n Three Parts 20 Pages Pages 1 to 6 ft SEVENTY-THIRD . YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS. rart r 4 a' r i. f i 1 i V if n1 t. ill nhinin nil i . IN DUNUS HILL BEING URGED Veterans in House Opposed to Measure Without Provi sion-Senate Leaders Give Promise t TUESDAY VOTE MAY BE FOUGHT BY SERVICEMEN i I mm h i WeW, MOVemem UCVeiOpS 10 Refund -25 Per Cent 0I inrnrno Tav Rotiirnc IIIWWII1U M IIVIWIIIW ' 1 I V WASHINGTON, March 15. Ad- vocates of . the "house of the pro posal to incorporate a lull cash payment option In the soldiers' bonus bill received assurance from some senate leaders today that xavoraoie consideration wouia oe given to such a- scheme when the bill reaches that body. i Meanwhile, the opposition to the paid-up ' life Insurance bonus Dili appeared unbroken. ' Under the ' agreement reached yesterday the bonus bill will come tip for a Tote Tuesday with amend ments prohibited. In view of this procedure, considerable opposition to . th measure ': had developed among veterans in the house to day, ' particularly on the demo cratic tide and a, plan was under consideration to defeat the bill and then attempt to bring-out from the ways and means committee a measure providing for a full cash payment option. Two-Thirds Vote deeded A twl-thlrds rote, will be -neces sary for passage of the measure Tuesday. I Some discussion was had among members of both sides today of a plan to put the bonus ahead of the revenue bill, in the senates- No formal movement to this effect has got tinder way, however, and senate leaders expressed the opin ion' that with the -revenue hill al- ready before the finance commit tee It would be got oat of the way I Meanwhile, the finance commit-; tte pat over until Monday further searings In connection with the tax reduction bills others claiming 93 Herds Included in Infect the attention 7 of the committee j r4u n,r,rti : members. ! Members - of the committee meanwhile.1 ' refused to ' commit themselves to any rate plan. t Chairman Green of the ways and means committee today for mally Introduced the bonus bill agreed to by the committee and announced he would report it to the house Monday; Another movement got under way today for adoption of a reso lution providing Immediately for tho 25 per cent reduction in in come taxes payable this year. Rep resentative Ackerman, republican, New Jersey, introduced a resolu tion to eliminate the Installments of taxes due September 15 and to refund one-fourth of the taxes if paid in full now. Chairman Green of the ways and means' committee said the treasury had declared this particular plan unsound. Advance in Salary Not Asked ert C.Paulus . M. J. Newhouse, acting general manager of the Oregon Growers' Cooperative association will not re ceive an advance of salary upon his own request when he assumes the general managership and suc ceeds Robert C. Paulus on April 1. N' r noiraiLL RECEIVE ) At present air- iNewnuuse is re- t . celving 14200 a year and Mr. Paul- At present Mr. Newhouse is re- us $7000. When he was approach ed 'by the board of directors -regarding the new position he told one of the directors that he would accept the position but not at an Increased salary.. OREGON: Fair Sunday; mod erate westerly, winds. LOCAL WEATHER " Maximum temperature, 56. Minimum temperature, 31. Ttlrer. l. feet; stationary. Rafnfali; onel V l , ; ' ' Atmosphere, clear .r. v j Wind, north;7 - : SATURDAY IN WASHINGTON The senate oil committee was in recess, The senate engaged in a debate over a constitutional amendment to limit presidents to one term A Jugo-Slav financial delega tion arrived to discuss refunding of their country's debt to the United States. Tho house bribery committee heard behind closed doors Elias H Mortimer, who testified before the Chicago grand jury in the veter ana bureau case. r- Chairman Adams of the repub lican national committee declared mu u Dtairinriu ui3 "' tin lijui uwiii lng discreditable to Attorney-Oen erataugherty had been shown in the senate Investigation President Coolidge by executive order directed the bureau of in ternal revenue to permit inspec- tion of income and profits tax returns by congressional commit tees upon passage of a resolution by either house requesting such a privilege. , Secretary Hughes informed con gress that . the state department should approve a proposed amend ment to the immigration bill ap plying to Asiatics so as to admit to this country aliens entitled to entry under existing treaties. , The resignation , of Assistant Secretary Roosevelt was demanded by Representative Stevenson, dem ocrat, South Carolina, during de bate in the house on the naval appropriation bill and Mr. Roose velt was defended by Representa tive Longwortb of Ohio and other republicans. The Daugherty investigation committee, heard testimony from P. C.Qulmby, producer of the Car- pentier-Dempsey fight films, con cerning the showing of the pic- tores, and then turned to condi tions on the Mexican border, inves tigating alleged gun running and prohibition. , .. ... t KILLED BY STATE cu isaiuc ucouuycu 111 California WASHINGTON, March 15. All herds of cattle known to have been infected witth foot and mouth disease in California have been destroyed and buried in less than three weeks from the dis covery of outbreak, the depart ment of the agriculture announced today. A total of 93 herds, in cluding 12,154 animals were de stroyed. We shall not be at all sur prised," said Dr. J. R. Hohler, chief of the bureau of animal in- dusrty, "to -have the number of infected premises number well over a hundred, even though every animal in the 93 herds destroyed la now ' underground. Even after disinfecting crews have completed the work in the most thorough manner possible, test hogs intro duced to determine whether the premises are safe, will, in rare cases, root up infected matter and of course contract the disease. For this reason, the present gtatifying progress must be considered as cnly a preliminary step in the task of suppressing completely the pre- iwbibt 1 . . , , . . .. ,. ( Arthur Leinmger Victim Of severe burnstroiiowing Explosion ALBANY, Or.. March 15. Doc tor Arthur Leininger 31, Albany dentist, ; died late today from burns he received : this morning when a small gasoline tank in his office exploded. Physicians said nine-tenths of the epithelium was burned from the victim's body -although his blazing clothing was removed or extinguished within a minute af ter 'the explosion. Doctor H. A Leinlnger, father-of the rlctim who was in the room when the explosion occurred' and - who was sitting .within, three feet of the tank escaped with slight burns on 12.154 IK DIES HIES the face and-bands.- HUGE PROFITS A HE CLAIMED FOR FILMS Fight Pictures Alleged to Have Been Shown in More Than 20 States By "Ar rangement" NEW YORK PRODUCER WITNESS AT INQUIRY Testimony Follows Closely That of Jesse Smith's Divorced Wife WASHINGTON, March 15. New and surprising allegations of deals and frameups, of unprose cuted violations of the law and of money payments for protection were tumbled across the commit tee table today In the senate's whirlwind investigation of Attor ney General Daugherty and the department of Justice. Gun running, bootlegging and unlawful circulation of prize fight films were the subjects around which the testimony centered throughout a four hour committee session scarcely less colorful than those which have preceded it. Strikes Back. From his office at the other end of Washington Mr. Daugherty again struck back tonight at his accusers. He reserved until a later time, however, the detailed state ment he is preparing in refutation of insinuations' made against him on the wtness stand and contented himself with a brief announcement that in due time he would "advise the public of the influences be hind these malicious and scandal ous attacks and the character of the tools' that are being used in this cowardly manner by my ad versaries." " How the Dempsey-Carpentier prize light films were exhibited with profits of 3125,000 and in 22 to 25 states with an "under standing" against department of justice interference despite the law was related on the witness stand today by Fred C. Quiraby, New York producer of the films. In many particulars his story fol lowed the previous testimony of Gaston B. Means and Miss Roxie Stinson, divorced wife of Jess Smith, dead friend of Mr. Daugh erty. Smith Interested. Both of these witnesses had tes tified that Smith was interested financially in the film deal. Other witnesses today made charges of derelictions in prose cuting Mexican gun running, boot leggers and Texas oil stock, pro moters. Friends of former Sec retary Fall and prominent Texas republicans were named in this connection and Federal District Attorney Henry Zweifel and John D. Hartman were charged with de lay and failures of prosecution, One witness said he "believed' Zweifel was involved in a "black' mail" scheme against oil stock promoters. Attorney General Daugherty was not directly implicated by any of today's witness but the testimony often trailed to the door of his office, through his friend, Jess Smith and subordinate officials. Pressure Considered. While the committee was in ses sion, Chairman Adams of the re publican national committee issued statement that "nothing dis creditable" to Mr. Daugherty had yet been developed, but republi can leaders in the senate were known to be studying the develop ments carefully with a view to pos sible . renewal of pressure upon the administration for action. The statement issued by Mr. Daugherty was as follows: Statement Issued 'In view of the fact that Miss Roxie Stinson, the divorced wife of - the late Jess W. Smith, and that Gaston B. Means, formerly in the bureau of investigation of the department of justice but not now connected therewith, were - not called to the stand today to con tinue their statements, and in view of the further fact that the state ments submitted by Captain Bald win, formerly in the bureau of in vestigation of the department of justice but not now connected therewith, and by Mr. Quimby, owner with Tex Rickard - of the Dempsey-Carpentier . prize fight films, presented no features which are" not easily explained by docu mentary and other Evidence,, it has become , unnecessary at' this, time for attorney general to burden the press or ask' tho' reading; public to (Continued en pag 2), WOMEN VICTIMS OF HOLDUPS IN DENVER STREETS Plunder Taken Ranges From Valuable jewelry to Paltry Three Dollars DENVER, March 15. Victims of thugs tonight, one Denver wom an was severely beaten and robbed of $6,000 in jewelry by two ban dits who -forced their way into the automobile she was driving in the downtown streets and another woman was slugged into uncon sciousness by a robber who at tacked her in her home. The woman bandit who has been holding up pedestrains in the downtown district during the last week and two confederates fig ured in another robbery tonight when they held up a pedestrain and obtained S3. Accident Suffered Bv Heir to Throne Revives Nation al Concern LONDON, March 15. (By the Associated Press). National con cern for the life of the heir to the throne received another shock to day when the Prince of Wales, only just recovered from an acci dent, involving the fracture of a collar bone, again got a nasty spill, but without serious conse quences. Much as the public admires the high courage of the prince, this incident is certain to revive in in tensified form the national agita- tion for some check upon this un- uauuieu guirii wnicu Diaces a heavy risk on the succession to the throne. Precisely how the necessary pressure could be ap plied is hard to imagine, for the prince has a strong will and will not easily be deterred from his favorite sport. The prince was entered in two events at a steeplechase today at Arborfield, near Wokingham, and he met with mishaps in both. Prince Henry also came a cropper but escaped with little damage. Candidate for Democratic Nomination Talks in Sa vannah and Macon SAVANNAH, Ga., March 15.- uniiam u. aicaooo concluded a I two day speaking tour of Georgia lomgni oy aescrming what he be- Heves will be the issues of the coming campaign and arraigning the republican party. Mr. McAdoo and Senator Underwood of Ala bama are the only candidates to be voted on in the Georgia presi dential preferential primary. At Macon this morning R. I. Stevens, a lawyer, interrupted Mr. McAdoo to ask his stand on the Ku Klux Klan. "I stand four square with re spect to this." Mr. McAdoo re plied. "And I stand four square with respect to every other or ganization on the immutable ques tion of freedom of religious wor ship, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the right of the peaceable assembly." "We frequently hear the re mark," Mr. McAdoo Baid, "that there Is no difference between the two old political parties. This is true only to the extent that the reactionary element in the demo- cratic party thinks like the dom inant reactionary element in the republican party. The fundamen tal democratic principle is equal opportunity for all, special privi lege to none, whereas the domin ant reactionary republican prin ciple is special privileges to some, equal opportunity to none." COUNSEL IX LOS AXGELES LOS ANGELES, March 16. Former Senator Atlee Pomerene and Owen J. Roberts, special gov ernment counsel appointed to handle litigation for cancellation of the Teapot Dome and Califor nia naval reserve leases to the Sin clair and Doheny oil companies, arrived in Los Angeles today. SPEXCER ELECTED WASHINGTON. March 15 Sen ator Spencer of. Missouri has been selected for membership 4 on the public lands committee .which is eondhctin"thesoil",lnanirT. He will take the republican vacancy caused by th resignation of Sena - tor LenrootNJf Wisconsin; era kick PRINCE'S PLEASURE HO CONCLUDES GEORGIA C1NGH INDIAN LANDS TO BE SOLD IN OKLAHOMA Osage Country to Be Scene of Big SaleOil Promoters Interested PAWHUSKA, March 15. (By The Associated Press) This lit tle city, capital of the Osage In dian nation, has virtually com pleted plans for the gathering here next Tuesday and Wednesday of representatives of oil interests throughout tho world to partici pate in auction of Osage oil leases. Over 100,000 acres of Osage land will be placed under the hammer in lots of 160 acres each. The auction is conducted by the United States government. The sale is expected to be one of the greatest ever held. Recent increases in the price of oil have spurred operators to acquire new territory and much of the land to be offered is adjacent to the Bur bank field, one of the richest in Oklahoma. Scouts for oil companies and geologists have swarmed over the land for several days. TIU IS F GUILTY OF THEFT Spokane Man Charged With Attempted Hobberv or Whitman County Bank COLFAX. Wash.. March 15. joseph w Cres8f a tanor of Spo kane, was found guilty by a jury in superior court here this aft ernoon on a charge of first degree burglary in connection with the at- tempted robbery of the Whitman County National bank of Rosalia last November. He is to be sen tenced Friday. Two charges of assault and one of attempted burglary, all in con nection with the . crime, still are standing against Cress. It, will not be decided until Monday; It was announced, whether or not he will be tried at this .term of court on one or more of these charges. Cress testified in his own de fense today that he bad been era ployed by two men to drive them to Rosalia in his automobile. He iaid they told him they were go ing to purchase liquor and tha he had waited for them in front of the bank and then fled with them when the alarm Vas raised. Resolution Of Con.2TeSS Ask- j pWpfjp All Thk k m& ' ' 'Y Ie&e AM 1 niS ,S Necessary WASHINGTON. March 15. President Coolidge has issued an executive order directing the bu reau of internal revenue to permit inspection of income and profits tax returns by congressional com mittees upon passage of a resolu tion by either house requesting such privilege. The new order became effective immediately upon promulgation late today. Although there was no comment and regulations carrying it into at the treasury, where the order eriect were made public, it was generally i accepted as having a bearing on the oil inquiry and may lead to an Inspection by the sen ate oil committee of the returns of the Doheny, Sinclair and other 011 "est8 The new bureau regulations pro vide that "Inspection of any re- tarn shall be afforded to any com mittee of the senate or house of representatives or joint committee of congress of th United States by the secretary of the treasury upon application duly made by the chairman of such committee pur suant to a resolution of congress or either house thereof, which shall enumerate the particular re turns desired." Internal revenue records thus can be opened wide by the passage of a resolution, although the con gressional study of the returns must be in, secret aud the facts obtained may never be published This phase of the regulations car ries out provisions of the inter nal revenue act of 1921 which prescribes a penalty for publica tion of the "source of. income profits, losses, or expenditures ap pearing in any return. The executive order was issued under authority conferred by the last four tax laws, each of which I says the returns may be inspected 1 under regulations approved by the 1 treasury, secretary and president. 1 INSPECTION OF TJX eras I IN STATE TROPHY ,SI Victory Over Eugene High School Last Night Gives Winners Opportunity to Go to Chicago FOLKS IN HOME TOWN ELATED OVER VICTORY Chastain, Forward, Is Out standing-Player of Entire Tournament STATK CHAM PIOXS MKDFORD Chastain and Kntps, forwards; Allen, center; Williams and Reich teln, guards; Fabrick and Dem-mc-r, substitutes; Callison, coach. TOUKXAMKNT KKSULTS Semi-Finals Afternoon Medford, 18; Independence, 13. Eugene. IS; McMinnville, 14. Finals Evening Medford, 21; Eugene, 15. Medford high school claims un disputed title to the Oregon state basketball championship as a re sult of the final play of yester day's series, in which they were victors over Eugene 21 to 15. Coaches, officials, and crowd were all well satisfied that this clever, hard working, clean playing ag gregation trora the south were lully deserving of the honors which they won. Will Go to Chicago Medford has been extended the invitation of the University of Chi cago to enter the national inter scholastic tournament to be played in Chicago April 1 to 5, inclusive. Business men of Medford, it was reported last night, had guaran teed the expenses of the team east. It seems sure that they will ac- epfc the invitation and will repre sent Oregon in the play. The Medford delegation of root ers was wild with joy when it be came apparent in the closing min utes of the game that their team had won. Only , courtesy kept them from rushing on the playing floor to congratulate their men. Dr. Carl G. Doney, president of the university presented the beau tiful trophy consisting of a full size silver-plated basketball and miniature individual watch charms provided by the university to the members oMhe winning team. Medford Celebrates Reports from Medford indicate that a keen interest has been ex hibited throughout the day in the two games in which the champions participated. At a late hour last night students and townspeople were reported to be parading the streets in a great demonstration. It was clear that the playing of the Medford team had made them easy favorites with the crowd at the opening of the final mix. For eight minutes both teams ad vanced the ball 'down the floor to try for scores without success. The Eugene men possessed a (Continued on page 2) ALL STATE T NAMED BY COACHES Two piayers from Medford, two from Eugene, and one from Mc Minnville found berths on the mythical all-state basketball team named last night by the coaches and officials of the state tourna ment. The Medford team was further honored by having two other players on the second team. honorable mention for their fifth regular, and the captaincy of both teams. Chastain of Medford was the unanimous choice of all who cast ballots for the captaincy and for ward position on the first team. He i3 speedy, clever, and an ex cellent shot. Agee of McMinn ville was selected as his running mate because of his shooting and passing ability. Eberhart of Eu gene drew the assignment at cen ter because of his ability to take the tip-off and play around the basket. Milligan of Eugene and Williams of Medford were almost the unanimous choice for guard positions. Both are strong de fense men, playing the floor well, covering, and getting the ball off the back board. '' For the second team Knips of Medford was given a forward po- MOVIE STARS TO TELL COURT OF BIG PARTY Mable Normand and Edna Pqrviance to Testify Greer Hearing in LOS ANGELES, March 15. Mabel Normand and Edna Pur viance, film actresses again will be called to the witness) stand to relate their versions of the shoot ing of Courtland S. Dines, Denver oil operator during a party in Dines' apartment New Year's night. Subpoenas ordering the ac tresses to appear in court when the preliminary hearing of Hor ace A. Greer, Miss Normand's for mer chauffeur who is accused of shooting the Denver man, is re sumed here March 19, were is sued today at the request of S. S. Hahn, attorney for Greer. Hahn announced that the in tends to enter the case at an en tirely new angle from that- here tofore followed and that he would ask for a 'dismissal of the charge or attempted murder against Greer after the questioning of the actresses had been completed. The attorney would not divulge the course of questioning he will pur sue. PIERCE PLEDGED TO Governor to Ask Money for nignway i-rom iNyssa to Jordan Valley To a delegation of business men and farmers representing Jordan valley and the Jordan valley irrigation district. Gover nor Pierce Saturday pledged his support for proposed state aid in the construction of a 50-mile highway from Nyssa to Jordan valley. The state would be ex. pected to spend about $100,000 on the project and federal aid also would be sought on grounds that the highway would be a post road. Malheur county has spent about $116,000 on the project and expects to spend about $75,- 00 0 this year. The total cost is estimated at $500,000. At present that part of Oregon is without an outlet except by a long and circuitous route that leads into Idaho and back into Oregon. The state has approved the Jordan valley irrigation pro ject, and this development is ex pected to bring many settlers into that part of the state. The Jordan valley people want the proposed highway included in the state road program. It Tvas so included in a bill passed by the legislature of 1921, but so many other similar rpovlsions were in eluded in the same measure that Governor Olcott vetoed the bill Governor Pierce said he would probably recommend to the next legislature that the project have state aid. COUNCIL ADJOURNED GENEVA, March 15. (AP) The council of the league of na tions adjourned its aMrch sea sion today. TEAM IS sition and the captaincy because of his exceptional floor work. He lacked a little in scoring ability to make the first team. Baker of Independence was given the other forward berth on account of his ability as a long shot. Hummelt of La Grande received the appoint ment at center, although some coaches placed him at forward be cause he lacks the height to make a good center. Maloney of Mc Minnville because of his uncanny ability to start rallies was accord ed a guard position, and Reichs tein of Medford the other. Honorable mention was award ed the following: McDaniel of North Bend who was the smallest man in the tournament, Landrum of Eugene, F. Schrunk of Indepen dence, and Allen of Medford. The All-State teams: First team Chalstain, Med ford, forward; Agee, McMinnville, forward; Eberhart, Eugene, cen ter; Milligan, Eugene, guard. Wil liams, Medford, guard- Second team Knips, Medford, forward; Baker, Independence, forward; Hummelt, La' Grande, center; Maloney, McMinnville, guard; Reichstein, Medford, guard. HIGHWAY 5 - Denver Police Seek s Fred Janssen in Connection With Trunk Mystery at Ogden, Utah DEAD WOMAN THOUGHT TO BE MRS. JANSSEN Bloody Finger Prints are Found on Container Also Spots on Carpet , DENVER, Colo., March- 15. Denver, police centered their, ef-' forts tonight to locate Fred Jans sen, sought for questioning in con nection with the finding of the body of a woman in a trunk" at Ogde, Utah, today. The woman Is believed by the police to be Mrs. . Belle Janssen, 4124 Clay street,. Denver, wife of the man sought. Mrs. Janssen disappeared mys teriously Thursday and her hus band announced she had been call ed to Pittsburgh, Pa., i where; m brother was ill.. Janssen faded out of sight Friday, a few hours after a man whose description is Bald to tally with that of Janssen checked the marder trunk to Weed, Cal., under the name. of; John J. Smith, 4144 Clay streets WaahlngthiAC R. Rinker chief of detectives "announced tonight his belief that the dead -woman , was Mrs. Janssen, who had been ; employed several years by a Dan- , ver department store. , Rinker said the police were without any?'cIu7'fo the where abouts of Janssen., f .,,;: ' Came From Pittsburgh . The Janssena came here from Pittsburgh. According to, the po lice,' Mrs. Janssen's brother lives -in Pittsburgh, but his name is not known here. , Kenneth Robinson, assistant, district attorney, left, for Ogden. late today to take charge of the , investigation at that end. Police reports from Ogden said the Utah authorities had found bloody fin-, ger prints on the trnuk and it was this discovery that might ultimate--ly have an important bearing on the finding'of the slayer, f l According to a Denver express man, he was called by a man who represented himself as Smith ear ly Friday morning and asked to , haul a trunk from - the Janssen home to the Windsor hotel. ' Later another expressman was called in to haul the trunk' from k the lobby of the hotel to the Un ion station where the man known as Smith checked the' trunk on a ticket to Weed, Cal. - Signature on the station records and signatures of endorsement on checks paid to Janssen for services as a church janitor, bear a striking resembl-' ance, the police Bay. ' " Room DisorderAl V v( 7 The apartment occupied by the couple was found h disorder and the police announced they found a red blotch on one of the car pets which they believe to be l blood stain. The splotch officers Bay, showed signs of having been scrubbed in an effort to remove' it. A Salvation army driver called at the Janssen home on Friday at Janssen's request and removed several of Mrs. Janssen's dresses, bed clothes, a suitcase and a var iety of Christmas decorations. Et--erett Arbuckle, the driver, re-f clared Janssen seemed " to be ; "down hearted atfd sheepish." Records at the Windsor , hotel . showed that a man - registered there Tuesday night as John J. Smith." Clerks said he paid two days hotel bill in advance then disappeared. ' Search today of the room assigned to him showed that the bed had not been occupied. Janssen served in the army dur ing the world war. During the day the police established that he had not been working for more than a month, having been dis-, charged from his place as church janitor. His employers said : he was "nervous and erratic" War 'toothers'-Play Will Be Given Tuesday Night The play "Cranberry Corners" will be gives Tuesday night at the I Grand theater' for the benefit of the War Mothers memorial fund. The play was given first at Sa lem Heights community building and later at various points through the county. ' 0