The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 16, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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I Use a Cream
Which France perfected the finest ever known
1 . By Edna Wallace Hopper
' ' France gave to me, many years
ago, the finest cold cream in ex
istence. It helped to make' me a
famous beauty- the rage of New
YTk. And now, aXter 40 years as
a stage star, it keeps me a beauty
Many young girls envy my com
plexion. And my youthful bloom
at -my age Is the marvel of mil
lions of women. Now I have ar
ranged to supply to all the very
helps which made me what I am.
, 'i -. A fruity cream
My Youth Cream contains prod
acts of both lemon and strawberry.
Also all the best that science
knows to soften, feed and smooth
the skin.
No woman I know has ever
found anything to so foster the
fine texture of the skin. What
ever cream you have used before,
my-Youth Cream will amaze you.
Edna Wallace Hopper's Youth
Cream is now supplied by-all drug
gists and toilet counters. Price,
60c per jar. It comes in two
types the Cold Cream type and
the Vanishing type. He sure to
get the type you want." Both have
the same essential constituents.
Neither grows hair on the face.
Also my Facial Youth my fam
ous liquid cleanser. Also my
White Youth Clay the last word
in facial clay. Also my Hair
Youth, uliiYli brought my luxur
iant hair. My Ileauty Rook comes
with each.
Now every, girl and woman may
enjoy the benefits I got. The
multiplied beauty, the perennial
youth. The greatest beauty helps
that science knows are at your
cali. Let my Youth Cream show
you how much they mean to you.
Edna Wallace Hopper, 536 Lake
Shore Drive, Chicago. Adv.
reminders of pre-jitny days.
keep the hummocks.
I've got the political blues.
Several times recently I have
"sntik up" on citizens talking on
some street corner, hoping to filch
a story from their conversation,
but in each and every instance
their talk was politics everything
from Teapot Dome to town dog
catcher. It is discouraging; but
I shall have my revenge.
I do ndt care for politics nor any
thing like that.
I hate to hear a candidate a-talk-
ing through his hat.
I would that all men could agree,
and each one love the other.
That all might dwell in harmony
and no man hate his brother.
But since men will not do these
things, but vie in angry feel
ing And each one occupies his time the
other's sins revealing.
I shall start with tooth and toe
nail for to mix up in the
And shall make an honest effort
to be mean as I know how.
Melvin Jones, International
Secretary, Coming Here
on Thursday
The Lions club of this city is
about to be honored with an ofli-
; 'Tha Outlander envies those old
tlmers In. Salem who from habit
and. Instinct know the location of
each ; of those places where the
sidewalk Is heaved dp by the roots
of the big trees growing alongside.
They undulate gracefully over
them like a ship riding a wave
while the Outlander strikes the
reef with a crash and is nearly
wrecked. Nevertheless, the only
thing to worry about is the fear
that some too up-to-date influ
ence may attempt-to have those
hummocks leveled down. This
should not be. Like the magnifi
cent fir tree on North Summer
street they should be retained for
their quaint interest as landmarks.
The world is full of progress,
smartness, efficiency, and exact
spic-andspanness. Some of us are
about fed up on it, and view with
fondness some of the remaining
Four of them were going to an
afternoon tea. The one who was
driving the big sedan and who
had just taken in the other three,
was very much excited, and talk
ing and gesticulating in all direc
tions at once, while the big car
glided up the street. '"What do
you think, girls! I just had my
first accident with the car! I
ran Into a street car. Not very
hard though; and the car bounced
right back' when the bumpers
struck. I think the motormen
ought to be more careful. He
could surely see that I would not
be able to stop in time. It real
ly was his fault and if he had
waited a minute I should have
told him so. I am always care
ful" (sudden crash and stoppage
of the car) "Well, what do you
know about that! That car ran
right in front of me! Why don't
he watch where he is going?"
And the driver of the car which
had reached the intersection from
the right looked ruefully at his
smashed fender as the big sedan
continued erratically up the
ft? V r-
y7 0
' :
A. A.
"There's not enough whistling
in Salem." said a new citizen from
Kansas, recently. "I don't mean
steam whistles," he continued, "I
mean human whistling the kind
cial visit by Melvin Jones, secre
tary general of the International
Association of Lions Clubs. He
that women can't do successfully.
I never before was in a place
where there was so little of it as
in Salem. In Kansas about half
of the male population under 50
year old are whistlers, while here
even the school boys don t seem
to know how. Somebody ought
to teach them. I believe that a
whistling man makes a better
Christian and a better neighbor
than the other kind. It shows
cheerfulness and optimism and a
desire to spread it. The trouble
with Germany was that the Ger
mans are not whistlers. Our
whistling doughboys licked em
easy. I'll bet if you go out to the
pen you won't find many fellows
in there who are whistlers.
le.ft International headquarters in
Chicago on March 1 for a visit to
pTPrv Lions club in the -9th dis-1
tru-t of the Lioits international.
This jurisdiction iucludes Wash
ington, Oregon and British Colum
bia. Secretary General Jones will
ar.rive in t his city on March 20.
On his" way back to Chicago li
will stop at Salt Lake City where
a meeting nas neen caiieu oi an
Lions in th' 2Sth district, which
covers run ami all laano exc-pi
the pan handle.
This visit of Secretary General
Jones is a compliment to the offi
cers of all Lions clubs in the dis
trict, and especially to Ray E. HIg-j
elow of Seattle, who is third vies i
president of the Lions intimation-J
al, and Harlan I. Peyton of Spo- j
kane, district governor of the
19th district. Under their direc
tion the clubs have increased in
number and have vastly increased
their useTullness. Two field di
rectors are actively at work in th?
district, organizing new clubs and
counseling those already estab
lished. . Mr. Jones comes especially to
confer with the leaders on this
extension of the domain of Lion
ism and to advise with them about
the next international convention
to bo held at Omaha on June
The secretary general has-been
identified with the Lions inter
national from its small beginnings
in 1917. He has seen the organi
zation grow from a few clubs, with
l few hundred members, to a
mighty organization covering the
I'nited States and Canada, with
750 clubs and 40,000 members.
The cornerstone on which Lion-
jsm is luiilued is the making ot
bette r eftizens. To this end Lions
mite with all good agencies in all
good civic work. They work al
ways in accord with the chamber
of commerce of the city, carry on
charitable works, help to build and
endow schools and hospitals, back
the Red Cross and the Salvation
Army, work hand in hand with
the schools, urge and help in the
building of roads, establishment of
parks and playgrounds every
thing that builds up the communi
ty, and nothing that tears down.
The list of members in this city
contains the names of many of the
ery beat professional and business
men. The officers of the local
Lions club are: Dr. W. B. Mott,
President; Ross Miles, vice-presi
dent; Dr. Carl Wonner, second
vice-president; Allen Kafoury,
tbird vice-president; Frank Neer,
secretary; Rich L. Reimann, treas
Here is' the place to furnish your home at a real saving. Our stocks contain
. everything that the modern home desires from living room to the kitchen.
There are big, roomy, overstuffed suites that just exude comfort; there are also
the light ! and , luxurious cane suites.
1 For the bed room we have a fine assortment of ivory, mahogany and walnut bed
room suites, priced very reasonable.
Our showing of dining room suites was never better it will pay you to look here
before buying.
' ITiree ce tapestty living room suite,
. Davenport, chair and rocker to
vC : match, now : .$112.50
; beautiful 3 piece cane living room set,
Upholstered in fine grade velour.
.Davenport chair and rocker to v
: - match, now $136.00
Beautiful Queen Anne dining room table
in mahogany or walnut with six blue
.4.4 leather seat chairs to match, now....$89.50
- 6'ftoak table with 6 oak chairs uphol-
i stered in brown leather. Special ... $39.75
-IT'":'::. :
; ; ;s At Greatly Reduced Prices
5 V Spring Time is House-Cleaning Time. Brighten up that
living room vrith one of our fine Axxninster Rugs. These
; nigs are all good, clean patterns. Many are closeouts but all
are extra fine; values. For a few days only we will sell at
these reduced prices. ,
9x12 Rugs; Values up to $55.00. Now $42.50
Beautiful 5 0
inch Madras in
many different
colors. Regular
values u p t o
$3.50. Now
98c per yard
while they last.
jl. L
$1.00 Down
Places the new Hoosier Cabinet in
your home, then so much per week.
$1.00 Down
Then so much per week will buy the
Hamilton Beach Electric Sweeper. We
charge no interest.
Free Sewing
Machines have stood the test, why not
buy one now. Your credit is good.
One bottle of O-Cedar Oil with every
Mop sold, Monday only.
DETROIT, Mich., March 16.-
Lpward price tendencies of six-
cylinder automobiles Jn the $1,000
field indicates a shortage in cars
of this price because of a heavy
early spring demand, states Harry
M. Jewett, president of the Paige
us i rou iioior (jar company, in a
letter to W. H. Truman, Paige and
Jewett dealer.
Asked as to possibilities of an
increase in the price of the Jewett,
the Paige company president said:
"We note that three of our com
petitors in the thousand-dollar
field have Deen forced to increase
their prices. Certainly this indi
cates the present tendency. It is
our fixed policy to give the public
the biggest possible dollar's worth,
to operate on a reasonable margin
of profit and to avoid price in
creases. v e cannot promise, how
ever, that the present low prices
for Paiges4 and Jewetts can long
be continued.
"We have seen many Indications
Of a' shortage of six cylinder cars
in the popular priced field daring
the coming spring. Attempting to
give the biggest dollar's worth of
motor car value of any manufac
turer in our price class, the Paige
company built what is thought to
be the largest and most modern
factory of its kind for the exclusive
production of the Jewett Six.
"Every possible effort has been
made to make certain that we can
cupply quality cars at reasonable
prices. The wise buyer should re
cognize that there is likely to be a
spring shortage of desirable makes
of motor cars and that 'the price
tendency is sharply upwards."
"" Copyright 1924 Hart S chaff ner & Marx .j. "
The new idea in
"More Comfort" is tK? moving
spirit of Spring: Styles iii Clothes
You ought -to, like that idea;
clothes that hang easily and give
you plenty of freedom last longer .
and keep their shape better
We're ready for you with Hart
Schaf f ner & Marx Clothes
They express "the new idea
better than any clothes we
know of
Trade in t your used
goods. Visit our ex
change department.
Use Our Elasy Pay
ment Plan. We
charge no interest.
give rj
County Sunday School Con
vention at Stayton Backs
WCTU Movement
Resolutions endorsing the
WCTU movement for the abolition
of tobacco, particularly a ban
against the sale and manufacture
of cigarettes, were passed at the
25th annual convention of the
Marion County Sunday School
council of Religious Education
which closed at Stayton Saturday.
Officers will be the same this
year as last, with the exception of
secretary-treasurer, Gladys Emery
being elected to this position. W.
S. Wright is president of the dis
trict and Fred De Vris president
ot the association. Approximate
ly 50 credentialed delegates and
about 250 interested people attend
ed the convention, large crowds
being present yesterday because of
the fine weather.
A feature of the convention was
the Saturday luncheon, provided
by the .women at the community,
which was attended by all towns
people as well as the delegates
and visitors. There was no charge
made for the luncheon.
Dr. W. T. Milliken, former pas
tor of the First Haptist church of
Salem, delivered the principal ad
dress for the closing session,
dwelling upon topics of interest
to the association, particularly the
evangelistic work being carried
on by the young people. Dr. J.
T. Matthews and Prof. W. II.
Ilertzog, of the Kimball College
of Theology, were the principal
speakers at the opening session
Friday. Rev. R. L. Putnam also
spoke Friday afternoon. Three in
stitute sessions were held during
the conference, one each at the
Baptist, Christian and Methodist
Students Are Needed to
Supply Demands in Various
S e c 1 1 o n Opportunity ,
Fine; Yonng ; Men and;
Women Keeking Field of
Ml T
Portland Woman Wants to
Be Delegate to Democra
tic Convention
Mrs. Alice M. McNaught of Port
land has filed with the secretary
of state her statement as a candi
date for delegate from the state at
large to the national democratic
convention in New York. Her slo
gan: "Will work for a progressive
democrat whom we can elect in
Novemer." Her platform follow:
"Never, since the democratic
party was founded by the immor
tal Jefferson, has it had a greater
opportunity to serve the people.
The nation must be rescued from
the deadly clutches of the exploi
ters that have contra! of the re
publican party. A progressive de
mocrat values the welfare of the
individual above the accumulation
of profits. In giving priority to
tax reduction on large incomes the
republican party has belittled
every progressive issue, including
WE NEED more students to
make osteopathic physicians
to supply more demands in vari
ous sections. High school certifi
cates will admit you to most of
our colleges. Some of them re
quire pre-medical work or at least
credits in chemistry, biology and
physics of college grade before
you can enter the regular four
years' course. Many of our stud
ents are college trained, and a cer
tain per cent have college degrees.
The colleges of osteopathy are
located as follows:
The American School of Osteo
pathy, Kirksville, Missouri.
The A. T. Still College of Osteo
pathy and Surgery, also at Kirks
ville, Missouri.
The College of Osteopathic Phy
sicians and Surgeons, Los Angeles,
The Chicago College of Osteo
pathy, Chicago, Illinois.
The Des Moines-Still College of
Osteopathy, Des Moines, Iowa,
The Philadelnhia Cnllee-n nt Os
teopathy, Philadelphia; Pennsyl
vania, j . . .
The Kansas City College of Os
teopathy and Surgery, Kansas City,
Missouri. '
The Massachusetts College of
Osteopathy. Boston, Massachusetts.
Most professors! are overcrowded,
but from every state comes a' call
for more osteopathic physicians.
Here is an inviting opportunity tor
some of our finest yonng men and.
women who seek a field of serrjeo
the greatest vocation,', that-, of
the family physician. ' '
For catalogue address Dr. Ana
Brekte, 506 U. S. Natfl. Bk. BldS
Salem, Oregon. - ' 11
child labor, veterans' bonus, un
derpayment of labor, bankruptcy
of farmers, etc. As delegate, I
will help nominate ticket and
write platform truly democratic'
William F. Woodward of Port
land filed yesterday as a candidate
lor the republican nomination for
representative in the legislature
from the 18th representative dis
trict, Multnomah county.
His platform is: "if nominated
and elected I will during my term
of office strive to reader "faithful
and intelligent service to our state
and nation."
- R. J. Carsner of Spray has filed
w a i
MK tore lit.
as an aspirant for the Ttepubllcaa
nomination for state senator . to'
the 18th senatorial district, com
prising Gilliam, Sherman
Wheeler counties.
The best way for a girl to Tia
being insulted by a stranger in
taxicab is not to climb into th
cab with him. '
.Capital Harawaro
& Furniture Co. s
Best Prices P:
. 185 N. Com! St. Pnona MT
rrtu v.ruiv rutiiuTtiiTr mwvii'ss'