1 - i" ' " " -THE OBEGON STATESMAN' SALEM;- OREGON SUNDATMOIlNlNG,EBnUAtlY 2i. 1024 7;' r i , , , fferinss and CommitiEi 1 1 ED AOS- fcyQf F wants A . J1 i a , - . tj , pA ROOM AND i "A THREE CLEAJ j i H t 3 . 4':' r 'A J e- i st- ..-rt rn e. n- i b , ' Jo ' ho ' ra of " or .; k- i4 . f ' 30 tl a :s no ad r- ar ew r. ris ' r-n ;nt the ur-' ltb )ut ks. the. to. Ct t '4 ' ' ' i i .V CLASSIFIED i Phone 23 Advertising Dept. &A8smxD adyutisements Bate per vorii PW Insertloa ," " Tare Jaaarllaaa '-; 2 6 NORWICH UNION FTRX INSURANCE SO0IXTT W. H; Bart-hard, Jr. ImUmI Ageat $71 State St, Money To Loan Oa Real Iitiu T. K, FORD (Over Ladd a Bum Bank) FOR RE XT 2 .FOR RENT SHOEMAKERS SHOP. FIL- uai aieiioa ana garage. 1B10 North Commercial. . 2-f24 r FOR RENT Apartment 2a FOR BENT FURNISHED, MODERN tnree room apartment, rbone 2093 J. Call, 112 Uniea St. 2a-f.4 1 I 4 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, I i wita priwu Oal, close la. Call at 303 f Oregon, bide. 2a f lOtf I iKEW APARTMENT WITH ALL M0D 1 i era conveniences. Far inspection or rea- i arratioaa call Patio Book Stora. jiFOR RENT APARTSTENT, " ' furnished. Commercial a tree S ROOMS I a tree t, near State . h- rnce isu aiu. 2a-fa7w OR RENT APARTMENTS, Sal NO. jommereial. FOR RENT TJoosea 2b I MOST BEAUTIFUL. HOME, LARGE SUN t. room, hard wood floors, sunken gar i den. shade -tree. Reduced to $8000. Utrtrude J.. M. Page. 2b-f20tf ' FOR RENT) S ROOM APT. 25 7 " I 6 room house $40 r 6 roont honse $30. - ; Gertrude J. M. Page. 2b-f20tf klODFRM HOUSE 123J N. LIBERTY at reel. 2b-f24 FOR RENT ROOM. HOUSE, rURNI8H- i ed. With garage. Phone 123tSK. 2b nil- fOUSB AND APARTMENTS - 2 058 J. 2b-mll FOR RENT Rooms 2c FUR RENT TWO ROOM FURNISHED . apartment, 444 South High. 2e-f27 NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR I -rant. Near State House. Modern. $3.50 i ! a week. 253 North Cot Use. Phone 1709W. 2e-f J4 IfiMUf AN D 'BOARD WITH HOME Priv- ilerea. Phone 1942J. ' 2e-f27 FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND . t sleeplaf rooms. Leonard hotel, 2S4 N. ! Fronl street. fBINTED CARDS. BIZK ;14" BY TVfc" J i wordinc Furnished Rooms," price 10 eeau eaeh.a Btateemaa Business ux ' . ! fioe. Oroaad floor. ,TWO OR THREETfCRNISHED HOU8B i t keeping rooms, 555 Ferry. 2e-f26 GARAGE FOR RENT CapitoL Call 1880W. 3e-f37 THREE CLEAN -MODERN FURNISHED rooms. ' iseaaonaoie. """ North High. 2eji4 f FOR RENT, UXFURNISHED Rooms fint j floor, aligns ana water. w -"" I beating atove eonnecieo. ""f" ; -t r.nitoK Also utw 5 room bunga low, phone 30. Ba-f24 d m-VT ITN'FIIRNISHED APART- i mens. 3 room's and sleeping porch. I 1 llested. 991 S. Cottsre. ' 3-ml FOR SALE 3IiacellaneovB 4 DRY PLANERS WOOD. PROMPT DE : . i-J. tva li42. Fred E. Wells. I AUCTION! AUCTION I AUCTION! High grade piano and b. neh, CoXnmbi pheoogrspn, gooa '""" -r " . i ...i.r etc at auction oa Tuesday 1 :30 j : p. at. 410 B. 14thatret, , t the auctioneer. Weodry is 4 120 'FOR SALEPRUNE TREF.8. 8C IA I gaa Fana-Naraery. Rt. . o m. f' 4alem, Oregon. - GOOD APPLES FOR SALE AT 75 AND i:0Q TboiT WUI deliver. Po423j 1 HAVE ONE TON OF AL8TKE Clever r aTd iot Before bu viae see or call ,r sale. Before buviag see or call and aave the defc.er profita. W. trgJer. Jr, Gervaia. 3. Boa 78. 4128 ? 48F33 J. Wargi I Route 2. FOR SALE STRAWBERRY PLANTS. UAbV$.Treb,.,8. I lap aatt "V. t.uif tted it YEAR OLD CALIFORNIA BLACK ' , walnn treea aad atrawberry !'"; f V Phone 14f3. mm I. nrai iinn PACX. 548 STATIS. t I mono . POST CARD P ACS. 548 t jfSHoDR ISLAND HFHATUJIUNG ! ' MM" " iTi ' Y . ' .V! M-Ii..: thousand. 8. G. Marks r . imravi"r" 4-f28 , " Caaby. Ore. N irOR BALE ONE SCOTCH COLLI E-j- " 7 If ale pup. aix montha old. Pea t I oVegoa. R4.I 3, Bex . d f37 urtTM UB FOR SALE FlrmZ. " a t. ilk. new Will eaerif ca IViaU if Uk at one.. Tall- 1 SaVpu-a aiori! m 8.'l2th. 4-H4 ' ' ' fi WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF 1 7l' lunk. hardware, dothlag. ate. Capital ,f Z llousa aad Juak Co, Center L aad Froat at the bridge 4-f 14tf iNorthwestern Nursery Yard aar Aabara hall. East Ba . iw ..A ant treea. small fruits. lem. J "i. .l.K. and W la. aumafj RHt iraartSm. UCwS uaw - iaea. Red.ced prices la all Pbone 111F3. Howard Joaes. ngauva. .- ' . liaea. 4 19U . oiinnr ISLAND RED w ""r.t -u.rea. Route . hatching eggs. M. M. Maf ea, 2 t . - iiri.. - S. Baiem. i" 5. , vorrw-a GLADIOLUS CATA I tae:Vh.re 1700 addr D. 1L Up- iroR u ioha? 904 So. Liberty. Salens. 4f27 K Willamette Valley ll'. m.V..-I....aae .-." i - nurscij has a law al .Dr. lont: 1IH won . ry.M.thi.. r-;is'-5 rhwsr. Phoaa 105F5. 4-U ka- twtMaU Silvertoa highway. Phoaa it w OLD NEWSPAPERS " a bundle. Clreulatiaa department a Steteeaeeaw ' -'''I. TOR SALB s I auauva $4 m. Ki i Y Oreawa Stateema 1 HAVE YOUR rURVlTCRE J. f Ti .ltahaA - With aVWIE- ita Kwia r . vmsas mum. . .-F""r. .. ' .i.eial 1 5. th. ZlrTjo:i0 '.ad l.Wi" J yior jrallpapyrar shades. J AgeaU wanted. P. V , "V-Uati 1 Pheae 1820. ' ' TYPEWRITE R CO. r iBJBEBWUujj '""-',-Ji v- Have yaqr ""V Special ren Ul people wha aka f-PTl,' nu. people WIS maae -,e- WW rate da stadrat4W 100 Maaaaia Pkoaa x - a" SECTION On week (tlx Iniertloni) One month . 30e Six moathe' contract per me 15 12 moatha contract, pr ma 12 Minimum for any advertisemeat 25e FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4 Beautiful Oregon Rose lad alaraa other Ortfoa aonga togatner viut a nna coJlactton of patriotic aoaga. aarraa tonga and many old tun la?or- uaa. ALIj FOR 25e. (SDecIal Drieaa ia Quantity lota) Capeciaily adaptabla for school eoamur ity ar horn aiag tn. Band for Western Songster TO pagaa urw ia Ito tolrd adltioa PublUhed Ty ORBGOW TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Commercial St. Balaca. Or. CUSTOM HATCHING SAVE MONET ..' en baby ehlx by mine the big With bone Incubator. Lloyd Lea. Phone 3F31. 4j31tf FOR SALE Livestock 4a AMERICAN PIT BULL IKK J REASON able. 1370 Chem.keta St. 4a f2 FRESH MILK UOATS Hubbard, Oregon. -E. M. HOOLEY, 4am21 8EVEN GOOD MILK COWS, FRESH and coming fresh, for sale. W. C. Soderman. Jefferson, Ore, RU 1. Phone 49F23 from Salem. 4a-fl0tf TWO GOOD JERSEY COWS FRESH. Rich, heavy, easy milkers. Very gen- - tie. Third house east of Turner on pavement. 48-f28 TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHT ABOUT 3200 lbs. Hound and true. Have no further use for them. Emanuel Pitto. I 1 Route 9, Salem, Ore. Lahish Center. f27 HELP WANTED Agent 6a A PROMINENT LOCAL CORPORATION has opening for high grade man with salesmanship ability. 1f bard worker; bat member of a club or lodge pre ferred. Address II.' L. Co, rare Stat s man. 5a-f27 FOR SALE FULL BLOOD BROOD sows to farrew soon and some with young pigs for $25 to $40; also a regist-red Poland boar for $20 rash or a bankable note. John II. Scott. 208 Oregon Bldg. , . 4af24lf AGENTS $25 DAILY TAKING ORders for Ford clutch control. . Something Henry forgot. Big. profits. Advanced . commission. We deliver, collect, fera- mid Co, 6014 State. Chicago. 5a 124 BECOME REPRESENTATIVE LARGE Concern. Establish youraelf perman ently. Simplified method aellina ahoea Factory to Wearer. Profits Large. Sell Easv. AddIv immediately. STYLE- ARCH SHOES'. Cincinnati. 5a f24 XGENTS SEND FOR SWORN PROOF of 821 daily. Introducing latest full fashioned also chiffon hose, fancy La- . dies net and lace Glove silk hose. Col ors, Airdale, Bamboo, Nut. Jack-rabbit, P ack, Dawn and. all the latest shades. Write quick for terms. You simply take orders, we deliver and collect. Your pay daily. Full time or spare time. Outfit free. Mae-O-Chie Hos iery Co, Drawer 3418 Cincinnati, Ohio. . 5a-f24, SELL MADISON "BETTER MADE" hirta direct from our factory to wear er. ' No raoitol or experience required. Easily sold. Big profits. Write for Tree samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway. New York. 5a-f24 HELP WANTED Female 5b WOMEN YOU CAN EARN $2.00 every : time you sell the Corse-twin a new corset brassiere assuring complete fig- . lire control, absolute comfort, correct support and modish lines. Never sold in Stores. Many women average more thaa $50 weekly, we teacn you now. Write at once to Desk A-25, Fifth Ave, f'nn.t Cnmium. Allentown. Pa. . " ' " 5a f24 HELP WANTED Halo 6c I tfVT.r. VADISON "BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct from our factory te Ni eanital or axberieace re- aired. Eaailv sold. Big profits. Writ for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS. 603 Broadway. New York. TTI.ORIXO SALESMEN. AMERICA'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE, TROUSER HOUSE, has opening in this t rniory. Msde to measure Trousers $5.50 to $8.50. Big daily profits and bonus, j Write Lincoln Tailoring company, 34 East 13th St, New York City, sc-fza- ELECXEtCITY TAUGHT BY Experts Etrn while you learn at home Elee- trical Book and Proof Lesson. Free. Satisfaction ruaranteid and position se- cured. Write to Chief Engineer Cooke, 2144 Lawrence Av, Chicago. 5e f24 RAILWAY POSTAL CLERKS START I $133 month. Railroad Pass. Kxpen- u nald. Test examination fr e. Col- ..nhuM I natltnte. Columbus. Ohio. 5e-f04 nELP WANTED utv Vflaullavnem,a fid AND WOMEN TO Uke fena yaper. aubacripttons A good propoaitioa to the ngnt people, ar Jreie th. Pacific Homes lead, Suteamaa Bldg. Salem. Or. TYPISTS ADD ,Beom. by ,rpi lr.. d; taJw MATERIALLY TO your ng authors manuscripts. information on request. M. J CARXES. Authors' Agent. Talla poo... Oa. 5d f24 HELP WANTED Salesmen 5e - , a Ull 1 MUJIV I W MJ W r. . V 1 "H' ' I .. .. u.-ji;.. i;. .H. I asllfT. i lauu w -. - V.llev vertiaing calendars and uov tties. State references first letter. V. S. Walsh, ft HO Mission St.. San Francisco. o-m8 MISCELLANEOUS - 1 FOB PAIXTINO AND 1 .XTING CALL Ya.ny roa. r.... a.-... City Loans On Improved property or for im provement purposes. THE BEST and easiest way to pay a loan is our monthly Installment plaa. 90 payments of $14.14 repays a loaa f $1000 and Interest. Equitable Sav ings ft Loaa Ass'n. Anderson k Rupert, Agents, j 406 Oregon Building. 0-f20tf SEE JOHN H niljiiing if -' good, real ei 8C ITT, 208 ORXKN vou desire a loan on any estate or personal prop-rty. - 1 TORSnXALi to I iuv NATIONAL DETECTIVE "V eWie ,Bd criminal Inv, Agency Gem ret, civic aad criminal investigators ur. mm tna - information. ...- Oregon Bldg; Salem. Oregon. 7-mll I ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'S c. i O..J Kirthdate and dime for the i trial reading. Eddy. 1083B, Suite v.naasTdtr. MiaMOXL PERSON Af NOTICE $130,000.00 (iOKS WITH pret- ly girl wishing mat rase. IF.va) B-1022 Wichita. kan.Mt. "21 LEADING CLUB. LARGEST, MOST RE- liable (or lonely people, confidential de scriptions free in plain hi sled envelope. Thousand) wealthy members. K sio rere write. Established 20 year. Old Reliable Club, (nain copyright, d , Mm. Wrulx-1, Box 20, Oakland, California. 7(24 CATHOLICS WISHING TO .MARRY MOOKl-KT FREE. Addr.su HOME Club, L-Box 2-3. Grand Rapid, Mich. 7-f24 MARRY IF LONELY MOST 8UCCES8- fui "Home Maker; hundreds rich; atriotly confidential: reliable; years ex-pri-iu-e; description free. "The Suc cessful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, Calif. 7f24 FOULTRY 7a lay flMJ HENS. LEGHORNS. $1 EACH hone 111'14. 7af2Uef IIOOLWOOD CHICKS 200-289 EOCI stock. Erre ranee. C. A. XKiwd. Au burn lid.. Kl. ii. Salem, Ore. 7a m20 WHITE LECHIORN HATCHING EGGS (Hanaon atratn), ai.00 per anting, 5.00 oer 100. C. H. Eisher. RED 2, Salem. Ore. l'hone 18E13. 7a-m22 THE AVEKAGE HEN DOES NOT PAT a profit. Purebred hena bred to tay tut hi nrofita. and have made hun dreds of poultry men wealthy. Four teen trios of world champion pure bred chickens will be given free to am bitious men, women, boys and gins Rn! nam and address and full infor mation will be mailed. Purebred r.i.i-lon Editor. Northwest Poultry Jour nal. Halam. Oregon. Dep't. A. 7a-j30tf Why Delay? Plaea your order ror 1924 chicks with the White Hatcher, tbt hatchery with a reputation for eod chicks. Bate ,mva.L full count ruaranteed. Mem ber of Accredited Hatcher lea Sonoma County. 'A" and "AA" stock. Price right. fiend for catalog. WHITE HATCHERY. Petaluma. Calif. o28tf FOR KALE TWELVE. ONE YEAR OLD RHODE ISLAND REl Sl.tHi each. 1340 -laitison. Snl-m. 7a-f24 REAL ESTATE City 8 OWN YOUR HOME FOR SALE HOUSE AND FOUR IITS, $1600. Four room house, good plumb ing, corner lot. $2350. Mod'-rn five room house, two lots on cortier, ga rage and pen house, bearing fruit trees, both streets pav.d. Good district. $3000. F. L. WOOD. 341 State St. 8 f23tf FLEMIXG BARGAINS A 4 room bungalow, fine plumbing, good location, $2100; terms. A 5 room, with garage, $2200; both new.. 1 acre and 4K house. Salem llMghts. $100 put on it makea a $200O value. Price $1600; easy t rras to good party Some fruit and on car line. See Fleming, 341 state. SPXIAL Two room bouse snd 1 lot, $700; terms. o rooms, a bargain for $2350; terms. 5 rooms, plast.-r d, paved atreet and car line. A snap for $1750; terms. 6 large rooms, plastered, large lot, good location. East Salem, for $2000; terms. 5 acres only 3 milee at, all culti vated. Some fruit and amall buildings. Snap for $1300; with $200 down. ' If you hove snything to eachsnge see THOMASON, 331 State Stre t. 8-f23tf Robinson 213 Oregon Bid. Has some snappy bargains in r al estale. AN EASY DEAL 6 room plastered house, bath, toibt, electric lights, large lot 50x190. Near school, gravel street. $2600; $250 cash $25 per mo. $1500 to loan on 1st mtg. One and i acn s, 4 room house, lights and water. 4 blocks to car and store. Price $190O; $300 down, $25 per mo. c T 1 VTT.r.S 331 V, State St. 8-f24 CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY targe up to the minute list oi tne ry ... nffarinrs in Salem and vicinity sent free to ary address Hairis, 208 lie.,! Rnildine. phone 254. 8 f22tf ONE OF OUR MOST BfcAlntuL t.n. 19 m o. tiertruae J. as. rnxr. 8-f20tf REAL ESTATE City pRtnTrn pa una SIZE 14" BY "tVk' wordinr ' For Bale, enqutrt at." rnce 10 eeats each. Stateemaa Business Office. Groaad Floor. 7 ROOM MODERN HOUSFX SIX Block. from busimss eenter, alt in first class condition, modern in every way. A very Inw nrire. 40 acres highly Improved, one mile from good town of 1500 population. Will exchange for Salem property ia nart. must di al auicklv if at all. 110 acre farm very well improved to ...k...a A- miul eitv nroDCrtv. Ex- eallent chance for some one. See me anon 5 room house close in for sale or rent Has a lot of furniture. On paved at. Here is a genuine bargain. See Me First a W LA FLA R 410 Ore ion Bldg. 8-f24 PAy rf,ST TO YOURSELF BUY A strictly modern, honestly built bunga- low on rent paying plan, immediate possession. Thone 841; after 6 p. ro. 454M. 8 f26 1 PRIVTrn OABJjfL 8IZK 14" BY 7H 'mJiuwSJrZ 11-ROOM Hoes'". CLOSE IN AND Ex cellent condition; arranged for renting rooms. You will like this borne and in aatment. Vacant. Becke A Hind rick.. U. S. Bank bldg. 8-fl0tf r()R 8VLE 6 ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE N. Winter, near Hood. $160O rash; balance asv terms. Call 1563R. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 8f27 MAKE YOURSELF SAFE. BUY A HOME IX SALEM WHERE RISING KKALli VALCK8 ARE CERTAIN. New strictly modern 7 room bunga low, S. High St, Fine lot. garage, east front ''(I0 rood terms. II re is a snap! 7 room bungalow, e ment basement, fireplace, double ga rage, fine fruit trees. On paved St. anno- and easv terms. W.ll huilt 5 room bnngalow, base ment, garage. Close to school and earline $3400: easv t'rms. New 4 room bungalow, basement. t.;n rround. 1210O. Think of thia bnyt 4 room bun galow, breakfast noek. paved street, east front. $2600. Name your terms. ii we have nothing that will suit yon w will build for yea and give you also easy terms. We write insurance. a I.... mnnrv to loan on real estat If it is a house, a lot, farm or a trade aee me "" RICn L. REfMANN Realtor Am in,... 1013 Rea. Phone 726R. 307-808 Oregon Bldi. 8 f24tf FOR RENT TEN ACRE TRACT. SIX mile ant on pawment. 100 fruit tree, mostly cherries la bearing, fmit ought &a th rent! rood house, bara and Auihnlldinra. $15 per month. Five 8-A I-I24 am faonaa 1441 Trade street. $25. . f, L. WOOD, 841 State St, K REAL. ESTATE City FOIl BALK 0 room houiie close in, good location, lot iixli;.. price $37jO. Would ex change for 5 room bungalow. 4 room bungalow located at 142-i . ltilh street, l-'rice $25."o; paving paid. 26O0 buy a classy new bungalow in north Salem, pav. d stre.-t. ea.t trout. Possession, at once. KRUEGKU 14" X. Commercial St, Phone 217. 8-f24 ARE YOU RENTING A SMALL HOC8E1 You don't have to. We bate many bonus (or sale like rent. today Wr have aix brand new small houses 01 three to six rooms that $200 to $500 down wilt take. Immediate possession Every one has planter, hath aud boi water. Mecke as ll'Ddru-ks, C. r- Bank bldg. o f !0n 5 ROOM FLAT FOK RENT VERY close in, at 604 terry: tnrnace, gas, etc, $45, furnished, or would rent on furnished. Vacant today. Becke . ft Hendricks. U. S. Bank bldg. o flOU FOR SALE BY OWNER. BRAND NEW, strictly modern six-room bungalow, South Salem; close in. Price 5U0. Vhnna I7M4 H flTtl PRINTED CARD&L.8IZE 14" BY 7" wordinr. "Kooms to Kent." price iu cents each. Statesman Busiaeaa Of- fiee. Ground Floor. WILL TRADE FURNITURE OF APT. house for house in Salem and 5 year lease of Apt. house. Gertrude J. M. Page. 8a-f20tf BUILD A HOUSE IF YOU HAVE $100 and will do the carpenter work, 1 wili sell you a lot in North or South Salem and help you finance a house, l'hone 1748R. 8 ml ST. REGIS EVERBEARING KASPHER ry plants. Cory thornless tips, and year old loganbt-rry plants. Ward K. Kichardxon, 2U95 N. Front. Phone 494. 13-ml SMALL HOUSE; THREE IXrTS (!0 BY 125 ft): 16 fruit trees, Karae-', with cement floor and driveway; for $1250. Corner . Winter and Judoa. 8 124 WILL SACRIFICE 4 ROOM BUNGALOW plaster. d, light, water, bath. See own er, lnji Saginaw, Sunday morning. 8-124 9 ROOM HOUSE ON UNION STREET. A real anan at $2450. 8 room modern home full basement, furnace, double garage, two large tots. Best location in city. lt us show you this beautiful home. ((00. JO a rt-s of choice river bottom land, near Salem, '.s mile from pavement. on rood road. JO acres of filberts; one y. ar. 5 acres logans, trellised. Some red j rasnbe-rries i and strawberries. Good Si room bungalow and small barn. All for $10,000; terms. Hi .rm ni land near Msrion. 8 cultivated, balance pasture. Watered I Kv a-eii ami ere k. 7 room houa -. barn. and other buildings. Sowed to wheat, oats and vetch, all for $10,000. Will trade (or city property or what have you f Wanted to 1 narrow $1500; $1800; $180o; all very good s-curity. See us about jour insurance before it is too late. IOI.4tV Ul.RICH 122 N. Commercial 'l'hone 1354 o-f24tf $1100 WILL BUY If bought in the next 5 days, the best paying close-in 3 9-rooin apart ment and rooming house, with lease. Cheap re ut, good furniture, .income when all rooms are occupied $400 per month. Owner must go east, therefore will sacrifice for $1100 cash. A rare pick-up for some one. Sie CHILDS BECHTEL 540 State St. 8 f24tf WHY NOT f OWN YOUR OWN HOME ! Here are s few that are priced right. m-.ii k..;i, i..t material, rood location ! - - - - . I M ail new lust comoieiea. I rui bungalow, modirn in every way $5500 8 rooms, ideal location 7000 Ideal location.. 6500 5 rooms, ideal location : 3400 r. -nnmii furnace and fireolace 31O0 houses, not new but in fairly good condition, and location, $900 and up One of 7 rooms on paved street, close in for $37O0; own. r in Califor nia, wants us to sell at once. Look it up. Sell all kinds of bouses. u -.mi liu a HKCHTKI. rud state St. 8 f24tf NKW STRICTLY MODERN ROOM h.i.il. in Fairniount mil iirui., 4100; $1300 cash, balance on t mis to suit purchaser. A. C. Bohrnstedt , - v rAnmtn-ial St.. Salem. Oregon. x,. - g v,uf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MODERN seven room bungalow sno garage- tu larse corner lot in good location, close in and near car line; also one new Ou In land touring car. Phone 329 or 1087 TRADES Sal 13 ACRES J UST OUTS' DB OF THE limits anuth. beautiful view prop erty, fine spring. 2 room house, a bar gain at $2600: will trade as part pay ment on city property. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, R altor 210 Oregon Bldg. 8u f24tf REAL ESTATE Farma 9 ON TRADE WHEAT AND STOCK farm. 640 acres. of0 in cultivation. Buildings, good well, fenced, lease on 640A more with 200 A ready to Reed. Anothir section of fenced pasture and out range. Price $10,750; $1400 cash. Balance easy, crop payments. I W IWklev. 160 X. 21&t M, Haiem Oregon. 9-f24 FARM FOR RENT 26 ACRES 's MILK east Aumsville depot. 4 acres pasture, a a fruit tr.es. mostly prunes. Balance for grain and Crden. llouse, barn and other buildings. Call at 7a5 v onih fit or nhone 246J. 9-f24 HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM-PHONE FOR SALE One of the best diversify d farms in ! the valley. 233 acres, 54; miles from Salem, one mile from pavement, on -ravel road, about 190 acres undi r rnltivation. 20 acres bearing prunes. bout 50 acres 2-year-old prune trees. familv orchard. 10 acres fine timber. i.Mi.n modern house, j furnace, fire place, electric lights, tit, large barn and silo. The owner wishes to retire, and will sell this place at a sacrifice, and on Tour own terms. Will take some city property in trade. Anderson wjtn her friend, Mrs. 11. D. Car ts Rup rt. 406 Oregon bldg. 9 f29 . SUBURBAN HOMES CHEAP One acre small house good well, pav ed road. Snap 12oo. B. antiful snd sightly 3-acre tract coir hnna-atow. 4 rooms, rood well. some fmu. Priced at half value. $2000 Trade for a nouse same vmr. 8 acre rood land, ideal for poultry 5 room bungalow, garage, barn. Price $2550. 20 acres rich dark loam soil, good j road, not far out. good buildings. Some liearine fruit. EaniDoed for poultry, TK?,.. Sc childs & bechtel TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGES 1$ acres improved ranch for city. Property, price $0300. 20-ecre ranch improv 44 for city. Residence, Price $5500. Fal' 5 room cottage. Corner lot. 45x100: alley. Pvire $20OOr cash $500. Terms on balance. . Sea I'Sthsra for bargains 831ft State 8t. 1 REAL ESTATE Timber Oa Best Buys and Exchanges 20 acres timber for vacant lota. 70 acn s timber for hous in Salem not- over $4500. 5 room bunicalnw for 20 acre tract in vicinity of Salem. 5 room modern bungalow, liuillin. fireplace, $:tlM; lennK. I (i room houte, 4 lots $1050; $50 cash. 3 acres, 5 room house, liarn. coop, cow, 85 hens, IoIh of fruit, oh Pacific IiiKhway north, $U7(Ml; $1200 cash. lti'i acre fine riv r bottom hop ranch for rtit for one fifth of crop in bale, good improvements. SocoSofsky, Realtor 341 State St Oa f2Hf ISKI CARS FOR SALE 11 ON TR.UIK-DODGE TOURING CAR IN ecellenl rnnrfitWin. Vrice low II - a; h -way Garage, 1000 8. Com'l. St. li rjt GOOD USKD OA RJ aiNGRiCH vo tor Co, 319 State. al-U i. r.u iMiw at rKit.r.H ru.vi WILL PLhASfc roro touring .u.mi 490 Chevrolet 65.01) Buick roadster 100.00 Ford touring 150.00 Baby Grand : 150.00 Overland 90 100.00 Ford roadster 225 00 Ford coupe 325.00 Ford touring 335.00 -lasex louring 450.00 Dodge touring ., 550.00 Oakland coupe like new and others for yo to select from. F. W. rETTYJOIIN CO. 219 North Commercial, Salem. Or. Il-f20tf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1919 touring ... f. $145.00 1920 touring. 215.00 1922 touring 295.00 1923 touring 315 00 1920 roadster 110.00 1921 coupe 385.00 1923 coupe 465.00 1921 sedan.. 395.00 1922 truck (cab body) .' 385.00 1915 delivery 93.00 Other cars from $45 and up. All cars are guaranteed. See us before buying. Liberal terms. Open evenincs and -Sundays. . VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1995 260 No. High 11 flStf SWAP-t-YOUR 1'IAXO OR PHONOgraph for a good ueif car. Call Ob son, 63.; or 1135.1. 11 f27 FOR SALE 1924 Maxwell touring, A-l i,hape $8f.0.00 1923 Dodge coupe, like new 1050.00 lfl"21 Ford roadster ... 175 00 1920 Dodge roadster 425.00 1920 Dodge sedan 800.00 1923 Dodge touring like new.:. 925.00 Ttis BOXESTEELE MOTOR CO. Hf28 CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET 1918 Hudson touring '. $225.00 1919 Dodge touring.'.. $330.00 1923 Dodge touring, may extras $770.00 1921 Stndebaker touring. Big Six, $800 00 1922 Oakland touring $700.00 1923 Ford touring $:ioo oo 1923 Chevrolet touring $450. oo 1922 Chevrolet touring $340.00 1920 Chevrolet touring ... $210.00 Xwo-hW . trailer, nearly new $60.00 we nave a lew roras ior eao to ? ia. 1917 Maxwell touring .,.$75.00 (Tirs snd battery are with price of car) THE HOUSE OF USED CAR BARGAIN'S Teoa I. nuren m. i-i"" nou - 111. u u . WANTED EMPLOYMENT 12 M VN AND WIFE WANTS WORK AT hotil. Man as janitor, wife as euam bermaid. Wronld consider work on ranch or at sawmill camp. 2830 Stntr-s-man. i 12t26' RKRfONSIBLK EXPERIENCED BUSI ness woman d sires position, rostoitice Box 137. Jefferson. Oregon. 12-f24 WANTED Miscenaneoas 13 GOOSEBERRIES WANTED WANT to contract at once for up to 20 tons for outside shipment. Salem delivtry. Price interesting. Write - for information 2612, Statesman. 13 '24 WANTED TO RENT. WITH PR1VI lege of buying, small place, close to Salem; must be good location anl good house. Address 2128, care StaJtjJ,j""; CEDAR POSTS rFIALA'S VINEYARDS Rt. 1, Box 21, Salem. 13 f26 WOOD FOR SALE 14 DRY SECOND GROWTH FIR $7.50 prr cord delivered, l'hone 19r. fiatf FOR SALE DRY SECOND-GROWTH fir wood, 4 ft. for immidiate delivery. Pbone 106. 4 f!2tf LARGE, DRY. SECOND-GROWTH FIR. $7 25; 16-inch old fir. $9J00. Phone 1879W. 127 WELL SEASONED .WOOD, of all kinds. Phone 42F14 S. J. Yates. 14 ni9 nO YOT7 WANT GOOD WOOD AT REAS- onabla prices! Then call 1879W for ash, old or second growta nr. rrompi delivery. Hjl6tt BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft, and 10 inch treea mill wood Dry mill wood Dry second growth fir Dry old fir. .....'. 10 inch BLOCK mill wood Is the beet fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred . Walls, 880 8. Church, Phone 1543. 9tf LIVESLEY Psercy Love, who has been visit ing his sister, Mrs. Leonard Zielke, has returned home. Mrs. Carl Johnson of Seattle visited from Friday until Monday penter Mrs. Julius Zielke has returned from the hospital and is able to be about. Rev. Earl McAbee went to Eu- gene Thursday with the Kimball Glee club. The G. T. club will meet with Mrs. H. . B. Carpenter the first Thursday in March. Mr. and Mrs, P. A. Henningsen vera Palom vlalfnra Thtirsdav. . Miss Mildred Henningsen. Mrs Julia Henningsen. Kev. Paul huck- ley and . N. Carpenter were the 1M rnests of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hen- tlngsen Sunday afternoon. Tnere were more children In school this week after having had the measles. A full attendance is expected next week. Mrs. C. D. Query has beetn sick the past week with grip hut is bet- 9Vt2tte' now. CLASSIFIED a Of Reliable Business ARCHITECTS FREEMAN k BTRl'BLE, REGISTERED Architects, 610 Bank of Commerce Builrtmg. AUCTIONEER O. SATTERLEE Auctioneering Room 15, Breynian Block l'hone 484 or 121 IJ ' fl-tf AUTO REPAIRING WILLAMETTE JUNK CO. Metal, rags, pap, r. Auto wrecking. Repairing. Parts for all cars 50 to 75 per cent off l.st price. 975 N. Com'l. fl.one 588. f 8tf BRING YOUR WELDING. CARS, '1 Fac tors, etc. Nothing too big and nothing; too una II for iim. If we can't help you no harm done; if we ran we will both be sutiKfied. II. 11. HARRIS 173 So. Liberty. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros, Phone 1803, 418 Csurt. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES a tarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. , . BICYCLES AND REPAIRING i LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICT i cles and repairing; 387 Court. BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND, BIRDS, FLOWERS Pets. 273 State. CARPET AND BUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any site without seams.. New mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remade Feathera renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. .13 Vs and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. I a. T. DICK CURES ANY KJJOWN disease. 153 S. High St, Phone 283. CHIROPODIST TIRED ACHING FEET. BROKEN ARCH ES AND FLAT FEET RELIEVED WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME FROM YOl R REGULAR OCCUPATION. DR. L C. MARSHALL, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 228 , OREGON BUILDING, SALEM. DR. S. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA tional University Sciencea, Chicago. M asonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DBS. SCOTT 4k SCOFIELD, P. S. C. Chiropractors. 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg Phone 87; res. 828-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suita cleaned and preaaeu. i.ou. Snita anoneed and nressed. 50c. 1215 S. Com. Phone 1888 CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer, curvcys, esw mates. Juo. H. Neef, 819 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FO CEMENT WORK CALL AT Summer street. Phone 674-J. 436 fiiFRRY CITY CONTRACTING CO c.na.il enntractine and bnildinar. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1807R e r.ovi2 d26tf CORSETS SPIRELLA CORSETS SOLD .BY ALICE A. Miles. 451 North 2 let. Pboae 102.1. DRESSMAKING THE ADSITT'S nreaamakina-. roue-stitchine. pinking. Hand work. 352 N. 12th St. Phone 2085R. fjl DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING Carrie Fisher, McCornack Bldg, over Millers nl5tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7' word in "Dressmaking": vrice 10 cents each. Statesman Busiuess Office Ground Floor. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JU8T DRUGS,' 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O N I 0 building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. V L K E N E R ELECTRIC C O . Honaa wirinr hf nour or contract. Ea timatea furnished. Phone 980. 414 Court St. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC trical machine repairing, contracting 337 Court. Phone 488. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to tne racuic Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three montha' trial subscription. Mention this ad. ' FINANCIAX- LOANS Farm and City. Most liberal rates and payment crivileg' s. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. 205 Ore. Bldg. Salem, Ore. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO, General contracting and building esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R or 59F12. d26tf 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property. Reserve De posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land, Or. ' FARM LOANS 6V No sdditional expense ANDERSON RUPERT, 406 Oregon Building FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer" time, no commission. Protects against adversity. City loans. , lowest rates, monthly instalments, pre pay ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room 2, over Ladd Bosh bank. miva i nav.ct T.OAN8 I can make your farm or city loans, best service given, it you neeo a man. se me: and if you have money to place, aee me I always have takers. G. W. Leflsr. Oregon bldg FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. T. Breithaupt, florist, 128 N, Liberty Phoaa 880. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREU tors, 210 Center. Phone 1K50. FURNACES SEAGROVE FOR FURNACES SIULI coe Pipeleas, $85, 1165 Ferry St., Phon Hftft W o24tf FURNITURE STORES QIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for leas money. 872 Court, Phone 4C4. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop, Room 6, over Busicks. a29tf SALEM ELITE H EM8TITCHI NO pleating, buttons, stamping and aeedle work; 328 Oregon bldg. Phone 379 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, bnttons. Room 10, over Mil ler'n store. Phone 117 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIST, Does s general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, sad Dropsy, sriiing from diseases of hearty liver or kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence, 296 N. Liberty St, Saiem, Or. Phone 147. LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and" women, 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, $10 8. Liberty street. Fhone 2a. oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; no Broad way. Phone 165. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC LESSONS COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music Semi-classic and ballade 13 1-ssons. W a terms a Piano School, Me Cornaek Bldg. MUSIC STORES 8HERMAN, CLAY CO, PIANOS Steinways, Duo Art snd others. Moor s Music House. 415 Court Street, GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. ftiUNU- graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines: 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H i. st.u rurni tore Co, Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC IHSIC1ANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER - ACUTE AM' 111 'Vrcei.li Rlflt' chronic d I s e a a a a: Phone 110. NURSES FOR PRAOTlCAli NURSE PHON n25ti 1483M. NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT TREES. SHRUBS AND R08ES. Near Auburn hall, r.ast baiein. aonu western Nuraery. Phone 111F3. at FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros, 237 Bute. COMPLETE . LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentala. Capital city nur se r y Co.. 426 Ore von Bid t,Phoae75. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW 0P tica) Co, -25 State street, opposite Ladd Busa nana. use Proven Shur-aas." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE- gon Bldg. Rooms 801 to aoe. OSTEOPATHY THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE SPIN AL A D J U 8 T M fc N T iKMTa r. t SKILLFUL. l A 1 N LESS ADJUST MENT THAT GETS RESULTS. DR. L. C. 'MARSHALL, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. GRAD UATE A. S. .. KIRKSV1LLF, MO. 228 OREGON BUILDING, SALEM. PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE j decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMINE IN BEAUTI ful colors: $1 does a room. Mox O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. PHYSICIAN OF PHY 81 0 THE RAP HT DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PHYSI otherapy, treats all ailments, women's ailments especially. 265 X. Commercial street. Phone 2005M. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grabcr Bros, 141 S. Liberty. Phone 550. f9tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will' a Music Store. RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 238 state at. SCAV ANGERS MAYFIELD SCAVANGER 8ERVICE. Garbage and refusals of all kinds re moved. Thone 19F3. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools elcsned and dead animals removed Garbage and refuse of sll kinds remov ed by the month. Reasonable rates Phones: Office 629; residence 2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CL0TH ing and shoes. Best prices psid. Cap ital Exchange; 843 North Commercial Phone 1368W. STOVES AND ST0YE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 la. high. Paints, oils snd varnishes; etc, loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Steve Works. 250 Court street. Phoaa 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture Braving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the beit coal and wood. Call aa us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good aervie. Lsrraer Transfer Co. Phone, 930 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 320 State St, Phene 933. Distributing, far wardine and storage onr specialty. Get nr rstee TRANSFER AND HAULING kinds. Phoaa 19F3. OF ALL TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK Central Stage Terminal, Halem, Ore go a. - MbH-eUUGK Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. am. 11:15 a m.; 1:15 p. m.; 8:15 p. m.j 5:15 p. m. 7:30 p. an.; to Corvallia only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, OrefoaV SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: - 7 a. m; 11 a. m.; 5 p. as. Leaves Silvertoa News Stand: 9 a. m. ; 1 p. m.; 6 p. m. Salem-Independence-Monmouth Dirtsioat Leaves Salem, Central Stage Termiaal: 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:10 p. at, 5:40 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m. ; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. as. ' Lesves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:80 a. m.; 9:50 a. ta.; 1:15 p. Ka 4 p. m.; 6:30 p. m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salad for Dallas at: T a. m.; 11:10 a. m. f:10 p. Leaves Gail Hotel. Dallas at . ' $ a. at.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. We make connections at Salem ta all parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. J W PARKFR. Aeueral Manaree TETT.RINAKTAW FRED W. LANGS, VETERINARIAN Office 220 South Liberty. Phene 1191 Ree. Phone 1948J. as 9' WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO Office, 801 South Commercial St.. Tee per rent disconat oa -domestic flat rates paid ia advance. No deduction for absence er say causa u aloes watet I a shut off T0"1 Pr"iy'-iia WELL DRILLING R. A. WEST. RT. . GARDEN ROAD Third house wrst ' of Sweagle school 23 . years experience drilling wella if Oregon. Washington and Idaho, ml AUTOMOBILE Tops lb. AUTO TOPS HULL'S TOP 8H0P 256 State St. lb f2t Auto Repairing Jackpoerfer 410 S- Commercial ' ls-f24 PUBLIC NOTICES BIDS INVITED The undersigned will sealed bids, , up to 5:00 receive ? o'elockfv .i.n p. m., Monday, March 3rd, 1124, for the following supplies to,?!L used in the street Improvement work for the year 1924: . v . 15,000 bbls., more or lesa, o cement, . ' ' 10.000 yds., more or less, ct . gravel, 5,000 yds., more or leM, of sand. - 1,200 yds., more or less, of concrete gravel. Specifications to be the same as In 1923. M. P0ULSEN, City Recorder, f 2 2-2 3-24 NOTICE OP IMPItOVELMENT OF f NORTH COTTAGE STREET FROM "D" STREET - TO - NORTH MILL CREEK BRIDGE Notice is hereby given that the common council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary v and expedient and hereby declares1 its purpose and intention ' to im prove North Cottage street from - the south line of "D" street to the . North Mill Creek bridge at the ex, - . pense of the abutting and adja cent property by bringing said portion oi said street to the es tablished grade, constructing ce- 1 ment concrete curbs and paving' said portion or said street with a -six inch cement concrete pave- ment forty feet wide in accord- ance with the plans, specifications : and estimates therefor which were adopted by the common council , February 18th, 1924, and which ' are hereby referred to and made'' a part thereof. ' The common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described V Im provement by and through the street improvement department of ' -the City of Salem. By order of the common council the 18th day of February, 1924. M. P0ULSEN, . ; City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof ' ' is Feb. 21. t f-21-m4 .'. Nine Cents Is Asked for Gresham's Raspberries Nine cents a pound for red rasp- berries is being asked by Gresham growers this year, and it is ex pected they will have more than 1,000 tons on the market this year. Last year the berries were contracted for 10 cents and about 9 0 0 tons were marketed. ''i'.)"s I ..A. a,.. 0 . . 3 '.M 0