The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 01, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    Pag (Jrvins $
: :r Every1 SatilfdjMornirfe-
f (a for 1)uyii Groceries,
rirwjl save you money onjmuf
incurs ana rwxi Supplies.
table supply;
It t
No Evil Effect Declares A,
Andreson; Salerh Poul-
try Dealer
Thd ' egg grading latf, which
4 Roes Int6 effect Way1,' will not
hav-th evn eftecla the snialler
T poultrfrlrten art'rf Mtovha
it will havfi ...
-v.. IU All-
; oresen, palem poultry dealer, who
has used tW systeni for 'the last
"The" -ordinary merchant, par
ticularly those who handle eggs
In small lots, does not want to be
forced to grade his eggs," Mr.
Andreson 'said yesterday. "He Is
willing to receive them as they are
gathered by the farmer: and pass
them on to his customers.
"tndVr the riew law aH eggs
must be graded as to size?, cololr
anrf'naHty.' - The ejgs must now
be sold as puftet . eggs, for the
"YEA IkiAltY, TllAf 'S
- T1ITE JftltfiATJ',
and ' please d6nt buy any
other kind but Peerless af t-
'r this;'- We've tried other
kinds but we always - come
back1 to' Peerless loaf wev
have never lound Its' equal
In quality or flavor. ; It's
like ' the' best home made."
: "Always a bit better"
L, ;170 3f. Commercial
? h c " : 1 i y1; " i. VpT
. .v;
456 Court Street, Phohei 256-257
'- ' - " ' '
dozen Mpnopoli Dinijife Peas. $3.60
Lfeis 5 percent Jdl '48,
... , $3,42
tOne can fre with each- doien) .
uii dpieri ;cMoriopole;
Less 5 Der cent
(1 Cart
V ayzn assorted Monoriole: ,
,3 Tomatoes, 3 rumpkiri, 3. Spinach,
3 Kraut 22 size; ddzen:.-- $329
Llessr 5 per cent .16
(t Can
1 dozen American
I L&k'pcf'cenf
(1 Can
I dozen Monopole Assorted Fruits:
3 Strawberries; Raspberries, 3 ;
Blackberries 3 Loganberries, doz. $3.00
1 . Less 5 Der. cent - 15
i -
1 h dozen American
pion irea3.:.w.....-. -
dozen H. G. Prince No. 2Y2
Tomatoes ........ f. ..: -
Less 5,per cent
f (1
1 (.
We Carry 36 Day Service Account
smaller sizes,, first or extras, r dei
ponding. upon the size.'
! The new law Is welcomed by
tho larger poultrymen and those
who place eggs upon the market
In large Quantities, for under the
hew law they will receive more for
the better class of eggs.. The usuaj
prices will be paid for clean eggs
of a standard size, but the 'man
who offers a variety of eggs, dirty
and several-colored, will be the
One wh6 complains. This class of
trade is never particularly wel
comed, Mr. Andreson said, owing
to the amount of bother to the
t purchaser", wltO must grade tne
,er&s himself.
It Is only fair to poultrymen.
Mr. Andresonr said, in', that they
will market their eggs along a line
similar to that atfopted by the
prune men, who' receive' prices for
their fruit in proportion to the size
Articles of incorporation were
filed yesterday by the Interdeno
minational Church of the Four
square Gospel of Albany. Oregon.
The Incorporators are H. N. Cock
erline and several others. Assets
are valued at $200.
Articles were filed also by the
Arleta lOOP Hall association of
Portland. The incorporators are
0. R. Orendorff and others. The
capital U $40,000.
A permit to operate in Oregon
was issued to B. F. Shearer, Inc.,
a Washington corporation having
a capital of $20,000. Alfred P.
Dobson of Portland is attorney-in
tact for Oregon.
Notice of an Increase in capi-
taliation from $7000 to $50,000
was filed by the Rayme company
of Portland.
Blair Granite Quarries, Inc.,
Ashtanrf, incofpbrators, W. M.
Blair, E. A. Hicks. P. M. Kershaw;
capital, $100,000.
Oregon' Federation of Musical
Clubs, Portland; incorporators,
Lillian Jeffrys Petri, Mrs. WarreA
E. Thomas,- Elizabeth Johnson,
jrreaerfCic w. uoodricn; non-pro
The Kegero company, Portland;
incorporators, Ben Riesland, Stella
DbrialdsoiV, Ellen' S. Stones capital,
Oleson Lumber company, Port
land; incorporators', Charles Ole
sbn', Chariest. Olesow. Adolph
Matthies; capital, $25,000.
' ' " Western Service company, Port
land; incorporators, W. G. Kane,
Lee Tlmby, Emma Sundquiat; cap
ital $1,000. .
: v
Golden Bantanl
Free) $3.09
Glub' Early June
Free) $2.85
Club Little Cham
. .12
Can Free)
- r i
Report That Great Corn
"States Over Supplied
Brings About Drop
CHICAGO, Feb. 29. Estimates
that three big corn1 shipping states,
Illinois, Idwa and Nebraska, have
40,000,000 bushels more corn than
was the case a-year ago, did a
good deaf to' depress grain values
today. ' Corn 'closed weak, c to
Ti;S tc net lower. May, S0c to
Sr'c.- Wheat finished easy. c to
c down; May, $1.10 to $1.10,
and Julyr $1.10, with oats ic
to c off, and" provisions showing
2c to 10c decline.
From the outset corn showed
a decided downward tendency and
chWd at the day's bottom figures.
Tlie May delivery in particular was
under considerable selling
sure: Meannne the market
lacked aggressive snpport notwith
standing that wheat at first had
an upward slant as a result of
enlarged buying in anticipation of
an increase of the import duty.
Wheat, lik corn; closed at about
the day's lowest level. A number
Of the early buyers of 'wheat re
turned to the selling side, appar
ently on account of corn weak
ness. Oats, too. sagged with corn.
Demand for provisions was at a
Contracts for the new associa
tion now being" given consideration
by bankers and o'thers interested,
will be submitted to all prune
growers of the state at a series of
meetings in the near future, it
was announced yesterday by Ken
neth Miller, president of the Ore
gon Growers Cooperative associa
tion, who was in the city looking
over the new office location. The
contract at present is only in ten
tative form, he said, and as a re
sult of suggestions; several minor
changes have already been made.
These meetings will be held in
every district in' which prunes in
any quantity are raised. Meet
ings will be held in Salem, Dal
las, Yamhill, Forest Grovo, Scotts
Mills Shaw, Myrtle Creek, Rose
burg and in a few other places.
At a recent meeting at Indepen
dence Ira Powell of Monmouth
and Eugene Hayter of Dallas both
Of whom are engaged in the bank
ing business, we're named Polk
county representatives to the com
mittee of two bankers each' from
he five prune growing counties.
Ki. S wiett ; 9di
K. S rd wkst, ekd 901
Oat i, , 45o A 48t
Chest hy
f f1'
Clor hay, baled
iTicti ouoted are
wholesale sod' art
rieea, rcivd by farmers.
Ko retal
prices are itin . ,
CriiBifry btitter. .......a .51e 52c
Btitterfat deliTereU ...50c
Milk, per cwt....4
Ege, MlefU... .. 20
ntoadards 4 i.i. 100
Putlett 16e
Heavy keaa : !
Medium aod lirht hrne 14e
Fopi, top, 150-225 IfS., cwt.
tioga, top, zja-v7a, cwi
Horn. ten. 275-300, cwt
.0 05e
Lifbt I'awa, cwt...
Rourh heavy :
Top Veal, dressed.
Cews , 02 Vi
Top Iambs
jr . . ,
NEW YORK. Feb. 29. Evapo
rated apples quiet; prunes irregu
lar; Oregons weak 6 1-4 to 11c;
apricots firm; peaches steady,
choice 8 l-4c; extra choice 9e;
fancy 9 1-c; raisins quiet.
PORTLAND, Feb. 29.-f-Grain
futures: Wheat, bluestem and
.baart. March, April $1; soft white
western white, March, April 98c;
hard winter, . northern, spring.
western red,' March,' April 94c.
No. 3 eastern yellow shipment,
March, April $31.50.
Millrun, March, April $22-50.
PORTLAND, Feb. 23. Hay un
changed. SEATTLE, Feb. 29. Hay and
grain unchanged.
Cash: Wheat, No. 1 northern
$1:14 to $1.1&. No. 1 dark
northern spTlng. choice to fancy
$1.22 Vi to $1.29 good to
choice $1.18 to $1.21 V; ordin
ary to good $1.15 to $1.18 1-2
------------------------- ZT
They 'wllFasriist' in arkting the
prunes and In assisting the prune
growers in any way they may b
able. This meeting was the sec
ond of the county meetings being
held under the auspices of the
state bankers' committee. The
other meeting was held at Hills
boro. Marion county is expected
to hold its meeting in Salem some
time next month, at which time
two Marion county bankers will be
named for the committee. The In
dependence meeting was attended
by Kenneth Miller, prsident of th
Oregon Growers association, and
M. J. Newhouse, general manager
of the sarnie company. The meet
ing was well attended by Polk
county growers.
IBSA Establishes Big
Broadcasting Station
The International Bible Students
association (LBSA). witli nialn of
fice at li'4 Columbia Heights,
Brooklyn. New York, for some
time has had in course of con
struction a radio broadcasting sta
tion. It is Installing'two sets of
broadcasting equipment, the-small
er radiating 500 watts, and now
licensed as Class A equipment to
operate on 2 4 4-meter wavelength,
using the call letters WBBR. The
larger set is expected to be ready
for operation in the near future.
It is believed from xperiments that
there will be less interference on
this wave length than on a higher
one. The apparatus has been test
ed for several nights; and reports
indicate that listeners have hehrd
very distinctly.
The masts for the antennae are
constructed of wood, wlilc'h will
eliminate much difficulty that
! would result from a steel tower's
absorbing electricity. The masts
of this station are 200 feet hiuh
and set 300 feet aparti Mr. Ralph
II. Leffler, radio engineer, will be.
in charge of the station. Mr. L:
T. Cohen will be manager ot
broadcasting. j
The purpose of this station is
entirely educational. It will broad
cast scientific neWs, news of in
ventions, matters of political in
terest, musical programs, both in
strumental and vocal, readings bn
diet, health, hygiene, etc, general
reports of world news, Bible in
struction, Bible questions and an
swers, and featuring especially BU
ble lectures by Judge Rutherford,
the president ot the association.
and all next week, which i$ National
Canned Goods Week: 10 pel cent off
the regular price on all tanned fruit,
vegetables and fish in dozen lots. You
can' buy a dozen assorted if-you wish.
Dozen Fresh Eggs
Ginger Snaps, pound 15c
Carnation Milk, can 10c
Best Valley
2 Old Butch
Best Creamery Butter 48c
Boiling Bjeef Pot Ham
Beef Roasts Roasts burger
; 8c 14c i2c 15c
- -
Pork . . Fresh
Shoul S?Se Pork Smeh
. ers w htik 21f?- Steak 4 lbs. f or I
13c 35 c 15c 25c
;- -- ' ' ' - - - 1
We Piy I$c Cash Today for Eggs
Damon s iflarket
Fresh Meats
Early Show of Strength I
, Reversed' Later in Day's
. Selling
XEYV YORK, Feb. 29. After
an early show of strength and
activity in practically all sections
of the list, prfcfcs ;turned react ion
I ary today and there was a per
ceptible lessening in the volume
! of trading in the afternoon.
Overnight buying orders gave
the market an upward the
outset and influenced numerous
professional bears to cover, but the
activity subsided toward noon and
considerable short selling appear
ed, particularly in the northwest
ern railroad issues.
The relatively poor showing of
fourth quarter earning of Sttide
baker depressed that stock nearly
two points, and fell
about three points on unconfirmed
reports that some new financing
was contemplated. j
A few of the independent steels
also moved forward on the day,
coppers and sugars generally con
tinued irregular downward.
Foreign exchange rates were ir
regular with a relatively narrow
range. Demand sterling recorded
a slight gain at $4.30', but
French francs reacted aftr yes
terday's smart advance, losing two
points at 4.19 He Belgian francs
climbed to 3.65 i&c, and most of
the other continental exchanges
were steady. The Spanish peseta
moving counter to the seneral
trend, fell S points to if. 5 7c for
a new low for the year. Japanese
exchange also moved lower, clos
ing at 44.75c. .
Call money opened at per
cent and was ( advanced around
noon to 5 per cent, reflecting the
For Superior
Groceries and
5 , Visit the
Corner J2th and Center Sts.
j" . r
snaii' values
. - r
Flour $1,25
Cleanser 15c
Coffee 40c
month-end requirements.
Time money continued quiet, .with
quotations unchanged at 4 and
,." per cent.
Oxford Statistics Point to
Vogue of Girls and Gaiety
OXFORD, Feb. 7 (Mail.
There is a surplus of 4,"00 mar
riageable women In this town,
which has a total population or
only 57,000, according" to the een-
sits returns.
The statistics show that Oxford
is a city of youth, leisure-and the
professions, these three- classes
making up more than 37 per cent
o( the entire male population. The
largest group, of inhabitants is
that af the age of 2j, and more
than one-sixth of the' whole popu
lation falls within' the ages of 1H
and 25. Girl students at the uni
versity total onlyv 521 airainst a
total of males Of 2.38S. The city
has 210 tavern keepers, 3S boat
builders, and 482 persons, men
and vomej, engaged in the tailor
ing trade.
Railway S'm-s Truck Driver
LOS ANGELfiS, Cal., Feb. 27.
The Southern Pacific company-has
filed suit against D. B'. Cowan for
the recovery of S00.
The action was based on the
allegation that a truck owned by
Cowan.-crashed into a freinht trafn
operated by the plaintiff. Tho
railway's train and right-of-way
were said to have leen damaged
in the sum of $450, .
March 1st to March 8th has been designated to be known as
National Canned
sorrie very attractive prices on quantity lots.
Libby's sliced Pineapple, No.
21., each? 38c; V doz. .$2.85
Libby's grated Pineapple, No.
1 flat each 14c; dozen
Royal Club sliced Pineapple,
No. 2, each 29c; dozen .......
Royal Club sliced Pineapple,
No. 1 flat 20c; dozen
Del Monte sliced Pineapple
No. 2, each 32c; dozen
Del Monte sliced Pineapple
No. 1 flat 20c; dozen $2.20
Solar Brand broken slices,
No. 2, each 26c; dozen $2.75
Fountain Brand Strawberries
each 22c; dozen $2.40
Del Monte Strawberries, No.
2, each 35c; dozen $3.85
Fountain1 Loganberries, No.
2, per can 18c; dozen
Del Monte Fruit Salad 2i2
48c; dozen "
Princess Fruit Salad, 2
43c; dozen
Princess Yellow Cling Peaches
No. 2V,each 30c; dozen ..$3.35
Royal Purple Prunes, 2t4,
each 20c; dozen
Libby's Pumpkin, solid pack
No. 2 Vis 20c; dozen
Monopoly Kraut, Nol 2
each 15c; dozen
Del Moctte Kraut, No. 22
each 18c; dozeti
Milford Country Gentlemen Corn,
No. 2, each 19c; doz. .
Royal Club Maine Corn,
each 19c; dozen
Del Monte Corn, each 19c;
dozen ...X
United quality standard
2 each 1214c; dozen
Roj-al Club' tender sweet
Nor. 2, each 22c; dozen
Royal Club little Gem
each 37c; dozen
Royal Club Jewel,. No. 2,
dozen ."....:..;: $3?5
Phone 14
Finn sol k
San Pedro Cucumbers Sell-
at 35 Cents Each
New in Market
Long, slender cucumbers from
Ean Pedro ar available now in,
the Saicm vegetable market and
are selling at 35 cents each. Nice
cauliflower may be had at 20 cents
a head but it is not plentiful.
Imperial vaHey head lettuce Is
selling at from 10 eents a head
to two for 25 cents. It is of good
solid quality and reasonably plen
tiful. Walla Walla onions are retail
ins at two bunches for 15 cents.
Florida peppers are selling at 35
cents and are of good quality.
Rhubarb is retailing at 20 cents
a; pound and Is a welcome addi
tion to the spring market basket.
Florida grape frait is selling
at 10 and 15 cents ,aIece while
oranges range from 30 to 70 cent
a dozen.
Eggs were retailing yesterday at
two dozen for 45 cents.
Say Films Misrepresent
National Life to Foreigners
American motion pictures
All Over the World
tii :tssE$
1 to
Goods Week. During this time we will have
Der Monte medium size' Peas
each 19c; tfozenv.i..-.!....-,L;j,
Del Monte smalt size Peas, each
. .$2.20
-5 -
Corn, No.
Peas, No. 2,
are proving a handicap t: Atnert
can missionaries, according itQ a -
report read st a meeting ot tha
department of christian social er-
vice and institutions of the Episco-
pal chnrch of this dIoce8e;'r,'77't'":i
American women are portrayed
in these films as "danco hall girls
who moke cigarettes ' and -drink j
heavily," 'the report said. "Ameri-
can men are looked upon as bar- '.
baric savalge who drink whiskey s;
like water; carry: two guns ikndja" $
bowie knife and kill' thelr:fellow r
mn; as a pastime, if doehxrek.'
Particular difficulty ia . -experK-,
enced by missionaries ; trhea ,sucb. :
niefnrea ara chnvn In nlln.hf'
Canton, Shanghai, Calcutta v and
Jerusalem the report eoireluded.
Picture Bold Itnff ' -
TILLAMOOK,- Feb. 24.Leetei'
CK Danfels will ship today to J,1j
Pelton, of" Eden, Idaho" by express
a fine yearling Jersey bull. Tha1
blooded youngster is "Madge's So
phi Lad." one or th finest young
Jersey bulls ia the' northwest, bOthi
in pedigree and foi'hi. J Mr. Feltdn, -the
buyer is prbmftien fer&y
breeder of Idaho, kod brought tho
Tillamook cair wlfhdur seeing: It,
depending upon its picture, in a
stock Journal and Its ,flne ' pedi
gree. '
This calf's dam is a silver med
al daughter-Of the silver"1 medal -senior-her
sire oir the- Daniels
Jersey- farm.
,S v
... j.
24c; dozens.... .......$2.65
Del Monte Petit Pois Peas
each $5t; dozen ...... 0
Lake view ungraded Peas p ' -i
each 13c; dozen .....$45
Del Monte cut string beans ' t r "
No. 2, each 24; dozen $265 .
Waldorf cut Beans, No. 2 -v ? j :
each 14c; dozen J..$l;55
Solid Pack Tomatoes Zfo
each 14c; dozen .$1.66
Royal Red Tomatoes, No. 2 :
each 13c; dozen .....$1.45
Van Camps Pork and Beans,
large, each 22c; dozen $2;40
Van Camps- Pork- and Bean's,- v " ;i
medium 11c; 'dozenf .........,. .$1.2a
Van Camps Pork and Beans,
jsnrall 9c; dozen ..:: $f.00f
Armour's Pork and Beans, ;
small, 6c; -ddzen'; .....'.'.:;!: ..$6c :
Armour's Corned Beef, No. 2
tin, each 42? dozen $4.80
Libby's Roast Beef; No. I tin 1 r:"
each 27c; dozen ;. $2L85
Libby's Alaska Red Salmon,
No. 1 tall, each 27c; dozen $3.00
Libby's Alaska Red Salmon; -' "
No. 1 flat, each 3tc; dozen ..iSJ6
Del MoAtfe Sockeye SalmoW '
No. 1 tall, each 28c; dozen ..... ..
Tenlno Salmon, canned at The'4'
Dalles, a 1st grade" Columbia
river salmon. No. 1 flat each '.Jl...5c
Broncho Pink Salmon,5 No.' 1
'tall, each 15c r dozen . $1.65
Libby's Ripe Olives; 5 oz. .. 14c
Libbfs Ripe Olives, 18 oz. 27c
Libby's Ripe Olives, quart .....ASe
Royal Club Coffee, per lb. ... ...42c
Royal Club Coffee, per 5 lbs. ..$2.00
Pea berry Coffee, per lb: . ; 3tc
Johr9on'sPride Coffee, per lb: ...31C'
Economy Blent! Coffe,- per lbs -vi5e
Barton's Bacon, med. weight per lb. 19e
Barton's standard Bacon, per .lb. S.J26c
Barton's W Hams, per lb.:w...5c
4S6f Slate St.
:2&5 Feet ojlfarking Space
May $1.14 1-2; July $115 ; Sep
tember $1.15 3-8.
at f,.r-!-T t ,; .i. ,
buT tjr-; 4
J. ?
. . 1