The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 16, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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' f A varied program promising to
be of. more than ordinary interest
to the townspeople is announced
fbr Wednesday, March 19, 1924,
by the women's auxiliary of the
Y.M.C.A., 'when they sponsored
their second annual concert at the
First Methodist church. The hour
is 8 o'clock. The program fol
lows: -
A Song of Sunshine
. , . A. Goring Thomas
Mrs. W. W. Long, Miss Iva Clare
To Sell at $12.75
We have added this line to our stock of Meadow
brook which we will carry all season.
Other Meadowbrook Hats $14.75,
$16.50 and up
We have a special line of smart hats that we are
i selling at
$10.00 and $12.50
Hats ChicHats Darling Hats Demure
Tempting, fascinatingly smart, awaiting your
' i , . enthusiastic choice.
fe carry, we believe, the largest selec
tion of Gowns in Salem.
In this selection will be found those dresses
- which bring out all of ones best features and most
charming line styles that are youth-flattering,
youth-making and completely correct
Our line of Smart Coats is
most complete.
Madame Buff e-Morrison
Masonic Building, 115 N. High Street.
We nave a-special line of Frocks at
$19.75, $29.75 and up.
$1 6
111 ' 1 ' 'H
Love and Professor Franklin
The Spelling Bee ......
.Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Mrs. A. J. Rahn
Chinese Love Song Cadman
At Parting McDowell
McDowell club: Mrs. Grant Bon
nel, Mrs. Phil Newmeyer, Miss
Nellie Schwab. Mrs. K. T. Rit
chie, Mrs. J. E. Law. Mrs. Earl
JAUNTY SUITS of tweed, velours, poiret twills
and unfinished worsteds. Mannish tailored
' from, men's suitings including the box weaves
and herringbone. One, two, three button and four
- button double breasted models, some with box
; backs and others semi-English with belts.
$24.75 $29.75
r 9
The Store Where it Pays to "Pay As
Simpson, Mrs. Merle Rosen
crans, Mrs. George Allen.
Travelin' to the Grave
William Reddick
Heaven (Negro melody) .....
Arr. Burleigh
I'll Stand By (Selected), Granahan
Boys' Chorus
(a) Meditation Sturgeons
(b) Miserere (II Trovatore)
I'm a Wearin' Arthur Foote
Wee Hoose Amang the Heather
Harry Lauder
Mr. James Smart
Croon Underneath the Moon . .
Male Quartet: Messrs. R. H. Rob
ertson, Humphrey, Hansen, and
Airs, jonn uropny, after a
period of convalescence following
an operation at the Good Samari
tan hospital in Portland, returned
home Thursday evening with Mrs
Ralph Glover and Mr. Brophy who
motored to Portland earlier in the
Mrs. Seymour Jones, according
to announcement made from Eu
gene, has been elected new regent
of the state association of the
Daughters of the American Revol
ution for the next two years. Mrs
Seymour Jones is a very promi
nent local club woman. At pres
ent she is president of the Salem
Woman's cluL Other state offi
cers elected for the two-year term
are: Vice regent. Mrs. A. A
Finch. Astoria; second vice regent
Miss Sarah Van Meter, Mulnomah
chapter. Portland: recording sec
retary, Mrs. Thomas J. A. Aredus
Multnomah chapter, Portland;
corresponding secretary, Miss
Edith E. Benedict. Chemekata
chapter, Salem; treasurer, Mrs
Robert C. Wright. Willamette
chapter, Portland; consulting re
gistrar, Mrs. John L. Soule. Ma-
thew Starbuck chapter. Baker; 11
brarian, Mrs. P. M. Brant, Winema
chapter, Corvallis; historian, Mrs
Lulu D. Crandall, Quenette chap
ter. The Dalies; chaplain, Mrs
George F. Murch, Coos Bay chap
ter, Marshfield.
Miss Annie Lang is the retiring
regent. The convention which
was held at Eugene, brought forth
manv Interesting motions. The
progress of the state chapter dur
You Go'
ing the year was reviewed in de
tail. Committee reports were
given in relation to a number of
worthy association projects, l'lans
for the creation of a student loan
fund were announced. The apj
pointment of six organizing re-e
gents typifies the splended activ
ity of the association. Many other
affairs were attended to. Those
from Salem participating in the
convention .which was the elev
enth to have been held, were,
Mrs. La Moine R. Clark, Mrs.
Elmo White. Mrs. H. T. Love. Mrs.
Homer Goulet. Mrs. U. G. Ship
ley, Mrs. R. J. Valiton. Mrs. Harry
Styles, Mrs. W. H. Byrd. Miss Lil
lian Applegate, Miss Frances Rich
ards, Mrs. David Looney, Mrs. II.
L. Steeves and Mrs. Ed. Jory.
A very pleasant afternoon was
planned for the twenty-five mem
bers of the north and west divi
sions of the Presbyterian ladies'
aid society, who met Thursday af
ternoon with Mrs. George J.
Pearce, 267 North Winter street.
Materials for a unique and drama
tic game were provided. Miss
Dorothy Pearce gave an appreci
ated piano solo. Miss Helen
Pearce reviewed for the pleasure
of the guests her visit to the Pope.
The talk was reminiscent si last
summer's months abroad. After
they had busied themselves
throughout the afternoon with
their needlework, the guests en
joyed delicious refreshments
served by thehostess, Mrs. Pearce,
assisted by Miss Dorothy Pearce
and Miss Helen Pearce.
Dr. S. A. Bowman was host on
Thursday evenin gat the home of
Mr. and Mr3. John W. Harbison,
at a pleasant dinner party. The
mid-March green predominated
throughout the menu. Daffodils
and flowering currant were used
in the rooms. Covers were placed
for seven including Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Millard, Mr. and Mrs. John Har
bison, and Mr. S. A. Bowman.
Reelecting E. H. Kennedy of
Salem president, and O. F. Frank
lin, also of Salem, secretary, the
annual meeting and banquet of
the Willamette Valley Cleaners'
and Dyers' association was held
Wednesday evening at the Spa.
The twelve members who met
were honored with the presence of
the vicepresident of the national
association, Mr. Lavine, and of H.
Enke of Portland.
Mrs. A. T. Hill of La Grande was
the guest of honor when Mrs. R. B.
Fleming was hostess late in the
week for the members of the
Thursday club. Mrs. Richard Cart
wright and Mrs. George Bingham
were assistant hostesses for the
day. An ingenious guessing game
preluded the conversation and
needlework of the afternoon. Ferns
and flowers gave the roomsa spring
like touch. Those present for the
social meeting were: Mrs. C. P.
Bishop, Mrs. George Pearce, Mrs.
F. A. Elliott and her sister, Mrs.
A. T. Hill of La Grande, Mrs. C.
K. Spaulding, Mrs. W E. Kirk,
Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Mrs. Frank W.
Spencer, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs.
William Brown, Mrs H. J. Bean,
Mrs. S. C. Dyer, Mrs A. N. Moores
and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney.
Mrs. Reginald SanTord was the
guest of Mrs. Theodore V. Arnei
ter of Portland during the opera
season, attending the Boris God
unoff performance on Tuesday
The Salem Woman's club id
planning a home products banquet
for 6:30 Friday, March 21, at the
Armory. This is part of the club's
activity for the year. Mrs. C. P.
Bishop is chairman of the home
industries committee for the State
Federation of Woman's clubs. At
this banquet the club is arranging
for the seating of four hundred
guests. In so far as possible the
products wil! be those of Marion
county alone, and then of the state
in general. Mrs. Seymour Jones,
president of the Salem Woman's
club, will be toastmistress. Good
music will be provided and sev
eral five minute talks. Every club
and organization in Marion county
is cordially invited to Bten1. A
6mall fee will be charged for the
banquet to cover expenses. Any
manufacturer who wants to put in
tn exhibit for that evening wil)
be given free space.
Mrs. W. P. Lord will sfce that a
splendid flax exhibit is given. A
home products banquet put on re
cently by the Woman's club was
attended by over a thousand wo
men. A "bigger pay roll for
Marion County" is the program
which the women are starting to
put into practice.
Mrs. C. E. Alford of Portland,
who spoke Thursday afternoon at
the Jason Lee Woman's Home Mis
sionary society, which met at the
home of Mrs. C. M. Roberts, 1015
Shipping street, spoke, also at Mc-
Kinley, Lincoln, and Grant schools
and at the meeting of the Leslie
church missionary society. Mrs.
Alford returned to Portland on
The ladies of the Central Con
gregational church, meeting in the
church parlors last Tuesday for a
day of needlework, finished the
aprons on which they have been
working. On next Tuesday even
Ing. March 18. the society will
conduct an apron sale in connec
tion with their chicken dinner.
Miss Mabel Marcus will arrive
home Tuesday from Corvallis to
spend her ten-day spring vacation.
Drama class, at library.
Social meeting of Eastern Star.
Gentral Congregational women's
society, chicken, dinner and apron
Concert, sponsored by women's
auxiliary of YMCA, First Metho
dist church, 8 o'clock.
Elite Embroidery club, Mrs. C.
M. Clark.
Amicus club, Mrs. Earl Fisher.
Dinner bridge club, Mrs. Chas.
Japanese dinner, YWCA.
Faculty Women's club. Mrs. T.
S. Roberts and Mrs. E. W. Hob
son, hostesses. 1
Auction bridge club.
Oregon Products banquet, spon
sored by Salem Woman's club, at
6:30, armory.
Cecilian Music club, formal
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
F. Marcus. Miss Marcus is a
junior ia vocational education at
the Oregon Agricultural college.
Mrs. C. E. Alford of Portland,
who spoke during the past week
at three schools and two mission
ary societies, was a much appre
ciated guest in Salem.
The Bon Ami club was pleas
antly entertained Friday evening
when Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Erick
son were host3 for the club mem
bers and their husbands at the
Erickson home in West Salem.
The St. Patrick theme was merged
wi'h the dalfodil and violet decor
ations. Five hundred at fice
tables diverted the guest group.
High scor23 went to Dean Schu
macher and G. E. Johnson; and
low scores to Nile Hilburn and
Mrs. Dick Hooker. The hostess
was assisted in serving refresh
ments by Mrs. D. E. D:hton.
The evening guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. G. E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Bartner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Ferrel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bozell.
Mr. and Mrs. George Skeels, Mr.
nrt Mrs. Hilbourn, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Cupter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schu
macker, Mr. Fred Collins, and Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Erickson.
Meeting in tile club room, the
members of the Three Link club
enjoyed a St. Patrick's program
on Friday. The St. Patrick atmos
phere pervaded the readings which
Mrs- W- M. Siegmund and Louise
King gave. Elsie Simeral sang an
Irish song. The dining room was
atu actively decorated in keeping
with the day. The menu effective
ly brought out the Irish green.
The next meeting of the club will
be on the 28th of the month.
The members, or the Elite em
broidery club met for a pleasant
afternoon of needlework at the
home of Mrs. Ray Clark, 1541
North Front street, on Thursday.
Daffodils were bright about the
rooms. Refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess, Mrs. Fred Prince
assisting her. On Thursday of this
week, Mrs. C M. Clark will en
tertain the club.
Meeting at tht srudio of Miss
Elma Weller, the members of the
Salem Music Teachers' association
made interesting plans for music
week in Salem. The week set
apart' will be that beginning with
Easter Sunday. Mrs. Harry Styles
is president of the association and
presided during the evening. A
number of committees were ap
pointed. The activities of music
week will center around programs
and concerts to be given at the
different state institutions.
A new alliance In the world of
fashion has been consummated.
Enter a new vogue for summer
the dress with matching coat.
owing Vim Inspiration to the popu
larity of printed materials. Printed
dresses, writes Henri Creange from
Paris, predominate at the races,
and are worn with long coats or
wraps of the same material, or if
plain color, lined with the same
material as the dress. These
coo. la are straight, lapped way over,
and without buttons. They are
developed in crepe, Dalpaca, and
Drapaa, two new alpaca weaves,
or even ra printed cretonne. When
they are made of a plain material
they are most often black .or
some shade of brown. The frock
pictured, of figured crepe de chine
in a Persian panel design ot
Cheney inspiration is supplemented
by a long coat ot Crepe Cantones
Que, lined with the same pat
terned fabric as that of the frock.
The design Is In black on a b-l?e
background a fashionable color
combination, and the coat Is black.
The dress shows two flounces
giving the required fullness In
front. The back of the dress,
following the laws of asymmetry
now In favor In tne fashion world
Is quite plain. Such "a costume
lends Itself to innumerable uses,
and the dress and coat combina
tion will be welcomed by wonien
-who have felt that a light dress
la not the correct thing for tow&
wear tn summer and yet have
necessitated to burden themselves
with a topcoat These coats can
be made at home at no great cost
and give an air of chic to even a
stmplo cpgtumo. 1
-4 il
Pomeroy & Keene's Silverware Club
Our Club Payment Plan Puts
Within the Reach of Every Housewife
This Offer Lasts Only Until Saturday
Bird of Paradise - -
Porvidence -
Hostess "1835" - - -
R. Wallace
Dorothy Q "1835" -
R. Wallace
Pompeian ------
Reed & Barton
Reed & Barton
Reed & Barton
Anniversary "1847"
Rogers Bros.
Buy Now For
Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Beautiful Correct Service Tray FREE with each 26-piece Set
Gifts that Last
Mrs. Roy Comegys of jSnohom
ish, Wash., is making a short visit
with her sisters. Mrs. H. W. Thiel
sen of Salem and Mrs. Ivan Put
nam of Shaw.
Miss Nell Thielsen and - Miss
Beatrice Walton, who have been
spending the winter in California,
left Los Angeles yesterday March
15, for Salem by motor. They
will return by the Ridge route,
making several stops.
Returning from an interesting
winter in California, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred A. Legge and Miss Margaret
Legge arrived home Thursday
evening. Kenneth Legge, who left
a week ago to look over a group
of buildings in San Francisco,
joined the party, returning with
them. The-trip was made- by the
coast route, through Santa Cruz,
Monteray and Santa Barbara as
far south as San Diego and Tia
Juana, Mexico. The return itiner
ary followed the inland route
through Bakersfield and Fresno.
The large part of the winter was
spent at Long Beach and Los An
Make your own selections, as much as you like.
If your purchase is $25.00 or more you can buy
on the convenient Club Payment Plan A small
deposit and balance on weekly payments until full
amount is paid. Join any time before closing hour
of store next Saturday it will be an investment
you will always remember with pleasure. A beau
tiful correct service tray Free with each twenty
six piece set.
Buy in Sets
Initial Piymnt
' then $1.00 a
week KlTei yon
complete 2 6- Piece
Set packed in beau
tiful correct service
trajr for 131.75.
Pomeroy & Keene
Mss Alma Oden and Miss Ro
salie Peart of Coquille, Or., were
the guests during the basketball
tournament of Miss Ruth Ross at
the G. Fj Ross home. Miss Oden
and Miss Peart are leavingfthis
morning for their homes, going
by automobile.
As the final in the series of three
concerts brought to Salem through
the efforts of Mrs. W. E. Ander
son, Cecil Fanning will sing Friday
evening, April 4, at the Grand
theater. Mr. Fanning has been un
stintingly praised as the possessor
of all the essential qualities of the
really great concert artist. He
has the voice, the technique, the
innate sense of musical interpre
Many Women Choose
For Its Splendid Service and
Good Appearance
Ratines Are More Popular Than Ever
See our splendid assortment of imported "and-flomes-.
tic, long wearing ratines in the season's pnost fash
ionable colors, plain, checks and plaids for dresses, -skirts
and blouses. They're 36 and 38 inches wide. ,
Priced 59C and 98c a Yd.
Receive careful attetion. We
prepay the postage or ex
press within a radius1 of
a hundred miles.
Salem Store
460 State St.
or Make Your
Salad Forks
Cold Meat Porks
Butter Knires
Sugar Spoons
Berry Spoons
Dessert Spoons
Dinner Knires H.R.
Dinner Knives M.H.
Dinner Forks. F.H.
Butter Spreaders
Set of Six t 7.00
Each a 2.2S
Each t 1.8S
Each t 185
Each $ 3.86
Set of Six 3.75
Set Of Six f 7.85
Set of Six 7.60
Set of Six $10.60
Set of Six $ 7.00
Set of Six $ 7.60
Set of Six $ 6.00
Gifts that Last
tation, and he has the emotonal
capacity. The New York Herald
describes his tone as "flawless and
of silken beauty." As tojhis emcK
tional capacity, Cecil Fanning bag
had this said of him: "Of Irish ex
traction, Cecil Fanning is emotion-
(Continued on page 8)
Satisfaction G uaranteed
On every ' purchase or your
money cheerfully refunded.
Portland Silk Shop
883 Alder SU
mi 'ii ill.
1 :
i .
! .