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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1924)
tlSfj W"HIS Six Room Residence Property with good Poultry NA ; House, Wood House, Fruit Trees and Two Acres of .extra fine Land, within one mile of business district. 'Chjly small cash payment needed. Balance monthly payment like rent. $3200.00. A. C. Bohrnstedt 147 North Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. No home is complete without the Statesman Subscribe Today. HOME OPPORTUNITIES I 1 :,::Vi;. ' ' " : SEE JOHN H. SCOTT 208 Oregon Building i' and learn about his home offers both in city and country. Acreage well located from 5 to 1 1 25 acres, with or without improve '.merits. Small payment in cash, live stock or farm machinery. Remainder on very easy terms. Will take wood on the ground br city property in part. Tell me what you can do, I will cut the:ash to sint" No horrie is complete without the Statesman Subscribe Today. Phone 1249. 343 State St. Union Abstract Company ' We have a complete set of indices of Marion County t Records. Before parking with your money for a deed or mortgage, satisfy yourself that the title is good by get ting one of our abstracts. V. S. PAGE, President. W. E. HANSON, Secretary No home is complete without the Statesman Subscribe Today. Know what you Want, and why you want it is It Cheaper Price? Or Cheaper Cost? . The price of a frame house may geem lower than a MILESTONE tile house but look what comes with it. The cost of a frame house In only 10 years is greater than that of a concrete tile home. i If you want a more comfortable, attractive and lasting home with a lower cost per year we would be pleased to show you plans, which can be built at a reasonable FIRST and FINAL cost. Our phone is ISO. MILESTONE Rulhhng Materials 1403 N. Front, Phone ISO. Hi Concrete Products REAL VALUES. IN REAL ESTATE $3500 buys a good four-room dwelling at 529 S. Com mercial St. This property is close in and is a real business location for you at the right price. Lot 35x85. $12,000.00 buys a 14-room duplex home very close in lo cation. Income $80 per month. Terms. $16,000 willlbuy the Leonard Hotel en N. Front St. In come $125 per month. $21,000 close in business property size 821x165 feet Another good business property very close in. Price $14,000. Size 4112x165. $8500 new modern six room home on Fairmount Hill, let us show you this property, its a real buy. Terms. A splendid building lot Fairmount Hill, 75x150, $2100. $6850. 7-room bungalow with hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, full cement basement, modern in every detail. Located on N. 5th St. Lot on N. Capital St. $750 size 55x100, improvements in. Lot -on Center St., near 14th, price $700; improve ments in. $,500 buys a good 5 room home located at 1044 S. Com mercial street lot 75x162. $2800, 1143 S. Commercial street, lot 75x150 with barn and fruit trees; 7-rooms; fireplace. This is a good buy ; a splendid location. If its a farm that you are looking for, we have them at the right prices and terms in most any location in the valley- NOW is the time to buy your farm and don't wait until the prices go up. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.REaltors 275 State Street Phone 515 V. S. Bank Building This Won't Hurt You Paying Rent to Yourself 1. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry tubs, double construction throughout, garage, cement walks. This brand new bungalow on trim view lot for $3800.00 and $700 down, balance like rent takes. Quick pos session. See at 2180 South Church. Two lots if desired. 2. Another new one is 4-room modern with garage at $2250. Bath, hot water, etc. $400 down, balance $20 monthly. 3. Another for $1900 at $250 down, balance like rent. See this at 2380 Nob Hill. For rent see 1186 Broadway at $25, and 475 N. 17th at $35; both vacant Bring your Real Estate and Insurance problems to us. We spe cialize upon properties that MUST be sold. BECKE & HENDRICKS REALTORS U. S. Bank Building The Hearth That Spells Happiness T OVE, peace of soul, and the witchery of dreams these are woven at the hearth that is truly one's own. Love thrives in the common possession of a home; peace of soul comes in the knowledge that no disturbing.influence can enter it. Hap piness is born of fireside dreams dreams of a home that shall ever remain YOURS. It has been our privilege to aid many people in the realization of life's loftiest aspiration OWNING A HOME. MAY WE EXTEND to you the benefit of our advice and experience? Rich L. Reimann 307-303 Oregon Building lihMSuaiiiMtliUH .. -, mm t n m mm HW '91 1 N W H M WWt " W Ht ETP WW!' I iiTmill1Bt''Tn3Wra . i:u asrsi mi in: a mw iw -a a a mm mm iia-wrai !!ti.:iii lin nii i:u :r!iit'i mmwsms - - ,MMMm.uttMw.iMmm.tiiMMiinmminiwniidr . ......utttiiitiiiMnitMtiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiwiHnmwHiminnnBnlHillllllllWillli jiimuiiaiim:3::3iiirai:iiiiiiTiniiriiii mi -u nit hittiii anm iaiinTa?T'"1tM"m"mania,,,p0!mra":M" 'mwmaraMii.giaBiacjnMTimia .nw.T1a- "Day by day in every way business is getting better and fcer," says conditions in the valley, then to prove his contention he h: ;; jedir J ' Alex Zaleski buys a five room home on South Commercial Street from Homer H. Smith and T. B. Kay, consideration $2650. Mr. Zaleski has taken possession and intends to improve his pro perty at once. Ada Niles buys a fine lot on Center street near N. 14th street, consideration $800. Mr. Ralph Allen Buys one and one tenth acres on S. Commer cial street, south of the city limits with a small house, consider ation $1500. Dr. M. C. Findley seller. Henry Woolery from Woodburn buys a small 4-room house at 1475 South Cottage street from Jas. G. Heltzel, consideration $800. Mr. Woolery will make his home in Salem. Mr. E. F. Underwood buys a fine one quarter block on Fair mount Hill for an investment and building purpose. Seller, Ar thur W. Laurence. An Opportunity to Brighten Up There are marred pieces of furniture the worn floors and stair treads the woodwork, which needs refinishing the kitchen cabinet and many other things that can be brightened up with Sherwin-Williams FLOORLAC a vamish stain of unusual wear ing qualities, adaptability and beauty. TRIAL CAN COUPON Nme Address This coupon and 15c entitles bearer to quarter pint can of Floor lac and one Varnish Brush. I Falls City-Salem Lumber Company; A. B. KELSAY, Mgr. 349 S. 12th ' Phone 813 imr swaps in PROPERTY KQW Moisan and Ulrich Report Conditions. Very Favor able for Good Year Swaps were the order of the week in the office of Moisan and Ulrich, local realtors. Among other deals handled by this com pany was a trade whereby- Sv A. Manning became the possessor of a very nice residence property on South Commercial street formerly owned by Mr. E. L. puchanan. While Mr. Buchanan assumed pos session of a five acre tract, very well improved, which was former ly owned by Mr. MannSng. The house involved is a modern resi dence valued at $6500. When interviewed by a repre sentative of the Statesman, Mr. Ulrich professed himself as being very enthusiastic about the future of the city of Salem and the sur rounding territory, especially as regards the purchase of acreage. "A marked improvement is al ready to be observed in conditions relating to the fruit and berry grower, and a man with money to invest cannot go wrong if he buys land with it" said Mr. Ulrich. Mr. G. T. Moisan, senior mem ber of the firm. Is an old resident of the valley and has been engag ed in the real estate business for the past year. Mr. Ulrich is especially well qualified to judge, conditions in a farming community as he spent si years as appraiser for the Fed eral Land Bank before associating himself in business with Mr. Moisan. 1 HOME SAYS J. H. SCOTT 1 1 Let the Cigarette Alone and Spend Your Time in Planning Home" What do I think of the idea of owning your own home? I think home ownership is the balance wheel of our future civil ization. It adds stability to our general government. It tends to build up a strong social commun ity welfare. It strengthens home ties and teaches thrift to both parent and child. It teaches them to have a higher regard for the property rights of others. When we come to consider that we have been only 75 years, the average life of a man, since the first settlers came to this state, and that all of the development has been accomplished - during that short space of time, and that the greater portion of this devel opment has, been made within the last twenty or twenty-five years, and that during that time the tel ephone, telegraph, electricity, the automobile and all gasoline appli ances have, been invented and put into use, we may reasonably ex pect within the next few years to witness a greater development than has heretofore been made. The automobile and good roads will cause thousands of people to motor through the Pacific coast states each year, many of whom will invest capital and become factors in our community devel opment. Prices of homesites are sure to advance. Good opportunities are slipping away from us daily. When I see a young man stand ing on the street, sucking a clg- arette or fooling his time away around a pool hall, and know that every minute thus lost can nevei be recalled and that such habits disqualify him in a large degree trcm acquiring the money to pay for a home, and detracts from his brain and brawn so that he never will be able to .reach that high ideal of home life and refinement that he could once have acquired mat high standard cl hon.e and community auainmcct that he ex pects his future wife to attain. feel keenly his great lack of ap preciation for the wonderful op portunities that confront him daily. . I would urge every man to gst down town offices of the SouUitrs I of rural property wll1 Pacific railroad company U tie ftt this spring. same building on Liberty, U of L "There la not much the deaprtments of the bmldiini specialized farming s fwlll be occupied. ! ll rr - rllr. Bohrnstedt said The Woman's Shop, as Its nans "but the diversified 1 en's patronage. Miss A. E. Lyual place that is suitable f has reintered business and: ni I general farm In and f if have charge of the hosiery, unir-f move. Setexal i wear and corset deaprtment. 34 I ties are available at ifi M. Haniger will conduct taetaiOi'f - - i nor Hanartmsnt. , Ttila hnrk;l.l Inatorl htlVMn h rVmf.iT...L HOOVTR APPOIXaT restaurant and the Xelsoa ft Hot New Womans' Shop C,:: in Adolph - Waters C:.::.jf- .Will Move Declar? With the opening of the Wo an'a Shop, on Court in the fecent- ly completed Adolph ft s Witen Steady I Inquiries tan&de for dairy' farmi to A. C. Bohrnstedt. building, and the occupancy1 of tkefior u who. believes - tha Diversified Farminc drug store on the corner.? !fclL T '-., M Southern Pacific office will be H- JTert HoTe. Presides tween the West Fur commit miV .: Am. ' zal the Sheldon-Sherwin Dry Goidi . w company, on Liberty. . members of the advfc a home, uet a piece or. rut ss- Dr. Hubert Work. tate of some kind before ilitls. department Interior:! large throng of homeseekett ltlatkAbbott, chief children' is headed this way from fattier Is.: Edwin it Brown. east and beyond . the seas cauteslWlean institute of rrb! prices to go beyond your rettklWkC. Martin . ehhV and you will be left merely io tellPwomen's - division, :. fe! me oia story oi wnat you&Usttiarm and home. bureat have done. Begin now to rm face' McFarland, presld your money and inTest It b a Uaa cfrte assocIaUon: 1 home and resolve that voir IU iPrichard. president nat' from this . time: henceforVAiatlon of busiaess and i suiueioing worm wane, ant n si women eiuts; ur. iu. small way, at least show viurWcbief. bureau of home appreciation for the privileges job U.; a. department of are enjoying dally in the beKt ae-pnd, Lawrenee , tU4 tion of the country, in the last state and in the best nstnn is -w fuvaa - WMCa a VI Uf the world. It wiir mean sMrlfooLmica and sociology; has on your part, but no one reacles high attainment worth whilawBi- out making a sacrifice. Beda now; you will not be bottt: mi vm x mmt ' rl - en wi IKS I ifMU The Principle of Thrift The success of any business, large or small, is built upon the principle of thrift. And corres pondingly, the success of your own personal future is built upon the sajne principle. There can never be any progress or advancement without the practice of this policy. Therefore, be thrifty by depositing your money in the United States National Bank where it will draw interest while accumulating for some future need. You will be surprised at the pleasure it will give you because you are a saver. United States National Bank Salem. Oregon. FORTY YEARS Nobody swatted the fir. Nobody wore a wrist watcS. . Nobody had appendicitis.! Nobody knew about radie Most young men had Jllvery bills." iff Farmers came to town for tadr mail. . Many people read by the candle or kerosene' light. V The heavens were not ftflf' bf manbirds. The hired gir dreV i9 a week and was hippy. v - VI Young men learned trades it $5 per week. V? The butcher "threw in" A chunk of liver. ;' VI' :' The merchant "threw in" i pair of suspenders with every suBV Nobody listened In on the tele phone, i - -C - There were no electric Beters. Publishing a newspaper was' tot a; business, it was a dueling game. There were no Bolshevists nor isms." ' . ' M i "Equipped with gas f U I prominent line of house-to-let sd vertisement. . 5 ' Office folks didn't know about a fan in the summer time, and Ice water was a treat. ft Many folks retired at t M!" 7TT housing association; .1. - ..... . . . james roro, expen. a leave of absence fro; tf . - - . : niTfr8ity w taae up i executive director of b a America. - Tum Miri nv JI1HI lilfiii Ui ; his a;: and rose at 5 in the mornloi (Times have changed.) ?1 THE HOME OWNER By Herbert Hoover 'i A family that owns ItS'Owa home takes pride In It. maintains it better, gets more pleasure oat or it, and has a' more wholesom, healthful and happier atmospfcert in which to brinr no childrel.Tbe home owner has a construct!? la In life. He works harder outside his home, he spends his hours more profitably, and te his family live a finer life as Joy more of the comforts and cul tlvating influences of our jnbdert civlliiatlon. A husband and wife who own their own home are more pt to save. They have im Inter est in the advancement of aKdl system that permits the Individual to store up the fruits of hialahor. As direct taxpayers they tika more active part In local go?1 ment. Above all. the Lsrt of (f. - ' I f III " HI i it, .in CJIIRO. Feb. 2 (Mall home is one of the finest lnstl-thaa formally adopted a and the greatest of inspiratixii oi - . Local Realtor Com n Chance Remarld ; heard on Stt 4 The other" day wl; walking down State s ing two gentlemen, 1 remark, while one of pointing to a man c Itreet: ; 'That man owns tfome." I don't know what talking about but I inV thrill of pride which filled: that man lt he heard that remark and it was said about him. - A man who owns his and the land on whic.v Is a better citizen, a bd bor, a better husband. ter father. The fut brighter to him; he, secure in either sickn employment it he ; k rent worries are a tbl I think that the t businessmen, banks. public spirited citizen s (a a i 'Own your,ow movement in this town n bo much to the devel the community. . x I always feel that. I a good turn not only tq but also to the city at I. I .have been able to h body to secure his own Rich. L. Rl The foundation of 1 the first few hundred dd iTested.'' 1 Pierpont for Real Bargains in estate see the Classiflec today's SUtesman. t EGYPT ADOPTS KEA U Tfrlll be a green fiel crescent and three t"r?,-