The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Uradir lit Klwanbt Kucak
Something about Henry Ford
will bo ..the . .topic discussed by
John L.. Brady' at the Kiwanla
club luncheon', Tuesday. Mrs.
Mary Talmadge HeadTrick, violin
1st, will be the soloist of the day,
w ith a vocal solo by R. D. Barton.
The attendance prize will be do
nated by "Dolly" Farmer.
al Institutions prior to his being
sent up from Umatilla county ou
another charge of burglary.
DuBols'a Pano Tuesday, Feb. 20
Demy nan. orioles playing.
All welcome. f24
Portland Chamber Music Tri
Grand Theater Monday. March
Third. Prices 11.10, 1.65, $2.20.
Many Contribute Fines
As a result of the holiday Fri
day, when the police- court was
not In session. Saturday was an
unusually busy day at the police
station. Those appearing for
speeding and the amounts of their
fines were Aroot S. Kln.lshian and
Aram Cartozlan. of Portland; N.
L. Radcliff, 517 North Capitol;
Adam Engle. Anton Gaegler. 35
?-"each. D. J. Sherlock,' was fined
$10 while John Almlter forfeited
$5 ball.
Dr. Anne Brekke -
Osteopathic physician, surgeon.
Phones 859. 4 6 9-J.
Building Permits Issued
Three butldinr permits were is
sued Saturday by Marten Foulsen,
city recorder. These were" to J.
A. Baker, alterations on a store.
299 North Commercial. $800; T.
G. Bllgh. alterations on a dwell
ing, 549 North Cottage, S500. and
for a dwelling, 559 North Cottage,
to coat $3000.
has been arranged, the nature of
which is being kept as a surprise.
Some Fox Trot
"Blue Grass Blues" and "You
Darling, You." Brunswick 2527.
We just got it. You should hear
it! At Stiffs. 124
Washington, D. C.,., and other
places of interest. The boys con
tributed several selections on the
band and several recitations by
the boys concluded the program.
To All Our Friends
And tho lOOF lodge we wish to
exDress our thanks for the help
and sympathy during the nines
of our husband and father and fox
the lovely flowers Jnd the singers.
Ethel G. Folger and children. 24
For Sale
Late 1919 llarley Davidson
twin-cylinder, new chains and
sprockets, new storage battery,
generator, just overhauled. Price
$90; 1924 license. Valley Motor
Co. Phone 1993. Ila-f24
Surveying Coos Itay Parts-
Preparation of the Hlvers anu
Harbors bill has been delayed bo
cause of the illness of Chairman
Demnsey. Representative Hawley
recently introduced a bill for sur
veys of the harbor at Port Orford,
Coquille river bar and entrance,
Yaquina bay and entrance, and
Skinanon channel, and has assur
ance they will be included in the
next river and harbor bill.
Yes, AVo Have "Dream Daddy"
That record you have been wait
ing for. Stiffs Furniture store.
Negro Burglar Is Held
George Smith, colored, ex-convict
from the state prison, was
held to await action by the grand
Jury on a charge of burglary when
he appeared in the justice court
yesterday. . Smith was released
from the penitentiary Tuesday
and Thursday night burglarized
on, Salem residence and was
. caught soon after he had attempt
ed to enter a second. Prison rec
ords show that he has served in
the "Washington and Montana pen-
Traffic A'lolators Arrested
Two traffic violators will ap
pear in the police court Monday
Edward L. Smith, arrested for
cuttinc a corner by Officer White,
and R. H. Martin, arrested for
speeding by Officer Edwards, are
the two victims. Martin deposited
$10 ball.
Send More Pensions
The bureau of pensions has an
nounced increase in pensions to
William W. Bales and George W.
Lemon of Salem: Ezra Hayes
Newberg; Walter C. Printz. Rose-
burg; Harry B. Snyder, Estacada;
Wilson B. Stinnett. Cottage Grove
and Mrs. Elsie Wright of Rose
Mild Treatment
Dr. Redmond, chiropractor, 328
nrornn Bldir Tel. 1638. f24
General Office Practice
Cancers Treated
Office, Tyler's Prog Store
137 S. Commercial Street
Robert Crawford Returns
Robert Crawford, superintend
ent of the hemp and flax depart
ment at- the state prison, returnea
to Salem yesterday after several
weeks spent in California invest!
sating various kinds of hemp ma
chlnery. While this machinery
was found to be successful, Mr.
Crawford did not place an order
as he will be able to ohtain wait
is needed later. His trip was tie
lovefl a little over a week owing
to an attack of inflammatory
Don't Fall to See
The special demonstration of
Blue Seal Pabcolin, on Court st
at Intersection of alley near our
store. States and vehicles of
every description will pass over it.
See results. Stiff Furniture Store.
Piano Left With Us
For sale. Looks and Is like
. . . . m P A . V.
new. Will sacruice tor w
if taken at once. Tallman Piano
Store. 395 S. 12th. 134
Auction! Auction! Auction
Hieh trade piano and bench, Co
lumbia phonograph, good furni
ture, rugs, range, heater, etc., at
auction on Tuesday 1:30 p. m.,
410 South 14tu St. Woodry is the
aunt irmnrr 1.6
Cabinet Phonograph
We have cabinet pbonograpns
from $45.00 and up.- No interest.
11. L. Stiff Furniture co. i-
If you suffer from painful uri
nation, get up frequently during
the night, have that awful dull
ache and burning sensation, by all
means try the Hexol home treat
ment, llexol is an improved.
scientific preparation which is'
giving prostate and bladder suf
ferers real comfort and relief
often in a single night and you
can test it without risk. Write us
today to send you a $2 package
of Hexol tablets by return mail.
Enclose $2 or pay $2 and postage
on delivery, just as you please,
with the distinct understanding
that your money will be refund
ed at once If you are not pleaod
with' the results of the Hexol
treatment. Don't continue to suf
fer from these painful conditions.
You risk no money. Write for
Hexol now.
Dept. A-2971. Coca Cola Uldg.,
Kansas City, Mo.
tition will not seek to select a tree
but to get the citizens together at
which time some action can be
taken. Residents of South High,
North Sunvatier and Fairmount
hill have ajjri?ady taken steps to
ward tree planting.
after dark without, lights on .theii
vehicles, wercnneu ss.50 each in
. 1 ; It"' j ' X . ' l
ine ponce court, yesieruay. lueue
were'Reas Hallin and Branson
Miles, 1150 North Fifteenth. The
case against llanley Holmes was
To Wlioin It May Concern
The following men testified be
fore the jury in the Ogleshy &
Son vs. Adam Kngel tase, that tho
concrete work in the wall and
basement floor on Capital street
and also the concrete drive at 17th
and State was first class work,
and 1 had to pay the bill. In or
der to satiKfy and Ki'vc good work
I am forced to tear out and do
over the driveway and rel'inish the
basement. This would not have
l-.e?n necessary had the work done
bv Oglesby L Son cen first class.
Frank 11. Ay res, J. K, Brownlee.
John Bailey, John Yarnell, T. H.
Clare. J. V. Koerner. Jake Moll-
i-omD. Siened. Adam Kneel. f24
Concert Sunday Night
Central Congregational church,
South Nineteenth. 124
night at 8 o'clock. Mr! You nts: is
being brought to the coast by the
Portland Retail Credit association,
Out For Justice f
Clark O. Groves i3 out as can
didate for the republican nomina
tion for justice of the peace, Salem
district. Mr. Groves was employ
ed at the penitentiary for the bet
ter part of 10 years. His father
was sheriff of Polk county two
terms. He is a native of Polk
county, born near Dallas.
l.'.Mxn'a VntMt MOOd-
ls nortraved in the French
Qhnn1. showinir of ladies' coats
. . i ..
made up from importea boous i
mnat exnuisite patterns, n
& ... W .
More Postmasters
Olaf O. Follow has been recom
mended for appomtment as post
master at Westport; Fred Z.
Holznagel at Hlllsboro; Mrs. Sar
ah Damewood at Azalea, and Wil
liam A. LaGore at Prosper.
16-Inch Block Wool
I Three large loads for $15.00.
Quick delivery. Fred E. Wells,
i Phone 1542. 12
Truck Went Too Fast
Eight miles an hour over the
speed limit for trucks, or a speed
of 20 miles an hour, brought H.
Kunz Into the justice court Sat
urday. He will appear before P.
the peace,
Ininorted Material t
Of the very best quahty goes
into our new showing of ladies'
coats. These garments will be
on display Monday at the French
Shop. M. Buffe Morrison, llo N
llirh. f24
Concert Sunday Night
Central Congregational church.
South Nineteenth. 12 1
Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
CO N. Com! St. Phone 403
We Tay Cash,
n Italian nin Trees. Good J- KunU, Justice of
Prices on Walnuts, Seedling cner.
n aioiov .
lery siocavwue. w. heur county
i44 Ferry St. I un me nn", - led rav bcst 8baility and an
FRUITIiASD NURSERY "7 economical administration if elect-
A.V 34 Slatlua, Vro .l,- v,h 2i 2:30 n. m WCTU ed."
e. M-vuam i . " -... ia
nan. Niaio ana ri'rrj. nuraiwuo
nuousslon. Admission Free. f24Talks to Koyt
U. S. Crowder talked to ine
Preferred Stock 8 Per Cent I boys of the training school Wash-
iom. PnnAi- Mill. Pavabie I inetoa's birthday, giving tnem
monthly. Hawkins & Roberts, f 2 4 1 special impressions of Mt. Vernon
Blodgett Is Candidate
E. M. Blodgett of Nyssa, Ore.,
filed with the secretary of state
yesterday his declaration as a can
didate for the republican nomina
tion for district attorney of Mal-
His slogan is:
Scotts Rack from Trip-
Mr and Mrs. Harry Scott re-
rnd to Salem last night after
a triD to the National Cycle show
r-hQirfi Mr. Scott is the pro-
aa wve-- -
prietor of a motorcycle shop ana
ujim Harlev-Davidsons. Before
rptnmintr home Mr. and Mrs
ade a triD through the mo
torcycle manufacturing plant at
Milwaukee and stopped in Sioux
mlatives for a few
j rntnm home was made
hv wav of Kansas City and Los An
-ia Thiiv found the weather a
little cold at times but were for-
fnato in misslnc two Bcvcro DI1Z-
zards. Mr. Scott claimed tno inp
with him. as he gained 10
- -
nounds. The Salem peopiu
hero nearly a month ao.
this morning. Representatives of
the GAR, Spanish War Veterans
and the American legion will be
on the platform, with George P.
Griffith, state vice commander of
the American legion, giving a
short address. Popular songs, re-1
ligious hymns, class singing and
a brass quartet will provide the
music for the program. Featur
ing the Star Spangled Banner Pan
tonine, with Mrs. Frank Brown
and Oscar Gingrich, the class to
day is expected to draw more than
200 men. The Bible lesson for
the day will be In charge of Rev.
J. J. Evans, who has selected as
his topic, "The Beginning of the
Cntlin Funeral Monday
Funeral services for the late
Russell Catlin. prominent Salem
businessman, will be held from
St. Paul's Episcopal church Mon
day morning at 10:30 o'clock.
The concluding ceremonials will
take place at the Portland crema
torium. The remains are at the
Itigdon mortuary.
Stiff lias Good Pianos
If you are thinking of a piano
le sure and look over our t
and used pianos, from $7 r.. 00 up.
No. interest. H. L. Stiff Furni
ture Store. .-124
The Capital Business Collcgi
will start a beginning class in
shorthand ou Monday, Feb. 25.
(Continued on page 2.)
2 & 2l fi
r? o
a . a
BuMiness Speaker Coming '
C. P. Younts, field secretary of
the National Retail Credit Men's
association, will speak on "The
New Conception of Credit" at the
Chamber of Commerce Wednesday
"So This Is Venice
Hear it in record and sheet
music. Moore's Music House, 409-
Special Sale on Bartlet Pea;
Italian Prune and Cherry trees
Mazzard Cherry seedlings, 8c.
Sales Yard Opposite the O. E.
Depot at Cherry City Hotel.
Office Phone ' 175M. Res. 1011
OF course, you want to
get your full money's
worth when you buy coal
but are you satisfied
that you do? If you are
in doubt try an order of
our high grade coal that
costs less in the end. It
is the perfect coal for
home use.
Have You Heard
That remarkable string quartet.
The Flonzaleys, play "Drink to Me
Only With Tnine Eyes?" Moore's
Music House. 409-415 Court. f24
Sheriff Gets New t
Oscar Bower, Marion county
sheriff, has purchased a Star
touring for use iu pursuit of the
Mu nitres Buys Star
N. F. Munkres. 36. North High
street, who has the big extension
to the Valley Packing company
contract, is a recent purchaser of
a sport model Star car.
Chambers Coming Home
Hev. H. D. Chambers, who has
been indisposed in the Good Sa
maritan hospital in Portland for
several days, is expected to return
to Salem Monday. He did not un
dergo surgical treatment. Mr.
Chambers is rector of St. Paul's
Episcopal church.
un i maw ciipr r.n
IllUbllinii w m ww.
Broadway at Hood w
DnrtVK IBM 0
U M, AAWM MM www
W flee Pbo0 109.
You Should Know
That we) diagnose, locate and
measure, frpm a drop of blood any
iiuiiA. active or latent.
W pury the blood and eure,
I not electricity), per cent of
cancers, tuberculosis, goiters, d la
fetes, lemila and dlsUf ior
lera, etc j
14S4 State St.
MottioiliKt Men to Meet-
South Salem Boy Scouts will
I act as waiters at the Leslie Metho-
At church Wednesday nigh
March 5. which will be attended
hr men of the church. Supper
will 'be served at 6:30 o'clock,
after which. an excellent program
Income Tax-
Statements prepared by G. Ed
Ross, 331-'3 State. Phono 175.
Save $0.65
This week only, on 9X12 guar
anteed Blue Seal Pabcolin Rug.
other sizes in proportion. Stiff
Furniture Co. f 24
Bicycle Riders Fined
Two bicycle riders.
That cures cqughs That is the only kind of cough syrup that
is worth buying and that is the only kind that we sell.
Schaefer's cough syrup is especially designed to cure the stub
born cough of long standing.
Schaefer's Drug Store
135 No. Commercial Phone 197
Tho Idlest Styles in Coats
Star for Highway Department
Ray Bctzar. connected with the
state highway department, is one
.. -tlof Ihn latest Kalpm residents to
Will be shown i .' become the owner of a Star car
Some of the best imporieu i:Ifnrm PlAnt,ni!. souirht
will be on display, iu. 1Tnifnrm trfin Dlantlne on vorth
rison. I (:anitol is interesting a number of
1 . A t. . . . MHJ IA t
t . ilrrlri I rCSlueulS OU liittl oiiccl ouu 11 la
improvement "A""r; exoccted a petition will bo circu
Thn Kalem neicnis i'""'- . ; . , - ,
yjm. Neimeyer I
In Business For Your
i Health
1 75 NJ Coml. Phone 1 67
A Good Place
to Eat
COOPER John L. Cooper died at
a local hospital February 23. at
the age of 50 years. Survived
by one brother, J. A. Cooper of
Turner and two nieces, Miss
Fay and Miss Oskee Cooper of
Detroit, Ore. Funeral services
will be held at the Webb Funer
al parlors Monday, February 25
at 9:30 o'clock. The Elks
lodge will have charge of ser
vices. Interment will be in City
View cemetery. '
i Priitnv evenine. Plans are
mvria -w,7 - -
ki. nudn to entertain the coun
... oral inn of CIUUS in wait"
The Salem Heights school fur
nished a Washington and Lincoln
Mnrnrn followinc the club meet-
irnr. consisting of flag drill, reci
tations, songs, etc., which was
much appreciated. Col. Carle
Abrams cave an interesting talk
on Washington and Lincoln.
A l'ouular Classic
Your records arc incomplete
without "Sole Mio" sung by Car
uso. Moore's Music House, 4 0'J
415 Court. 124
lated in the near future.
I M 'J ( i ,ri h:i!i . ilju.iiiil,.ti)i Hi i I'tlUliH
1 1
411 Oregon Bld, Telephone 457
Pie Searey Bell Insurance
General Dasurance
miT- Ball - Frank Wagar
(rormeny pw"-
, qui ft. Cottace St.
iiiM-tm-nr 'lrnftiuiv-w
'"J"'" - 4 ,.
gets results, f
- UsteopathJo Pbysiclaa and
. 1 Bonfeoa "
-- nirt. Salem
Government Loans on Farms
5V par cent
202 U. S. Bank Bldg.
MUECK Lidia Mueck died at a
local hospital February 23, age
28 years. Survived by her wid
ower, Frank Mueck of Portland.
Remains forwarded to Portland
today for interment. Webb Fu
neral parlors in charge of arrangements.
Patriotic Program Today
Patriotism will be the keynote
of the second of the John J.
Evans Men's Bible classes to be
held at the Bllgh theater between
9:43 o'clock and 10:45 o'clocK
The Expert Cook
CATLIN Russell Catlin, 63, died
Friday evening. Feb. 22, 19J4,
at the residence, 1209 Chemeke-
ta street. Survived by his wid
ow, Mrs. Sybil C. Catlin. a
daughter, Mrs. Frank Spears of
Salem, a son David Catlin of
Honolulu, and two grandchil
dren of Salem. Funeral ser
vices will be held from the St.
Paul's Episcopal church Mon
day, Feb. 25, at 10:30 o'clock,
following which the Tuneral pro
cession will go to the Portland
crematorium for concluding
services. Tho remains will lie
in state in tho meantime at the
Rigdon mortuary.
I v Osteopathic
Fhjsician and Surcgons
has to have the right kind of
or her best efforts go wrong.
There'll be no, trouble with the
fire if our coal Is used. Burns up
nd retains an even heat
'-v - -
along. And listen, xou
nioornnsia and I . j anma and nrove it.
- -" . VIU wvm. r - -
1 1 wmam I ont t -O.
U. . Xavi JX ,caciaUm, Ihnn.930
i . I4NJ 1 LULL Jm ..w... w -
I L . i o-i.L, I right along. And listen.
The only physicians,IenJ won't have to fin up the
using Dr. AbranVs method oiiso orten wlth our coav
talent ittortuarp
ruxsaAi. pxazotoxi
nBt use
mtftelsat Wrk MeU FflMi
They all like candies and
Ice Cream
New and Used
Wliy forego tlie convenience of a tjTewTiter when yon can buy
one of the following standard makes of typewriters on our easy
installment plan.
Any of these machines sold on an easy payment plan of .
Rented at $3.00 Per Month Thrfe Months for S7.50
We overhaul and repair any make of typewriter aud
guarantee our work
t ; Eitabli8KedJ868!
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 1 0 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Leading Funeral
Expert Erabalnerf
rjiequale Senrie,
is especially de
signed to treat the ail
ments of the human
ej'e. There is no guess
svork here, everything
is a science. Call and
let us tell you what
your eye needs.
Morris Optical Co.
0 1.2-3.1 Oregon Bldg.,
Dr. If. K. Morris
Dr. A. McCulloch
Mill IT
mi mm
1 T W. :luJ
I Am, tt li ll, IlitL. I . UUilil I tllllUHWtlt i
Hi : ill
J in all the world you'll !
Ml never find a bettor bread.
1 1 1 i ivw'BETT E R-y ET'T
. 'I ep
6 tm&
Seals and Rubber Stamps Made to Order, ;
m. - ' m Max
no joo too liiuicuiu
If it's for the office we have it ' '
l , T
Professional skill Is not the
only requirement ofsrTun
eral director. He must per
form ' his sensitive tasks
quietly and unobtrusively.
and in a tactful manner that
. inspires confidenco and good
Our service includes friend
ly and sympathetic under
standing of the task in hand.
The personal element, we
hold, is equally ast important
as proficiency irf technical
Tcrwilliger Funeral
, Home
770 Cltcmeketa Street
Telephone 7-1
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
Balem, Oregon
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassinc,
Drug Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties,
Beginning Monday morning at 9 a. m. we will place
on sale our entire line of Axminster Rugs. Included in
tsale are to be found all the newest in designs and
caterings that the market affords. 9x 1 2 Axminster Rugs
values up to $55.00, extra special v
$42-50 TmWm m mm j
Use Our Easy Payment',
Plan. Wc charge no ,
. interest.
Trade in your used goods.
Visit our exchange .
. department..
1 1