(iwiii ; Worthy goods are the only ones that can - successfully stand trial at the high court of public opinion. !r , ' : It's a good habit to read the advertisements. - It's a profit able habit, too. :-" .". SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS I it i L f ; : SUBPOENAED .Mellon and Weeks Sum moned : to Appear. Before V Committee Daugherty : Issues Statement 1 ' 1 OTHER OFFICIALS ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAft Liquor-Latteries and Motion ' Picture Films Thread Way , f Through Testimony . WASHINGTON; March 18. .Threading its war through a be wildering maze o - charges and suspicions, , the .genate,. committee Investigating Attorney General Daugherty today heard testimony about deals in liquor lotteries, and i motion picture films;- sub ; poenaed two : cabinet officers to appear before It. and was .rebuk 'ed again by Mr. Daugherty for the ; character, of the evidence It has admitted to its official records.; The principal witness of the day, William A. Orr, o( New York In part confirmed and in part denied the' story oil 7 previous witnesses about an arrangement to exhibit the Dempsey-Carpentier fight pic tures without prosecution, y. He then contributed another thrillv to the committee's long list of sen sational episodes by admitting that he had paid at least $6000 collected from various drug com panies, to Howard Mannington, a friend of the attorney general for the purpose of keeping certain fi quor cases 'out of court." Secretaries Summoned . .. . fU The two cabinet officers sum moned to testify were Secretaries Mellon of the treasury and Weeks of the War Department. , :' They will be asked about various state ments made In previous testimony, but their testimony is expected to deal largely with liquor permits, handled through the treasury and with the Standard Aircraft cascf in connection with which Gaston B. Means has testified that he I re ceived 1100,000 for Jess Smith. . Along wtlh the two members of the cabinet, the ' committee I sub poenaed several other officials and former officials of high rank. They Included Prohibition Com missioner Haynes, . Commissioner Blair of the Internal revenue bureau; Elmer Dover, former as sistant -secretary of the treasury; Assistant! Attorneys General John W. H. Crim and HenryjW. Ander son; H. H. Votaw, prison commis- , sioner and brother-in-law of the late President Harding and James A. Finclu. pardon attorney in the justice department, n Tonight committee members were considering how they, might be able to bring Mannington be fore them. ; He is understood to be in Paris, connected in some capacity with Charles G. Dawes, and it Is possible that the state de partment may he, asked to help in summoning him to Washington. A In addition. Secretary Hughes ; and Postmaster, General New, who have issued statements about their presence at the' house here of Ed ward B. McLean when the prize fight pictures were shown, may be expected to come before the ( committee to explain .conflicting stories as to just who made up the' company that night, ; Mr. Daugherty's attack on his accusers tonight took the form of ' long statement in which he re viewed the activities i of , his do- partment and declared that noth ing had been produced so far.be- ;, fore the committee bearing on the department's efficiency, v "The testimony as revealed : in the hearings," he said, ''has con sisted of rumors, gossip and un reliable hearsay1 evidence emanat , ing from tainted sources." ; A friend of Mr., Daugherty of long standing, Mannington served ' In the campaign headquarters in . Marion during the 1920 campaign and after the inauguration in the following March came to Washing- ... ton. :.yrr'i ,",.:" THE WEATHER OREGON-Unsettled , Wednes day; probably snow -flurries and colder east portion, fresh northwesterly winds. ' LOCAL WEATHER V. 1 (Tuesday) Jv Maximum, 60, ' Minimum, 33. "... River, 1.4, Stationary. y Rain, None. - - " ' Atmosphere. Clear, . Wind, South, West, mmttQm TUESDAY N WASHINGTON The house passed the soldier bonus bill, 355 to 54. The senate confirmed the nom ination, of Curtis D. Wilbur to be secretary of the navy. The navy department announc ed a program of strict economy for future administration of naval oil lands. ,' Attorney. General. Daugherty issued another statement summing up his activities in the department of justice. "President Coolidge decided to ask the agricultural credit corpor ation to assist northwestern wheat growers to diversify their crops. The department of agriculture said the agricultural outlook for this year" Indicated that farmers were undertaking a' normal pro duction program. Arbitration treaties between the United States and 16 other Ameri can nations were favorably report ed by the senate foreign relations committee. t The senate approved a consti tutional amendment which would have newly elected congressmen and presidents take office in Janu ary following their election. Oil, Daugherty and related sub jects were debated in a senate flare-up with Senator Borah, re publican, Idaho, sounding a warn ing against abandonment of legis lative duties for "grand jury" pro ceedings. The senate oil committee went into details of transactions In oil stocks in obtaining from an ex pert accountant's reports of such by Attorney General Daugherty and members of the senate and house. ' The -Daugherty -committee ex amined Will A. Orr, former pri vate secretary to former Governor Whitman of New York, chiefly in relation to prize fight films and whiskey withdrawals; heard Maco Stewart, a Texas attorney, charge allure to prosecute lotteries, and summoned Secretaries Mellon and Weeks to Inquire Into the machin ery of .coming, confidential infor mation between the departments. I ar Runs Into Aged Pioneer - As She Stands on Down town Walk PORTLAND, Or., March 18. Mrs. Jeanette Goodman, 83, resi dent of Oregon lor 60 years, was struck down by an automobile here today suffering injuries which it was feared, might proved fatal. .The drirer of the automo bile fled after the accident. ' Police were, searching for Rev. Cassien Kiebauer, pastor of the German Catholic church here, in order t6 question him; as witness es of the accident said that the car which struck. Mrs. Goodman bore the license number of a ma chine registered under his name. Mrs. Goodman was standing on the sidewalk in the business dis trict when the automobile, appar ently out of control, , leaped the curb and Btruck her. The driver swerved back Into the street and left the scene without stopping. L Mrs. Goodman is the mother Of Jules Eckert Goodman, playwright and Dr. T. Goodman, of New York. Trial of Scroggin in Federa Court Nears . tndld . , Charges Made PORTLAND. Or., March 18. The case of S. L. Scroggin, the Sheridan banker, who has been on trial In federal court here, was given to. the jury late-; today, Scroggin is under two indictments totaling 18 counts, returned by the federal grand jury Involving con duct of the First National bank at Sheridan and tie returns filed by this concern with the government. C The verdict if the Jury agrees, will not be "returned until court opens tomorrow morning as; the court instructed, the jurors that 1 they reached a verdict they' might return H scaled and bo dismissed. OHDWOMl HURT snni ma s CASE ISM EUGENE HOST TO AVIATORS ON LONG TOIP Three -Round - the - World Army Airplanes Land at Lane County City During Early Afternoon HOP OFF TO VANCOUVER EARLY THIS MORNING . 8 Banquet,; Given:: for Army Fliers Last NigmN-North-ern Fleet to Be Escort EUGENE, Or March : 18. Three of the round-the-world army airplanes landed atthe Eugene aviation field this afternoon. No. 1 piloted by Major Frederick L. Martin, fleet commander, made the field at 3:57 and No.-2 with Lieutenant Lowell Smith in com mand, landed at 4 o'clock. The third plane In command of Lien tenant Leigh Wade which made a forced landing at Cottonwood, Cal.. early this afternoon, took the air again and landed at the Eugene field at 5:23 this after noon. No word had been receiv ed from Lieutenant Erik Nelson who was detained at Santa Mon ica. The schedule provides ffcr the planes to hop off lor the north to morrow morning at 9:30 stopping at Vancouver Barracks for lunch at noon.., Plans Altered Before the arrival of Lieuten ant Wade Major Martin stated that if the third plane did not ar? rive tonight that other plans might be considered before starting again. With the coming of the third plane the original plan of hopping off in the morning will be followed, it was stated. . Word of the change in plans whereby the planes would land at Eugene instead of Portland was received here this , morning and immediately a plan of welcome to the world fliers was started. City officials and a band were at the aviation field when the two planes came in Irom the 650 mile flight from the south, A banquet for the army fliers was held this evening att 6 o'clock. ' Fine weather prevailed on the flight from Sacramento, although a rather stiff, north wind was fac ed on the, latter stages of the trip, the major said. Gas and oil for the planes was rushed to the avia tion Held this morning on the re ceipt ot the wire that Eugene in stead pf the army field at Van couver Barracks, Wash, at the last minute had been selected as the stopping place tonight. Shortly before the arrival of the world fliers here a fleet of three army planes from Vancouver Bar racks landed at the Eugene field to greet the north bound planes. Machines Guarded The three Douglas planes used by the air pilots will remain at the aviation field tonight. Me chanics are at work inspecting the ships and making them ready for the contemplated trip tomor row. The three planes are parked In the open and a guard of four men has been provided by the city to keep watch on- the ships during the night. SEATTLE, Wash., March 18. On receipt of word here from Vancouver, Wash., where tho three world cruisers will stop at noon after hopping off from Eu gene early tomorrow morning, an airplane bearing Lieutenant Theo dore J. Koenig, commandant of Sand Point aviation field and coun ty. commissioner William A. Gaines, 'will leave for the south to meet the American around the world aviators. This plane will act as part of the aerial escort to Seattle where the fliers will prob ably land about 3:30 p. m. JdaGInesnw Piano Exhibit Planned Final plans for an aerial exhi bition to be held at the stadium of the University of Washington in honor of the globe aviators will be made at a meeting tomorrow.' An other feature of the program ten tatively arranged -will be an ex hibit inside the stadium gates by students of tho Reserve Officers training corps, air service unit of the university; The j exhibit will Include various types of engines, airplanes, aerial machine guns and bombs. SOLEMN .WARNING GIVEN SENATORS; BY IDAHO MAN Prize Fights, Telegrams lt Cetera Draw Forth Flood of Oratory ' WASHINGTON, March 18.- The senate heard another, fanfare of oratory today, running the scale of ail the disclosures of its investigators, and then listened to a solemn warning that the people tack home soon may demand that congress forego its grand , jury pursuits and address itself to a program of constructive ; legisla tion. .. " . f The Coolidge-McLcan telegrams, the Dempsey-Carpentier. . fight films, Roxie Stinson and Secretary Fall '8 troublesome $100,000 all played their parts In a renewed dis cussion ot the oil and Daugherty inquiries, launched from the Dem ocratic side of the chamber y Senators Neely of West Virginia, Caraway of Arkansas and Hefljn of Alabama. 1 The warning was sounded by Senator Borah, Republcian, Idaho. Addressing not only the Democrats but the senators on bis own side, the Idaho leader predicted that unless the present "objectless pro gram" gave way to more positive remedial measures, the session would end without tax legislation and with otiier important duties but half performed. Commissioner Becomes As pirant for Office of Mar- I ion County Judge J. T. Hunt, now serving his sec ond term fes county commissioner, yesterday announced himself as a candidate for nomination for county judge in " the - Republican primary May 16. - ... , MrHunt Is the third "to an nounce himself as a candidate for the Republican nomination. Frank T. Wiightman, deputy sher iff In the tax collection depart ment of the sheriff's office, and J. F. Jones, having previously fil ed their declaration of candidacy. W. H. Downing, incumbent, ap pointed by Governor Walter M. Pierce, to fill the unexpired term of W. M. Bushey, has filed as a candidate for the Democratic nom ination. Mr. Hunt is completing his sec ond term as county commissioner having served ; more than seven rears in that capacity. Part of the work which has been handled by the county court during Mr. Hunt's term of office is the con struction of the Marion-Polk county bridge over the Willamette river. Four years of the five-year paving program has been complet ed during Mr. Hunt's term. The fifth year will see the completion of more than 25 miles ot paving In addition to the mileage planned for when the bonds were voted in the first place. In filing his declaration of can didacy yesterday Mr. Hunt issued the following statement: "In filing as candidate for county Judge in the Republican primary, I have yielded to the ear nest solicitation of many friends in jSalem and throughout the coun ty. If elected judge of Marion county I will endeavor to perform the duties of the office with im partial justice to all and will try to give tho same faithful and ef ficient service as judge as I have endeavored to give as commis sioner in the pagt. I atn,deeply in terested hi good roads and the welfare of Marion county in gen eral and if elected judge will era deavor to give the people t strict business administration with fair and impartial treat ment to all." ii OUTIOW.Ci'T 01" TO EI Final Scene in Serro Comedy to be btaged loday in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, March 18 The final scene In the serro-comedy, 'I don't know and I can't remem ber" is expected to be played here tomorrow with the alleged villain exonerated and the remainder of the company more or less satisfied when Horace A. Greer appears on the charge of having shot Court- land S. Dines, Denver oil operator. The curtain first went ttp on New Year's night, showing a party in Dines' apartment. . Off stage. (Continued on page 2 HiniCES HIS CANDIDACY DEAD OFFICIAL AND SUCCESSOR V Above, O. P. Hoff, Oregon state treasurer, who died yesterday, and below, Jefferson Myers, appointed to succeed him. TO SEEK POST John Porter Announces That He Will Be Candidate for Commissioner John Porter, mayor of Silverton, will be a candidate for county commissioner in , the coming primary, May 16. Mr. Porter has not yet filed his declaration of candidacy but said yesterday that he iiad definitely made un his mind to seek the nomination. Ed Jory has already filed his declaration of candidacy for, the nomination. The decision of J. T. Hunt, who is now county commis sioner, to enter the race for the Republican nomination for county judge, is expected to bring out a number of other candidates for the commissioner's post. DAHO JOCKEY HAS Rides 155 Winners M New Orleans Track During 93-Day Season NEW ORLEANS, March 18. Ivan Tarke, youthful turf sensa tion, was en route to his home in Delco, Idaho, tonight with one ambition gratified. Before the 93 days of racing began .here Thanks giving day he expressed a desire to win the first and last events of the season's program. Jle did it, piloting Smart Guy to victory in the first race and winning tho las race on Lord Wrack. The boy rode 155 winners on the New Orleans tracks this sea son,' the largest number ever pilot ed by any jockey at any meeting in this country. He won the 1923 American riding championship and since January 1, has been first to the wire on 105 mounts giving him a huge advantage over his nearest rivals for 1924 honors. He now is headed home to spend two weeks on his parents' ranch. No one knows exactly how much Parke earned 'this winter, but it is estimated at close to 140,000 AMENDMENT PROPOSED WASHINGTON, March 18. A step toward adding another amendment to the constitution was taken today when the senate, 6 to 7 adopted a joint resolution to have the president inaugurated the third Monday in January and new congressmen go into office the first Monday in' January' after electiont , , . t itSi It l VvA rain IBM wm IFF IS DEAD; lEflSIIAlD AS TREASURER For First -Time fn. History of State Board of Control Democratic Majority Rules Affairs SUCCESSFUL RECORD IS ENDED BY DEATH Frank Sever Resigns An- other Election Contest Looms This Year O. P. Hoff, state treasurer of Oregon, died In - Emmanuel hos pital, Portland, at 7:40 o'clock a m. yesterday after an illness ot many months. Immediately upon information of Mr. Hoff's death reaching Sa lem, Governor Pierce announced the appointment of Jefferson Myers of Portland as state treas urer to succeed Mr. Hoff. He will take charge of the state treasury today. Cj Mr. Hoff had been ill for about two years and had not been at his office for nearly a year. In the last four or five months his illness had become acute and was pronounced cancer. Held Labor Office Mr. Hoff had held office In Ore gon for 21 years. In 1903 he was elected state labor commis sioner and held that office con tinuously for 15 years by succes sive elections. In 1918 he was elected state treasurer and was re-elected in 1922. He was born in Norway May 17, 1863, and came to the United States by way of Quebec when he was 17 years old He settled at MHwaukie, Wis., and attended night school' to learn the English language. He had read In Norwegian the life of Lincoln, and he made this his text-book in his study of English. Goes fo Alaska For a time Mr. Hoff followed the lumber business. About the year 1880 he came to the Pacific coast and later went to Alaska. From Alaska he returned south to California and worked for a time as a carpenter in San Francisco and for about a year as a prospec tor. Later he came to Oregon, and settled at Eugene, where, in 1888, he was married to Miss Alice Par sons, daughter of Ellis' C. Parsons, a pioneer merchant. During his early days in Oregon he worked on a farm and then for some years was in the employ of the Southern Pacific company. Wife and Son Left Mr. Hoff is survived by his widow .. and one son, Norlyn P Hoff. A daughter died at the age of 5 years. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, and yes terday there was uncertainty whether the interment would be in Portland, or in Eugene where the child was buried. Mr. Myers, who was appointed successor to Mr. Hoff, was sworn in at 2 o'clock yesterday after noon in the office of Governor Pierce, Justice George H. Burnett of the supreme court, a friend of many years, administering the oath of office. Mr. Myers imme diately set about making arrange ments tp file his bond, which will be in the amount of $350,000 and under the law could not open the treasurer's office for business until this was1 done. It could not be completed in time to open the office yesterdays but presumably the office will be open early today at the usual hour. Sever Resigns Post. Frank Sever, who has been dep uty Btate treasurer under Mr. Hoff handed his resignation to Mr Myers1. This was not for political reasons but due to the fact that Mr. Sever has been desirous of quitting the office for many months, but did not do bo because of the illness of Mr. Hoff. State Treasurer Myers said yesterday that he had no one in mind to succeed Sever. Myers, widely known because of his association with large finan cial institutions in Portland and prolonged activity In public life, is a native of Oregon, born in August 1863, at Scio, Linn county. His father, David Myers, a Hollander, was a California pioneer of 184 and his mother, May McDonald Myers, seoicn ny oirtn, came across the plains to Oregon 1846 when she was 12 years old Willamette Graduate Jefferson Myers was graduated from .Willamette university with the degree of B. A., and practiced (Continued go. page if j COOLIDGE LEADS III DAKOTA HMRY: . l'AD00.:0fJ0PPOSED larly Returns Giving President Two to One Advantage Cut Down When Rural Precincts Report Hiram Johnson Second With Sen ator LaFollette Thirid FARGO, N. D., March President Coolidge was leading the republican presidential endorsement in returns available early today from the statewide primary in North Dakota yesterday. 7 The president s early lead Senator Hiram Johnson of California, had been cut down somewhat as rural precincts began reporting, and Senator Robert M. Lafollette likewise registered slight gains. ClltS ISSUED Cherrians Invite All Clubs to Convention to Meet in Roseburg Calls for a meeting of repre sentatives of all booster clubs in the. northwest are being sent, out by j.he Salem Cherrians,, who are sponsoring the movement, for ;a convention to be held in Roseburg, April 28, it waa announced at a meeting of the Nobles of the. Cher rian council who met with King Bing Al Pierce at the Marion ho tel last night.. The council .mem bers were guests of King- Pierce at dinner. ;.. While . the Cherrians will have full ; charge tf the con vention, the entertainment Is be ing taken care pf by the Umpqia Chiefs' of Roseburg. The Umpqua Country club has opened the club house and grounds for the visitor The convention was conceived In order better to develop the boost ing of Oregon. , ; i , Included In the program is the dedication of the recently com pleted bridge on the Pacific high way over the Umpqua river at Winchester on Sunday, April 27. The convention will open Monday morning and the business session attended by five credentlaled del egates from each club. Visitors and their ladies will be guests at dinner In the evening provided by Roseburg people, with a grand ball in their honor at night. Booster clubs which will be rep resented at the convention are the Cherrians, Salem; Royal Rosar- ians, Portland; Berrians, Newberg; Pheasants Albany; Radiators, Eu gene; Umpqua Chiefs, Roseburg; Cave Men, Grants Pass; Coos Bay Pirates, Marshf ield and North Bend; Craters, Medford; Lithlans, Ashland; Pelicans, Klamath Tails and the Prunarlans, of Vancouver, Wash. ' Third Time in Four Years boldiers Bill Given Con- gressional OK WASHINGTON, March 18. The house today for the third time in four years passed a soldier bon us bill. The vote was 355 to 54, and was taken after 40 minutes debate. Twenty speakers took the floor during the brief period, however. advocates of a full cash payment option assailing the " rule under which the bill was taken up. which limited debate an I prevented the offering of amendments.. "D te hards" of both parties declared against the measure 'on principles. while proponents argued it was a measure which could become law. The measure provides for paid up 20-year endowment life insurance policies and cash payments to vet erans entitled to not more than 150 In adjusted service credit. Provisions of tho bid bill for yo cational training and " farm or horn aid are eliminated, , ,v -The' insurance' provisions 'ire somewhat- different from the de ferred payment certificate pro posed in the old bill and because of these changes the measure faces an invorvea situation in me sen ate. - Members of that body have BOISUIIS, PASSED BY HOUSE askeel time Jo. study; the. nj bHL 19.(By Associated Press.) in the three-cornered race for .. - . . J of more than two to one over . These rural returns .prompted the prediction from Johnson men at his state headquarters here, that'more complete returns would show a rising tide in his favor and culminate y in his ' endorsement, hblding that his greatest strength is In the unreported precincts. ' Coolidge leaders however, did not recede from " their prediction of victory for the president and expressed confidence that later re turns would show a plurality for him, although In diminished ra tio . . ,.7; - When 203 of the state's 2058 precincts had reported, represent lng scattered' returns from .35 of the S3 counties the count stood: Coolidge 11,746: Johmson ; 5. 985 and La Follette 3,617. ; FARGO, N. D.V March l8w-(By The Associated Press) - President Coolidge took the lead In the con test for the republican presidential endorsement in first scattering re turns' from today's state. Vide prK mary in North Dakota.:, These re turns all, were from .cities. j When 32 precincts in Bismacck, Mlnot, Grand Forks and Fargo had reported, the- Coolidge vote1 was 2920 as compared" with 1324 for Senator Hiram Johnson, and' 49 3 tor Senator Robert M. La Follette. There are 2058 precincts in the Btate. 1 A few. ; rural; jreclncti among the early reports also wert favorable to Coolidge, except on' In Griggs county which gave Cool idge 8, Johnson 16 and La Fol lette .38. ' :r f . ' .'" ' William G. McAdoo was unop posed on the democratic ballot and the democratic rote was unusually small. . . - Forty precincts scattered throughout ."11" of the state's 53 counties showed Coolidge ..main taining hi&two to one lead over Johnson, the count standing: Cool idge 3507; Johnson 1564; La Fol lette. 465. ' ":0: .ii-f. iThese returns ;were principally from the larger cities, where John son supporters have conceded Cool idge's superior strength, contend ing that It is in the smaller cities and rural precincts that the Caii fornlan's power lie. : y : Bismarck, the capital, gave the president a plurality of nearly 2 to 1 oyer Senator "Johnson, who in' tarn had a corresponding mar gin orer La Follette. ' r The vote In that city, all pre cincts reported. gave Coolidge 971; Johnson 498 and La Follette 236. ' ; In 94 of the state's 2058 pre cincts, the rote was: y : " Coolidge 6908; Johnson 3314; La Follette 1437. - ! Additional returns from Cool idge strongholds threw the ratio again in the president's favor and when, 243 precincts had reported the vote was: " J v1 Coolidge 14.271; Johnson 6088 and La Follette 4276. il Hill hlkiJ TOIIEffl'JTH Jury Disagrees After 15 ; Hours'- Deliberation- Venire Exhausted . THEJ DALLES, Or., March 18. A he trial -"will be given Ted Mandronas, alleged participant in the Mosler ralley . tank robbery, over whose gt lit a jury disagreed after having been out 15 hours, last Sunday" and" was discharged It was' aandunced today by dis trict attorney- Galloway. A. --.'. De to. the, fact that lt of the present venire was' exhausted in drawing Jurors 'for the triatthe new trial probabfy will not be held until the May, term of -court, when a new venire wfllTiave been drawn Mr. Galloway said. "' -- Mandronas is at liberty on. Iglii kail, m ". ' ' - - iifinnn nmmTV VVHObU bUL