.' ........ .. iwf nil The young woman as well as the young man needs a business training. They should know the methods of modern business if they are to succeed in life, i Many ypung women have taken their business training with us and are now holding down good positions, t , J " - - -i ' -' , STAPtT HERCIt uatiw now I from Spring Rum Parsley . creek for garden irrigation and domestic use in Lane county." W B. Menefee Lumber Company of Portland, covering the appro priation or water from Cartwriht creek for transportation of lumber in Lane county. Joe Kosydar of Spetz, covering the appropriation of water from a Hprlns tributary of Euchre creek, for domestic Lincoln county. purposes in Marsters Reappointed On State Fair Board it Of .1 df Till K1 .JTT?, yu . itj rVLU ISkZXZI X ROBEFTS IBS Pact Apartment on South Wintb Will Cost From$75,OOOr to $100,000 Contract for a three-story apart ment bousf, costing, between $75, 000 and $100,000; was let to A. S. Bills, contractor,; .by John ' J. - Roberts. The new apartment will t get under way immediately and will bare all the modern features such M dumb waiters, refrigerat- ' ora, fire-alarm system, telephone and. Janitor serviced ... .. The building will hare a ground area of 55 by 100 feet and will be located on South Winter imme . dlateiy south of the publiq library, as was announced Jn The States man some time ago. it wil con tain 19 two-room apartments and six. three-room apartments! Rein forced concrete will be used in its construction. ! Mr. Roberts said several weeks ''ago that he was ' contemplating , the building of another apartment house in Salem, declaring that he . believed 1 housing' conditions war i. ranted the Investment. The loca tion Is advantageous, he points out, In that It is close to the state house, and Willamette university and that employes, officials and Instructors In these two places , aeea a nearby location, in aririi Hon it is within easy walking dis tance or tbe business section, wlilch' can be reached In about uve minutes. A. C. Marsters, Roseburj; bank er, yesterday was reappointed a member or the Oregon state fair board. The appointment was an nounced by Governor Pierre. Mr. Masters has nerved on the boarJ for the past year and recently was elected president of the organiza tion. Mr. Marsters, under his lat est commission will serve for a term of four years. Milton A. Miller Named On Text-Book Commission Milton A. Miller of Portland, who is now a candidate for Unit ed States senator at the democra tic primary election next May, yesterday was appointed a member of the state text-book commission. He will succeed Harrison O. Piatt of Portland, who has resigned be cause of ill health. Announce ment of the appointment was made by Governor Pierce. PRATUM I Revival meetings will becln at the-Mennonite church Sunday eve- nmgj Feb. 24. The Pratum Braves lot in th Fruitland Sunday school class in a basketball game Tuesday night, 21 to 22T A basket social will ho the Pratum school tonight. Rev. E. E. Gilbert, district rhu- erintendent, will conduct com munion service at the Methodist Episcopal church here next Sun day. Measles are a -thing of the oast in this community. There. seems to be an unwritten law that upholstered chairs must n't get comfortable until the tapes try wears raged. f BITS FOR BREAKFAST I w Watch Salem grow n v The 1924 growth will be the greatest ever. V Robert Crawford, superintend ent of the state flax plant, arrived home from California yesterday. The flax growers are all up on their toes, hoping that the con tracts may soon be ready with a big increase in acreage over last year. It will likely be so. V A friend at the writer's elbow says you can't judge the length of a man's bank account by the length or his cigarette holder. Wc are not Boing to be able just yet to see what the top end or tlj North Pole looks like. President Cooiidge has stepped on the scheme to fly over it at the gov ernment's expensp, amounting to several hundred thousand dollars. The show isn't worth It. S The world's shortest poem: Et. tu. McAdoo. V S France is seeking a way to can cel her debts. When she finds it a Salem friend hopes she will pass the recipe along. s s Help make Salem the Petahuiia of Oregon. Help the Slogan edi tor prove that we have advant ages in the poultry industry, natu ral advantages, that beat Peta luma, Cal., a city block. S Rev. Hugh Walker says the Di vine Message is always on the air. What the churches have to do then is to provide the public with more radio outfits. Or perhaps teach them how to get the proper wave length. A lot of people evidently arc not listening in. Ixs Angeles Times. They used to say that the hand which rocks the cradle rules the world, but modern specialists on infant care won't let you rock the cradle. We know many better ways of bringing up children now than our parents and grandparents did which may be why our mod ern children are so much better reared than grandma and grandpa were. their mix last Thursday with Idaho local rans have garo doubts or whether the Pacific crew will have much chance to deliver, in an "earlier game the Badgers trim med the locals by a score of ;!3 to lit. If Willamette plays up to meir standard of last Thursday tho score may easily be reversed. Neither team is able to offer much in the way of brilliant past history Tor this season as both have lost almost all of their conference sanies. In the most recent games, the locals have a little the bet ter of the tallies " nthhnn will ulav his regular V fc - . . . - - w- . lineup of Fasnacht and Robertson, forwards, Logan, center and Pat ton and Erikson, guards. This combination has been adding speed and accuracy to their per formance in every game and pre dictions are that the bailie tues- v day night will find them playing In real con ferenco form. Robert son :has been stepping out with some brilliant floor work and Fas nacht is maintaining his position in fine form as star and high point man. - 1 1 m ! . : ; . . . .. v ' . 1 ' - ' 1 ' W ' v y -- 1 - . IIIMTTETE1 TO PLflV PSEiFICi Tomorrow the i'i'iii.shing touches will be Put on the practice per fecting the smoothness of the Wil lamette basketball machine and by tomorrow night the fighting Dear-I cat five v.-ill be in excellent con dition to renii revenge from the Pacific Badgers for their previous defeat this season. The score card for the season still favors the visiting Badgers, but after watching the perform ance of the cardinal quintet in WE PAY CASn FOR YOUR FURNITURE AND TOOLS Capital Hardware & Furniture Co. Best Prices Paid 285 N. Oom'l St, Phone 947 ZD ' Z3 3 Open, DV (o w SAVE MONEY By Buying Your SPRING SUPPLIES Now. We carry a complete line of garden tools, Hose, Etc. Capital Bargain House & Junk Co. Center and Front Sts., at the Bridge. LOOK HERE, DADDY! LET'S BUY OUR RUG NOW Five Water Anniinatinns . Rede,"v. By Engineer J xFive new applications for au thority to appropriate water In vcRon ior various uses were filed , iMt.week with the state ensineer iox department. ' F. If. Jofces of Klamath Falls, revering the appropriation of water from Ev - ana domestic purposes in Klamath county. i Charle E. Ruinelln of Portland covering the appropriation of water from the north for,k of Scap poose creek for domestic and man ufacturinc purposes in Columbia county. . .. ; : :i Roland Vanshn of Noti,! cover ing me appropriation of water DONT FAIL TO SEE Special Demonstration OF i 7Q .j .: DONT FAIL TO BUY At This Special Carload Price i t - . i ! -:-7 l 1 I . ( Closing uut Dtiort JLmes or oiioes Oxfords and Pumps all this Week - - Get a Pair at Greatly Reduced Prices, as We Must Room for a Big Line of Shoes Now on the Way IBe here FJJonday get your pqbf LADIES' SHOES LADIES' BLACK CALF, MEDIUM HEEL OXFORDS, regular 57 grades, most all sizes, to close out, go in mis sate ai $3.95 LADIES' BROWN CALF OXFORDS, low heel, regular 57 grade, while they last, go at $3.95 LADIES' NEW STYLE PATENT LEATHER OX FORD, the best looking $8 value you ever saw, goes ' . in this sale at $4.95 THE NEW BLACK AND BROWN CREASE VAMP, low heel oxford, the best selling shoe on the market, $9 values at $5.95 GREY SUEDE with black patent leather trim Oxfords, the best $8 value in the world; get a pair of these the first day at $4.95 NUDE OOZE with brown trim, regular $7 grade, most all sizes, flat hec!, a wonderful value, goes at $4.95 SELBY BROWN SUEDE OXFORD, all sizes, a very new style and the best $9 value we have; wesarc going to close out these wonderful shoes at $5.95 GREY SUEDE with brown trim, the best $7 oxford in Salem, these go while they last at $4.95 GREY STRAP PUMP with black trim, most all sizes, regular $8 value, to close out while they last at $4.95 TAN SUEDE with brown calf trim, two-strap, the best $10 value in our store; we have a few pairs, most all sizes, to go at - $5.95 BROWN KID STRAP, a very fashionable lightweight shoe, Cuban heels, all sizes, $9 value, go in this sale at $5.95 t m BLACK SUEDE, patent trim, a very new pattern, Cuban heel, all sizes; get a pair the first day if you want a pair at $6.95 GLAZED KID STRAP, Cuban heel pump, regular $8 value, a very new style; they will be a riot $4.95 the lot; take your choice $4.95 $3.95 1 ES last to close out go at $1.95 BOYS' DRESS SHOES, both in black and brown $5 value at $3.95 $7 value at Ncw Safe Wav To Remove Teeth Stains B B New IMNcorcr KlrarJics Dark :2 Ttjdh luHUuttij ! fM whirli 4ifcTtTr I'Mk atalu instantly. whitrntM and llr. Ti ntmr ifcatment H.nll4 Ifar BlrrhmJ-nl Combination. It rnnviktir of a ul miM ltnn4 a4 nrw liiud ( paK. Ta liqnid inatantlj- rordlrs er loiifni 111a Kiiint, wnna ma pMe re moves ihrm nud U wa4 Jaily pnrent tb frma4ioai of- fulnre tin. --Yiw jaat hrnh jour teeth with a lew Jron of the liquid. the . the iat, 4 befora ynur rtty evea youe trefc eqir rtear. flablng whileneaa that an tea times Ilia arourinf hy ,oltl-(kaia4 ' methoda eonld wild pffaratioti Jikr llleartindetrt -Vnm-binatioM be tiaed on tJildrea-f taelb. which are esKeciallr aubjert to stain and .da nr. lllrlmJ-Bt Comhtnation ta nmtr and lirmi-. fr Ha anild iasradiaaM are eje-iBllT. eowhwed I art. oalr, mi- in ty tirittr and ahiaidr dentU frir"k-lMMld Bfer he tiaed. ,-If want l)rklii;. wiilto, ptarly ucth ft Bleaea- fw rents. M all rood dealer, aucb a Ian'l. -J. Try. : I'trrya Tros htore. The Ontrnl riiaro-acr.; WottU ,- tUrar aad Your Saving on 9x12 Rug Other Sizes in Proportion Why buy inferior quality when you can buy the best guaranteed rug ai our amazingly low price. Quantity buying gives Ua the opportunity to orrer you tnese rugs at this special carload price. L 9x12 9x10.6 $10.89 $8.49 9x9 7.6x9 6x9 BOYS' HEAVY SHOES, a good $5 value, while they . MEN'S BLACK OR ItRnwv ., . ; 7 very newest styles, aT, Vui : ' $4.95 MEN'S WORK SHOES, regular $7 and $8 values all izes,lors and kinds to close out qukji Jf $4.95 BOYS' regular $7 high-top boots in both black and brown, best quality, to close out while they Ia8t at $3.95 MEN'S BLACK AND BROWN $7 OXFnnrw W a.l styles, ever, pair . n?ty tTp the sale at $4.95 One lot CHILDREN'S HIGH TOP SHOES, regular $6 values to close out, go at $2.95 GIRLS' PATENT LEATHER SHOES, the best $5 value in the city, to dose out at $2.95 $4.95 WannaaamaBBBBBBaoBnnnnnB . ''-'- - at ' : i : . - i RUBBER HEELS Put on every Wednesday L Bring I hem in any day and leave theiii for Wednesday. " i . i jntrjaib 5I10E Tot Tufa poBdiOii A V EetPMiRofll, TootAfflbww atrte MewiDlwftcM4fiK Chiropodist Bring your foot troubles to Dr. Williams who has been practicing 13 years in Ore gon and in Salem for 2 years. Why suffer? when he can give you instant re lief for all your foot ail ments. Results' are what count. . - j,. , By Appointment Phone 616. Hours 9 to 5:30 ' I . . 4. i i V :t i At Ti ' i i - r Jjilleti'a. - ;. , v.t-