The Country: has never been so prosperous "Opportunity is work- vinfc from sun-up to Bun-down, yes and working overtime, too. There : are many; opportunities in this paper Read the Ada. TODAY TEN PAGES SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS j lilfllii y FlRTFRlJTfffl L-IIU I LI 111 I 1-1 II 1 1 Pilot Rock' Unable to Code With Fast Valley Boys in - State Tournament Big Court Bothers PLAY TO BE RESUMED -IN AFTERNOON GAMES Fast Five From Both , Sides of Mountains Will Be in .Action Today TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE TODAY i - - Afternoon 2:30 North Bead vs. McMInuville 3 : 3 0 Eugene vs. St Helens J I ; f r I . Evening - ' ' 7:30 La Grande vs. Medford. 8:30 Bend vs.; Independence. , Independence , high school won an easy victory over the Pilot Rock team in the first "game of the state basketball tournament last night on the .Willamette . gymnasium floor. C The score was 18 to 5. A capacity, crowd Of "over 1500 peo ple crowded , the bleachers and cheered excitedly throughout the , contest. - " ,." ' ' ; tlos Checking First Half ' During the first half close check ing marked the play of both teams. Pilot Rock started ft strong by converting a. free throw the only one they scored during the game and followed few minutes later with a . basket. Independence, while playing a good floor game, was unable to connect with the net. - The - quarter ( nded Pilot Rock 3 1 Independence 0. . Pilot Rock was handicapped, be cause of the size of the floor. They ' are jised to .ay- much .smaller play ing court, and time .'after time blazed away at , the basket from hear the . center of the floor t6 . have shots 'drop far short of the back board. , A.feature of the sec ond, quarter occurred i when Stan ton, Pijbt Rock forward, attempt ed a shot from near the opposite foul line. : Much to , the surprise of the crowd the shot struck the Tim and nearly dropped into the basket.' , Near, the end of th first half Independence suddenly un corked l a" fast offensive' ' wljlch wept th buhchgrass boys off their feet The half ended Inde pendence S, Pilot Rock 3. Winners ''TUy. Easily .Once under way, the Independ ence crewwere nevert. headed, flaying .with evident ease to save their strength for the strenuous games aheadr they steadily drew away from tne"tr less clever oppon ents. Pilot Rock fought a game battle but were- simply outclassed. Their foul shooting was especially poor.' Altogether they missed 12 free tries at tthe basket which, had they been converted, would have put . them In theunning. , "Tbe' trowd waf extremely partir san at all times during the con test. .Independence was represent ed by a large delegation of high school students ' and townspeople, but were "nearly drowned out in their 'cheering by the Salem root ers who yelled .quite; as vehement ly for Pilot Rock: M 1 ' ; Pilot Rock Is Out 1 By virtue of their defeat In the first rame Pilot Rock'Js elimlnat- A rmm ill tournament. The other 4 eight -teams' will enter the preliminaries' on an 'equal' footing. This ' affertroOn North' Bend will I play McMfnnviHe, and Eugene will meet St; Helen.- "La Grande will tackle Medford tonight, while Bend wilt fight it out with Independ ence.' ' '' r "'-' . The lineup Pilot Rock ' Independence Condra . . .V.F.. - i Schrunk F Stanton '.. . ... T. i ..... Baker Smith B. ... . C V. . .iSchrunk W Kvans '. . . . 1 . . . 0 . w w . Byera Smith T. -v-; . i :. . O . . .'. v. . ; Rlaser V Substitutions: - Pilot Rock: Oal brcath fort Kvans. , Independence: Smtley for Schrunk. ' -' Referee 'Ralph Coleman. r. rTHEWEATHER 'oRESpN-rFriday Fair, mod derate, northwesterly winds." ; .n;; LOCAL WEATHER . .. (Thursday) Mximnm-tempfratare, C4. Minimum temperature 3 9.. ;Rhrer. ;1.8. - .., ;ri;-.'v ? 3 Rainfall, ' none.- s?- ''r;:. Atmospnere, elear.V,, Wind, northeast. , PRESIDENT COOLIDGE REFUSES TO PARDON ALMA WURTZBARGER Mrs. Alma Wurtzbarger's plea to the president of the United States that she be pardoned from the Oregon state prison, where she is serving a ten-year sentence as a federal prisoner for the murder of her husband, has been denied by President CooHdge and the department of justice has dis missed the case, according to information received by Warden A. M. Dalrymple from federal authorities at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Wurtzbarger and friends working in her behalf I made the plea for her pardon health. There was opposition to this, however, particularly from the Spanish war veterans, of whom her husband was a member. Mrs. Wurtzbarger killed her husband with a hammer while he slept at their home on the government grounds at Chemawa. Her story of threats made by her husband against her life proved to be of much weight in the legal proceedings following her arrest. 11 HI MEG n rj SOUTH Man Under Life Sentence Here Accused of Califor nia Bank Holdup LOS ANGELES, March IS. Secret indictments returned against eight individuals by the county grand Jury which for two weeks has been investigating charges that policemen and deputy sheriffs participated in the holdup of the Arcadia National bank near here, April 5, 1922. included the name of "One-Eyed" Tom Gray, how serving a life term In Oregon state prison for robbery it was announced here today by county authorities. "i Gray's'name was the second to be made public in connection with the investigation, it having been made known during the day that Hubert Kittle, former police inves tigator, who now is in custody here wa3 among those indicted. Names of the six persons indict ed besides Gray are being "with held pending an effort to arrest them. SHEET POLICY E People of Ward 6 Want i Home Aldermen to Ini tiate Improvements Voters from ward C met Wed nesday evening. at the Englewood school where a discussion of the initialing of city street improver ments by city councilmen was held. ' The report of the committee ap pointed was given out as follows, signed by Mrs. J. F. Unruh Earl Race and J. E. Galloway: 5 "A full meeting of voters, both men and women, of ward 6, met at Englewood schoolhousc last evening to confer with their coun cilmen,. Sutcr and Van Patton, with reference to street improve ments and other matters. "It was the sense of the meet ing expressed by motion that our councilmen should initiate all pub lic improvements in their ward or at least be consulted by the street committee before it orders or recommends public improvements. It'was suggested also that a com mission form of city government might bo prcfcrablo to the present form." TAX PEON OPPOSED .WASHNGTON, iarch 13. I'ro- posal by some members of the sen ate dinance committee that the program of public debt roduction bo curtailed to permit further re duction of taxos, was opposed by Secretary Mellon- iThe treasury secretary appear log before the committee pointed out that such action could not be taken without changing the- law and expressed further objection on the ground, of its effect on gov ernment bouds. Committee mem bers favoring the idea suggested at the committee's executive ses sion that the payments made by Groat Britain and other nations on loans might be applied either tut tax reduction or a soldiers' bon us. When It was explained the law specified that such payments must be used to buy up bonds from which" the loan mdneywas tbtainedltws suggested 'the law IINC FAVORED igM- bo changed. because of her exceedingly poor 1 E Delegates From Over Ore- err on Gather at Meeting in tugene EUGENE, Or.. March 13. One hundred delegates attended the opening session of the Annual state convention of the Daughters of the American Revolution here this af lerrioon. The afternoon was taken up with the registration of delegates, enrollment or visitors and com mittee conferences and a tea from tour to ir o'clock tonight- Miss Hermine Schwed, of Wash ington, D. C. field secretary of the National Association for Con stitutional goverrimeht.' spoke to night on "Enemies of the Consti tution." She will take a promin ent part in the sessions through out the convention. E Olympia Woman's Body Is hound in Lonely bhack 15 Miles Out of Town OLYMPIA. Wash., March 13. Noclue has been found by offi cers investigating the slaying of Mrs. Ottolianna Ailand, it was an nounced by Roscoe Fnllerton. prosecuting attorney tonight. The body of Mrs. Ailand was discovered today in a small shack near the old Tacoma-Olympia road, about 10 miles north of here, with a heavy home-knit stocking tied in a squaro knot tightly about her neck. Although robbery was-thought by officers to have been the mo tive for the crime, the dead woman is not thought to have possessed anything of value, accoring to Harry Parr, attorney in charge of her legal affairs. F. T. Albertson, fingerprint ex pert of the Tacoma police force. found few finRfrprints. A print of part of a hand, which, was on a writing material cabinet, does not compare with that of Mrs. AI land's hands, and may prove a clue, officers think. The shack in which the body was found Is hardly more than a hovel and was probably built 20 years ago when'the land was ob tained on a patent from the gov ernment. NEWS MEN GATHER SEATTLE. March 13.- For the twelfth time, Washington state newspaper men1 gathered at the opening session of the annual newspaper institute and meeting of the Washington Press associa tion at the University of Washing ton here today.. IXIJICTMEXT RETURNED- 1 H E R R I N 111.. March 13 Niney-nine Indictments were 1 re turned today by grand jury which has been investigating con ditions In Herrln. The jury's re port made a number of recommen dations to bring" about' conditions thatt wonld avoid -recurrence of riots In Williamson county. Mi El Nil mm THPOTDME OIL DRILLING TO BE HALTEI Temporary Injunction I s Granted Government By Federal Court in Sinclair Naval Leases RECEIVERSHIP ALLOWED BY JUDGE T. B. KENNEDY Admiral Strauss and A. E. Watts Named Joint Re ceivers for Properties CHEYENNE. Wyo., March 13. (By The Associated Press) All drilling operations of the Mam moth Oil company on the Teapot Dome oil reserve are halted and the operation of existing wells is reduced to the minimum deemed necessary to prevent loss, or dam- ago under the terms of a tempo rary injunction granted today by Federal Judge T. B Biake Ken nedy at the request of the United States government. Judge Ken nedy appointed Rear Admiral Jos eph Strauss of the United States navy and A. E. Watts, vice presi dent or the Sinclair Consolidated Oil corporation as joint receivers to lake charge of the properties and sell oil from producing wells pending final settlement of the governments suit for annulment of the lease of the reserve to Harry F. Sinclair and the Mammoth Oil company. Fraud Charged The injunction and receivership were granted ' by Judge Kennedy after a preliminary hearing which followed the filing of the bill in equity In which the government alleges false representations "Tn" the transfer of the Teapot Dome reserve from the navy to the in terior department and also char ges fraud in the execution of the lease to the Sinclair interests. Besides the temporary Injunc tion and receivership the govern ment in Its complaint asks that the court enter a final decree can celling the leases and contracts returning the property to the gov ernment and enforcing accounting No date was set for further hearing on the request for a final decree opposing attorneys taking the stand that the involved na ture of the action made it impos sible a,t this time to say when they wouldibe prepared to continue the case- Judge Kennedy granted the defendants 30. days to file their pleadings in the case. The complaint was filed shortly before 10 o'clock by Atlec Poinc- reno and Owen J. Roberts, special government counsel, and Albert D. Walton. United States district attorney for Wyoming, Imme diately afterward attorneys for both sides wont into consultation with Judge Kennedy and the pre liminary court hearing was not called until after a conference lasting nearly an hour Mr. Roberts representing tho government, then requested an order granting the injunction and receivership and asked that Rear Admiral Strauss be named re ceiver. Receivers Xaincd J. W. Lacy of Cheyenne. :-prak-ing in bohalf of the Sinclair in tercuts, answered that his clients were neither "consenting nor ob jecting" to the appointment of a rereiver but were suggesting a joint receivership in which both the plafntifr and t he defendant would he represented, lie declar ed that the Sinclair interests suit for annulment on the claim would base their defence in the that the Teapot Dome lease was legal and valid and that their sug cstion for a receivership was merely In order that all interests could be. protected. Mr. Laccy then named Mr. Watts as the de fendants' choice fo. receiver Judge Kennedy then ruled in favor of the joint receivership. Neither party objected to the candidate for re ceivership named by opposing at torneys. I'ipe line and storage facilities of the Sinclalr s Pipe Line company and the Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing company lo cated on the Teapot Dome reserve are excluded from the control of tho receiver unless further court onlers are Issued. In requesting that these prop erties 1o excluded Mr. Roberts stated that the operation of a pump house owned by the Sin clair Pipe lino compauy would be necessary to the receiver for the removal" of ' oil" 'from completed wells. JUDGE WILBUR WILL SUCCEED EDWIN DENBY California Jurist Accepts Sec retary of the Navy Posi tion in Cabinet SAX FRANCISCO, March 13. Curtis D. Wilbur, chief justice of the California supreme court, an nounced tonight that he had re ceived a telegram from President Coolidge tendering him the office of secretary of the navy, made vacant by the resignation of Edwin Dcnby, and that he had accepted. Justice Wilbur said he tele graphed to President Coolidge that she would arrange to . como to Washington as soon as his ap pointment was confirmed by the senate. Chief Justice Wilbur has been one of California's leading lawyer-jurists many years. He is known especially well for his work In behalf of child welfare, bdth as an official and as a citizen. While he was Judge of the su perior court In Los Angeles he or ganized the , juvenile court there and dratted several bills which lat er formed the basis of California's juvenile court law. The judge also is prominent ag a Sunday school worker. Judge Wilbur was born in Boonesboro, Iowa, May 10, 1S67, and wes educated at the public schools there. He attended high school at Jamestown, N. D. He graduated from the United States naval academy at Annapolis in June 1888. Later he studied. law and began his practice in Los An geles. WASHINGTON, March 13; President Coolidge's tender of the navy secretaryship was declined today by Federal Judge William S. Kenyon and the chief executive prepared to offer the portfolio to Chief Justice Curtis D. Wilbur of the California supreme court. Judge Kenyon, himself, an nounced the declination, declaring in a formal statement that he could not escape the conclusion that he did not possess "the essen tial qualifications or training for the office."; Chief Justice Wilbur, although identified with the legal profes sion practically all of his life as Judge Kenyon has been, would, in the opinion of the president, be able to adapt himslf to the task of administering naval af fairs because of his acquaintance ship with the navy resulting from his course at the naval academy, where he was graduated In J.888. He is understood to be the presi dent's first choice for attorney general should that place be va cated by Harry M. Daughcrty and for that reason was not first con sidered for tho navy post. ROOSEVELT UNDER Order Sending Marines to b u a r d Teapot Dome Challenged by Wheeler WASHINGTON, March 13. : Theodore Roosevelt, acting secre tary of the navy, came under fire again today before the oil com mittee. His order sending a detachment of marines to Teapot Dome to clear it. of "trespassers" In tho summer of 1922, four months af ter the reserve had been leased to Harry F. Sinclair, ws character-, izd by Senator Walsh of Mon tana as an "outrageous use of the military powers." Secretary Iloosevclt also was asked about the circumstances un der which lie requested Sinclair to give employment to his brother. Archie, whoso startling story to the oil committee led to the most sensational disclosures of the long investigation. He explained that when Archie returned from the war in 19114 he 'cither saw or telephoned Sinclair, asking that he employ Archie. "What was his salary?" asked Senator Dill, democrat, Washing ton. "Ten thousand dollars a year at the start," said Secretary noosr velt. "I think that was increased to $1G.000 later on." Secretary Roosevelt told the committee that his order for the marines to elear Teapot Dome had been Issued at tho request of Al bert H. Fall, then secretary of the interior, under what he understood was an agreement between Fall and President Harding. MAT BE SAFE NEW YORK. '.March 13. The finding of two life boats contain ing JO men each led officials of Hit Ward line to believe today that possibly only three men lost their lives when the steamer San tiago was sunk off Capo' Hal teras Tuesday night. CQMM TTEE IDE JUSTICE QUIZ III I I I . . W . ..v . f UNCOVERS BIG SENSATIONS Miss Stinson Tells of More "Deals" Said to Involve Attorney Genera! Dar den'ls Sought FIGHT PICTURES STAKE FOR WHICH MEN PLAYED Divorced Wife of Daugher. ty's "Bumper" Says They Had Lots of Whiskey WASHINGTON. March 13 More "deals" of a highly sensa tional nature all represented as Involving Attorney General Daugh crty were alleged today before tho senate investigating commit tee. Again Miss Roxie Stinson, divorced wife of the late Jess W Smith of Washington Courthouse, Ohio, the attorney general's "bumper and friend," was the wit ness relating, with accompanying insinuation -and inference, stories which she said Smith bad confided to her about "deal3" in which Smith and the attorney general were engaged. She was accom panled by bodyguards. These "deals," according to Miss Stinson's testimony, ran the gamut from oil to shirts, and included prize fight films, whiskey, varidus stocks, and a parole for a federal convict. Fight Pictures Stake The most specific allegation in her testimony was that Smith had told her he was acting as a go-; between for Attorney General; Daugherty and certain motion pic ture companies seeking to exhibit the Carpentier-Dempsey tight" pic tures without incurring prosecu tion under the law which forbids transportation of such films in in terstate commerce. Smith told her. she testified,1 that the "dear proposed that; Daugherty would see to it that there was no prosecution and in return ''we" (Daugherty and Smith) would receive $180,000. "Whether that was consummat ed or not, I do not know," she said. From that Miss Stinson's testi mony jumped to another "deal" which Smith, she said, told her, was on between Daughcrty and Colonel" James G. Harden, said to be president of the Mutual Oil company. Dardert was prominent in the Harding entourage when the late president came to office, but later disappeared from Wash ington. Darden's name also has figured in the Teapot Dome in quiry. The senate committee in vestigating that affair has been attempting for a month to serve a summons on him without avail. Darden. said Miss Stinson. had been, according to Smith, "try ing to get through some liases some way through wasningion prior to this administration." Houses Invotvrd As the result of conferences at the mysterious "Little green house in K street." Washington and the "shack" near Washington Courthouse, owned jointly by Smith, Daugherty and others, Smith and Daugherty cch gave Darden $2400 for investment, ac cording to the story which Miss Stinson said Smith related to her Then, according to the same f tory, tfin details of which she did not know "they" dropped Darden with whom, she testified, "they had a deal in an oil proposition ont west." Smith, sho testified. had told her: "If this isn't a pipe dream it may probably make us A lot of money." "What brought this about." said Miss Stinson, "was that Dar den did not measure up." "Measure up to what?" de manded Senator Ashurst. "To them. They just dropped him." The committee decided to add its efforts to the oil committee's in, the attempt to subpoena Dar den. Parole Sought From, that point the testimony jumped to an alleged "deal" to get a parole for a "Mr. Solomon," a brother-in-law of Joe Weber, the actor. Miss Stinson testified that she wa in Now York with Smith when they met Weber. .Smith and tho actor, 'sb said, discussed the possibilities of getting a parole for Solomon. The conversation she said "was about fixing ' it with Daugherty." Was there, any w reference to anymoney transaction - in-"It J" asked Senator Wheeler. (Continued on page 4) THURSDAY IN WASHINGTON Federal Judge W. S. Kenyon declined appointment as secretary of. the navy. The house ways and means committee ordered - tho soldiers' bonus bill reported. The ship liquor treaty with Great . Britain aimed at rum smuggling was ratified by the senate. Secretary Mellon gave more testimony before the senate fi nance committee in regard to the tax bill. .-. The senate defeated the Nor-beck-Burtness bill designed to help farmers diversify their crops. Internal revenue officers were summoned for questioning tomor row in the senate's investigation of their bureau. A federal grand jury began consideration of charges developed by a Chicago grand jury -in re gard to misuse of congressional influence. The army board investigating military prisoners indicated in its preliminary report it would recom mend clemency in a considerable number of cases. . Consideration of the nomination of Samuel Knight to be oil counsel In the Standard Oil company of California cases was postponed in definitely by the oil committee. ' The senate oil committee delved into the sending of ' marines to Teapot Dome, examining assistant secretary Roosevelt- and Major General Lejeune, commandant of the marine corps. The senate committee investi gating Attorney General Daugh erty had another sensational ses sion, delving into "deals" alleged by Roxie Stinson, divorced wife of the late Jess W. Smith, the at torney general's bumper and friend. Ed Government Plans Confisca tion of Liner Which Car ried Drugs NEW YORK. March 13. The government, which yesterday seiz ed the Royal Mail liner Orduna, today demanded $1,000,000 bond for permitting her to sail next Saturday, ordered her officers to trial tomorrow on liquor and narcotics smuggling charges, and accepted pleas of guilty from two members of her crew. Tho two to plead gtflley were Ship's Store keeper Charles Dawe and his Hm assistant, Harry Osman. They confessed to smuggling into the United States the liquor aud nar cotics confiscated by federal dis trict attorneys and special cus toms agents aboard the ship yes terday. Federal Judge Garvin remand ed the two for sentence next Wed nesday saying he would then con sider any disposition the prisoners might Bhow "to tell the whole truth and enable the government's attorneys to apprehend the men higher up." Assistant United States District Attorney Clark later declared Dawe and Osman had made con fessions which would facilitate his efforts to prosecute ship offi cials and confiscate the Orduna for violation of this country's laws governing the importation of narcotics and liquor and tho eva sion of legal revenues. Mr. Clark appeared this morn ing before Federal .ludgn A. N Hand to file a libel suit against tho Orduna and demand her con fiscation. Ho charged that the ship had been a vehicle for smuggling drugs and liquor 6ince national prohibition became effective on January 26. 1920; that Captain Walter P. Warner, knowingly had signed false manifests and, with the consent ot the Orduna's own ers., failed to declare the contra band. TRIAL bET MISSOULA. Mont., March 13.- The fAid against J. F. Scott at Thompson Falls, charging . him with arson in connection, with the burning of the Ward - hotel, of which, he jwas proprietor, Febru jjrvily. ast;' wlir.atjo'fiat tomorrow "at TETom pson Fal Is be fore Judge James M. Self, of tho district court. " T BOND SDEIil FOB 1 incoSess Ways and ' Means Commit tee Orders it Sem to House Hope to Limit De bate and Hurry Vote , PRESENT FORM DIFFERS FROM VETOED MEASURE Additional Taxes Unneces sary According to Report of Chairman Green T WASHINGTON,- March ! 13. ; The new soldier Don us bill Jwas ordered sent to the house; today by the ways and means committee and a plan was generally' agreed upon to push the measure fdrward next week' under a suspension of the rules which would permit a rote In one day and prevent' amendments. . --V; Three - committee members op- posed " the bill Representatives Mills, New York; Tread way, Mas sachusetts, . and Tilson, Connecti cut,' all republlcans--and Repre sentative Oldfleld. democrat.' Ar kansas, reserved thov right to ob- ; Ject on the floor to omission from the bill of aa option for full' cash payments.-'"'-- - '. . " ' Insurance Provided i , The new measure, f dif f fering materially from the bill vetoed by, President Harding, limits the bo nus to paid up 20 year endow ment life Insurance policies, bit provides cash , payments to veter ans not entitled to more than 1 50. The same basis of adjusted compensation allowed in the old bill, $1 a day for home service and $ t. 2 5 for overseas -service; "Is provided.5, ?In figuring t thai face , valne or the policy, however. 25 per cent Is added to the adjusted service credit and also th Interest on the total amount compounded , annually at 4 per cent for twenty years. ... ' ' V'''': Loans after the first "two jearf would be allowed on the policlct i np to SO pet cent of the paid o valued , V;'-:, Revised estimates show J tbv maximum total cost of . the mea, sure would be $2,119,000,000. j spread over a period of 20 years Chairman Green' declared ; thai careful Inquiry has shown the-cost could be met-by the government from current revenue without ad ditional taxes. ' Mr. Green f said that -the necessary funds for meeting-' the annual payment could be met out of appropriations available as a result of the dis continuance within the next year or two of the vocational education and war relief welfare programs of the government.' '' ' " ' To provide for costs of the ..mea sure, a sinking fund 'of IllojoOO. 000 for the first tear lss provided. This amount, Mr.' Green "'said, would decrease annually until the . payment in the 19th year would be $91,000,000. . j ' In computing the adjusted serv ice credit, the f irBt 60 days of service would not be counted. AH veterans, Including officers up to and including the rank of captain in the army and marine corps and lieutenant Id tho navy, would be eligible T6r the bonus and also de pendents of veterans wno " have died since the war. Williamson Jury . Fails t To Reach Agreement Night court was necessary to complete the case of the city vs, Art Williamson, local cigar store man, charged with being' drunk and disorderly and resisting an officer, only to have the Jury turn in a verdict of non-agreement. The case got under way about 2 : 30 o'clock In the afternoon and' was continued straight through v,until 8 o'clock, when It "went to the jury The Jury returned a verdict a. lit tle before 9 o'clock. Of the five Jurymen; three are; understood to have held out for a verdict et guilty and two for not guilty Af ter six or -seven ballots had been taken. Frank JaskoskI,. foreman, reported to Police Judge 'Marten Poulsen that an' agreement was impossible." Williamson was ar rested about 2 o'clock the morning of . Biarch" 7 i after a woman's screams from their apartment had aroused other occupants fot too hoflding, who called th police. Mrs. Williamson took the witness stand, but her testimony was more f averablto Jier husband nfn it wa Wind-city"! Wfiefngr the case wiu oe re-irtea or laaen to ine Justice court under another charga