(Right). One of Pola Negri's . chief recreations is her piano, of which she is a talented stu dent (Below). Manuel Alfonso, Spanish ten nis star, explains to Antonio Moreno, also Spanish, the value of outdoor sport in cultivating health and vigor flowers, an easy chair, an of the new est maga zines and Pola is happy (Left). "Here's to the T f h t - light lunch that keeps ir - sl " i jZtC;'llkry I toasts Tony Moreno with milk I (Below). Robert Agnew, If m v m illVAflllil 0f AT can also act the role of the well-dressed man I ,-? 1.-- J ""' I tip lr-l gj ntr I . V -ttfeSVL . i , i tr?V lltoJJC Kfcn I X" v Sf : 4 DAYS ONLY POLA AS YOU LIKE HER in A Tn PANI DANCER Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday February 29, March 1-2-3 OREGON THEATRE Coantrr of oriUi. U. 8. A. Cor7riht. 1928, roaa PUjr-lky Cr. All rthU ituiifd.