T II II nil p gii m m Tnii "T i1 in i i -i '"'"rtflllliil " "' 111,11 '-'-"-'''"ju"- .....u.i.i..j. !,ii,,i;iuu,iJ,.:lt,,ii;iiii;iii,iiiiiiailuj;,,iii,i.lii,,,;iiii,,.ii.i,..i.,,j,,,i-,.,,:,u.,,,i ,;,,... , , : ': iu-im1- I WILL SAVE YOU MONEY IN THE FOLLOWING LINE , y , . ARE YOU PLANNING ON BUILDING A NEW HOME? Are you planning on rebuilding your old home? Are you in need of good plumbing and fixtures? Are you in iieed of electric supplies and fixtures? Are you planning to install a pipe; or Pipeless furnace? Or are you paying rent and want to save that money? 1 Call on me and I will be glad to help you. My aim is to give the people the very best for the money. Last year I builded 22 new homes and every one is satisfactory to the owner. My homes are not complete until they are satisfactory to the owners. There is no job too small or too large. I will be glad to give you my price and save you money, j . ADA6V1 ESMGEL 1420 N. FIFTH ST PHONE 133 7-J t i . rww- . 1 r jm -sir w uYr . r - m - - is - inr w - f s ! i ------ ' .. . . - 4, . .jr. . . g pi "!?!!!ffr!'lll?''l!7"l77lT"'!w,ll'"IT'''f'''!l'iil li'ii!iu''!ll'l'l";ll'iiil'"''l''ii'iwiiiHiiwm . , : ' - . g or bpnng umes the Desire to Build and Beautify Homes. , --- i, -v-1.7 .. . . it to Make Salem the Most Beautiful and Attractive City in the Home You Live In? Own iJ the The movement to hit on a 100 basis of iiea accounts In' vart increase in property town, the .bureau is late. The figure as d are not aubject to however. , . They are ach .state of .actual And they Btiow- frre- these taxes', 'resting l estate in each cpm- Increased more than as has property Yftlu past ten years.' man, woman and United States there an average tax taid property" amounting! the official figures includes' taxee levied pvernments, counties, Tillages, school dla- pge districts', anir au vsons havng the pow xes. " These taxes 60 ht ot which are borne nunity by real estate, tai tor the nation1 of WO. In 1912 the aVer- general -tax levy per 13.91., and the total d States' was $1,341,- 'age rate per cv fllNISHEED I OBRINB GROWTH Analogy Drawn By Realtor Between Lommunity and t Human Being By RICH I4. RED! ANN We were taught In school that uuman being attains his full phy- tical growth at' the age ot 21. I wrong Impression believe that a was created in the minds of many on account of their teaching. Many ot us have, stopped growing not only physically but mentally and spiritually at the age of 21 doubt very much that we quit flowing, even physically at that gel If we grow not only taller, w surely grow stouter or thinner. There is no standstill In nature. It fa given, to the human being to take advantage of this natural taw I , It we make the growth, change In deTOlonment in a certain Air- uation for all civiC'-iion, we I11 advance and make the states down4hajp7pgTess, but if we do not direct ra $1.94 in 1912 ttrltjs growth in given channels, we 2. , U will get nowhere and have more or less confuison, dissatisfaction and disorder. Let me give an example. Take an orchard. Take care of one-half prune, cultivate it attend to it with the object in mind of raising a big fine specimen ot fruit. Let the other half grow for itself, unat tended,- uncared. Can you ima gine how these two orchards will look when they are at the age ot fruit bearing? Luther Burbank, has shown us very clearly what can be obtained by directing the natural growth in nature. Now let us apply this same law of growth to our community. Let us. direct our natural growth into correct channels. Progress, devel opment, harmony, and happiness will prevail. Very few people seem to know and understand these laws and therefore we have so much confu sion, worry and dissatisfaction. There is plenty for all of us, if we have growth in a certain direc tion. It takes men of. vision, who can direct this growth into the correct channels. . Salem, the Willamette valley, Oregon, can never come into their own until we know -in what direc tion we want to grow. A certain program must be worked out and we must know what our aim and purpose is. We need leaders, men ot vision. icoee-Paying vestment W .11' t !A ' 1 " 1. m cnmAfllinff laiiy tnillK ui cxome paying uivcsuucuw biuviui6 Uf they only tz$r how simply they, too, could accumulate zation to. work for you. Dividends that have been paid promptly and regularly on time not those merely 5 promised are the kind you want. Read a little story by a married woman who awoke to the fact that she and her husband were not progressing, but only continuing. Her pr o b 1 e m was the same as your prob lem. How did she solve it? w II Wi ; i " ) T"J, . . . , - . nd in the coupon neeiTo copy of our new oklct, The AVoinan i toe Case." lo It now. r. : I I I he Womatt-' I I 4 m ....1934 Investment Department r " " iFcrtland Railway, Light and 4 ; H Power Co. - i J!JH : 237 North Liberty. Street . S 1 ' Jfi r" r Salem, Oregori I MULTIPLE LISTING CONTINUES GROWTH More Than Million Dollars Worth of Property s Car ied by Bureau More than $1,000,000 worth of city and farm properties are be ing carried by 172 listings Jn the multiple listing bureau of the Ma rion-Polk County Realty associa tion, according to Miss Martha Leavenworth, executive secretary During the last week 22 listings were mailed to the members of the bureau, representing a total of $205,600 worth of property. Of this amount $163,400 was for farm or suburban properties and the remainder, $42,200 for city property. MARCH INDICATES Permits Total $86,050 for Month with Half-million Since January 1 Nearly $500,000 worth ot build ing is under way or has been com pleted since the first ot the year, according to Marten Poulsen, city recorder. February was the heavi est month, when permits repre senting $275,450 were issued with S112.245 in January. Permits for $86,050 have been issued so far this month, when $48,350 were issued for the week ending March 15 and $37,700-the previous weejt. One business block was started this week, when F. N. Derby re ceived a permit for $15,000 for the erection of a modern store house and cold storage plant at 545 Trade. The remainder of the permits were for residence proper ties and alterations and repairs Building Sites Demanded by Future Home Builders Building sites are in good de mand and many homes are being planned for construction this spring and summer. Sales are reported for the week by the Childs & Bechtel agency as follows: Lot on South Twelfth to Tim T. Palmer and a lot on Twenty-.fifth to John Baer. A suburban two acre tract east of the city limits was sold to Charles E. Earls. All of the purchasers plan the erection of a dwelling in the near future. Better Home Week Will Be Observed Better Homes week will be ob sferved in Salem in accordance with national plans during the week of May 11 and 18. Three homes will be obtained, all' of them brand new and representa tive of the $2500, $3500 and $600Q classes on the average. Each of these will be completely fur nished by local firms with the lat est designs equipment and fur nishings. Each room, such as the kitchen, living, dining, bed and bath room will have the most up-to-the-minute contrivances and suggestion. No advertising will be allowed in any of the homes and each will be in charge of a temporary resident who will act in the capacity of hostess. Each home will be equipped wun lurnisnings suitable to a home of its class. The artistic side asr well as the practical side will be given attention and the finished product will be a criteri on of how a home of this class should appear. Speakers will be in the home and will explain any thing that might create a ques tion and will seek to answer any questions that might be asked re garding decorations, proportions, use of appliances and other things. Sunday, May 12, ministers of IN HOME BUILDING Your Materials are Your Boss Pick a Good One! You don't decide how much your maintenance and de preciation bills will be Your materials do that. MILESTONE Tile will save you 88r of the money you would spend on ordinary construction for maintenance and depreciation. If your judgment demands the econ omy of high quality rather than the extravagances of less permanent materials, we invite your inquiry. Our Phone is 180. MILESTONE Concrete Products and Building Materials Oregon Gravel Company 1405 N. Front. Phone 180 Salem's Newest Real Estate Firm WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE - LISTING of acreage and city property, at real bargains. Read these over. Sixty-seven acres of good land, seven-room house in fair condition; good granary and other out buildings; one good team 'of horses and harness; one cow ; chickens and farm machinery. One and a quarter miles from small town ; good high school and church. Think of it. All for $3600; $1300 down, balance at 5, long terms. Moisan & Ulrich 122 N. Commercial Phone 1354 the city will be requested to de vote the sermon to a general top'c ol the advantages of a good home and the meaning of home life to the community and society. The Monday luncheon of the. Chamber of Commerce, May 13, will be de voted, to some phase of the "bet ter homes" movement. Tuesday the Kiwanis club will take up the question, with a similar program for the Rotary club on Wednes day. The Marion-Polk County Realty, association will continue the idea Thursday and the Lions cjub on Friday. All of the leading clubs' and civic organisations in the city have been asked to name a representa tive to help work out plans and to form a general committee. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, Salem realty dealer, is chairman of the corn mi teee and is directing the ob servance of "better homes" week in Salem. CARING FOR PRUNES IX POLK Total assessed valuation for the United States of afll property sub ject to general property taxes was $124,616,675,000 in 1922, an av erage for each person of $1,146.16. In 1912 this total was $69,452, 936,000. This represents an av erage for each person of $715.48. Dr. A. B. Starbuck, Eugene Hayter, P. W. Campbell, II. G. Campbell, and several others were in Portland Wednesday attending the meeting of growers, distribu tors and bankers interested in the prune industry of Oregon. Sev eral separate meetings were held of the different groups represent ed, all of which went on record as favoring the plan outlined to re organize the Oregon Growers' as sociation into the Oregon Cooper ative Prune Growers' association that will handle the Oregon crop of prunes and market it to the Lest advantage. District meetings will be held to sign up growers to the plan, the first of which is being held at Yamhill today. The meeting for the Dallas dis trict will be held at the court house in this city next Wednesday, March 19th. Everyone is urged to attend this meeting and a move ment is being started to close the business houses during its ses sions, a it is recognized the future success of the prune industry is vital to the prosperity of every community where the fruit is grown. Polk County Itemizer. 1 We Deliver Promptly Whether you! need a few boards or enough lumber to build a house you will find. that our truck will deliver to your address without delay. Estimates Gladly Given ! We will be glad to aid you in estimating the amount of building material you will need. This service is at your disposal whether you buy from us or not. i J. W. Gopeland Yards WEST SALEM Telephone 576 Yards in West $alem, Albany, Lents, Hubbard, , Yamhill, Hillsboro. . WHY PAY RENT? When we can sell you a home that will insure you a place to live in your old age for a small down payment' and at terms that are in most cases cheaper than the rent you would pay for a like place. ' " ' NEWLYWEDS SEE THESE NOW Two brand new 4-' room bungalows, basements, fireplaces, etc Best of construction entirely built in. Immediate possession. ?500 down, then like rent. SOME ELDERLY COUPLE We have quick sale "on small apartment house tfiat will give you nice home and $100 monthly. $1,000 will handle, balance 6 and Vs ! per cent. Immediate possession. FOR RENT Three apartments, one house, ?20 to $C0, immediate possession all. Becke & Hendricks U. S. Bank Building. GREAT LAND BARGAINS For one week only I will sell 40 acres of newry grubbed land, t with buildings, 3 miles from Salem, near pavement, for $6,500; $3,000 cash, remainder on very easy terms, 25 acres plowed ready 'to seed. Spring and well water. Splendid Bolt V Gdod dairy, hog and berry ranch. - f Another 50 acres 5 miles out, near pavement; 10 acres plowed ready to seed. Good fences, and asture; 3 acres timber, $3,750; $1,000 cash, remainder easy terms. ' . 60 acres 8 miles out; 2,500 cords' wood timber; creek and 5 spring; $4,000; $1,000 cash, take wood for remainder on ground f or in Salem. J 85 acres, fair farm buildings, spring and creek all year; 20 acres cultivated! 1,000 cords wood timber. School on place; 2 miles to paved road, 8 miles to Salem, $5,000; $1,000 cash; ! will take wood cut on place for remainder. Will give contract ; to load 500 cords' now cut. Should one prefer to purchase land without ;the timber, the price will be much less. If the above terms don't suit come up ) and talk it over. The prices are very low. JOHN H. SCOTT, 208 Oregon Building. i IS The Statesman delivered to your.home?: No home is complete without this paper at the breakfast table. ' Monthly Installment Loan on desirably located modern dwellings i Following is an example of 6 $1000.00 Loan for f 142 Months. Pay- Prin- Intre- Total Pay- Prin- Intre- TJotal:; ment cipal est Payment ment cipal est Payment $1000.00 $916.00 i 1st 7.00 $5.00 $12.00 13th 7.00 $4.58 ?1UB8 993.00 ' 909.00 2nd 7.00 4.97 t 11.97 14th 7.00 4.55 11.55 986.00 902.00 ' ? ' V- 3rd 7.00 4.93 11.93 15th 7.00 4.51 I 11.51' 979.00 895.00 1 4th 7.00 4.90 11.90 16th 7.00 4.48 f; 11.48 972.00 888.00 .. 5th 7.00 4. 86 11.86 17th 7.00 ' 4.44 11.44 965.00 881.00 6th 7.00 4.83 11.83 18th 7.00 4.41 11.41 958.00 874.00 7th 7.00 4.79 11.79 19th 7.00 4.37 11.37 951.00 867.00 'I Sth 7.00 4.76 11.76 20th 7.00 4.34 11.34 944.00 860.00 9th 7.00 4.72 11.72 21st 7.00 4.20 11.30 937.00 833.00 10th 7.00 4.69 11.69 22nd 7.00 4.27 11.27 930.00 846.00 11th 7.00 4.63 11.63 23rd 7.00 4,23 11.23 923.00 839.00 12th 7.00 4.62 11.62 24th 7.00 4.20 11.20 And so on your interest decreasing every month to the final payment. Privilege given the borrower to: pay $100 . or any multiple on any monthly payment date, or to pay entire balance due with out any bonus. The net cost to you on this1 loan Is lower than any monthly pay ment loan plan, of any other company in this territory, We also have 5-year semi-annual interest payment loans. Hawkins & Roberts 205 Oregon Building SALEM, OREGON