The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 16, 1924, Page 9, Image 9

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f 7
1 I-
yx, :': Worship today
KirkjmttirJc, minuter.: Oltlashkiied class
r?!'a.. own,,ail"1- fonJy school. 9:45
jhui H. p aihauka. aariiitaii4eiit. Morn-
Ink Worship, 11 clock. A special wel
rtuno .'"-! ' the boys of tha le
JSolay, who ara expected to attend tha
TV l1 bod'" ''"hero will be special
manic ijr tha choir nir tha iirectioa of
gtof. K. W. llolxon, wdh Prof. T. 8.
Boberts at tho organ, t Tha aermoa will be
r tho pastor on tha aitbjeet: "Khali
Christiana? Advance!'' .The everr-mmn-iMer
canrsca lor tho now world service
rrofram wiU.U aiada in tho alternoon.
'larenty-five teams will meet at the chorch
a 1:44 and will go forth at t o'clock to
Tisit tho membership of tho chorch. Mem
bers f tho eungrrcatien are invited to re
main at homo to receive the teams. The
; team captains will meet afain at the
church at o:30 o'clock to make report of j
tho day'a effort. Kpworth Lesjrue meat
at 6 :3t o'clock. The leaders are a fol
lows: 1st chapter, Rath Hewitt; 2nd
chapter. Marfsret Millard and Margaret
Townsend; Srd chapter, Helen Breithaupt.
Evening service. 7:80 o'clock. Wo ore
Specially privileged in having for tha
speaker of this occasion, Kev. A. L. Berk
odorf. missionary to the Itiilipplnes, who
, in home a forioagh. ilia jneaaajr.' ehoold
prove of unusual interest. ' A new series
' of church night studies will bo inaugur
ated next Thursday evening. Pot-luck
supper. i 3i o'clock, v Special Studies in
vangfelisin, preparatory to our Evange
listic campaign, at 7:U0 o'clock. Devo
tional service. .6:15. , These Thursday:
n.ght meetings during tho next four week
are to bo the. rallying .point of our whole
congregation lor - tbo ovaagolistio effort.
Your prayers and presence are urged.
' . .
1 Jawi Lee Memorial K. E. church. North"
- Winter and - Jefferson streets. U'homss
t Arheson, pastor. LeKoy Walker, assistant,
in charge of tho Junior church. Un Sun
day morning it 11 a m., wo shall have
With as lr. UilletU o returned mission,
arv frfoss Houth, Africa, lie comes to us
very hig'ily recommended as a speaker,
srd with a message of vital interest to
all. la tha oveninv at ' 7 ;30. the public
awrviro will bo evangelistic, and tho pastor
will deliver an appropriate message. Sun
day schorl will convene at 0:45 a.m.
Three separate department will function
thia hour, and features of interest to
fall will bo in evidence. Kev. Walker will
et aduet.tho Junior church service .st 11
jn. ,don stairs. '- Attendance ia . con
stantly growing at. the services.. Yonng
people to 10 eara of age invited. The
World Merries teams, appointed to further
the missionary program of tho church.
wilt remain for lunch at tho close of
iho asoramg - service. , Church members
will he pre p.trd to receive these teams
during the afternoon. Kpworth . League
, hrill meet -for, devotional service at fi:ao
jp.m. Yonng people always welcomed..
tHilnunt and nraiaa aervico for adults in'
tha auditorium at 7 p.m. There will bo
.special muiio by the choir at both the
'morning -Bad - evening service. . t. You -ore
heartily invited to suite with, us ia the
various activities of the day. Bring your
friends and neighbors along. Junior .and.
senior charchea will anile for la devotional
service on Thursday evening at 7:15.
&ublio always welcome. ,
f ..... i , t O '!'-,.. ' I
LealJe Method 1st ' Episcopal church,
- iRouth Commercial and Myers streets, li
y. Pemberton. pastor. You are invited
to attend 'the service a of thia church on
Sunday aa iollowa: tiunday school at :5
A. Rhoteo, snperintendent. A Bible
school where tho study Of tho book la tha
main, business. .Yoa . and your children
will be helped by attending.' Epworth
Ijeagao at 6 :30. A live young people a
meeting witth interest and enthusiasm lor
the best in life. Morning worship at It
'A o'clock. Hermon euhjecU Women wor
f shipping. Working. Waiting. A Woman s
Foreign Missionary society service
hich wntoea especially are InviWd. - The
ien WUl-wint to be there, too." Evjaing
Wetina at 7:0. Subioat: One Mediator
Hot ween Oo4 andf 34aa. -You will enjoy
hieh tha r hoTOS choir
IOI licimai " - - ' . - .
furnishe at both ; services, the bospel
preaching, tho . good fellowship, rthe
friendly groetinga. the cheerful atnM
pbero, tho happy ainging and the neigh
! ' lorly cordiality which mark thia church.
..Cjno with tut., .Jftaae nijoui
church. i
i ' : "; ;. '
Market itree Free Methodist church,
eorner of H. Winter- and Market streets.
Iter: Mortlntar CCraeko, pastor. Suaday
achool at 9;ia. DK J?rank 8. Schuts, aup
erintendenfc CUssea' for all . f d
ages. , , Preaching Jmux at U and !7;45.
Claaa meeting at 12:15,, A., D. GiDettci
leader. An old iashioned Methodist elaaa
meeting led ia the old fashioned way
Yonng people' meeting at :30. Itb
D. Cook ia charge. The I Fundamentals
Bible elase mseta Taesday at 7 :30. Prayer
meetuig-Thuroday at .:aO. The pastor
aubject Suadsy. morning will bo. Way
the Heart of Men ThirsU after Ood." In
sth ..evenlnf ,the pastor .will hring an
evangelistic meissge. Yon will receive a
cordial welcome at-every service.- ,
. --
Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal, 15th
and Mill streets. lsvid C. Hassel, pastor.
Service every Sunday tat 11 o'clock in
the morning aad o'clock in tho evening
This unday, the loth, Rev. O. K. Xll
tedt, of Portland, will -he with as and
' will preach at both the morning and even
ing services. Mr. Kallatedt is well known
hero and we are euro yen wi aU want
to hear him. Sunday school at! 13 o'clock
Oust Anderson, superintendent. Epworth
I.esgue at 7:15 in the evening. Miss
Hannah ChrUtenson, leader. .- Mid-week
Bible study, and prayer meeting .Thurs
day evening at o'clock. Yoa are cor
dially invited ' to air these meeting.- :
v : jr..
v ' -
r i
T - - Eritnsellst, -
First Congregational Church. Liberty
and Center street. W. C. Kantner, min
ister. . Sunday school at 10 a. m., with
interesting classes for all ages. and a
tordial welcome for all new comers. M.
I. McCailistcr, superintendent. . Morning
worship It a.m., sermon subject: "Paul's
High Estimate of Jesus Chrixt." At 7:30
p.m, under direction of lr. C. E. Powell,
tho famous pageant: "The Great Kofusal
and the Glorious Triumph' V will be given
Fifty persons will be participants in the
pageant dressed ia Oriental costumes.
This pageant presents a wonderful spec
tacle with a stirring christian message.
Central Congregational church, -South
19th street. Harry W. Johnson, minu
ter. Hnnday school and morning worship
at 10 a.m. Yonng People's meeting at
6:0 p.m. Preaching service at 7:80
pjn. "Making the Most of Life" will be
tho sermon topic. The new Sunday school
building is progressing nicely. The men
are giving generously of their time to tns
building work and - the response among
those who can pledge financial help is
not hearty. More than three fourtha of
tho building fund ia already subscribed.
The building will be under cover by Sat
urday night, and ready for use in another
week. On Tuenday evening, the Ladies'
gocial circle will serve a chicken supper
beginning at 6:30 p.m. and continuing
through the supper hour. Plate are 50e
for adults. .
First Christian Church, Center and
High 'streets. 'J.J. Rvans, minister; Miss
Hjtttie Mitchell, missionary. .Interesting
programs will ill the day' services. Tit
Bible achool with large classes of adults
and departments for sll the -children, com
petent -teachers, opens at 9:45. The men
of -the congregation will join in the down
town elate at the Bligh at 9:45. Kara
man should bring a man. The pastor will
preach morning apd evening. "The
liiviae Way" and "A Word of Warning"
will be the aeriaoa topics. Excellent
musie and devotional program. Tha
young people' society meets at 6:30.
Those who attend during the day' ser
vices will ie helped spiritually.
" ' ' - ' ' 1
' Court Street Christian, corner N. 17 th
and Court streets, K. it. Putnam, minister.
Bible Kchool. 9:45 a.m., Chris. J..Kowit,
superintendent. Miss Turner's orchestra
fnrnisheo the music. Special before
classes assemble. The- pastor will be ab
sent while holding a meeting at Aiuna
ville. Mrs. t'lara G. ssen of Portland.
fMato Bible f4chool superintendent of the
Churches of Christ in Oregon, will fill the
local pulpit- Sermon, .a.m., "Devotions
in the Home," She i an .interesting
talker .and yon will.waht to hear her. In
termediate Endeavor and Senior Endea
vor societies meet at 6:30 p.m. Evange
listic eervice at 7:30. All are welcome.
Church Hay, Thursday 2:30 p.m. A wel
come is extended all to attend any and
all services.
First Presbyterian church. Ward Willis
Long, minister. 9 :45 a jn, anUy achool.
11 a.m., Morning worship.- Sermon, ."The
Belief That Builds," fay the minister. The
quartet will staaf ''Hear My. Prayer. O
God," .Kevin. ? Organ numbers: , "Pil
grim Chorn from Taaaauaer, 'Wag
ner; "Spring Song," Mendelssohn; and
"March Nuptiale," Lemmons. 0:30 p.m.
Christian Endeavor societies. Miss Alma
Burdick will load tho senior society meet
ing, Miaa Lydia Child the advance inter
mediate, and Mr. Jack Ramage the inter
mediate. . 7:30 p ra.; popular evening ser
vice, eermon, The Doubt That Damns"
by the minister.' The quartet will aing
"O How He Loves," a Welsh Hymn, and
Mr. and Mr. Boberteon will aing a sop
rano and, tenor dnet, "Shadows of Even
ing." Organ numbers : ' 'Andante Can
labile" from fionata Pathetique, Beeth
oven', "Petite Hiatolre' Trinlll Snd
Poatelnde in O,',', Wagghorn.
' . .... BAPTIST
rirst Baptist church. Rev. E. H.
Shanks. Morning worship at 11 a.m..
Sermon by Rev. C. I. Trawin of Mo
Minnville. - Young People's rally at 4
p. m.f with anng service led by Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Tebow and addret by the
paator. Sahjectt "WresUexs with .the
Strong." B.Y.P.U. meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Evening evangelistic services at 7 ;30 with
song service ana sermon cy jev. irawm.
Regular church choir and a large chorus
choir. Lots of singing of old familiar
aosga. Tree will offering for the evan
gelist. ; l. - .
Corner of Fifth and Gainet streets, 'TS.
C. Erntson, paator. Sabbath school , at
10:30 and preaching at 11:30 a.m. Yonng
People' meeting at 4:30. Prayer meet'
log Wednesday at 7:30. Visitors are
always welcome at any of these service.
The topie for Sunday night'a lecture is
cne that all christian people are much
interested in: "Did the Besth of Christ
Bring In a Mew Order of Things!" What
ronatitntM tha two covenants I Should
W Keep the Sabbath under the New,
Covenaat I When once tne door t mercy
is ahut it ia tco late to-investigate. Bet
ter do it new. -Bring your Bible and
not - book. Sunday, 7:30 p.m. .
, CoVnf r.Twellth and , Mission street.
Sondsy sebool, 10 a.nv, classes for all
age. Preaching 11 am. Evening aer
vico. Christian Endeavor, 8:80,' Subject:
"Th. Kihl. in All the World: How it is
Sent Forth, and What it Does." Leader
Esther Tibbet.;. . Preaching 7:30. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Yon reUvito4 to attend end worship
: . - - d 1 . ' 0'
7:30 Each
Rev. C. V. Trawin, D. D.
. Evangelist - '
..... .. , ..... ... ' 1 . r 1 1 "
Mr. and Mrs. F, .G. iTeb w
Musical Evangelist?.-' ;
Solos Chorus Choir .
' , JLrOts of Music v '
with us.. ; AD at welcome. Come. C. W.
Tibbet, paatoc, . . - ,1 .... ,
United Brethren church. Castle chapeL
ooiaer.of 17th etreet and Nebraska avo.
Geo. .Chapman, paator. Sunday achool 10
ajn., C. P. Wells, superintendent. There
is a class for all. Come. Morning wor
ship -1 1 a.m. Christian Endeavor, 6 :30.
Junior C. E., 6:30. .Preaching at .7:30.
Ladies' Aid Wednesday afternoon. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening 7:30. All are
cordially invited to ail these services.
Tint Evangelical church. Libertv and
Center. C. t Poling, minister. Services
Sunday the 16th inat both morning and
evening. Preaching by tha paittor at 11
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Subject: "Christ Our
Protection and Provision," and "Christ
a Satisfying Portion ry.d Pel feet Safety."
A full attendance is desirrd. Important
matter to be uiscussed. Make these last
Three Lord's JJays of this conference
year days of victory and blessing. Bible
school at 9:45 with J. P. Ulrich aa super
intendent. Classes for aU area and
grades. 8etuor and Junior Endeavor at
6:30 p.m. 'Midweek services Thursday
evening. All invited. Unite as inter
cessors for the Union Evaageliatic ser
vices oeginning April 13.
St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran, 16th
and A streets. H. W. Gross, naator.
There will be regular Sunday services in
th eoGrman language at 17:30 a.m. The
Bible claaa under the direction of the
pastor meet Sunday evening at 7:30.
EvangelicaL Chemcketa street. P. W.
Launer, pastor. Sermon at 11 a.m. Sub
ject: "The Holy 8pint." Sermon at 8
p.m. 8unday achool at 10 ajn. Evan
gelical League at 7 p.m. Howard Olsen,
lender. Sermon st Auburn at 3 n.m.
Prayer services Thursday evening.
Christ Evangelical Lutheran church.
State and Eighteenth streets, U. Koehler,
pastor. 8unday school in ,EngliBh at
9:45 a.m. - iDivine service in German at
10:30 a.m. The Luther league meets st
6:30 pjn... Topic: "The Bible in .all tho
World; How it is sent Forth and What
It Does." Evening service in . English
at 7:30 p.m. The pastor speaks on the
outstanding characters in the passion his
tory of Christ. Midweek meeting on
Thursday st 7:30 p.m. Bible school on
Salnrday from 9:12 a.m.
- St. Paul's Episcopal chorch, corner
Church and Chameketa streets. Rev. H.
D. Chamber, rector. "The House of
Worship.' Second Sunday in Lent. Holy
Eucharist' at .7:30 a.m. ' in the chapel.
Church school at 9:45 ot which alt chil
dren are invited. Morning prayer, litany
and sermon at 11 a.m. . Vested choir and
good musie. The Y.P.S. meets at .7 p-m.
in the parish hoase. All young people in
vited. There will be an .evening ser
vice during "Lent ia the chapel at 7:30.
Come end have your favorite hymn ready.
Short sermon. The special lenten ser
vices are on Fridays. The -Ichildrenc. at
4 p.m. and litany and address at 7:45,
both in the chspel. 6t. Paul'a extends a
welcome to all, all the time.
Highland 'Friends, Highland avenue and
N. Church street. I. G. and Ida Lee,
ministers.. Bible school at 10 a. in.
Walter fltanton, superintendent. , Our
school ia growing in interest and numbers
and we have classea suited to all age.
If yon are not a regular attender .else
where, we earnestly invite you to meet
with us. Morning worship snd preaching
at 11. Junior Endeavor at 3:30 p.m.
Miss Vira Lull in charge. Senior C. E.
at 6:30 andi preaching at 7:C0 p.m. If
jou are interested , in Spiritual worship
and the preaching of the foil gospel you
Will enjoy meeting with- ns. Prayer meet
ing on Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
- ..
" South Salem Friends, corner of Wash
ington and Commercial streets. Carl F.
and1 Minnie .Q. Miller, pastors. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Dr. Carl F. Miller, sup
erintendent. Classes for all ages and good
teachers for all elassea. Meeting for
worship, 11 sjn. Evening service, 7:30.
Prayer meeting, Thursdsy 7:30. Yon will
find a welcome to all of these service.
Vnltariaa chorch. Rev. Martin Fere
shetian, minister. Church . services are
held in the Women' a Club building. Cot-
at 10 a.m. Graded instruction. .Class for
adnlta in tha study ol tne aew Testa
ment as literature, conducted by the min
ister. Lecture and discussion. Devo
tional services at 11 a-m. Subject of tbo
sermon, "Catholic and Protestant.'.' Mr.
FersshcUan will trace the historical evol
ution of the two great branches of the
Christian church and win give tho psycho
logical rsasoas for their existence. The
place of the Free Christian churches,- in
cluding the Unitarian will be considered.
Mrs. M. Fereshetian will sing "A Song
of India." Mr. W. A. Denton at the
piano. , Mrs. Budkmg of Boston, Field
secretsry of the Women's Alliance will be
in Salem on Friday. At 2 :80 on Friday
afternoon ahe will address tho Alliance
Which, will be entertained by Mrs. R.
Burton, 623 Union street.
first Church, Durbin and Hughes Hsll,
over Penny's store. Sunday morning ser
vices at 11 o'clock, subject of lesson ser
mon, "8nbstanee-" Cunday school at
9 ;30 a.m. Wednesday evening, testi
monial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading
room, 209 Maacnio Temple, open every
day exceot bolidaye and Sundays, from
11:15 to 5:30 p.m. All are cordially in
vited to our services aad to our reading
Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. Masses on
Sunday at 7:80, 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock.
During Lent Holy Mass is read in the
Church every dsy at 8 o'clock. Benedic
tion of "tho Most Blessed Sacrament on
Wednesdays. Fridaya and 8nndays, pre
ceded on Wednesday by the; Rosary and
a short instruction and on Fridaya bj the
Station of the Cross.
Evening at
.' t - "
Chnrch of Oed, 134 X. Church street,
J. J. Gillespie, psstor. Hundsy school 10
a.m. Preaching service 11 a.m. Subject,
"The Office and Qualification of a
Bishop and Deacon, Tim. 3, 1-13. Young
People's services, S:43 and preaching
service 7:30. Kubjectl ."The Orsce of
God, John 1: 17. Prayer meeting with
K. 3. GrosK, 1SU0 Highland Ave, Tues
day evening 7:30, snd prayer meeting at
1.14R X. Church street, Wednesday even
ing 7:30. Do not forget the date ot the
revival, April 7-27, as Evangelical Feath
erston preachea a gospel 'that justifies
sinneis, sanctifies believers, and naifies
them in one body, and heals the bodie
of those who are aick. Do not fail to
hear what he has to say.
Th. Universal Brotherhood are holding
their Sunday evening services at Wood
man Hall, 7:45, the public is cordially
Bethany Reformed church, corner of
Capitol and Marion streets. Mitndny
school 10 a.m. and German preaching
service 11 a.m. No evening service. M.
Denny, psstor.
Glad Tidings Mission, 343 Is Court
Street, C. S. Johnson, pastor. Sunday
school at 1 p.m. Services at 2 and &
p.m. Meeting on Wednesday evening. The
paator will lead. Young People a meet
ing on Thursday evening, leader, JdUs
Mary Doran. Meeting on Saturday even
ing, leader. Mrs. Johnson. We are not
allied with any denomination but be
lieve In the full gospel ot Salvation. Jlao
tism with the Holy Spirit, second coming
of Christ, and healing for the sick. Come
and let us worship the ixjnl together.
Everybody invited.
Church of the Naxarine. 19th and
Marion streets. V. Howard Davis, pastor.
Sunday school 9:4o. W. B. Hardy, super
intendent, classes "ton all. Preaching 11
a.m. and 7:30 p.m.. Young People's ser
vice, G:li0 p.m. A cordial welcome to alL
Salvation Army services, business meet
ing, 11 a.m. A full gospel service, teach
ing and preaching the Salvation from -
Sin. Company, meeting 2 p.m. Sunday
scjiool, classes for all ages. A good time
with tho children, Y.PX. Young Peo
ple's meeting 6:15. Come and meet witht
the young people. ' Salvation Army rally,
8 p.m., an old .time Salvation Army meet
ing with singing, musie and testimonies.
A sermon on the practical teaching of
Christ. On Tuesday, March 18, Col. John
Cousin and stiff. Captain West will hold
two meetings, one at 4 o'clock in the
afternoon and 8 o'clock in the evening.
All welcome, r-nsign and Mrs. A. at-
llolbrook officers in charge.
' Tall Gospel Mission. "185 S. Commercial
street. Kulnh D. Bullock, pastor. 251
Marion street. Services Sunday 2 and
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday night at 7:80. All invited to hear
the original gospel preached in the sim
plicity and power of the Holy Spirit
'-'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today,
and forever." lleb. 13: 8. Study th.
book of Acts ot the Apostles.
Irish Debaters Prefer
English to Native Tongue
(By Man)
DUBLIN. Feb. 25. In spite of
the fact that by the terms of the
Free State' constitution the Irish
language is placed on complete
equality with English, and that all
official notices are issued ip. both
languages, the use of Irish up to
the present time has been very
limited. Not more than one In
500 of the affidavits sworn in the
Law Courts are In Irish apd. ,the
debates in the Daii are almost
wholly conducted in English.
Deputy (Patrick Hogan of C.lare
says: "Every bit of national leg
islatlon has been discussed and
canvassed in English, every ques
tion has been asked In English,
every amendment, except one, has
been moved in English, and the
entire life of the nation is main
tained by artificial respiratio a
foreign language." His sugges
tion is that both houses of the
Parliament should accept a stand
ing order forbidding any member
to speak unless his or her remarks
are prefaced by at least 20 words
ot Irish relevant to the discussion
It si pointed out that this would
mean that all deputies and sena
tors must have some considerable
knowledge of the Irish language,
wheih many of them today are
NEW YORK, March 14. The
World Alliance for International
Friendship through the Churches
announces that arrangements have
been completed for public rallies
in favor of the participation of
the United States In the World
Court to be held during March and
April In 14 leading cities of Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho. Ac
cording to reports received here
at the headquarters of the Alliance
from field representatives Jn the
Northwest, these rallies jrill 3e
under the auspices of local church
organizations and In most of .the
cities there will be a aeries- ot mass
meetings, luncheons and dinners;
all devoted to this i one purpose.
The main speakers at all these
meetings will be JDr. -eemjah
Boynton and Tr. Hamilton HqIU
Dr. Boynton left New York Cor the
Northwest on March 10 th and Dr.
Holt, "who is now speaking in the
mlddlewest will join him at Poca
tello for the first meeting of the
series on March 14th.
The other meetings will be held
as follows: March. 15, Boise, Ida.?
March -1 7, 'Baker, Oregon; March
18 Pendleton, Qreg'pn; jiarch 11
The Dalles, Oregon; March 20, Eu
gene, Oregon ; . March 2 1 , Salem,
Oregon; March 22, 23, 21 and 25,
Portland, Oregon; March 25, Cor
valus, Oregon; March 26, Albany,
Oregon; March 28, Tacoma, Wash
ington; March 30, Seattle, Wash:
ington; April 1, Spokane, Wash
ington; . April' 2, Coeurd'Alene.
Idaho; April 4, Missoula, Mon
tana, . .
Portland Prcrwmr ; -
, TJnley V. Gordon, 'Associate Sec
retary of the "World 'Alliance, jrhp
has been . traveling . in ; Oregon
writes. that a number of leading
organizations will take part in the
demonstration In Portland,' 'The
Portland program follows : On
Saturday, March 22, Dr. Holt will
speak at a luncheon at the Oregon
Civic League. On Sunday, March
23, Dr. Boynton will speak at the"
First Presbyterian Church and Dr.
In the
, New style feattires noted in these Spring Coats mHude large flowing
sleeves and side effects. Both loose backs and belted models are. shown in
the season's new high
kit fox and black. .
Developed in sucH new fabrics as
Teddy Bear, Shaggy Cloth, Downey
Wool, imported and domestic plaids,
Velours, Bolivias, and Polaires in plain,
striped and plaid effects. Models for
dress, sports and general utility wear.
New Coats for Spring
Styled Especially for Girls
Little Misses will
jschool.and dress-up occasions. A variety of styles ii
Doui loose oacic ana oeuea moaeis are snown m veiours,
Polaires and other desirable materials. The new Spring
shades are featured in plain colors, stripes and plaids.
Sizes range from 2 to 6, 7' to 10, and 10 to 14. r
Holt at T the First Congregatlopal
chnrch and in the afternoon both
men will address t a mass meeting
the city '-Auditorium. In the
eveningthey will talk over the ra-
dlo and'later will make addresses
ViTfT18 A NATION-WIDE , ' '":
' . S Ui ! . . . .i .
160 North Liberty, Salem. dj$gpn
. ." "'
omen s o p r i ng
Season's Newest
shades in tans, greens, browns, terra cotta, reindeer,
like these new Spring: Coats for
from the'pfllpfts of Jocal churches.
On Monday. Martfh 24.' Dr. Holt
will address students of Reed Col
I leg and Dr noVnton will
the members ofsiheChamber of
J Commerce 'Fornrn. ... In the after-
- r
Prices fiange up. from
New Separate Skirfci
To Wear m& ffyeafe& C??fc??r
Every woman wants at least one Skirt fsuch as these
included in! her wardrobe, for they are as popular for
general wear s they are for sports. The materials are
varied, including, crepes, Velours .and-fancy lace striped
repp, .and the colorings witt harmonize with the' new
Spring sweaters 'and blouses. t I
Wraparound, pleated and side effects offer a variety of
styles from which you may choose these good looking
Skirts at our low prices. 1
$4.98 to 9.90 '
noon there will be meeting for
women brganlzatlons.' "On Tuesday
March 25, DrlJoynton will Ad
dress the Kiwanis ' club and t Dr.
Holt 'will speak to ; the Jlqtary
club. 4 " 4.
.Always .
at Low j ;
.Goods You like '
To Carry Home
- Added to .the helpful
personal service we give
you, is- the assurance of 1
crisp, fresh goods ;which ;
you like to carry home. V
Onr co-operative buy
ing .power with ihe $74 r
other v ' Stores ; ; in X this
Nation-Wide? Institution,
, brings jthe nerj things ;and
the . good .tilings Jto , ybii ; "
wbJile.j they.raie Tatill neypr
and good. - r.rx- v -
.' ' ' . '.-? '.'. . .'
And not'the Least :
factor' in .nuking your;
. idiapping bere a pleasure ;
,and profit are' V,tKe "; :
uniformly low prices you
ate asked to pay for :
,g.o o ds . of . thoroughly' '
reliable Quality. t , ' "
l - Hosne Dresses
JjTew r styles, attrac
tive colors, good worjc-- -jnanship
,and .excellent;
' rnaterials make these
gingham House DresS-v
es popular witn ,. our
customer'?. See t h i s t
new assortment at .
; $1.9.8 to J52.98
Tricot Silk Jersey ;
Petticoat of Tricot silk
Jersey, plain and fancy
p l a j t.e.d combination
,coored flounces. .. .$2JS
JUttKoats, .straight Hne
and jounced, with fan
cy' embroideries and'
plaits ..$343
Pfttticgkto of heavy Tri
cot And Milanese, -
straight line, flounced
. r .embroidered . . .$4JS "
.... I , t: '-- . . .. . .
S - . . v , j . .