FRIDAY MORNING,- FEBRUARY 221924 5 i i .i : r 1 : ; ' i 1 IS ULKEH iriUSTS CDNTES National Oratorical Compe , tition Among Students Has Support Here The national oratorical contest thai is being sponsored in Oregon (the Portland Telegram is at tracting the attention or educators all over the state and has the hearty support of J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of schools; and in Marion county Mrs. Mary L, Fulkerson, county superinten dent, has written the, teachers call In their attention to the contest. She writes he following leter: "Dear Co-worker: I am enclos- Ins; an announcement of the na - tional oratorical contest on the constitution of the United States. I' hope you will give it your at tention and encourage your pupils " to enter If you have any who are eligible. "Out? last legislature stressed lhe teaching of ibe constitution in our schools, and this contest will serve as an incentive to greater Interest. It wilt also promote our efforts in" Americanization. "I believe credit should be giv en to pupils in their efforts in this contest. n the high school grades the amount of this credit In this county will be left to the principal of the school. "In the seventh and eighth . grades, outside of the first class 'districts, ten , points will be al lowed In the final grade of the year, either in civics or history, and ten points in grammar to any pupil who enters the contest and writes a . creditable original ora tion of not less than 600 words on one of the specified topics. "Please read the directions care fully and follow them explicitly. Yours very truly, " T "MARY h. FULKERSON." ing prune prices, according to in formation received yesterday by Independent packers. In five and 10 carload lots the price quoted hi New York was 5 cents for! 4 50s, the lowest offering of thelsea fton. 'Prunes of this size had been offered by , the independents at 6 and 6Vi cents a pound. As Rob ert' C. Paul us, of the Oregon Growers, is now in New York it is believed he made the offerings in order to clean up this size for ex port trade. In commenting upon the prices yesterday, M. J. Newhouse, gene ral manager, said that whatever offer Is made it must be passed by the dried fruit committee and receive sanction before the prunes can be sold at any price. Mr. New- house also said that v Mr. Paulas had been authorized by the board to endeavor to clean up the prune crop, i HUD H WIT "There's no sweeter music than the rustling of the palms," sings the poet. What about the clapping of the palms?" I SALEM MARKETS I , , , First cucumbers to make their appearance on the local market this season were offered yester day at 23 cents each for the larg size, and the smaller selling at two "cukes" for a quarter. Rhubarb, also from California. J is selling at 20 cents -a pound. The local variety will not be avail able tor nearly three months. Celery received yesterday , was rather green. GSAXK AXD HAT No. 3 whut No. 3 rd wheat, lacked 90) oats Cheat har Oat bar 3 Slash in Prune Prices Is Apparent In East Eastern representatives of the Oregon Growers Cooperative as sociation are believed to be slash- ...43 H 4 .$13 ll -13 SHI Clor har. baled Prieaa q noted are waoieiaie ana an price received by fanner.. Mo ratal price are given- EGGS, BUITM, BUTTERFAT Creamery butter 49c 50e Hntterfat d"liverod Milk, per ewt. t'.gz, elerf Standards Ittlleta rOTTLTKY Heavy bans.. 48e .82.21 ...2le ....19c .17e .19 Medium and heht hem 14e POBX, MUTTON AHD BZZ7 fTojra, top, 150-223 ewt. t..7.50 Hof. top, 223-275, ewt f$7.00 Hotje, top, 275-300, ewt v 4.B.50 UkU aowa. cw ) : $8.00 Rough heavy 0U Q 05o Top Veal, dreaied-.... Cowa Top Umba 09 oafc o 4tt lOVae Charges Prevent Fanners From Trading In Salem Is Complaint Made Farmers living across the Wil lamette river in the vicinity of the Wheatland ferry are becoming tired of the 50-cent penalty impos ed upon them everytime they want to come to Salem. For the purpose of soliciting the aid of the chamber of com merce a committee of representa tive farmers of that district call ed in Salem yesterday to see if some means might be provided for a free ferry until a permanent bridge is bulit. At the present a charge of 25 cents is made for the trip across the river by ferry. As the farmer must make two ferry trips, every time he comes to Salem to trade, he is penalized half a dollar. The men who visited the chamber of commerce yesterday said they wanted to trade in Salem if pos sible, but as long as this charge was made at the ferry they would be forced to trade in Portland or in other towns on their side of the river. load was sold recently at $1.25, f.o.b. Salem, fdr extra faucies. Orders for two j carloads in the next few-days are expected while it Is anticipated the balance will bo taken care.ofj by April 1. Ten carloads are iu cold storage in the east and the remainder are in Oregon, ready for shipment. CHEESE FACTORY HIS GOOD YEAR Newspaper Advertising Brigns Prune inquiries Letters written in various lan guages are being received at the office of the Oregon Growers as sociation as a result of one week's advertising campaign on prunes in the east. The replies are the di rect result of newspaper advertis ing. M. J. Newhouse, general manager of the association, is well pleased with the' number of inquiries, which, he says, is direct proof of the value of newspaper advertising. Lower Broccoli Rate Is Not Allowed By the SP Notwithstanding the fact that the Uiupqua Broccoli exchange de clares that it cannot compete with the California ater rates, the Southern Pacific company refuses in a letter received by the public service commission, to lower the rate on broccoli from Roseburg to other points, notably Portland. "Our rates from California to Portland," says the letters, "are water competitive and less han normal by authority of the inter state commission. In this case the rate from Roseburg is 7 cents per 100 pounds less than the rate from California shipping points, and no question of competition is involved that would warrant a still lower rate from Roesburg on that account. Furthermore, the pres ent rate of cents per 100 ounds from Roseburg to Port land is a special commodity rate that we established for buyers who agreed to, and so fas as we know, are entirely satisfied with the adjustment." H. E, Rideout Meets With Success From Start With Salem, Business Shaw Man Appointed On State Lime Board H. !. Hideout, proprietor of the Greenwood dairy and cottage cheese factory, reports a good bus iness during 1923. Mr. Rideout built a cottage cheese factory on his dairy farm in Polk county and started in a small way to make. cottage cheese, selling this to gro cers and markets in Salem. His product met with success from the start, and the demand for Green wood cottage cheese has steadily increased. At the- present time, in addition to supplying the Salem markets. Greenwood cottage cheese is being shipped to a number of other towns in the Willamette val-. ley. y Mr. Rideout belifeves that the popularity of his product is due to This makes a more healthful cheese, as. it is the pure lactic acid bacteria in cottage cheese that is such ait aid to digestion. Mr. Rideout is a member of the Salem Chamber of Commerce and a believer in the future greatness of Salem and of the Willamette valley. He Bays that since joining the Salem Chamber of Commerce lie has been impressed with the co operative spirit and the broad mindedness of the Salem business men, and that he has had and ap-nroi-tafoii the cooDeration of the business men and the public in general of not only Salem, but of the other towns throughout the valley. Three Deaths in Two Days Reported at Silverton SILVERTON. Or., Feb. 21. (Special to The Statesman.) Three deaths have occurred at Sil verton diirinc the past two days. Mrs. Hunhild Ohren, aged $0, died at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. C. J. Dahlen on Liberty hill Peh. 18. Mrs. Ohren came to Silverton four years ago. Fu neral services were held Wednes' day afternoon from Trinity church Robert Henry Roaey. agcr 60, died Tuesday night following a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Roncy, accompanied by his wife, was at Silverton for a visit. - He had been here but two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Rouey came from Bulyea, Sask., Canada. The body Avill be sent to BulyeaFriday. Mrs.; Hanali Holmes, .aged Ti died at the home of fber flau ter, Mrs. II. WhlUock, TueBd5 night. I Mrs. Holmes has been t resident of Silverton ; for the plji , 1 4 years. Funeral serviefs a be held February : 21, : frdjm honje at; 2:30. ;-.,y yt"- f '. " ,.n 4 -e ' - .i j ' Ul Apple Pack Clean Up Is Expected By April 1st Neurly 20 carloads of Yellow Newtons are tsill on hand at the Oregon Growers, though one car- C T. Gilbert of Shaw, Marion county, has been appointed by Governor Pierce as a member of the stale lime board to succeed B. G. Leedy of Tigard, who recently died. Mr. Shaw is a practical user of lime fertilizer and is credited with having accomplished more with that fertilizer than any other man in the Willamette valley. The other members" of the board are A. B. Cordley of OAC, Corvallis, Sam H. Moore of Corvallis, John Shimanech of Cfabtree and Mar tin B. Bowers of Gold Hill. t, ,f .Kof i. to .vonno. o hoot'th : with Rev. George Henriksen off!- . . , , - . . ..... . nintinp- Interment was at Oak iooa ana ueiivernig ii iresa uuuy . - - to the dealers, thus insuring aiGrovo cemetery, Barlow, Or. fresh article to the consumer. Mr. Rideout says that good cottage cheese can only be made from ab solutely pure f milk, handled in cans and vats that have been well sterilized with steam, as the lactic acid bacteria, which clabbers the milk cannot work to the best ad vantage where foreign bacteria ex ists, and off-flavors will result. He says that by having a clean milk supply and sanitary methods of handling he is able to turn out a uniform produet. without the us of rennet or any other artificial means of clabboring the ' milk. An important citizen is a man who can get a little publicity by announcing that he will' not bea candidate. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE AND TOOLS Capital Hardware & Furniture Co. Best Prices Paid 285 N. Cora'l BU Phone 047 SAVE MONEY By Buying Your SPRING SUPPLIES Now. We carry a complete line of garden tools, Hose, Etc. Capital Bargain House & Junk Co. Center and Front Sis., at the Bridge. ROSTEIM & GREERIBAUill STAPLE STANDARD MERCHANDISE Visit Our Millinery Department j "NTpw stvles. Hats. KeadV to wear flowers in great variety. Hat braids and; mm- mines. Our milliners nave just returned irom meiiuu- linery openings, ana nave Drougni nume quite wi. u novelties. Be sure and see them, Not too earty for spring hats. Our prices are moderate. , , j 4 Dry Goods Depetrtment Turkish Towels ' Bath Robing ; A Real Bargain - 5 ; ; Double Texture. Ileal . Heavy Material j Heavy Ones, at Yard "r jr. i 25c j 50c 1 Mashuas Best blankets All First Quality No Second or DcfecUvcs - -4-. Nashua Plaid Blanket . C6x80. lbB. Nice and fluffy. Pair $4.50 Mercerized Scrim and Marquisetts. Bargains' Yard 21c T Nashua-White Blankets 72x84 Wool Effects Pink or Blue Border! Pair - $4.50 Filet Nets. Good qua Pretty Patterns. Yard Ity Bargains 42c 1 r i 50c Brassies $1.00 3 lbs. Stitched " 72xtQ j Brassiers to Cotton" t ' 1 To Clean Up Clean Up Batts SUecti J 25c 50c 1 85c $1.00 j 240-246 N. COMMERCIAL! ST. If ! J 1 , WORTH & GRAY WORTH & GRAY WORTH & GRAY- WORTH & GRAY- WORTH & GRAY WORTH & GRAY WORTH & GRAY- WORTH & GRAY -WORTH & GRAY WORTH & GRAlf- We Relieve You of tiie High Cost o Lvliri,g During This Great oaie GOATS There are still several coats left, in dress last sport styles for -ladies, these are all good styles. Children's and misses' coats in an extra good assortment to select from. Furs of all kinds also included In this great sacrifice. Buy now during our Dissolution sale at exactly. Second Floor) TOWELS Good quality huck towels, liberal size. Very special dur ing our Dissolution Sale at each 15c (Main Floor) PADS Corrogated Table Leaf Pads. Values up to Jl.Oo. Very spe cial during our Dissolution Sale at each . 9c (Basement Floor) . . DRESSES - Many pleasing styles in ladies' dresses are offered. Materials of taffeta. Canton crepe," tricolette, and wool dresses'. About 100 to choose from. Values you have long been waiting for. Buy now during our Dissolution Sale at exactly Basement Floor &eciali j basement Moor Upen rndays and Saturdays Qril y2 PRICE (Second Floor) si a MM MM H C5 O C3 1 9B ) c ' 1 ; J. & P. COATS Crochet Thread In white and colors, all sizes, also f peril cot ton ia colors. Special during our Dissolution '.Sale," 'per ball . (Main Floor) . . ... TOWELS .Fancy Turkish Bath Towels. Kxtra large size. Colors pink, blue, yellow and -purple. Val ues to $1.50. Special during our Dissolution Sale at each 89c (Main Floor V WAISTS Ladies' Waists in white, fan cies, also colored fancies. Sea son's latest styles. $1.50 to 11.75 values. Dissolution Sale it each 99c (Basement Floor) UNIONS Ladies' Union Suits in sev eral styles. nearly all sizes. Extraordinary values. Our regular grade up to $1.50. Special during Dissolution Sale, at per suit 98c (Main Floor) SILK HOSE Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, also pure silk and fibre. Many colors to select Trom. Values up to $1.50. Very special dur ing our Dissolution Sale at per pair 89c (Main Floor) SLIPPERS Children ' Felt Slippers, sev-i eral colors, sizes S to 2. Val ues to ft. 49. Special during ; Dissolution Sale, at per pair ' ?9e ; . ym, Mala Floor) SOX Men's Wool mixed Sox, in natural color also grey mixed. Regular 25c value. " Special during our Dissolution sale at per pair ' 15c (Main Floor), PONGEE Natural color Pongee Silk, 33 inches wide. Our regular $1.39 value. Special during Dissolution Sale, per yard 89c (Main Floor) CLOTHS Fancy Turkish Wash Clot lib', many desirable colors in this assortment. Special during our Dissolution Sale, ut each 8c (Main Floor) SHEETS Very pood quality bleached Sheets. Size 72x90 or JUx!M. Special during our Dissolution Sale at each 98c (Main Floor) D. M. C. Fast color D. M, C. Crochet Thread lo while and colore, (small ball).'- Special durirfg our Dissolution Sale, per ball ; . ' '. 13c Mailt Fluor j) . PANTS Boy's Khaki Hiking Pants. "Guaranteed." Another pair if by rip. lingular $1.98 value. Special during our Dissolution Sale, at per pair 89c (Main Floor) TIES Men's four in hand Silk Ties, also silk 'knit Ties, season's most desirable patterns. Val ues to $1.50. Special during our Dissolution Sale at each. 69c (Main Floor) SHEETING Kxtra good quality Bleached Sheeting, 72 inches wide. Very special 'during our Dissolution Sale at per yard 49c v (Main Floor) UNIONS Boy's medium weight winter Union Suits, extra good qual ity. Very special during our Dissolution Sale, per suit 85c (Basement Floor) BLOOMERS Ladies knit Bloomers in all sizes, colors white and pink. Very special during our Disso lution Sale, at per pair 29c INDIAN HEAD Yard wide Indian Head Mus lin, domestic finish. Special Dissolution Sale, per yard 29c (Limit 10 yards to a customer) SATEEN 36-iuch wide black Sateon lining. Our regular 50c grade. Special Dissolution Sale, per yard 33c TICKING Genuine Herringbone striped Ticking. Our regular 39c val ue. Dissolution Sale, per yard 23c BLANKETS Stork blankets, fancy plaid in pink and blue. - Our regu lar 65c values. Special dur ing our Dissolution Sale, at each 39c GARTERS Men's 25c grade Garters all colors. Special during our Dis solution Sale, at per pair 9c LINING Unbleached house Lining. Good quality. Special during our Dissolution Sale, per yard 4c (Limit 10 yards to a customer) GINGHAMS 32-inch wide Katburnio (iiughams fast colors. (Enough Said.) Dissolution Sale, per yard 25c TOILET GOODS REDUCED W OOL SOX ' Men s i heavy - wool Sox in white and grey j Regular Cc values. Dissolution Sale price, per pair ; 29c fv ! GLOVES vf Men's : Canvas Gloves, extla heavy quality. Onr regular 2$c grade. Special during our Dis solution Sale, at Z pair' for : : 25c " "I V .Of Thee Prices Will Put Pep Into Bargain Shoppers Shop Early in the Morning If Possible Ivory Soap, ht bar ... ( renie Oil Soup, cr bar Pompeian Beauty Soap, U5c value .'., 15c llatli Soap, lit Imii-3 5c IVpsodenl Tooth Taste ...33c Colgate Tooth Paste ; (large) lc Watkiu's Mulsificd Sham poo 35c Colgate's Talcum Oc ronnKiaii Talcum 15c .Falniolivc Talcum ....... 15c MelbA Talcum , . 13c Lv Mo Face Powder ,.,.;.5tH Poinpcian Beauty Powder 3U LavorU (small) IHc Medium ..:J5c . . . .35c . . . . 5c :15c 5c ,1... .59c lldna Wallace Hopper Face Powder ....... Youth Cream ........ Hair Youth Yout h Clay Facial Youth . $1.(K) size Zenith Irnion Cream .10c K raakS 1-ukii Cream . . .6c Pompeian Massage Cream, o.. , 5tH, Ptlmolive Shaving Cream 25c C'olgale'a Cup Soap, jier bar ; ,4C Odo-llo-No (Miiall) 25c Medium ,M.45c largn .60c Listerine (small) Medium Ijiirge' ....... 177 N. Liberty St. 132 mic muslin ; 4'.:. Bleached Muslin, yard wide. I "Kruit of the loom." Buy all ! you want. Special during oar Dissolution Sale, per yard I ; 25c . . I'j DRESS HOSE .' Men's flue cotton Dress I Hose, ail sizes. Regular 2$c I values. Special during our Dj- ,! solution Sale at per pair : 15c ' TOWELS intre white Turkish ; Bath Towcla. Regular :35c values. S Special during our Dissolution ! Sale, at each ' ' ' ; " 23c . -.J - SILK HOSE V j Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose in colors, all aiies. Bc 'values, j Dissolution Sale price, per pajr i 39c j. SEWING THREAD i Clark's O. N. T. Sewibg i Thread, in white and black. Ill sizes. Friday i and Saturday, Dissolution Sal, 6 spools tor -i 25c -- i " . r y-y (Limit to a customer) WASH SUITS y i Children's Wash Suit 'Tom i Sawyer! ? made. "Values to A 13 50, Special during our Wis- solution i Sale, per euit 51.49 - Phone mm : n'V iyi'V j y; f 'V."'"?;:'-; 'y $ -- ' " ,: v. - ' '. -., i V mm liifirtiiifl Mm RELIABLE iVoUlil A GltAV Wofrffl & 4SRAV Woirt it ;uAV- MERCHANTS: hi o I i 61 ft c to ft o H ft HI ft 5 o H 7? ft I I 3? O 53 H & ft mail & (iiUV - worth & CUAV & gUAV woaVil Atif3ff: