The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    . ... t -. ' :f
. " "
rboae iot
i A ! rklteraoon : wiil attract a
charming group of Women to the
pleasant faiiw home of Dr. 'and
Mr, 'c: A. ; Downs. 2121 South
High 'streeA, for an , Irish program
and tea.'i Little 1 Miss Flarla.
daughter' of Dr, and Mrs. Downs,
will opea the door for the callers.
A group of the Innsic students of
Professor E.' W. "Jlobson and Pro
fessor franklin Launer Will .de
light the guests with Irish music.
In 'the ; dining- room Jonquils ar
ranged In art baskets will give
a bright spring atmosphere. Miss
Lorha Loyett 'and' Miss Tvathryn
Kirk -will assist in " the tea-room
where, from 3;ta 4 o'clock Mrs.
Carl Gregg Doney and Mrs. George
H. Alden; and from 4 to 5, Miss
Frances E. Richards and Mrs. Lu
ther J. Chapln. will preside. The
, Xodasrls
In . Qur Juvenile
A iree; Balloon tto each child (under 12(
years of age) when accompanied by an adult.
These are the big sausage tyjie bailons that
,! V .. .i . I. . .... ..... I J , , ... .. . .
inflate to 22 and 24 inch lengths. All have
squawkers.V CJome' early! i T
,- v -
'r;' l'.v l xr
-?f; -' Guidea Jyyr.these marks;4 they easily find their way. jt
".-ii ycrits 1 jierform a similar duty for you in the
$ r:H;2 important business of spending your money. They point
, the
arrangements for ' the afternoon,
with the members of the local
chapter of the American Associa
tion of University, women as host
esses, are in the charge of: Mrs.
L.' O. Clement, Mrs. George II. Al
den, Mrs. E. C. ' Richards, Mrs.
Grover C. Bellinger, Mrs. Paul Ac
ton, Mrs. J. M. Devers. and Mrs. C
A. Downs.
Messages of sympathy are find
ing their way to Mrs. William Mc
Gllchrist, Jr., and Ms. Cai Pat
ton, relatives of. Mrs. Lulu Sav
age, who died yesterday morning
in Portland. '
Ae feature evening is planned
for tomorrow might at the First
Congregational,' church, when a
group of SO wfll present an espe
cially vivid anid colorful pageant
Shoe Department
The Biased Trafl
TORrvRRS in wnrvrln frniinflv finrl tW
blazed '.by the axes of those who have gone before.
way to values of 'which
t mey were not mere to guiae you.
y , - Do you read them?, Wise shoppers do. TKey are the
f I economical buyers ine ones who keep themselves
r - strictly up-to-date on the best opportunities for saving
;)-';:Spn,;.;or spending it judiciously, which is one and the
same thing.
Read the advertisements in The Statesman. Read them
to know what's what in the shopping district. Read them
. r - . - --
-' V, because ithey place before your eyes a moving panorama
a ' ,of business progress. Read them to save moneyto save
. steps to save disappointments. Read them because
tHey blaze your trail to (satisfaction in your every-day
buying. . . . " ' '
ead them regularly. Follow their
guidance. It pays.
under the competent direction of
Dr." and'Mrs C. E. Powell," return
ed missionaries from India. The
pageant very successfully depicts
telling conditions in India, giving
authentic insight into the idol
worship and child, marriages of
the landf The appeal of the Hin
do woman is well defined and
touching. Dr. and Mrs. Powell
will reveal many of their own per
sOnal experiences through these
pageant scenes. They are furnish
ing a wealth of costumes.
The War Mothers are conduct
ing a cooked food sale today at
Many invitations are out for the
TNT dancing party scheduled for
this evening. This anticipated
high school formal will take place
in Derby hall.
Mrs. J. T. Matthews of South
12th street has just returned from
a five months visit In California
with her son, Oliver Matthews.
Mr- Matthews lives in Los Angeles.
The trip was made both ways by
automobile, with many interesting
reports concerning the roads and
California weather prospects.
The members of the Woman's
Benefit association were the guests
last evening of Mrs. A. T. King
who invited the group to gather
In a social way at her home, 463
South Capitol street. The party
was the first of a delightful series
planned for the coming months.
Mrs. Desaline Eberhard, Mrs. Re
ba Smith, and Mrs. Lulu Boring
assisted the hostess who served
refreshments at the close of the
The Yomareo Sunday school
class members of the First Metho
dist church were delightfully en
tertained when they met, on an
evening earlier in the week with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swafford for
an Irish evening. Merry games
and stunts brought much pleas
tire. The program was full of
Irish song and lore. Thirty-five
guests were present for the eve
ning. The details of the small
tables at which luncheon was
nerved followed the St. Patrick
scheme. Mrs. Harvey Manela
Mrs. J. D. Foley, Mrs. Roblin and
Mrs. R. S. Melson assisted the
hostess. The next meeting of the
class will be on the second Tues
day in April.
The members of the Merrie Thy
mcrs club were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Cleveland on a re-
Ovnt ITMhXiohJahs VsioYialyV
For AN Cold Troubles
you would never know if
AAUW. silver tea, Mrs. C. A.
War Mothers' cooked food sale,
TNT formal dancing party at
Derby hall.
cent evening. Five hundred was
the chosen gairie, three tables
playing. The St. Patrick motif
was again effectively used. Daf
fodils were combined with Ire
land's green. Hosts for the next
meeting of the club will be Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Elgin.
Games and stunts, following a
business session, made the meet
ing of the OAC club on Thursday
night a pleasant affair. Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Pearcy were the hosts.
Mrs. Harry Zelsdorf entertain
ed a few friends of the "Y" swim
ming class at a luncheon Wednes
day at her home. Covers were
placed for five, including: Mrs. E.
A. Elliott, Mrs. J. H. Brockman,
Mrs. Edgar- Daugherty, Mrs. E.
Lunn. and the hostess, Mrs. Har
vey Zelsdorf.
Of considerable interest to mu
sic lovers is announcement of the
coming of Harold Bauer and Pab
lo Casals to Corvallhj on the last
Friday of the month. Both are
world-famous artists. Casals ap
pearing as "the world's greatest
cellist," and Bauer as the "master
pianist." Mr. Casals is a Span
iard, but he is acknowledged by
three continents as the greatest
violin-cellist alive. Mr. Bauer is
an Englishman who h,as played
"in literally every civilized part
of the globe."
The Japanese dinner at the
YMCA which was recently post
poned will be an interesting event
of Tuesday evening. Varied plans
are being worked out.
The Thursday Bridge Luncheon
club was very delightfully enter
tained with "Mrs. William Walton
as hostess. Mrs. Valton was
hostess at 1 o'clock luncheon in
the Peacock room at the Gray
Belle and afterward at cards at
her apartment. A wicker-shaded
lamp,' banked on either side with
a profusion of spirea, daffodils and
Japanese quince in long, narrow
baskets formed a spring-like cen
ter piece. In the place cards and
mints the St. Patrick motif was
carefully developed. Covers were
placed for 12. Mrs. Asabel Bush,
Mrs. William Boot, Mrs. Fritz
Slade, and Mrs. Shelley Saurman
were guests of the club. Mrs.
Dusenbnry will be the next hostess
for the group.
Judge P. H. D'Arcy was a speak
er yesterday at Shaw. He poke"i
'"Half Past Ten" Is U. S.
New AmericaiLrG a m e
"Jakes" China as
"Theirs "Took" Us
f If an epidemic of women's
.'tights breaks out in China any
tima soon, Chinese husbands will
probably 'wreak vengeance on J.
jM. Tees, the gallant American
'Who has just introduced Chinese
women to the new game of Sod
!Tim Bom.
I Although Mah Jongg was play-
ed in China by men for hundreds
j of years, women were barred by
custom from any participation in
it Wistfully, according to Mr.
i Tees, they watched thoir hus
! bands Mah Jon away the fam-
ily income. Faitlifuiiy they put
; the rice back on the stove when
no husband arrived from the
nearest Mah Jorvr;; at the
supper hour, r.-t clwaj's they
.yearned to try their hand at this
enticing pasta:.'.
"Soi, lays Mr. Tees, who has
on different phases of the life of
Rosalia Kber, Mt. Angel wo
man, registered in the school of
Journalism at University of Ore
gon, has been appointed assistant
editor of the "Old Oregon," alum
ni publication printed at the uni
versity. Miss Keber is a member
of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority and
Theta Sigma Phi, woman's nation
al honorary journalism fraternity.
Entertaining for the pleasure of
three visiting guests. Mrs. George
Gale, Mrs. Charles Burrldge, and
Dr. Minnie Gale John, Mrs. M. C.
Petteys was hostess at a very pret
tily appointed 1 o'clock luncheon
Thursday. Daffodils were used as
the tabic flower?. Covers were
placed, in addition to the honor
guests, for Mrs. O- A. Noyes, Mrs,
i. J. Hoffman, Mrs. Carrie Burn,
and Mrs. -Mildred Nash. Mrs.
George Gale who is here7 with her
two daughters is from Minneapo
lis. Mrs. Burridge is from St.
Johns, Michigan, and Dr. John is
of Sacramento, Cal. Mrs. Burr
idge and Mrs. John are the house-
guests of Mrs. Pettys. and Mrs. O
A. Noyes is entertaining Mrs.
Gale. Mrs. Gale and Mrs. Noyes
are sisters.
K "K"
The Willamette University
Men's Glee club which leaves next
Friday for their northern trip is
issuing the following advance:
The club offers an extensive re
pertoire of both heavy and light
numbers. The evening program
includes '.'The Wreck of the Julie
'ohto diiL lays cTJifsi
6h Is MLss Frda Hann,
twenty-three years 14. cf JToungs
town, O. Here ar "'the facts,
yreda's isterrMrw.'TvTillam Thornj
U.lhe mother of Mra.'Oecf-ge Child
rrst ktiec of PrKl.tia Mrs. Chd
ers U th mother of a on. Will
lam grand-popl St Freda, r :
; X &i4 1 7 f ft Mr
for Mah Jongg
recently returned" from a long
sojourn in Shanghai, "I made
them a substitute, but something
that they vill find just as good
and then some. Besides, I felt
we ovfed'the Chinese something
for Mah Jongg which they gve
to us."
Sop Tim Bom is played on the
principle of the American Twenty-one.
The Mandarin interpreta
tion of the name is half past ten
loosely ten and a half. ' It is
played with tiles like Mah Jongg
and resembles it in other ways.
Not content with contributing
largely to the intrpduction of
Mah Jongg in America and Sop
Tim Bom in China, Mr. Tees had
an American friend write a Chin
ese waltz called "Half Past Ten"
(Sop Tim ' Bom) to whicr the
women of China might play their
new game. Toe iicw waltz has
not teen played here yet but the
reception it has had from femin
ine China indicates that it will
be p. worthy succccrcr to our own
"Three O'Clock In The Morning."
Plante," by the club, with Mr
Lloyd Thompson carrying the
solo parts the negro folk song,
"Who swallowed Jonah;" the spri
itual, "Heav'n, Heav'n;" and oth
er popular concert numbers.
In addition to this the club has
plenty of comedy. There are in
history famous pairs such as Ro
meo and Juliet, Mutt and Jeff, and
Gallager and Shean, but the WU
Glee club is blessed with Phillips
and Health. One is six feet four
the other four feet six. They put
on a clever vaudeville stunt. Lloyd
Waltz accompanies the club as
reader and impersonator, offering
dramatic selections and negro im
personations of the most realistic
Another special feature of this
years concert tour is the appear
ance of, the Willamette Yell King,
Joe Nee, in the Scottish Highland
er costume, singing his famous
Scotch melodies. And Mr. Byron
Arnold, soloist of excellent techni
que. Last year the club went on a
tour of Washington and Oregon,
totaling some 2000 miles, giving
concerts in 30 of the more import
ant cities. This year's itinery in
cludes a trip through Southern
Oregon and one through Western
Washington up as far as Van
couver, B. C.
The club offers a well balanced
and enjoyable program lasting ap
proximately two hours.
The local concert will be an
event of early April.
The meeting of the Thursday
bridge club, at which Mrs. Cal.
Patton was to have been hostess,
was unexpectedly postponed.
Miss Florence Melis, of Mist, a
junior in home economics at the
Oregon Agricultural college, has
announced her " engagement to
Verne Ferguson, senior in busi
ness administration at the Univer
sity of Washington. Both Miss
Melis and Mr. Ferguson have a
number of friends in Salem. Miss
Melis is a member of the Delta
Zeta sorority and Mr. Ferguson is
a 1'hi Kappa Sigma.
' i
The following articles of incor
poration were Tiled yesterday with
the state corporation department:
Oregon Growers' Cooperative.
Prune association, Salem; incor
porators, George Meuner, Jr., U.
V. Hinkley, Seymour Jones; and
other; membership foe $10.
Sunset Cooperative Fish com
pany, .Wheeler; incorporators, IL
W. Tubbeslng, S; ., D Thompson,
Loui Lndke. Jack Wilson. G; T
f Atthlbajd. ;'E. ';Ecnbcrgcr;
niemnership fco $1.
Third " Free Methodist Church
v ' ..."
If this Signature
is NOT onWB3itJ!s NOT
?There is no otfaer
Proven Safe for more than a Quarter, Century at a fluick
and effective remedy for Cold, "t?$:S 1
Preventive. f
The First and Original
Trioe 80
of Portland; incorporators, Frank
G. Kemery, Mrs. S. C. Cox, Myrtle
I. McKeown; assets, $2000.
A Dermit to operate in Oregon
wa3 issued to the Fraser H. Lantz
Company, Inc., of- Seattle, cap
italized at $25,000. C. E. Clifford
of Albany is attorney-in-fact for
Notice of an increase In cap
italization from' $300,000 to $400,-
000 was Tiled by the Link-Belt
Meesfc & Gottfried company of Cal
ifornia. Notice of an Increase in capital
from $10,000 to $160,000 was
filed by The Hub of Marshfield.
Notice of an increase in capital
from $18,000 to $50,000 was filed
by Jthe Builders Hardware & Sup
ply company of Portland.
Notice of a decrease in capital
Irom $200,000 to $150,000 was
filed by Parks Brothers, Inc., of
Notice of -dissolution was filed
by the Columbia River Shipbuild
ers corporation' of Portland.
BROOKS, Or., March 14. John
Dunlavy made a business trip to
Shaniko last week.
. Mrs. A. McKnight, who has been
very sick for some time, was taken
to the hospital in Salem Sunday
where she is to have an opera
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris and
family attended, the entertainment
at Labish Center Tuesday night.
Miss Nina Murdick had a very
serious fall Monday, tearing the
ligaments loose in one of her legs.
The regular quarterly examin
ations in. the public school will be
held Thursday and Friday, March
20 and 21.
A student-body organization has
been formed with Eato Ward as
president, Lester Dowe, vice presi
dent, Floyd Nusom secretary and
Charles Batchelor treasurer.
The new water system has been
completed and gives the school
much better service than by the
former method.
.Mr. and Mrs. Ros3 Hammock
spent a very pleasant evening at
the John Dunlavy home Friday.
The Methodist Aid society meets
at the home of Mrs. M. L. Jones,
Labish Meadows, Thursday after
noon. Fred Moisan left for Portland
Sunday where he is to iwork for
the Pacific Fruit company.
Mary Batchelor was a Salem
visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. F. X. Moisan has been on
the sick list ttie past week.
Miss Ethel Aspinwall has been
quite sick the past week.
The Christian Endeavor is go
ing to give a St. Patrick program
at the schoolhouse Saturday night,
March 13. After the program a
cafeteria supper will be servtd in
the basement.
"Is my wife forward?" asked
the man of the conductor on tht
train. t
"She wasn't to me, sir," replied
the conductor politely.
According to thu thv'iu.
th teacups In the British capital.
1'rlm Minister liamsay Macdonald:
will marry Lady Margaret Sack
Ule. She Is a descendant ' of,
tat of Delaware , w-j, named. '
?a4y Margaret is a ? ghter : of.
th lae Larl of Da U Warr and
an aunt tot th present th ninth
freer of that UUq.' ; j j.. .... . :
czitz Ar?
Cold and Grip Tablet
The. Men and Women ,Wha
Be in the Primaries
Following are the. announce
ments of the candidates for noml-"
nation at .the primaries May lth.
The list will' be extended from
day to day; ' jijtttf
M. POtTLSEN ' ' r ? .
Will be candidate For City Recorder
M the primary election Mar 16th. Ha
promises, if cboacn. efficient aerrica
and atrict and impartial law enforce
mtnt. C. O. SICE ... v
la a candidal for City Treasurer at -
the primaries Hay lbtb. lie promises
toe same emeient service ae aae a-
way given. . .
Announces his candidacy for City Re
corder at the primaries May 16lk. Ilia
closan: Give honest and fair treatment
to all. v x'-" :
Will be a 'candidate in tbe primaries of
May 16th for reelection aa Mayor of
Salem. If -chosen, he will devote the
same attention to the affairs of the city
government that tie has been riving
with the hope of helping to eccemplin
still greater efficiency in the city gov.
tmment. and of still further aiding i
the growth and development of Sslem,
Is candidate for Coonty Jndge of Mar
ion county. Kqual end' Exact Justice
to all, ia his slogan.
Will be ' candidate for Proeecatlnf
Attorney of Marin county at the Re
publican 'primaries May 16th. He wit
stand for tke -strict enforcement of (lt
Is a candidate for Constable of. Salem
district. Recommendation by Jurtgf
Ilushey: "As true an officer as evci
wore a star." About 23 years exper
ience ss a peace officer.
Is a candidate at tho Republican prl
marics May letli. for County Jadge ef
Marion county; Ilia slogan,: Strict econ
omy on business lines, with fsir treat
ment, lower taxes and enforcement ot
the law.
Is candidate for Constable fur 8alem
district. Ilia slogan: . Ne iutereat to
serve but the Public Interest.
Republican csndidate for County Aa.
Sessor of Marion county. Has an Am
erican family ot five. Heavy taxpayer.
School teacher for 12 years; five yeara
successfully ia grocery business in Sa
Wilt be a candidate in the Repnbliran
primaries May 16th for Coroner ef Mar-
1 ion county. If successful in the primar
ies and at the polls, he will give tfca
duties ot his office the same faithful
attention that he has given during his
first term, which he is bow serving.
Will- be a candidate ia the Republican
primaries May ICth for Constable ef
the. Salem district. .Resident Of Salem
nearly 40 yesrs. If nominated end
elected, be wUl do hie duty and play no
Will later announce his csndidaey for
County Clerk of Marion county.
Will be a -candidate for Constable ia the
Republican primary alert ion May 16th.
lias served for many years in rapacities
qnsllfyinc him for the dutina of the
pUcr. If nominated - and ' elected, ha
will give the duties ef (he office his
most faithful attention, without fear er
-. favor. ' -. . .
Ia a candidate for the office of Justice
ot the Peace of Salem district, at the
Republican primaries May 16th. lie will
appresiate your support.
Is a candidate at the Republican pri
maries May 16th., for Sheriff el Marie
county. His slogan: Justice without
: Is a candidate for County Judge of Mar-
- n onty at the Democratic primaries
May ltn. ( He pledges law eafnrrement
and redaction, of taxes by spending less
money. - -. , r
A. L. KIENEY ' ' '
vil 'jto in fhe Republicaa
, Irrimirips en May lti for nomination
,ior Coroner ef Pelk county. -Mr. Keen- 1
T. if immttialAJ J .1 s.J . 'ti .i
1! the eXllee ImitMuIlJ!
f :
. k
1.' !
. fv