THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH .16, 1924 8 ."L '. i 1 I X Detroit Expert Claims Four Billion Owed oh Autos granted in any year. Is approxi mately $1,584,000,000. A Detroit company which, locally handles 90 per cent of the Ford time sales paper finds the average loan on a Ford car is S3 30, and that fully 80 per cent of sales are the time basis. This would mean that 1,600,000 of the 2,000,000 Cars Bought "On, Tick" at Retail Cast Year , Are Estimated at $2,650,000,000 Whole- Ford, 19f3.,w,enre BOld I sale CFedits Add $1,500,000,000 How k Business Is Handled Adds to Uiving Cost. car The automobile time payment situation is at present subject of discussion in Detroit. It is in the forefront because one or two en terprising automobile concerns, in an effort to dispose of accumulat ed second hand cars, have been re cently offering unusually long time payment terms. It is current rumor also, that several companies, It any slump in sates should occur, are ready to of fer a time payment plan on sale of new cars of one-fourth .down and two years on. the remainder. ' But inquiry among leading re tail establishments does not reveal any general tendency toward ex tending standard time payment terms, which on new cars are 1-3 down,) balance 12 months; on second-hind cars, 1-3 down, balance 10 months.. These terms are the crystallza tion of experience of several years handling time payment sales; they represent what can safely be ex pected if rom the average car pur chaser. They are to the finance companies what the American granted in connection with sales mortality experience table is to the of all other makes there is an ap- life insurance companies. Salary Forms Factor But these standard forms are by no means followed in all instances. leading Detroit company re- parent new credit of $1,056,000. 000 last year. And by adding half of that amount as total unpaid balance of previously granted cre dits, oltstanding total becomes $1,- 584.000.000. To this should be i quires, for example, a 40 per cent added another large amount repre down payment in all Ford " and sentlng unsecured credits advanced Chevrolet purchases where tne ectly by the commercial banks credit applicant's weekly income to buyers who pay cash. All Items llJivuuiMcig 't is less than his monthly payment under the base plan, says the Wall Street Journal Bureau. And even this rule is subject to further change if the applicant's total in come is out of proportion to the size of his obligation. Often an indorser is required. As a matter of fact, longer time payment terms than 10 to 12 months defeat their own ends. If terms and payments are such that at all times during the contract's km MP Tires on time payments; at 1330 a the total of credits granted on Ford sales last year was $528,000.- 000. Puts Credits at $1,000,000,000 By adding an equal amount as representing the total credits I SCENIC TRIPS NEAR SALEM 1. Silvjer Creek Falls 25 miles good gravel and dirt roads east from Salem. 2. Taylor's Grove near village of Meharaa 25 miles south east of Salem paved, gravel, and good dirt roads picnic grounds and fishing. 3. Through Rosedale district 10 miles south of Salem orchards and farms rolling hills paved and fairly good gravel roads. 4. Through Polk county orchard and farm district west from Salem along Willamette river going north passing tulip farm where are planted 1,000,000 tulips on west farther is scenic view of Willamette valley. 5. Wilhoit Springs 40 miles northeast from Salem mineral springs and scenery hotel accommodations paved, gravel, and dirt roads good in summer. 6. North from Salem through Keiser orchard district to Spong's landing where is found bathing and picnic grounds and through Chemawa, largest Indian school in United States. 7- To Albany along Pacific Highway all paved 28 miles through scenic low mountains and green hills. added (show 900.000,000 as the grand total of outstanding credits furnished to retail purchasers of automobiles. The above estimate seems low as no allowance is made for wholesale financing or the large volume of used car business. It is estimated that approximately 6,- 500,000 new and used cars were sold in 1923. On the basis that 75 per cent of these acrs were sold on terms, the financial accommoda tion for both wholesale and retail SPUE EB NEAR T MI Advice on Overhauling Automobile Is Given By Local Supply House an life the purchaser has an equity in purchases iast year may have ex his car, it is almost never reposs- -opd-a 11. ooo.000.000. A fairlv essea. ui just as soon as me pur- rellable basig for estimating ere chaser's equity disappears and he gets into financial straits, he is willing to have his car repossessed. Tor that reason many applica tions are refused where no person al worth appears in addition to the car itself. The chief difference between dit requirements is to be had from operations of General Motors Ac- i ceptance corporation, which in 1923 granted credit on retail new and used acr purchases covering 186,887 vehicles totaling $102, 050,000. If the same ratio be ap plied to an estimated -4,875,000 commercial banks and some of the cars sold on credit during the more .conservative automobile fin ance companies is that the latter year, the retail requirements of the Industry is handling both new part are specialists in a particular I and used cars could be placed at kind of credit. The present tendency is a tight ening of credits and terms. It Is this tightening by the more con servative companies that has I has moved some of the dealers to ! $2,650,000,000. At least another $1,000,000,000 to $1500,000.000 might be added to this figure as representing the amount required OH wholesale purchases, - bringing the total credit requirements of covered sleeping passengers with the burning liquid. A stampede to adjoining cars ensued and in the crush of frantic passengers many were seriously burned and otherwise injured. GERMAN ACTORS IDLE IN U. 8. (By Mail) BERLIN, Feb. 25. The actors' Association has issued a warning to theatrical performers against going to the United States unless they have sufficient funds to tide them over several months. The warning followed the receipt of many hard luck' letters frdm Ger man actors now in the United States and unable to get work. LESS CARS AND TRUCKS IN JANUARY He anxiety with respect to this di sease is Wing capitalised as never before by quacks and charlatans, it is timely to have this latest pro nouncement with respect to the cancer problem from this organlza tion of -physicians .and scientist especially . formed to study this di sease and to make known to -the public the tacts as discovered.' uoing extend more liberal terms on their the industry last year to between Stronger ; Without the strength of car- ' cassV ' tread and sidewalk wherein would you expect maximum tire mileage under all road conditions? i In addition to the better ma terials, expert hand-crafts- ' maasnip and improved com pounding in these big oversize C-T-C low inflation cords there U heavier and etWmger body . to withstand the road hocks. . Tiara tl aba ft C-T-C kaatf-bailt Bat- laaa tlra to Utnai bf iatUttoa. vfcfcfc ftta aar rtiaaaid wheel aaa Tim. C-T-C Take MM mOemf U alaMrt any own account. Nearly every one of the leading national automobile finance companies represented in Detroit disclaims knowledge of any intention of liberalizing time payment terms. About three-quarters of all sales are on tlme payments. "You would be surprised," says the head of a large finance concern, "to see the class of people who pay tor their cars on the time basis. We are more apt to receive cash from the workingman buying a second-hand ear at $150 than we are to receive cash from the relatively high-salaried man buying a new S1500 car." "Many purchasers," says this executive, "have no intention of being entirely out of debt for their cars initial cost of an automobile as a $3,650,000,000 and $4,200,000,- 000. Regardless of the volume of fin ancing required, the acid tesa of the soundness of automobile credit rests in the experience of well- managed companies. MOST SIX-CYLINDER CARS They Gain Ten Per Cent in Last Four Tears Of the 104 kinds of cars listed in the curent trade papers, 68 are Six-cylinder cars, or 65.4 per cent, compared with 54.8 per cent in 1920, a gain of more than 10 per cent. In 1920 there were 146 kinds fixed monthly charge in their liv ing expenses, the same as groceries and rent." In the view of a Detroit' bank president there has been little Marlon 'Automobile Co. Salem Automobile Co. Valley Motor Co. Ira Jorgenson. Vick Bros. I Columbia Tire Corporation. Factory Branch, 477 Court St. E rf all trnoo Tkli finira nnm Thejr have come to view the prJsed 52 fou 80 ,,xe8 n eights and three 12. In the last four years the total has been reduced to 104, consisting of 24 fours, 68 sixes, 10 eights (V-type) and two straight eights. The 12-cylinder hoa Maead ha TriOYiitnVT?n Tar1 change in the percentage of carsl... Tww .nnr bought on a time payment basis. n. tlia ni.v " wh,pH Wo He says: "Before the finance com- KMn . - m r.m o. 1Q,ft panies began to function, the banks carried the load. The same bankers who complained about excess of re tail automobile credits before the war, are now buying corporate notes and other obligations indir ectly secured by automobiles." Estimates of the amount of cre dit which the automobile industry used last year vary, with authori ties showing wide divergence of opinion on the subject. One es timate places new credits granted to motor car purchasers in 1923 by finance companies in excess of $1,056,000,000. Total outstand ing credits, figuring aggregate bal ance of unpaid contracts as equal at any time to approximately one half the amount of new credits only 12. were sixes, while 28 were four-cylinder cars, comprising 15 per cent and 52 per cent, respect ively, of the total makes of each type. , Seven companies now make a six and four, and four companies produce both; a eix and an eight. Of the 22 companies that have been manufacturing motor cars 20 years or more, 14 are producing sixes today, two are producing fours, one is producing an eight, two have both a four and a six, and three manufactre both a six and an eight. ARIZONA ROADS ARE BOULEVARDS ! Spring is near at hand. Many motorists are having their cars overhauled and repainted at this time of the year. Others are do ing the work themselves in the odd moments that they can find over the week ends. W. F. Watson, lo cal manager of the Western Auto supply company, has outlined a procedure for the back yard me chanic who plans to do his own "spring cleaning" in his own gar age. "With the proper tools and equipment it is an easy matter for the motorist to make the numer ous adjustments and minor repairs that his car should receive before the summer months. With the many special tools that are now offered, many car owners do their own valve grinding, bearing tight ening and all other similar opera tions," says Mr. Watson. Mechanical Work First "To do a complete overhauling job, the mechanical labor should be done first. A thorough inspec tion of the chassis should follow; tightening of bolts and inserting lock washers where needed. It is often necessary that the radiator hose should be Inspected, and new equipment will prevent much trou ble. "After the mechanical and tightening process are completed a thorough greasing should fol low. If the shackles are clogged they should be removed and clean ed. Springs should be thorough ly lubricated and a general greas ing should be given where needed. If the car is equipped with wood en wheels, close inspection should be given them, as the spokes may have worked loose and will re quire tightening. This may be remedied by squirting a few drops of "Spoketite" in the fellows of the wheel and at the points where the spokes enter the hubs. J "The car should then be given a steam cleaning and complete wash ing to prepare it for the paint job, There has been such demand for prepared automobile paints for home consumption that we have made up a regular painting outfit for the man who aspires to do his own painting, this outfit con-1 tains everything for a first -lass j job. It contains a large can of body and fender enamel, a can of gear and wheel paint, a can of top dressing, engine enamel and two brushes and a pack of steel wool. The painting should be done in a dust proof room, allowing about 48 hours between coats of paint. Top nnd Cushions "After the body painting is com pleted the top and cushions should be treated with special paint pre pared for them. This paint keeps the leather soft and liable, rather than hardening it. In Oregon in 1923, 1974 auto mobiles of various makes were sold during the month of January, while in January of this year there were 1872 cars sold. This shows 102 fewer sold this year than last There were 197 trucks sold in Ore gon last year against 90 this year. CANCER MUST BE TREAT ED NOT NEGLECTED First North Sea Train Ferry Soon Will Be in Operation (By Mail) HARWICH, Eng., Feb. 26.- The first North Sea train ferry will soon be running from this port to Zeebrugge, a distance of 84 miles, in nine hours. It is planned to run three boats, each of which will accommodate 5 4 railway trucks standing side by side on two sets of rails. The cost of loading and unload ing each boat is estimated at four shillings per ton of merchandise, as compared with 15 to 25 shill ings per ton when the contents of each individual trucks have to be transferred between train and boat. Six Lose Lives in Old Acci t dent on Tsinan-Tsingtao (By Mail) TSINGTAO, Feb. 10. Four men were roasted alive in a blazing coach of a moving train on the Tsinan-Tsingtao railway recently. Two others to escape being burned leaped irom the train and were killed. The train was running at high, speed when a carelessly dropped lighted match in a third class coach ignited a can of alcohol. The accident happened: at mid night and the resultant explosion NEW YORK, March 14. That the best course to follow when at tacked by cancer is to make intelli gent use of every help which scl ence and experience show to be of value rather than rely upon sec ret, proprietary, and sensational cures is the announcement made by the American Society for the Control of Cancer following a con ference of experts in this disease held under the auspices of the So ciety at its annual meeting just concluded in New York City. In making the above announce ment Dr. George A. Soper, Manag. ing Director of the Society said, "The most helpful fact thus far established in the organized fight which is being waged against the cancer menace Is that many cases of this disease can be cured and some prevented through intelligent cooperation between qualified physicians and those persons who think they may have cancer. "The Society recommends," said Dr. Soper. "that all persons who think they have cancer to go to a competent physician and receive such treatment as he advises. The form of treatment will necessarily depend" he continued, "upon the kind of cancer, its location, stage of development and other factors. Surgery and radiation by radium or X-ray are valuable methods of dealing with cancer cases, but," cautioned Dr. Soper, "radiation should be regarded as a tool which, in the hands of skillful persons may accomplish good results, but when administered by those who are not -thoroughly familiar with it, may aggravate the disease." At a time when the public is be coming alarmed by the reports of the increasing prevalence and mor tality from cancer; and when pub- If You Are to Buy a Coupe Here is a description of one of the most popular coupes the Oldsmobile Six. Body by Fisher: Big, roomy, staunchly built. Velour upholstery, heater, dome -light, satin-silvered fittings, door locks,' cowl ventilator. Wonderful Chassis: 40 H. P. Six engine, smooth and quiet. Delco ignition, Borg & Beck clutch, Alenute lubrication, cord tires, 86' spring length with 110' wheel base. ; Don't buy any car until you get'oo quainted with the Oldsmobile SixCoupe F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 North Commercial Roadster ... 785 Cob j'MS Touring ... 795 Coupe . . 1075 Sport Touring 915 Sedan 1135 Th Q. M. A. C extended payment ttan maket httybtg Mt All price f. c b. Landng. Spare tin mnd tax extra. teTOF CENERAL mmiiiiiWHiHMiiimu RAMSEYER BROS! Announce that on April 1st they will open a first class grease rack in connection with their storage garage and wash rack; Gasoline and oils will also be handled. Prompt and Efficient Service 544 Ferry St. A . i The 1DO. i L!K THIS "batnDedmyoumteer - make road turn dear' Haraoaoverdnvenacardtnitfht? KavomeAWvcr)clewfiyaiiomobtlQ A naratfacturers did not provide proper Jijnts? Have xxi ewer bought spotlights and orious other kinds of lltits;hoptnj to tf you own a carxxtr answer to all three Questions will undoubtedly be.5fes' T7& problem is raw solved-onier 8 mounted on the front frame of your car and connected with a control rod to our seerir post in a scidaulJsiant canner, w. wa enjoy a ugni wai win' m wheels.M a perfect Ititwfierott is 2. (teamttotwiffpenetratakMaifo. 3. SeAeysirMtioaastammistamamry V hay Installed , nVi'trt fits 'otmkrias ynu sfoer .. l ICG-zOlLB aalesjoaaimadbar' dcers.euchos ca&iiac.rlarmM.nx.$tudeteter. IPn.R.Bujck.fooMupaabile. Issex. Dort.maxmJ!.Aubum. tiasb. Cole a. Oakand Maris. CtevnXsC. Fixd. - and many others. SMITHE D WATKINS Corner Court and High PHOENIX, March 16. The Au tomobile Clnb of Arizona reports Arizona roads very good at pres ent, though generally dry and dusty, a condition that may be changed by local showers noted throughout the state. All cross ings of the Colorado river are In use, as well as the Gillespie dam crossing of the Gila river, west of Phoenix. On all roads leading westward from this city are stret ches of chucky road, bt the going generally Is good. To the east ward, as far as the New Mexican line, the Borderland, Central and Old Trails highways are verlable boulevards. IN ALL THE WORLD NO CAR OVERSIZE TIRES The car manufacturer equips the automobile with tires the correct size and type for the car's weight and carrying capacity, and, at the same time, the tire are classed by the tire manufacturer with a spec ified inflation capacity. , "If," says a tire service bulletin, "you expect to carry excess pan- sengers occasionally or invest In numerous accessories, and if easy riding is a special desidenUum, oversize tires should by all tieans be specified, otherwise your tires will not give you the service 6rdi narily expected." Automobile Di gest. A Complete De Luxe Beauty THERE'S a sparkle an dash in every line smart style com plete equipment. But it s more than a boulevard beauty it's a husky six, not a "light" six. Fifty horse powerthink of that! Amazing performance flexible marvelous pick-up a wonder on hills. Ask any Jewett owner. Then drive this car. Gome in today! COUPLE MARRIED 70 YEARS (By Mail) OWSCHLAG. Holsteln. Feb. 24. ( Jurgen Schnack and his wife re cently celebrated the 70th anni versary of their wedding. Schnack 1 90 years old, and his wife, 85, are both, la excellent health, - j 1608-21 Tearing . . . $1065 DeLaxe Roadster $1195 BroDfhftm . . 1325 Da Luxe Toarinf . 1220 Sedan .... 195 De Laze Sedan . 1695 trio el DetrtU. Tes txtre. Wm.H.Trumm 349 N. Commercial , . Phone 959 Hagen Bros., Associate Dealers, Silverlon KEEP SMILING WITH KELLYS PAIGE iBUIiT SIX , 'THE ability, of Kelljr-Springfield $ cords to stand a tremendous amount of punishment without ; giving trouble is only; one of the features that have won for them their great popularity. They also give as nearly perfect - protection against skidding as any tire can give and deliver mileage which alone would make their purchase proritaoie. It costs no more to buy a Kelly Our stock of Kelly-Springfield tires is complete MARION AUTO GO. 235 South Commercial St.: