THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1924 ASSIFIED Community Off erings a ACL ADS- ndWaifs 1 I JT. t. r- 7 i i t It CLASSIFIED Vhono 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS p.. , Pr word: Par insertion .... Tbrea Insertiona ' 2e So Asat--7l suu Si. Money To Loan On RJ I.tau war Ldd Ba.fc Bank. AUTOMOBILES Repairing 1. JACK itkiim.... n OrVne ,,he be8t -lWhbp in Oregon. Brine rour c.r in i- M-fX I p. M p- P M ' u Al vet-ia'k n v. n i " ' oo good work. lam 15 . STARTING rill K- t Ti . n v r. l D fullv Mllinn.J I. i rrewe yoor r.r. We ,jm to give the lill1 aTTice. li. ii. JLrris, 173 P. ; l.ml5 I rc-r..r. iwii.M,u. WEATTffKIi TO rnvcT i v-r-i t.- ',n- Are you prepared for that V hwf If not. .ee us and get n top mended before you get caught in oivrui. ' O. J. HULL 256 State St. 1 bull 5 I AUTOMOBILE Top lb FOR RENT F0R KENT ABOUT MAY lit. STORE- room on state St. See J. li. Lautcr- wian. note! Arro. 2m:(ltf FOR KENT Apartmenti 2a .THREE ROOM FURNISHED APARTment - 1 a i i . . iuuu irour lor aauiis. relepnone, n' rarag and all conveniences. T. M. Albert, 800 Mill St. 2amlS FURNISHED APARTMENT !9. NORTH 2amlo bummer. -1IVK ROOM Fl RXISHED APARTMENT j 754 North Hiirh St. 2a mlG 592 X Summer. Phone 1078 2ainl3 THREE AND FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apartment, private bath. 352 N. 12th. f I St. 2aml4 FOR RENT FIVE ROOM STRICTLY modern, heated fire room apartment. Pall at 1444 ! nter atret, Saturday or Sunday or after 5:30 or Phone 1377J. 1 2a mlfi 4-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. r with private bath, eloao In. Call at 83 Ore-con bide. 2a f 10:f JKR BENT APARTMENTS, Commercial. 891 HO. FOR RENT Honsea 2b ROOM MODERN HOCt E WITH OA- ' rage, on paved street, -i'hone 1877R. 2hmtf FOR j RENT Roma 2c I PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT TU" wording "Furnished Roof i," price 10 . V U. ft-. an. aUa M l ' fiate. Ground floor. , rOR RENT APARTM tNTB AND Bleeping rooms, jueoaara .teiei, ilo n. Front street FOR SALE MiacelLmeotta t APPLES DELIVERED P2 )NE 494. 4m21 HAY 1 10 f 1397M. DIVISION ST. PHONE 4ra21' WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS $12 FORi 100 today; fine stock. Pbone 115K22. I 4mu T 1JLACK ' WALNUT TREKS 1 YEARS old. cheap. Call on cwner, 100.. Mill St. 4m2 I'OR SALE RHODE ISLAND RED Hatching egga. J. IL Gray, Rt. 5, Box 105. Salem. 4mja- TRAtTTOR. OLIVER DISC PLOW. BIN- dr. Terma or trade ior anything I can use. 2393 N. Front.. Phone 491. 4mt FURNITURE FOR SALE i47 CENTER i -. -v . .. 4ml9 TOR BALE CHEAP BERRY and lag boxes. Call 954. CRATES 4ml5 MIVINO ROOM AND LIVING ROOM fur- nitare, including rugs. Prartieally new I Mnst tiell before April 1st. Phone 1104M. 4ml5 EGGS FOR nATCHING RIR C5e FOR I 15. 2201 W. Nob Hill St. 4aia- TtHfinK ISLAND RED HATCHING egga. 4 per hundred. M. M. Ma gee, Route 5 S.l.m Phone 81F23. 4-a" CONTORD CRAPE PLANTS BEST strain. Reduced price. Phone evening. 113SW. 4ml5 MtTST SELL' PIANO I AM LEAVING the OreKon theater and Salem the- 22nd. fn. dimnui of tnr new Monarch pi- TWm but rash is desired. C'hns. W tT.arUv Jr 1553 State St. 4 ml6 , 1M-RFRRF.D BABY CHICKS At reduced prices. White leghorns, Reds. Barred Rocks. White Rocks. Min .... Ani-ona. Buff Oroingtona. i De- i " liveries Tuesday every we- 8,el" CUlckwiea, 658 State. Phone 400. . , 4-motf Dimtiv Kt.ivn RFI1 HATCHINO egg. 50e. doaen. I. A. Jlarria, oaiem. rnow 36F2. - 4;-m23 Willamette Valley Nursery . kae few of Dr. Bean'i Blf Frenek proae tree! left:' also walnns and fd- t . . . : j J vtathla. Kt. 7. Salem Bilverton highway. Toono 103F5. 4 tf FOR BALK OLD KKWSPAPERS 10 eeala a bundle. Clreulatsen department ' Oregon Buteaaasu Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Oregon aonga together with a fine collection of psriotio songs. aarrsd aougs and many oiu-iiue i-r U'"' ALL FOR 25. , ' Rnlal nrieea in ouanlity lota) raneriallr a-lapfable for aehool coinmun ity ir home singing. .Send for Western Songster ' ! 70 oagennow in ita third edition I I PubltsfceiJ Tiy nurmW TCAfllK.RS MONTHLY 115 B. Commercial St. Wlem.Or WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OE "iunk. hardware, rloth!ng. tc. Capital Bargain HoueL and Jnk Ci, and Front at the bridge. 4 M4tf CKDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. Jlava yonr warnine repaired by th i " i '-, ms.ka It. Mpocial rratal iTi. 4 .mdenla. 800 Maaonia Bide. Pbeaa 263 , B2Atf 4UXK TOUR FURNITURE OR AUTO cloenod and tn-Hsk-w with VKwiJts .Li - ill aoll rM the material to 1. v. k vnuraolf. 50c. end Si. Will xlao eleaa rr wsllpep-r or "hades. gt-U wanted, P. .O. 1M SECTION One week (sii insertions) One month Six, moQlhi" contract per mo 12 month' contract, per mo Minimum for any advertisenient . 8c 20c 13c .12c 25c FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4 CUSTOM HATCHING SAVE MOVE on baby ehix by using the big Wish- bohe incubator. Lloyd Lee. J none 82K21. 4j25tf FIRST CLASS "EARLIEST OF ALL" vnl potatoes Clifford W. Brown. Phone lis mlS' FOR SALE Livestock 4a FOR SALE 4 IlKiH liRADE JERSEY cows, 2 fresh, others to freshen soon. Kt. 3, Box 230. Near Fmier station. 4aml-) FOR SALE SHETLAND POSY. CALIU 439 Court St. 4amlj FOR SALK- -PURE ItRKI) JERSEY Flake's Petland, 273 State 4anil5 heifer calf. Kt. FRESH MILK C0AT . M. HOOLEY, Hubbard. Oregon. 4a-m21 SEVEN GOOD MILK COWS. FRESH and coming freah, for tale. W. C. Soderman, Jefferson, Ore, Rt. 1. Pbone from Salem 4a-flOt,f HELP WANTED WANTED WOOD CHOPPERS TO CUT 150 cord of old and second growth fir for Marion county on the county farm at llopmere, 8 mile north of Sa lem. Call at county judge a office. i . 5m 17 HELP WANTED Female 5b V OIRL FOR fJKNER.VL HOUSEWORK 1UJ5 Saginaw St. 1'hone Kit 1.1. 5bml5 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL house work. Must be good rook. Apply forenoons at 325 N. Capitol St. 5finlD WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Must jp good cook. Good wages. Phone lbtili or call 764 Stiite. 51ml8 WANTED EmplojTnent 12 WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. 1444R. 12 a7 WANTED Miscellaneous 13 WANTED TO BUY BLACK FACE breeding ewes, June or July delivery. Box 6015, Grande Ronde, Ore. 13m 15 DRESSMAKING. SHOP AT 429 ,j Court 13m20 St. WANTED TANK OF 150 TO 250 GAL- Ions to haul water to sprayer. J. It. Chapman, Rt. 2, Box I'll. l:tinlC WANTED STRICTLY MODERN 6 OR 7 room dwelling, within walking di tani-e nrired between S4O00 and $5000. Want owner to take vacant lot to the value of $750; some cash, balance monthly. Anderson A Rupert, 406 Ore- gn Bldg. 13ml3tf CARROTS PBONE 1574R. 13-ml5 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people. Ad dress the Pacific Hotm stead. Statesman Hide.. Salem. Ilr. HELP WANTED Salesmen 5e SALESMAN WANTED SPLENDID Op portunity. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 5e-mlG SALESMAN TO COVER WILLAMETTE Valby. Handling extensive line ad Tertining ral udars and novelties. State references firsl letter. V. S. Walsh, SBO Mission St.. San Francisco. f,em27 LOST AND FOUND FOUND GOLD BROOCH. THE ACE. 6aralS , STRAYED BIO BAY MULE NOW AT Sidback ranch, may have same independence. Owner by paying costs. 6aml9 LOST SILVER FOUNTAIN PEN with out rap on State or High streets or in High school. Reward. 4i2, care States man. Oam 15 MISCELLANEOUS I ran paint yonr roof Black, YeSSow-or Bhie And save yjit money. Also roof re pairing and shingling. See M. R. Mathews, Phone 17. omlS DIRT FOR TAKING AWAY- -914 N. Winter street. nml5 PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. CORRESPONDENT. Toletlo. Ohio 7 m25 POULTRY 7a BABY CHICKS HOLLYWOOD, TAN- rred and English, rriday, Saturday and Sunday, 14c. One-halt mile north of packing house. Parr's Poultry Farm. Kt. 9, Box 7, Salem. 7a-ml6 FOR SALE BABY CHICKS THAT Will live, several breeds. Flake's Petland, 273 State. 7a-m9tf PUREBRED AN CON A CHICKS $18.50 hundred. Rt. j, Box 45, Salem. Phone 118F2. 7a-a8 UOOLWOOD CHICKS 200 289 EGG stock, rrte range. C. A. Dowd, Au burn Rd , Rt. 6, Salem, Ore. 7a-m20 WHITE LEGHORN HATCUTNO EGGS- (Hanson strain), $1.00 per anting. $3.oo per urn. v. n. "-uue, kfd 2. Salem, Ore. Phone lef:l. Ta n THE AVERAGE HEN DOES NOT a profit. Purebred bens bred pay biz profits, and have made hun dreds of poultry anon wealthy. Four teen trios of world champion pure bred chickens will te given tree to are bilious men, women, boys and girl Send name snd address and full infor mation will bo mailed. Purebred Chicken Editor, Northwest Poultry Jour wil. Raletn. Oregon. Don't, h 7--j30tf REAL ESTATE City 81 OWN YOUR 1I0MI3 RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP; guo-l location, all eqnipunut. liuiure at t)regon transfer & Storage, Co.. Phone 77. 8uil6 SPECIAL A nice lols for1 $1300;, term. , '. 3 room now bouse $1150; terms. S room plastered, paved street and on car lino. $M(0. 0 rooms. A bargain for $1900; with "CJ300 down. Fin- lot all in fruit, $350; terms. 2 rood house for rout. THOMASON. 33 1,4 State St. FOR KENT FRUIT FARM. 'Jt, . ; fieui balcm uu Wollave iusiL MILKS 8uil5 REAL ESTATE City float) ISliS HOME ON PAVEMENT I i nra iu nam, - blocks from school uu canine, i.ul 7jxI3j. 1U35N. :Mst. 1 ie .mijai. 8m''0 WF. NOW HAVE A COMPLETE LIST ins of acreage and city property. Any thing aud anywhere, at real bargains. jm j u iiie&e over xt aires of rool land, 7 room house in fair condition, good cr.iuirv and I other out buildings, one Kood team of ""iiras, one row, some cii:ct:en a drill, mower, rake, 2 plows wagou aud other tools. 1 miles from small town, good high school and rmirt-n. tninit of it. All for 3H0; ilium aown, uaiunce at 5 per cent. iuuK irriu. A new building with "Tine stock of groceries aud fixtures in JronT part. 4 good living room',, bath and toilet. t oruer lot. a line location, and a real bargain all at 92500. Good five room bouse and garage to run ai t--. .2000 buys a five room house on N. Summer, terms. Jii acres, joins suburban town. 14 acres in crop, good bam. small new hou-e, poultry house. Buver gets of crop, $1000: terms, or will trade for house in Salem. A fine seven room house and 4 '.i acres of good land in ocdbtirn. a good buy at $ 05(10; or will trade for prop erty in nnieui. SEE THESE FINK PLACES Acre tract 1 to 1W. 3 miles from Salem on paved road at very reasonable prices and good terms. A fine selection of five room houses at prices to suit. A very good six acre tract, one mile from Salem. A snap at $1H0". buys' a 10 room apartment. x.asy terms, monthly payments. Ill acres, dairy ranch, gnod house. ei to, narn, ana itner buildings, crop goes with place. Price ?10,000; or will trade. Is close to country town. Stock of groceries good location at $1600. A good Fordson tractor, plow, and disk to trade or sell, part payment on five room bungalow. Remember our aim is to get what you want and where von wnnt it. MOISAX UI.RH II 122 X. Com'l. Phone 1H54. 8;nl3tf BEST BUYS 2 lots, house, barn, $000; $200 cash. balance easy terms. 5 acres, 4 room bungalow, good barn. work shed, coop. 1 mile out, paved road, $") cash, balance easv terms. 10 acres bearing prunes, rock road. $150 per acre, terms. 30 acres close in, good for poul try and fruit ranch, will sell cheap without payment down. SOTOI.OFSKY. Realtor. 341 State Street. amlltf 6 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, HARD wood floors, $0000. o room new bungalow, corner, elec tric range, ice i.ox, linoleum, wood in basemen, $0rtto. 5 room new bungalow, hardwood floors, corner. 15750. Large house, close in. suitable for apartments or roomers. P.usincsa loca tion. $11.000. Apartment lioise $10,000. Apartment bouse 05oo. Apartment house $5d00. Ford coupe $n."0. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 8mlltf BARGAINS Store building to exchange for Salem. Residence ptyip'Tly, rental .8o per month, price $l0,0O0. 10A. orchard, commercial, fine condi tioti. modern residence on ranch, barn. 1 and other outbuildings. Will deal for Salem residence prperty up to $10,000. Choice corner lot. paved streets. est front, cement walks. Summer and Mar ket. Price $12'0; good terms C't J. F. Latham 331'i S.flte Rt. flmirstt Buy From Owner Lots on South 2"th ar,d 21st btrcets. Pa vments First "Mo'lv PricA $250 110 225.00 200.00 MUrs I.ol Lots 2 mi .00 .50 $t.i0 .iO mo !0 mo 1. i: Lots G.75 ;0 mo Twenty-first street to be pavtd this rear. Trices will be advanced $10.00 per lot on April 13th. Pbone 1493R or SEE ME, 010 S IRtb atreet. winiti" ANY MAN CAN AFFORD TO BI Y, OR BUILD AS GOOD A IIOLht AS HE CAN AFFORD TO KENT. rotim bungalow, garage $.1400.00 room bungalow-, new 4300.00 4 room bungalow, garage JlOO.oo room bungalow, garage 0200.00 Good house and lot in Dallas to trade for Salem property; will assume up to s3(on. , ' i . , -1 ;.. .a i- acre innn, i t-i. nii'-- 1 IA. nrums. Farm close to Salem. Will trade, my equity for Salem property 50 acre farm, well located. 2. acres fruit. Will trade my equity for Salem nronertv. We build to suit tne purciiaser, anu Bell on easy terms. Houses for rent. We write insurance. Alwavs mnnev to loan on real estate. If it "is a house, lot. farm or a trade, See me RICH L. RF.IM.VN " Realtor Offi,- VI, one Ol.'!, Res. Pbone 720R 307-30-J Oregon Bldg. 8rol3tf I ' A vnnu MODERN COTrAGK o :m-. Cottage St.. S3000; lash $jlo; balance (it eii it New 3 room bungalow on No. lfltb fit This nlare is strictly modern and n t-nnA hnv at $500 : terms. New 5 room mod -rn biingalo.v on So. lotk s- lrire lo. rice $toOO; terms. . fi-J class 1; roam cot' age located at No. 475 So. 1 tth St. We consider this an excellent buy at $2350; terms $500 cash, balance to Hint. t, A strictly modern 5 room cottage on 1 (it li. t.Wk from 12th St., near Rlnm anil se hool. partly furnished. "r.iin- tA trm.. 2 lots on North 23rd St., 2 blocks lr,.,n v.i.t.. Sit Price JttOO each. 1 ou make the terms. 1 viu usiiv Til" PERT "jo Orecon Building 8ml3tf . 1 BARGAINS ONLY A Jtli hn;iiln at $2100: 5 room . ,i , I t.rv .l.Kirable) $2200: A G room modem" $".10o, (terms): An ihr K mom fnaveil street) modern. $3000. An extra good buy in a room modern exrept bas-ment Add $250 and you have a -uuu pwtc. iasv terms on some. tv x lie 1 ' - ' ' a ... . hi sit.t. Sit BmOtf BILLY STIFF kxtim, ,Tut- sF?7 LITTLE KEUL.V Tjifl - f, ( lovE LikE WU VOERfc k - TO BE TUE STROe BONTED, Vi X04T rtDU TMUMK ) 1 jV-ocU jf N0UTUW13TUE ' 1L0VEOUv; S - i AMNOUNClMfr TRAINS V U Ro V TWE PEM VrsrA ! WE'D BETTEe MAVE ijWU!BJ li nuUSCEME AND ' ii' ' t A30UT AS ROMAWlNTiC a j A -TJCAU MEG. TO OU 1 EMBRACE ) ,1 . AN uMOEC3i.-tV r . M iM m TtAEftEFOfte TtiH :ifeTI Hj AC AS A SOU-ED CUF F ?A Yil V-JITH SOME -SOME 7 j A like fAE SAW JylKulfl M 5PLA-5MCC TUE SUOW.-. ,! :.L' h : i' ' f f:A,:.. : 7 iimjm ::;'X DEPTH OP PEELING A 'i WMOMAk ' V 3 i I 8 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7i" Wording, Rooms to K nt, price 10 cent each. Statesman business Of- fire. Ground Khnr. A BARGAIN t room bungalow, fernare. fireplace. beautiful surroundings. Will sacrifice at $3500 and give terms anyone can handle. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 2 10 tin -son iSids. iim 1 -Jt f WANTED TO EXCHANGE Our nioilen.i H room. 2 siurv buiiialow with full ci-m.-n; baseuif nt. furnace. fireplai-e. light', bath, garage, fruit and shade trees. PaM-d street. Price $5550. Want a smaller house. What have you. Now vacint immediate ossession Owner away. .ut sell! .Modern 5 room bungalow, gafa'ie. east front. Pric ed for quirk deal at 3loil; terms. CHOICE LOTS CHEAP GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES CHEAP REAL FARM BARGAINS i'or quirk sales list with CHILDS & HECUTKL 540 State .St. Sinlltf EXCHANGE FIVE ROOM PLASTERED bungalow anil one acre in fruit $4000. on Oregon Electric near Portland 16 trade for home in Salem. For sale small house and two lots $000. Strictly nidern six room bungalow, oak floors, east front, paved street. A anap at $5500. A gnod 10 room house on pave ment, corner lot, good location, $4000. Two bouses for rent and one furnished. F. 1.. WOOD, 341 State St. 8ml3tf $2750 Thr e new bungalows, plastered, built in kitchen, modern plumbing and elec- triet lights on paved street and car line. Terms of $750 down. East front. Let ns show you these bungalows. You will like them. $3500 New 5 room bnngalow with full ce ment basement and garage. Nar school. Terms. $1500 C room bungalow, new, with hard wood floors, basement, furnace, fire- plac, double garage. This is a real bargain. We write fire insurance. W. II. GRAHEMIOltsr CO Realtors. 275 State St. Phouc 515 Smlltf CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Large np to th minute list of the vi ry best offerings in Sal.m and vicinity sent free to ary address Harris, 203 Oregon Building, phone 254. 8 f22tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 11" r.Y 7 Mi" wording "For Sale, Enquire at." Price 10 cents each. Stat sua an Business Office. Ground Floor A TEN ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN AT A bargain, if you act quirk. Can be ar- ranged in 4 apartmi nts. A low low price. Will tske gootl auto on deal. 7 room modern house, six blocks from business center, all in first class condition, modern in every wa. A very low price. 110 acre farm very will improved to exchange for good city property. Ex cellent chance for some one. See me goon 5 room house close in for sale or rent. Has a lot of furniture. On pav ed st. Here is a genuine bargain. 10 room apartmi nt paying about 13 per r -nt on investment. Very close in. Call early and see me about it. See Me First G. W. LA FLA R 410 Oregon Bldg. 8 mltf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7i wording "For Rent. price 10 cents earh. Statesman- Business Office, on Ground Floor. FOR SALE BY OWNER, BRAND NEW. atrictly modern six-room bungalow South Salem: close in. Price $5000 Phone 17d4. 8 fl7tf for s.M.r. -THREE ROOM HOUSE, one birire lo. :t50 Phone 12 12.1. ml REAL ESTATE Trades Sa 6 ROOM HOI SE. 2 LOTS. OTAKAOr. Wood shed, chicken yard. Price $ lmui; 500 down, balance 0 per cent. Also 5 acres, good house, barn and well; '.. acre in garden, walnut trees and small fruit. Pri-e $.1000; $500 down, l.elince 0 per cent. See owner at 1DH5 Mill street, Salem. Oregon. Pa 15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 8b MONEY TO LOAN O'-i ON FARM PROP erty. F. L. WOOD, 311 State St. sb-elO REAL ESTATE Farms 0 GOOD BUYS Now is the time to buy that small acreage tract on tho terms that you can bundle it. $loo down anil balance $10 per month buys lo a. r-s of 'first class tr"e and berry soil, lota'ed south near the famous Sky Line orchard, all cultivated and nlowed. Price j'1250: interest 6 per ceut. $100 down and ?10 per month buys 5 acres of fine dark prairie soil lo cated east, close to Swegle school. Price $150O; interest 6 per cent. $200 down and balance eusy terms buys b'3 aire trait located 1-2 mile west, of south Com:nerc:aI st-eet car on Hansen avenue, mostly limber, small buildings and sightly location, an ideal home site. Price $'50O. $3000 cash bnjs nearly 10 acres all in bearing fruit, 4 room cottage, and outbuildings, located close to pave ment and on good road. $M0 down and balance ?10 per month buys 90-100 of an acre located just outside of city limits south, close to car line and Pacific highway. A real building site. Price $ytO; interest 0 per cent. $50 dywn and balance $10 per mouth buys a fine 'jacr" tract located on North 21st s'reet clo-c to Englewood school, beautiful shade trees, city water, electric lights. Price $000 ; interest 0 per cent. $5o down and balance $10 per mtmtli buys fi lots, 5o by 100 feet each, lo cated souih, gravel street, well drained and sightly location. Price $000. In terest 0 per cent. $lnuO down and' balance long time at G per cent will handle lo acres of .'irst class land located on Pacific highway south, east front, all cultivated. 1'2 ' miles from street cur line. Price $300 per acre. $51,111 down and $500 per year will buy 10 acre trad with building-, locat ed north close to Pacific highway, firt class soil. Price $3,000, interest 0 per tent. W. II. GRABENHORST A; CO Kealt-rs. 275 State St. Oin 1 r, REAL ESTATE City , i.i mi i ii a .. s ,; l."i!l!l' ..V.e- cnoAcrr, .J il l I octl no iiamm! - N i TTT- "" 1) BOTTOM LAND FOR RENT ABOUT 25 acres new luud in cultivation, all on nt adjoining ai!y trie j red. fchrre rcut on cultivated land, all j ou r.irse on other land lor clearing. 'Ihis is the very best of land fur potjtoes, coru, toma toes, etc. Buildings, immediate posses sion. John II. Rhoteii, Day, on, On-smi. 'Jill 1 o WEEK-END BARGAINS lo room intnli-ru house, 3 a -res of l.t ud in Salt-in. Lots of fruit. Price tf 50o ; $!5ti0 cash. Bal. 0 per cent. 24 ut'res tin racl load, good soil, 0 ai-res of prunes. 8 rooiti lious-, base ment. watVr s stein. Prit-e ii-f.ItliU. Would take bouse iu tj.ilrul as pari p cicnt. KRUEGER 117 North Co.-nT. S.. Phone 217 'JlUl.'i U O W ELL PilAliUE FARM PHONE 1395W. 9m25 DaJry Trade fi5 arris equipped with cows, ihik ens, liorses and farm implements and on a paying basis. I cm pricing this way below wnat it is "Worth and will con sider some trade on SaUm, Silveiton or Portland property is priced rig';t SA. improved $10'J ; terms or tr-iile. K lots iu Nob Hi'l additiou, priced $350.00 ROBINSON Oregon Bldg. Qui 1 4 REAL ESTATE To Exchange. Ob TO EXCHANGE S.I A., 10A cultivated, balance easily clearej. 2 sets builtlingH, will and creek, all fenced bog tight. Few steps to high school and RR station. Clear title. Value $3500, for modern 5 or 6 room home in Salem, Well located on paved street. Will assume or pay cah dif ference. Deal with owner. Ray J. Fox. Lyons. Ore. 9b-mlG REAL ESTATE Suburban 10 WHY PAY RENT IN THE CITY WHEN aiu.ost the same expenditure will buy a suburban home with suflitient bind to raise your living.' Investigate this 5 acres Kaiser District $2000.00 2 acres Salem Heights $2000. no 2 aires Wallace road J3JOO.00 A. ( BOHRN.STEDT 117 No. Coin'l. St. Salem, Oregon. lomlttf FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, modern, on property Ji'OxlOO; newly papered aril painted throughout, and in first class t-ondilton, bell house, wood sbid and garage; near first class grade and hish sclioo:s : located in Junction City, Orrgon. Price $25u0: reasonable terms. (.'all or address Edward F. Bailer, Attorney at Law. Junction City. Oregon. ' 10a 12 USED CARS FOR SALE 11 QUALITY USED CARS AT A PRICE THAT WILL PLEASE 'YOU Ford touring $1.-15. no Baby Uraud Chevrolet .. . 150. 00 J.igin touiiug . . ... . 105. nO Ford touring 235.00 Overland touring i25.c0 Overland touring 325.00 j -tu..- louru.g ... .... 505. lid Chalmers touring 700.00 Oakland coupe ... . . louo.oo New lord touring av a discount and many otl"-rs fr yo'i to select from (We Give Terms) K. . I'M I I .IOllN A: CO. 21! N. Commercial -St. Phone 1200 llml5tl 1923 CHEVROLET SUPERIOR TOUR ing. Looks and runs like new. t'ord tire; extras; 1JJ license. A leal buj $150. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. 227 X. High Phone 1000. Ilml6 BEFORE YOU Bl'Y A USED CAR LOOK these over. They are all in excellent condition and will give you tlie same st-rHre ,you uiigiit tixpcct Jroin a new tar. 1 ISuirk Six ' 1 Ford coupe. 1 Olds rt, lO.C'O miles. 1 lKitlge touring. 1 Lsscv 5 otisst n;rer: " KIRK WOOD MOTOR CO. 240 State St. 1 1 111 1 5 192 1 FORD COUPE DRIVEN 150 miles. Cost with couipincnt $-ij5. New car guarantee. A bargain for quirk pale. -1931 Fold roadster. Never been driv en. Five cord tires. Heavy tourist tubes, llassler shocks. Large wheel and foot throttle. 1017 Biiick six touring, 4 cord tires. good spare. New top and back curtain. Ntw springs in rear. Good battery and '2 1 license. $275. lO-'O Dodge touring, good tires, top and battery. 2 1 license. f..2.i. 1917 l ord touring, good shepe $S5. Terms or Cash Trades considered 2 59 No. Liberty St. 11 in 13 1919 BU1CK SIX MOTOR. THOROUG1I- lv overhauled, newly painted, new- top, new rurtjuis. A real bargain for $4C Try to match i:s price or quality any where. OTTO J. WILSON 38H X. Com' I. Phone 220 llml5 FOR SALE 1922 Dodge delivery, A-l shape, cord tires, ojij. 1922 Ford touring, cord tires, A-l shape. $.135. 1922 Ford $275. 1 920 Ford rear, $150. 1922 Dodg roadster, box on rear, roadster, extra box on touring, looks like new $050. , 1920 Podge sedan, $800. i 1923 Dodge touring, rua 2000 miles. $950. RONESTEELE MOTOR .'O. llmStf USE FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZE FORI) DEALER 1921 Roadster 1923 roadster ... 1919 touring ... 1020 touring -1022 touring . touripg 1 1-1 coupe Ittii coup Itl20 truck 1922 truck. . $200.00 ;; 1 05 no 2 I 5. no 275. no 315.110 .1711 no 425.00 .oo 3S5.00 up. Otlnr cars All cars arr from 1 5 ind ' guaranteed See us before bujiiig. Libera! terms. Op n evenings and Sumlaja. VALLEY .MOTOR CO. Pbone ivtt5 -on N H'l'Ii 11-m'f The Volunteer REAL ESTATE Fanns ; CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE AM BULANt'E SERVICE, DAY OR night Photic 000. 173 South Liberty ARCHITECTS i - FREEMAN A STRUBLE, REGISTERED Architects, 510 Bank of Commerce Building. AUCTIONEERS WOODRY & WOODRY Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEERS Res. 1G10 N. Suanmr Tel. 511 for sale dates. L. F. TALBOTT Aurtioueer Phone 470 202 U. S. Bank Bid; 94 O. SATTERLE2 Auctioneering Rooms 25-20, Breyman Block Phone 247 or 1211.1 fl-tf AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Metal, rags, paptr. Auto wrecking. Repairing. Parts for all cars 50 to 75 per cent off list price. 975 N. Com 'I. mono oSH. f-Btf BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferrii Bros., Phone 1803, 418 Cturt. R. D. BARTON EX1DE BATTERIES atarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. cles and RAM8DEN DAYTON B1CY repairin ; 3 87 Court. CLEANERS A DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS 1215 S. Commercial. Phone 1368. We spe cialize on one dav service. CARPET AND BUO WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any size without seams. New mattresses tr.ade to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated 1 buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 13'i aud Wilbur sir ets. Pbone 1154. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St., Pone 2S3. CHIROPODIST DR. 8. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago 1 asomr Temple. Phone 610. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT A SCOFIELD, P. 8 C Chiropractors, 414 19 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 87; re. 828-It. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Surveys esti mates. Jno. H. Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg Phone T75. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT Summer street. Phone 674 J. 436 N. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1107 R or 59F12. d26tf DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING Carrie Fisher, McCornack Bldg., over Millers. nl5n PRINTED CARDS SIZE 11" BY 7 WArinv eil.avemibinv1 n . i P . 1 O cents earh. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. DRUG STORES WM. N EI MEYER "JUST DRUGS," 175 N Commercial. Phone lb7. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A S O N I C building. Pbone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. FLEENKR ELECTRIC OO . House wiring by nour or contract. Es timates furnished. Paoue 980. 414 Court St. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC trical niachine repairing, contracting 837 Court. Phone 488. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders of, the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal,' ill Com mercial street, Sslero, Oregon. IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST tsrm paper, send 15c to the Paciilc Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription. Mention thi ad. WOOD FOR SALE 14 DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7.m r cord delivered. Phone 19F3. Mayfi.-ld 11 f!3tf FOR RALE DRY SECOND GROWTH fir wood, 4 ft. for nuuiidiate delivery. Pbone 100. 4 f 12tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 10 inch green uii'.l wood Dry mill wood Dry second growth fir Dry old fir 10 inch BLOCK mill wood is the best fuel to save yonr dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable price, Fred hi. Weils, 2t0 S. Church. I'hone 15 12. n9tf DO YOU WANT GOOD WOOD AT REAS onable prices? Thin cail 1S79W for ash, old or second growth fir Prompt d-l,verv. I i'-'Qtf BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FIN AN CI AX- LOANS Farm and City. Most liberal rates and payment prlilegcs. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. 205 Ore. bldg. Salem, Ore. f3 tf CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO., General contracting and building esti mates gladly furniabed. Phone 1807R or 59F12. d26tf 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property. Reserve De posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land, Or. FARM LOANS No additional expense ANDERSON A RUPERT, 408 Oregon Building LOANS LOANS LOAN8 can make yonr farm or city loans, best service given. If you need a loan, eee -me; and ii yon have money to place, eee me I always have takera. G. W. Laflar, Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS LESS I N T E R E 8 T, longer time, no commission. Protect against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly instalments, prepay ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room 2. over Ladd & Bush bank. TLOBISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS f nneral wreaths, decorations. 0. 1 Breithanpt. florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone S80. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIBEC- vori, ziu tenter, rnone j .--. FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for lea money. 872 Court, Phone 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Oommereial. GARDEN PLOWING GARDEN PLOWING. GRADING. FER tilwtr, wood sawing. Tucker. 1125.1. m-4H HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCIIIN. STAMPING, PLEAT ing. tue Jf elite Bhop, Hoom s, over Busirka n29tf SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, huttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon bldg. Pbone 379 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room 10. over aid lev's store. Pbone 117 HOMEOPATHIC PHY8!rJiAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HO'd 1 .! i r HIST Does a general practice l nt- limt i Gall Stouts, and Dnus r'slii; fro' diseases of heart. I -i or k d'iey without operation ("ii e and re dence, 296 N. Liberty st. Sa'-i... Phone 147. LADIES TAILOULNG D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOK UK and women, 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 316 S. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest largest bst. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM Quality work; prompt Broadway. Phone 163. LAL'NDRY service; 1264 TfJOICAT. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music. Semi-classic and ballads 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Mc Cornack Bid MUSIC STORES SHERMAN, CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Bteinways, Duo-Art and others. Moor)' Music Houe, 415 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet tnnsie, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. U. L. Stiff Furni ture Co.. Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseaaes; 415 Oregon Bldg Phone 110. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL 1 S3M. NURSE PHONE n25tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS AND ROSES Near Auburn hall. East Salem. Notth western Nursery. Phone 111F3. m9 FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE Pearcy Bros.. 237 State TREES COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital Ciiy ur eery Co.. 426 Oregon Bldg.. Phone 73 OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED RY THE BOW or tical Co.. 325 State street, opposite iaud at Bus Bans;. "Las stulily Proven Shur ons. MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY OBE- gon Bldg. Room Hill to -"oj PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTI ful colors; tt does s room. Mox O Huron, 171 N. Coramerrtal By Alexander PHY 81 CI AN OP PHYrUOTHERAPHT DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF JPHYSI otherapy, treats all ailments, women ailments especially. 263 N. Commercial street. Phone 20O5M. riAjrO TTJxTERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will' a Muaie Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros, 141 8. Liberty. Phone 550. fU PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COH. work. Phone 1397-J. Shop 127 Union siregt. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS, TENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 23 State 8t. REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowers, rator-bladec, scissors, knives and tool sharpened. 8CAV ANGERS MAYFIELD 6CAVANGER 8ERVICE.-. Garbage and refusals of all kinda re moved. Phone 19F3. BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools cleaned and dead animals removed Garbage and refuse of all kinds remov ed by the month. Reasonable rate Phones: Office 629; residence 2058. SEOOtSTJ BAND OOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 842 North Oommereial Phone 1868W. . STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING . STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sires 28 to 28 in. high. Paints. -oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry anal hop hooka. Halm Fence and Steva ' Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. TRAN8FER AUD HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0U8 bold goods. Our specialty is piano anal furniture moving. Wi aUo make coun try trips. We handle the best coal aad wood. Call on us for prices. We r'a good measure, -rood quality and good service. Lancer Transfer Co Pkoae 830 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 228 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. TRANSFER AND HAULING "id. Phone 1QSH OF ALL TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager . Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oreffoa. SA LK M S1LV ERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stags Terminal: 7 a. m; 11 s. at.; ft p. at. i.eaves Silvertom News Stand: 9 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6 p. saiem Indrpendsnre-Monmonth Di vision t ' ..evs Salem, Central Stags Terminal! - - ; a. m.; 11:10 a. at.; 8:10 p. as,' 5.10 p. m. .eaves Monmoatk, Ifoamoatk Hotal: '. tin a in : 1 p. m. ; :1S p. sr. ' Leave- lariepeedenee. Beaver Hotel t 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. tH 4pm.; 6:30 p. ra. Leave Central Stags Terminal,, Bales' for Dallas at: 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m. 0:10 p. at Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas at ' " 8 a. ra.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 i. ax. Ws make connections st Salem to al parts of ths valley. Extra trips bj ap . poiniment. T W P4RKTTR. Oeweral Vnrav ' VETERINARIAN FRED W. LANGK. VETERINARIAN -. Office 220 Sonth Liberty. Phonell' Res. Ilipnc 1(iQ3J. mtltl WATER i SALEM WATER. LIGHT' A POWER CO. Of rice, 801 South Commercial St. Tel per rent discount oa domestic tls) rates paid in advance. No deduction) for absence or any eanse unless wet ljktitffOTrrraiwL WELL DRILLING R. A. WEST. RT. 6. GARDEN ROAD Third house west of Sweagle school 23 years experience drilling wells Oregon. Washington snd Idaho, mis PUBLIC NOTICES t, Ilis.l'lfL.i NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following de- $ciibcd dogs in compliance with Ordinance Xo. 1104, to wit:,Ono . white and liver spotted bird dog with collar on. One Chesapeake and water spaniel dog, brown with . yellow eyes, very fine dog. One collie and Airdale dog,, yellow, with white breast and white around head. One black shepherd dog with white breast and yellow., tan feet, legs, and face. The above described doss will be killed It not redeemed by owners, on or bo fore March 15, 1924, as provided in said Ordinance- ' W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner. March 10, 192 4. mll-15 IIIDS WANTED The connty court of Marion county, Oregon, will receive seal ed bids up to 1:30 o'clock p.' tn., tin Wednesday, April 2. 1924, on i he three following separate pro posals: For furnishing 8000 cubic yards of river run sand and gravel in bunkers on the bank of tho Wil lamette ri-er within four miles of. St. Paul, Oregon. For furnishing the same amount of material In, which all gravel ovr .1 imb. hiv size has been crushed. "For haul ing 8000 cubic yards of sand and gravel from the bunkers to llm St. Paul paving plant and onto the road -in that vbinit.". SieiHcatioiiu and bidding forms re on file In the county ilerk's office-- - . U J: DOYEIl, County Clerk- V 1 in 15-2 2 rl i