The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 16, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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....... , .. ,,,VJ. . ,
rx-vO build op a large circulation
I X : legitimately, is the business
of any publication, but when a
Journal which puts cnjan appear
ance of dignity, honesty and sin
cerity, tf tries with a subject of
most vital importance to the well
being of the public, then It Is guilty
of a crime Indeed.
. For the past four months, the
Scientific American has been con
ducting an "Investigation" of
Electronic Therapy, and in each
issue It tells the sufferers of dis
ease, over a number of pages, that
as yet it Is not certain as to the
possibilities of this new method.
If yon are 111 and would like to
find out right away, then it Is
hoped you will be patient and pur
chase next and next number until
some . day perhaps the investiga
tors will arrive at a conclusion;
then if the circulation has reached
its highest point, it is thought that
this . "great" magazine of science
and invention will make known the
result." , . i
- a - .
Should the sufferer who is seek
ing the sanctimonious sanction of
this scientific scavenger die In the
meantime, at least he can rest in
peaee knowing that he contributed
to benevolent publication.
It is more than two years since
' the discovery of ' Electronic Medi
cine, has. been made known; more
than three thousand medical and.
osteopathic doctors have taken up
this good work and are attaining
most wonderful results; men and
women In , all walks of life have
Standard Lumber Uompany
Avers That. New Law Is
. ; Unconstitutional
.The Standard Lumber company
yesterday Instituted in the cir
cuit court injunction proceedings
against state tax commission to
prevent its collecting the state in
come tax or enforcing any ol the
rules under the act. Attorney
General Van Winkle will file a de
murrer against the complaint
Monday and it will be , argued
early in the week, obviating the
necessity of the court's issuing a
restraining order.
.The- complaining company is in
corporated in Oregon, but Its busi
ness is all within the state of
Idaho.. The plaintiff alleges that
the tax denies it equal protection
of the law with other taxpayers.
The system of graduated rates is
declared to be arbitrary and capri
cious. - The complaint cites the
fact that the act provides exemp
tions from the tax to various Indi
viduals and corporations, notably
A Belter Wav
To Treat All
Croupy Colds
'-. IV.- ' i. ii
An External Treatment
7 That Replaces Internal
Dosing, j Nothing to
Swallow You Just
Rub It On.
." -; i -.
i Today mtDions of modern mothers
treat croup and children's cold troubles
by the vapor method.
, They use ticks, the vaporidag salve,
because it is - externally applied.
There's no dosing to upset a delicate
little stomach. .'
" When rubbed on over throat and
ehesi Vlcks acts like a liniment or
oUster.' At the same time, the ingre
dient, released at vapor by the body
' beat, are inhaled directly into the af
fected air passages.
; For spasmodic croup you rub Viclcs
well in over throat and chest until the
difficult brecthinx is relieved, then
spread on thickly and cover with a
warm flannel cloth. An application
at bedtime will prevent most night
: attacks. '
Vkks s fust as rood, of croire for
the other cold troubles ol children -r"1
also fox adulu. . . s A
HE 10. 6
. We Specialize in car repairs. Look over your car.
. T Lights, Motor Transmission or Brakes may
need attention.
- -v ; Mr. Homer Tarpley formerly fcith the
; Dodge agency, has charge of the shop.
t ; Battery and electrical repairs in
v i charge of R. D. Barton; , '
' 171 So. Commercial St.
Sanctimonious Slobberinps of Sci
entific Scavenger (o On, While
3000 rhysicians Use Eleetron'c
Methods In Diagnosis and Care of
(From Progress, a National
1 Journal.)
testified by the thousands to the
fact that they have been cured of
their ailments by this revolution
ary method of diagnosis and treat
ment, after all the old methods
had failed; noted professors from
a number of leading countries have
been convinced of the practical and
beneficiary results achieved by
Electronic Therapy in the struggle
to exterminate disease; three or
four publications (being free from
the taint of medical and surgical
trust advertisements) heralded this
only effective weapon against dis
eases which have baffled science.
And in all this time the Scientific
American, which pretends to stand
for speed and efficiency in all
things, has been yawning four
months attempting to awaken to
the truth.
With our present day means, of
communication and transportation,
which enables one to obtain de
tails on a subject almost over
night, it has taken this journal
more than two years to come out
and say each, month, I shall have
something of interest about Elec
tronic Medicine, next month!- -
We wonder if the Scientific Am
erican would wait two years to de
termine the reliability of a new
discovery to cure the public of ITS
brand of mental poisoning.
The person lying helplessly as
disease gnaws and saps at the vital
organs of life, cannot help but cry
out, in despair against those who
could bring aid hastily, but will
banks, insurance companies, trust
companies and companies hand
ling real estate. These exemptions
are called arbitrary and capricious
and as a result it is alleged that
the law does not operate in a uni
form . manner.
Anon-resident doing business
in the state, x says the complaint
is subject to the tax under his net
income derived within the state,
and the definition of such income
includes the proceeds from divi
dends. This ia said to be discrim
inatory as between corporations
having ' nonresident stockholders
and thuaa having no nonresident
stockholders, in favor of those not
having nonresidents among their
stockholder. The law is declared
to be unconstitutional in that it
imposes a tax upon the entire in
come of individuals and corpora
tions regardless of where and from
what source the income Is derived.
Regulations issued by the com
mission are declared to be at vari
ance with the act. The provision
that a copy of the federal Income
tax return must be filed with the
state commission is attacked on
grounds that It deprives the tax
payer of the secrecy contemplated
under the federal act.
Though the iSalem automobile
camp grounds have been open a
little less than two weeks, approx
imately 50 camping parties have
stopped overnight, several of them
for a few days, according to T. G.
Albert, superintendent.
Some work is being done on the
grounds, and the brush has been
cleared away as far west as the
bridge. A team and three men
were busy yesterday knocking off
the high spots and filling in some
of the worst of the low places.
Six new tents are up and the
remaining four, giving a total of
10 tent-houses, will be completed
In a few days. These are very much
are very much in demand on ac
count of the chilly nights. Each
is equipped with a bedsprfng that
is fastened back against the wall
during the day. A stove is sup
plied for each two tents.
Stickers are still in demand by
tourists, Mr. Albert said, and un
til these are received many are
being disappointed, for the sticker
is the first thing that is sought.
(Ashland, by a vote of three to
one, recently voted to spend $10,
000 on the well known camp
grounds in Lithia park in order
to keep these open the entire year.
m wn
Mr. 1. KflOWltt' Ippy came near
ST'iME THAT" N s KSsTuiUiN ik L'CT :SL s t hfes-1 ' " tsrv'
C hbSm 1 SrcFUoMUS J V y WMEftXv VE nw J jr j know! )
WTOTOt CATDO jfc "j 2
(Continued from page 1)
slight edge over their smaller op
ponents until Chastain, clever
Medford forward, eluded his
guard for a close shot under the
basket. Eugene tied it up and the
quarter ended: Medford 2, Eugene
Medford Gains Lead
The second period was a repeti
tion of the first with neither team
able to secure an advantage in th6
game which had resolved itself
into one of the prettiest and clean
est checking games ver seen on
the local floor. At tie half Med
ford led f to 2.
During the third period the
play was all Medford's. Chastain,
the outstanding player of the
tournament, outdid himself with
score after score which the Eu
gene defense seemed unable to
stop. The Eugene men looked
tired and discouraged when the
quarter ended 15 to 6 in favor of
Medford. They were not through,,
however. By a esperate spurt
which for a time threatened the
lead of the southern champions,
they brought the crowd to its feet
yelling with excitement. The rally
came too late to be of avail. The
agme ended with Medford cham
pions 21 to 15. Let this be said,
that pike Leslie's Eugene men
were worthy contestants and good
McMlnnvillr Striving
In the afternoon Eugene had
found little trouble in vanquish
ing McMinnville 18 to 14. It was
not without the usual McMinnville
rally near the close of the game
which for a time threatened Eu
gene's chances, even as it over
whelmed Forest Grove and North
Bend earlier in the week. The
Eugene men, playing easily to
save themselves for the night's
contest, had accumulated a lead of
11 to 3 during the first half. With
but a fsw minutes left to play, Mc
Minnville uncorked their "come
back" rally and tied the score at
13 all. But just as it appeared
that McMinnville might take the
game, two Eugene scores nipped
the rally in the bud and saved the
Independence Surprises
Independence wa3 the surprise
of the tournament when in the
second semi-final game they got
away to a five-point lead on Med
fordTand ran them close during all
but the last quarter of play. P.
Schrunk and Baker for Indepen
dence had world's of luck on their
long shots and never failed to hit
near the basket. The skillful pass
ing and smooth team work of Med
ford gradually told, however, and
they won out 18 to 13.
The Lineups
The Lineups Semi-Finals
Eugene 18. 14 McMinnville
Landrum Agee
Murray F Eckman
Eberhart C Miller
Milligan G.. Withycombe
Bally G Maloney
(Substitutions: Eugene Olson
for Murray.
Referee: Coleman.
Umpire: Edlands.
Second Game
Medford 18 13 Independence
Chastain ...... .F. .. .F. Schrunk
Knlps F Baker
Allen C ... .W Schrunk
Williams ..v...G. Byers
Reichateln G Blaser
Substitutions: Independence-
Smiley for W. Schrunk; Kelley for
Referee: Edlunds.
Umpire: Coleman.
Medford 21 15 Eugene
Chastain F..... Landrum
Knips . . . . . F Murray
Allen C Eberhart
Williams G I....'. ..Bally
Reichstein G Milligan
Substitutions: Medford Frab
rick for Heichstein.
Referee: Coleman.
Umpire: Edlunds.
Pleas of Guilty Are
Heard; Sentences Given
Pleas of guilty were entered in
the circuit court Saturday after
noon by men who were indicted
at the last Marion county grand
jury session and sentences were
passed by 'Judge Percy R. Kelly.
Clifford Wilson was given an
indeterminate sentence of not to
exceed 10 years In the penitenti
ary for statutory rape. M. A.
Satchcamp received an indeter
minate sentence of not to exceed
two years for obtaining money un
der false pretenses. Satchcamp
was the "casket salesman" who
called upon Willamette valley un
dertakers as a representative of a
flirting with dnatrtt
non-existant caskei manufactur
ing firm.
Paul Robinson, (colored), was
sentenced to two years in prison
for larceny of a trunk but was
paroled from the bench. He was
taken to the prison where his
photograph and fingerprints were
Spring is here
A neighboring paragrapher re
marks that there are no parking
troubles around the churches in
town. If he will come to Salem,
he will find a different condition
in the streets around several of
our churches. He will find park
ing space at a premium.
The new building projects on
the- tapis for this year in Salem
are not all announced yet, by any
means. There are a number of
big ones yet on the tapis.
The Salem Iron V0rk3 has al
ready built a big flax breaker for
the state flax plant, and there are
orders for two more one for the
Hoke people at Stayton and an
other for the Eastburn people at
Auinsville or Turner. The flax
industry is beginning to give In
direct benefit to many people; and
It is only getting fairly started.
This part of the benefits will
mount up fast from- now on. I!
will be immense beyond present
ordinary conception in due course
of time.
"Cranberry Corners" at the
Grand Tuesday evenins. You
should go; you will be helping the
proposed soldiers' monument pro
ject fcr the Marion county court
house grounds.
The extinction of the Caliph
was largely brought about by the
passion of the Young Turks for
the storied wealth of the Caliphate
There are said to be jewels, gold
and property worth several hun
dred million dollars that will fall
into the keeping of the new gov
ernment and possibly obviate the
immediate necessity of a foreign
loan. It is a matter of dough
rather than of religion.
Charles Edison at the asd of 3::
Is made the financial director of
some thirty-three corporations in
which his father, the famous in
ventor, ia interested. Edison has
not been utterly careless of the
rewards of genius. He has been
more Ihrifty than mot prolific in
ventors and has always had money
enough for his experiments and
laboratory work. But if he ha?
also invented a son who is a stem-
windin? financier he has done far
better than most of his clas3.
(Continued Trom page 3)
Building I'ermits Issued
Two building permits were is
sued Saturday by Marten Poulsen,
city recorder. According to these.
O. D. Draper will build a residence
at 1185 North Eighteenth at a cost
of $2,300, and H. Bresler will
erect a dwelling to cost $1,800, at
150 North Twenty-third.
Another Bis Sale
Of Axmlnster rugs at
Bicycle Js Found
A bicycle, evidently without an
owner, has been turned in at the
police station by Officer Edwards
X"w Lighting Fixtures
Get our prices and save money
Salem Electric Co. F. S. Ba-ton,
prop.. Masonic Temple. Phone
1200. m9tf
who takes a deep interest in
his work who knows how
to lighten the load of those
dark hours who overlooks
none of the smallest details
is worthy of your consid
sration Such is our reputation
Funeral Home
Phone 724
The FILM SHOP for the high
gloss finish. Red Cross Pharmacy
Firv Damages Roof
Considerable damage was done,
to the roof of the W. R. Palmer
residence, 9C0 North Twenty-second,
by fire about 1:'30 o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
taugh Till You Cry
That's what you will do at
"Cranberry Corners" Tuesday ev
ening, at the Grand. And you will
be helping the monument fund.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends for their kindness and
beautiful floral offerings at the
decease of our father. Frank
Friebert and wife, Mrs. A.' Glover.
Mrs. G. West, Miss D. Byrn. ml6
Attention, Golfers
Bishops has just received a big
shipment of imported golf hos?;
the very latest and best to be
found. Priced from $2 to $7.50.
Better stop in tomorrow and see
them. ml 6
Legion Meets Tomorrow
Monday nisht all active mem
bers of Capital Post No. 9 of the
Americari legion will be expected
at the assembly of the ex-service
men for the regular by-monthly
meetin? in MeCornack hall. Some
special musical numbers will be
offered in addition to a feed.
which will be served, by Comrade
For Rent
May 1st, Btore room on State
street. See J. H. Lauterman.
Hotel Argo. m-16.
Sunday School Class Meits
The fourth of the John J. Evans
Bib!e classes will be held at the
Bliph theater at 9:45 o'clock this
morning. Efforts have been
made during the week to insure a
large attendance. The class is in
session only an hour and is prov
ing very popular with the men of
the city.
William Staiger of Salem is con
fined to the Good Samari'an hospi
tal in Portland, where he recently
underwent a i-erious operation.
Mrs. A. I). Lenz returned to her
home yesterday from? the Willa
mette canitariunf, where she has
bt-e-i ill for the last week. Mr.
Lenz is interested in the Ace.
C.iA. Kells, general secretary of
the Salem Y.MCA, is expected to
return from Seaside tonight. He
has heen attending a conference of
Hi-Y workers under the direction
of the Portland Y.MCA.
J. W. Mayo, cashier of the First
National bank at Stayton, was a
Salem visitor Saturday.
Among Albany people in the
city yesterday was A. B. Coates.
F.- E. White, of Roseburg, is
spending the day in Salem.
E. R. Palfrey and wife, of In
dependence, are spending the
week-end in Salem.
James W. Ililey, of Corvallis,
was in the city yesterday.
C. P. Hart and wife are in the
city for the week-end from Eu
Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Billick. who
havp been attending the state bas
ketball tournament, will return to
their home at Grants Pass today.
Mrs. Fred Collins is in Grants
Pass for a month's visit with her
parents. Mr, Collins, assistant
manager for the Salem Standard
Oil company, will motor down for
her when she returns to the city
Bertha M. Stoneman, of Mon
mouth, was a recent visitor in the
I Marvin G. Widress, of Silverton,
j was in the city Saturday.
I- S'anley Godden was in Salem
recently from Mill City. v
I Mr. and Mrs. O. V. White and
! son. of Stayton. were in the city
'yesterday afternoon. Mr. White is
principal of the Stayton school.
Your Medicine Chest Is
Not Complete
Unless it contains a bottle of Schaefer Couj:h Syrup.
Late at night arc you prepared to stop your child's
violent coughing or case his discomfort that arises from
a cold? -
135 Commercial.
1 m
Colonel Cousins fcWil!
Conduct Arrtiy Meetings
On Tuesday, March 18, at 4
o'clock in the afternoon and at
8 o'clock at night the meetings
that are conducted in the Salva
tion army hall on State street near
Commercial will be in charge of
Colonel John W. Cousins, who has
charge of all the young peoples'
work of the western territory of
the Salvation army. Colonel Cous
ins will be assisted by Staff Cap
tain West, the young peoples' sec
retary for the Oregon division-
These meetings will be made at
tractive in every way and Ensign
and Mrs. Holbrook the officers in
charge of the local work are plan
ning to give the little folks a treat
of goodies at the afternoon service
that is to be held for the children
and the young folks. Since the
appointment of Colonel Cousins to
head this department of the Sal
vation army work in the western
part of the United States, rapid
strides have been made and his
success as a young peoples' leader
has been pronounced exceptional.
The service at 8 o'clock is to be
a regular evangelistic one and Col
onel Cousins will be heard at his
best at that time.
The childrens' and young peo
ples' meeting at 4 o'clock in the
afternoon is for all the children
who will come and a cordial wel
come is assured to all.
Ten indictments were made by
the rand jury when it reported
to Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly
at noon Saturday. In a separate
report the prand jury paid tri
butes to officials of state institu
tions and urged tliat immediate
steps be taken to improve condi
tions at the boys' training school.
The report was made after the
grand jury had thoroughly inves
tigated the institutions, and said
that "there is nothing to be prac
tically improved upon."
In speaking of the boys' train
ing school, the report contained
the following statement:
"This institution is greatly
overcrowded, and that on account
of the facilities provided by the
state of Oregon, :t is impossible to
segregate boys who are viciously
bad from the unfortunate boys
who are capable of being made
good citizens. The management
of this institution is in competent
and trustworthy hands, and in
view of circumstances confronting
him. the superintendent makes an
excellent showing. We heartily
Stenography will place
you in a rumunerative
position and assist you in
advancing if you are am
bitious. Many have used
this as a stepping-stone to
advancement. Our meth
ods 01 instruction are
modern and comr
Drug Store7
Phone 197
if r
)lete. iZA
START MERE'!." ' i3
begin now? fTiyjr
Dy Thornton Flshei
and urgently recommend that im
mediate steps be taken to remedy
the situation so that the state of
Oregon may properly and benefi
cially care for the unfortunate
boys who are in this institution
and thus fulfill a duty that is at
once apparent and necessary."
Of the 10 true b'lls reported.
seven were for forgery. Those in
dicted were Fred Dunn, A. R
Zachart, F. A. Hash, F. T. Mcln
tyre, Wesley Smith, B. Ambrose
Cain and It. L. McXair, all for
forgery; Carl W. Nelson and
Beryl Day, non-support, and
George Smith (colored), burglary.
Noah Berkey, accused of burglary
not in a dwelling, was released.
(Continued from page 1)
spend any time considering the
minoT and unimportant matters
which took up the session Satur
day. As soon as Gaston B. Means
and Miss Roxie Stinson have con
cluded their statements and been
cross-examined, "I will issue a
statement that will, I think, be
decidedly interesting and in which
I will advise the public of the in
fluences behind these malicious
and scandalous attacks and the
character of the tools that are
being used in this cowardly man
ner by my adversaries."
The Captain Baldwin mentioned
in the statement, now is a mem
ber of the Texas Rangers, was
one of the witnesses who brought
rum-running and bootlegging into
1 KgftgH
Vf TU iv. .
j wheat in every loaf.
Hear the Master Musicians
In Joint Concert
Friday, March 28 O. A. C. Men's Gym
Tickets cn Sale at Will's MUslc Store
The Popular Lines of
Men's Suits Are Changing
This Season
f We serve men who are particular about
their appearance.
Cjj Our distinctive tailored clothing that is
appropriate for all occasions will be a de
light to you. Come in and select your
fabric and style.
171 Court St.
the inquiry today by testifying that
there had been failures and neglect ;
by department of justice officials
to prosecute those violations in
Call Unexpected
Quimby was called unexpectedly
in place of Means or Miss Stinson
and supported Means' story that a;
deaf for exhibition of the fight
films had been made in 1921 with
Jap Muma. friend of Jess Smith,
and New York correspondent for
tho Cincinnati Enquirer; William
II. Orr, ex-secretary to former
Governor Whitman of New York,
and Ike Martin, said to be of Cin
cinnati. Quimby said there was1 .
an arrangement that men who held
ctato exhibitions received small
fines, and then were allowed to
proceed unmolested with exhibi
tions. He identified some of the men
named In a list given out by Mr.
Daugherty last night as having
been fined as those who sold state
CHICAGO. March 15. Arraign
ment of Col. Charles R. Forbes,
former director of the United
States Veterans' bureau, and J. WV
Thompson, Chicago contractor, in
dicted with Forbes by the recent
federal grand jury which investi
gated the administration of the
bureau, has been postponed from
March 17 to March 19, Federal
Judge Carpenter announced today.
Is Your Child
Equipped to Study
WHEN school authori
ties begin to realize
that the backwardness of
most school children is due
to an UNKNOWN visual de
fect then, and then only, will
they INSIST that parents
have the children's eyes ex
amined. Dr. Wood of Columbia
University states that out of.
every 11 children now at
tending school in tho United
States 8 have visual defects.
Are you GOING to let your
children build their life's
foundation handicapped?
Morris Optical Co.
301-2-3-4 Oregon Rldg.,
Dr. H. E. Morris ,
Dr. A. McCulloch
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Fat Through Freight to All
Valley Points Dally.
H&tom-Port lnnd-Woodbora
Corvallin - Kngrue - Jeffenom
Dalhtn Albany-Monmouth
Independence - Monroe
.Phone 360