mm SIFI ED ADS-Community Of f erfogs r . .- i a- and want 'LSI 1 T. CLASSIFIED SECTION Pbone 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ' Rst per word; Per iBwrtloB , , . S Tars Insertloas 6e f NOKWIUH UNION fTXX INSURANCE SOOIXTT W. H. Burghardt, Jr. ! Kaaident Agent 871 Stat 8t Money Jo Loan Ob Real Estate , . T. K. FORD v (Ow UM Bm Bask) AUTOMOBILES Repairing la . GET YOUR Welding dona at Jack Doerfer Motor Repair, 410 So. Commercial. Ia-marl8 rOR GENERATOR. STARTER, AND igaittoa work wita guaranteed result. N work, no pay. ft. H. Harris. 173 So. Liberty. , lam!8 AUTOMOBILES Tops , lb NEW TOPS OLD TOPS REPAIRED ' AUTOMOBILE GLASS INSTALLED CUSHIONS RECOVERED SEE O. J. HULL 258 Stat St. lb-marl 8 FOR RENT FOR RENT ABOUT MAY lat. STORE- naa on male l. sea J. ii. iJiuier- nan. Hotel Art-o. .'' grelStf FOR RENT A partrnents 2a APARTMENT 1 ROOM FURNISHEDV 892 N. Summer. Phone jotb. xa-marav -I FOR RENT A 4 ROOM APARTMENT. with private bath. 1047 8. Commercial. Phone 1188J. 2e-marl8-19-20-21.22-23 FURNISHED APARTMENT HEAT, pri- t vate bath, fireplace. uarag tr aenreo. i Coiy sleeping room, healed, $8,00. 891 j N. CotUge. 2a-mrl8 f HREE AND FOUR ROOM FURNISHED I T .i. atrn aniL I i anartmenta. nrivat bath. 852 NJ 12th i ' ' 2aml9 THREE ROOM FURNISHED APARTment ground floor for . adnlta. Telephone. i aw garage and all conveniences. T. G. Albert, 880 Mill St. 2am 18 iLltnnM FURNISHED APARTMENT. t th '"I?! UU -toM lB H,!1. fnw t vrvgoM uiug. , ' JOB RENT APARTMENTS, 891 NO. I I Cwatmerelal. - FOR RENT Huoaea Kb I , H0C8E FOR RENT PHONE 1885. AP . tolv 161 18th St. 2bnjl9 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 1148 NOR ) way St. See F. L. Wood. 2bml9 f!rURNI8HED FOUR ROOM HOUSE Lighta aad water in house. rnone 8844.- . 2bml9 a MflV VODERS HOUIE WITH GA- raa-a. oa oaved street, i Bone una. 2b-m8tf FOR RENT Rc ma l'OR RENT FURNI8H ED ROOM NEAR rWNTED CARDS, BIZB H".BT t wording "raraiabod Root a," prleo 10 eaU each. Statesmaa Busineea ux fie. Groaad floor. r0BIHr APARTMENTS ANT , aleeplng rooma. Moaara .mw, . Front street ' ' FOR SALE Mlscell tneoaa 4 I0R SALE FURNITURE INCLUDING rags and draperies. Call 1104M. .: . 4-mar20 TOR 8AI.K ISO OAO WHITE LEO- bora pulleta. L. B. Locke, Macleay, or., ' 4-mar21 TOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWING Baihli. eefrirerator. mason Jara 1553 Stat St. A r 4-mar20 JIEDUCED PRICES ON DAY-OLD chicka after April 15. Whit Legnora t nan son strain) 812.50 per 100. Barred Tka aisoo- 20 booka order. J. M. Ria-a-le. Independence. Ore. 4-mar25 HOUSE AND APARTMENTS. .2056J. V..' : PHONE 4al5 J0R SALE BEAUTIFUL CHINA CLOS t, almost aew, eheip. Phono IN). , .... , - . - - . 4ml9 BUG AND CARPET WEAVING RUGS f sal or made to order. Phone $19 J. 498 & 19th St 4m20 ,TWO ROOM COTTAGE WITH riREplaee 7 at Nye Beach, Newport. A anan. Ad- I ii ik n.rfilrt Ave.. Portland. Or. POR SALE CHEAP 1 OLIVER CHILL- ! ed plow, 12 iacn; i jobs f', u i k. .l whtffl tree and neck- vake, fie J. . H. Lauterman, Hotel Argo. '. - ... - f Farmers Notice 4tf i Want! -'trad prnna trees for aome , good hay. Pran tree eheap. Now i ra the time to improve your fernj. I Mathia Nursery C Sales yard opposite O. E. depot at Cherry City hotel. Of. i fie Phoo 1758. Bet. Phon 10F4. P ; 4m23 APPLES DELIVERED PQ )NE 494. 4m31 f IT 110 1S9TM. DIVISION 1ST. PHONE 4m31 BLACK WALNUT TREES 4 TEAKS .u ,v..n Call on owner. 1005 Mill 4m23 I TRACTOR, OLIVER DISC PLOW, BIN . der. Terme or trado for anything 1 can 4 as. 3395 Nfroat. Phon 494. 4m 18 FURNITURE FOR SALE 447 CENTER i 4ml9 t0.Q.9 r5R. "OTLW.&rX M,afi02 15. 2201 WTNob Hill St. SftHons- ln ivn ST.n HATCHING eggs. 34 per hundred.; M. M. Mage-, Bout 8, Salem. Phono 81 F2 5. , 4 4 Willamette Nursery I a fsw f Dr. Ba's Blf prna trees Mt: falsa walaat and Id- - Cl x lAv .thia. Rl. Tj Salem i . BiWarteai afrawav. Phoa 105F5. 4-tf , PlTPFHRr.n BABY CHICKS 'i At reduced prices. Wkite leghorns, f n.M.1 Uu-ks White Rocks. Min- rchas, Anconas, Buff Orpingtons. De liveries Tuesdsy every weak. Salem ' r.!-klu aca Btala. Phon 400. ' - '. ; aMaaaaaasssasaaai J tHODE ISLAND RED HATCHINO eggs. 80e. dosea. D, A. Harris. SaUra, Phon 38F3 people wrio max . epw rat to studeat. 800 Masoai Bldg. , Ikon tea. - 8e ..20e Six months contract per mo 15e 13 month' contract, per mo 12c Minimum for any advertisement 25c FOIl BALK BllscelUneoua 4 Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Oregon songs together witn a line collection of patriotic ongi, saersd iou(i and many old time favor ilea. ALL FOR 25e. (Speeial pncea la quantity lot!) Especially adaptable for school cam inan ity or home singing. Send for Western Songster 70 pages now in ita third editloa Published ty OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Commercial St. Salem. Or. rOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 eenta a bundle. Circulation department urofoa etatosmaa. WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF lank, hardware, clothing, ate. Capital Bargain House and Junk Co, Center and Front at the bridge. 4-fl4tf AVE YOUR FURNITURE OR AUTO ' eleaaed and polished with "Kwik ahine" or will aell yo the material to do the work yoaraelf, 50c aad $1. Will also alaaa your wallpaper or ahadaa. Ageau wanted. P. O Box 43$ or Phone 130. 4 ilfttf 0U8TOM HATCHING 8AVE MONEY .a baby ekix by using the big Wish bone Incubator. Lloyd Lea. Phone nwn 4iaH FOR SALE Livestock 4a FOR SALE REGISTERED DUROC-JER-aey pigs and brood sow. J. H. Enge man, Silverton, Ore. 4a-mar20 FOR SALE 1 MARE. 8 YRS. OLD Weight 1225. Worka aingle or double. Rt. No. 8. Box 106. 4aml FOR SALE 4 HIGH GRADE JERSEY cowa, , 2 fresh, others to freshen soon. Rl. 3, Box 230. Near Finier atalion. 4ml8 FRE8H MILK QOAT E. U. HOOLEY, was a . Hubbard, Oregon. 4a-m21 SEVEN GOOD MILK COWS, FRE8H and coming fresh, for aale. W. 0. Sodermaa, Jefferson, Ore, Rt. 1. Phono 49F2 from Salem 4e-fl0tf HELP WANTED WANTED WOOD CHOPPERS TO CUT 150 cord of old and second growth fir for Marion county on the county tarm at Hopmere, 8 miles north of an lem. Call at county judge' a office. 6ml7 HELP WANTED Agenta 6a rBLL MADISON "BETTER MADE' shirts direct from factory to wearer' bo eapital or experience r quired; easily sold; big profits. Write for samDles. Madison Mills. 503 Broadway New York. ' Saml6 HELP WANTED Female 5b GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL house - work. Most ba good cook. Apply forenoons at 825 N. Capitol St. 5fml9 WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR areneral housework. Must fee good cook. Good wages. Phoae 1669 or call 768 aHoLlnacagaaaaiaBnaBKBSssssaBB HELP WANTED Male 5c WA ANTED BOY TO LEARN PRINTING trade. Night work. Apply at States man office, 215 8. Commercial St., np- ataira, after 6 p. m. WANTED BOY OVER 16 WHO DOES not smoke to deliver milk and do other .work. Call 273M. at noon honr or be tween 7 and 8 p. m. 5cm 16 WANTED Employment 12 LICENSED STEAM ENGINEER WANTS position. Address 620, care Statesman. 12ml9 woman Wants day work. 1484R. 13-a7 WANTED MLscenaneona 131 WANTED FARM NEAR SALEM. State all particulars in first letter. Box 612 Statesman. 13ml9 WILL GIVE USE OF ONE ACRE OF : land for rare of same. Vt acre now in " strawberries. R. N. Allen, Rt. 8. Box 6A. I3mj- DRE88MAKING SHOP AT 429ft Court St. 13m20 WANTED TANK OF 150 TO 250 GAL- lons to bant water to sprayer. J. R.I Chapman. Rt. 2, Box 101. 13n16 I T ODFRf 6 OR WANTED 8TRICTLY MODERN 6 OK rVVIU U WS-IIlilga W I HI 1(1 W Bills. lAIg ! tanco priced between $4000 and $5000 Want owner to take vacant lot to the value of 8750; aome cash, balance monthlv. Anderson M Rnoert. 406 Ore- a-n Blda. 13ml3tf WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions A good proposition to tbe right people. Ad dress the Paeifie Homestead. Statesman Bldg.. S1w. Or HELP WANTED Salesmen 5e WANTED 8ALE8M AN WITH AUTO to represent well known woolen company. Liberal contract, exclusive territory. Write for proposition. Northern Wool en Co.. Fergus Falls, Minn. 5e-marl8 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO SELL mntnrevelea. Harry W. Bcotl. oemiv mi rnUlN WANTED TO SELL CHEV- roleta. A good proposition for a real sslesmsn. Newton-Chevrolet Co. 5emtf 8ALESMAN TO COVER WILLAMETTE VallM. Handling extensive line ad vertising calendars and novelties. State I references first letter. V. 8. Walsh, 660 Mission St.. San rrancisen. acraii- i LOST AND FOUND FOUND-GOLD BROOCH. THE ACE. 6am 18 STRAYED BIO BAY MULE NOW AT Sidback ranch. .Independence. Owner ail have same bv Daring costs. 6amt9 MISCELLANEOUS I can paiat yonr roof Black. Yellow, Blue or Green and save yon money. Also roof repair ing and ahinc-Iine. See M. R. Mathews. Phone 167. o-mar!8tf PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published, CORRESPONDENT, i Toledo. Ohio ' T-m38 POULTRT (Hanaoa strala). 81.00 par setting, as no m 100 - C. H. Fisher. RFD 8. Salem, Ore. Pkoas 181 U. 78-bM On week (six Insertions). One month. 7a 1 Lowest price ever offered on BABY CHICKS We are offering Oregon customer Beat White Leghorns any quantity 100 to 1000 at lie each. Brown Leg horn 12e each. Black Minorcai and Rhode Inland Red 15c. earh. We hip only good cGick, extra count and prepay Parcel Pout charge on March order. We hatch 2.1.000 chick weekly end can fill order promptly. .Send your in at once. THE MISSION HATCHERY, Campbell, Cal. 7am30 FOR SALE BABY CHICKS THAT Will live, severs! breeds. Fluke' Petland. 273 State. 7a m9tf THE AVERAGE HEX DOES NOT PAT profit. Purebred bene bred to lay pay big profit, and have made hun dred i of poultry men wealthy. Four teen trioa of world champion pure bred chickens will be given free to am bition! men, women, boys and girls. Send name and addreaa and full infor mation will be mailed. Purebred Chicken Editor, Northwest Poultry Jour nal. Salem. Oregon. Dep't. A. 7a-j:i0tf I PUREBRED ANCONA CHICKS $18.50 hundred. Rt. 5, Box 45, Salem. Phone 118F2. 7a-8" HOOLWOOD CHICKS 200 289 EGG stock. Fn e range. C. A. Dowd. Au burn Rd . Rt. 6. Salem. Ore. 7a-m20 REAL ESTATE City 8 OWN YOUR HOME FOR SALE MODERX 5 ROOM HOU8E new paper and paint, hard finish. Phone io. I. J. Lronise, lHd . Uommerrial. 8-mar'J0' JUST LISTED A NEW BUNGALOW close in, corner lot, paved street. A bargain at $4500; terms. Krueger, 147 North Com l. St. Phone 217. 8-marl9 4 ROOM NORTH SALEM AND LOT 50 by 130. 2 rooms plastered, 1 ceiled, 1 lathed. Nearly new. $1125; $300 down. A 6 room house, 4 room plastered. Bath, toilet, electric light, built-in kitchen. In good order outside and in. $1900; $306 down, balance $25 per month. New 5 room plastered house. Bath, toilet, electric lights, garage. No base ment. Not far to car line. $2500; cash. 8ee J. A. MILLS. 33114 State St. 8-mar20 WONDERFUL BUY BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW 5 rooms with all the built-ins. Lights, bath, attic. Full cement basement. Ideal location. Just completed, immediate possession. Small payment down, bal auce like rent. Price $3400. POOR MAN'S CHANCE to buy a home. $200 down. Price $900, buys bouse, 4 rooms, 2 lot. LOTS I We have them in all parta of the city at right pricea. $175 and up. Let us show you some real hargams. See CHILDS & BECHTEI, 540 State SU 8-marl8tf BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 4 room bungalow, garage, woodshed. good location, $2000; easy terms. 6 room bungalow, garage, full ce ment basement, on pavement, at car. 83500: easy term. 5 room new bungalow, strictly mod ern, dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full basement, fireplace, garage, 2 more rooms could be finished. This, fine residence has everything in built-in, the particular housewife will like it. Onlr 15900: reasonable terms. 6 room absolutely up to the minute strictly modern, new Dutch Colonial residence. It has all the heart of a particular house wife could desire, at 975 E street. Do not bother the owner on Sunday. If it interests you see n week-day. Pt eed very reasonable. SOCOLOFSKY. Realtor 341 State Sk 8marl8tf BILLY SUNDAY SAYS "The rent payer who aings 'Home, Sweet Home' is kidding himself and serenading the landlord. No. 24 5R. bungalow, garage, eay terms $3400.00 No. 212 OR, bungalow, garage. new 5500.00 No. 12 5R. bungalow, garage new 2500.00 No. 237 7R. bungalow, garage new - 6200.00 No. 50R 4R. bungalow, garage new, terms 2100.00 We build to suit purchaser and sell on essy terms. Houses for rent. We write insurance. Money to loan on real estate, If it is a house, lot, farm, or trade, see me RICH L. REIMANN Realtor Office Phone 1013. Res. Phone 726R. 307-308 Ortgon Bldg. 8-marl8tf GOOD BUYS See description of East Salem resi dence on Builders pace. $3500. New Fairmount Hill cottage $3800. Fairmount Hill 7 room residence. 85500. North Salem 8 room residence witn 3Va lots, $4000. A. C. BOllKNSTl-.UT 147 No. Commercial St.. Salem, Ore. 8ml6tf BARGAINS 5 acre ranch choice land, close in. modern house except furnace, for city residence. Price aeooo 17 acres 5 in timber, 12 acres cul tivated. Exchange for lots. Price $1700 147 acre ranch, small house, large barn, other outbuildings. Sandy aoil. One and a half milea from Marion. Price per acre. $70. 8 and 22-104) A., s miles out on pavea highway, fair boose, barn and chicken coop, good well of water. Price $7500. Will deal for -residence. J. F. LATHAM 3314 State St. Smlrttf I BARGAINS ONLY A 4R. bungalow at $2100; 5 room and garage (very desirable) $2200; A 6 room modern $3100. (terms); An other 6 room (paved street) modern, $3000. Aa extra good buy in a 6 room modern except basement at $2000. Add $250 and you have a $3000 place. Easy terms on some. See The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Stat St. 8m9tf RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP; good location, all equipment. Inquire at Oregon Transfer ft Storage Co. Phone 77. 8ml BILLY STIFF A oa arri PP ! 1 SAY- ) fouAU i rnMe uiitt vrMi.Air X ONk rAOKt POULTRY w y all OrfANJ 7v ai V ML rt cm k ItJUJAJ V, A-H I r:ZA84iy,M I I E ) y J V UNti Mm. M4 wy mw m&m m rti M i l mm, mil .JW-Mrm irm. fm nr v-r " w cni M s ais REAL ESTATE City KUH SALE A GOOD LOT AND SMALL house for 83."0, if you hurry. r. L. Wood. 341 State St. 8m 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALEM property, 7 acre all in cultivation, 2 uulea from Oregon city, uooa duhu ings and water. A. J. Anderson, Kt. fi. Box 157. 8ml9 SPECIAL 5 nice lot for JLIOO; terms. 3 room new house $1150; term. 5 room plastered, paved street and on car line, $1800. n room. A bargain for sihoo; witn $300 down. Fine lot all in fruit, $.i.'u; terms. 2 good houses for rent. THOMASON. 331 State St. FOR SALE THREE ROOM HOUSE, one large lot, $350. Phone 1242.1. dm 8 6 ROOM NEW BUNGAIAlW, HARD wood floor. $6000. 5 room at bungalow, corner, elec trie range, ice box, linoleum, wood in basement. $0800. 5 room new bungalow, hardwood floors, corner. 8.1750. Large house, close in, suitable for apartment or roomers. Business ioca tion, $10,000. A pertinent house glH.OOO. Apartment hotse $15500. Apartment house $5800. Ford couoe $350. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 8ml4tf 4 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ON NO Cottage St., $3000; cash $500; balance to suit. New 5 room bungalow on No. 18th St. This place is strictly modern and a good buy at $5000; terms. New 5 room modern bungalow on So, 19th St.. large lot. rice $4000: terms. A ftrst class 6 room cottage located at No. 475 So. 18th St. We consider this' an excellent buy at $230; terms $j00 cash, balance to suit. A strictly modern 5 room cottage on Leslie St., block from 12th St., near atore and school. partly furnished. $3500; good terms. 2 lots on North 23rd St.. 2 ulocics from State St. Price $300 each. You make the terms. ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Building 8ml3tf A BARGAIN 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, beantiful surroundings. Will sacrifice at $3500 and give terms anyone can handle. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 8ml2tf EXCHANGE FIVE ROOM PLASTERED bungalow ana one acre in iruu uuu, on Oregon Electric near Portland to trade for home in. Salem. For sale small house and two lots $600. Strictly mdern six room bungalow, oak floors, esst front, pared street. A snap at $5500. A good 10 room house on pave ment, corner lot, good location, $4000. Two houses for rent and one furnished. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. 8ml3tf WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE LIST- ing of acreage and city property. Any thing and anywhere, at real bargains. Read these over 67 acres of good land. 7 room house in fair condition, good granary and other out buildings, one good team, of horses and harness, one cow, some chickens, a drill, mower, rake, 2 plows, wagon and other toola. 1 miles from small town, good high school and church. Think of it. All for $3600; $1300 down, balance at 5 per cent, long term. A new building with fine stock of rroceries and fixturea in front part. 4 good living rooms, bath and toilet. Corner lot, a fine location, and a real barcain all at $3500. Good five room house and garage to rent at $22. $2000 bnys a five room house oa N Summer, terms. 20 acrea. joins suburban town, 14 acres in crop, good barn, small new house, poultry house. Buyer gets k of crop, $1600: terms, or will trade for house in Salem. A fine seven room house and 4 acres of good land in Woodburn, a good buy at $6500; or will trade tor prop erty in Salem. REE THESE FINE PLACES Acre tract 1 to 100. 3 miles from Salem on paved road at very reasonable prices and good terms. A fine selection of five room houses at nricea to suit. A very good six acre tract, one mile from Salem. A snsp at $lou. $3150 buys a 10 room apartment Easv terms, monthly payments. 141 acres, dairy ranch, good house, silo, barn, and other buildings, crop goes with place. Price $10,000; or will trade. Is close to country town. Stock of groceries good location at 81600. A good Fordson tractor, plow, and disk to trade or sell, part payment on five reom buncalow. Remember our aim is to get what you want and where you want it. MOISAN ft ULRICII 122 N. Cora'l. Phone 1354. Sml.ltf $2750 Thr e new bungalows, plastered, built in kitchen, modern plumbing ana elec trict lis-hta on paved street snd car line. Terms of $750 down. Eat front Let us show you these bungalows. You will like them. $3500 New 5 room bungalow with full ce ment basement and garage. Near achool Terms. $4500 6 room bungalow, new, with hard wood floor, basement, fnrnace. fire nlac. double garage. This is a real bargain. We write fire Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 275 State St. Phone 515 8mlltf I A TEN ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN AT A bargain, if yon act quick. Can be ar ranged in 4 apartmi nt. A low price. Will take good auto on deal. 7 room modern house, aix blocks from business center, all in first class condition, modern in every way. A rery low price. 110 acre farm very wll improved to exchange for good city property. Ex cellent chance for some one. See me soon 5 room houae close in for sale or rent. Has a lot of furniture. On pav ed at. Here is a genuine bargain. 16 room apartment paying abont 15 per tut on investment. Very close in. Call esrly and see me about it. See Me First G. W. LAFLAR 410 Oregon Bldg. 8-m4tf CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Large np to the minute list of the very best offerings in Salem and vicinity sent free to any address Harris, 208 Orernn Building, phon 254. f22tf WT - WUOT Jl iod : - . . - . - - nrv-yy - - k. s i r s r us kavK ui k4na i a i ii'ir mi i -y. NdWyoUTUST. X ( uoflT ' -IpSi i r r&M iTiirJti x ME MISSt fOR TAAT I IBUT IMA a YOU IKFERNXL STA.HD HStife-AHO '-"--,TVU TVE EHOUW . UcTLFrAAr4 ! L UrtrtR - LJf- ACF REAL ESTATE City PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14"' BY 7A" wording, "Rooms to R. nt," price 10 Cents each. Statesman Uusine Of fice, Ground Floor ; PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" 714" wording "For Sale, Enquire at. Price 10 centa each. Slat, sman Business Office, Ground Floor., $1580 BUYS HOME ON PAVEMENT 4 room and bsth, 2 blocks from school and rarline. Lot 75x135. lo:t.N. 21st. Phone 2073M. 8in20 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7", wording "For Kent." price 10 cents each. Statesman Businesa Office, on Ground Floor. FOR SALE BY OWNER. BRAND NEW, strictly modern six-room bungalow. South Salem; close in. Price $5600. Phone 1784. 8 fl7tf REAL ESTATE Trades 8a 6 ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS, GARAGE Wood shed, chicken yard. Price $1800; $5O0 down, balance 0 per cent. Also 5 acres, good house, barn and well; ife ci-re in garden, walnut trees and small fruiU -Price $3000; $500 down, balance 6 per cent. See owner at 1005 Mill street. Salem. Oregon. 8al5 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES b MONEY TO LOAN 6 ON FARM PROP erty. F. L. WOOD, 341 Bute St. Hb-alO REAL ESTATE Farms e 5 ACRES WITH GOOD IMPROVEMents, all in cultivation, family orchard, spring water , piped to house and barn, close to small valley town. Ideal for a poultry plant. siboo and will con sider a good equity or lot in Salem, as part payment. Also a splendid deal on a good stocked and equipped dairy ROBINSON. Oregon Bldg. 9-marl9 BOTTOM LAND FOR RENT ABOUT 25 acres new land in cultivation, all you want adjoining easily cleared. Share rent on cultivated land, all you raise on other land for clearing. This is the very best of land for potatoes, corn, toma toes, etc. Buildings, immediate posses lion. John II. Rhoten, Dayton, Oregon. 0ml8 HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM PHONE 1395W. 9m25 REAL ESTATE Suburban 10 FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, modern, on property 100x100; newly papered and painted throughout, and in first class condition: ben house, wood shed and garage; near first class grade and high schools: located in Junction City, Oregon. Price $2500: reasonable terms. Call or address Edward F. Bailey, Attorney at Law, Junction City, Oreron. Jal2 USED CARS FOR SALE 11 1923 TOURING, NEW TIRES. SPEED- otnctr. Perfect condition. Terms. 1845 Fir St. Phone 1749R. 11 marl8tf FOR SALE 1931 Dodge touring C30 ltfJO Dodge tonring, lots extra equipment $550 1920 Dodge sedan $750 1922 Ford touring, looks like new $325 Terms BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Phone 423 11-marlStf BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU SPEND your money for used cars. In buying used cars from u yon ge the experience of 20 years of careful and successful buying to guide you. 192 Buick 4 roadster $625.00 , -WitrTfnpmtrbtle: 450.00 1910 Buick 6 4Ba.uo 1921 Chevrolet 300.00 1920 Dort 250.00 1922 Buick Six Sedan 1315.00 We have others to chooe from. 888 N. Commercial. Otto J. Wilson. Phone 220. Il-marl8tf LOOK THESE UP. THEY ARE REL buy taken in on new uaraner tars 19-22 Oardni r Muring, like new. 1922 Baby Overland, only run 8,000 miles. 1922 Chevrolet, a real buy. 1919 Dodge. Salem' Branch of BURDETT ft A LB EE, 173 S. Liberty. Ilml9 1919 FORI) TOURINGi GOOD TIRES new uaint. upholstering good. 1V--1 license. $160: terms. 359 No. LibeTty ll-marlStf QUALITY USED CARS AT A PRICE THAT WILL rLtjAaa IUU Ford touring Baby Grand Chevrolet Elgin tonring Ford touring , Overland , tonring Overland touring 1 iodic e touring Chalmers touring '. O.tkland coupe New Ford touring at, a many other for you to ..$135.00 150.00 165.00 235.00 225.00 325.00 ...... 595.00 700.00 1000.00 discount and select from fWe Give Terms) F W. PETTYJOHN ft CO. 219 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 - llmlotf USE FORDv CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZE FORD DEALER 1921 Roadster. $260.00 1923 roadster 360.00 191? touring 165.00 1920 touring 215.00 1922 touring.. 273.00 1923 touring , 315.00 1921 coupe 370.00 1922 coup- 425 00 1920 truck . 235 00 1922 truck 385.00 Other cars frora $45 and up. All car are ruaranteed. See us before buying. Liberal terms Oin evening snd Sundays. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 260N. High ll-m8tf 1920 FORD COUPE, GOOD MECHANI rl shjne new tire in rear, shock ab sorherx. soot light, stop light, dash light, speedometer, foot feed, san visor and 1924 license. $325.00: ressonable 4 a I'm a 859 No. Liberty. 11-msrlStf WOOD FOR SALE 14 16 INCH BLOCK WOOD $3.75 PER load. 4 loads $14. Phone 1879W. 14m30 One Job Too Many! CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OR night. Khorie 660. 1,3 South Liberty. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN ft STRUBLE. REGISTERED Architects; 610 Bank of Commerce Building. . j AUCTIONEERS WOODKY WOODRY Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEERS I Res. 1610 N. Summer Tel. 511 for aale dates. L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer Pbone 470202 U. S. Bank Bldg. s9' G. 8ATTERLEE Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, Breyman Block Phone 247 or 121 1J. fl tf AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Metal, raga, papr. Auto wrecking, Repairing. Parts for all cars 50 to 75 ?er cent oft list price. 975 N. Com'l. 'bone 588. f 8tf BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and clerical work. Ferris Bros., Phono 1803, 418 Csurt, R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tarter aad generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AND BXPAIBINO LLOYD E. RAM 8DEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing; 887 Court. CLEANERS ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 S. Commercial. Phone 1868. We spe cialite on one day service. CARPET AND BUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rsg and fluff rugs woven any aiza without stains. New mattresses mad to order. Old mat tresses remsde. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinda of old carpeta for fluff rugs. 134 and Wilbur atrta. Pbone 1154 Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St.. Phone 283. CHIROPODIST DR. 8. F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DR8. SCOTT ft SCOFIELD, P. 8. C. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828-R. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Surveys, esti mates. Jno. H. Neef, 819 Oregon Bldg Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 N. Summer street. Phon 674-J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Eat mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R or 59F12. d26tf DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING Carrie Fisher, McCoraack Bldg., over Millers. alStf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4 wording "Dressmaking : price 10 eenta each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS," 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O N I C building. Pbone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. Houss wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phon 980. 414 Court St. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP KLEO trieal machine repairing, contracting. 837 Court. Phone 488. FARM PAPER POCLTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO ceut stamps for special three months' trisl for ,the best snd oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwert Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial afreet, Salem. Oregon. WOOD FOR - SALE 14 DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7.00 p r cord delivered. Pbone 19F3. May field. 14-fl3tf FOR SALH: DRY SECOND GROWTH fir wood, 4 ft. for iinnudiat delivery. Pbone 106. 4 fl2tf LARUE DRY SECOND GROWTH FI $7 per cord. Ash $8. Phone 1879W. 14m30 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mill wood Dry second growth fir Drv old fir 16 inch BLOCK mill wood is the best fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells. 280 S. Cburen. Phone 1542. n3tf DO YOU WANT GOOD WOOD AT REAS onable prices t Then call 1879 W for ash, old or second growth fir. Prompt delivery. itt BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference a FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST tarm paper, aend 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregoa for a three months' trial subscription. Mention thia ad. nXANCIAI CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO, General contracting and building esti mates gladly furnished. Phono 1RB7R or 69F12. d26tf 6 LOAN8 UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property. Reserve De- posit company, 73 Fourth Street, Port land. Or. LOANS Farm and City. Most liberal ratea and payment priilega HAWKINS a ROBERTS. S05 Ore. Bide. Salem, Ore. fS tf FARM LOANS No additional expense ANDERSON ft RUPERT, 406 Oregon Building LOANS LOANS LOANS I can make your farm or city loans, beet service given. If you need a loan, se ma; and if you have money to place, see me I always have takers. G. W. Laflar, Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protects againat adversity. City loans, lowest ratea, monthly instalments, pre-pay-meat privileges. J. C. Siegmand, room 1, over Ladd ft Bush bank rLORI8TS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS fnneral wreaths, decorations. C. 'l. Breithaupt, florist. 128 N. Liberty Phone 880. FUKEftAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO- tors, 2 10 Center. Phone 1650. rCTRNTTUXE 8T0RES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for leas money. 173 uourt, Phone 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second band furniture; 371 N. Oommreisl GARDEN PLOWING GARDEN, PLOWING, GRADING, FER tilixrr, wood aawing, iucker. tlJoJ. m 4tf BSMSTITCHXVO HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING. PLE-T ing. The Petit Shop, Room 6. over Busicks. n3tf SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHI NO pleating, buttona, stampmr nd neeti work; 828 Oregon bldg Phone 879 MRS. C. E. MILLER HFMSTtTCHIVr. stamping, buttons. Ro-i-n to. over Vil lev's store. Phone t T HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOy KOPATHIS'' Does a general practice. Treats i . GU .Ston;S,na Dropsy, arising fror, diseases of beart, liver or kidney without operation. Office and resi ' denee, 296 N. Liberty St, Salem. Or Phone 147. LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR and women, 474 Court St. FOR MEN LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 318 S. Liberty street. Pkne 25. oldest largest b-st. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work ; prompt service; 1284 Broadway. Phone 165. i i 1 "si it -a MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W MT7SIO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music.' Semi-claaaie and ballads 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Me Cornack Bldg. MTJSIO STORES SHERMAN, CLAY ft CO., PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music Hons. 415 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapha, eewing machines, sheet music, and piano atudies. Repairing phono grapha and sewing machines; 433 State atreet, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furai ture Co- Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg Phone 110. VURSES FOR PRACTICAL 1483M. NURSE PHONE n25tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS AND ROSES Near Auburn hall. East Salem. North western Nursery. Phone 111F3. ni FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 237 Bute. COMPLETE LINE TREES 8MALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur erv Co 426 Oreron Bldg, Phone 75 OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Or tical Co., 325 State stre-t, opposite Ladd ft Bulk Bank. "Us Quality Proven 8hur-on. MORRIS OPTICAL COMPA...Y ORE gon Bldg. Rooms 301 to 304. By Alexander FAPZRHANGINO AND PAINTINO PHONK GLENN ADAMS FOR HOC8C decorating, paper banging, tinting, a lev Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEACTI- ful colors; $1 does a room. Mox O. Bnren, 179 N. Commercial. PHYSICIAN Of PHTSIOTHERAPHT Da JACKSON, DOCTOR OP PHY8I therapy, treats all ailments, worn' . ailmenta especially. 265 N. Commercial street. Phon 2005M, PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tnaer. Leave orders Will's Masi. Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros, 141 8. Liberty. Phon 850. f9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOHs' work. Phon 1897-J. 8 hop 187 Caioa street. A. L. Jjofr7'; RADIATORS, PENDER. ETO. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES mad : or repaired. J. u. Hair, 236 Stat St. REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St ? Umbrellas, .Cutlery 'snd Keys ) Lawn mowers, raxor-blades, scissors, knives . and tools sharpened. ' BCAV ANGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE OAR- bage and refuse of all kinda removed : by the month. Reasonable ratea. Ox : pool cleaned and dead i animals r- ' moved. Phones: Office, 529, Res. 2058. , MAYFIELD 8CAVANQER SERVICE ' Garbage and refusala of all kiads re moved Phon 19FS. , SECOND HANS ROODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH, ing sad shoes. Best priest paid. Cap-, Hal Exchange; 842 North Caaaaureial Phon 1368W. STOVES AND STOVX REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experiene. , Depot National fence, sixes 36 t 88 la. high. Paiata. oils and varnisbea, etc., logaa berry aad hop hooka. - Halem Feae and Stov Works, 250 Court street. Phone 184. TRANSFER AND HAULIMO WE MOVE, STORK AND 8HIP H0U8I hold goods. Oar specialty is plan aad furniture sieving. W also snako eo en try trips. W handle tk boat coal aad wood. Call a as for pries. W giv good measure, good quality sad good ' service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phon 880 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO SIS ' ' State St. Phone 983. Distributing, for warding aad storage oar specialty. 64 ' our raies TRANSFER AND HAULING linds. Phone. 19F3 or ALL TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES i W. Parker, General Manager entrai -Stag Terminal Salem, Oiefa, r. l.EM SILVERTON DIVISION Satem, Central Stag Termiaal: 7 a m; 11 a. at.; 6 p. m. Leave Silverton News Stand: 0 a. m.; 1 p. m.; p. am. Salem-Indpesdence-Monmoutk Dlrtstoaf ' Loaves Salem, Central Stag TerasiasJt 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. as.; 8:10 p. xa, 5:10 p. aa. Leaves Monmou tk, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m - 1 p. m.: 6:15 p. at. ' Leaves Independence, Beaver HoUit 8:80 a. m.; 9:50 a. m. ; 1:15 p. s 4 p. m.; 8:80 p. aa. Leaves Central Stag TamlasL 8al8 for Dallas at: 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. a. 8:10 p.. av Leave Oail Hotel. Dallas at 8 a. aa.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. xe,- W make connections at Salem to aJ parts of tk ralley. Extra trip by ap pomtment. I W PtRKlTB Oonml WisiM. :. VETERINARIAN FRED W. LANOE. VETERINARIAN Office 220 Sonth Liberty. Pbone 1191 Res. Pbone 1003 J. m9t WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER OO Office, 801 South Commercial St. Tot p-r cent discount oa domestic fls) ratea paid is advaaea. No dedactioaf for absence or say cause anleaa wat. JshuJffronremJaes WELL DRILLXVO R A. WEST. RT. 6, GARDEN ROAD Third house west j of Sweagle school 23 yeara experience drilling wells I Oreron, Washington and Idsho. ml Full Infantry Battalfon For Eastern Oregon Soon . Eastern Oregon will soon have a full battalion of infantry of the national guard, according to an nouncement made 'yesterday by Adjutant General George A. White who received reports from Baker and La Grande that those cities have infantry companies ' practi cally ready for acceptance by the government. General White has asked the war department for in spection dates and has sent offi cers to eastern Oregon to complete the preliminary work of muster in at Baker and. La Grande. . With the company at Hood River already in the service and another company yet to be formed, eastern ' Oregon will hare a full infantry battalion. The Baker La Grande and Hood River units are all rifle companies and the fourth unit to complete the battalion will be a ' machine company. General White said that the companies hare long been allotted to those towna but actual muster in has had to await on sufficient federal funds - for their upkeep. WV-'-'i L'eutenant Colonel Prank ; C McCulloch of the re'orve,1 corps- Is directing the organization work at Baker and Lieutenant Ralph R. Huron at La Grande. ; Both are overseas veterans. '.'". S