- . 1. . -i - - if Part Three 'mm Pages 1 to 6 J-M 1 SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1924 SECTION THREE f 1 . a- , 1 !, i - , 4 in m SETS 4 RECORDS Studebaker Encircles Union of South Africa in Less . Than Hundred Hours JOHANNESBURG, MarClj 1C Old-timers of the Boer trek -wagon trails thronged around a - mud daubed automobile, when .it drew up at the curb on a main thorough fare in Johannesburg today. ' The , machine, ' a Studebaker Light-Six louring car, naa just written a new page in the colorful history of the Union of South Af rica. Without a pause in the mo tor'! steady throb, it bad set four records in retrayeling the old set tler routes, completely circling Ihe Union, In less than 100 hours a perilous trip that once took weeks for the bullock carts. Made Three Other Record Not only did the Studebaker es tablish a new round-trip record around the Union, but it also shat tered three other records between points along the course. Notable among these was the new running time of 35 hours and 57 minutes between this city and Cape Town. This was a distance of 998 miles. A standard stock model was dri ven out t Johannesburg by H. F. Payne, Fred Scantlebury, L. O. Bright and W.; B. du Preess. They drove over mountainous roads thick with mud to Cape Town, then through Port Elizabeth, East ton Ion, Kokstad, Durban and return. The car made a 2637 mile circle.! - Running- time from . the start here and return was 99 hours; 46 minutes.) Gasoltne consumption averaged 21.5 miles per Imperial gallon. The gasoline mileage was unusually high, motorists agreed j todays considering that an average speed of 26.75 miles an hour was maintained along roads broken by frequent streams, which compelled fording. Numerous washouts, due to heavy rains, forced the car to tra vel along long stretches of hilly, slippery roadway, subjecting the Studebaker and its drivers to se vere lests. For this reason the trip proved one of the most sensa tional ever staged in South Africa." Lost in Diamond Diggings The maze of roads running around hundreds of diamond dig gings, near Kimberley, brought eontusion to the record-breakers. The running time suffered serious disadvantage through time lost in opening and closing cattle gates. Metropolitan motorists may be sur prised to know that actually 309 gates barred the Studebaker's path. '., Returning to Johannesbury, the Light-Six was examined by several hundred motor car owners. The engine was still running smoothly. The body was uninjured al though it was thickly coated with mud, from axles to top. Then a careful examination of the chassis showed that the car had gone through the gruelling strain with out the slightest breakdown. Mastered the Mountains "We knew the Studebaker would go through with it," declar ed B. Penney, Johannesburg motor dealer. "We hoped for a record. But, honestly, we did not expect the four records that the car made. "We felt it could cover the dis tance according to the express schedule we had mapped out, and it accomplished what no other car has done. We proved that it is master of muddy mountain roads as well as crowded city trafic." But the olden-day bullock driv ers, grizzled veterans of once toil some trails over which the motor car flew, still shake their heads and talk of the change an automo bile from South Bend, Indiana, has wrought in the story of South Africa. (armored ford cars used by POLICE AS BANDIT CATCHERS acceleration and power developed for hill climbing, a mile was cov ered in one minute and 31 seconds from a standing start. On a coun try road the car attained a speed of more than CO miles an hour and In a city street test covered 2828 feet at a speed of approximately 70 miles an hour. Ford cars have been in use by police departments all over the country for years and recently there has been a rapidly increasing tendency in the larger cities to nse j them in place of motorcycles since they are less conspicious. and af ford greater protection and com fort. Portland, Ore., is one of the latest cities to adopt the Ford cars to replace motorcycles and now has 23 of them in operation. Cleveland Heights, O., and Cincin nati are other cities which have recently joined the Ford ranks, the armored Ford as used in Philadel phia, however, is General Butler's idea. One of the armored Ford Cars used as bandit chasers by the Philadelphia Police Department and (inset) Gen. Smedley D. Butler, Commissioner of Public Safety.y j 'Armored Ford cars as bandit chasers are the latest innovation. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, Phila delphia's dynamic commissioner of public safety, is the man who in troduced them. Before he took office a few weeks back, the Philadelphia city council voted General Butler $5000 with which to purchase an auto mobile for his personal use. Biit when salesmen for high-priced cars appeared and tried to in terest him, be made it plain that he intended to spend the money in purchasing small, light cars for use as bandit chasers by the police department. The Ford runabout was his choice and it wasn't long before an enterprising Ford salesman had a car ready for the general's inspection. Now the Philadelphia police have six of these armored Ford cars and under General Butler's plan this number will shortly be augmented until there will be 90 such bandit cars in service. ' The entire shell of the body is lined with -inch special steel and the space between the armor plat ins and the outside of the car is packed with loose cotton and coarse hair to retard the velocity of bullets. Armor plate also cov ers the cowl and runs up as high as the lower portion of the wind shield. The upper portion is in two sections of bullet proof glass and wind-wings have been provid ed on either-side, tbese-also of bul let proof glass. The Ford engines are specially equiped to afford increased speed and tests made show some inter esting results. In one test to show INJUNCTION GRAXTTD An injunction in favor of the Willard Storage Battery company, Cleveland, O., granted by Judge Charles M. Foell of the Cook coun ty, 111., Superior Court sets a pre cedent in the use of any signs ap proximating the appearance of the Willard trade mark, or any other widely known symbol of Willard sales and service, that may have a wide effect upon the automotive industry as a whole. The court decision, in it's broad cast application, would restrain sales and service stations, not au thorized by specific contracts, from any display of a company's name or trade mark in such a way as to lead the public to believe the sta tion was the authorized agent of the company whose name is so displayed. MtTLTXOMAH SALES DROP Multnomah county sold 6 1 S fewer cars during the month of January this year than in January last year. The total for January in that county last year was 1294 against 676 this year. MM DUE ISS1IH Dodge Brothers Four-Passenger Coupe Is Meet- With Approval ing To meet a distinct need for a a car of convenient size that would comfortably seat four people Dodge Brothers designed and pro? duced their new four-passenger coupe, which is now being shown here by the Bonesteele Motor com pany. The body of the coupe, which is of composite construction, is one of the finest examples of coach builders' art. The seating arrange ment is staggered, with a seat of folding design at the side of the driver. One feature is found in the fact that the driver sits dir ectly behind the steering wheel; not at an angle. Four passengers can be seated with the utmost com fort. Also, the doors are extra wide, allowing ease of movement in getting in and out. The body, which Is painted a deep blue with a yellow trim stripe. Is upholstered In genuine mohair velvet. Mohair velvet has long been recognized as a material which for beauty and durability stands premier. It cleans easily and its richness is at once appar ent to all who see It. Disc wheels are standard equip ment on the new coupe, as are win dow regulators, a dome light and hardware of Dodge Brothers own design. For those who demand more .complete equipment Dodge Brothers set aside a certain num ber of these coupes to be speciallv equipped. The special equipment Includes a nickel radiator shell, cowl lights, nickeled front and rear bumpers, special striping on the louvers of the hood, motome- ter and lock, automatic windshield wiper, balloon . tires, etc. The four-passenger conpe Is attractive in appearance and con forms in every . detail to modern design'. Dodge Brothers chassis lends Itself admirably to this typ of car. which is an attractive addi tion to the types which the com pany has been producing for some time. Bf AfclOJf COUNT! AHEAD There were 88 more automobiles sold in Marion county during the month of January this year than during the same month of last year. The total sales for all makes of cars in the county for January this year were 179' against 111: last year. Statesman Ads par for they are read in the home by Home People. It is truly a Home Newspaper. Guaranteed To Cost Less : Pet Mile le o win L AV1 V Tlf"AO "Jim" .'wiHrHifjjr ; :. "Biff Smith & mtkins Use Our Fliwerv Corner Court and High. . Phone 44. Jbr Economical Transportation 5JI January Sales in Oregon More Chevrolet cars were sold in Oregon during the month of January than any other fully equipped automobile. Chevrolet sales greater than combined ' sales of competitive cars in state. Fully Equiped Delivered in Salem A Few Reasons Why Chevrolet Sells Roadster $625 Coupe $830 1 I Truck Chassis $675 All Prices F. OJ B. Salem Terms if Desired ;i v-i; .:.v- :c . J' "' ' Delivery Chassis $515 I l . Tin VXJ7 H 1 . World's Lowest Priced Quality Automobile. 2. Fastest Selling Quality Automobile Made. 3. Lowest Average Cost Per Mile. 4. Highest Proportionate Resale Value. 5. Most Economical for Transportation. 6. More Essential THany Anything Else but a Home. SEE CHEVROLET FIRST .M,ewtoi Sedan $990 227-231 High Street - Chevrolet "TRAI L'EM TO SALEM" Co. Telephone 1000 ! , i1 ' i i j ; 1 '' i i