Pola Negri's Gypsy Role in "The Spanish Dancer Suggested This Fortune-Telling Game to Her z a4 ,r- faM is, i 2u ) &fln A take a dwrymm I MCtott Jl I 3 -i ' xtK (r Ai ."i- i sH , I e v-- A f if v VJr MA ':)-Jmw'V'''- & J I Qi 5?- - X y . L au 1 J " ycui POLA NEGRI fortune- or Qovna C77i & sCong fotwn&y Iellirief Game - - -w Too can entertain your friends ' and yourself by playing this game, invented by Pola Negri. Cat oat the card on this page. Mount them on pasteboard if you like. Shuffle them. Hold them oat to the person whose fortune yon want to tell, backs facing them, and hare them select a card. The card contains their fortune, told by Pola fegri