THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 1G, 1924 Isaaed Dally Exeepl Monday by TBS RATESMAM FtTBLIBHIMO . SIS Boats Commercial fit, Salem, Oregon B. J. Hendrieke John L. Brady frank Jaskoskl . , MEMBER OF TBS ;- The Inwltui Thii la aulnaieal Mil dispatches credited ta it or not otherwise credited ta UU paper ui also the won aawa published herein. . R. J. HENDRICKS ? President ,'--: -if-" "rv. " BUSIES Thome . Clark C., Haw Tark. 141-145 (Portland Office, 830 Worcester Bid- Pkoa Baalae Of flea ' Mawa Department . Jab Department KBtarad at the FoetefOoe la Salem, Oregon, aa eeeond-eaa i OUT OF THE LEAGUE BUT IN IT The writer of the matter that appears in this corner of The Statesman believes the United States should be a member of the League of Nations ; believes our country should have ratified the treaty "when it was up in the United States Senate for rati fication, either without an i dotted or a t crossed, or with any one or any one set or all the reservations that were proposed And he holds that we should still join ; that we should quit sneaking in at the '.various back doors For we have sneaked in at most of them already. ; ' Every, now and then somebody pulls a flash on our govern ment to show that, in spite of the isolationists, American partici pation in-the affairs of the League of Nations is being daily extended. ' The League is not' press-agenting itself, but there is an assistant secretary in charge of publicity. His presence in this country was viewed with alarm by some of the hermit statesmen at Washington. -Senator Moses of New Hampshire had the gen tleman subpoenaed to compel him to testify concerning his mission. . .The visitor had no objections, i He told Senator Moses a'lot of things. He said that there was an international federation of peace societies and League of Nation associations with the avowed purpose of bringing the whole universe within the scope of the And the visitor said (hat even in Italy the government was furnishing the support for a League society that was a member of the federation. It was started-by Mussolini himself. The visitor:told Senator Moses that Ireland had joined the League Without being in any way committed to the territorial provisions of the Treaty, of Versailles and that the United States could be admitted without becoming involved or entangled in any Euro pean territorial controversies. & ' Moreover the League representative mentioned the fact that America. is already .participating in many functions of the League with the approval of the government. Joseph C. Grew was appointed by Washington as observer on the disarmament commission of the League. Congressman Porter of Pennsyl vania was named by the American government to full member ship in the opium commission of the League. Dr. Rupert Blue of the United States health service was officially designated to the like commission in the League. Miss Grace Abbott of the Children's Bureau at Washington was named by our government as a member of the League commission on the white slave traffic Col. James A. Logan was designated by the administration as observer on the reparations commission under the Treaty of Versailles.7 Gen. Charles G. Dawes, Owen D. Young and Henry M. Robinson were officially designated by the reparations com mission to determine the financial condition of Germany. W. P. CF. Harding, former head of the federal reserve, has been selected as the League manager of the financial affairs of Hun gary. John Basset Moore, former Counsellor of State, was appointed as a judgjs in the permanent Court of International Justice Huntington Gilchrist and Arthur Sweetser, capable Americans, are filling responsible positions in the official secret ariat of.the League , -.-.- ,; And there are others. The list is a growing one r In fact wejare out of the League but in it. "' Although we are .out-of the. League, in respect to paying any : of its expenses,' our country furnishjes more auditors and spectators when the Council assembles than all the fifty-seven membership countries put together ' And they sit in the bleachers ahd offer more or less dis interested advice, to the chagrin or Heartening,; as the case may be, of the men and women who are playing the game, and whose government are paying the bills- . And this places the richest country in the world in the attitude of the small boy. who era wis. under the circus tent Puts Uncle Sam in the position of sticking his nose into the business of other peoples concerning the business of which he of ficitlly claims to have no concern And if this process 'of sneaking in through the various back doors keeps on at the rate of the past year or two, it will. be but a short time till our country is "sitting in" in every phase of the game, without contributing! anything at all to the jack pot, or necessarily sharing any of the responsibilities coming from the activities which, are. set on foot partly through the participation4 of our own' unofficial" observers and. players and various and "divers brands of Buttinskys. The reference in yesterday morning's Statesman to the idea of Henry Ford on the high surtax charges on large incomes in this country was very well put- byj both, Mr. Ford and the editor. There are a lot of fool things in our federal taxing system One of the biggest fool things of them all is the system we have of making Americans doing business in foreign coun- tries pay the same taxes as they would pay at home Awhile they are in. competition with the nationals of other countries who pay in the sajInV fields of endeavor no tax at all; indeed, in some cases, are subsidized by their.governments. This is pure idiocy, i We cannot hope to build up a great foreign trade if we refuse to allow our people to operate on an equality, or something near an equality, with the people of other countries with whom they must come into competition. We are pursuing a provincialism that is on a par with the ideas prevalent in the veriest back ' woods districts. V':.-' v ''"V CONGRESS AND THE PEOFLE President Coolidge made an arnest. effort -to Jiate eongress reduce the '- taxes of the people. Vccording to the president's plan t would be possible to reduce the ncome taxes 23 per cent. The arlng, of course, would be much rreater than that,' aa It prorlded aking the taxes off from. amuse lents and a lot of other things, 'he president felt that $300,000, 00 could be saved to the people, vhich U about $3 per capita. Cer ilnly this , la something V worth oking after. 'The leaders tailed take It seriously. They were so isy fighting among, themselves n they could not enact any leg ation. It is a bad sttnatlon. r r c - ct the president Is Manager Editor Vui(r Job Dept. ASSOCIATED PRESS entitled ta the as to nafcllcatloa f U OARLRT ABEAM S . J. L. BRADT Secretary Viee-Prsaideat OFFICES: " ' Waat 88th St.; Chicago, Marquette Bull 668 T Bneadwey, ft a. William. Mgr.) TELEPHONES: 88 Circulation Offlea SS-10 Society Editor 888 106 ess attar. feasible, it has the approval of the treasury department, and the pub lic mind has been expressed eon stantly since congress convened three months ago. i . x The country is not informed of any situation in the house or sen ate to account for the Indiffer ence of members of those bodies. Tax reduction la a matter of high est Importance to prosperity of the nation. Yet congress shows a las situde, to respond to the popular will which reflects the distance it has wandered from the purposes of its organization to serve the peo- plev, - ''':''"' "' ' ' "i T ,? For a pabllc' body to bcome so unsympathetic toward the sources of Its being Is difficult to under stand. The laborer, (the office manias well m their etnolnyers. the farmer, the merchant, the lead ing forces in " great Industries all anticipated from congress a quick response when the way opened for tax reduction and resultant bene fits to every phase of enterprise. That the delay is willful there seems no doubt. CHARACTER DEFECTS A careful study of men who go wrong in responsible positions re veals that it is not a momentary impulse, but the result of un leavened character. A man stays steady until30 years of age, when hla early training falls to sustain the demands of character, and he falls. The man whose early train ing is stalwart, who has instilled in him the principles of integrity, mighty seldom fails. At times he may not have much money, but he always has his character. This harks back the parental re sponsibility. One half of the men who go wrong could, with proprie ty, charge the act up to early training. There Is nothing any worse than an untrained child that has not' learned to act according to the rules of the game and to preserve character above all things. Character defects are re sponsible for practically all our business shortages. STUDYING OREGON Professor Horner's new history for Oregon calls attention to the fact that we can profit greatly by studying our state. Oregon has not developed. There is a reason. and that reason can be found in studying our historical settings, by knowing where we stand and why we stand there. It is possible for Oregon to take a new lease on life and to take its rightful place on the Pacific coast. We have more potential wealth than any other state in the union and more chance of development than any other state, and it is good news that we are beginning to wake up and in sist upon our place in the sun. Not only should we study our history, but we should study our industries, study their prospects and resolve to become boosters for a state that can respond splendid ly to legislative boosting. AN INTOLERABLE SITUATION Congress has been in session three and a half months and it has no legislation to Its credit. The entire time has been taken up with fruitless investigations, petty bick ering and despicable partisan ex hibitions. What Is the remedy? There Is but one remedy, and that is a re turn to .the iron hand methods of Tom Reed. There was terrible squirming and much clamoring, but the majority in congress did pass legislation. Both houses of congress needs a dose of Tom Reedism. Ultimately, we must re turn to this practice, because it gave us legislation. It was un popular at the time; terribly so, but It saved the situation then, and it will save the situation now. Senatorial courtesy and congres sional dilatoriness must give place to positive action. UNITED ACTION There are indications that Ore gon can put through some reclam ation programs if the people prop erly get behind them. Oregon has not fared as well as it should fare, and this is not a good time for new projects, but we have several under way which promise well if we can give them proper attention. True, they are not worth much out here In the Willamette valley, but neither are the Willamette valley rains worth much to eastern Oregon. We are one state, how ever, and what helps one helps all. The reclamation would be a great thing for eastern Oregon, and it is up to the people to Insist that a real program be put through. THE FEDERAL CROWD The Oregon Statesman is glad that there is such an hearty re sponse to its protest against any member of the federal crowd act ing as a delegate to the national convention. This is not a personal matter in any sense, but It cer tainly is a fine political matter. There are hundreds of men in Ore gon who would appreciate the honor of being sent, and who would conduct themselves just as well as any federal official. These men are entitled to the party honors.- , It is selfish, it is poor poli tics; and It means trouble tor any member of the official, crowd to ask to be sent to the national con vention. A GOOD APPOINTMENT Everything indicates that the appointment of Mr. Mitchell to the state fish hatchery Is a good one. There is no politics in it. but there is a lot of fish. Mr. Mitchell un derstands his business, and will breed the flsfcV 71'. " .. p Oregon is a fish state, a fishing state. : Not only do our own peo ple like to fish, but hundreds of thousands comi 'lipre TprT. tmt A LESSON FROM Copyright 1924 by San Jose Mercury) HOW little we know of the infinite universe in which we live! Our knowledge is limited to the revelations of our physical senses as these are brought to us in our very limited environ ment, aided by such mechanical assistants as the mind of man has devised and by the discoveries of scientists. All of these things combined cover a comparatively small part of what is. Even the modern astronomer as he sweeps the far distant heav ens has touched only the edge of the physical universe. And what of the realm of the unsecir, of the intangible,. that men are coming to know exists and is all about hs? As yet few meii know that there is such a thing as a spiritual realm with laws and forces different from those that control the physical uni verse, and fewer still know anything in detail or by experience about these laws and forces. The radio set that sits in your home perhaps may have start ed you thinking about these intangible and unseen things. As it sits there unadjusted it is as inert and dead as the very stones. But a turn of a button or two and the air is full of music and of human voices ; it brings to you every kind of human knowledge from broadcasting stations not only comparatively near, but hundreds, even thousands of miles away. These human voices, the music, the knowledge were all passing through the atmos phere gust the same before you. adjusted your receiving set to catch them, though you did not realize it. This adjustment con sists in changing the vibrations of your current so as to har monize with or correspond to the vibrations of the broadcasting station that jTou wish to receive from. By changing these vi brations you can shut off one broadcasting station and receive from another, these messages coming to you through the atmos phere hundreds, even thousands of miles away. How wonderful! And yet there are doubtless all about us things, powers, forces and possibilities more wonderful than this radio world: that we can not now conceive of, that time and development will make known to men. " The jhuman soul is a spiritual radio set, both broadcasting and receiving. Our thoughts and the conduct of our lives have an-influence far beyond those to whom they personally come. Thoughts which are things just as tangible and real as the thoughts and music that come out of the air over the radio are often conveyed to others thousands of miles away, even to those wholly unknown to us. Mental telepathy is just as real as the radio world and often operates entirely independent of the will of him who sends the thoughts. These come to another out of the air he knows not whence. When we think strong, and pure thoughts they often affect others, although not orally expressed. When we express them the current they create in the spiritual atmosphere is stronger and reaches farther. And when these thoughts are actualized in life and conduct their influence is greatly extended and augmented in power. The influence Upon others of a truly good and holy life in a commuriity can hardly be overestimated and it has an influence in the elevation of the world far beyond its own environment. . This soul of ours is also a spiritual radio receiving set through which we may attract unto ourselves such influence as we will. Base, sinful and depraved thoughts and lives create a vibration in harmony with them and out of the atmosphere come similar thoughts and influences to still further debase the man who finds satisfaction in sin. On the other hand, the man who has pure thoughts and aspira tions creates a vibration in harmony with the higher elements in the universe and out of the same atmosphere come currents that tend to still further elevate and purify his thoughts and his life, that bring to him harmony, beauty and satisfaction. He is in tune somewhat with the Infinite and from the great source of all harmony, beauty and truth he may receive what no man can give. At first the divine messages may be faint and hard to catch, but as he elevates the current going out from his spiritual radio, his soul, as he makes its current more in harmony with the great Spiritual broadcasting station of the universe, its mes sages become clear and his spirit is constantly suffused with the entrancing harmonies of the spheres. Religion, 'spiritually, the spirit and life of God, are the most real things in the world, although the souls of men have not generally been adjusted so that they know this by experience. These oan not be gotten from books nor from the words of other men. They must come directly to us from the great Oversold of the universe when we have brought our lives sufficiently into harmony with His. Our principal job in this life is to elevate our thoughts and lives, to strive to overcome the flesh, so that we may receive and "bear the messages of God." In, every chapter of the New Testament and in many of the Old Testament will be' found exhortations, commands, to do this, and all the biblical promises of blessing are conditional upon this overcoming. James, for example, says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double minded." By this overcoming of our physical, fleshly natures our souls will be adjusted to be in harmony with the soul of God, and when this is done we may receive from His great storehouse mes sages of truth, direction and guidance in all our duties and in terests, strength, wisdom and power, and all the peace, happiness and blessing that His spirit brings. He never can be our God in this real and personal way until we become His true, spiritual children. "And if Thy casual comings, Lord, To hearts of old were dear, What joy shall dwell within the faith That feels Thee ever near ! 1 in "And nobler yet shall duty grow, And more shall worship be, When Thou are found in all our life, And all our life in Thee. " for that purpose. It is a business proposition to keep the streams so replenished that the nimrods can be accommodated. State Has No Money to Purchase Flax Pullers Unless bankers agree to advance money to flax farmers of the Wil lamette valley for the purchase of about 10 patented pullers, there will be no purchase of this ma chinery this season. And inas much as Governor Pierce has de clared a policy of not allowing con victs to pull the flax, the question of how the farmers are going to get their flax harvested is some thing of a problem. At a recent conference it was suggested that the state might ad vance the money fort the pullers, which cost $2600 each, and with hold the money advanced when settlement is made with the flax growers at the end of the season. But Governor Pierce said Satur day that because of the necessity of buying much other flax machin ery the state cannot afford to do this. At the recent conference it also was suggested that the banks might advance the money, and the Question will now be placed be fore them. , Fanners In the central valley Will CTOW ffVV."n0 JerO jpff1,'T. THE RADIO WORLD this year for use at the state prison plant. The American form of govern ment seems to be reform during the winter and platform during the summer. EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE Aldermen Satisfactory Editor Statesman: Our report of the meeting at the Englewood school house last Wed nesday evening left a wrong Im pression. Our councilmen, Suter and Van Patton, called the meet ing for the purpose of obtaining the people's wishes. The people were fully satisfied and endorsed" the work done by said Suter and Van .Patton and instead of giving instructions they voted unani mously for our councilmen to pro ceed according to their own judg ment but the people did denounce the stree committee for trying to usurp the duties of our council men. 4 'v' :' Things ; To Do Copyright, 1023, Associated Editors. SOME SIGHTSEEING TRIPS WITH THE BIRDS Three Brilliant Songsters, the "Mocking Thrushes" Three cousins, the Tirown thrasher, the catbird, and the mocking-bird are sometimes called the "mocking thrushes." Though the thrasher builds his nest in the undergrowth or on the ground, when he decides to sing he glides through the air with a floating movement to a treetop, from which he pours out his merry peal. Proud of his brilliant per formance, the bird repeats what ever he sings two or three times. The poet Browning describes this characteristic of the brown thrash er when he says: "That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, Lest you should think he never could recapture The first fine careless rapture." The Brown Thrasher MY MARRIAGE PROBLEMS Adele Garrison's New Phase of REVELATIONS OP A WIFE Copyright 1921, by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. CHAPTER NO. 127 THE TELEGRAM LILLIAN ASKED MADGE TO SEND Dismay blank, overwhelming this was my first emotion upon hearing Lillian's decision that she must send for Allen Drake to help in the problem confronting her, the problem of which I had but the haziest fdea, but in which I knew the wounded man in the hospital was involved. What would Dicky say? That was the crux of the situation, and Lillian had voiced my own fears when she had said that she "was afraid the Dicky-bird's reactions wouldn't be any too pleasant." But I knew that Allen Drake's presence must be vitally necessary to Lillian's plans or else she would never Have suggested his visit. I had guessed long before that she did not approve of the atti tude toward me which the bril liant secret-service man invariably adopted whenever he was in my vicinity, an attitude of exaggerat ed admiration and attention which embarrassed me as much as it irri tated Dicky. However, ejther her approval or disapproval of a man never mattered to Lillian when she had use for him in her work for the government. So I knew there was no escape from Allen Drake's presence in the vicinity, indeed in our actual home, unless I should thrust aside the habit of years and fall Lillian in some favor she ask ed of me. That, of course, was an imposs ible thing to me, and. Indeed, I knew to Dicky also. Therefore I turned to Lillian with a nonchal ance which I was far from feel ing. "Of course, you know that yon are privileged to send for any one. Just as if you were in your home," I said heartily. "And" I essayed facetiousness as a mask for my embarrassment "I suppose Mr. Drake is allowed to be at large. He Isn't labelled 'Dangerous," is he?" "When Is He Coming?" "I'm not so sure of that," Lil lian answered dryly, with a' quick little glance at me which se)rt a hot embarrassed flush to my cheeks I knew then that she had fathomed what I myself hardly knew, that there were times when Allen Drake's undeniable attrac tions of mind and person had tri umphed over my dislike of his quiet arrogance, and his audacious presumption, and had made me really enjoy his society. Hi3 scintillating wit. his interesting tales of life in all quarters of the globe, his half-fascinating, half Irritating air of lordly admiration which he adopted toward me- all came back to mind. "When is he coming?" I asked quickly, to hide my confusion. A I haven't seen Mm yet ad don't know where he Is, I can't tell yon," Lillian returned. "He The Boys and Girls Statesman Tb Biggest Little Paper nl the WorM Thrasher Is Not Thrush The thrasher is not a thrush, but a close relative. He is found from Alberta, Michigan, and sou thern Maine, south to Louisiana and northern Florida. Iifke the mocking-bird, he winters in the southern states. The eggs which are laid in the thrasher's nest about the middle of May or the first of June are blue-white speck led with brown. The catbird is a sulking bird one minute, a happy bird the next. His figure is slender and grace ful, a smooth even gray color, with darker head and tail. He moves nervously, likehis cousins the thrasher and the mocker, his long tail constantly pumping up and down. When he is out in the open where people may see him, the catbird is carefully preened to look trim and neat, but in the forest he goes about with his tail drooping head hanging and his feathers ruf fled which only proves the change ableness of his nature. The catbird's song is soft, with beautiful, finished ripples, but it may at any moment be broken by a disagreeable whinning cat-call, "Me-ow!- which gives him his name. The mockingbird is to the south what the robin is to the north. He is known as far north as British Columbia, but is seldom is found nesting there while those found in the southern United States live and I want to get in touch with both of them. Did your father leave any address with you?" "Yes," I returned promptly. "He wrote me that in an emergency, not otherwise, I was to send a wire to a certain address in Washing ton." "Well, this is an emergency," Lillian retorted. "As you know, ordinarily, I would have both your father's address and that of Allen Drake, but because of my long ill ness I have dropped out of things. Indeed, I am doing this present stunt strictly on my own, but I have come to the point where I must have help, and I do not want to appeal to any one save your fa ther and Allen Drake. So if you will send a message for me to your father " "Grandma's Hurt." "Of course." I smiled. "What shall I say?" "It will be in code," she said apologetically, "for I must give them some adequate reason for leaving the task they are on. Sim ply say: 'I am requested to send you this message,' and then add this " She dictated a lengthy innocu ous message concerning a real estate transaction, signed it with three initials, and put her arms above her head with a weary ges ture. "I wish I saw daylight," Lillian said unevenly, and I realized that for some reason the problem con-J fronting her had shaken, the calm ness, the absolute poise with which she usually faces her work. The next instant, however, she was speaking as nonchalantly as if there was nothing out of the ordinary in her horizon. "Has your mother-in-law con sented to have any one in Katie's place yet?" she asked smiling. I gave her an answering smile, for Mother Graham's attitude to ward the question of replacing Ka tie had been a source of amuse ment as well as annoyance to our whole family. When Katie was with us, Mother Graham was con stantly finding fault with every thing she did, but now that the girl has gone and we do not know when, if ever, she will come back to us, my mother-in-law mourns her absence hourly, and has de clared with great emphasis that no other girl could ever take her place. "Not yet." I said, "although she wavered when I talked of that colored cook the other night. Mother Graham is awfully worn out, but is too stubborn to give in. But I am constantly afraid that " From the kitchen came Marion's frightened cry: "Oh, Mother! Auntie Madge! Come quick-r-Grandma's hurt!" (To be continued) IXDLW TEACHER DEAD SAN FRANCISCO. March 15. Brigadier General Richard Henry-J Pratt, USA, retired, founder and organizer of the industrial school for Indians at Carlisle, Pa-, and its superintendent for a quarter of a century, died here today. Cured His Rupture ? I wtt btdly mptured while liftiaf trunk icrersl yera ago. . Doctor laid my only bnpo of extra wag aa onratioa. Trusses did me no rood. Finally I got kola of something; that quickly and Com pletely eared mo. Tears hava passed and ttio rupture bat never returned, although r am doinr hard work aa a earoenter. There was no operation, bo lost time. no trouble. 1 bare nothing to sell, bnt will giro full information abont how yon may find a complete ear without opera tion, it yon writ to me. Enrn K. Pal ten. Carpenter, 492-K Mareellna Arena, Uanssqaan, H. J. Better cat at this ootie and show it to ny others who sr rap tared yon may tav a life or at loatt stoo th auaery ot rnptnro and th Lioada -' ol Fab ' Edited by John 11. Miller. there the year round. The female builds her nest the latter part of f a Mil InWa 4N Ink V.I.. . speckled with brown early in Ap Thcj Mocking Bird HI, and by May the eggs are hatcb ed. A second brood is often rear ed by the same pair of birds. The mocking-bird's back is ash-' en gray, his wings a brownish tinge with a large white patch, and his throat and outer tail fea thers are white with the under parts brownish white. It is when the mocking-bird' works himself up into a passion of song that one realizes the wonder of his voice. Flitting from tree to tree, his whole body seems to proauce me music in mm. no imitates the sounds of the woods, and the other birds, but he 1m- proves on mem. Cap'ri Zyb MUSICAL BOTTLINA D'ja ever hear of making a mus ical instrument out of old bottles? It can be done and this Is the way, to go about it. Get a whole bunch of old bot tles, all sizes, and wash them jout. Now make a stand, similar ta the one shown In the illustration. All boVtlina musical: INSTRUMENT PUT WATER IN BOTTLES AND. TIETO SUPPORT LARGE BOTTLES LOW NOTES SMALL BOTTLES HIGH NOTES you have to do to make this stand is to drive two stakes in the ground and nail a strip across them. Take your bottles and hang them as they are hung in the pic ture. Now comes the difficult Job,, tuning them up. First, remem ber that the large bottles will have: the deeper notes and the small bot tles will give the higher notes. If you can't get just the right note out of a bottle, put a little water in it, which will change its tone. With a little experimenting yon can get a complete scale of two oc taves. With a little practice you can play tunes on this instrument by striking the bottles with d met al or wooded rod which should be padded on the end to avoid break age. When you get so you can pick; out a pretty fair tune with one stick, try using one stick In each land to get a little more melody and some harmony. CAP'X ZYB. 7 I FUTURE DATES March 19, Wednesday Prune grower! meet at Dallas. March 19, Wednesday Annual concert. Women's auxiliary YWCA. Methodist church. March 21, Friday Hamilton Holt and ; Dr. Xehemiah Boynton to lecture at First Methodist church. March 27, Tuesday County Community federation to meet at Salem. Heights. April 13, Sunday Evangelistio cam paign opena at armory. April 19, Saturday Dedication of statue "The Circuit Rider," in stat honse grounds. May 19, 'riday Primary election in Oregon. - , . June 10. Tuesday Republican nation- , al convention meets in i Cleveland. ' June 24, Tuesday Democrat ie nation- ' al convention meets in New York. June 27-28 Educational conference. University of Oregon, Eugene. Ford Given . .-f I 1 as is ai i a mr Th figures represent correspond lng letters In th alphabet. Flc uro 1 li A, I U B, and o on. Th ten figures apeJl tor words. What are the wordeT To JCenr Woata, Boys aaa Girl All can char In the eaay-to-wln prize. Bend th three vord oa heet of paper, neatly written, with your name and address. First Prix. 1124 FORD TOURING CAR. Beside thl aplendld first pris we are going to glv away thlrty-nln other prUea. -Bead Tour A&awer Act Qulek! THB FACXTXO E0KXBTEAO SOS 8. Commercial St BaJest, Or,