The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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.Printing Telephone Directories
New telephone directories will
be available . In a short time, the
printers having, already got to
work on the copy, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
W. II. Dancy, manager of the Pa
cific Telephone Sc. Telegraph com
pany. The directory for Apr!
will show an Increase of subscrib
ers over the directory printed last
Championship CJnmes
Tonight, 8 o'clock.
tages of the Coos Bay district at
the Lions club luncheon Friday
noon. He stressed the abolition
of sectional lines and advocated
the unanimous cooperation of all
sections of the state in boosting
for Oregon all the time. Mr.
Taylor id superintendent of schools
and president of the North Bend
Kiwanis club. He addressed the
student body of the Salem high
school in the morning. Mr. Taylor
has addressed Salem audiences
while engaged in chautauqua work
several years ago.
Igorotes In Chaine-!-
Members and friends of Hal Hib
bard camp, Spanish War veterans,
remember the entertainment and
feed at the armory Saturday eve
ning, March 15. The Igorotes,
that head-hunting, dog-eating tribe
of Filipinos, "will have charge or
the festivities.
Cross Eyed Papa
Victor record and sheet music.
Moore's Music House, 409-415
rmirt. ml 5.
The Film Shop-
Will give one 5x7 enlargement
of the capitol, with one or more
films sold Sat. Red Cross Phar
macy. m!8
ing morning and evening. A pic
ture of the church and congrega
tion will be taken in the morning.
Dr. Milliken will talk to the young
people during the IJYPU service
and will also preach at 8 o'clock.
Hayesvllle fill the church night
and morning and receive that
which you otherwise will miss.
Arthur Kylander, pastor.
of those having friends, headquar
ters for the teams are as follows:
Medford, at Marion hotel; Pilot
Rock, Terminal hotel; North Bend.
St. Helens and Independence, at
the Sigma Tau fraternity; La
Grande. Phi Kappa Pi; McMinn
ville, Alpha Fsi Delta; Eugene,
Kappa Gamma Rho, and Bend,
Epsilon Delta Mu fraternity.
Clothes Line Is Robbed
Some women's underwear and
silk hosiery were stolen from his
j clothesline some time Thursday
night, according to the report of
C. II. Bryan, f.00 North Capitol, to
the police yesterday morning.
Championship Games
Tonight, H o'clock.
75 cents.
Adams' Appointed
C. F. Adams of Portland was
yesterday appointed by Governor
Pierce to represent Oregon at the
convention of the American Acad
emy of Political and Social Science
at Philadelphia May 18 and 17.
Will Have Rail Team
The Brotherhood of American
Yeomen will have a baseball team
again this year. Waldo Weller,
who was captain of the team last
year, has been elected manager
for this year. He has appointed
John Hornsberger as captain. All
who played last year will be out
for practice Sunday, as well as
some new ones that have been
added. A practice game will be
on between first and second teams
place will be announced Saturday
Mr,' Wuii zbarger Better-
Mrs. Alma Wurtzbarger, federal
prisoner at the state prison who
recently was reported nearly at
the point of death from asthma, is
recovering for the present and is
able to go for a short walk with
other women prisoners under the
care of Mrs. T. E. Cornelius, ma
Traffic Violators Fined
Speeding cost H. Smith, 1415
North Sixteenth. $" when he ap
peared in the police court yester
day. Lyle O. Grimes was fined
$.r for operating his automobile
while the cutout was open. R.
Steurhoff of Klamath Fall?, an
other speeder, forfeited J10 bail.
Portland yesterday . morning, fol-'
lowing a short illness. She was
a daughter of the late William
Goodrich of Salem. She was born
in Salem and was a resident of
this ritv till a few years affo. Be
sides her husband, Roy M. Savage,
formerly of Salm, she is survived
by one daughter, Melva Belle, 8
years old. Also the following
brothers and sisters: Mrs. Hal Pat
ton of Salem. Mrs. Ora Jory and
Glenn Goodrich of Stockton, Cal.,
and Mrs. Clair Simeral of Port
You Can Quickly limber m
Sore, Stiffwollen Joints
- . . . ...til AnAn4A 1i A lAn""
Even Chronic Kheumatic oai?svl wuj e,re"a;B w :
Swellings in Knee, Elbow, Iv -
Championship Gaines
Tonight, 8 o'clock. Admission
5 cents. m!5
Pirate Visits Lions Ien
M. S. Taylor.Captain Kldd of
the Coos Bay Pirates, booster or
ganlzatlon, spoke upon the advan-
Bought, Sold and Exchanged. '
fcO N. Com! St. rtoonc 492
We PJ Cask
k Italian Prnn Trees. Good
Prices on Walnuta, Seedling Cher-
& Trees, 8c to 15c. ; General Nur
ery Stock, Sales Yard and Office,
iH Ferry St.
Championship Games
Tonight, 8 o'clock. Admission
McRee Is Candidate
O. B. Mount of Baker has filed
with the secretary of state his dec
laration as a candidate for the re
publican nomination for judge of
the circuit court, eight judicial dis
trict. Leonard H. McRee of Dallas
filed as a candidate for the repub
lican nomination for joint repre
sentative from Polk and Lincoln
Choice Mixture Gladolia Bulbs
50c ner dozen. Flake's Petland
-ml 5.
A. J. Ma this. Prop.
pfflce Phono 199. Res. 1140M
Wrri. Neimeyer
- ' Druggist
In Business For Your
175 N. Com!. Phowe 167
Hurdy Gnrdy Blues
Manv of vour old favorites
bound up in a bunuie o Dines
Hear it at Moore's Music House,
409-415 Court. ml5.
Schmaltz, March 17; Parsons vs.
Ratchliffe, and Beckett ajiinst
Willamette Valley Transfer com
pany, March 18; Western Bond &
Mortgage company against Lowry,
and Lengelen "against Nicholas,
March 20; BecTte & Hendricks vs.
Bennett, Van Santen vs. Wheeler,
and P. M. Jones against Johnson,
March 21; state against Haines,
March 24; state against Crites,
March 25.
Speeder Haled Into Court
Peter Schwabe of Portland was
hitting it up 40 miles an hour on
the highway when overtaken by
G. Max Flanery, state traffic offi
cer yesterday afternoon, according
to a complaint filed in the justice
Boys to Wear Red Ties
When the Salem boys' chortft
makes its initial appearance of the
season at the concert at the First
Methodist church under the aus
pices of the Woman's auxiliary of
the YMCA. each boy will wear a
red tie, giving the appearance of
the Cherrians. A large numoer
nf hnva were at the YMCA last
nieht for the last regular rehear
sal before the concert. A special
and final rehea
At Schindler
Albany Auto Stolen
Police were notified to be on
. .LJl.
the lookout tor an- amorauunc
stolen in Albany last night from
C. E. Clifford. Albany photo
Shoulder or Finger Joints
Yield to the Mighty Power
ful Influence of JOINT-EASE.
Addresses Parent-Teachers
J. A. Benjamin, Salem attorney
gave an address tasi nigiu at j
meeting of the Parent-Teacher as
sociation at the Middle throve
schoolhouse. His subect was:
"Patriotism in War and Peace."
The address was under the aus-
rsal has been called pices of the American legion. Mr
Team Receives Telegram
Unless Bend supporters of their
basketball team lose their enthu
cimm v.ri Ttntler. manager of
the Western Union, is contemplat
ing adding about a dozen mes-
. . . 4n tt
senger Doys to nis present
for yesterday the Bend players re
ceived a total of 93 telegrams
from business and professional
men. civic organizations and the
Chamber of Commerce, backing
them in their fight for the state
championship title. Other teams
also received encouragement from
home towns, but the Bend dele
gation topped the list.
It's here, right . in town
every live druggist has it.
It's a low price remedy, to be
sure, but that doesn't stop it from
taking the kinks, lameness or tor
ture out of you troubled jomu.
Joint-Ease is the name, so called
because it is compounded solely
for the purpose of relieving ail
joint ailments.
Just rub it on the tormented,
lame Joints and in just a few sec-
It absorbs Instantly And Is bo
clean and stainless that you can : , s
rub it on often and get thereby, ,
results much more quickly,' when
the joint Is Inflamed and the agory
intense. ' . . . . r
Being such a powerful counter
irritant, it cannot help bringing -speedy
and helpful results in con-"
gestion, sore throat, chest, colds',
lumbago and neuralgia , much, K
quicker than almost any remedy
you can buy.
But you must remember that
is i for Joint afflictions that it "is.-,
mostly dispensed and its helpful-4. .
ness will astonish you afterall
ardinary liniments and other treat
ments have failed. Adv.
Poet and Peasant Overture
un,v nlht tav Dr. H. C. uenjamin'B mi, lowowru
Announcement of business meeting. mu...u.
A new wording of aiw-ohderful thp concert was made at all of the gram was furnished by the Moore
old Standard on Victor' record at huncheon club meetings during the Music company.
ml 5. 1 Week. Proceeds from tne concert
nltl ho itaert in furthering the
boys' work of the YMCA.
Moore's Music House.
All Orego Bldg. Telephone 457
Jht Seavey Bell Insurance I rejected the act, and three were
Two Cases Fatal
Two fatal accidents out of a to
tal of 615 industrial casualties
were reported to the state indus
trial accident commission for the
week ending March 13. The fatal
cases were Louis Larson, Hol
brook. Or., foreman; D. B. Wagner
of Molalla, edger. Of the total
number of accidents reported, 519
were from firms and corporations
that are under the protection of
the workmen's compensation act.
93 were from concerns that have
D'Arcy Is Speaker
Judge Peter H. D'Arcy", Salera
pioneer, was the principal speaker
at a meeting of the Parent-Teacher I
association at Shaw last night. He
had as his subject, "Lincoln His
Life and Achievements In the
Cause of Liberty."
Gladioli Bulbs
nhnira miYPd 25 cents dozen. 3
dozen for $1.00 while they last.
C. F. Breithaupt, Florist, 123 N.
Liberty St.
General Insurance
rpiiiTM Bell Frank Wagar
from public utility corporations
that are not subject to the act.
Film Shor
For high gloss
Cross Pharmacy.
New Lighting Fixture?
Get our prices and save money.
Salem Electric Co. F. S, Ba'ton,
.nniTfrto iMcnprrTTTTC I nron.. Masonic Temple. Phone
TnUKAruw "V-- 12oo. - m9tf
( Formerly ur- cubum
24Q 8. Cottage St.
PTinVR - - no
Votlee of Anneal Filed
Notice of appeal has been filed
prints. Red b tne National Reserve Insurance
ml8 romnanv. defendant in a suit In
stituted by J. A. Rowland. The
Grange Meets Today case was tried in the January term
Pomona Grange will hold Its I of court, the decision or tne jury
regular meeting at the Labor hall being for the plaintiff. The de
todav. according to S. H. Van rision was for the plaintiff when
Tmmn. A fine nroeram has been th cas was heard at the previous
arranged. The meeting will open herm of court, but a new trial was
at 11 o'clock with a dinner at granted by Judge Kelly.
In'ir Mothers'
Cooked food sale Saturday, ai
in ?.(l Stiff's Furniture store. AH
War Mothers expected to provide
rnrwi for sale, such as cakes, plea
v.a,i haireri heans. etc. ml 5
I uinu, " " '
The OAC Strollers
Dance Saturday, March, 15, Sa
lem armory "Where the Crowds
Go." m15"
Prison Visitors Numerous
Being turnkey at the state pris
on is no snap these days, 'is the
comment of Charles lioddleson,
who has opened the big; door for
more people in the last two days
than in a long time. Nearly every
basketball player and rooter here
for the tournament has taken ad
vantage of being in the capital
city and is going through the state
institutions. None of these nas
missed the penitentiary and it is
generally the first place they visit
according to Turnkey Huddleson
With the regular routine business
and the passing back and forth of
trusties and inmates who are em
ployed outside the walls, in ad
dition to guards, Huduieson is
alarmed over the possibility of
wearing out the big padlock that
is always locked and unlocked as
anyone goes into the main portion
of the institution. The padlock
is normally replaced once or twice
a year because of constant usage.
If -
. or
Tne. Original and Genuine Spin-1 vice as a school.
U Adjustment Treatment,
ta Painlew Adjustment
lets results. . - V
Osteopathic Pbysicia mmd
Rids. Baiem
Rev. V. S. Crowder to Preach
Rev. U. S. Crowder of Salem I Report Filexl
will deliver a sermon next Sunday
at Brush college at 11 o'clock in
the morning. He will have as his
subject, "Sin Its Effects and
Wetjen Boosts Salem
Albert Richard Wetjen, popular
modern fictiou writer whose stor
ies are published in current maga
zines and read by approximately
C, 000, 000 peopl, ha3 written a
special article for the booklet to
be issued by the Chamber of Com
merce which will help advertise
Salem and the surrounding dis
trict. The article, which takes an
entire page, is titled. An Appre
ciation of Oregon."
of anonymous and threatening let
ters which had been sent to Wood
mansee. Authorship of these let
ters was confessed by Kenyon, ac
cording to the fire marshal.
Damage of $4,500 was caused by
the two fires in Woodmansee's of-
f i
fice. Kenyon gave proressionai
jealousy and an alleged slight put
on his wife by Dr. and Mrs. Wool-
mansee as the motive lor his act,
Marshal Pomeroy said.
PORTLAND. Ore., March 14.
Hugh Mitchell, chief of the United
States bureau of fisheries tor Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho,, was
Many Hear Fereshetian :.
The Woman's club building was
n...A.i taut Tiivht In hpar an ad-
dress on "The Modern Flight Into today appointed superintendent of,
pvnt- hv Ttev. Martin Fereshe- the Oregon staie uureau oi wu
tian of the Unitarian church. The hatcheries by the state fish com
n.onHo f the, lecture en to the mission. He has accepted tbe ap-
iTuarian rhnrrh hiiildiue fund, pointment, the commission
r- rhotinn trafPl the history uounced. He succeeds R.
.i.- inPi.irtine Clanton. who resigned several
their- hiatorv sk the first Christian montns ago
-j -
nation and in a thrilling way de
scribed his own flight into Egypt
to escape the Turks.
Hayesville Baptist
Our Sunday school superinten
dent, Charles Weathers, is leading
us on to a higher and better ser-
A place awaits
Skill-1 you on Sunday morning. Will you
that I fill It at 10 a. m.? Preaching at I Medical Society to Meet
11. Dr. Baker of Portland wllll The Polk-Yamhill-Marion Medl
speak on. "Is Christ coming Cal society will hold its next meet
Again?" Special music and sing-
The appraisers report for the
estate of Thomas D. Jones was
filed yesterday. The estate was
valued at more than $19,000. The
appraisers were Roy Burton, C.
r r-n-r ami V. R. Millard. The
Championship Games
Tonight, 8 o'clock. Admission
?5 cents. m15
Missionary to Speak
A. L. Beckendorf, missionary to
the Philippine islands, now home
on furlough, will speak at the First
executors are Howard Jones and Methodist church Sunday night at
Vera E. Hill.
7:30 o'clock.
Promotes Good Health
Championship Games
Tonight, S o'clock. Admission
5 rents. ml 5
Physician and Suregona
The only physicians in Salem
rf Ahmm'fl method of
pioetrnniff T)iamosi3 and
, 506 Uc S. NaTl' Bank Bldj.
;;'" 'Salem :: ' "V
hurry. Little or no flax will be.
or ought to be sown before April
1st. But little should be sown
much later than that; - though
planting up to May 1st may result
favorably, with .the usual June
rains, and some July showers. ;
Rebels are surrendering rapidly
tc Oregon. Why doesn t some one J
move to make it unanimous? " ' :
S S f :
House votes Muscle Shoals to f"
Ford. Shoals of muscle have al -:
ready been used up cranking the -i
darn things.
- - -" . yr. - -.j
Secretary Hoover says no mo-
nopoly in broadcasting. Ahd when'
Hoover says a thing he uses no ;
"its" or "ans" or "buts." ' :-'
Fresno is shipping one order of .
COO tons of raisins to the Orient..
The Chinese are going to have
their rice pudding on the Ameri
can plan. '
S V ' - v.
The Ford Industries are respon
sible for over $150,000,000 of the
freight receipts of the American
railroads, but what Henry has
done to the passenger end of the
transportation game is, a f right, v
He is furnishing freight for over
S00 cars a day, but when his -
Lizzies get to trundling on their .
jf ;.
1 .!:
l u
;l I
h. :
I ,v -
r ft
i -
C I:
, L - .11
L '
' r. ? ' . :
Dr. Harris 1. Folk
and Dr. Paul G.
Stapran, 1
State St., Salem,
Oregoiv are .Chiro
practic doctors.
The Abrams method of
Electronic Diagnosis' and
Treatment is not - taught
Chiropractic doctors by Dr.
Abrams or any of his col
i...i Th.u tinctors. at l 8
SUte street, have
.A wnrrf. A hrama Method
thoir aim. but Instead
it vui .a- r f -
mm the E R. A. on weir
mmn ant adTertisement. This
i. muioninar and has caused
persons to start treatment
with them, thinking they
a r a rAeftlvine the real .
reatment. The let-
A ' witn periods
after them, stands for Elec
tronic Reactions oi awui.
While these doctors, who use
k imitation machine, nse
wm r A.: without the
periods. thW is misleading
and has caused persons to be
vniaioii anA to take tneir
iror racts ad
dress " . "' ' '
DR. B. H.nnTE
One-Third Cream
II. E. RIDKOUT, Proprietor
Is Dr. 1J. S. White
THE Liar of Salem?
This he himself will answer in
three weeks to citizens of Sa
lem publicly.
Are the impish attacks oi ur.
R. S. White on tne tKA, or
E. R. A. Clinic, 1484 State St.,
and on its staff warranted or
are they the result of mad
ness? ,
Watch for an announcement
of date and place of discussion
on the above.
ing Tuesday night at the Gray I Country Clubs Organizing
Belle. Papers will be reaa oy ur. p0r tne purpose oi iueuu... -
H. Ross of Eugene, "Diseases of meeting of representatives of all
the Throacic Aorata, with Report the country and golf clubs in the
of Cases." This will be followed state, Attorney Fred A. Williams
by an open discussion led by Dr. and Dr. H. H. Olinger will spend
J. H. Garnjobst. Dr. W. H. Dale, today in Portland as representa-
also of Eugene, will read a paper tives of the Illahee Country club.
on "ijancer v.u..l.i iu - - -lt i . . ... . ,rta. -nmnwPfi
with Snecial References to Cancer m0te better fellowship between w ue u -'"7" " i;
r . . . i m h nininaru 1 u n 11 w 1 1- it
of Uterus." with Dr. E. E. Fisher various clubs of e. a. ;- C. T"t shin-
are at present approximately ium. -.
clubs similar to the local organi- ment of logs has been received.
Married or Single zation in the state ana n "r""" . " B
You should see the 3-act com- pected that each of tnese wm V";;
moniiiH. i lie miui h".t v...
Lumber Mill Cnder Way
Progress is reported on con
struction of the Salem J-umDer
company mill north of Salem on
the Oregon Electric ngnt oi way
leading the discussion.
edy at Salem Heights' Community J represented at the meeting.
Satiirilav evi line s P. I". I
Legion M?ts Monday
An interesting program, mciua
ine some special musical numbers,
will be featured Monday night at
th rpeular meeting of Capital post
vn 9. American legion. In ad-
4:(nn ihpro will be a feed. The
Conn Saxophone
H flat alto. Conn saxophone and
case, a real buy for $80. A-l con
dition. Stiff Furniture co. mm
lions to Visit Kngene
Presentation of charters to Lions
clubs of Cottage Grove and Eugene
At the Following Irice
For Few Days:
$14.50 Per Ton
Wood for id-Inch from $6-00
to f 10.00 Per Cord
Larmer Transfer Co.
jao RtAte St. Fbone 930
Games Attract Crowds
That the state basketball tourn
ament is drawing crowds is shown
by the long line of parked auto
mobiles on State street during me
afternoon. The macnines uccuiiibu t recently adopted tne sysii"
.. . t i- nf W I-1 , it cms
tne enure spat V" memDers cuni..uw"s . . . mnnta, in ho at
. A .a s ntIT rt . .1 ' I Ml H 1 1 I 1 1 I. l.iuuilll - - - - -
lamette universny yesieru, ":"change to a dox prepareu u, l"--'-' ..-tton from
many machines on the other side d Medley, and the proceeds - " .Vinb next Wed nes-
. . j 1 1. tYinen I .... . nf I the Salem Lions club next nes
of tne street, in used to ieea we y. I nt.M local men will
i . i tifiitaa .mninves. i . . 1 - trnm ins iiusl "j ,.e..v. - - - -
ownea uy maic """ - . - iiaKing me muu.-j .
All of the teams arrived yesterday treasnry. At the last meeting
morning, and for the convenience t1 0 nr waa contributed. The
feeds are under the personal sup
ervision of Comrade Medley.
Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Billick of
Grants Pass are in the city for the
state basketball tournament. Dr.
Billick is an ardent sportsman and
never misses a football or other
big athletic event that is held be
tween San Francisco and Portland
W. L. Powell and H. P. Knapp
of Fneene ar reeistered at me
Marlon hotel.
A. C. Allen of Medford is in the
K H T.amoort and wife are
among southern Oregon people hi
Salem. They are from Medford
Mrs. Lillian Randall of Fall
Creek was a recent visitor in the
tohn 7nher of Sublimity was a
Friday visitor in Salem.
E. K. English was in the city
yesterday from Silverton.
Monte Girardin of Dallas was a
recent Salem visitor.
Charle3 Colvin spent Friday in
the city from Aumsville.
Otis P. McDonald of Burns was
a recent caller in Salem.
W. J. Jefferson was in Salem
yesterday from hi9 home at Ger-
J. A. Aupperle of Jefferson was
in Haiem r riaay.
Earl Roberts and Ted Kearns
of Springfield were in the city yes
Fred Gifford of Portland, grand
Hrnimn nf thfi OretTOU Ku KlUX
Klan. was in Salem last night on
BITS FOR BREAKFAST own pewer they can inove
Fine farming weather '
But we will get our April
Bhowers and May flowers, and, let
us hope, our June rains.
. m "
To the association of flax grow
ers: lietter get your coniracra
with the state flax plant signed
up at once. Your reserved acre
age is being held for you. But
there is no other acreage left. It
is all signed up. If you do not
want to get left out, you members
of the association, better sign up
at once.
The power connections will be
finished at the state ilax piant
warehouse today, and the little
threshers TSe "whippers") will
be started Monday or Tuesday,
three or four of them, and then
more of them as they are finished
. i r i Y - TtTirlro W i ! 1 1
All Sizes.
Headquarters For
280 N. Commercial fit. J
at the Salem Iron Works. With
some new pedigreed seed ordered
in Canada, there will very shortly
be 4,000 bushels of seed on hand.
With fast work by the "whippers.
mid three shifts, the seed supply
will be kept ahead of the demand.
It-will take about 8,000 bushels
of seed In all, to accommodate the
3 000 acres for the state plant,
rwrh!n another 1.000 acres
tn ho irrown independently. urn i
the state flax plant people win
HALE Addesen L. Hale died at
lai hnanital March is,
at the age of 76 years. He is
survived by his widow, Mrs. A.
T, Hale, and one brother, W. S.
Hale of Ashland. Ore. His re went forward today to
Ashland for interment. The
Webb Funeral parlors in charge
of arrangements.
The Film Shop
Has moved from
Temple to the Red
the Masonic
Cross Phar-ml8
dav night
leave here about 3:30 o'clock as
the ceremonies will be staged at
the Oorn notel at 7 o'clock. Sev
eral of the specialty numbers pre
sented at the minstrel show will
be staged by the Salem delega
tion, though they will not appear
in costume.
. --JF- of long time
and good
average o f
otfiee aud Hospital
Jobnion and Second Stroot,
W.rt Salem.
Evans Will Build
Construction of a
$4,000 resi-
The Silverton Auxiliary
Of the American legion is giv
ing a St. Patrick's dance Saturday
at tne suver-
Everyohe welcome.
galem iWortuarp
nrvuAb DiaEOTOM
nm KB!
imiinl Work VUHmM Trutm
i tolevening, March u,
aence ai o"- "'"- . ,, r-i.niAra or-
begin in a short time a bui d mg -.r:rQiels
permit lur mu i .
been issued to Charles A. Evans at the piano.
irrirtav hv the city recorder. mia
I n .-.1
Remember . I ' ne iw -T m
tv,o vn. m RHOP for the hfgb An exceptionally uo
Red c. Parmac, has been X"
tneater auuuajr
Attend Meeting
" JEitabli8hecij86a ,
General Banldnff Buiine
Lcxiinf Fuaerml
Expert EnbalAexf
Hull, chairman of the
Th. N-.r.b H... Parent Teacb- TOmmlttee T. B. Kar
Frank wnfntmn, W Frank Tne commjt.
and Lowell Will. L . ' Frank Jue. Uni-
IW uun.i" - -
Lt rxrann etiident who is
Cooked Fooil hale I , i, fh roast as a won-
By Court Street CJirisUan enu t
at Piggly wiggiy r;" - MaP(h 30. Mr. Jue
mia ik -
Is a Chinese stuaent ana i oiu
th. imivarsitv, orcnestra
c- "'" " .
Judge Keuy wune on M0nday at 1:S0 from Ri-
Tl 0ftM,nUldraL? t dbn : nnderUkii establishment,
at 10:30. Cases set; ywrwi home In
Held on $1000 Bonds Await-1
ing Action of Umatilla
Grand Jury
PENDLETON, Ore., March 14.
Dr. James O. Kenyon, dentist ot
Milton. Ore., was today arraigned
in court here omnbarge of arson
and hid in $1000 bonds for action
hv h rmtifl iurv. following a
confession which H. H. Pomeroy.
state fire marshall, said the den
tist made that he, on two occa
sions, set fire to the offices of
Dr. A. I). Wood mansee, also a
Millon dentist and a competitor of
According to Pomeroy, the fires
in Woodmansee's offices were
traced to Kenyon through a series
Fruit Trees
Our season is drawing nearer
to a close. We have some fine
Italian Prune trees and Mazzard
Cherry Seedlings left at prices' that
would amaze you.
Sales Yard and Office opposite the
D. E. Depot at Cherr City Hotel.
Office Phone 1758. Res. 10F4.
Would trade fruit trees for
Scion Wood
We are now showing a
complete line
' These suits were obtained at
an exceedingly low figure and
we are passing our good fortune
on to the public. Be sure and
see our stock before you buy
that new suit for Spring wear.
Capital Exchange
, P. Steinbock, Prop.
342 N. Commercial Street.
In our line of RU G B
BICYCLES, we claim to
have the best there is
made in Bicycles, j v
They are built strong and
serviceable. Ail equip
ment on them is abso
lutely the very best that 1
can be made. 1 j
Equipped with Rugby.
Diamond Tread ; Sin
gle Tube Tires, which
are the highest graae .
obtainable and fully
guaranteed. ...
equipped with a 'High
Grade Coaster Brake,
which adds greatly to :
the pleasure of the rider.
i Call and see our line of .
Bicycles and Sundries.
If you want a Bicycle that
will give you years 01
service, the RUGBY is
what you need, f
Hardware and
236 N. Commercial '
The Big Green Front.
:;.v' I r
Office Houraiijpm 10 a- m. to 3.p. rrL
JJiz&ai& Stmt
ft. followB: Miner 7 .