SUNDAY- MORNING, MARCH 16, 1024 SIFIED AD fferings. V mmmiii TIIE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON CLAS S-Co ty.O and Wants: V .4 : i, i - i I u f, i' ! ? r'- i I . 'H H M 4-' 'A. 4- CLASSIFIED r Phono 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rat per word: Pr insertion . Throe Insertion 2e 6e NORWICH UNIOH nil INSCRAXCK BOOTXTY W. H. Bnrghsrdt, Jr. idoet Agent 171 But B. Money To Loan On Seal EiUto T. k. ro&D (Ortr Ladd J Bute Bonk) AUTOMOBILES Repairing la FOR GENERATOR, STARTER, AND ignition work with guaranteed results. No work, no pay. Ii. H. Harris, 178 So. Liberty. lamls AUTO REPAIRING We do it right or not at all. We aim to pleas oar customers. Jack Doerfer Motor Repair. 410 8. Commercial. lamlS FOR IlKXT FOR RENT ABOUT MAV-lst. STORE- mm on State St. See J. II. Lauter- man. Hotel rro. 2ral3tf FOR RENT Apartments 2a THREE AND FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apartments, private bath, 352 N. 12th. 2aml9 THREE ROOM FURNISHED APARTment ground floor for adults. Telephone, new garage and all conveniences. T. O. Albert. 860 Mill St. . 2am 18 FURNISHED APARTMENT 292 NORTH Summer. ' 2aml0 FIVE ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT 754 North High St. 2a-ml6 FOR RENT FIVE ROOM STRICTLY modern, heated five room apartment. Call at 1444 Center street, Saturday or Bandar or after 6:30 or Phon 1377J. , , 2-mlo 4VR0OM FURNISHED APARTMENT, with private bats, clos la. Call st 803 Oregon bidg. - 2a-tl0tf fOB BENT APARTMENTS, 891 NO. Oommercial. ; mn nrVT f.,naM . 2b I -w 1 HOUSE FOR RENT PHOXE1825. AP ply 161 13th St. ' 2bml9 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 1148 NOR way St. See F. L. Wood. , 2bml9 UNFURNISHED FOUR ROOM HOUSE Lights and water in abas. ."on I 8S4.I. 2bml9 FOR RENT 5 ROOM FURNISHED house strictly modem. Inquire 405 S. ,23rd. St., Phono S04R. 2bm23 ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH OA rag, on paved street. I hone 1877R. 2b-m8tf FOR RENT Roma 2c FOR i? REFFUK?a?HED E00M,NEAR UOENTS DISTRICT MANAGERS. LAR CapitaL Phono 1877R. m!9 I fe,t comlniMioll. 10 per eent tonus; niTWTltn OA&DR. SIZE 14" BT . wording "Famished Bool ," pries 10 - seats each. Htatosaaa sosisess vx fie. Ground floor.. FOR RENT APABTM.tNTS AND iaatiibv rooms, ljoonara .nw. s xi. i Front street FOR SALE MlscelL ineona 4 FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL CHINA CLOS- : et. almoat new. cheap. Phone HU4M. . 4m 19 FOR SALE ONE BUCKS RANGE AND I three-hole Florence automatic coaloil stove. 975 N. Com'L 4ml6 A- RUO AND CARPET WEAVING RUGS for sale or mad to order. Phone 949J. 498 8. 19th St. 4m20 TWO ROOM COTTAGE WITH FIREplac at Nye Beach, Sewport. A snap, ao 4ria 1115 Garfield Ave.. Portland, Or. 4ml9 FOR SALE CHEAP -1 OLIVER CHILL- 4 plow, 12 inch; l John veer Pw. Ui lark- 1sa whiffle tree and neck- vaka. fie J. H. Laaterman. Hotel ' Argo.' tl Farmers Notice Would trad pro n tree (or some good hay. Prnn tree cheap. Now ia th time , to improve yonr farm, i, Mathi Nursery Co. Sales yard opposite I O. E. depot at Cherry City hotel. Of- Yr i iVss TZ Fkoas Tiori. I WASTEI-BOY OVEB 18 WH0 DOES BABY CHICKS HOLLYWOOD, TAN fie Phon 1758. Re. Phon 10F4. I Bo d,Ter m,k -Bd do otheP D ,re ,nd EngUsh. Fridiyi Saturday and APPLES DELIVERED PI1 )NE 494. 4m21 HAT 110 1397M. , DIVI8IOX BT. PHONE 4m21 BLACK WALNUT TREES 4 YEAB8 Id. cheap. Call oa owner, ivuo hi - at. . - - TRACTOR, OLIVER -DISC PLOW? BIN der. Term or trad far anything I can . 2395 K. Frost. Phon 1 FURNITURE FOR BALE 447 CENTER 4ml9 nixiva ROOM AND LIVING ROOM fur- itnva ineludin russ. Practically new Mast sell before April 1st. Phone 1104M. EGOS FOR HATCHING RIR 5 FOR ' 15. 2201 W. Nob Hill St. 412 tHnnn ISLAND RED HATCHING efg. $4 per hundred. M. M. Mage, Route 6. Salem. Phon 1F25. ' Willamette Valley .Nursery kaa few of Dr. Bas'a Big Proses ' srsss trss lft; also walnut sad fil- C . . 1 v u..kl. D. B. lam SUvertoa highway. Phos 105P5. 4-tf PUREBRED BAB I CHICKS At reduced price. Whit Leghorn. Beds, Barred Kocks, wnito itoea, win "" -I ' rcbaa, Aaeonaa, Bff Orpington. ! - 1 verie Tuesday every we. oaten i.r:i..-l ftta'fu.t.' Phon. 400. ..v-..-, T ----- RHODE ISLAND 11ED HATCHINO egg, 60e. so. . A. Hrri, Bal. Phon Fi. t)..,.4tf..l fieoirnn Dn Am al other Oregon song together I with fin collection of patriotic songs. sacred song and many eio-um lavor- itoa. - ALL FOR 25e. (Special price la quantity tot) Especially adaptabl for school commun ity or hm inglng. Bond for Western Songster to pag bow la its third oditlea ' OREGOIf TEACHERS HOWTHLT ' 'tl B. Commercial Sir ' Baloo. Or. 1HH BALE OLD KIWBPaPIRS 1 eat boadl. ClrJtt depart! Orefoa But. SECTION On week (six insertions). On month..... . 8e ...20c Bis month' cootrmet per mo 15c 13 mootht' contract, per mo 12c Minimum for any drertiaoinent 25c FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4 MUST 8ELL PIANO I AM LEAVING the Oregon theater and Salem the 22nd. Must dispose of my new Monarch pi ano. Terms but caxh is desired, ('has. W. Hawley Jr., 1553 State St. 4 ml 6 WE BUT AND SELL ALL KINDS OF junk, hardware, clothing, etc. Capital Bargain Hons and Junk Co, Center and Front at the bridge. 4 f 14tf UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. Hare your machine repaired by the people who mat it. Special rental rat to student. 100 Maaoni Bidg. Phono S6S , naatf LAVE TOUR FURNITURE OR AUTO eleaned and oolished with "Kwik shine" or will tell yoo the material to o to work yourself, SOe and si. Will also clean your wallpaper or saades. Agent wanted, r. U Box 423 or Phon 1820. - 4jlStf CUSTOM HATCHING SAVE MONEY on baby ehlx by nsing the big Wish . bono laeabator. Lloyd Le. Phono Itm 4j2Stf FOR SALE Livestock 4a HOUSE AND APARTMENTS. 2056J. PHONE 4al5 FOR SALE NICE PIGS AND BROOD sow. John II. Scott, 208 Oregon Bid. 4aml6 FOR SALE 1 MARE. 8 YRS. OLD Weight 1225. Works single or double. Kt. No. 8, Box 10e. 4sml9 FOR SALE 4 HIGH GRADE JERSEY cows, 2 fresh, others to freshen soon. Kt. 3, Box 230. Near Finxer station 4aml8 FRESH MILK GOATS C. M. HOOLEY, Hubbard, Oregon. 4a-m21 8EVEN GOOD MILK COWS, FRESH and coming fresh, for sale. W. C. Soderman, Jefferson, Or- Rt. 1. Phon 49F2X from Sslem 4a-fl0tf HELP WANTED WANTED WOOD CHOPPERS TO CUT J50 cord of ol old and second growth fir for Marion county on the county larm at llopmere, 9 mile, north of Sa lem. Call at county judge's office. 5m 17 HELP WANTED Agents 5a STYLISH SHOES DIRECT FROM FAC- tory to weartr. Simple and quick sell ing methods. Profits large, commissions daily; real salesmen wanted. Style- Arch Shoo Co., Cincinnati. SamlC SELL MADISON 'BETTER MADE" shirts direct .from factorv to wearer' no capital or experience required; easily sold ; big profits. Write for samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway New York. 5am 18 supply demand; 18 hosiery numbers mixed orders. We deliver. Writ for Free Samples. Dept. 1203, S.Q.S. Co., Lexington, Ky. oamlo MAKE l0O WEEKLY UP SELLING - . , ------ - measure suits direct from factory to wearer. Price $12.50. Commission in advance. No ixpenence necessary. Write General Service Clothing Co., 303 White Bidg., Seattle. 5aml6 HELP WANTED Female 5b WANTED LADIE8 TO DO SIMPLE needlework at home. Liberal pay. Ma terials furnished. Addressed stamped envelope brings particulars. MORGAN NOVELTY ART CO., Atlanta, Ga. 6bml6 I AN EXCEPTIONAL OPENING THOSE desiring plain home stwing; no can vassing; .city; country. To prevent curiosity seekers, send twelve cents for samples, information. Good Wear Cloth Co.. Inc., Asbnry Park, N.J. 5bmI8 QIRb WANTED FOR GENERAL honse- work. Most be good rook. Apply forenoons at 325 N. Capitol St. 5Iml9" WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR reneral housework. Mnst lie good cook. Good wages. Phon 1669 or eall 768 State. ohm 18 HELP WANTED Male 5c .1 wora. tan zajt. at noon nour or oe-i tween 7 and 8 p. m. 5c ml 6 I MEN OVER 18 WILLING TO TRAVEL. Make secret investigations. Reports. Salary - and expenses. Experience on- necessary. Write J. Ganor, Former Govt., Selective, st. Louis, 5cmio- ELECTRICTTY TAUGHT BY EXPERTS Earn while yon learn at home. Elec trical Book and Proof (Lessons Free. Satisfaction guaranteed and position se cured. Write to Chief Engineer Cooke, 2144 Lawrence Ave,- Chicago. 5cml6 J ; 1 MEN WANTED TO 8ELL OUR GOODS I in country or city. Be independent. have business of your own with ateady income. We aell on time if you wish. Team or anto needed for coun try. No outfit for city. We train yon no telling experience needed. Mc- Connon A Company, Winona. Minn. Mention this paper. 5cm 16 ... . . , WANTED Employment 12 LICENSED STEAM ENGINEER WANTS position. Address 620, rare Statesman. 12ml9 WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. 1484R. 127 WANTED Miscellaneous IS WANTED FARM NEAR SALEM. State all particular in first letter. Box 612 Statesman. 13ml9 I . .-.DO -It 1 w n-i, uir. tab ur J - c A.n.r. uw mr , - 1 strawberries. R. N. Allen. Rt. 8. Box soa. 1319 I FARM WANTED I WANT FARMS FOR rash buyers. Describe and state price. R. MrNowa, 258 Wilkinson Bidg., Oma ha. Neb. 18ml6 I WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER HAV farm for sale; give particulnr and lowest price. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin. 13ml6- DRE8SMAKING SHOP AT 429 Court St. 13m20 WANTED TANK OF 150 TO 250 GAL- Ion to hanl water to sprayer, i. K. Chapman. HU 2. Boa 101. . 13ml6 WANTED STRICTLY MODERN OR 7 room dwelling, within walking dis tance priced between S40OO and Saoou. . Want owner to take vacant lot to the V value of $750; some ch, balanc I monthly. Anderson Rupert. 406 Ore gn Bidg. 13mltf WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO tak farm paper nbeription. A. fooa BroDoaitioa to th right paapio. ao- dree th Pe4fle Homestead, StaUrmas ! HELP WANTED Miscellaneous 6d TYPISTS ADD MATERIALLY TO your income by typing authors' manu scripts. Free detailed information on request. R. J. Carnes, Authors' Agent, Tallapoosa. Ga. SdmlS HELP WANTED Salesmen Se EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO SELL motorcycles. Harry W. Scott. 5eml9 SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL CHF.V rolets. A good proposition for a real salesman. Newton-Chevrolet Co. 5emtf WANTED SALESMEN WITH AI'TO to represent well known woolen com pany. Liberal contract, exclusive ter ritory. Write for proposition. North ern Woolen Co., Fergus Falls, Minn. .', SHOES BECOME OCR LOCAL SALES nian selling high-grade shoes dirct to wearers; quick seller fend good commis sion. Experience not required. Tanners Shoe Mfg. Co., 200 C St., Boston, Mass. 5cm 16 WANTED HIGH-CLASS SPECIALTY salesmen and state managers; give ref erences and previous experience first letter. Onlv men capable of making 95,000 yiarly need apply. Southern Aluminum A "Stove Co., Inc., Galveston. Texas. 5emlG TAILORING SALESMEN AMERICA'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE TROUSER HOl'SE has opening in this territory. Made to measure Trousers $5.50 to 8.oO. Big daily profits and bonus. Write Lincoln Tailoring Company, 34 East 12th S:., New York City. 5cm 1G RELIABLE MEN WANTED EVERY where to distribute free samples, book lets. etc.. for National Advertisers; no selling; year around work; no exptri ence or capital necessary ; permanent business. Write quickly enclosing stamps for contract and details. Na tional Distributors Association, 5909 N. Paulina St., Chicago, 111. 5eml6 SALESMAN WANTED SPLENDID Op portunity. II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 5e-ml6 SALESMAN TO COVER WILLAMETTE Valley. Handling extensive line ad vertising calendars and novelties. State references first letter. V. 8. Walsh, 560 Mission St.. San Francisco. 5em27 LOST AND FOUND FOUND GOLD BROOCH. THE ACE. 6aml8 STRAYED BIG BAY MULE NOW AT Sidbavk ranch. Independence. Owner may have same by paying oosts. 6aml9 MISCELLANEOUS I fan paint your roof Black, Yellow or Blue And save y.n money. Also roof re pairing and shingling. See M. R. Mathews. Phone 1C7. omlC PERSONAL NOTICE $130,000.0 J O E S W I T H pretty' girl wishing marriage. (Eva), B 1022, Wichita, Kansas. Tmlti LONESOME WIDOWS GET BUSY, Write me, marry wealthy. Mr. Hyde, Box 305, 103-A. San Francisco. 7ml6 CATHOLICS, WISHING TO MARRY, BOOKLET FREE. Address HOME CLUB, L Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. 7ml6 AiSTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'8 Story 1 Send birthdate for trial read ing. Eddy, 1085B, Suite 3 A, Kansas City, Mo. T to 1 o MARRY IF LONELY MOST SUCCESS ful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club"; Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland California. 7ml6 I LEADING CLUB, LARGEST, MOST RE- liable for lonely people; confidential descriptions free in plain sealed envel ope; thousands weaitny memners. it sincere write. r.stanlislied 20 years. Old Reliable Club (nam copyrighted). Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Cali fornia. 7ml6 get MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. CORRESPONDENT. Toledo, Ohio 7-m26 POULTRY 7a Lowest price ever offered on BABY CHICKS We are offering Oregon customers Best White Leghorns any quantity 100 to 1000 at 11c. each. Brown Leg horns 12c each. Black Minorca and Rhode Island Reds 15c. each. We ship only good chicks, extra count and prepay Parcel Post charges on March orders, we hatch za.oou cnickt weekly end can fill orders promptly. Send yours in at once. THE MISSION HATIHGKT, fampneii, uai. nm.iu Rnndav. 14c. One-half mile north of packing house. Parr' Poultry Farm, Rt. 9, Box 7, Salem. 7aml6 I FOR SALE BABY CHICKS THAT Will live, several breeds. Flake's Petland. 273 Stat. 7a-mtt WHITE LEGHORN HATCHING EGGS (Hanson strata), $1.00 per setting. $5.00 per 10O. C. H. 'iaher, RED 2, Salem, Ore. Phone lbr.l. 7a-m22 Why Delay? ( Place vour order for 1924 chick with the White Hatchery, the htcbery with a repulst on for good chicks. Safe ar rival, full count guaranteed. Member of Accredited tlalrneries, Sonoma County. "A" and "AA" stock. Price right. Send for catalog. WHITE HATCHERY, Petaluma, Cam. u-zbii THE AVERAGE HEN DOES NOT PAY .profit. Purebred bn bred to lay pay big profits, and have mad hun dred of poultry men wealthy. Four teen trios of world champion pure bred chicken will be given free to am bition man. women, boy and girl. Rand name and address and full infor mation will be mailed. - Purebred Chicken Editor. Northwest Poultry Jour nal. Salem. Oreron. Dep't. A 7-j30tf BILLY STIFF r vT' s! W : i UTahd TUEN WUEN TUE VILLAIM mAKES W AND TUE WHOLE CAST COMPS OUT p I SUPPOSE- tXJ M WELL. I LEAD IN f WHAT PART DOES sS-s 1 A WISE CRACK AT SIX-SHOOTER. PE&CV, t TWUWNG- THEIR NOSES AT THE fc WAVE A LEADING- A FIFCY STEED IN E TUE H0BSE PLAY? Rtf fl7" lUE MEPO- 1 TRIP TUE HORSE VMOE .'SSfJT' ZTT, . I Z EAr?d ,.N Jct U THE LAST ACT! J K JMP BrALLS ON THE VILLAIN JZJL5 TATfr A WORSE 0W YOU ! 7a PUREBRED AXCONA CHICKS $18.50 hundred. Rt. 5, Box 45, Salem. Phone 118F2. 7a-a8 HOOLWOOD CHICKS 200 289 EGO stock. Kit e ranee. C. A. Dowd. Au burn Rd . Rt. 6. Salem. Ore. 7a m20 REAL ESTATE Cltj OWN YOUR HOME FOR SALE A GOOD LOT, AND SMALL house for $350, if you hurry. F. L Wood. 341 State St. 8ml!t FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALEM property, 7 acres all in cultivation, 2 miles from Oregon City. Good build ings and water. A. J. Anderson, Rt. f. Box 157. 8ml9 1 LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! $175 On south 12lh street. 225 Jefferion street. $300 North Capitol Hreet. $550 Paved street, clear title. $C50 Commercial and Liberty street. M&ny other good buys in lots at Clill.lS BEl'HTKl, 540 State St. 8mlGtf GOOD BUYS See description of East Salem resi dence on Builders' page, $3500. New Fairmount Hill cottage $3800. Fairmotint Hill 7 room residence. 855O0. North Salem 8 room residence with D','2 lots, $4000. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 No. Commercial St.. Salem. Ore. 8ml6tf BARGAINS 5 acre ranch choice land, close in, modern house except furnace, for city residence. Price 36000. 17 acres 5 in timber, 12 acres cul tivated. Exchange for lots. Price $1700 147 acre ranch, small house, large br.rn, other outbuildings. Sandy soil. One and a half miles from Marion. Price per acre, $70. 8 and 22 100 A., 3 miles out on paved highway, fair house, barn and chicken coop, good well of water, Price $7500. Will deal for residence. J. F. LATHAM 331 i State St. 8mlGtf TODAY'S SPECIAL In a close in apartment house with 6 apartments, 11 rooms, lsrge lot, completely furnished, with an income clearing $100 per month. Only two and a half blocks from U. S. Bank, This is business property at residence prices. Only $6000; with only one third rash down, balance to suit pur chaser. This is the best buy in town. lor particulars See CHILDH A BECHTEL 540 State St. 8ml Ctf BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 4 room bungalow, garage, woodshed. good location, 200O; easy terms. 6 room bungalow, garage, full re mented busement, on pavement, at car. $3o00; easy terms. 5 room pew bungalow, strictly mod ern, dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full basement, fireplace, garage, 2 more rooms could be finished. This fine residence has everything in builtins. the particular housewife will like it Only $5900; reasonable terms. 6 room absolutely up to the minute stric'ly modern, new Dutch Colonial residence. It has ail the heart of a Particular house wife could desire, at 975 K street. Do not bother the owner on Sunday. If it interests you see us Monday. Priced very reasonable. EXCHANGES 5 room modern bungalow in Port land for Salem residence.! price $3o00 8 room strictly modern home in Ir viug addition. Portland. We want to tell you about this. For Salem home. Priced $9000. SOCOLOFSKY. Realtor 841 State St. 8ml6tf WONDERFUL BUY CLOSE IN MODERN HOME 7 large rooms. Electricity, gas bath full cement basement, furnace, fire place, stationary wash trays, east front One of the best corners in town. Two paved streets, close to schools, post- office and business district. No car fare to pay. Abstract clear title. A real home. Call and see for yourself at 003 North Winter street, corner of Union street, or see my agent. Price $6300; terms. If it's c home you want, See CHILDS & BECHTEL 540 State St. 8ml6tf BARGAINS ONLY A 4R. bungalow at $2100; 5 room and garage (very desirable) $2200; A 6 room modern $3100. (terms): An other 6 room (paved street) modern, $3000. An extra good buy in a 6 room modern except basement at gzooo. Add $250 and you have a $3000 place. r,asy terms on some. See The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Stat St. 8tn9tf Buy From Owner Lots on South 20th and 21st street. Pavmenta Price First Mo'ly Mt'rs. I Lot $250.00 $25.00 $8.00 30 mo. 3 Lota 225.00 15.00 7.50 30 mo. 2 Lot 200.00 12.50 6.75 30 mo. Twi-nty-first street to b paved this year. Prices will be advanced $10.00 per lot j on April 15th. Phone 1493R or SEE ME, 640 S. 18th met. umlb- ANY MAN CAN AFFORD TO BUY, OR BUILD AS GOOD A HOUSE AS HE CAN AFFORD TO RENT. 5 room bnngalow, garage $3400.00 5 room bungalow, new 4300.00 4 room bungalow, garage 2100.00 7 room bungalow, garage 6200.00 Good bouse and lot in Dallas to trade for Salem property; will assume up to $3000. 90 acre farm, 14 A. cherries, snd 14A. prunes. Farm close to Salem. Will trade my equity for Salem property. 50 acre farm, well located, 25 acre fruit. Will trad my equity for Salem property. We build to suit the purchaser, and ell on easy terms. Houses for rent. We write insurance. Always money to loan on real estate. If it is a house, lot, farm or a trade, See me RICH L. REIMANN Realtor Office Phone 013. Res. Phone 726R 307 308 Oregon Bidg. 8ml3tf POULTRY REAL ESTATE City 8 RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP; good location, all equipment. Inquire at Oregon Transfer k Storage Co., Phone 77. " 8ml6 SPECIAL 5 nice lots for 1300; terms. 3 room new house $1150; terms. 5 room plastered, paved sireet and on car line. SI 800. ( rooms. A bargain for $1 900: with $300 down. Fine lot all in fruit, $350; terms. 2 good houses for rent. THOMASON, 331 'i State St. FOR SALE THREE ROOM HOUSE, one targe lot, $4.o. Phone 1242J. m 18 0 ROOM NEW BCNGAInV. HARD wood floors, $4iOOO. 5 room new bungalow, corner, elec tric range, ice box, linoleum, wood in basement, $6800. 5 room new bungalow, hardwood floors, corner. $5750. , Large house, close 'in, suitable for apartments or roomers. Business loca tion, $10,000. Apariuieut house $10,000. Apartment house $65'JO. Apartment house $5800. Ford coupe $350. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 8ml4tf 4 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ON NO. Cottage St., $3000; cash $500; balance to suit. New 5 room bungalow on No. 18th St. This place is strictly modern and a good buy at $5000; terms. New 5 room modern bungalow on So. 19th St., large lot, rice $4000; terms. A firt class tl room cottage located at No. 4 75 So. 18th St. We consider this an excellent buy at $2350; terms $500 cash, balance to suit. A strictly modern 5 room cottage on Leslie St., 'i block from 12th St., near store and school, partly furnished, $3500; good terms. 2 lots on North 23rd St., 2 blocks from State St. Price $300 each. You make the terms. ANDERSON A RUPERT 406 Oregon Building 8ml3tf WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE LIST- ine of acreage and city property. Any thing and anywhere, at real Largaius. Read these over li" acres of rood land. 7 room house in fair condition, good granary and other out buildings, one good team of horses and harnesa, one cow, some .chickens, a drill, mower, rake, 2" plows, wagon and other tools. 1 i miles from small town, good high school and church. Think of it. All for $3600: $1300 down, balance at 5 per cent, long term. A new building with fine stock of groceries and fixtures in front part 4 good living rooms, bath and toilet. Corner lot, a fine location, and a real bargain all t $3500. Good five room house and garage to rent at $22. $2000 buys a five room house on N. Summer, terms. 20 acres,, joins suburban town, 14 acres in crop, good barn, small new bouse, poultry house. Buyer gets Ml of crop, 1 600; terms, or will trade for house in Salem. A fine seven room house and 44 acres of good land in Woodbnrn, a good buy at 600; or will trade for prop ertv in Salem. SEE THESE FINE PLACES Acre tract 1 to 100. 3 miles from Salem on paved road at very reasonable i prices ifnd good terms. A fine selection of five room houses at prices to suit. A very good six acre trat. one mile from Salem. A snap at $1800. $3150 buys a 10 room apartment. Easy terms, monthly payments. 141 acres, dairy ranch, good house, ailo, barn, and other buildings, crop goes with place. Price $10,000; or will trade. Is close to country town. Stock of grocerit'i good location at $1600.' , A good Fordson tractor, plow, "and disk to trade or sell, part payment on five reom bungalow. Remember onr aim is to get what you want and where yon'wsnt it. MOISAN & ULRICH ' 122 N. Oom'l. Phone 1354. 8ml5tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 1M" wording, "Rooms to R nt, price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Of fice. Oronnd Floor. A BARGAIN ft room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, 'beautiful surroundings. Will sacrifice at $3500 and give terms anyone can handle. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bidg. 8ml2tf EXCHANGE FIVE ROOM PLASTERED bnngalow and one aere in fruit $4000, on Oregon Electric near Portland to trade for home in-Salens. For sale small house and two lots $600. Strictly mdern six room bungalow, oak floors, east front, paved street. A snaR at $5500. A good 10 room house on pave ment, corner lot, good location, $4000. Two houses for rent and one furnished. F. L. WOOD. 341 State St. 8ml3tf $2750 Three new bungalows, plastered, built in kitchen, modern plumbing apd elec trict lights on paved street and car line. Terms of $750 down. Eaxt front. Let ns show you these bungalows. You will like them. $3500 New 5 room bnngslow with full ce ment basement and garage. Nar school. Term. $4500 6 room bungalow, new, with hard wood floors, basement, furnace, fire place, double garage. This is a real bargain. We write fire insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. - 275 Stale St. Phone 515 8mlltf A TEN ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN AT A bargain, if yon act quick. Can be ar ranged in 4 apartmi nt. A low price. Will take good auto on deal. 7 room modern house, six blocks from business center, all in first class condition, modern in every way. A very low price. 110 acre farm very will improved to exchange for good city property. Ex cellent chanc fur some one. See me ion 5 room house close In for sal or rent. Has a lot of furniture. On psv ed t. Here is a genuine bargain. 16 room apartment paying abont 15 per c-nt on investment. Very close in. Call esrly and see ma about it. See Me First G. W. LAFLAR 410 Oregon Bidg. 8-m4tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V wordinr "For Sale. Enquire t." Price 10 rent each. Statesman Business Office, Ground Floor. Horse Play! REAL ESTATE City 8 $1580 BUYS HOME ON PAVEMENT 4 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from school and rarline. Lot 75x135. 1035N. 21st. Phone 2073M. 8m20 CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Large up to the minute list of the v ry best offerings in Salem and vicinity tent free to any address Harris, 208 Oregon Building, phone 254. 8 f22tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7tVi". wording "For Rent," price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, on Ground Floor. FOR SALE BY OWNER. BRAND NEW, strictly modern six-room bungalow. South Salem; close in. Price $5600. Phone 1784. 8-fl7tf REAL ESTATE Trade 8a 6 ROOM HOUSE, 3 LOTS, GARAGE Wood shed, chit-ken yard. Price $1800: $500 down, balance 6 per cent. Also 5 acres, good house, barn and well; x cere in garden, walnut trees and small fruit. Price $3000; $500 down, balance 6 per rent. See owner at 10O5 Mill street, Salem. Oregon. 8al5 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 8b $61.21 DAILY AVERAGE WAS EARNED by Johnson, a student, during vacation. In a week Engelson, a farmer, sold $1,718.25, Ennis $1,876.85, and Clavier $2,019.60. The oldest, largest and best equipped wooltn mill in the northwest selling direct to consumer offers you a like oppoitunitv; $75.00 required. Fer gus Falls. Minn. 8bml6 MONEY TO LOAN 6 ON FARM PROP- ertv. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. Bh-alO ' REAL ESTATE Farms GOOD BUYS Now Is the time to buy that small acreage tract on the terms that you can handle it. $100 down and balance $10 per month buys 10 aire of first class tree and berry soil, located south near the famous Sky Line orchard, all cultivated and plowed. Price $1250; interest 6 per cent. $100 down and $10' per month buys 5 acres of fine dark prairie soil lo cated east, close to Swegle school. Price $1500; interest 6 per cent. $200 down and ' balance easy terms buys OVj acre tract located 1-2 mile west of south Commercial at-eet car on Hansen avenue, mostly timber, small buildings; and sightly location, au ideal home site. Price $2500. $3000 cash buys nearly 10 acres all in bearing fruit, 4 room cottage, and outbuildings, located close to pave ment and on good road. $80 down and balance $10 per month buys 90-100 of an acre located just outside of city limits south, close to car line and Pacific highway. A real building site. Price $bo0; interest 6 per cent. $50 down and balance $10 per month buys a fine Vjacrc tract located on North 21st street close to Engtewcod school, beautiful shade trees, city water, electric lights. Price $600; interest 6 per cent. $50 down and balance $10 per month buys 8 lots, 50 by 100 feet each, lo cated south, gravel street, well drained and sightly location. Price $600. In tercut 6 per cent. $1000 down and balance long time at 6 per rnt will handle 10 acres of first class land located on Pacific highway south, east front, all cultivated, 1 'A miles from street car line. Price $300 per acre. $500 down and ff00 per year will buy 10 acre tract with buildings, locat ed north close to Pacific highway, first claa soil. Price $3,000, interest 6 per cent. W. H. GRABF.NHORST CO Realtors, 275 State St. 9ml6 BOTTOM LAND FOR RENT ABOUt 25 acres new land in cultivation, all you went adjoining easily cleared. Share rent on cultivated land, all you raise on other land for clearing. This ia the very best of land for potatoes, corn, toma toes, etc. Buildings, immediste posses sion. John H. Khoten, Dayton, Oregon. Oinld WEEK-END BARGAINS 10 room modern house, 3 acre of land in Salem. Lots of frnit. Price $.0oo; $1500 cash. Bal. 6 per cent. 24 acres on gravel road, good soil, 6 acres of prunes. 8 room house, base ment, water system. Price . $6300. Would take house in Salem as part payment. KRUEGER 147 North Coin'l. St. Phon 217 9ml5 HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM PHONE 1895W. 9m25 Dairy Trade 85 acres equipped with cows, chick ens, horses and farm implements and on a paying basis. I am pricing this - way below what it is worth and will con aider some trade on Salem, Silverton or Portland property that is priced right. 5A. improved $1600; terms or trade. 3 lots in Nob Hill addition, priced $350.00 ROBINSON Oregon Bidg. 9m 14 ii aaa ii i is w ii l il n i REAL ESTATE To Exchange. 9b TO EXCHANGE 35A., 10A cultivated, balance easily cleared. 2 set buildings, well and creek, 11 fenced hog tight. Few steps to high school and RR atation. Clear title. Value $3500, for modern 5 or 6 room home in Salem, well located on paved street. Will assume or pay rash dif ference. Deal with owner. Ray J. Fox, Lyons. Ore. 9b-ml6 REAL ESTATE Suburban 10 SUBURBAN HOMES And Large Farms $2000 Improved 3a tra-t. S1200- Improved la. tract. 2550: Improved 5a. tract. $5500 Highly improved 10a. $7500 Highly improved 70a. Farms all aizea and prices. CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State St. 10ml6tf FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, modern, on property 100x100; newly papered and painted throughout, and in first class condition, hen house, wood shed and garage; near first class grade and high schools; located in Junction City, Oregon. Price $2500; reasonable terms. Call or address Edward F. Bailev, Attorney at Law, Junction City, Oregon. 1012 TSED CARS FOR SALE 11 LOOK THESE UP. THEY ARE REAL buys taken in on new Gardner Cars 1922 Gardner touring, tike new. 1922 Baby OverUnd, only run 8,000 miles. 1922 Chevrolet, a real buy. 1919 Dodge. Salem Branch of BURDETT t AiLBEE, 173 S. Liberty. Ilml9 QUALITY USED CARS AT A PRICE THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Ford touring $185.00 Baby Grand Chevrolet 150.00 Elgin touring 165.00 Ford touring 235.00 Overland touring 225. OO Overland touring 325.00 Dodge louring 595.00 Chalmers touring 700.00 Oukland coupe 1000.00 New Ford touring at a discount and many others for yon to select from. (We Give Terms) F. W. PETTYJOHN A CO. 219 X. Commercial St. Phone 1260 llmlMf 1923 CHEVROLET SUPERIOR TOUR ing.. Looks and runs like new. Cord tires; extras; Ul license. A real buy $450. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. 227 -V High Phone 1000. llmlG BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR LOOK these over. They are all in excellent condition and will give you the same service you might expect from a new car. 1 Buirk Six 1 Ford coupe. 1 Olds 8, 10,000 miles. 1 lodge touring. - 1 Essex 5 passenger. KIRK WOOD MOTOR CO. 246 State St. Ilml5 1919 BUICK 8IX MOTOR, THOROUGH ly overhauled, newly painted, new top. new curtains. A real bargain for $485 Try to match its price or quality any where. OTTO J. WILSON 388 X. Coin'l. Phone 220 llm!5 FOR SALE 1922 Dodge delivery, A-l shape, cord tires, $50. 1922 Ford touring, cord tire, A-l shape. $335. 1922 Ford roadster, box on rear, $275. 1920 Ford roadster, extra box o rear. $150. 1922 Dodge touring, look like new $650. J 920 Dodge sedan. $800. 1923 Dodge touring, run 2000 miles, $950. BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Ilm9t USE FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZE FORD DEALER 1921 Roadster $260.00 1923 roadster 360.00 1919 touring 165.00 1920 touring 215.00 1922 touring 275.00 1923 touring 315.00 1921 coupe 370.00 1922 coup- 425.00 1920 truck 23". 0 1922 track 385.00 Other cars from $45 xnd up. All cars are guarantee!. See ns before buying I. beral terms Open evening and nrfuy. VALLEY M07o:t CO. Phone 1995 2" ' Hit 11-r" WOOD Foil SA1,K 1G INCH BLOCK WO- 3.75 PEK load. 4 loads $14. Phone 7nV. !4m30 DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7.00 p cord delivered. Phon 19F8. Mayfield 14 fl3t FOR SALE DRY SECOND-GROWTH fir wood, 4 ft. for immtdiat delivery. Phon 106. 4fl2tf LARGE DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7 per cord. Ash $8. Phone 1879W. 14m30 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mill wood Dry second growth fir Dry old fir 16 inch BLOCK mill wood is th best fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery nd reasonable prire. Fred E. Wells, 280 -S. Church. Phon 1542. n9tf DO YOU WANT GOOD WOOD AT REAS onabl prices! Then eall 1879W for ash, old or second growth fir. Prompt delivery. 14 j2tf REALTY EXCHANGES I Reported by Union Abstract j Company j Otto J. Vincent and wife to L. H. Roberts, 77.75 acres in Swarts, D.L.C.. in T. 7 S. R. 2 W.. W.M. $10. N. W. Gitzen to Joseph Lokln ger and wife, 6 acres in sec. 3, 10, T. 6 S, R. 1 W.. W.M.; $4,600. Johanna Fendrick (o F. L. Wood, 10 acres in T. 7 S, R. 3 W W.M. and other good and valu able consideration; $10. Sarah M. Shimmin to Fred W, Will and wife, lot 7. block 1. Sny der's Add to Aurora. Ore.; $1,400. Martha Jacobson and husband to Fitzgerald and wife,' acre in sec. 35, T. 6 S, R. 1 W.. W.M.; $10. Jacob Rkhter and wife to Felix Mauratt and wife, pt. of sec. 21 and 20, in T. 8 S, R. 1 V.f W.M.: $1.00. M. J. Reeves, et al. to H. C. Todd. N. . . of the N.W. 4 of block 31, North SLlem, being lot 8 $1.00. John H. Collier and wife to J. L. Grofr. pt. sec 17, T. 4 S, R. 1 W., W.M.; $10. Reuben P. Boise, et al. to W. B. Morse, lot 12, block 7. in By 'Alexander noise's Second Add.? Salem; $10. Joseph Hugill and wife to M. E. Armstrong, 1028 square feerot land In Woodburn; , $1.00. . ' M. E. Armstron to Joseph Ho- gill and wife. 1084 square ft. of land in Woodburn; $1.$$. 4 L. M. Ford to D. H. McKeniie and wife, lot 3 in Fairlodge Add. Salem; $10. . . M. P. Lauterman and J. II., her husband to D. A. Wright and wife, N. 10 ft. of fractional lot 8 and all of fractional lot 9. 1 0, block 4. Boise's First Add., Salem. Also strip 5 ft. wide in fractional lota 7, 8, block 4, Boise's First Add,; $400. M. Frickey, to Charles Cratz and wife, land in lot E, block 6, Frickey's Add.. Salem; $10. It. P. Bonham and H. Clare to Laura M. Boyd, lot 16, in Oak hurst, Salem; $10. Willis H. Huddleton to M. R. Huddleeton, land 100 x 110 ft., in block IB Add., Woodburn land 100 x 110 ft. in block 1. Add. B. to Woodburn; $1. Andrew Ettner to Martha , and William J. Ettner. 219.05 acres in T. 9 S., R. 3 W., W.M.; $1.00. Marion Z. Deppen and wife: to Geo. W. Moffit and wife, lot 14, block 1, Broadway Add., Salem; $1,350. Wives of Farmers Labor Long With Poor Equipment DURHAM. N. II., March 15. , The suggestion that "farm women -spend more .time in the making of pies, cakes, and cookies than their food value justifies. Is made by workers of the state farm ex tension service. These workers with the aid of charts kept by -representative ' farmers', wives, have figured that the average . farm woman In this state per forms nearly 4000 hours of labor a year, in effect giving her an 11 -hour day, including Sundays and holidays. The extension workers are try- ! ing to work out some means of re- ' ducing this burden. A campaign , for better food selection is being"4, made, in view of the fact that the 'j charts show an average of four ' hours spent a day In food prepar ation. The inconvenient arrange- . ment of kitchens and poor equip ment is fouod to be a important -factor in the situation. The time spent on sewing, the workers say, can be reduced by : education in equipment and meth- " ds. Better washing equipment " ill help in laundry work. - The extension service heard of i farmer who was forced to do 7 he farri'iy washing because his ..ife was ill. She had done her . laundry work for 27 years with ! inadequate equipment, but at ths ; end of two weeks the farmel bought a washing machine. Registrars Warn English Girls Against Marrying (By ataa) " LONDON, Feb. 27. The In creasing number of marriages be tween English girls and men of foreign nationality is viewed with some alarm by the authorities. J These mixed marriages mostly take place in registrars' offices, but many occur in churchea, "We are bound by law to marry them," said a registrar, "and all we can do is to point out to the bride the ser iousness of the marriage and give her some idea of the customs pre vailing in the country to which the man belongs. From my experi ence not one in ten of these mixed marriages turns out happily."- . NATIOX NEARLY HALF MARRIED (By MJ1) ' ! ' PRAGUE, Feb. 24. Czechoslo vakia is said to have fewer bache-. lors, relatively, than any other country in the world. Forty-six per cent of the entire population is married. NEW JERSEY FARMER'S WIFE WITH 1 POUXD IiOT STURDY STORK BROUGHT tyiiwi;Mi.fc.ywi.. Sims' AiA ti- It Is an unusually strong; species of stork that files over New Jersey.' One of those birds recently left nineteen-pound baby boy at ' the farmhouse of William Henion near pedensburg. Mrs. Henion la shown her proudly diaplaylnj he yme baby. . . ; j I Is 8 v ' si M &iV. NT 5v is Y Bids, salens, vr. ;:): ':?:''.'-;