3:30
o'clock this afternoon for Eugene
where they will attend the joint
presentation of charters to Eu
gene and Cottage Grove, according
to a report made by Al Krause,
chairman of the transportation
committee. Each automobile will
carry a banner telling everyone
along the route thlt the machines
are driven by members of the Sa
lem Lions club. The party will
arrive in time for the big dinner
at the Osborne hotel at 7 o'clock
Melvin Jones, international secre
tary, will be the principal speak
er. Mr. Jones win be in caiem
Thursday to speak at the weekly
luncheon Of the club, which was
set forward one day in order to
avail the members of the oppor
tunity to hear the visitor. There
will be no luncheon held Friday
Buzz, Masonic Building-
New branch Btore now open.
, 240 BV Cottage EU
The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment' Treatment, Skin
ful. Painleaa Adjustment that
geta results. .
. Osteopathic Physician and
28 Oregon Bldg.
Miss Inez Chambers" and 'Blanche
Friend, in violin and piano solos;
Senior King's Heralds, in ,
'Dr. CureAll,", a comedy, and
a pageant, "isanei a. uream, .
Friday 7:45 p. .m. No admis
sion but a silver offering taken.
Promotes Good Health
' t-
DR. B. H. WniTE
. .. 'Osteopathic
I , physician and Surezons
The onlr physicians in Salem
Xisnz Dr. Abram's method of
Electronic Diagnosis and
Treatment,. "1..
606 U. S. Bank.Dldg.
One-Thtrd Cream
H. E. RJDEOJUT, Proprietor
Resigns Coaching Position-
After coaching baseball, basket
ball and golf at Pomona college in
California, Carl Schott, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Schott, 850 E
street, will resign at the end of
the season to accept a position
with Columbia university as pro
fessor of physical education and
physiology. Mr. Schott was coach
for the last nine years and turned
out a baseball team that held the
championship of southern Callfor
nla for seven years, in addition to
other winning teams.
GIrtioli Bulbs
C. F. Breithaupt, Florist, 123 N
Choice-mixed 35 -cents dozen,
dozen for 11.00 white they last
Liberty St. m22
! Dr. HarHs I. Folk
and" Dr. Paul G.
Stapran, 1484
State St;, Salem,
Oregon, are Chiro
practic doctors. .
The Abrams method of
Electronic Diagnosis1 and
Treatment la not - taught
Chiropractic doctors by Dri
Abrams or any of his col
leges. These doctors, at 1484
Bute street, have removed
the words Abrams Method
from their algn, hut Instead
use the E. R. A. on "their
sign and advertisement. This
is misleading and has caused
persons . to start treatment
with them, thinking , they
were receiving the real
Abrams treatment, : The let
ter E. It. A., with periods
after them, stands for Elect
tronlc Reactlona-ot Abrams
While these doctors, who use
the imitation machine, use
the E." R. A without the
periods, this1 is , misleading
and has caused persons to be
misled and to ' take their
treatment. ; For racts ad
dress ' -'. " . -DR.
Is Dr. B. S. White
, THE Liar of Salem?
This he himself will answer in
three weeks to citizens of Sa
lem publicly. :
Are the impish attacks' of Dr.
B. S. White on the ERA or
E. R. A. Clinic, 1484 State SL,
and on its staff warranted or
are they the result of mad
ness? Watch for an announcement
of date and place, of discussion
on the above.
Planes Fly Over Salem
Three airplanes, flying high and
in a wide formation, passed over
and to the east of Salem at 2:10
o'clock Tuesday afternoon. It is
believed here these were on their
way to Eugene ' where they will
meet the- four around the world
flyers who stopped in Eugene over
night. It is expected the three
A N D'
At the Following Price ,
For Few Days; ,. ;y..
14.50 Per Ton" -
Wood for 10-inch from to00
f to 910.00 Per Cord
Larmer Transfer Co.
NIST At his late home 1432 N,
16th street, March 17. 1924
Percy W- Nist, age 15 years
Survived by his parents Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Nest, one sister, Cora
and brother, Frank of Salem
and one brother Lieut. Cecil
Nist of Governors Island, N. Y.
The remains are in care of the
Terwilliger home. The funeral
which will be private, will be
held from the Terwilliger home
Thursday morning at 10:30
Buzz Has the Only-
All electric kodak finishing plant
with automatic regulation on the
coast. ml 9
in. Salem. The concert will have
a variety , of numbers, Including
solos, quartets and instrumental
numbers. Prof. T. S. Roberts will
preside at the pipe, .organ and
Mrs. A. J. Rahn has consented to
give a reading. Proceeds from
the concert will be used to advance
the boys' work being carried on by
the YMCA.
Tonrists Demandlpg'Stickers
Stickers for their windshields is
the chief aim in life of tourists,
is the belief of T. G. Albert, super-
Decree Signed
Judge Bingham yesterday sign
ed a decree granting a divorce to
Edward G. Lane from Bessie R.
Lane. , Desertion was the charge.
There are two children, and one
is being retained by the father.
intendent of the cams crounds.
who is anxiously awaiting the ap- while the defendant has custody of
oearancn of thonn. Refnrn Minima oiner,
visitor asks for a place to camp he
demands a Salem sticker, and
when he is informed that there is
none available, wonders what kind
of a town he is in, Mr. Albert Bays.
The stickers were authorized by
the Chamber of Commerce several
weeks ago when the two winning
designs had been selected by a
contest and given to Murrav Wade.
who was commissioned to com
bine the features of one with the
slogan. "Trail ; 'em to Salem," of
the other. Mr. Wade has been
very busy and an illness delayed
the work, but It is expected he will
have the stickers ready for the
printers in a short time.
The Best Film Developing
And printing done in Salem is
at the Capital Drug Store, mlgtf
Ask for Instructions
In order to clear up several mat
ters, the nominating committee of
the Marion county land settlement
committee, which is working with
the State Cham be rof Commerce
in putting over its development
program, met at the Chamber of
Commerce rooms last night, and
decided to write to the state cham
ber for instructions before pro
ceeding with the nominations'.
Aurora and Woodburn will be in
cluded in the county program.
which already consists of Stayton,
Silverton, Mt. Angel, Jefferson and
Salem. The nominating commit
tee consists of George Graben
horst, of Salem; L. C. Eastman, of
Silverton and J. W. Mayo, of Stay-
Women Want Own Dresses
If -a vote of the female popula
tion of the state , prison, which
numbers seven federal prisoners,
is taken regarding Deputy War
den J. W. LUlie's proposal to
clothe the female "cons" in some
fort of uniform garb, this would
be found to be unanimous against
such a procedure. In letters writ
ten recently by two of the women.
they expressed the hope that the
deputy warden would forget about
his plans. Tuesday afternoon one
of the women received callers in
the turnkey's office. She was
dressed in black silk, with black
silk lace adorning the sleeves
Gray silk stockings and gray suede
shoes completed the outfit. Un
der Deputy Warden Lillie's ruling,
Lions Take Membership
Members . Of the board of direc
tors of the Salem Lions' club, at a
meeting held Tuesday noon, voted
to take outt one membership in
the State Chamber of Commerce.
So far this is the only one of the
luncheon clubs to take this action,
though it is anticipated others will
do the same.
in .galem.He rfis ell known to
m o J3BAljfs.e,lrved in Salem
tor a HBg"ttnte-,-in the nineties,
nd-as he Is a bom mixer he knew
every one here then, and every
body knew hiraTv -
. Oirp.Hofr fought a brave tlghti
endured great suffering and hoped
to the - Bhdjor near the end.
"Mrs. Hoff and wiieir son may.Jbe
assured of the sympathy of all the
people here; and all over the state,
who have known the family. ,
" : ; i
There are some fine things in
the editorial article in this issue,
bn lid find-' is Oregon -flax fiber.
It, yqurWill read it, you will conclude-that
It is about the finest
thing in the- wide world. It is so
fine that lis fineness goes far be
yond the sight of the human eye,,
even under a microscope; and on
and on to mathematical infinitude.
V S m
"The big danadfaniflax"ttiresl)er
will be shipped; Jto-'the state-flax;
plant, from Ontario, on Saturday.!
In the mean time, ten or a dozen
little "whippers" will have been
put to work getting out the seed
for the farmers 'to sow. The elec
trical power- is now ready to be
switched on, and the "whippers"
are being set up.
' ' With all the building projects
in Salem, the paved road work
throughout the county and the
various, lines of work on the
farms, there will be no excuse for
an idle. man here after the first
of. April; nor for. an idle woman
or child, needing 'or wishing em
ployment, a few weeks after that
date. '
There 'are a lot' or good things
to say about our 'paved road work
here in -Marion" county, and
throughout the state- See the Slo
gan pages of tomorrow.
We'll Fix Up
Your Porch. Boxs
Now is the time to have
your porch boxes fixed up.
We will fix them up for you
or furnish you -with-Che
plants. ; ;;C.tLXl2
All kinds of potted plants
for sale. ' -
; "Say it with Flowers J
1276 X. Liberty.
Phone 203J
Band Entertains
The 20-plece band which will
be at the Artisan hall tonight en
tertained on the street last night.
The women are under the direc
tion of Miss Frances Knight.
Club Sings v
The Kimball Colleen Glee rluh
days like this will be gone, abso- sang last night? at Pratum. More
lutely vanished forever.
than 200 attended the concert.
Buzz Kodak Service
has no competitors.
ml 9
Sperder Is Arrested
P. G. Andrea was traveling 40
miles an hour on the highway.- ac
cording, to a complaint filed in the
justice court Tuesday by Percy
Varney, state traffic officer.., .
Buzz Branch Store
Now doing business.
Sirs. Kellogg and Family Here-
Mrs. Frank R. Kellogg and
children have arrived in the dry
from Spokane and have taken a
residence at 2105 Center. Mr.
Kellogg, a public accountant, came
to Salem some time ago from
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and is a
member of the Kiwanis club. Mrs.
Kellogg and children have been
spending the winter in Spokane.
Guard Units Are Formed
Two national guard units ,will
be added . to the Oregon military
department this week, according to
an announcement made' yesterday
by Adjutant General George . A.
White. Company E. 186th in
fantry, was , mustered in at La
Grande last night with a personnel
of 80, while Baker telegraphed
that Company F, 186th Infantry,
would be ready for muster Friday
night with 85 men.
Bail Declared Forfeited
Bail ot $5 deposited By R. V.
Jeff ry- of Seattle was declared to
forfeited in police court Tues-
y. Jeffry was arrested Monday
night for failure to dim his head
lights while driving through the
fCormttrttee" Reporting Progress
While a majority of- the com
mittee in charge of raising $3,000 j
to assist in the development pro
gram of .the State Chamber ot
Commerce has not yet turned in
a report of its work, progress of
a highly encouraging nature is be
ing reported by those participat
ing. Merchants in general are re-
spondidg to the committee and are
favoring the asking ot annual
memberships at $25 -each. Those
who are working will continue
their activities today. '
Jeff Myers
The new state treasurer ,
Does pot have to get acquainted
-'.! VtriBUa--;.; .s-cniiU!
of long time
r rA7rr experience t
and good'
average of.
' auecess. J'rfis
Olfle fad. Hospital ; ;
Jobnson and' Second Straak " V
!.-;. Waa-8alaa. ' J .r!
.Diligent Care of Your Health ;
Is Your Best Life Insurance
'',!: ' ' '' "" ' 5..., - .J,' V V '
The simple precautions that are tho first rules in protect
ing health arc often overlooked. Are you taking care of your
self in the matter of colds and coughs? You arc not unless
you have a supply of -
Schaefer's Cough Syrup
in yo or medicine cabinet. Get a bottle today atlV:.'
Schaefer's Drug Store
130 X. Commercial St.
P1IOXE 197
License Grantetif
A marriage License was granted
yesterday to Albert L. Zents of
Dallas and Ramona M, Currie ot
Salem. "
Benefit Concert Tonight
' - First appearance of the Salem
Boys' chorus with more than 100
voices under the direction of Dr.
H. C, Epley, will be made tonight
at the concert and program ar
ranged, by the womans' auxiliary
of the YMCA at the First Metho
dist church, the Willamette uni-
Realtor Is Realtor's Speaker
Taxation of interest to real es
tate dealers in particular will be
the subject of an address before
the Marlon-Polk County Realty
association Thursday noon by L.
E. Oberer, a member of the associ
ation who is connected with the
W. H. Grabenhorst company.' The
luncheon will be held in the small
dining room at the Marion.
The funeral of William Lyons
who died March 17. 1924, will be
held 'today at 2:30 p. m. from
the Webb Funeral parlors. Inter
ment will be in the City View
talent iHortuarp
smaunBS juro
rtnuiAi. DiftxcToma
raws MM
SCrtoMt Work M4a
400 State St.
Phone 930
L Established J 869
General BsnMnS Buiincxi "
Office Hours from J 0 a. nu to 3 p. m.
Jjtxilnz Fnacnl -Direelow
Expert EmbaJMcrf
: rjritcAl3 BcrrkJ
Extra Special
9x12 Axmlnster rugs. 153 val
ues. Special, $42.50. Hamilton s
Poulscn Ties Nuptial Knot
Tuesday Municipal Judge Mar
ten Poulsen paused long enough
between sentencing speeders' and
issuing building permits and-other
routine affairs to unite In mar
riage Albert L. Zentz ot Polk
county and Ramona- M. Cummins
of Marjon county. Judge Poulsen
is seldom called upon to perform
a wedding ceremony, the one yes
terday being the first this year
Only two or three were performed
during 1923. With Judges on hand
across the hall from the marriage
license bureau, a justice of the
peace and numerous ministers,
there is too much competition for
him. Judge Poulsen remarked.
Car Washed and Polished ,
Day St Zosel. Quackenbush's old
stand, 294 N. Commercial. ' - ni2 Z
Attend Silverton Banquet
Approximately 15 members of
the Security Benefit association
and their wives motored to Silver
ton to attend an association ban
quet last night. A maerlty of the
officers were present. TrO. Brock
Is president of the local mssocia-
tion. ' i 'j "
Ladies Columbian
Concert and Dance 55c
Balcony ----- 35c
AT 8. AT 9:15
" Wl "'' ' '
Study Is a Strain on
the Eyes
Many schoolchildren have
visual defects that hamper
them in studying. Are your
children's eyes capable of the
strain of study? Have you
had your child's eyes ex
amined by an expert?
8 Out of 11
children In the schools of the
United States have defective
eyesight according to Dr.
Wood ot Columbia Univer
sity. Itlorris Optical Co.
30i2-3t Oregon Bldg.,
1 . Dr. IL Ev Morria :, - .
Dr. A. McCttlloch
These are not seconds but guaran
teed first quality rugs.
Some are closed out patterns and all
go at the one price of
mm ,
&i , $42.50 ;
j If you will need new rugs within the
Sy, next six months you will do well to
jr take advantage of this sale. JtX I
gj. Trade in your old goods on new G3vV
VlJiJj r lllTitf J--jVl. rr- g ri I TT