The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 23, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    DID YCtf '.Telephone your
classified ad for. the Sunday's
Statesman:. A null mrl 4
t' i The r Diversity Edition of
'the? Oregon SUtesmaVwlU be
released Thtrrsday, February
28thJ l-s,,,i-.;vHvvi
before 8 p.m. will insure prop-
SEVEgmjillux; YEAR -
:llf lilDIITSlORDE
llUflQUJCIRTnill npa
axJio Talk, Contain Appeal
u Mmencan- people to
'TO tngunng Work of
First President
m' .K " : J
qoress Given . in--. White
nouse study at Request
: of Rotarians
lvs ...
uB(-.Uqoiase,. la a radio address
del,?ered tonight from 'the White
House; combined Vleh5 a tribute to
Washington an appeal the Am
erican people to accept the re
sponsibilities and continue the
sacrifices necessary "to 'make en
during the Institutions -which
Washington founded. ( '
Mr. Coolldge described the part
played by Washington in the
founding of the American govern
ment and declared he accomplish
ed the results "by accepting groat
responsibilities and making great
sacrifices." (
"If we are to maintain the in
stitutions which he founded, if we
are to improve what he created,
"we must be like-minded with him;
we must continue to accept respon
sibilities, we must continue to
make sacrifices," the, president
Baid. "Under all the laws of God
and man there Is no other way."
, ; Talks in Study
' ' The address was delivered by
the president in his study in the
White House and was tuade by in
viution of the internVtlonal Ro
tary clubs, members of which re
cently acked that the president de
liver an addrcsstoday in anniversary-f
thV foundincof rotarlan-
"Each ; year the birthday of
George Washington' gains wider
acceptance as 'being" of more' na
tional significance," Mr. CooIIdge
said. "In far-off lands people are
observing this day;' by taking
thought of the qualities that gave
Washington'., his foremost ' placo
among the truly great. They are
drawn to this man by ' his . calm
j and clear judgment, by his abound
ing courage and by his unselfish
devotion. Beyond that which' was
ever accorded to ally otner mbrtal,
he holds rank as It soldier, states
man and a patriot. Others may
have excelled him in some of these
qualities, but no one ever excelled
him" In this three-fold greatness.
"Yet, Washington,- the v man,
incenis to stand above them all.
We can best' estimate him
by not Identifying him with some
high places but by thinking of him
ins one of ourselves. When all
detailed description faUs, if is
enough to sky he was a" great man.
He had a supreme" endowment of
character. 1 f
V Life Was Preparation .
No one can think of America
without thinking of Washington
when we look back over the course
of history before his day, it seebis
as though It had all been a prep
aration for him and his time.
When we consider events ' since
then we can see a steady, growth
and? development of the ideals
"which he represented as the insti
tutions which he foundedi world
wide in extent. The principles
which he fought to establish have
become axioms of civilliatlon. 5 It
might also be said that the prog
ress which peopled have made ha
aneasured by the degree with which
they have accepted the great poli
cies which he represented. ; j
'It Is not possible: to compress
a great life into sinfcle sentence.
We look upon Washington's the
exponent of me nf "l.
Wolhink of some as having estab
lished the independence of Ameri
ca t Wo associate his name with
fiberty and freedom'." We say that
he wL a BreatMntluetace in he
JSdpt".! of the constitution oftbe
United States. All ttoe aro
tcrcd around principle of
; (Continued on page
.-. ' '-, '
0RE0ON: Rain S 1 u ' AJ;
derate southeaHterly'wlnds.
, . . ; (Friday).; - i; "..
i jjaxinYutf temperature. SO.1?; '
i Minimum I temperature,
River, 3.3. '.. v" ' j.-'F."
Rainfall. .1 inch. v
Atmosphere.' partly cloudy, ; :
" "iVind.-weiit. ' -i -
ffl Ik; I I I LI ffl Il lllfll iA;ltt
Lin 1 1 iiLi vv vmriiM
Divorced' Husband of Granddaughter Says He
Killed Mrs.4 Mummey and Set Fire-to' Hbusp
Because of Way TKey Treated Baby -Tells
Sheriff Killing Was Planned for'Long Time
' EVERETT, Wash., Feb. 22. The mystery of the death
of Mrs. Laura Mummey, 75, by shotgun wound or fire; the
previous wounding of her husband, Jbshua Mummey,, 75, a
veteran of the Klondike gold rush, and the burning of their
home at Seattle Heights near here early Wednesday was ex
plained late today when Carl Ryberg, divorced husband! of a
granddaughter of Mrs. Mummey, is alleged by Sheriff James
McCulloch here to have made a confession.
The narrative divulged both verbally and in writing, was
to the effect that brooding over wrongs that he believed the
Mummeys had done him, bred in Ryberg's mind a plan to kill
theni He faltered, according to his signed statement, be
fore executing this plan.
.. . The story alleged to have been
i y
(Chamber of Commerce In-
vites Four as Special
Guests Monday Noon
Politicians will be funcd to take
a back seat at the "chamber of
commerce luncheon Monday when
the meeting will be turned ovdr
to four Salem poets, each of whom
will be allowed five minutes to
read her' favorite poem. All of
those who will appear Monday are
real, honest to goodness poets and
have' had their contributions pub
lished in national publications.'
Gertrude Robinson Ross whose
poeky :Jmum; been ftayy?ted,'by The
Nation. Shadowland and Good
Housekeeping; Clara Virginia
Barton,"" who- has contributed - to
Radio and Onandagan, published
at Rochester, N. Y.; Audred
Bunch, Willamette university stu
dent jand society editor for the
Oregon Statesman, whoso poems
have been published in Vanity
Fair and Lyric West and Odell
Savage Ohling. whose play, "Joh"
was published by the Baker Dra
matic company, of Boston will be
the guests of honor. j
At the' speakers' table, which is
reserved for women, will also be
the three prize winners in the
chamber of commerce windshield
design contest.' Mrs. Gertrude J.
M. Page will president the lunih
eon as chairman of the day.
Strengthens Grip on Life and
Able to Take Nourishment
I Physicians Report
Senator Frank L. Green of Ver
mont,; shot down a week ago by a
stray bullet fired in a battle be
tween prohibition -officers and sus
pected1 bootleggers, apparently
strengthened his grip on life to
day! Physicians believed his condi
tion .was better today than at any
time 'since he was taken to the
hospital although they said that no
definite prognosis conld be made
at this time. The senator is now
taking nourishment.
Three. Dead in Southwest,
Because of Man's Anger
j LAS CRUCES. N. M.. Feb. 22.
i Jealousy because his sweetheart
had accepted attentions from an
other yonng man and( anger be
cause her mother did not desire
him to come to her home, are be
lieved to have been the motives
wbkh inspired Steve Walter, 21,
to'' shoot and' kill Miss Blanche
Kell, 17, and her mother, Mrs.
John! "'Kelt, 40. and commit sui
cide jat the. Kell. home, one mile
south of this city today.
The bodies of the three were
found at 12:30 o'clock by a neigh
bor.; .. t i , '
, ..: . - i
vVANCODVliR; B: Cl, Feb
Police' were ' conducting a
search tonight for 'three armed
automobile bandits.
loiu oy ivyuerg uisciusuu ins uv
Hef that the Mummeys had mis
treated a baby which had been
J awarded to Ryberg's wife when
J she was divorced from him.
Carried Cjasoliitc
The tale ran that Ryberg left
Seattle Tuesday night, went to the
home of A. W. Earle, a neighbor
of the Mummeys, remained until
it was too late to do 'so longer,
Started to return to $eattle, missed
the car and then proceeded to the
Mummey home.
From the time he Jeft Seattle
Ryberg, according to the confes
sions given out by Sheriff. McCul
loch, had with him a bottle of
gasoline he had taken from Seattle.
This gasoline he was related to
have thrown, burning, into the
house before seizing a shotgun and
shooting Mrs. Mummey and grab
bing the axe with which he in
flicted six wounds on Mummey's
head and broke one of the' old
man's arms. i
These st atemeutst cleared" f rottr
suspicion a cowherd. lArthuf Weav
er, 8 4 years old, who was arrested
at Seattle a few hours before Ry
berg. :
Mummey, lying in a Seattle hos
pital where he was said to have a
fighting chance to live, had said
after much incoherent talk, that
he had recognized the face of
Weaver. Asked by Sheriff McCul
loch if it might have been Ry
berg's face, Mummey had answer
ed in 'the affirmative.
The confessions which the sher
iff attributed to Ryberg followed
questioning based oh bits of evi
dence that Mr. McCyUoch had
The sheriff investigating Ry
berg's stbry on his arrest in Se
attle Wednesday night that he had
walked the 15 miles from Seattle
Heights to Seattle where he ar
rived about two hours after the
tragedy of the Mummeys was dis
covered, had found that Austin
Earl, a son of A. W. Earl, had
seen Ryberg four miles south of
Seattle' Heights an hour afterward.
Stained Clothing Found
In Ryberg's room In Seattle the
sheriff found, he reported, a stain
ed shirt and underclothing freshly
washed. Ryberg offered a rusty
pan used in washing garments as
an explanation of the stains. But
the sheriff said that the stains
were in spots and not all over the
clothing. These things, the sher
iff related, caused him to believe
that bones found in the basement
of the. burned home were those of
Mrs. 'Mummey. A statement given
out by the sheriff as signed by Ry
berg, read: , i
"I went to A. W. Earl's house at
Seattle Heights early: Tuesday eve
ning. There were two others there
with a' girl. I went there to see
about work, as I was owing for
alimony which was due. I visited
and saw that it way getting late.
They told me that Austin Earl
would soon be home and that I
should wait. I
"When I left I went to the de
pot to catch the car.' The depo
Is one-half block away. The ear
came up and let a man off. I was
too late. I went back Inside the
depot and waited duito' a while.
I thought maybe there would be
another car. L !
"Then I considered paying them
back, the Mummeys' for what they
had done. Yet -1 hesitated, j I
thought what's the use. I did not
want to be as mean as they. '
"Thoy had told me! how our baby
was being treated. They said that
Margaret (my wife V: couldn't get
alonff wtth them, the Mummeys.
I thought I would end everything
for md and maybn help" Margaret
and the baby. I thought and
thought about it, ' I walked to" the
crossroads and waitedf 1 thought
I might get an automobile Unto
(Continued on pago".4).
Another Amendment Wedded
on Revenue Bill By House
Democrat - Republican -Insurgent
Both' Changes Draw Fire
From Republicans One
Given Small Majority ,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.- The
house tlemocratic-reimblkan in
surgent coalition wedged another
amendment into the revenue , bill
today, niaking tax returns subject
to inspection by certain congress
ional committees.
This amendment and another
adopted by a one-vote margin
opening corporation tax returns to
inspection of state officials regard
less of whether the state imposes
an income tax as the law now re
quires, developed the major con
troversial issues of the day. Both
amendments drew fire from the
republicans. Representative Mills
New York, charged that "this
piecemeal destruction of the rev
enue bill is not only leading to
complete distortion of the meas
ure but to destruction of the in
come tax law itself." He asserted
that the measure was being inadw
an instrument of politics adding
that "instead of bringing relief to
the tax payers it Is going to harass
Relief Claimed
Representative wlngo, demo
crat, Arkansas, in reply denied
that amendments thus far adopt
ed had done more than bring re
lief to a greater numbr of tax pay
ers, audlcclaied be would rathe
be charged with political motives
than personal iulerest in framiug
a revenue bill."
The republican stand served to
defeat an amendment offered by
Representative Moore, democrat,
Virginia, which would have open
ed personal as well as corporation
returns to state officers. It was4
lost 122 to 74.
Additional charges in the meas
ures 'were" tentatively agreed upon
at a meeting of some members of
both parties of the ways and means
committee. ThcBe would increase
the estate or inheritance tax and
impose a' gifjf tax. What rates
will bo . proposed was not deter
mined although the schedule ad
vanced recently by Representative
Ramseyer, Republican, Iowa, to
make the maximum rate on the
estate tax 40 per cent applying to
the amount by -which the net es
tate of a decedent exceeds $10,
000,000 was favored by a number
of those who conferred.
Representative Longworth, the
republican leader, who yesterday
advanced a new compromise on
the income rate schedules as a
substitute for the democratic rates
already voted into the bill declar
ed tonight he expected eight or
nine of the 17 republicans who
supported the democratic plan to
vote for the substitute if an op
portunity is afforded when the bill
is up for a final vote. The repub
( Continued on page 3)
Claims. Dau&hcrty Not Being
Given Fair Chance By
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 Chair
man Adams of the republican na
tional committee tonight publicly
took fcsue with those dt his party
leaders in the senate who are de
manding the immediate resigna
tion of Attorney General Dangh
erty. ,
"This is not the time," he said,
in a formal statement, "to yield
to the threats ot- those who are
conducting this campaign of po
litical terrorism or to the demands
of those who are frightened by
such methods."
The republican party organiza
tion, he declared, will -insist that
no verdict of guilty shall be pro
nounced until indisputable evi
dence jf guilt has been produced.
"The integrity of a former re
publican cabinet of ficial .Jias been
called into serious question be
cause"he T accepted" nroney hlle In
office' fromcertainoi! interests." 1
2i ,at Lieayeriworth Called'By
Special Cleirtericy Board
of Army
22. (By . the Associated Press).
'Twenty-four military prisoners
were hear&at the .federal peni
tentiary' here' today? by Major
James Stanfleld and 'Major F. K.
Ross, members of the special cle
mency board appointed by the
war department. Prisoners ap-
peared before the board one by
ppne, told why they sought clemen
cy and detailed their plans for
civilian' life.
The names of the prisoners who
appeared were withheld and the
hearing itself was behind closed
The officers said their orders
were to clear the case of each
man in private without the pres
ence of a stenographer. The ma
jors made brief notes in longhand.1
Many of the prisoners submitted
written 'statements. Court martial
and prison records were available
to the board members.
' Asked whether they would
make a blanket recommendation
Tor clemency, the amy officers
merely pointed to: their orders",
which ask for "a general and de
tailed" report of the cases. Their
reports, they said, would bo pre
pared upon their return to Wash
ington. Man's- Body Found in 'Snow
Bank Woman Slain at
His Home
CHICAGO, Feb. 22. Breaking
open the door' at the' home of John
Imrfy, found dead today in' a
roadside snowbank; near Argo,
111., police tonight discovered the
body of a slain woman" lying on
the- fiAor, a bullet"' through her
Duffy's body, with 190 in the
pockets of his clo4hes and a dia
mond ring on one finger, was dis
covered early today by a bus
driver who notified -police. Pow
der stains about the; three bullet
holes in the left side of the head
indicated he -had been shot at a
short range.
, Running down HuHy's home
address police today watched the
apartment through the greater
part of the day. though no one
entered or leH and a grocery or
der delivered yesterday lay Un
touched at the back door. To
night the door was forced and the
woman's body, as yet unidentified',
was found.
Train Containing 25 Insane
Passengers Derailed
Panic Averted '
HUNTINGTON, N. V., Feb. 2 2;.
Children playing at a,-, railroad
siding near here today opened a
switch through which an east
bound Long Island railroad passen
ger train ploughed into three cars
of a stalled freight train, accord
ing to information reaching road
officials tonight.
Twenty persons were Injured,"
none seriously, it was believed.
Codlness of attendants averted
a panic among 2o insane men and
women in one of the passenger
coaches who were being transfer
red to the King's Park hospital
from other institutions.
f i- ?. . -i, ... ... t . ;
EUGENE, Ore., Feb.,, 2 2. The
University of Oregon will enter
the basketball game again, the
University of Idaho tomorrow
night without Shafer, the stellar
Shafer Underwent an operation
for appendicitis today. This cuts
down the webfoot chances 'at a
conference titleconsidcrably. It
Is certain now that Chapman will
play in-tomorrow night's game
despite a bad knee which has
bothered" him throughout the sea
son and was" thought "f Or a time
woulditccir'htm ont'Ior the cntlrr
seasohr - - -1 1
Sfllfftl BASKETEER .
President's Secretary to Be
A rvlrnrJ! tn -TnAlilif Dninirl M
honcu. m icdiHY n ci-cluing.
Talks With McLean
and Fall
No Formal Subpoena for Ap.
pearapce Is Issued Will
Testify Monday
Bascoiu Sleinp, secretary to Presi
dent CooliclRe, will be called as'a
witness in the oir inquiry, proba
bly next Monday.
This was made known today by
Senator Walsh, democrat, Mon
tana, who has, taken the lead in
pressing the investigation, after
he had returned unexpectedly to
Washington from a vacation at
Pinehurst, N. C.
Mr. Slemp ' visited Palm' Beach
last December at the time former
Secretary Fall and. Edward B.' Mc
Lean, publisher5 ot the Washing
ton Post, were there and he proba
bly will be asked if he talked
with them about the oil scandal.
Call Not. I'nexpirctcd
Other members of the commit
tee who concurred in the decision
to call the president's secretary,
said he might be questioned also
ax. to 'whether he had talked with
government officials or others
mentioned in the oil cases since
the beginning of the sensational
disclosures which 'followed the
testimony ot Archie Roosevelt on
January 22.
Apparently the news that he
would be called .came as no. sur
prise to Mr, Slemp. U was under-,
stood that he had "Jjcen advised
several days ago that some mem
bers of the committee were of the
opinion that he should be ques
tioned. Upou learning of Senator
Walsh's statement, Mr. Slemp
communicated with friends at the
capitol and wa3 told that no for
mal subpoena for his appearance;
had been issued. None may be.
as in the usual course" high gov
ernment officials simply are in
vited to appear before the com
mittee. The decision to call Mr. Slemp
was only ohe development whfch'
came out of hnrried conferences
which Senator Walsh held with
committeemen and his colleague,
Senator Wheeler, democrat, Mon
tana, immediately upon reaching
Jiis office.
General procedure at the renew
al of the public hearings next
.Monday was discussed by Mr.
Walsh and Chairman Lenroot and
later it was stated that Mileton
Ailcs, president of Riggs Natjonal
bank" of Washington, probably
would be the first witness Mon
day. Senator Walsh declined to dis
close the subject matter updn
which he questioned; but
it is known that the committee de
sires to have information from the
records of the bank which might
throw some light upon rumors re
lated to those current in connec
tion with supposed oil stock
tiansactions by public officials. '
After the examination of Mr.
Ailes and Mr. Slemp,. the commit
tee probably will call in its expert
accountants before proceeding
with other witnesses. These ac
countants have completed their
audit of the books of W. B. Hibbs
& Co.', a Washington stock broker
age firm, and also of the books of
the former Washington branch ot
Ungerleider & Co., a Cleveland
stock brokerage firm.
Senator Walsh also said offi
cials of the Federal Amcricau Na
tional bank and the Commercial
National bank, both of Washing-
J toft, would be summoned in con
nection with the testimony given
by Mr. "McLean at Palm Bcaeh
that he had 'given Fall checks ag
gregating 1100,000 drawn on
these banks, and which subse
quently were returned to him un
used. :
"We shall pursue the inquiry
with respect to these chocks."
Senator Walsh said, "because the
general belief is that this transac
tion never did take place."
Mr. McLean Is now in Washing
ton under subpoena but the time
hc wtll be called- before' the com
mittee has not yet .been detcr-
f mined. Senator Walsh said he
had. conferred . last . Sunday 'with
WUton J. Lambert, counsel for
Mr. .McLean- . It may be that some
further conference will be held
before Mrr McLean lsr asfred" to
appear, v -
PrbmiriHt Sale Blusin& fAkti1 Passes After
Twojiays' IilnessAdtive in Civib Affairs
President of' $kem Hospital 0'!----
Associated- in Hop Business Until1 Recently;
Russell Catlin, prominent Salem man;- died last night at
his home, on Chemeketa street," following art illness of only
two days, -i . f r - -:!r'--?v
Mr; Catlin had lived in Salem for 21 years terming here
from4 New York state where" Her was born 63 yearar itgri last
January. Besides his-widow; he is survived by a. daughter,
Mrs. Frank Ifr Spears of Salem and a son, DavidOatlin ;of
HolioTulu. Two grand'childrerin Salem also survive, and two
sisters in the middle west. MisS Helen Robe" of Salernrisa
niece and Charles Fake, .a: cousin; 1 t I
Mr. Catlin was until five or six years ago in the hoptaisi
ness in Salem and sinte that time has occupied himself look
ing after his ranches in and near Satem. He1 ws the oWiier of
the Gray biiildingr sometimes known1 as therCatlih biifldm
which is occupied by;the Hartman Bros.Jewebr3r store.i
Taking an active part in civic affairs Mr;? Catlirithas
served ' for some time t as . president of Jth.9 'Salem: Hojpltel
board, i He was. a member; of vtheSalem Rotaryjand.afco of ,
the local Elks lodge. As a member of the Episcopal church
he served as vestryman of St. Paul'sJ j
Plans for the funeral have riot beerr made; and RigdonjS
Mortuary is in charge of the
Searchers Fail to Gain Clew
to Whereabouts oti
Mrs, Mummey
SEATTLE. Feb. 2 2;tione f rai
ment taken from the'ruins of; the
Joshua Mnmme'v home at Seattle
Height, Tjear hefej b CoroheiH C
n vivp! nn WodnRsdav were de
clared by five" Seattle'; pbysfcians
to be Darticlcs from two different
bodies. A portion of the; bones
wero littla more than ash while
others still had burned' flesh ad
hering to them, according to the
physicians. The fire whitened
bones tho' physicians said gave
them' the appearance ot skeleton
frazments lontr buried and bleach
ed by time, while the others were
readily' recognized as being j but
recently burned. . . ; .
"The fire started 'at1 6:30 a. ml.
and when I arrived at 9 o'clock
tho ashes were coll enough to
walk upon," stated Coroner Pick
el. Yet, the bones I recovered
hardly filled more than one and
one-half quart jars.
"In my opinion the body was
either dismembered and burned
piece by piece; or tho head,; arms
and legs must have been buried
or hidden in the nearby duck pond
and the torso burned in the kitclf
en stove. I am the more inclined
to the latter theory for the iron
of tho stove was partially melted,
indicating a fire reaching 2600 de
grees, Fahrenheit. The most
amazing part of the discovery of
the bones is that no trace of Mrs.
Mummey's skull or any other
skull has been recovered. The
skull is tho hardest portion'of the
human, body to destroy, it taking
from three to five houra to eradi
cate In cremation."
A chemical analysis of the bones
will be made tomorrow.
Committeemen in Washing,
ton Notify Manager They.
are Quitting .
TAC-OMA; Wash., .--.Feb: 3?.
George F. Christenscn; democratic
national committeeman for Wash
in eton. today in a letter to the
Tacoma Ledger announced his re
signation as manager of McAdoo's
presidential campaign' ttf fethis
state while William B. Coffee, of
Tacoma. also declared that he had
terminated his duties as president
of the local McAdoo-for-PresIdent
tlolh men asserted that their
resignation --wens in no;; way
caused by McAdoo's former -employment
as attorney for1 the Po-
heny oil interests, each ascribiffS
reasons which leave- the presiden
tial candidate and his supporters
unembarrassed by their action al
though the resignations .were "Variously-
interpreted by factional
loaders "of both- parUes beret -
Congressmen -and' Republi
i can Organizatiorr;Disagree
i About-Daugherty l . ;
Marked diff erences ievelopd be
tweea jeBublicahv aenatbra aij d the'
republican -national; organisation K
over the question of Attorney Ocin
eraIDangbertrsf retirenVent,; front'"
the cabinet today,? with : the iittdr
ney" general' himself "cbhUhuing" 't"
defy those" who would ' havft h1m
resign:" '" 1.
Chairman AdahU of the republi
can national committee Informally
expressed ' the ,vJew that denafrda
of admiqlstration pleaders i the
senate that President Coolldge fid
Ii uncivil, . r"-.
without a hearing were absurd,
and he is known to have" cbmimuhl
cated that view to tbe president.
Later in a formal statemenr. ae
tivtf " notice that thei '. republiea'n
party organization would insist
that Mh Dangherij- he prown
rnlltV' of 'wronr dolng1)ef oi e any
BentehcVb'e' lTonounced."; i l
The jrepubllcan 1 national i,cha;ir-
it tatlnfr his stand after cen- i
sultation' with admeV of hia tadtls-
crs at imrty headquattera. ipnged
himself 'and the 'party organia
tion . directly In opposition Jo the
prevailing repnbllcan? sentintent' In
i hiRPimtfl whichi as conveyed '.to
lreBldent Coolldge WedneBay s by
Senators Lodge of Massachusetts.
the r?pnWlcati leader, and Pepper
of Pennsylvania, , is- that Mr.
Dangherty should retire. ,1 . ,
The-! agricultural : appropfiaUon
bllt was1 reported to the house car
rying C6.758.5I3.- ' .4
j: , ;Jfj3 ....-. f ";''"; r:j' 4'
r. The' revenue bill waa1. amended
In-the. house to .make tax xeturns
available to special congressional
ritnmlttees. : " '; ' 5 5
'.V J
i Attoni-5ytieneral DaugheHyap
pearetl'uneipectediyUn the Bnate
and remained "alf an hour! in jjthe
midst of his foes.' J I '
, C. Bascom Slemp, seer elrjf to
president Coolldge',. will bej called
before the -senate- oil) committee,
probably Monday, it'waa itited.
! i
s Senator Walsh! democrat! Mon
tana; cut short his- southerh isit
to"retttrn' to Washington' to : re
sume bis work on the inquiry. ;
I -j
Chairman-Adams of the repub
lican national committee declared
the demand foi-Uorner' -general
Daagherty's relirem'ent without in
vestigation appeared absurL,rj
f 1
, '3
5 Vi
. GRANTS PASS. Or., Feb. Vz 2.
Tne ocotCtmit conference bel- at
Grants Pass came to an end hero
. . - ' ,J
FRIDAY irl. : :
. - r -