The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1924, Page 16, Image 16

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Says Byron Wright, Local
j Manager of the Certified
1 Used Car Market
nr pay for It. Hence the reason
for permitting tuom to control the
market. '
The market In Salem is being
operated absolutely at cost with
out profit to anyone, except ,tho
car ownsr who ReU a used car
there.; The dealcis tlo not parti
cipate in tho prc-tits; their only
angle In to relieve themselves o?
the used car problem.
Certified public motor rr mar
kets, bucIi as has recently been;
established in Salem, are by no
nieana an experiment, according
to the ' local , manager, Byron
Wright. ' lndr the Appleby plan,
- nearly. 100 markets are now oper
ating on the Pacific const and the
nme plan with a low hi
now In sereral jarge eastern cen-
' ters. ," -.. , , : ?
The first market was opened in
Orange county, and has . been so
successful that it has been copied
by every county except one in
southern California. It has also
spread into northern California
and during the past summer the
dealers in this state and la Ore
Ron were able to get the author.
James, E. Appleby, to come to tha
. northwest. 1 r
One of the big reasons i for its
, fuccesB has been the fact that it
has been true to its 'name and
fiiven the public dollar for dollar.
It bag also allowed the public to
set Its ov.n prices en the. used cars
offered, thereby determining" the
price level of . any community.
From the dealer's standpoint it
has taken off his hands the
' bother ofmixlng old merchandise
with new; whereas In, the, last an
alyeis the public anyway dictate
the prices, which, tha.. dealer can
; charge for his used cars. , . .
"Xo dealer can tell what a use?
car is worh.', seys Mr. Wright.
This Is easily, demonstrated to any
car owner who., goes from .one to
another seeking to trade in his
b& Ray ffloJlam ttra
May Also Sometimes
Cimse of Hat ten
ltODYi a side pressure was applied to at
I tery cell assembly.
The battery belnj; a rather
heavy unit, seta up an odd noise
when loose, in either its bracket
I or box. It is very common ior a
I battery to be loose in its support-
Local Gardner-Agency at
.173 S, Liberty
The Much Heard of Traffic
Transmission of 1924
Chandler Car
A representative of the Chap
eron , Motor Company, l'ortiana
will be , at the Marion Hotel in
Salem Tuesday of this week to
demonstrate the traffic transmis
sion of the Chandler automobile.
An invitation to all interested par
lies to see this car and examine
this transmission has been ex
tended. The traffic transmission
is u 1024 product of the Chandler
factory. It is built to enable even
an. inexperienced driver to shift
gears high to, low or vice versa In
the thickest of traffic without the
slightest clash of trouble. This
transmission also acts as a power
ful and positive braking system, it
permits the braking effect of the
engine to be applied instantly in
equal distribution between the
rear wheels.
While we are on the subject of
rattles another case came to n.v
attention in San Francisco last
summer in which a car owner was
condemning the motor for a rattle
existing at some other point in the
car. However, in this particular
case, 1 found the servicemrn on
the right track. He had exa inei
the motor thoroughly and w:-
making an effort to locate me
cause at 'orae other point in the
! chassis, but since this was the
first case of its kind coming to his
attention on this particular make
of car, he was not in a position to
put his finger on it.
This particular case pounded
very similar to a floor board rat
tle and judging by sound, it was
very near the front floor boards.
However, the vibrations rn",r'
be felt In the boards and the
sound was somewhat more muf
Hed. After a short rond test we could
not locate the cause. However,
Cross crossings cautiously.
Warning bePs may be out of or
der,1 watchmen or gate operators
may - be off duty. Shift into
nr. The public, have that preror second to avoid stalling on tracks.
;ng bracket, but uncommon foi
cells to become loose in the wood
box. Now. that we had found' lite
ral tie. we had to go a step farther
and find out why the certs worked
loose. A thorough examination
and analysis showed that cell3
loosened up due to a short rigid
ground wire, which, instead of
Hexing when the frame and bat
tery carrier was distorted on
rough roads, it acted as a rip.
Lrace for the battery terminal
post, thus prying the cells loose
in box. Alonser flexible cable
was installed after tightening the
cells in box to preclude the possi
bilitles of trouble developing
Aside from the battery there
are two other very import a nt'eon
ditions contributing to annoying
rattles, namely, the body brackets
and bolts and that portion of th"
running board splash apron ex
tending under body.
Rodv bolts as a rule do a lot of
again, see if it has. . shifted on
frame and also examine cloely'to1
tee if the liners provided by manu-;
I'r.ciurers between frame a.ul bodv;
have 'worked out. If the body iA
clamped down in a shifted position ;
and with the liners or shims mi.--;
sing, you are liable to bind your
steering fc.ear. also distort the body' .. , .
so that doors will not open aiiiliClier Oi IVlOISun I uKC UVLM
close properly and further a lot of
squeaks atjd fatties are liable to
develop in that portion of the val
ance or running board splash
apron extending under the body.
When adjusting body to frame!
of car, in designs where the splash
apron extends between body and
frame, there should be a liner "or
hhim the full length of body under
and over the splash apron. In
addition to this it is often neces
sary to vary the thickness of shims
at different points under the body
in order to line doors up properly.
This usually accounts for doors
not lining up in the case where
body bolts have been loose, allow
ing the shims to work out. -
To insure doors working prop
erly and absence of squeaks and
rattles between body, frame and
splash apron, see that your body
bolts are tight and that body lin
ers have not shifted on the frame
as a result of bolts being loose.
Copyright, - 1324. by The Christy,
Walsh Syndicate.
we found that wo could produce j stretching in the iniiial running of
the sound with rr standing on
rhop floor while speeding motor
up. After removing the floor
board, sound became more appar
ent. Examining the battery w"
found the wood section of battery
perfectly rigid in its cradle or
bracket but the whole battery cell
assembly was loose in the wood
box causing the ncibe. T.h owner i
was very much surprised to ob
serve that the rattle ceased when
An interesting fact to note is
the abuse of the word "balance"
and the misunderstanding of the
word "vibration."
a new car, and if tightened up se
curely after the first several hun
dred miles of service, will stay
In the case of cars that nro sub
jected to unusual or abnormal ser
vice, inspection should be mad.-1
frequently, at least twice a season
and when chasing rattles.
If body holts are found very
loose and the nuts missing fr(im
bolts before clamping body down
Washing your dirty linen in
public means that you are a laun
dress or an author.
O. If. Zeller nnd Mark Moisan
took over the Gardner Motor car
agency for the Salem district Fri
day. The Salem representatives
are to work as a. branch agency
with the Kurdett & Albee Motor
company of Portland which is the
distribution agency for Oregon.
Both Mr. Zeller and Mr. Moisan
are experienced automobile men
and are well known in Salem. They
have established their headquar
ters at 173 South Liberty street,
where they will be to serve Gard
ner owners, old and new'. A com
plete line of Gardner parts will be
carried In stock, and the partners
will be equipped to give genuine
Gardner service.
By Monday a complete line of
the. latest Gardner models will be
on display at the new agency. Ac
cording to Mr. Zeller the new sport,
model is attracting much favorable
comment and the Portland agency
, J. , . 4
ini-ua Burial J UJ.
Before long the local agency will
be established in its new quarters
and the public Is welcome-at any
time to come and inspect the cars
whether they have any intention!
of buying or not.
Almost New 1 923 5
Passenger Ford Tour
ing Ford Coupe in excel
lent condition
Dodge Touring, good
5-Passenger Touring,,
cost $1700 new In
good running order
with new tires,
for quick sale
i -
See These and Several Other (sjood Buysit
2lf Slate St.
Phone 311
- .1
Here are some costs On Studebaker cars
' t Jv Would you have us cut them down ?
'E are lavish on Studebaker
cars. For some features
we pay three and fouz
times what they need cosjt,' 1
Here arc torn of those costs which
affect you. Tell us would you want
any one reduced? j
- Our "prices " on high-erade Sixes
run from $9S to $2685. They stand at
bottom in the fine-car field, despite
these extra costs. All because the de
mand requires 150,000 cars per year
But they could be lower if we cut
these' CostSj Would you have us do it ?
, EngiAeering-$5(K),QW
Our-engineering departments cost
us $500,000 yearly. .
-) Our Department of Re-
search and Experiment
employs 125 skilled men.
It spends vast sums in
analyses and testa. '
Our' Bureau of Meth-
ods and Standards fixes
. every formula, every rc-v
' quiremenwJt makes
OOXQCLtests per year to
' maintain our night sjtanoX
ards. r :.'"-) :. . -'
We- make 30,000 in
spections on every Stude
baker car during rwnu
f acture before it goes out
of the factory. Wei em
ploy 1,200 men to do that.
Those are heavy costs.
- But remember how they
are divided by 150.000
cars per year1. They form
but a trifle per car. f
We have invested $50.-"" ' "
000,000 in modern plants and equip
' ment $8,000,000 in drop forge plants.
$10,000,000 in body plants - as the
only way to ao 1 Studebaker , coach
'work. ;-'-y -
These v plants are ; equipped with
12,500 up-to-date machines, many of
them very expensive. ;,,-tk.v. ... -
But consider the -alternative.
Profits to other, makers. We save
up to $200 on some bodies by build
ing them ourselves. ;
L J.a m steel , ; "
. - On spm? steels we yja bonus of
:. -'i5-Pay.-Hf-W.: D.-4a HrP- - -
'Touring i 1' : .$1260.00
Roadster (3-Pa. . . . . 240.0C
Coupe-Roadster ( 2-Pft8. ) . , M 420.00.
Coupe (5-Pasq,) t .. . 1610.00
Sedan . K . . .' . . . 1720.00
15 to the maker. Just to get our
formulas exact. We could save that
extra on "commercial runs."
We machine the entire surface of
crank shafts, as was done on Liberty
Airplane Motors. The extra cost is
$600,000 pet year. But the results
are that perfect balance, that . ab
sence of vibration.
Every Studebaker car is Timken
equipped.,, The Special-Six and the
Big-Six have more Timkeb bearings
than any. car selling under $5,600 jut
America. The Light-Six more than
any competitive car within $1,000 of
iu price. . . . ;,; , - .. , , .
Don't Buy a. Fine Car
you s&ihe fcaaers
Studcbakers hold the top place in the
finear field today.
Last year, -145,000 people chose them
against all rivals.' :They paid $200,000,000
for them. ' h ' v
For 72 3rears the Stodebaker name has
stood for the utmost izi qoaEry. It will
never stand for less.
Today there are assets of $90,000,000
staked on the Studebaker cars.
Don't pay $1 JOOO ormore- for a car with
out kxiowing what Stodebaker offers. You
will find here sbme scoxesof advantages.
Iani what thecincairto- you.
bought them. The nickel-plated
bumpers, the extra disc wheels and
cord tires, the steel trunk, the cour
tesy light, etc.
Extras to our men
We pay the highest labor scale.
Then we add extras to it. -""""
Men who are with us five years or
over get ,10 of their year's wages
in an anniversary check. Those an
niversary, checks last year cost us
After two years all employes get a
week of vacation with pay. That
cost us last year $225,000.
Old employes who re
tire get pensions. Our
co-operative department
costs us $2,000,000 per
All this to keep mit
with us while they grow
more and more efficient.
To make them happy, so
they do their best,. ,
This is all paid by peo
ple who buy Studebaker
cars.. But we figure. that
each such dollar, saves us
five dollars. Don't you
agree with us?
The utmost in
car value
Our bodied are' finished with 18
operations, including 15 coats of
paint and varnish. .' -
We i use . real leather upholstery.
The cost is about $25 per car over
imitatioh leather.
iThat Chase Mohair upholstery in
closed cars is made from the soft
fleece of AngonTgoats.' A velour or
worsted upholstery would save, us up
to $100 per car.
The i many extras on our large
closed cars-would cost-much if you
S P E CI A L S 1 X
5-Pass. 11" V. bVs H. P.-
The object is to give
you the utmost in car
value. You will find we
do that if you make com
parisons. In any, Stude
baker model, vou will
find scores of ways in
which it excels any rival car.
That is why, in the fine-car field,
the Studebaker leads. The demand
has almost. trebled in the past three
years. These cars have become the
sensation of Motordom. On some
of these models we have never yet
been able to meet the demand. .
We (spend money lavishly. We '
build , without regard to- cost. But,
in our quantity production, we still
bring costs to bottom.
You should learn what these thing's
mean, to you before you buy a car.
.7-Pass. 126" W. B. fift H. P.
Touring1 . . .
Roadster (2-Pass.)
Coupe to-Pass.)
Sed&n . . . .
Touring . . .
Speedster (3-Pass.)
Coupe (5-Pass.) .
Sedan . .
- .: .'(A11 prices f. o. b.' factory. Terms to meet your convenience.)
235 South Commercial
Salem's Largest Garage Open . Day and Night
Phone 362
. . 1 . ..... ' ",ii ii 11 1 hi 1 ''; "1
is the vast army of satisfied customers served daily by the Western
Auto Supply Company the guarantee of satisfaction placed upon
every article the remarkable growth of the company, one store in
1916 ninety stores today -the fact that the "Western Auto", -stores
are the Auto Supply Headquarters for thousands of .motorists
of the West
Top Dressing
"Western" brand "Mobair" or -Rubber"
dressing In -pint' or quart cans, priced
from 50c. to $1.15, according- to size. 1 -quart
can khaki for sport tops, $1.50.
"Black Duck" brand 1 pt. SUM; 1 qt $10.
"Leath-r-irju" pt, 45c; 1 pt, 85c, and
; ;
Specials This Week
10 per cent Reduction on All Sizes
v Tire Reliners
New Way Tire Valves set of 4...$ .75
One Day Auto Clock 4.10,
Eight Day Aulo Clock 11.50
Ford Throttle Lever Extension.... 1.40
Copper Ash Receiver ,; .35
Stromberg Carburetor Tor Ford.,.;. . 14.85.
Atwater Kent Ignition
McKay's U. S. Tire Chains
Tire chains are a necessity in inclement
weather. These are best quality and scien
tifically treated to prevent rust and ive
long service. $3.95 to $10.60 per pair, according-
to size. ' Also a complete line of Cross
Chains and Repair Links.
Cylinder Head Gaskets
Made of copp-pr ifMbestos fflld; accurately
madt and KUaranteeU ti fit perfectly. .Prices
30c tit $1.60, according to ear. We can sup
ply you with
Round and Flanged Caskets
Casket Paper
Gasket Sftellac
Sheet Kelt
Sheet' Cork and Packing
Asbestos Yarn
Asbestos Wick Packing
Asbettos Puino Packinff
Anco ''Hot Spot" Manifold
for Tord carw. ' tidai untecd to cut fuel cost.
Inc rease mileage, decreuse carbon, give more
flexibility, greater power, and fully attfy
ih.' user. THre are no moving parts, noth
iag requiring conxtant adjustment. 4 QC
IitsiMlled in few cninute. Our price viUw
Type C. A.
System . .
Victor Parking Lamps..
Headlamp Lens Violet
.... 1.7o'
Ray all
ler pair 1.20
Auto Robes
The evenings are so cool that auto robes are
a necessity you'll And a pure wool auto
robe is very comfortable. Our special prices
rane from $6.65 to $23.75. prices
1 1 I mm
srlve eomplet ' protection ' against
Biddinjr. Tb highj flat tread, th
sharp edpes and th row ot suc
tion cups roak a design which
rrips wet and slippery pavements.
An Inspection of the tire will dis
close many other reasons why
Western Giant Cords are i rapidly
becominir. the most preferred - tin
in the West.
BUM - Btrtr Hearr -
' - ' lt.eee-Mn Git-
30x3l2 $12.65.
32x34 150
31x4 1&85
32x4 20.65
33x4 210
34x4 210
32x4'2 26u55
34x42 28.15
35x412 290
35x5 34.30
(A1r fee FrW mm Other Bie) .
30x32 J10.7S
A Recovering Outfit for Your Car
Ford Roadster Rubber
Cloth Outfit
Mwtrla '.".auisae4
2$ $6.45
If your top lias become worn,
shabby , in appe;irance. or leaky,
you can quickly restore both its
efficiency and appearance at a very
small expense.
'2 JP Rovers Long
-iror mater
Ford Touring Rubber,
Cloth Outfit - ,
Xtti-lt Madels BqalppeC WUM
Ke?ne i i$7 ftS
The outfit consists of an extra
heavy black rubber cloth roof, ail
stitched, back curtains and sufficient
btadror aad -upholBterinir tacks and
tastenere all ready . to slip rls;ht
over the old frame. ...
uifner Dodge, Chevrolet, Maxwell :?f?JiiJ"J
' ewwwp sw IW fcflr
Order bi?
-.r ...
Our Guarantee
Protects You
90 Stores in the West
Corner , ,Court and High Streets
Phone 796
For Your
Open Till
19 p.m..
Saturdays '
Wear-well Gords
Aw That the Name Implies
A standard weight- standard
quality standard pvcrsize eco
nomical tire, fully guaranteed..
Sixe Price
30x3 CI. Regular Sixe ........ $8.55
30x3' CI. Regular Size S-80
30x3'2 CI. Oversize 9M
314 S. 8. Oversize. 15J6
32x4 S. 9.- Oversize 15.90
33x4 S. 8. Oversize 16.8S
34x4 S. S. Oversize 17.60
S2x42 S. S. Oversize 20.4C
33x4? S. S. Oversize........... 210
34x4', S. S. Oversize 21JB5
33x5 S. S. Oversize. 25.70
85x5 S. S. Oversize ..M 2&50
or i