The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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I laauad Daily Except Monday by
2IS South Commercial 8t, Salem, Oregon
S. i. Handrlcke
Joaa li. Krady
frank Jaikoaai
- Th Associated Preaa la eiclotively entitled to tha uaa for publication of all
ewe dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In thle paper and nleo tee
lewal km published bereia.
Taeaaa F. Clark Co 5aw York, 141-145 Weat 36th St.; Chicago, Marquatta Build-
tax, W. S Orothwahl. Mar.
(Portland Office, 938 Weroeeter Bhlg.. Paohe 6037 Bftoedway, K a. Wllliama, Mgr.)
Bntlntta Offleo ,
Mewa. Department -
Jab Department
Entered at tbe Poatoffleo in Salem,
"Suit has been brought by the American Telephone & Tele
graph company, which owns most of the inventions which have
perfected and popularized radio transmission and receivng ap
pliances, to prevent infringements of patents by manufacturing
and broadcasting concerns.
. "The craze for the radio has been stimulated by broadcast
ing stations maintained by companies selling receiving sets to
provide purchasers an inducement for buying. There has been
no charge for broadcasting entertainment up-to-date, but with
the first enthusiasm over, and the novelty failing, as the sales
of sets slows down, the broadcasting station will have to be
placed upon a commercial basts to be maintained.
. "If the telephone company's suit is sustained, most of the
concerns selling sets must retire from the field, unless arrange
ments are made with the owners of the patents being infringed.
It will then devolve upon the latter to maintain the broadcasting
stations, which it asserts it is willing to do, to. protect patents
and its' control of transmission. !. , '
. "As the use of the radio is still in its infancy and as it may
eventually, In its development, supplant both telegraph and
telephone, the issue at stake is a vital one. A monopoly of the
air would be disastrous and could not be tolerated, unless by
the government."
, The above appeared as an editorial in a Salem publication
a couple of days ago. 1 j
The second paragraph is far from the truth. Not more than
1 per eent. of the broadcasting stations up and down the Pacific
coast will fall under the designation of having receiving sets
for sale, or being interested in such sales. In Oregon there are
none. Jn Portland, San Franciseo Los Angeles, Seattle, Van
couver, Calgary and thc other large cities of this western coun
try, theprincipal broadcasting Stations are maintained by the
great newspapers. The same thing holds true throughout the
United States, The tendency is for the small broadcasting
stations to go out, and for the big ones to increase their capacity.
In the last year, in this country, about 150 small stations have
gone out, and about the same number have put in stronger
equipments There is one station maintained in Oakland, Cal.,
just completed, bjr the General Electric Company, which sells
receiving sets. That company has one or two more, such sta
tions in the whole country, and the Westinghouse people, selling
receiving sets, have three broadcasting stations, and the Crosley
Radio Company, of Cincinnati, has one. ,
There is a big broadcasting station in San Francisco owned
and operated by a great department store; Hale Bros. This
station has been dedicated to the public, with the understanding
that it shall be maintained in perpetuity
. Just as wealthy men endow colleges or open parks or build
monuments or statues. .
. For the 99 per cent, of, the great broadcasting stations in
this country, there is no way to get any revenue. The big news
papers get a little indirect advertising value; but perhaps, gen
erally, at a high cost, considering the initial investments and the
charges for maintenance.
' l' And the "craze for the radio" is not failing; not slowing
down.' It is growing. There are millions of receiving sets in the
:U.nited States. At a meeting of men interested in things elec
trical, in Salem the other evening, it was predicted that in the
course of time the radioj industry in all its branches would
surpass in size the automobile industry.
y -: Nothing is going to happen to make it possible that "most
of the concerns selling sets must retire from the field."
' They are sending pictures by wireless now. They are about
to put on the market receiving sets that need no wire or ground
connections; that yoi can carry about like a suit ease. There
is some wonderful discovery vin this field every day, almost.
? Thomas A-'Edison predicted, a few years ago, that the time
would come when a man in the center of the Sahara desert
might take a contraption out of his pocket and with it talk to
any man In the world. 3Iany do,ubting Thomases thought
Thomas the wizard was indulging in a pipe dream
: But:the dream is about to come true.
' ' Who can say? what will or will not happen next in this
field I Who can say that we may not in due time talk with the
man in the moon, if there' is a man there! Or get pointers by
wireless on irrigation from the people who attend to. the eanals
on the planet Mars!
Any way, this radio "craze" is not going to die out. It is
going to develop and spread day by day, and the man who puts
limits to it will in future generations appear as foolish as the
man who wrote the book showing conclusively that no ship pro
pelled by steam power could ever cross the ocean and the first
ship so propelled that did cross the ocean carried a copy of this
It does not seem possible that the radio will supplant the
telegraph and telephone. The radio is dependent on weather
1 I A at 1 1 A.1 1 II "
K conamons r me teiecrapn. ana
not. .But even in this field, the
laps of the gods.
In England every receiving
in the United States this field
and will likely remain so, having
is mere speculation. With the
the phases of both that may
may have to be regulated by the government, like the freedom
of the street with traffic regulations, parking ordinances, and
what not.
, , f ' (Bend Bulletin, March 3.)
TWtlnnil mon who dislike the state nubile service COmmis
a. 4 V iiwaax " g
sion are making an effort to work up sentiment for the repeal
of the joommission law.-, The plan, as we understand, is to
present the question) to the people by means of the initiative at
one of the coming ejections. We cannot blieve that there will
he any serious danger of the success of the movement, but we
Hhink it worth while to say n few words concerning it while it
is even in its present incipient state.
' Regulation ''of public utilities by means of a public service
commission is today the rule in almost every state in the union.
Through the interstate commerce commission we have national
regulation of Jthe railroads. The monopolistic nature of most
utilities, coupled with the essentialto the public character of
their service makes, them fit subjects for; public regulation as
a means of insuring proper service, fair rates and just returns.
The doing away with these commissions would be a return to a
condition of anarchy.' , ,- v i.-
' , ' .-'
' r .:,-
, ; Manager
-i' Editur
Manager Job Dept.
Vice President
i S3 Circulation Offleo
Society Editor
Oregon, aa teeoad-eaae. matter.
xeiepnone, iouowme wires, are
future is all speculation; in the
set owner must pay a tax. But
of the air is as free as the air,
started that way. But this, too,
radio and the air plane, and all
develop, the freedom of the air
From various quarters come complaints against the Oregon
commission. These, however, are not of the law but of its
administration. That is, the criticism is directed against the
commissioners who, in many instances, do not measure up to the
positions they occupy. So long as the jwople are willing to eleet
men merely on such political devices ns vote getting slogans,
to turn them out on passion and prejudice ami put in their
places business1 nonentities they will have n commission to
criticise. If the law is weak or faulty it should be amended ami
strengthened, not repealed. With the direct primary the best
men will never be secured. Jf the people will hear that fact in
mind and, at the same time, seek to secure the best men possible
under the circumstances, they will go further in the proper
administration of public utility affairs than by any repeal of the
Ilenory Ford is very sensible on
the taxing question. He says one
per cent, or 99 per rent taxes does
not makemuch difference to him,
as he can live comfortably on the
one per cnt, but he insists that
the 99 per cent that might be tak
en for taxes can be put to better
use than swallowed up in over
government taxation. He illus
trates this in the Ford car.
"We had very little money when
we began to build that car. We
took out small wages for ourselves
and put, back the profits into bet
ter machinery which enabled us
to reduce prices. We made more
money and we put that back. Our
profits began to be large, and if
the present income tax had been
in force we should have had to pay
most of what we earned to the
government. We did not have to
do that and so we were able to
put that money into more and
more machinery which enabled
us not only to bring the price of
the car down but aiao to raise our
wages first to a minimum of $5
and then to a minimum of $6 a
Mr. Ford takes the ground that
it would not have been possible to
have built up his factory with the
immense surtax levied. Henry
Ford may be deficient in history
and may not understand some
things, but he is the greatest indus
trial etngineer the world has ever
known. He can handle the money
better than the government can
handle it. , If the government gets
it and finds a surplus, congress
will not rest until that surplus is
practically squandered. We have
spent millions of dollars on rivers
and harbors, practically every
penny of which was wasted. Henry
Ford maynot be good material for
president, but it was a calamity
wfftn he was beaten for the sen
ate by Newberry. In common
with many others we should like
to see Henry Ford in congress, for
he does understand industrial eco
nomics and he has the independ
ence and courage to rebuke dem
agogic politicians and to declare
that Secretary Mellon is right
that "high taxes on the rich do
not help the poor; they put bur
dens on the poor"r that "the men
who tell the country that the high
incomes must be cut down are not
working for the benefit of ' the
Of course not. They are work
ing for their selfish political prof
it. They think it easier to win
votes with appeals to ignorance,
prejudice and passion than it
would be honestly to reason mat
ters out on sound principles.
In the face of continued indus
trial ' depression England is pre
paring to have a larger army and
nary program. While it is still
within the bounds of the Washing
ton agreement, it is also beyond
the ability of the British nation
to pay. When some one started
the scare a few days ago that in
five years there would be another
world war, people laughed, but
England took it seriously. They
may know. At any rate they ought
ought to- know that the next war
will not be fought by armies and
navies. The battles will be in the
air, and cities will be wiped out
with poisonous gases. All money
spent on armies and navies, beyond
mere police protection will be
wasted, because inventions, made
with feverish haste will cause the
work being done now to be scrap
ped. The air holds the center of
the stage, and deadly projectiles
will occupy tha minds of men.
Of course, we all want taxes re
duced, and yet a glance at the
calendar of congress will indicate
the raids attempted upon the treas
ury. Every department is asking
for a big increase, and every de
partment is insisting that it must
have it. It is estimated that the
increases demanded this year
would amount to $9,000,000,000.
Of course, all of these things are
not passed, but the details of the
demands being made for money
in congress will show why it is
not so easy to reduce taxes as some
- The main demands are easily
summarized: For ex-soldiers
Bonus,' $5,000,000,000; Spanish
war pension Increases, $9,000,
000; Civil, war pension increases,
ftfi.OOlJ.OOOjtn ,$100,000,000,
f yaffartefotesia ''llaettMcary
relief bill. $200,000,000; Purnell
act for agricultural collets, $f!00,
001), 000; N'ori isSinclair farm "ex
port art. $100,000,000; Hurtness
diversification bill, $GO,000.000;
Muscle Shoals, $4 0,000,000; Ma
ker reclamation act, $1,000,000,
000. r
Postal offices and employes
Pay increases for clerks and car
riers, $125,000,000; for officials,
Naval projects -r- Shore sta
tions, $153,000,000; navy yards.
$10,000,000; fleet repairs, $97,
000,000. Rivers and harbors (the pork
bill), $120,000,000,000; omnibus
bill (additional pork), public
buildings. $500,000,000. Others:
Berger bill for German loan, $1,
000,000.000; federal education
aid, $100,000,000; road aid, $S00,-000,000.
In order to get a secretary of
the navy that was like Caesar's
wife, above suspicion. President
Coolidge had to invade the judici
ary. The wonder will be if some
one does not spring at the new
secretary and say that he tried
cases in which the oil men were
interested and therefore become
disqualified. That is about as
much sense as there is to the ob
jection. Judge Wilbur has not been In
the national limelight, but his
record shows that in his narrower
sphere he has performed excel
lently. President Coolidge was
much concerned for this appoint
ment, because he wanted character
as well as administrative ability.
Everything indicates that his se
lection is a happy one. Judge Wil
bur will make a good secretary
of the navy.
A sort of a flying squadron
headed by Hamilton Holt is tour
ing in Oregon to forward interest
in the world court. It is not ne
cessary for the Oregon Statesman
to especially recommend this en
terprise. We have bern for world
interference, world associations for
years; in fact, we would have ac
cepted the league of nations with
necessary reservations, and have
been ardently for the world court.
At the same time it must be
confessed that public sentiment U
against any interference in Europe.
The people need to be educated;
they need to be given a world vis
ion, and if these addresses will
help bring this about, they are
greatly to be desired.
Some one has suggested that we
should put a womanon as a na
tional delegate. Yes, we should
put more than one on. Further
more, we should give more offices
to women. We are following the
old lines of permitting the women.
to do their rallying, while the men
hold nearly all the offices. The
Oregon Statesman does not believe
in separate organizations for the
men and women. They are all
voters and should be associated
together in the same organization.
The women, however, are not get
ting proper recognition. They are
not demanding enough and they
are not being conceded anything.
The Oregon Statesman wants to
call the attention of republicans
of this congressional district to
the candidacy of Hal Patton for
delegate to the national convention
Mr. Patton is not unknown to the
voters of the district. He has
served acceptably in the legisla
ture, and has been a big business
man for many years. In Salem,
where he is best known, his
friends should hold a meeting and
find out what they can do over
the district to help his candidacy.
It has been noticeable ,f or some
years that there is a change in the
tone of our history. Up to a few
years ago every history gave a
maximum to war and a minimum
to peace. The children wer taught
to believe that if they ever got
to be great they would have to be
in the army. This war-like spirit
has cost billions of dollars and
billions of lives. Lately there has
a demand arisen to make more of
peace and less of war. The battles
are 'not so important -as political
events,- '--,;,
Senator Wheeler seems to have
just one ambition and that is to
be worse than Walsh. He has not
the suavity of manner of Walsh,
but he has I he sumj kind of vic
iousness. j.
At last Coolidge has been
brought lo bay. ATter digging
around for months some one lias
told that he was sworn in as pres
ident by t It light of an oil lamp.
idele Garrison's New Phase of
Copyright 1921, by Newspaper
Feature Service, Inc.
The afternoon brought, confir
mation of my assertion to Lillian
that her telegram to Katherine
Bickett would "turn the trick,"
and bring the capable little wife
of my brother-cousiu to her aid.
Jerry Ticer on his cavalry pony
delivered the answering telegram
in the late afternoon, and as 1
watched Lillian read it I saw the
lines of worry in her face disap
pear as do wrinkles under a hot
"There's the girl for you." she
said, handing me the telegram.
"Starting East Wednesday the
twenty-ninth," it read. "Can stay
as long as needed. Love to Mar
garet." A little pang of compunction at
the deceit we were practicing up
on Katherine crept into my heart,
and I suppose was mirrored in my
face, for Lillian said banteringly:
"Don't waste any pangs of your
Puritan conscience upon the ques
tion of deceiving Katherine.- Mark
my word, she'll be pleased as
Punch at the chance to get into
a bit of strenuousness again. 1
have a fancy that her life for the
last year or two hasn't been em
broidered with any excitement
that you could notice."
"Which Reminds Me"
Again there was the subtle note
of disparaging reference to Jack
Bickett which I was conscious of
secretly resenting, even although
I acknowledged a certain justice
in her attitude. But my brother
cousin is too closely associated
with my childhood and young wo
manhood for me to hear him slur
red evn so subtly without resent
ment. But t flatter myself that even
Lillian's keen eyes could not de
tect my secret feeling as I answer
ed with all the animation I could
"There promises to be enough
embroidery for the next few weeks
to suit any needlewoman I sup
pose you mean to place Katherine
in the hospital."
"Oh, wise young dame!" Lillian
paraphrased, smiling. "Which re
minds nie that I must interview
the gifted Dr. Pettit again. I'd
sooner talk to a shy young ice
berg off the coast of Newfound
land, but needs must when a cer
tain gentleman with horns is
throwing in the clutch, you know,
so you might as well fetch the
Lillian's comparison came viv-
Cap'n Zyb
There are about ten million ways
(more or less) of making paper
drinking cups, and practically all
of them are old ideas. This paper
2 NO
drinking cup which the illustration
shows you how to make is not par
ticularly new, but it is the best and
simplest way of making a good
paper cup I know of.
There are any number of times
when a good paper drinking cup
would come In very, handy, and
most fellows don't know how to
put them together. This one can
be made from almost- any square
piece of paper in about 30 seconds.
Make a few of them for practice
and you'll never forget how it's
done. Then, the next time you
have occasion to use one you can
make it easily and without puz
zling your brain over how to man
ufacture a simple little article like
a paper, drinking cup.
To Do .
Copyright, 1923, AHSorUted Editor.
Long as.o March 17 was known
as th" anniversary of the dale oji
which Noah and his ramily entered
the Aik. 4
Many hundreds of years ago,
before there were theaters in Eng
land, plays used to be given in
front of the churches by the priests
who acted out Bible stories. When
March 17 came around a very fun
ny play about Noah and his wife
wag performed. Mrs. Noah was
a woman of a hot temper, who
thought her husband was quite
losing his mind by building an ark.
She refused flatly to live in it.
even when the rain began to fall
in torrents. The quarrel between
Noah and his wife lasted until the
water go so high that the shriek
ing woman had to jump In the ark
at the end to sav hersplf from
idly to my mind when we found
ourselves once more in the physi
cian's private office after a drive
to Sag Harbor. Anything more
frostily, awkwardly shy than his
demeanor could not be imagined,
but Lillian almost immediately
sent hfs mental thermometer up
several degrees, if his resentful
flush at her first words was any
indication of his feeling.
"Say Not So:"
"Dr. Pettit," she said brusquely.
"I'm not going to waste your time
in long explanations tonight. Mrs.
Kickett Katnerine Sonnot, you
know will be here next Friday.
The Monday after that I wish her
installed as nurse to that injured
man in the hospital. The details
1 leave to you,"
"But, but " the physician sput
tered weakjy.
Lillian paid far less attention to
his protests than she did to the
antics of a mosquito which was
speculatively buzzing around her
"There, that settles you!" she
announced with a triumphantly
successful swat, turning to the
door, while Dr. Pettit for the mo
ment betrayed a conviction that
she had meant him instead of the
troublesome insect.
"I shall bring Mrs. Bickett over
to see you before the day she is
to enter the hospital." Lillian
gave a Parthian shot as she went
out of the room, and a backward
glance at the physician showed
him staring after us in a resent
ful perturbation which had taken
the place of his chilly dignity.
"I am afraid the dear doctor
doesn't feel the warm affection
for you that he should," I said as
we went down the steps to the car.
"Oh, say not so!" Lillian gibed,
and then her tone and manner
changed surprisingly.
"Madge, dear," she said almost
diffidently, "I am afraid 1 shall
have to let you in for a lot of un
pleasantness before this affair of
this man is over "
"It is my affair, too," I remind
ed her. "Remember, I am' respon
sible for Katie."
"Yes, heaven help you!" she
smiled. "But honestly, dear, I've
Blanks That Are Legal
We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
transactions. We may have just the form you are lookinp; for at a biff
saving as compared to made to order forms.
Some of the forms, Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will forms Assign
bmP10! 01g&' Mortgage Forms, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form.
Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes Gen
eral Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Receipts JEtc
These forms are carefully prepared for the Courts and Private use Price
on forms range from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note books, from 25
to 50 cents, V
The Statesman Publishing Co
At Basinets Office, Ground Floor.
The Boys and Girls Statesman
Tbe Uiggeet tittle Paper nl tbe World ,
The picture Illustrates a
good method of blocking. No.
t is running to A, where he
will receive the ball. No. 3
is the opposing guard. He
will run to the dotted circle
as indicated by the arrow,
tto. 2. who is on the same
t;am ns No. 1. will run to X
io block the opposing guard.
got to do something I'd give a
good deal to avoid, for I am afraid
the Dickybird's reactions won't be
any too pleasant."
I looked a startled inquiry, even
as a premonition of her next
words seized me.
"I must have Allen Drake come
down here on this thing," she
(To Be Continued)
TURNER, Ore., March 14.
R. O. Wetzel, patrolman, is put
ting the Turner-Marion road in
good shape. The county and state
are furnishing help and with
some more gravel it will be a fine
C. A. Barr drove to Portland in
his truck Thursday.
G. A. G. Moore is better but
not able to be out.
Mrs. Farris was confined to her
home a few days.
Levi Webb is locating in Wyo
ming. His wife and daughter
will soon join him.
Mrs. Lyle was in Portland the
first of the week.
Mrs. Brower, who has been
quite sick, is out again.
Mrs. C. A. Bear and Mrs. F. C.
Gunning drove to Stayton Satur
day morning to attend the county
Sunday school convention.
The young people of the Chris
tian church will hold a social
Saturday evening.
Earl and Hazel Bear drove to
Portland Saturday morning to at
tend the wedding of a cousin.
Mrs. Cecil Small spent the
week-end at the Small home.
Professor Bidgood and Mrs.
Gayette Barnett will remain with
the Turner school next year.
Richard Gale had a serious acci
dent with his automobile last
Friday beyond Turner. The steer
ing gear was imperfect.
Eugene, March 14. Delbert
Moore of Salem, a freshman in
the school of business administra
tion at the University of Oregon,
fa A
ot Fas
Edited bf John M. Miller.
Blocking which brines the bas
ketball player in bodily contact
with his opponent is unfair and a
foul will be called on the blocker.
It is mental rather than physical
blocking which is most effective. .
Scientific blocking calls for the
placing of your body between your
opponent and the point at which
the man he is guarding Is to re
ceive the pass but without physi
cal contact. .
It Is not necessary to rush a man
In blocking. If yon take your po
sition, he will slip into his. and
the feat is accomplished before he
knows it. Avoid faciug th one
you block, but take a position
which will give the Impression that
you are about to catch the ball.
Tf you do that, another of the de
fense may rush to block you, and
you will have taken two men from
tho opposing team out of the play.
If a player has an opponent who
is "roughting him up," he should
Inform his captain of the situation
if he is not able to "out-smart"
his opponent. There Is a differ
ence between hard playing and un
fair playing. If a player Is held
back, pushed, blocked or tripped,
he must not give the same treat
ment In return, but report It." If
it Is only hard playing, he must
exercise his brain, speed and train
ing to overcome the disadvantage.
Returns -Nurse:
"It's triplets, sir!" j
Politician: "What? I demand
a recount'"
Answer to today's picture pnzzle: Gary
O'UraUy was coins from liuffalo to Cal-firy.
is one of the 24 musicians who
will tour central Oregon with the ,
university orchestra during the
spring vacation.
The orchestra will leave Eu
Bene on March 20, and will return '
to the university on March 28.
Moore is a violinist of distinc
tion and his playing has won
whole hearted applause from all '
who have heard him. His play
ing is expected to be one of the
features of the trip.
March 15, Saturday Flag tournament
opens at Illihee golf link.
March 13, 14 and IS State Inter
tcbolaatic basketball tournament, WiN
lamette fymoasium. .
March 14-15, Friday and Saturday
Twenijr-fifth annual convention of Mar
ion County Sunday School Council of K
ligioi a Kdtiration.
March 14 and IS, Friday and Satur
day Marion county Sunday school brauck
of rfligiou education uict-u at Stayton,
March 13, Wednesday: 1'runa f rowan
mtt at Pallas. . ,
March 19, Wednesday Annual concert.
Women ' auxiliary YWCA. Methodist
March 27, Tuesday County Community
federation to meet at Kalein. Heighta.
April 13, Sunday Kva.ngelii.tic cam
paign open at armory.
April 19, Saturday Dedication af
statue "The Circuit Kider." in alata
house grounds.
May 16, Friday Primary election in
June 10, Tuesday Republican nation
al couveution meeta in Cleveland.
June 2-1, Tuesday Oetnorratie nation
al convention meeta in New York.
June 27-28 Educational conference,
University of Oregon, K-iigene.
Ford Given
So1t Thlm Paula win Tint Prtia
l I 8 83 I 15 ai
6 i la i t i aa I s I ' ia "
Tho figures represent correspond
ing letters In the alphabet. Fig
ure 1 Is A. S Is B. and so on. Tho
ten figure spell three words.
What are tho words?
To Mem, Woman, Boys and Otrls
All can share In these easy-to-wln
prlzea. Bend tho three words on
sheet of paper, neatly written,
with your name and address.
First prize, 1924 FORD TOURrNO
CAR. Besides this splendid first
Pu!1? w? ron to give away
thirty-nine other prizes.
Bead Tour Answer Act Quickly
809 S. Commercial Bt Balam. a
v '
e .