The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Issaed .Dally Ixeept Meads by
.SIS South Oomaerelal St, Salens, Orego
V. J. Hendricks
Joaa I- Brady ,
freak Jeskoski
. The Associated Presa It eaehtsrTely entitled to the" aae for peblleetloa ef ail
; m dispatches credited to u or not otherwise credited U tale pP Mi ale Ue
' local news published herein. ' :
. President
:-.,t Secretary '
Theesea r. Clark Co, Hew Tern. 141-145 Watt 6tk St.: Caleege, Kamaette Build
in. W. S OeathwahL Mgr. .
(Portland Office, 18 a Worcester Bloc. Paeae 66IT BReedway. 0. f. WUHaaa, Mgr.)
i Baelnese Otfleo . .
Mewe Departaeas ' .
. :k Jos Department
Katered at the- Peefcafflee I Salon, Onto, a eeeoad-ease saettev.
V THe fact that the beginnings are being made of work that
Will lead to the making of Saleni the Belfast of North America
is sufficient excuse, if excuse were needed, to discuss in these
columns the wonderfully interesting features of the miracle plant
fiber flax, which by soil and sunshine and showers is produced
In the Salem district from the seed in 70 to 90 days, and yields
a fihr flint Wnviri intn linen will outlast the life of the weaver
indefd, under favorable conditions, will last thousands of
yearsf will in constant use last hundreds of years, as many
possessors of articles made from flax and handed down in fam
ilies for generations, will testify. There are many articles made
from flaxy in Salem homes, that come down from Revolutionary
times, when the patriotic armies under George Washington were
uniformed in home-spun made from the flax fiber the produc
tion of which was general in American homes; a practice that
persisted up to jth'etime of the youth of our fathers and mothers,
and longer' '$P?A4'': , . ' '
The Slogan .editor, of .The Statesman printed a number of
years ago, and haa repeated many times, the statement of the
fact that a sample of fiber made from flax grown near. Turner,
Oregon, seven miles from Salem, took the world prize at the
Philadelphia Centennial in 1876, on all nine points, including
length, strength; lustre, pliability, etc., etc., the judges being
unanimous in their verdict;! and none of them knowing the
country or, district of origin of any of the samples submitted in
-the contest- . ' "V'V- ' V i.iiUl-Xi" -.,
And the statement that a tfeitast linen manuiaciurer wno
was theresaid at that time that he could take two pounds of
ihevOregon flaxfiberand spin a thread that would reach around
the world 1 . . ; " .,.
-... :-:And every time the Slogan editor has printed that state'
inent he has wondered if it were true
' Wondere4 if the 'Belfast man might have -not been "draw
ing the long bow,?' or if he did
instead of two pounds." '
, Well, Alfred S. Moore of Belfast, in his authoritative book,
"Linen," published in 11)22, says: - .
1 "The late Lord Kelvin, in his arithmetic, stray 1
copies of which are yet extant in Ulster, tells of the 1
. - skill oO girl, Catherine Woods, in his native place, 1
fBallynahmch, County Down. When about thirteen
years of age she spun a hank of linen yarn, of 12
cuts, each cut 120 threads, and eadb thread two and ' -
-. a Bajf yards -weighing altogether only, 10 grains,
which was at the rate of 700 hanks to the poind.
The extreme fine quality of this yarn may be
'judged when he estimated that 1 lb. of it would
" ? stretch out 1432" miles, or from London to Berlin."
: The same author, m the book quoted above, writing on tne
fiber of the flax planVsays : ' ' '
r V f ihers; when' separated from the ligaments
: ' may W divided again and again, so that when, we i V
; iv aave uiscruumaiea oc,, wnicu.secmH io uie vyc.eun- f-.
; r fine as to he incapable of further separation, it will V
''"'be discovered under a microscope to be a bundle 'Jf
T . fibers capable of almost illimitable'-division v.i-
: ' this descriDtion of the bast flax), tissner IIarle : " "
. : consists of the longitudinal
little ligaments of membranes. These fibers arc '
thmselveKeomposed of smaller f iberarj imHefd .
-r iesser ligaments,-and these
i,v flmall.- threads ' which , have:: alsor been .constituent,,
jihreads of fibers joined in! the simelnanjiVr, This . 1
n-f ir regular succession of component fibers goes on be-T
vnd the reach lof thought or urfagination and in
' ;.thc IiaguagVof mathematics to inf inity,and con-'-'
't-',"-fiber, it is in effect a bundle of other fibers, and
. i : may stiu.De unioiaea into tnreaas ot a liner tex-
llqw fine is Oregon fljax fiber; Salem district flax fiber!
It is so fine . that' one mfght with two pounds of it spin a
thread that would reach twice around the world
it one might imagine mechanical ingenuity to separate the
threads to. the point of infinity; and if one might imagine the
threads thus separated being strong enough to Ijiold together-
;': And, any way, however near to the point of infinity, and
however strong, the thread thus extended would be the finest
i it . ' i . a.I - . a. - a '
aim me , strongest tne worm canjproauce; a sjaiement; proven
in' international competition as long as forty-eighth yeiirst ago.
The. great wonder is that Salem did not earlier :begh to
take "on the growth that is to make her the great linen city-
the Belfast of the New World; with the magic fibers of flax
drawing dollars from all civilized countries; $100,000,000 from
continental -United State alone;
movement means. Means ;it, so surely that the discussion of
this .miracle plant will in a mparatively short time intrigue a
million'people directly or indirectly employed in the flax ih-dustrv-iust
as the neonle Jf the north of Ireland talk of flax
more'than of any' other one'
-:butte)r;.4ndifiS:weft an4''Wo6rof
.The single tax theory Is beauti
ful, but it Is not practical, or work
able, gome : western Canadian
cities' put this Into practice few
years ago and after giving It a
thorough trial, abandoned It. t A
' report says: p. ;-, ;v-
'It land atpn Is tq conUnue to
pay. you will find reversions will
increase' from year to yeaf and
finally the end. will be in ava
lahche '.;'-Thia Is not our, opinion
nnlv If l h-
clty in, the , west la! the, last few
years. t Kdmonton, abandoned sin
gle tax In 19l8since when 60 per
cent of the valne of improvements
has been taxed. -In 1919 Calgary
was forced to raise the taxation on
ImproTements from 25 per cent to
SO per cent of their value. Moose
Jaw now taxes SO per cent of the
value of improvements; Sar.katoon
13 rafsfd the tax on Improrement
, Msaager
. ( Editor
Ktufn Jet Dap.
"i SS Circulation Of Gee
SS-10S Society Editor
not mean two tons, or two stones,
fibers tied.togetMf
again are aTsystem, .of i
for that is what the present'
thing for it is their bread and
'all- their living.
from 25 percent to 45 per cent
In 1918 Vancouver abandoned sin
gle tax and nowftaxei '50 per cent
of Improvements. Victoria was
the last Important western city to
continue to exempt Improvements
and finally was forced to acknowl
edge 4ha tallaey of single tax, and
now taxes 3 J ler, cent of. im
P cove men ts." jl Iza- t t,,,'
, One member of the council, ret
plying to the deputation, said that
he bad been elected through his
pieage to hold to single taxation
butafter going, into the: matter
inoroughiy he could not possibly
see how Oak Bay could carry on
under the " present system of tax
ation; .that he" would go before
the taxpayers and present his res
ignation rather than carry on un
der, present conditions. After the
meeting several other members of
t-e council informally said 'that
they would go before' the" taxpay
ers-and nrMPnl lhalrl'Bffntia4
If no other scheme could be -found
to raise the necessary money to
carry on the town's affairs.
It seems, from the statement of
the protesting: citizens, that the
single tax worked fairly well in
boom days, but ".when speculation
ceased and profits vanished It was
soon apparent that unimproved
land could not continue to par-
Conseauendy the wisest of the
owners were those who t realized
the truth soonest and decided to
let the municipality have the
Undoubtedly the single tax
would have been more workable,
too, in the good old days of light
taxation. The slump In boom real
estate valuations, plus the ever
mounting tax -levy, spelled the
doom ot the single tax.
... , .-i
.The Oregon Statesman still be
lieves that Attorney. General
Daugherty should have resigned
and saved t the president, embar
rassments A cabinet position i is
a -delicate and peculiar thing. The
minute a man is out of harmony
with his chief and the minute he
causes annoyance In the adminis
tration, that moment he should
get out. ,
It is not customary for presi
dents to keep in their cabinets men
whose attitude and conduct in
matters of supreme importance are
adverse to the principles of their
chief, of their party and of their
country, ftfr. Daugherty is indict
ed under the above statement, and
it Is up to him to - either obtain
the explicit and public approval of
his chief or Immediately resign.
However, the fight, on Daugher
ty; Is contemptible, and there is a
strong reaction all over the coun
try. The divorced wife of a dead
man is bailed as a star-witness,
and everything she does indicates
studied maliciousness. The other
witness against Daugherty is a
man who was tried for murder,
who has been an adventurer all
his life, who does not know what
it is to be out of trouble,, and is
now under two indictments. If
there ever was a despicable man
in the world whose testimony
ought .not to be received against a
decent man, that man Is Gaston B.
Means. No man in public life has
had such unscrupulous, despicable
assailants ' as Daugherty. and If
Senator Wheeler: ' had any con
science he would not give credence
to their testimony. Neither" one
of these malicious witnesses really
connect Daugherty with anything.
They deal In Inuendoes and they
lay everything on a dead man.
How a sensible man like Senator
WMeeler can glory In such testi
mony Is more than we can see.
Frank Munsey seems to have
slackened a bit in his newspaper
pace. He talks about the biggest
of any men in the country,- but he
has 'just eold his most Important
newspaper. The New York Herald
has been purchased by the New
Tork " Tribune. What, a' world of
newspaper ' history this does re
call. .: .'. V ' '
For years, really through three
generations, the New York Herald
was an outstanding publication, a
great money maker, and Influen
tial. All of its beneficiaries died
and the paper fell into hard lines.
Frank Munsey tried to restore it.
but evidently was unable to do so.
The New York Tribune was the
political Bible for many years. It
hag'been just as much of a news
paper, if not more, since Greeley's
day. It has always2 held respect,"
but nobody ever placed any money
on it as a winner. However. It is
a tgreat .newspaper, one of. the
greatest in the country, and the
name Herald-Tribune will recall
two great, newspaper properties
two great newspaper personalities.
The - new name Is cumbersome.
however, and the Herald should
be dropped. There Is no way In
the world to perpetuate the name
of the newspaper.
Governor Pierce acted wisely in
appointing a new treasurer, quick
ly. If the governor had filled all
his places quickly there would not
be one-tenth the trouble there is
now.. , As It Is, a few men will be
greatly disappointed- but fthey. - will
pot have time to make a campaign
against the governor Jefferson
Myjars,. the new ' treasurer, la a
democrat, a man of state acquaint
ance, vand a . man whose :- appoi nt
ment will give probably as general
satisfaction as any that could have
been made In the state. He en
tered upon the duties or bis office
In a manner that leaves him a sin
gularly free hand, and we bespeak
for 'him, although of opposite po
litical faith, a fair chance for his
white alley. Oregon cannot afford
to have Its officials hounded and
persecuted, aw wag done in the case
of Mr. Myers; predecessor.
Senator La-Follette :1s spending
his-energy B trying to" "organize 4a
thlrdjart, fiard ldJxJlcve?
yet that as astute a politician as
he would be led into a third party.
It means that strong will is no
longer curbed by the situations.
La Follette is the most wilful man
in . the world, but has steadily
avoided the third party. He has
always believed that he could work
better with the Republican party,
although out of harmony with it.
. ,La Follette was doubtless angry
ai the refusal to make him chair
man of the appropriations com
mittee. He earned the place, but
his republican colleagues refused
to give it to him. Since that time
he has been very bitter. If La
Follette did run, it would be sim
ply for revenge and not for a hope
of making a permanent third
party. He has been a sick man for
a long time, and it may be his
vision has been dimmed.
The current German Independ
ent, a great magazine by the way,
has a long article about the soviet
and the bolshevik making prog
ress In the women's clubs. It
points out unmistakable evidence
that there Is an adroit and syste
matic campaign being made to fur
ther sovietism in America through
the women's clubs.
On the other hand the DAR of
Oregon, composed of the highest
class women In the United States,
has started a determined warfare
against propaganda literature cal
culating to undermine our institu
tions and cause trouble in America.'
The Oregon women are planning
a vigorous 'campaign and they
should encourage the women in
other' clubs in America in this
cause. Women's clubs have come
to be so influential that the temp
tation to use them for unworthy
purposes is strong, and only the
determination of the most far-
seeing and patriotic can prevent
insidious propaganda being given
to the membership of the clubs.
It is time for the women to be
aroused on this subject and to in
sist upon 100 per cent American
At 7:40 yesterday morning State
Treasurer Hoff passed away. It
was really the end of a great
tragedy. Mr. Hoff hag been an
outstanding figure in republican
politics for some years. His elec
tion, as treasurer came as a reward
of merit. His health was gone
wherl he entered the office.
- Treasurer -Hoff - was 'hounded
with malice up to this time un
heard of fn Oregon politics, and
many people believe that the char
acter assassins who attacked him
so viciously are responsible for his
death. It is known that after
these attacks he always had a re
lapse. Mr. Hoff was unable to
personally conduct his office, .but
the office was well run. He had
good assistants.
The outstanding thing of it all
la that Mr. Hoff was hounded to
his death by character' assassins,
by men who wanted to put across
their own mlschievlous ideas.
There used to be a tradition
that a new member of the senate
was to be seen largely, and not
heard in the first two years, and
not much after that. Gradually
this was cut down until it was left
as a single year of probation. A
young fellow named Dill, sent to
the senate in Washington, has
shattered the precedent.nlirejy:
He began talking the moment' b,e
entered the halls of congress aftd
has never quit.' Inside and out
side the senate chamber he is al
ways talking, always trying to get
into the limelight.1 It Is not go
ing to take long "for this man 7to
talk himself to death. He is net
smart enough to. continue indefi
nitely. ... ;
Adele GarrisoB's New Phase v of
Copyright 1921. by Newspaper
Tetter Service. Ine.
If Dr. Pettlfs social manner
were only as charming as his pro
fessional manner he would r be of
much greater use to himself and
to every one, else. '
This reflection came to-me, not
for the first time, as I saw. him
bend over my mother-in-law when
he had arrived In record-breaking
time- after -Dicky's frantic tele
phone summons.-. ,,He appears, In
stinctively to know what manner
te adopUwUhAeachi paUenti and
his address tony mother-in-law
Is invariably tinged with a sort of
saturnine banter which I have no
ticed she enjoys.
"You evidently, like to have your
limbs different from.thoBe of other
people," he said to her, as he took
up with infinite care the limp arm
by her side. "This la the second
one you've smashed. Isn't It?"
"That ought not to worry you,"
she retorted with a grim little
smile, which I knew hid intense
pain. "What would you fellows do
without fool old women like me?
Y6u'd miss half your practice. And
nowl hurry up with whatever
you've got to do. This isn't very
much fun, I can tell you."
Facing Facts.
"I know It," he said sympathet
ically. "Just let me listen a sec
ond, and I think I can save you
a good deal of pain."
s He took a stethoscope from his
case and listened carefully to my
mother-in-law'e heart, which has
not for years been all that it
should be.
"Surprisingly good," he com
mented. "I was afraid I might
noti be able to use this, but I shall,
after all."
! "This was a hypodermic syringe,
which be proceeded to use on Mo
ther Graham's arm. That he had
used but a mild dose "I deduced
from the fact that she did not suc
cumb entirely to its Influence,
moaning and turning her head
restlessly while the setting of the
fractured arm was in progress. But
that the opiate had saved her the
worst of the pain was patent to us
all, and we were correspondingly
relieved. It has always seemed
especially . terrible to me to see
children or elderly persons suffer.
"And now we must face a few
facts,", I said when, after every
thing was over. Mother Graham
had fallen asleep, and Lillian and
I were putting things to rights in
the living room.
! rVYes. Mr. Gadgrind." agreed Lil
lian mischievously, and l flushed
even as I smiled at her little thrust
for t realized that my manner had
been a bit didactic.
"We simply must have compe
tent help in the kitchen for the
next few weeks," I went on. "You
know I've been through this brok-
pen arm business with Mother Gra
ham before."
"I remember it was some par
ty!"! Lillian interpolated with, an
amused little chuckle.
.."Exactly, and she and Junior
will take up most of my time, and
you must be free for your work,
and there will be no one to break
in a new maid, therefore I am go
ing after Katie." -
A Different Dicky.
""It takes a good deal to startle
Lillian, bat I saw by the quick
Hook she gave me thaf I had ac
complished this feat.
"Do you think she will come
back?" she asked quietly. "If It
lay simply between you and her,
was a housekeeping problem, it
would be different, but you know
What she said about not being able
tfc bear it here with Jim gone in
he way he has."
"I know I said desperately, "but
it's a case of the boy and the wood
chuck. I've just got to get her."
"Will you tell your mother-in-law
you are going to get her?"
"Yes, it will keep her mind
more occupied than could any oth
er possible topic. And please
don't think I'm shirking the nurs
ing if I start early tomorrow
Cap'n Zyb
By the number of letters I have
received I guess some of you fel
lows must like to read books pretty
well, because some of youf keep
asking for more books so here
they are.
, Of course, a lot of you have read
A5 A 3PV
It, but for those who haven't, get
a copy of "Swiss Family Robin
son." it's one of those stories
where the folks get wrecked on an
island sort of like Rohinson Cru
soe, but' I think it's more inter
esting than Robinson.
You fellows who are Boy Scouts
probably remember Baden-Powell,
because ho was the originator of
the Boy Scouts. He was also one
of the most famous English secret
service men a spy. His book.
My Adventures as a Spy" has
certainly got a lot or thrills In It
and, what's more, all of his stories
are true they all actually hap
pened to him. , .
The last book on the list was
written by the same man who
wrote Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn!
U'tells about one very comical
visit to heaven. : If you want to 'get
some -Inside information on how
Mark Twain could see a lot of
-funny .things . about' heaven,- read
this. book. j.
r-CAN 2YR:
mam 1 i
Things "
To Do ;
Copyright, 1023, Associated Editors.
An Unlucky
The opal has been described as
"displaying "the colors of all the
other gems glowing . together in
combination. Interestingly
enough, the brilliant effect of col
or of the jewel has nothing to do
with the color of the substance of
the jewel. The opal of value pos
sesses reflection of light from the
flashes within the stone. Almost
always the color' of the stone It
self is a dull, unattractive yel
low. The flashes may be of one
color or several'. Of course, the
more colors reflected from the
flashes, the' more valuable the
Hungary Is the opal center.
There the opals have very brilliant
and changeable flashes of color,
even though composed of colorless
morning for the city and Katie.
These first few days Mother Gra
ham will be suffering real pain,
therefore she will be very poised
and tractable. Dicky will help
you take care of her, and Mrs. Ti
cer will bring her family over, as
she has to do .when she works here,
and run the kitchen until I get
back. She can do this in an emer
gency, but, of course, it! is impos
sible as a permanent arrangement.
And I will be back long before
Mother Graham is able to get out
of bed and move around. Then is
the time my countrymen "
"For all non-combatants to
creep under the bed, I suppose,"
Lillian interrupted.
"You said a mouthful. that time.
Lady Jane!" Dicky grinned com
panionably at us from the door
way. "I dodged, mental brickbats
and flatirons so-often the last
time that my beta's been a little
out of plumb ever since. For once
in your life,' Madge, you've got one
tangerine of an' idea. Lll and i I
will manage mother, and if you
pull off this stunt and bring back
our blessed dam-sell, I'll I'll
really I don't know what what I
will do for iyou."
Lillian had risen unobtrusively
and slipped out of the room.
Dicky and I were alone, and the
remembrance of his censuring
words at the time of his mother's
fall steeled my heart against his
smiling face and dancing eyes. And
the little devil which too often
lurks at my elbow prompted my
"You will no doubt do as you
always do, blame me for every
thing that happens," I said icily.
(To be continued)
The following articles of incor
poration were filed yesterday with
the state corporation department:
Mission Mining company, Mar
ial, Or., incorporators, A. C. Bar
ber, Evered Billings, George W.
The Boys arid Girls Statesman
The Biggest Little raper nl tne worux
Stone, the Opal
material. Opals are also found in
Australia, Queensland, and new
South Wales in unimportant quan
tities. The opals are found, in mining,
to be deposited in layers. Because
these layers are all different col
ors, a great deal of care must be
takenr In removing them, as the an
gle at which they are cut may pro
duce an entirely different effect.
A cross section of an opal vein
would undoubtedly look like a
huge striped stone.
Strange Story Started
Two and one-half centuries 'ago
in Italy, a plague broke out at
the time of the opal's popularity.
One of the victims, wearing an
opal-set ring, was dying- It was
observed that his ring was unus
ually brilliant. When he died a
few hours later, the opal became
dull. It seemed to convince every
one that the opal caused the death
and thereafter any wearer of opal
would be unlucky. In reality, the
change in temperature caused by
death affected the ". brilliancy of
the opal, causing it to become
dull. It was not until recently
that the ridiculous superstition
was disregarded, and opals again
worn. It is October's birth stone.
The age of Napoleon in French
history was a time of the wearing
of exquisite jewelry of an elabor
ate style, matted with gold, chains,
and a great variety of stones. The
comb Is one set with opals of the
kind worn by court ladies.
Billings and others; capital, $10,-
Home District Investment com
pany, Portland: incorporators, W.
W. Ferguson, C. A. Houghtaling,
A. H. McCurtain; capital $10,000.
Albany Building company, Al
bany; incorporators, F. J. Miller,
Fred Dawson, Gale S. Hill; capi
tal, $20,000.
A permit was issued the Sun
land Sales Cooperative association,
a California corporation, to oper
ate in Oregon. E. M. Page is at
torney-in-fact for Oregon. A sim
ilar permit was issued to the Gen
eral Light & Power company of
Nevada to operate in Oregon, with
C. T. Cunningham of Newport as
attorjtey-ln-fact. ,
But what is the sense in sending-a
'rocket to the moon unless
the navy department encloses an
nexation papers?
Pain and congestion is gone.
Quickly? Yes. Almost instant re
lief from chest colds, sore throat.
backache, lumbago
follows a gentle
rubbing with St.
Jacobs Oil.
Rub this' sooth
ing, penetrating oil
right on your chest
and like magic re
lief comes1. St. Ja
cobs Oil is a harm
less liniment which
quickly breaks
chest colds',
soothes the Inflam
mation o f sore
throat and breaks
up the congestion
that causes pain. It never disap
points and does not burn the skin.
Get a 35 cent bottle of St.
iacobff Oil at any drug store. It
has been recommended for 65
rears. Adv.
Make Yourself Known
The United States National has every banking'
facility for which you may have need. You will .
find here a safe place for your extra funds, Advice
'and counsel on your unusual business problems,
safety deposit boxes for your valuable papers, and V
many other features.
But how, can we explain these things to you or
know your needs unless you come in and talk them
over with us? Our officers are here to serve you -whatever
your need may be. Come in and make
yourself known.
v United States
National Bank
, . Salcm.Oregon.
: Loadj
of Fna
Edited by John It. Miller.
Better Late Than Never
Maid: "Please, mummay I p05
over to the toy shop and get a
skipping rope?" U4
Mistress: "Whatever do y n a
want a skipping rope for?
Maid: "I've Just taken ,my mcd.
Icine, and forgot to shake the bot
tle.!' Disgrace , , f : . . ,
, -That youngest boy . of 1 yours
does not seem to do you credit,
Uncle Mose," remarked the minis
ter to one of his negro, parishion
ers. "No, sah; no, sah," replied the
old man sorrowfully. "He Is the
wurstest chile I ever ,had. p He Is
mighty bad. Fact, lie's de white
sheep of de fam'ly, sah." . .
. i
Answer to today's picture putilr:
Dropping one letter at a time, the wordt
spelled from warbler are . barret, barer,
rear,, ear, re, e. . '
"These gimlets are of the hard
est steel," says an ad, and that's
queer. Life never bores anybody
until It gets too soft. . .
MatM witk tk. -
March 19, Wednesday Prnna graven
met at Dallas. - . . , :
March 19, Wedneeday Annual eoneort,
Women's auxiliary YWCA. Ifethodisl
rhnrch. .
March 21, Friday HsmilUa' ITolt aad
Dr. Kehemiah Boyntoa to lee tare at Fm
Methodint chnrch. '
March 27, Tuedy County CoaUanaity
federation to- meet at - Salem. - Heights.
March 28 to SO Hi-Y. boy cobtcb
Uob in Salem. - . ,,
April 7, Monday First Annual fediet
night, American legion. MeCoraack' halt.
April 13; Sunday Evangelistic cast
paijrn opens at armory.
April 19, Saturday Dedieatioa ret
statue "The Circuit. Rider," ia stats
house ground.
May 16, 'Friday Primary eleetiea ll
Oregon. - - :
June 10, Tuesday Repnblican aatioa
al convention meets in .Cleveland. -
June 14. Saturday Annual Marioa
County Sunday School picnic -
Jane 24, Tuesdsy Democratic aatioa
al convention meets in New York.
June 27-28 - Educational conference.
University ot Oregon, Eugene. ,
olre This Fvstlo Wis rtzvt Mat
1 is a I as 1 is ) si -
Tha figures represent correspond
ing latter in the alphabet. Fig
ure 1 ta A, 2 Is B. and ao on. Tha
ten figures spall thrae words.
What ara tha words?
Ta SCaa, Womem, Boy a aaa Olila
AH can share In these easy-to-win
prises. Send tha three word on
aheet of paper, neatly written,
with your numi and addreaa. -First
pr!a. 1924 FORD TOTTRmO
CAR. Bealdea this splendid first
prlxa wa ara going to give away
thlrty-nina other prUas.
onA Tsar Aaswsr At Qmtekty
SOS S. Commercial Bt Balam, Or.
l -