THURSDAY MORNING, MAUCH 13, 1924 nnsasass M M 3 ! T : - ' - - i IFIEB ADS-Community Offerings and Wails CLASS mm CLASSIFIED SECTION r ; phone 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i. ' Rat per word: Pr Insertion. Thro Insertion So NORWICH traiow -KBJC IN8URANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Re Id I A fat 71 Stat St. : Money To Loan ' ' : 7 a Real EaAato . t : t. k. roao - (Ow Ladd-) Hot a Ban) AUTOMOBILES Repairing la . .r l, i i JACK DOERFER MOTOR. REPAIR. 410 . 8a. Commercial, dors expert repair work. Wo hare welt equipped ahop. Come la and ae u. r lam 13 , : H. H, Harris 173 South Liberty Doe guaranteed auto repairing- Try w AUTOMOBILE; Tops lb 0;J. Hull1 . 258 Stat Sr. Doe expert top repairing. We guar- ante all our work, our .shop. - , Com in and see lbml3 FOR' rent FOR RENT ABOUT MAY lit. STORE- ' room on State St. See J. II. l.auter , - FOR RENT Apartment 2a 3 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT I N. Summer. Phone 1078 2aml5 THREE AND FOUR ROOM FURNISHED epartmenia, private bath. 853 N. 12th. - St. . ' . . r 2aml4? JTRSISHED APARTMENT- FOR RENT with furoae beak and ga. Phone U - lf22R. - v i 2aml4 FJJR RENT FlYEi ROOM' STRICTLY ' ; modern, heated five room apartment. - , 'Cell at 1444 Center street. Saturday or i Sunday or after 6:30 or Phone 1377J. -.,.,-. .. -- - . . 2a-ml6 : a-room. pttrntshed apartment. with nrlvaU bath, rloao In. Call at S03 A Oregoa bldg. 2a-tl0tf I OR- RENT APAETMEHTS, 191 . K0. Oonmereiil. FOR RENT Honsea Sb HOUSE FOR RENT TELEPHONE 1823 ? Call at 161 W. 13th. ZoiaM ROOM -MODERN HOUSE WITH GA rage, o pored street., Phone 1877R. .1 2h-m8tf FOR RENT Room . fOR RENT A P AR T M E X T 8 AND , ; iiplag room, unm bow, aao a. rtmt ' " V " '" ' TlTX-rT.n OATtDS. SIZR 14" BY T4,r wordio FuinUbed Rooms,'' prieo 10 .oBt each. Statosmaa Buitn Ol- fieo. Ornd floor. ajaaBaaaaaaBaaanaMaaaaaavBaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaaaBsaaaaw ! FOR SALE MlaceUaneoaa 4 ; FURNITURE FOR SALE 447 CENTER s - , : miv FOR SALE CHEAP BERRY CRATE8 and lirg boxes. Cat! 934. 4m 13 5 FOR BALE RHODE ISLAND RED Hatebiug eggs. J. H. Gray. RL 5, px ' i o5 'rm- I 4n13' ! DINING ROOM AND IJVINO ROOM-fur- i niture. including rug. Practically new ! t Mnst sell before April 1st. rhotte i f imU . 4ml5 EGOS TOR HATCHINO RfR 63c FOR 13. 2201 W. Nob Hill St. 4a VI tTHITK I t OIIORV TTATTHIXa EOOS- i RC Shepard. Phono 03F14. 4mlt FOR SALE OOD OAT AND VETCH bay, $13.00 per ton.' delivered. Phone ,"IF3 or address V m. Boeriasu, n. o. Salens. 4ml4 RHODE ISLAND RED JIATCniNG egg. 14 per hundred. M. M. Mgee, Route 5, Salea. Phono $irj5. 4-i4 OOOSE EGGS FOR SALE PHONE -H 1F15. ;.-. : smiai CONCORD GRAPE PLANTS BEST Istrsin. Reduced prtco. -nono eveniog-, .1135W. 4mli VriT SFfi. PIANO I AM LEAVING Mtun otspose '"."."' j'?.:; t ana. Terms but cash 1 desired. Chaa. W Hawley Jr, 1433 Stste St. 4-aiia pimrnttrn BABY CHICKS i At reduced price. Wbite Leghorn, Red. Barred Rock. White Rock , Mm - orehss, Aucons. Buff Orpington. De : iii.Miu Tiaaliv avert week. Salem ChlkiTiv ul ,"k0M'.40-wf ' '.; " - ' '; J ' t ,trnn in IVtl TtF.n HATCHING eggs, , 4JH I i ri'O s - " m - - w, " I BOe. doaea. D. A. Harris, SaUas. Poos; $F3, 4-m23 j Willamette Valley -:! Nursery uiM l t Dr. Blf 'rr-we pruno troos 1"J ,w,,Vt bo. Lor troo. J. J. Vstbis, Rt. Jim wr srva. w w - - - - - - , . . . , gtlvertoa. highway. 1 Phoao 106F. -w '0R SALB OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 eeU buadl. Clrcultio Aeportattal f Oregoa BUUssaaa. - - 1 . ! Beautiful Oregon Rose !Aad olerea other Oregon long togetber with a fine collection-of pstnotrs ong, sscred songs Sad auy old timo favor V. ' ALL FOR 5e. . ; (Ppefial prieea tu V""?"'. "L,-.. tipeei.lly adaptable tot school eo-mu. liyar aia aat' --- . Western Songster ' TO pare w Its thirsVoditloa i' . Pnblfahed try , j rtREGO TEACHERS MONTHLY ?1S 8, Commercial St. ; Salew.r WE BUY AND, SELL ALL KINDS OP W...I..WL etothlng. ate. Capital B.rg.1. Uotiao and Juuk Co, Ceutr and Front at tha bridge. 4-fl4tf ., .wnivn aav-K MONET 1 .lu v Mta tha mar vv tsa- bone lacubator. rr am 2FJ1. TJimCRWOOD TTPEWRt rXK. Havoyour aeaw r'-r . 'wr- so e.n.a .,..1 SHS '! T00R rORNrTORE OR AUTO - ..".V will 11 yaatno ",7"w S "rb yourself, ft aad $1- w"' ' - ileao yr wallpa ', rKv$aa .- .-." r '" 1 x 1 . . 1 FU Yl ., OF ALL" . Re 20e fiil month' contract per mo......15c 13 months' contract, per mo 12c Minimum for any advertisement 25s FOR SALE Livestock 4a FOR SALE SHETLAND PONY. CALL 439 Court S. 4aml5 FOR SALE PURE RREI .JERSEY heifer calf- flake's Prttand, 273 8tate m. , 4mlj TEAM OP MARES WEIGHT 1130 apiece. ? and 8 fears old. Route 8. Box Hi. 4am 14 FRESH MILK COATS C li. HOOLEY, Hubbard, Oregon. 4a-m21 SEVEX GOOD MILK COWS, FRESH and coming fresh, for aale. W. C. Soderman, Jefferson, Or. Ru 1. Phone 4DP2S from Ralem 4a-ft0tf HELP WANTED Female 5b WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER FOR widower with two youths. Good home for right party.' 'Address Box 453 care Statesman. 5hml4 WANTED Employment 12 WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. 1484R 127 WANTED Bliacenaneoua 13 SECOND 1LND FLAT TOP DESK. Will pay 10 or $12. O. II. Hotchain, Wood born. Ore. 13ml3 WANTED STRICTLY MODERN 6 OR ,7 room dwelling, within walking dis tance priced between f 4000 and $3000. Want owner to tck vacant lot to the value of $750; some cash, balance monthly. Anderson Rupert, 400 Ore gn Bldg. ' 13ml3tf WANTED MILK CUSTOMERS. GOOD . Jersey milk. 10c per quart delivered. Phone 81F3 or address Win. Sheridan, Rt. 5.. Salem. 13ml BOARDERS AT 594 N. LIBERTY ST. 13-ml3 CARROTS PHONE 1574R. 13-ml5 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO tak farm paper lubscnption A good proposition to the right people. Ad dress the Pacific Homt stead. Statesman Bldg., Salem. Or. HELP WANTED Salesmen 5e ONE OF THE LARGEST MANUFACTUR era in it industry has a splendid open ing for wide awake, active repre sentative. The man or lady who qual ifies will earn' from $40 per week op to start, with unlimited opportunity for advancement in a national organi sstion. One day only. Phone Mrs. Lake, Hotel Marion. 5el3- SALESMAN WANTED SPLENDID Op portunity. H. L. Stiff iurmture to. 6e-ml6 SALESMAN TO COVER WILLAMETTE Velle-v. . Handling extensive line ad- . . , . i ,.: vertlaing caitnaars anv uovciues. am, reference first letter. V. 8. Walsh, bBO Mission St.; Ssn Praneiseo. 5em27 LOST AND FOUND BTRAYED BIG BAY MULE NOW AT Sidbaek ranch. Independence. Owner may have same, by paying casts. 1 Diiuia LOST SILVER FOUNTAIN FfcN witn out cap on Slate or Uign streets or in High seBool. Reward. 472, care States man. 6aml5 SHELL RIMMED GLASSES IN KEENE ease. Please eall 2090,1. Raml4 MISCELLANEOUS DIRT FOR - TAKING AWAY 91 1 N. oral 5 Winter street. I Cant Repair Roofs If vou think so see me. Shingling, niliiiif roof nainting. I can save iou money on roof repairing. M. R latbews. Phono 1G7. om!4 PERSONAL I pL-UN AND FANCY SEWING. ALSO I .hirta at tha Dressmaking shop. 1 429 4 Court St., 7mI3 I OET MARRIED BEST MATRIMOXLL -nbliabed. CORRESPONDENT. Toledo. Ohio 7-m20 POULTRY 7a I FOR SALE BABY CHICKS THAT Will 273 State. PUREBRED AXCOXA CHICKS $18.50 , hundred. Rt. 5, Bos 45, Salem. Phone ' 118F2. 7a-8 HflOhVOOD CHICKS 200-289 EGG 1 stock. Fr e rsnge. C. A. Dowd, An burn Rd, Rt. 8. Salem, Or. 7a-m20' WHITE LEGHORN HATCHING (Hsnson strain), $1.00 per EGGS aHtiag. $5.00 per 100. C. H. Fisher, RED 2. (Lalem. Or. Phone 18F31. .a-mj'i THE AVERAGE HEN DOES NOT PAY profit. Purebred ben bred to ley . k; nrofita. and have mad hun dreds of ooultrr men wealthy. Four teen trios of worm eaampioo pur, bred ehickeua will be given free to am s.iiina iu. Women, bovs snd girle mi and,, address and full infor- .twn will be mailed. Purebred rwi.1.. VJimr Northwest Poultry Jour- a. I Malem. Oregon. Pei'. A 7-iOtf REAL ESTATE City OWN YOUR HOME I for RENT FRUIT FARM. 23 MILE I " ofl ro.d. 8ml5 Hfll VNGE FIVE ROOM PLASTEUE bnnsalbw and one acre ia fruit $4000, . , nn ( 1 r fro n Electrie near Portland ''trade for home in Salem. For sale entail house and two lots atsoo. Dtr.cuy mdero six room bungalow, oak floors, east front, paved street. A snap ct $550. A mod 10 room house on pave ment, corner lot, good location. M000. : Two house for rent and one furnished. "F. L. WOOD. 311 State St. SmlStf . s BARGAINS . ' , " . S'ore building to eschanse for Salem. Residence property, rental $85 per i month ptVe '.10.090. "" 10A. Orchard, commercial, fine conut ; tiou. modern rcs'dente on ranch, barn, i and other ontbuiWings. Will deal for j Solent reaidepee prperty op to $10,000. Choice corner lot, paved streets, est I front, cedent walk. ommer and Mar-- kct. Price 1200; gw.d term 6. J.F.Latham 331 fg SUto 6t. " 8ml3tl . SPECIAL ' . Nice building, all in bearing fruit aad lord ear. bolh for 1400 rah. Small bouse ahd lot 1a vt"Sa- 1 OC.AA . wS4bW aftfM JAVd. On week insertion)... One month . 8l A WANTED TO EXCHANGE Our modern 8 room, 2 story bungalow with full ctmeul bnseiniut. furnace. fireplace, lights, bath. gsrage, fruit and shade trees. Tared street. Trice 15350. Wtnt a smaller bouse. What nave you. Now vacfint immediate pssession Owner away. Must sell I Modern 5 room bunsalow, garage, est front. Tric ed for quick deal at $3100; terms. CHOICE LOTS CHEAP GOOD Blst NESS FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES CHEAP REAL FARM BARGAINS For quick salea list with CH1LDS BECHTEL 340 State St. 8inl3tt 4 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ON NO. Cottage St., $3000; cash $500; balance to suit. Sew 5 room bungalow on No. 18th St. Th'i plaee ia strictly modern and a good buy at $5000; terms. New 5 room modern bungalow on So. lDth St- larce lo. price $4000: terms. A first clas room cottage loea'ed at No. 475 So. 18th St. We consider this an excellent buy ct ?J350; terms $500 cash, balance to suit. A strictly modern 5- room cottage on Leslie St., i bloek from I2th St., near store and school, partly furnished, $3500; (rood terms. , 2 lots on North 23rd St.. 2 blocks from State St. Price $300 each, lou make the terms. ANDERSON RUPERT 406 Oregon Building 8ml3tf ANY MAN CAN AFFORD TO BUY, OR BUILD AS GOOD A IWJUSt. AS IIK CAN AFFORD TO RENT. 5 room bungalow, garage $3400.00 5 room bungalow, new 4300.00 4 room bungalow, garage 2100.00 7 room bunRalow, garage 6200.00 Good house and lot in Dallas to trade for Salem property; will assume up to $3000. 90 acre farm. HA. cherrioa, and 14A. prunes. Farm clone to Salem. Will trade my equity for Salem property. 50 acre farm, well located, 25 acres fruit. Will trade my equity for Salem property. We bnild to suit the purchaser, and sell on easy terms. Houses for rent. We write insurance. Always money to losn on real estate. If it is a house, lot, farm or a trade. See me RICH L. REIMAXN Realtor Office Phone 013. Res. Thone 72CR 307-308 Oregon Bids. 8ml3tf A BARGAIN 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, beautiful surroundings. Will saerifiee at 93500 and give terms anyone can handle. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 8ml2rf GOOD 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. BARN poultry house, ; lota, fruit and hemes, in Eaat Salem, 3 blocks to Riehmond school and ct line. Only frwUU. A. C. BOURN RTEDT 147 No. Commercial St., Salem. Or. 8ml2tf FOR SALE THREE ROOM HOUSE, one large lot, $330. Phone 1242J. Sinlo MID-WEEK BARGAINS B room bungalow in North Salem be tween Capitol and Summer Sts. base ment, bath, dutch kitchen. Price $3500, term?. 5 room cottage in North Salem. Com pletely furnished. Price $2000 Yt cash. New 5 room bungalow in North Sa lem, paved street, east front. Price ?na50; good terms. Vacant. Posses sion at once. KRL'EGER ;14T North oda'l. St. Phone 217 smial NEW THREE ROOM HOI SE J .ST Be ing completed, one half block from pavement. Small cash payment, balance easy terms. A dandy plac for two. Pric $1500. See tis qnick for this. BARBER & BAR HAM 200 Gray Bldg. 8ml3 BARGAINS ONLY A 4R. bungalow at $2100; 5 room and garage (very desirable) $2200; A 6 room modern $3100, (terms); An other 6 room (paved street) modern. $3000. An extra good buy iu a room modern except baa meat at $2000. Add $250 and you have a $3000 plice-l Easy terms on some. See The Fleming Realty Co. 311 State St. 8mtf ONE ACRE AND NEW rOLK ROOM house, gars;e, chicken noose, system, electric lights. $1800; down, lust outside the city. water $500 Neat four room u last red house in good order inside and out. East front, on paved atreet. R:h, toilet, electric liable, fruit snd shrubbery. $2250; , cash. A fi room house. 4 room plast red. hath, toilet, electric liihts. built-iu kitchen. Not far from school snd car. $1900; with $3O0 down. Sea J. A. MILLS. 33114 State St. 8ml4 Buy From Owner Lots on Sou'-h 20th snd 21st streets. Payments Price First Mo'ly Mt'rs. lrit $25i00 $25.00 $8.00 30 mo. l ots 225.00 15 00 7.50 30 mo. 2 Lota 200.00 12.50 C.7j JO uio. Twnty-first stTeet to be paved th yer. Price will be advanced $10.00 per lot on April loin. Phone 1I93R or SEE ME, st net. C10 S. 18th 8ml6 SOT. Ml Three new bungalows, plastered, bnilt in kitchen, modern plumbing and elec- triet lis-hta on paved street and ,-jr line. Terms of $750 down. Knst front. Let. us show you this - bungalows. You will like them. $3500 New 5 room bungalow with full ce tuent basement and garage. N ar school. Terms. (4."oo tt room bungalow, new, with hsrd wood floors, .basement, furnace, fire place, double garage. This is a real bargain. We write fire insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. 275 State St.-r-Phone bio 15. ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IN FOR AN apartment and transient at $l.".0oo. r.ertmde J. M. T'aro 8 mtf BILLY STIFF REAL ESTATE City I ,.-r 1 ,-rn cr TNOASAATir rriAfU V23 Ef ?AV ts0 nAMhrt V:-" TT --I' ..-. .rrM,rj-r,ii'd S?... -r,,..,.v w.iVl I I '-SjJ ' f M MAY WAVE BOUNCED ME BUT I ISNT THERE SOMC te- fW J . VoiJ CMi puY TWE" SlS she said j M 'f.'JrTenr A1 iC" WVt !JUn RELEASED V THF RNKFC A3 J - 8 1 TEN ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IX AT A bargain, if you act quick. Can be ar ranged in 4 apartmi nt. A low price. Will take pood auto on deal. 7 room modern house, six block from business center, all iu first class condition, modern in every war. A very low price. 110 acre farm very wll improved to exchange for good city property. Ex cellent chance for some oir.'. See toon- j room Mouae rinse in lor aaie "r rent. Has a lot of furniture. Un par ed at. Here is a genuine bargain. 1(1 rooui apartment paying about 13 per c 'nt on investment. Very close m. Cnll early and see me about it. See Ste First O. W. LA FLA R 410 Oregon Bid?. Smltf PRINTED CARDS, SUE II" MY 7 Vj' , wording "For Rent." priee l eeut each. Statesman Business Office, on Uround Flour. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME ON acres, attractively lo.-ated. At a ijr .in tin not fail to see r trude J. M Pa". 8 m8tf A BEAUTIFUL HOME. MANY TREES. kin rarden. east front. 24500. tier t rude J. M. Page. 8 mitf APARTMENT HOUSE, LARGE LOT, rWa in. brinrinz dividends. lfi,00O. tiertrade J. if. Paze. 8 mStf CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Large ud to the minute list of the viry best offerings in Salera and vicinity .nl (ru )o anv address Harris. 208 Ureicon Building, phoue 254. f-Jtf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7 i wanting Rooms to Rnt." price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Of fice. Ground Floor. FOR SALE BY OWNER, BRAND NEW, strictly modern six-room bungalow. South Salem; close In. Price 5G00. Phone 1784. i 8-fl7tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7 Ms" wording "For Sale, Enquire at. 1'ncf 10 cents each. Stat, suian Business Office, Ground Floor. THE SUNNY PATS ARE HERE, AND SPRING IS NEAR. Why not buy that li.tle farm or city home and prepare your land for a crop and garden before it is too late I LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS A seven room houne, plastered, fire place, bath aud toilet. 1-2 bisick to earline. A bargain at $3000; good terms. Stock of groceries and rental of store ItnildiniF 12650. 1 acre of land, 8 rsom hous, l-irsn liirn ahed. chicken COOD and woodshed r. hlncka lo school, joins town site of suburban town. Think of it; $10o; trrnii trma 14 room apartment nouse, ini orae u per month. Will consider trade. K rvir, station and 4 room bungalow nn Portland hiirhwav in Salem. At 15 acres of fine land near the golf links. No buildings Sightly located, for $1500. Look at this before it is too late. ,. , 5 acrea on Garden rod. Fine build 1'' mile from city limits. All far IMiilr). will trade or sell. A six room house on North 16th St., large lot. One block to earline. Paved a re t and sidewalks. A snap at $000; IliAn rliiu. n W have a fine selictin of small from one to 20 acrei at very reasonable pric s. Come in and choose 4r.w vnirslf. We are always at i..r arciiK Uemeuiber we write fire ;u..rnc. JJoinan & Ulrich, St'1"' newest real estate firm. 122 No. Com l Phono 1354. 8-m8t BUSINESS OPPORT UNITIES' b MONEY TO LOAN 0ri ON FARM PROP crty. F. L. WOOD. 311 State St. 8b-alO A SMALL CONFECTIONARY AND GRO ct ry store iq New berg. Owner recent ly died. .' PUce for stfr 800. Rent $20 per mouth, room for small family in huildine. See J. A. Mills, 33 11 S ate St. bhml4 $2000 TO LOAN ON' REAL ESTATE !08;eareJ'tasmjn;8hml REAL ESTATE Farms O Dairy Trade 85 acres equipped with cows, chick ens, horses and farm implements and on a paying basi. I am pric. us this way V!iiw what it is and will cnider some trade cm Salem, Silv.-rton or Portland property thul is priced righ;. 5A. improved $1000; terms or trade. 3 lots in1 Nob Hill addition, priced $350.00 ROBINSON Oregon Bldg. 9in 1 I BEST BUYS 10 acres in bearing prunes, on rock road. 8150 per acre; $500 cash, bal ance to suit at 0',r. 5 seres, on paved road, 1 mile from Salem limits, 4 room bungalow, barn, coop, woodshed, I000; $300 cash, bul anne like rent at C',c- 42 acres, o," cleared, 7 pasture, 5 room house, small barn, shed, coop, running water, spring, 4 miles from (rood town, '2 mile from school, $3750: if 1500 cash, balance mortgage back at O'e. House, lmrn, 2 lot--. 1 lot in strsw berrioe, $000; 200 cash balance uiouth- " 3 room bungalow, garage, woodshed, all practically new, for sole u easy terms. 11 room Dutch colonial strictly mod ern new home, fine double garage, very ood location, will sell at sacrifice. See me now if you want something really worth while. suifOI.OKSIv'Y Realtor. 311 State. ml2tf TO EXCHANGE 5 acres well improved just cite limits, south, trade for city prop- frlv A grocery and hardware stor- with o lots, and 11 room house in small town close to Salem, price 6000; trade tor 1 miirfiv ed tract north of Sal'-'.'i. New 4 room bouse and 1 lot for $1000. 1 room and uio- lot $70O ; terms 5 room. plastered on paved street Snap for fluoO: terms. (j rooms, iarsc lot with fruit $250 5 acres close in with small house, 1 li:irjin for 81250: terms. THOMASON. 331 State St. lOmlltf HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM FliO.Nr. 1395W. m'J REAL ESTATE City TTOCT& s V pf V fc- I" """" p' REAL ESTATE To Exchange. Ob 10 EXCHANGE 35A., 10A cultivated, balance enily clcarel. '1 ets buiidinirs will mu1 cre-W, all (cuecd hog titclit. Feu- step, to liih school and IUI htation. Clear title. Value $3500, for modern 5 or 0 room home in Salem, well located on paved street. Will aKSuine or pay i-hsIi dif ference'. Deal with owner. Kay J. Fox. Lyon. Ore. Hti mlti I'SKD CARS FOR SALE 11 BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR LOOK these over. Thv ure atl in ece!l"nt eonij; ion and ill (rive jou Hie saine service you lui-ht expect from a new car. 1 B:iiek Six . J Ford euuic. J Olds 8, 10.000 miles. 1 Dodge toorins. 1 lVe 5 pnv filler. KIRKWOOD MOTOR CO. -'tti State St. It ml") 1J2I FORD COUPE DRIVEN 15", miles, lost wit'u c-;uiiiiieiit M'J . ear A bersain lor qiurl .ile 1U2I Ford roadster. Never be u iSt'.k en. Five rird tires. Heavy tourist tubes. Ilassler ahock. Larie wheel aiid foot throttle. 191" Buiek six tourin?, 4 cord tires, cnod spare. Nrw top and book curtain New springs in rear. Good battery and '2t $ 'J 7 . 19.M Dodje touring, sood tires, top an J battery. 24 license. ?:t2.. 101" Ford tour.n. good snap.; $5. TerniJi or C.ish Tradi s consiilered 35'J No. Liberty St. 11ml 1019 HUICK" SIX MOTOR. THOROUGH lv overhauled, newly painted, ne toll, new curtains. A barzain for $ Is j Try to match its price or quality any where. OTTO J. WILSON 3ft3 X. Com l. Phone 220 ll-nl3 OVERHAULED USED CAR We have several good buys in 1919 1920 rebuilt Chevrolets. Special prices on 1918 Maxwell touring, good tire and top. NEWTON CHEVROLET CO. 227 High St. Phone 1000. limit QUALITY USED CARS AT PRICKS tha will please you Ford touring r..13.V(0 Elcin touring $lt5.oo I'hev. Baby Grand $150.00 'Franklin touriug , $575.00 Dodge touring $595.00 Oakland coupe....: $100.00 Many others for you to select from Come in and look them over. (We Terms) F. W. PETTYJOHN" CO. 219 N. Comm-rcial St. Phone 1200 llinOt FOR SALE 192- Podge delivry, A-l shape, cord tire. J550. 1922 Fold touring, lord tires, A-l shape, $3.(5. 1922 Ford rcadster, box on rear 1920 Ford roadster, extra box on rear. $150. 1922 Dodze touriti-r. looks likf new $050. 19J0 Podee sedan- $800. 1923 Dodge touring, run 2000 mile S950 HOVE STEELE MOTOR CO. llmO'f USF FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZE FORD DEALER !1 Roadster $260.00 19 1923 roadster 360.00 1919 touring KI5.00 1 192 touring 215.00 -sM3B ttntring..-. 275.00 102.J touring 31.. l';i coupe :.70 00 19''2 coup ' 425.00 l!r.'0 truck 235.00 1922 truck o(5.00 Othf-r ears from $15 and up. All cars are guarantee 1. . See us before buying. Liberal terms. Op -n evt-nins and Sundays. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone inor, -JfiO' V. High It-mStf WOOD FOR SALE 14 DRY SECOND URO'Vni Hi: 57 no p. r cord deliverod. Phone 19r3. Mayfield ltfLltf FOR 8VLE DRY SECOND-GROWTH fir wood, 4 ft. for delivery. Phoim 10r,. 4fl2tf BEST GRAPE OK WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch grt en mill wood Pry mill woo.l Dry second growth fir Dry old fir ic inch BLOCK mill wood is tlie bst fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivrrv and reasonable price. Fred E. Weils. 280 S. Church. Phone 1512. n!Mi DO YOU WANT GOOD WOOD AT REAS- onable prices! Then call 18fW for ash. old or aacnnd growth fir. Prompt dl,rerv. 14-i2Rtf PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the followins de scribed dops in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to wit: One white and liver spotted bird dog with collar on. One Chesapeake and water spaniel dog, brown with yellow' eyes, very fine dog. One collie and sAirdale dog. yellow. with white 1 breast and white around head. One black shepherd dog v ith white brrasjt and yellow tan feet, legs, and face. The above described do.s will be killed 11 not redeemed by owners, on or bo- fore March 15. 192 4, as provided in said Ordinance. WS. LOW, ' Street Commissioner. March 10. 192 1. ml 1-1 5 Lafe Larkin can't be re-elected rlrur atilifr at Plunkvlllc. lie at- tepted 83 cents to let Hay Drown s dog alone. Deep Stuff! CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE MBULAXCK SERVICE, DAY Oil u.-jlit. I'lione tioii. 17! Soutii Liiierlv. ARCHITECTS REEMAN k STRUBLE, REGISTERED Arrbilects, 610 iiank ol Commerce Building. AUCTIONEERS WOODRY A WOODRY Xpert Livesti'k. furniture, real rs AUCTIONEERS Res. ItilO N. Summer Tel. 511 salt dates. for L. E. TALBOTr Anct.onecr Phone 470202 U. S. Bank Bldg. s9' G. SATTERLEK Auctioneering Room 15, Breyman Block Phone 247 or 121 1.1. fl-tf AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Metal, rags, pap-r. Auto wrecking Repairing. Parts for all cars 50 to 75 rer cent off list price. 975 N. Com' I. Phone 58rt. f-tf BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery aud electrical work. Ferria Bros., Phone 1803, 418 Curt. R D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 bouth Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- elea and repairing: 387 t onrt. CLEANERS & DYEES SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phono 1808. We spe cialize on one day service. CARPET AND RUO WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Work Rag and fluff rugs woven anv sue without seams. New mattreitea made to order. Old mat treaaea remade. Feathers renovated. 1 buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rues. 1'iVs and Wilbur ainets. Phone 11..4 Otto t. twieker. rrop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St., i'hone ZSd. CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago. Maaonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT SCOFIELD, P. 8. C Chiropractors. 414 19 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 87; res. 828-R. CONSULTINQ ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION . . : ; L.- ....... ...f mates. Jno. H. Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg Phone 77o CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 N. Summer street. Phona C74-J. rHF.RRY CITY CONTRACTING CO f.anral contracting and building. Est matea gladly furnished. Phone 18H7R or 59F1-' d26tf DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING C.rci. Piaher. McCornack B!iz.. ovn Miller. ul5tf PRINTED CARD8 SIZE 14" BY IVt' warding "Dressmaking": vriee cents each. Siatecinan Busmen Offic Ground Floor. DRUG STORES WM. NEI MEYER "JUST DRUGS, J75 N. Commercial, rhone lbi ELECTRICIANS SA1F.M ELECTRIC CO. M A S O N 1 buildipg. Phone 1200. ELEUTKIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. F L E E N E R ELECTRIC CO House wiring by liour or contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 414 Court St. UALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC tricsl machine repairing, contracting. 337 Court Phone 488. FARM PAPER POULT RYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO cant stamps for Special three months trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articlea and advertise ment are of special interett to tue poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET TnL farm paper, cnd lac to tne racn.c Homestead, Salem. Oregon for a tl.iee months'' trial aubacriptiou. Mention this ad. FINANCE-. LOANS ; Farm and City. Most liberal rate and payment pri'ileg s HAWKINS Jt ROBERTS. 205 Ore. Bidg. Salem, Ore CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. n.i.irartinr and in-.lding e;i mates eladly fumishd. Phou 18'i7tt or 69F12. d2Gtf 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property. Ke.-erve De posit compsny, 73 Fourth Street, Port land, Or. FARM LOANS 6V4 No additional expense ANDERSON a RUPERT, 406 Oregon H-nlding BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Finns Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference H v FINANCIAL LOANS LOANS LOANS I can make your farm or city loan, best service given, if you need a loan, see me; snd if you have money to V10 see me 1 always bar taker, u. W. Laflar, Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, ro commission. Protects against adversity. City loan, lowest rates, monthly instalments, prepay ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room 2, over Ladd Bush bank. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. T. Breitbaupt. florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone R. a i FUNERAL DIRECTORS 8ALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL D1RE0- tors, 210 Center. Phone lfSO FURNITURE STORES G1ESE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for less money. 372 Court, Phono 44. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW j and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. GARDEN PLOWING ARDEX PLOWING. GRADING, FER tilizer. wood sawing. Tucker. 112jJ. m-4tf HEMSTITCHING HEM STITCHING. STAMPING" PLEAT- ing. Tbs Pstits Shop, Room 6, over Buiicks. 29tf SALFM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle j work; 328 Oregon bldg. Phoa 379 MRS. C. R. MILLER HEMSTITCHING j stamping, buttons. Koom 10, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. . HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR L. G. ALTMAX. HOMEOPATU1ST. Does a general practice. Treata Uoifr. Gall Stones, snd DroDsy. srtsing from diseases of heart, liver or kidneys til,mit ir.rni ion Office and resi dence, 296 N. Liberty St, Salem, Or. Phone 147. LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR TOR MEN snd women, 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 B. Liberty street. Phono 2o. oldest largest best. Established 189. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Oualitv work: oromnt servH-e: iio- Broadway. Phone 165. MEDIC AT, MOUNTAIN BALM Coroil KKMEDY Plmne 517-W. 1CUSIO LUtfs'Jf. A COURSE IN rHSiNES5 riAsji-: nlavinr. Potc:ar s.vucopate'l s'amiar- music Remi-elasic ni.'l bsll:ds 1. leaitnna Waterman Piano School. U' Cornack Bldg. MUSIC STORES HHF.RMAX. CLAY A CO.. PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and others. Moor4 a Music llouso, 41 0 court siren. OF.O. O. WILL PIANOS, rilOXO graphs, sewing machine., s!ieet music. mkA niano atndies. Repairing phono a-ranha and sewing machine; 432 Stste street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. U. L. Sim furni ture Co.. Music DepL NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AXD-, chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg I'hone 110 NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NORSE PHOXE n25tf I :i.M NUXSERY STOCKS FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS AND ROSES Near Auburn hall. East Salem. North westcru Nursery. Phone 111F3. u9 FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pesrcy Bros., 237 Stato. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur aery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg., Phone '? OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co., 325 St.e tre t, opposite Ladd a Bush Bank. "Us Quality Proven 8hur-on." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg. Rooms 80lto '" , PAPER AKGING AND PAINTING PHONK OLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE docorating. paper hanging, tinting, etc, Reliable workman. TEX CENT KALSOMINE IN BF.AUTI ful colors: l does a room. Mox O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. PHYSxCIAN OF pHYSIOTHERAPHT DR. JACKSON. DOCTOR OF PHYSI- otherapy, treat all ailments, women ailments esoecially. 205 N. OimmeT.-i! street. I'hone 2005M. PIANO TUNERS kOWAUli WKLP EXPERIENCED Pl ana tuner. L'av orders Will's Muiie Store. FlaUMBINO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR -,.rk (ir.b.r Bras. 141 S. Liberty I'hone &S0. ti PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397 .1. Shop 127 Unioa street. A. L. Godfrey. By Alexander TO SOOVE NMLS AKD TO PICK. RADIATORS, FENDERS. ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES mad or repaired. J. C. Bair. 233 Stat Bt. REPAIRQtO ALV1N B. STEWART 817 Court St r Umbrella. Cutlery and Key '" I.awnmowers. razor-blade, acissbrs. knives and tools sharpened. SCAVAKOSRS MAYFIELD SCAVANGER SERVICE. Garbage and refusal of all kind ro moved. Phone 19F3. , . ; ... ' r. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools cleaned snd deaf animal removed Garbsge and refuse of sll kind remov ed ty the month. Beaaonaol rates Phone: Office 529: residence 2058. SEC03TD BARD GOODS ' WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- lng and shoe. Beet price psid. Cap iul Exehango; 842 North Oemmertisl FhOD 1368W. BaBBBBaaaBaBBnaaBaaaBBsaBaaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBasaBiasav . STOVES AND STOVE REPAXRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 rear' experience. Denot National- fence, sixe 26 to 28 in. high. Paiata, on and varnishes, etc., loganberry sad hop hook.' Salem Fence and Btov Works, 250 Conrt street. Phono 12 4. TRANSFER AND HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSF- aoid goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving, w also snake coun try trip. W handle th belt coal and wood. Call oa us for prices. W giv good measure, good quality snd . good service. Laraer Transfer Co. Phono 930 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 228 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for wsrding and storsg out pocilty. Gat our rate . TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19FH TRANSPORTATION . PARKER'S STAGE LINE8 ' J. W. Parker. General Manager '- Central Stage Terminal . Salem. Oregon. . e . 1 e-j Mi Y-aDmr, T.T,rTJ!TSsi- ' Leave Salem, Central Stag Termlsal: 7 a. m ; 11 a. m.; & p. at. , Leaves Silvertoa Newa Staad: ! - , 9 a. m. : 1 o. m. o n. B. - SalemTndependence-Monmoulh Divlioat Leavei Salem, Central Stags Terminal: 7 a. m.: 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. at.: 1:10 p. at. s:10 p. m. Leave Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. a.; 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Bearer Hotol: $:80 a. sa.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. go 4 p. as.; 6:80 p. m. Leaves Central Stag Terminal, Sal for Dallas at: . 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m. S:10 9. Leave Gail Hotel, Dallas at . 8 a. m.; 1 p. as., 6:15 p. as, We make connections at Salem to aft parta of th va!ly. Extra trips by p otntment - . t W Pt BKPH. GeweeaT Vsssraf VETERINARIAN .'it ED W. LANGE, VETErMXARIAN Office 220 South Liberty. Phon1198 Res. Phone 1948.T. mOtt . : WATER ' ' s X l.EM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO Office. 801 South Commercial Bt, Tea p r cent discount oa domestie fig rates paid is advaae. No deduction) for absence or say eauao onto wtaj , la shut off yonr premise. WELL DRILLING - t R. A. WEST, RT. 6, GARDEN ROAD -- Third hopse west of Sweagle school 23 year experience drilling wslls 1 Oregon. Washington and Idaho, w ilw PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE To holders of building boads school district No. 1, city of Port land. Multnomah county, Oregon of the issue of October 1, 1910. j serial numbers 191 to ?50, Inclu- ' Kive, denomination $1000, interest as 4 M per cent. '. , . r Whereas, school district NO. lj city of Portland, Multnomah coun- ty. Oregon, by resolution 01 us board of directors, has determin ed to exercise its option to redeem and retire such building bonds of the issue of October 1, 1910, de nomination 11000. Interest 4V4, per cent, as bear the serial num bers 191 to 330, inclusive, on or before the first day of April, 15r24V Now. therefore, please take no tice, that the undersigned county treasurer of the county of Mult- nomah. state of Oregon, will, with in thirty days from the date of this notice, namely, on or before the Tirst day of April 1924, causa the same to be paid and redeemed, together with interest then duo thereon, upon presentation by .Iho holders thereof at the Chase Na tional bank, In the city Of Nev York, state of New York. ; You are further' notified that ,; upon your failure so to present v said bonds for redemption ; and payment interest thereon -"trill cease from an after the said first f day eff April 1924. - - Dated Portland. Oregon, l e&ru ary 28, 1U24. JOHN M- LKWIS. Coimtr Treasurer, Multncmah, cnimtv. Orecon. f28-m6-13-20 ' - ! Beautiful Oregon 6oso ... : and e'evn olher Oregmi Mng together with a fine rolIce.n of patriot ie s.tig Mercd songs and many old tun favonje 'i' ALL' FOR 25e " - j (Special Prices ia Quality IjoU) Especially a"fptaW for school, commun ;. ity or- bomo ing;ng. ; Sca-L Vo" Th Western X Pongf ter (78 past),; now1 in It third ed lioa. .,"(,. ; j - : '' - 5 " p Published by f ::V Oregon Teachers Monthly R c a d the Classified Adsi" bo. 1' sloe CHHoro f'"-; I tUOUALON, 381, i taU SL Sl