ill -,- -V-' - . Don't spend .your Money Blindly Head the Advertisements There's just oneway to make your dollar stretch . ; Read the Ads. i' J 1 ? ! ' 1 SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY. 26, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS ; c3 3 rvn n r j A . '9 . n - - , . -'-aJ . .. nnrnn nxnni j: :lmrllll ITI7 "S-r, tM'tl.Vrlil ; Ulatllot btl b I :r V B M .1 ... -Ti k a a ii IWJkUJr ni uuu in . 4 Hoof and Mouth Epidemic in V bainomia Brings uiose , ; Supervision in. Oregon Herds - ; STOCKMEN'S LOSS i EXCEEDS $250,000 i k nnn rntti nnri o nnn i ; Hogs Ordered Destroyed" in, California ' pOTtalKD Or.? Feb. 25.Co- ( operation of -all residents of Ore gon with state and government of ' flcials to keep the hoof and mouth 'disease, now epidemic in Californ ia, ont of Oregon, Is urged in a ffttatement Issued today by Dr. Sam D, Foster, inspector In. charge of Hhe tuberculosis eradication divis- ion'of the United States bureau of tanimal industry. . Dr. , Foster declares that foot land mouth disease la the most ser ious that can strike livestock. . r ? -1 ' " -"" :-: " ' "T. t -.I;.: , i ; Close Shops ' San Francisco, Feb. 2 5.- As ad--dltlonal precaution against spread of the dreaded hoof and mouth f disease, the San Francisco board of aaperriaors , today passed ; an (ordinance requiring closing of all Dutcner snops at p. m. on wees rlni deliieries of meat at -hours when city meat inspectors are on . I1ULV. It WAS Bald. J No further extension of the present quarantine had,een ord ered tonight. v ' The loss to lirestock owners so far is estimated at $250,000. Fifteen thousand head of cattle and 9,000 hogs hve bee nordered destroyed by the authorities. - v Money Needed OAKLAND, Cal., r Feb. 23. .Emergency appropriations of $2, 000.000 bv concress for Use in the tflght in California against the jhoof and ,,mdutli disease will ; be asked, it was announced here late ftoday following ' a conference - of .state, city and federal officials. j The money would be used chief ly io lncieninuy owners muusc hogs, cattle and sheep are destrby- Vd. I OLYM PI A Wash- Vei. 25. Quarantine order, effective Tnes rday. February 26. prohibiting the importation' of all livestock, horns, hoofs, hides,! dog. ? Wrda, let ock, hayj feed, biological and pacing material from California Jnto the fitate of Washington wa Jxsued by Director R. h. French ftf the department of agriculture 1 State veterinary Inspectors will e stationed in Seattle, and Spo kane, and possible other, cities to assist federal Inspectors to head ff-shipments Into this tate, it was jnnnnnrt ' ''The discovery Saturday of cas 1 of hoof and mouth disease in the counties of Alameda. Napa, Sa jano and Contra Costa in Califor hla brought about the quarantine rder " Mr. French announced. rtnmentH of livestock, from any itate which may subsequently de velop cases of the disease will be tarred by the order. Dogs, birds JindDet stock may enter only af ter being properly disinfected. AH .Backing materials such as hay and rtrw. and all horns, hoots and ,h!des must either be destroyed or disinfected. All railroad cars ;1 (Continued on page Si) ; JHE WEATHER r t OREGON Occasional rain Tuesday; moderate to fresh southwesterly winds. i j LOCA1. WEATHER jf , v (Monday) Maximum, 57, Minimum. 44. ' River 3.10- Falling., Rainfall, .36. Atmosphere, Cloudy. Wind, Southeast. RTOW IMPROVEMENT BILS ; SILVERTON, Ore., Feb. 25. (Special' to The States man.) -Three out of four civic improvement measures that were on the ballot at a special election in Silverton today were carried by good majorities. The measure that Was lost was one proposing the pro viding of funds for the, establishment of public toilets and rest rooms in Silverton, the vote being 144 for it and 173 against the measure. . .. 1 ; The vote on the measures that carried was as follows: 1 For an-additional fund lor fire fighting equipment, 232 for and 94 against. ' a. : Additional lighting fund,' 227 forvai0 98 against. j Charter amendment providing 'for' better sewage and drainage, 177 for and 151 against I Considerable feeling was aroused over the defeat of the measure proposing public rest rooms and toilets for the rea son that Silverton is now entirely lacking in these conven iences. . DIE sin OUT FOR PRESIDENT Missouri Senator , , Attacks McAdoo Former Cabinet . Man Being Groomed (By Taa AucUte4 rrcwl isT. LOUISr ,Mo , Feb. 25. Uhited States : Senator James A. Reed, informally opening his cam paign for the democratic presi dential y nomination" tonight, de clared that In his opinion "not one- tenth , of "the . corruption and in iquity which has existed is yet laid bare." in referring to the oil lease disclosures. He charged that William Gibbs McAdoo, former secretary of the treasury and an opponent for tbd nomination, expected to receive $1,034,000 in legal fees from E. L. Doheny, oil magnate, the Charles W. Morse interests, and motion picture concerns, although he "did not appear in a single law suit." He reviewed the oil scandal and said the disclosures "warranted him In saying that the people- of the United States were, by bribery. deprived of these great oil deposits upon which the nation must rely In tho hour of extremity. ItALElGII. N. C. Feb. 25; The first definite move in Nortel Carolina looking to the nomina tion of Josephna Daniels, former rsecetanr of the navy, as the dem ocratic candidate for president was taken here tonight with the issu ance of call by a score of proml nnt men for a meeting of demo crats of the state In this city Thursday night to organize a Daniels for president club. HE DEALT IN OIL Gives Out Statement Saying He Bought Sinclair Stock - While ih Cabinet WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. At torney General Daugberty today publicly acknowledged that he had dealt in Sinclair stock before and since he entered the cabinet, de clared he never misused official Information in these tranaacuons and renewed his , willingness to submit all the tacts In any, inves tigation the senate might order. In an open letter to Senator Willis. Republican, Ohio, Mr. Daurherty said he bougbt some Sinclair stock before he became attorney general and finally suf fered a losa of 528 a share. Six months-; after Teapot Dome was leased, to the Sinclair in this, ho old iart of his stock in an effort to recoup losses. Later he bought back the same amount at a slight ly lower price and finally slod last fall, his entire, share holdings. , DHininiTs iPASSES SulIbed Safe Blown By Experienced Crook Clothing and" Food Main Loot . : Men familiar with blowing safes were responsible for the robbery of two St. i Paul stores Sunday nightl according to Deputy Sheriff Sam Burkhart, who spent Monday inyestigating the robbery.. Deputy Burkhart based his" opinion upon the . way in which the safe was blown, for though the lock itself was neatly blown off, the doors of the safe were not sprung. This, he said, could be accomplished only by men or a man familiar with handling the explosive. From the dry goods and gro cery store owned by D. L. Vande Wiele there were stolen 90 dozen eggs, two sacks of sugar and "shoes for the family," for all classes of footwear were reported missing by the proprietor, several pairs in each classification being stolen- From the postof f ice and drug store owned by Peter McDon ald was taken a sack of sugar and a sack of old coins. It was in the first store that the safe was taken to the storeroom at the rear where sacks of salt were piled around it to deaden the noise of the ex plosion."' 4 In view of the robbery taking place .in a building occupied by a postofffce." the matter was taken up with Lyle J. Page, federal com missioner, for f this district, who will prosecute If the rob&er or rob bers are captured. Governor of Montana Among Those Pushed for Denby Successor WASHINGTON', Feb. 23. In itial consideration given by Pres ident Coolldge to selection of a successor of Edwin Denby as sec retary of the navy has resolved about Joseph M. Dixon, governor of Montana, and James E. David son, republican national commit teeman from Michigan. Inasmuch as Mr. Denby's retire ment from the cabinet does not be come effective until March 10, and - because of more immediate pressing questions, the president, it was. said today at the White House, has considered the filling of the navy post only in a pre liminary way. It was acknowl edged, however, that a number of telegrams and letters had been received endorsing both Governor Dixon and Mr. Davidson.- STRIKE CALLED HAVANA. Feb. 2 5. ( By Asso ciated Press.) The United Rail way and Dock Workers strike has been settled. - Dixon HIID FDR CABINET JOB i.'n - ', . 1 .'. ;-; i-t - : ' ' if : i . - ' ihu "ill ;:!.' i. cva. s . ''.n-- . .atitA i rnTitr T.iu My- ri ni niiiin t p i in I - - taint :iu "ssasmiJ bLtir I tub mmm Mmm . tiiii ittt ' - " ' .( 'V ;, ; i - , . Gift Tax Amendment Before House at Adjournment- Republican Organization y Fights Both . r COMPROMISE IS HOPED FOR ON FINAL VOTE Administration Spokesmen Promise to Carry .'Mellon L Plan to People WASHINGTON. Feb. 23. An increase in the estate or inheri tance taxes was voted into the revenue bill in the house today by a combination of democratic and republican insurgent forces. Another proposal of the coalition a gift tax was before the house when it adjourned. .-' Both amendments were attack ed by organization republicans'. The estate tax raising the rates all along the line on the, same brackets as now contained in the law to a maximum of 40 per cent on the amount by which the es tate of a decedent exceeds 110. 000,000 instead of the present 25 per cent rate, was adopted, ISO to 110. 3ift Tax Proposed Representative Ramseyer, repub lican,. Iowa, submitted the estate tax amendment and Representa tive Green republican, Iowa, chain man of the ways and means com mittee, proposed the gift tax, which will be voted on tomorrow. About six democrats voted against the estate tax amendment which was supported by about 30 repub licans, including Chairman Green on a division vote. An amendment also was voted to allow credit for estate taxes paid to states up to 25 per cent of the tax levied , by the federal government This was proposed by Representative Frear, republi can insurgent, Wisconsin, in re ply to the argument of Represen tative Mills, republican. New York, that an increase in this tax would make it a permanent part of the federal taxation system and erentually deprive states ?of a vital source of their revertue." Republican organization leaders remain hopeful of a compromise on the income rates when a final vote is taken on the bill, notwith standing the continued coalition of democrats and insurgents. Ad ministration spokesmen let it be known I hat if their tax reform program as carried In the Mellon bill doos not get through at this session, ft will be brought up again next winter. Secretary Mel lon believes the country will show Ita .favor toward his plan at the elections this fall and that its success in the next congress will be assured. Representative Frear, speaklnR for the republican insurgents, is sued a statement today declaring his group was not disturbed over the Longworth compromise for a 25 per cent reduction in the sur-j tax rates, which would cut the maximum to 37 per cent in- stead of the 44 per cent now In the bill. He called upon MrJ Lone- worth to make public his plan so that study might be given it. Mr. f rear also denied any formal coalition with the democrats, de daring the insurgents supported the" democratic plan because It tai .. .... was me next nest plan to our own," : The entire day was spent on the estate tax contest, but with a vote in sight early tomorrow on the gift tax proposal. Chairman Green said tonight he expected reading of the bolll to get well into the excise rates by tomorrow night. where another fight Impends on proposed reductions . in. the auto mobile taxes. ' Mr. Green proposed rates of 1 to 10 ?pef cent on gifts, starting at amounts. in excess of :$1 0,000 and applying , the maximum rates on amounts exceeding" $46,000. He announced tonight, however, that he would amend this tomorrow to make the same rates as carried in the.' estate' tax ; voted today appli cable to the gift-tax. - i . .5 ay ' HAIi D. PATTOX Salem Man Announces He Will Seek to Represent First District Within the next lew days H' 1:. Patton, 'Salem merchant, who Iras been identified with state and local politics and the republican party for years, will file with the secretary of . state as candidate for election as delegate to the re publican national convention from the first congressional district of Oregon, he announced Monday. If elected, Mr Patton fieciared" he would pledge thls support to the choice of the Oregon people as1 ex pressed at the primary election. Mr. Patton is at present a mem ber of the city council and during his residence in Salem has been a member of both hoasea of the state; legislature. He was pres ident? of the Salem Republican club and one c! the organizers of the Youna; Men's Republican club In addition to being a slate cen tral committeeman. He was elect ed to the house of representatives in 1&08 and to the state senate in 1910, serving through, the ses sions of 1910 and 1&12. Mr. Patton was recently named at a delegate from AI Kader tem ple of the Mystic Shrine, to the national convention in Kansas City, June 2 to 5 inclusive. He said yesterday thai whether or not he is ek-eted as a republican del egate, h: wit! attend the national convention in Cleveland when it opens .lulu 10. TWODiUS FOLK Mrs. George Harms and Frank Regier Die of In juries' in Accident OREGON CITY. Or., Feb. 25. Frank Regier and Mrs. George W. Harms of. Dallas, Or., were in jured fatally and George Harms, husband of the woman; ' P. P. Kroecker , also of Dallas, and Jacob Martin of Main Center. Sask., suffered serious injuries when an automobile in whjch they were riding was struck by a south bound passenger train at a rail road crossing north of here today. Regier and Mrs. Harms died of their injuries shortly after they were brought to the hospital here ine automobile party was on its, way to Portland. Harms, who was driving, failed to see the pas senger train coming souths Two other automobile drivers, ahead of Harms, saw the approaching1 train and stopped to let it pass. Harms went on. Although the engineer did every thing In his power to attract tha attention of the driver, the loco motive struck the machine just as It reached vthe center of the track. Parts of the - automobile were scattered for some' distance, and the occupants pitched in every direction. The' wreck of the'anto moblle caught fire and was soon a mass of flames. The train, trav eling about 2 S or 30 miles an hour, was. stopped within six car lengths. PATTON ASPIRES TO C0HT1 KILLED HICK New Mystery Develops - as Result of New Information on Famous , $100,d00 Loan to Fall BANK RECORD BROUGHT TO DISPROVE LETTER Senators Find Out McLean Did Not Have That Much Money at Time Stated WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. Turning Its attention once more to the McLean-Fall incident at Palm Beach, the senate "oil committee today secured on behalf of the White House a, positive disclaim er of any previous inside informa tion on the subject; and develop ed a new mystery rejarding the now famous $100,000 loan which Albert B. Fall obtained while he was in the cabinet. C- Baseom . Slemp, secretary to President Coolidge testified that he not only had no prior know ledge of the truth regarding the loan, but that, he discussed the subject at Palm Beach with both Fall and Edward B. McLean, pub lisher of the Washington post, and urged that they, dispose of the many rumors .in circulation , by telling the committee the whole story. ,' . - Banks ,2erled. F .SwJ., Promising to tell all, Mr. Slemp said, McLean testified before Sen ator Walsh, democrat, Montana, on the same day that he had giv en Fall two checks aggregating $100,000 late in 1921, but that they had been returned to him un cashed. Today, however, thV. com mittee learned from an examin ation of records of Washington banks that the publisher did not have an aggregate of $109,000 on deposit at that time in the banks on which he said the checks were drawn. Having learned that Mr. Slemp had conversations with both Mc Lean and Fall regarding the oil scandal at Palm Beach last month, Senator Walsh will seek tomor row to ascertain whether ; any in dividual members of the commit tee communicated by telegraph or telephone with either of them at the Florida resort or with Fall at Now Orleans. After hearing Mr. Slemp, the eommlttee received from H. Foster Bain, director, of , the bureau of mine, testimony that Fall had (old him that the contract with the Doheny interests for oil tank storage at Pearl Harbor,: Hawaii had been discussed by the cabinet and that Attorney General Da ugh - erty had made no objection to It. The attorney general in! a letter today lo .Senator .Wills, republican, Ohio, again denied that he had given an oral or written . opinion as to the legality of the oil leases and at the same time stated he had pnrcnased stock of the Sin clair consolidated oil company af ter he came into the cabinet, but had sold it at a loss. Taning the oil discussion again to the floor of the senate. Sen ator Walsh charged that the repub lican national committee news bureau had made a "deliberate and malicious" misrepresentation of the facts in its statement of yesterday that the-naval oil leases were made under the general leas ing act -of February 1920, which he had sponsored. Replying In a statement tonight the' news bureau asserted that Senator Walsh's declaration that the leases were made, not under this act, but under one passed In June, 1920, was "a quibble for the purpose of misrepresenting the facts. ' . . Xot to Call .McAdoo Chairman Lenroot and others of the oil committee indicated that there was ' no intention f to recall William G.i McAdoo, a. candidate for the ' democratic ;.. presidential nomination ' ' for '.questioning i re garding . his statement Saturday that hig then New, York law, firm would have received an additional tee of $800.000, It the negotiations , .-'tContlnued'on page.)." : FILE mm Business Administration Promised by .Con tractor if Elected-rSome Accomplishments of Present Mayor Cited Both Are Active in Public; Playgrounds John B. Giesy and Fred Erixon will .both be candidates for mayor. Erixon filed his candidacy for nomination in the primaries with City .Recorder Marten sPoulsen last night and it is a virtual certainty, that May or ..Giesy, incumbent, will today file as a candidate for renomination. 'If there are to ? 5 any other candidates they have not yet been mentioned, and unless another one or more do file the. outcome of the primary vote will be tantamount to election. V : ... ... : Erixon's petitions appeared yesterday, and- Giesy's were prepared .last night. and .are.ready for circulation. Erixon's declaration was taken to the city recorder arlier in the day yesterday, but because of a slight defect was returned tothe candidate for correction. , J C . . . 1 1 : "A business administration by a MONDAY IN ASHINGTON William Phillips, under, secre tary of state, was. nominated to be ambassador to Belgium. . - The house voted to increase the estate taxes carried In the revenue bill. . . r ' . ': "' " i ; Secretary .Weeks, before' the house insular affairs committee, opposed-Philippine independence.;" . The ; house Indian j committee proposed a joint Congressional In vestigation of Indian .adminlstra: tion affairs in Oklahoma. It was learned that Joseph M. Dixon, governor of Montana, is being seriously considered for sec retary of the navy. The supreme court held Invalid the act making state w'orklngmen's compensation laws applicable to stevedores working in vessels ly ing in navigable waters. President Coolidge told mem bers of the house pensions com mittee he was opposed to enact ment at this time of pension legis lation involving any considerable drain on the treasury. Attorney General Daugherty wrote a letter to Senator Willis, republican, Ohio, saying he had dealt In Sinclair oil stock, but had not misused official Information. The senate oil committee heard C. Bascom Slemp, secretary to the president, heard Washington bank ers testify as -to the accounts of Edward iB. McLean, then recalled for a' short time II. Foster Bain, director of the bureau of mines. ILL HE1KW Prohibition Agents Investiga tion Stopped McKey Is Prosecutor GOLD BEACH. Or., Feb- 25. Investigation was - begun . by Va grand Jury here today on charges against Paul Mumpower and A. B. Keil, state prohibition agents, charged with manslaughter in hav ing killed Lawrence Hare at Brookings, Or., during a liquor raid Today's session , was . brief as .one grand juror , became ,111, necessitating an adjournment un til tomorrow. v Judge John Childs, of Del Norte county, Cal., anda Collier H. Bui flngton, ; engaged by friends, xf Hare to aid the nrosecnUon with drew, trom; the, case today, j They ha4 expected to participate in the questioning before the grand Jury, hut Miles H. McKay reprt8entttlTe Of tie attorney general's bfllce ob. Jected on the grounds that their appearance would be illegal, . , 61DJU1 V j ..., ?' ..... ... . ... - I 'Movement. h business man" Is Erixon's slogan that will, appear after his name on . the ballot, and the substance ot his platform is "a business-like ad--, ministration without fear- or fa vor' Mr. Erixon Is a member of the district board of trustees o( the i Kiwanis club, and a director ot the Salem chamber ' of commerce, tie belongs to the ttcs and -Masons and la a Shrlner. . In the &lk he is chairman pt the welfare com. -mlttee, I By profession, he Is a con tractor , and was builder of the state supreme court "tmfldlAg. Mr. Erixon has been active and aggressive in tie f public . pUy grounds movement, 4 but .. Mayor Giesy also ha's been extremely ac tive for this jslvlc enterprise. 7Ai mayor, - Mr.. Giesy, got; an appro priation in the city .budget for maintenance of the playground, so that it is now a city enterprise. Giesy recognized, Erixon's activity In the movement c by . appointing him chairman of the playground board of the city, after the approv al of the budget appropriation for that, purpose. . -rt ". , Numerous friends of the mayor have- Insisted that he .become . a candidate lor another ternu :.i Few complaints ; have .been registered against his. administration, and be lays claim to having taken the city council into hia confidence in all matters and to having, main tained harmony In the city (police departments . -, :" ,Of much Importance In the ad-v ministration during, the last year has been the - paving . program, which lias been kept up to sched- . ule. t Mr. ..Olesy', wag mainly . re sponsible, as a member of the city . council," fot.'tbo pavement; ot the Portland road from- the Doe store near the. fairgrounds north about a quarter of a. mile .across ..the Southern pacific tracks, which for a long time was the only nnpaved strip between Salem and Portland. Mr. and Mr$Qii!Ver Home From Three Months' Trip . ' W." Criif er, coooty road mas- . ter,. with Mrs. 'Culver ? returned Sunday night from a three month trip by automobile Into southern . California. - The Sunny California of etory A .Yery.dry Just.nowMv Culver says and he waw. glad to get back to Oregon. Y v . ..Mr,. Culver , has been on , leave of absense from the county; road master's .job : for several jnontka but said yesterday ho "hoped to be back on the Job In the near fu tUre.. ' ', . ' -. - . ', '. Governor Pierce Still -Improving; at; Hospital Governor Pierce continued to Improve yesterday at the Salem hospital where he underwent a surgical operation Saturday for re moval of the gall, bladder, From the hospital ; It was reported last night that the governor was rest ing comfortably. , He signed seve ral papers Monday that were taken to .hia room In. the hospital by his secretary.