The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1924, Page 13, Image 13

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-. Jj
i How much rent have you paid in the last ten years?
Are you thinking of building?
Can I offer my help and .show you how you can own your own home?
It takes a little nerve, to be sure, and perhaps you don't know as much
about building values as you would like to, and so hesitate to build. V ; ' - '
I will gladly estimate any house plans you may have. If you are
thinking of home building, it will pay you to see me.
I will give you my help whether you build with me or not.
My motto i3 "Turn out good work and satisfy my customers."
i m
er arid Ii8r,,, says Jean Grabenhorst, local realtor when asked about
uii itc itai puAitxiiciuuu wing list oi saies just ciosea ny th
ie company
Idlns on , Libertr. U
tments or the bulldiia
man' Shop, as its nao
i, I
mans Shop Ontr, Diversified Farming Lands
3h-Waters Build. Will Move Declares Realtor
ie opening of the W'i Steady; inquiries are being
, on Court in the tec made for dairy farms, according
eted Adolph & Wate to A. C. Bohrnstedt. Salem real-
tnd the occupancy of Lftor, who believes that this class
uiures ui me souine)" rurai prypeny win De ine nv-
road company fn fofcjst this spring.
. "There is not much demand for
specialized farming in general,"
Mr. Bohrnstedt said, yesterday,"
"bat the diversified farm is the
ters exclusively to voBjone that .will be sought. Any
nage. Miss A. E. Lyw
red business and,, Tffi,
corset deaprtment. . Jkl
r will conduct the'tnlS-l
rtment. This shoo- b
tween the Oyster Lwft
and the Nelson & Hut
on I the corner.; To
aciflc office wilt be
Ion Liberty.
place that is suitable for dairying.
general farming and fruit -rowing
win move, several line proper
ties are available at this time."
bert. Hoover, president of Better
VTimt-Vn onmno iiHonie8 America, announces the
yyuiuvuicui vi iu loiiuwius new
members of the advisory -council
of the organization:
Dr. Hubert Work, secretary U.
S. department interior; Miss Grace
go beyond your., read
ory of what you mijit
?. 4. Begin now -to m
ey and Invest it In
Get a piece of ral w
ome . kind , before ' iM
ng of homeseekeoi UtUbbott. chief children's bureau, U
mis way irom ianjff is.: Edwin H. Brown, fellow. Am
beyond , the seas cauvferlcan institute of architects: Mrs.
W. C. Martin, chairman of the
ill be left merely to fcflfwomen's division, federation of
farm and home bureaus: J. Hor
'ace McFarland, president Ameri
.can civic association; Miss Adelia
resolve that you tailPrlchard. president national teder
timi henceforittiation of btisineBs and professional
worth, while, ant, fill women's clubs: Dr. Louise Stanley,
y, at least, show ywrUhief, bureau of home economics.
pa for the pririleges department of agriculture.
lag dally in the bett aw-fend Lawrenee veiiier, national
f I r. t -.
e country, in the bHtLoulng association.
in the best natron! for James Ford, expert in econo-
It will mean sMrifialmlcs and sociology has been given
Approximately $100,000,00
Worth ot New Buildings
Are Contemplated
Building permits issued by the
city recorder so far this month
amount to 187,600, indicating
$100,000 worth of new buildings
will be erected in Salem during
February. Of this amount there
were 116.300 worth of permits
issued during the last week, an
exceptionally low figure.
Nick Haas will build a dwelling
at 1045 North Summer at a cost
of S3 500, according to a permit
Issued yesterday. Other permits
issued during the week, repre
senting larger and better type
buildings, were to A. 6. Benson,
dwelling at 815 D, $4500, and to
the Union Oil company for a fill
ing station at the junction of the
Fairgrounds, Portland and Silver-
ton roads. This building will cost
Chief among the buildings for
February are the home of Curtis
Cross1,- 1625 Fairmount, to cast
$15,000 and the Charles Wetler
building, northeast corner o
High and Chemeketa, to cost $15,'
000. Forms have been nearly
completed for this building and i
is expected that the pouring of
concrete will get under way this
art but' no one reacts
hment worth while wtk-ftmlTerslty to take up the work of
1 1 .. . a t . . I. M n-
jeraiexecuuve airecior oi oeuer uumc
a America.
pt a sacrifice).'
will not be aorryj
swatted the fly. J
wore a wrist watch,
had appendicitis. y :
knew about radio.
,ung men bad "Jtveir
came to town for their
ople read by the canda
flight. : J
vena were not fall
d girl drew $1."50 V,
as happy, v ' , t
Jnen learned trades
her "threw in a "ftjrt
thant "threw In" i pak
ers with every suit.
Ilistened In on Jbe tele-
ipnr no electric meters.
pg a newspaper was ot
(It was a dueling (ami
ere no Bolshevists nor
"a with ras" was i
line of house-to-let ad-
Ilks didn't know about
I summer time, and l
3a treat.! ' T
ilks retired at 9
5 In the morning
lave changed.) ;
leave of absence from Harvard
Fifteen New Properties
Are Listed with Bureau
HIS 0111
Jlerbert HooTer . ; . ,
y that owns" Its ow
pride in It. mamtaini
eta more pleasure 0
as a' more wholesome.
!ad happier atmoi(hr
bring np children.
has a constructive ,n
works harder. outsld
he spends his leftnn
profitably, atad, i nt
ive a f Ine We and .
i the comforts ana em
inences of our modert
A husband and wif
keir own home are nion
ocal Realtor Comments on
Chance Remark Over
heard on Street
The other day when I was
walking down State street, pass-
uk two gentlemen, 1 ueara mis
Vemark, while one of them was
pointing to a man crossing inc ,
"That man owns his own
1 don't know what they were
talkinc about, but I imaginede the
thrill of pride which would have
filled that i man it he baa over
heard that remark and had known
it was said about him.
fi A man who owns his own home
nd thi land on which it stands
a better citizen, a better neign-
hor. a better husband, and a bet-
ter i- iatner. ids iuiuioh.
fighter to him; he feels more
secure in either, sickness or un
employment if he knows that
rent worries are a tning oi me
asC - . - '.
1 think that the newspapers
businessmen, banks, and every
public spirited citizen snouia nevp
in a "Own your- own Home
movement in this town tnat means
much to the development of
the community.
, I always feel that I have done
f good turn not only to the man
?ut also to the city at large when
r hiT been able to help some
body to secure bis own home.
1 Rich. L. Reimann.
Fifteen new listings were mailed
to members of the Multiple Listin
bureau of the Marlon-Polk County
F.ej.ty association Saturday by
Miss Martha Leavenworth, execu
tive secretary. This brings the
total number of. listings in the
Lureau to 232.
Each of the 25 members of the.
bureau receive a full description,
prices and terms of li properties
lifted with the bureau. Through
this cooperation a person listing
his property with the buieau has
25 agents handling his property
instead of one and at no greater
tost. The chief feature of the
bureau, as far as the purchaser
is concerned, is that it eliminates
shopping for property.
every one the farmer receives from
products when they reach the con
sumer. There can't be good busi
ness conditions under such a sys
tem. It is certain to tip itself
over it is already doing it.
Statistics are tedious, but they
are very significant these days. In
900, 60 of every 100 people lived
on the farms, contented and hap
py. Today 60 of every 100 live in
the cities and both the 60 and 40
per cent are dissatisfied and rebel
In New England, New York and
Pennsylvania there are today 75,-
000 unoccupied farms, four and
one half million of formerly culti
vated land abandoned.
In the middle Atlantic states
there are 2,775,000 less acres of
improved land than there were in
1910. In the east north central
states there are 16,000 less farms
today than there were in 1910.
In Indiana there are 10,000 less.
in Illinois 14,000 less and 10,000
less in Michigan. These figures
are from the government census.
they are facts.
In Oregon thousands of ranch
ers' have left their farms during
the past four years and thousands
more will leave the coming year,
unless conditions speedily change.
A Portland banker stated at the
recent wheat meeting before the
Portland Chamber of Commerce
that' 200 banks had recently failed
in the Pacific Northwest on ac
count of failing farmers and cattle
There are a comparatively few
middle handling agencies that are
taking the profits that should go
to the producers and the lower
prices that should go to the con
sumers. These middle agencies,
not only in agriculture but in man
ufacturing industries, are holding
up national prosperity to a large
extent by their profit tolls.
From both producers and con
sumers should come organization
to control production from the
farm to the retailer. It would not
be a formidable undertaking if
they would act together, and
enough of them act. With produc
tion, transportation and marketing
controlled, these many large mid
dle profits and expenses could be
eliminated, or retained by the pro
ducers and consumers in coopera
tion. And if they were so retain
ed and divided, there would be
prosperity in agriculture and con
tentment in labor. Two dollars
profit added to one dollar's worth
of goods is what ails this country.
Remodeling of the front of the
building has been completed by
the Opera House pharmacy, cor
ner of Court and High and adja
cent to the Grand theatre. The
change gives the proprietor better
opportunity to display his mer
chandise in addition to adding to
the appearance of the building,
which is located on one of the
prominent corners of the city.
1 The safest investment is real
estate and the first purchase any
man should make is a home.
dvancement of a ttclal
permits the indlfidai
the fruits of his lahor.l
'axpayers they tkel
Nvft 11 , (ha : InVft 01
TfiA foundation of Wealth Is
tie first few hundred dollars well
invested' .
Pierpont Morgan.
They have an1ntr4 jpor Real Bargains In city real
state see the Classified page in
today's Statesman.
CAIRO. Feb, 2 (Mail). Egypt
S of. the finest lnstlncSCjliaa formally adopted a new flag
itest of inspiration Vl N wilt be a green neio.
C. E. Spence, Market Agent,
723 Court House, Portland
All Sizes.
Headquarters For
280 X. Commercial St.
What ails the nation's agricul
ture is too low prices to the far
mer and too high to u
Too low prices to the raisers re
sult in farmers quitting the
and going to the cities lor jobs.
Too high prices to the con-
result in less consumption and less
If there could be a norma ratio
betwee nthe producing and selling
prices the whole country would be
vastly benefitted; and it would
seem that an aroused people could
work out one.
We have two great classes on
the prosperity of which depends
the welfare of our country pro
ducers and consumers. The only
condition that will really make an
Oregon farm a real home, and one
that will hold the boys and girls,
is a condition under which the
owner or renter feels certain that
he can sell his products at a mar
gin of profit sufficient for him to
make a home. The only condition
under which, the working class out
side of the farms will be continued
is when they are able to buy the
necessary food products of . . the
farm at ft fair profit margin over
the price the farmer receives, and
be able to save a little from the
wages or salary.
""There' are! two dollars added to
Ten apartments, lot 82 Vt by
165 close in, $15,000.00.
Apt. house. This is a business
location as well, lot 162 by
175, S16.000.00.
Apt. house on Cottage, east
front, lot 66 by 165. f 3,750.
Apt. house on Union St., $3,350.
Apt. house on 12th, $3,800.00.
Apt. house on N. Liberty, al
ways filled, $10,000.00.
Apt. house close in corner lot,
on N. Cottage St., $8,000.00.
Apt. house, 9 apta. close in on
N. Cottage, $12,000.00.
Furnished house on South 14th,
has piano, vlctrola, all good
furnishings, house in good
repair, corner lot, $5,500.00.
Furnished house on Center
" St., close in, $5,500.00.
Furnished house on N. Winter,
New house in A-l condition,
all furnished, corner lot,
We have many lots to choose
from in all parts of town. We
trade houses and farms,
houses for farms, automo
biles for lots, and treat you
courteously at all times.
Gertrude J. Ill Page
N.. Cottage
On South Church St.
One , of our most attractive
homes; has different beautiful
trees; hard wood floors, sun
room, ivory mahogany finish.
silver chandeliers; beautiful
lowers; wonderful setting
On South Commercial
Modern home; hardwood floors;
stately fir trees; east front
Attractive home on Lincoln
street; furnace; fire place and
drapes; double garage $7000.
7-room house; east front; base
ment; furnace; fireplace; close
in on N. Cottage St. $6500.
A most attractive home; con
struction absolutely the best:
has everything modern; double
garage; has beautiful shrub
bery; in Oaks addition
On North Summer
East front; large, well built
home; hot water heat; oak fin
ish $13,000.00.
A large apartment house on
Capitol street; double garage
On Court street; 8-room house;
everything modern $14,000.
New home on Noith Summer;
large lot; many flowers $1G,-000.00.
On North Fifth St.
New house; electric range;
electric water heater; ice box
and linoleum; wood in base
ment $7000.00.
Modern new home; corner lot;
garage $5700.00.
On Liberty St.
east front $21
5-room house;
5-room house;
7-room house;
east front
east front
On North Church St.
v-room house; 2 bath rooms;
vacant lot; all for $9000.00.
On 22nd street; 4-room house;
2 lots $1800.00.
On Fifth street; old 3-room
house; large lot $1500.00.
On Summer street; large lot
and roomy house; close in
Large lot adjoining 5-room
bouse; trees; east front
On E street;
large new home
On Summer street; corner lot
modern home $7000.00.
We have many other houses to
show you. We give service
until you are satisfied.
Gertrude J. Id Page
492 N- Cottage. .Phone 1186
PHONE 1337-J
lit 1
New and interesting prices on all classes of wiring It will
pay you to get our special prices, be sure to get an estimate
from us before buildinK. It will, save you money.
Fixtures at Prices
That Are Right....
Salem Electric ,Co.
F. S. BARTON, Prop.
And with the advent of spring comes a desire to own a home
No matter whether it is farms, city homes, acreage, or vacant
lots we have them all.
We buy. sell, trade, lease, and sell fire insurance.
20-acre farm; four-room house; stock and machinery; 1
miles off Portland highway; in crop; for $200.0.00.
5-room modern bungalow on paved street; east front; brand
new $2350.00. Terms. -
rilOXE 1351
The character of the home is an important
factor in the development of character in
future citizens.
These homes are for you
Seven spacious rooms well arranged, two
complete bathrooms, furnace, fireplace,
well built in kitchen, large closets, absolute
ly dry basement, and over one-half acre of
grounds on creek. This can be made a
show place and is a "pickup" at $6500.00.
Six room modern bungalow, furnace, fire
place, Dutch kitchen, beautiful grounds
facing the Asylum on 24th street. Non
resident will sacrifice at $3500.00.
Winnie Pettyjohn
216 Oregon Building
I ;' v, V -i
US i -
' m
V in ii ii .1 r i iii J JL 53S
Correct Estimates
., -
Furnished on All
Classes of Property
Having lived in Sa;
lem f.or 33 years
and filled the offic
of County Assessor
for eight years, I
can furnish pros
pective purchasers'
witb rnrrprt ri-
JjfJJ , mates. ;
Real Estate and Insurance Broker -0
3702 State Street t . 1
Bargains in
City' Homes, Suburban Homes and Large Farms
Not a member of any organization that will jeopard
ize you from listing your property with other real estate
3 M
Acme Quality protects your flooring. It
gives a beautiful surface that is easily cleaned.
No need to scrub for imbedded dirt. The
paint seals the pores of the wood. Goes on
easily and dries quickly.
We recommend Acme Quality Floor Paint
(Granite.) Our guaranty goes with every can.
Call upon us for any thing in the pai.nt line.
We arc here to serve you.
Salem Hardware Company
120 North Commercial Slreet-
Phone 172
lh TUILD NOW, before the .
LJ building season and build- J i :
V Jets ing material are at their peak.
WAT j Consult us whether you plan TT
JyM j to erect a modest hqme or an 1 :;r
fcf-i imposing office structure- TT
) I ! We are always glad to assist you J .
i r building or advising you in any i
v r way possible. J l'
) i; J.W.CopelandYards j5
' j) (jL PHONE 576 J ,
111 l"a,'ls In West Salem, Lents, Hubbard,