The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 22, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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llhyclo lUdcr Fined
For. riding his bicycle after
dark without lights John Propp,
401 iCflh li,ghteenth' waa fIned
$2.50 in the police court. The
case Mainat Cecil Henderson.
1340 Madison, has been dismissed.
Dance at Turner j
Saturday 'night. Music by Mel
ody lite. (23
Divorce Decree Signed
Rosa M. Dole has been granted
a divorce from ll. C. Dole, Judge
Bingham signed' the decree yes
terday. .
bis law business too heavy to con
tinue on the board. The change
became effective yesterday.
License Granted - j
Gtay W. Weaver and Oma Fagg,
botn of Salem, were granted a
marriage licence yesterday. :
For Sale
j Trap drummer outfit complete,
' fine shape; priced to sell. H. L
Stiff Furniture Store. t22
Will Attend Meeting
Frank TV Trightman wiU be
the speaker tbnlght at a Washing
ton blrthdayj meeting ln Aurora.
Oscar " Steelhammer, larry Levy
and George p. Will are to be
other members of the parity.
Contractor Too Speedy I
' Adam Engel, contractor, resid
ing at 1420 North Fifth, attempt
ed to drive his automobile with
the same, proportionate amount of
peed he uses in building houses.
He will call upon Police Judge
Marten Poulsen Saturday after
noon to tell ,hlm all; about it.
Anton Gaegler was also arrested
Thursday for 'speeding and was
cited to appear Saturday. ; The
arrests werd made by Officer
Warren Edwards.! I '
eral offices of the Oregon Growers
cooperative association, which at
present occupies the entire fifth
floor of the Masonic building.
The Growers are moving to the
southwest corner of Cotnmercial
and Chemcketa, across the, street
from the YMCA building. As
sopn as the present quarters are
vacated by the Oregon Growers
the offices of the adjutant general
will be moved there from the
present location on the third floor
of the United States National bank
Piano Left With L's
For sale' Looks and Is like
new. Will sacrifice for $150 cash
if taken at once. Tallman Piano
Store. 393 S. 12th. f24
sant Home. Sherwood, Gresham,
Willamina and Lalamo, Wash.
Members of the club are 11. R.
Cross and Otto Love, first tenors;
Frank Teebow and Lloyd Burke,
second tenors; E. W. McAbee,
manager; O. J. Beadles and W. W.
Plerson, first bass; J. Carle Of
ficer and Earl B. Cotton, director,
second bass. Miss Irene Cotton
is accompanist for the club.
Hearing Date Set
The interstate commerce com
mission lias set for hearing on
March 1 at Yakima the proposed
increased freight rate schedule on
apples that the railroads propose
to make effective between eastern
Washington and Columbia river
points and Puget sound points. In
Oregon the Hood River and Tho
Dalles districts are affected.
Tho Capital Business College
Will start a beginning class in
shorthand on Monday, Feb. 25.
bu Can't Afford
To purchase your hat until'vis-
iting our Bhow room, balcony
Derby bldg. Mrs. C. A. Grimm,
17 Court St. f22
Runaway Boys Returned
.Two runaway boys, picked up
late Wednesday night Ty Harry
Rowe, a special officer, were re
turned to their homes jn the Al
berta district, Portlandryesterday
afternoon. They. had run away
from home. At the police station
they gave their names as Herbert
Harper and William Armstrong,
Non-Support Is Charged
v Emil Van Damme appeared In
the Justice court Thursday upon a
warrant charging him with non
support issued upon complaint of
his wife, Mary Van Damme. She
declares that he left her and their
four year old boy and failed to
provide for their support. Upon
motion of John H. Carson, district
attorney, the case was continued
District championship game,
Salem High) vs. -Independence
High, Friday), Feb. 22, 7:30, new
high school fm'' f 22
Growers Prepare t Move
L Preliminary preparations . foi
oving are under way at the gen
Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
po N. Com! Kt. Phone 402
' Wt ray Cash
pn Italian Prune Trees. Good
Prices on Walnuts, Seedling Cher
y Trees, 8c to 15c. General Nur-
lery Stock, Sales Yard and Office,
144 Ferry 8W-i-V.. v.- t-v-
A. jr.
Pffiee Phono 109.
Mathl. Prop.
Res. 1140M
You Should Know
That we diagnose, i locate and
: Heasure, from a drop of blood any
Unease active or latent,
We purify the blood and cure.
I not electricity), 95 per cent of
eanceri, tuberculosis, goiters, dla-
Vetes, female and digestive dlsor-
lers, etc. . ; rrjv
The Era Clinic
144 SUte St. i
Wm; Neimeyer
In Business For Your
175 N. Coml. Phone.167
411 Oregoa Bldtf. Telephone 437
The Seavey Bell Insurance
General Insurance
TRtnr" Bell Frnk Wagar
- .,L
Several Violate Onl I nances-
Bail of $3 was forfeited in the
police court yesterday by E
Keeves, or Lebanon, who was
charged with failure to dim his
headlights. Charles E. Daly, 753
Marion, was fined $5 for a similar
offense. Merrill Henderson for
felted o for speeding. Another
charge of speeding was dismissed
against Donald Norris. Th& ar
rests were made by Officer
Governor Has Busy Day
While a majority of state offi
cials are spending a comparatively
quiet day today Governor Walter
M. Pierce is scheduled to make
four addresses, all of which are
upon some phase or incident in the
life of George Washington, whose
birthday anniversary is being ob
served. The first address will be
given before the pupils at the Mc
Kinley Junior high school shortly
before 10 o'clock, following which
he will speak at the senior high
school, leaving there to address
the Salem Lions club at their re
gular luncheon. He will then
speak In Portland in the evening
before the Sons and Daughters of
the Revolution, who are holding
a patriotic meeting.
Multnomah Applies
The board of commissioners of
Multnomah county have petitioned
the public service" commission for
uthority to establish a ferry road
in the vicinity of Dodson, on the
Columbia river, by extending a
grade crossing over the tracks of
the Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company.
Gooseberries Wanted
15 or 20 tons, Salem delivery.
Price interesting. Write 2fil2
Statesman. 123
On Friday, Feb. 22nd
We will hoi d a convention for
all Fordson tractor owners and
prospective buyers. Questions will
be answered and important in
formation about new features and
equipment will be given. Every
body invited. Ladies and. chil
dren especially invited to free
moving pictures in evening. Ford
Motor Representatives in attend
ance all day. Valley Motor Com
pany, Authorized Ford Dealer, Sa
lem, Oregon. Phone 1995. f22
Seeks Legislative Honor
J. S. Greenwood of Cberryville,
Clackamas county, has filed with
the secretary of state his declara
tion as a candidate for the republi
can nomination for representative
from Clackamas county, in the
state legislature. He promises to
work for reduced taxation, for a
modification oflthe motor vehicle
license law and an increase in the
gasoline tax to make up the de
Do You
Want a phonograph cheap? in
cluding records. Victrola like
new $87.30. Phono 1281-W after
6 p.' m. f22
Russell Callin 111
Russell Catlin, prominent Sa
lem dairyman and hop dealer,
was reported as improving yester
day. Mr. Catlin became ill sud
denly during the night Tuesday
and for a time was believed to be
In great danger.
"So This Is Venice"
The dance hit of the
Hear it today. Victor
Stiffs Furniture Store.
HcaTy Fine Is Levied
Knute Anderson pleaded guilty
to two charges in the justice court
Thursday and received three
months in the county jail and a
fine of $500 from Judge P. J.
Kuntz. Anderson was arrested on
Croisan creek, several miles south
of Salem and two miles west of
Liberty late Wednesday afternoon
by Deputy Sheriffs Walter Barber
and Bert Smith. The two men
from the sheriff's office gathered
in 200 gallons of mash and about
60 gallons of moonshine whiskey
as a result of the raid. The still
was in the house. Anderson was
charged with possession of a still
and with manufacturing intoxi
eating liquor. He lives on a small
farm with his wife and several
Brooks Crossing Studied
E. L. King, superintendent in
Oregon for the Southern Pacific
company, informs the public ger
vice commission that he will in
vestigate the grade crossing at
Brooks, Marion county, that is said
to be hazardous. Complaint was
made by the Marion county court
Kimball Club Touring
Members of the Kimball College
of Theology's' glee club left yes
terday afternoon for a two day
concert tour, appearing in Junc
tion City Iat night and in Wendl
ing tonight. About the middle of
April the club will spend a week
'n the towns of the Salem district
In addition to concerts which have
been scheduled for Molalla. Port
land First Methodist church, Plea-
Grotto Installs Officei
El Karez Grotto has installed
the following officers for the
year: B. E. Kuhn, monarch, re
elected; Merrill D. Ohling, chief
ustice; Earl Daue, master of
ceremonies; Glenn C. Niles, secre
tary; Jacob Fuhrer, treasurer;
Dr. W. A. Johnson, marshal; Otto
Hoppes, captain of the guard, and
Peter Rasmussen, sentinel. Near
ly 200 members of Caliph Giotto
of Portland, and their patrol team
attended the installation and ini
tiation of nearly 40 candidates.
A Good Place
, to Eat
(Formerly Dr. Schenks).
' 249 S. Cottage St.
I 1
' The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. . Skill
ful. Pstnless Adjustment that
gets results." '
. . Osteopathic Physlclaa and ,
u.'v? j Surgeoa if
t2S Oregon Eldg. I. . Salem
V Osteopathic U v: V
. . Physician and Suregons ,
The only physicians in Salem
using Dr. Abram's method of
Electronic Diagnosis and
Treatment ; with Osteopathy.
COG U. S. Nat'1 Bank Bldg,
Government Loans on Farms
5Vk per cent
- 202 U. S. Bank Bldg.
. The Expert Cook
has to have the right kind of
beat or her best efforts go wrong
There'll be no trouble with the
fire if our coal Is used. Burns up
clean and retains: an even heat
right "along. And listen. You
won't hare to fill up the range
so often with our coal. Better
order some and prove it.
Larmer Transfer Co
469 Stale St. Phone 930
, Established J 86S
General Banking Biuxnc: J
Office Hours f rom 1 0 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Come in and look over our used
records, hundreds to choose from
many just slightly used. Bargains
at 25 cents each. " II. L. Stift
Furniture Store. f22
On Bonus Commission
W. C. Culberton of Portland, one
of the owners of the Seward and
the Cornelius hotels, has been ap
pointed by Governor Pierce as
member of the ex-service men"
Ftate aid commission to succeed
Arthur C. Spenser, resigned. Mr
Spencer is attorney for the Union
Pacific railroad system and found
ZASTRAW Pansy Zastraw died
at a local hospital FeU- 21, at
the age of 122 years. Survived
. by parents, residing at Sweet
Home, Ore. The body is
Webb's Funerial parlors. An
nouncements later.
The funeral of erry Leaflam
boise, who died February 19, will
be held at the Webb Funeral pa
lors today at 10 o'clock. Rev.
Long will have charge ol services
Interment in Ciey View cemetery
Baltm JHortuarp
raoM isss
Xfflcltnt Work Modmta rne
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmerf
Usequilel Serrlet
Will Send lsecuto
At the request of District At-
orney Conners of lamhill county.
Governor Pierce yesterday request
ed Attorney General Van Winkle
to send a special prosecutor to Mc
Miunville to assist in the trial of
V. J. Templln and Walter L,
Tooze, Jr., who are under indict
ment on a charge of contributing
to delinquency of a minor girl
They are accused of supplying the
elrl with liquor. Van Winkle has
not yet decided whom he will send
Income Tax-
Statements prepared by G. Ed
Ross. 331- State. Phone 175.
Scliools Closo at Xoon
All of the city schools will be
dismissed at noon today in ob
servance of the anniversary of the
birth of Georse Washincton. Pa
triotic exercises will be held In
each of the grade, junior high and
senior high schools during the
morning, the state school law re
quiring that at least an hour and
a half be devoted to this purpose
Several prominent men will speak
at the junior high schools, with
Governor Walter M. Pierce giving
the principal address at the higli
school. Tho grade schools will
have exercises in each of the
rooms, the pupils having a promi
nent part in the program.
Trade in that old Watch- You can put a new up-to-date time piece in the
pocket or on the wrist, , for a small payment down, pay the balance as you
rare paid. Terms to suit. .
Starting Saturday, February SS
I ' Carry the Watch while you pay j
Don't Forget Saturday Only, Feb. 23 t .
Jewelers and Silversmiths
State and Liberty Streets
Sarvice Quality X .f
Salem, Ore.!
Price . x j
then on to New Orleans and as
far as Florida. Mrs. Raymond
Walsh, nee Jennie Fry, is here to
keep house while the members of
the family mentioned above are
on their vacations.
White Collie Dog For Sale
Fine for children. See Kletzlng
at the Statesman office. f22
Store Manngcr Return
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Watson have
returned to Salem from Los An
geles where they attended a con
vention of managers of the West
ern Auto Supply company stores.
Mr. Watson is manager of the Sa
lem store. They left Salem two
weeks ago and report' a great trip.
There were 90 managers and four
district managers present at tbc
home of Mrs. Spicer on the San
tiam. Mrs. Grace Thomas gave a party
Saturday, evening for the young
people from Salem and Portland
and Turner were in attendance.
Refreshments were served late in
the evening. Games and - music
were the amusements for the
younger set.
Sam Drager and Mr. Aldrich
drove to Silverton Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Butzky drove to
Stayton today to consult Dr. Beau
camp. Mr. and Mrs. John Schifferer
have a baby daughter. They nam
ed her Dorothy May.
Miss Anna Zircle, Mrs. Caroline
Drager and Mrs. Km ma Aldrich
were in Salem Saturday.
Portland, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
W. II. Baughman is employed
with his woodsaw sawing wood,
for C. E. Mcllwain.
Several from this section 'At
tended the Labish Center PTA
program Wednesday evening.
Oregon Delegation Ph-dcil
With the exception of Senator
Stanfield, all of the Oregon dele
gation to congress have pledged
themselves to vote favorably on
the adjusted compensation legila-
tlon, according to advices received
from the state department yester
day by Brazier C. Small, adjutant,
Capital Post No. 9. of the Ameri
can legion. A letter recently re
ceived by Adjutant Small from
the senator's secretary was to the
effect that he had promised to
vote for the bill over the presi
dent's veto providing the present
bill was not changed too much by
amendments, though Senator
Stanfield failed definitely to .com
mit himself. Hundreds of letters i
from legion posts and from indi- I
vidual legionairres and others in
terested in the adjusted compen
sation have been mailed to the
Oregon delegation. -
Fred Dickson and son Gilbert,
accompanied by Mrs. Wilson, mct
tored to South Bend. Wash..
Thursday of last week. Mrs. Wik
son was returning to her home at
South Bend. Mr. Dickson and uon
came home Sunday.
C. S. Morgan is quite ill at his
home with bronchial pneumonia.
A large crowd attended the
North Howell PTA Friday eve
ning. R. O. Herrold gave a talk
on the "Million Dollar Highway"
in which several are interested,
which would extend from Brooks
to Mt. Angel. Mr. Brady of Sa
lem gave a very interesting talk
on different topics, as did also Mr.
I Reynolds of Silverton. Several
songs sung by Mr. Smart of Salem
were very much enjoyed as was
also a solo by Mrs. George Fenton.
Roy Dunn, who has been at
tending the Adcox Auto school in
Wrong Tarty Is Given
Rumors linking the name of
Carl T. Pope, Salem attorney, with
that of the office of district at
torney, said that he was a demo
cratic candidate. While Mr. Pope
admitted yesterday that he had an
eye on the Job and might be a can
didate, he has always been a re
publican, and if he should decide
to enter the race against John H.
Carson, present district attorney,
he would be a candidate from the
ranks of the republican party.
Oh Susanne"
From "The Covered Wagon.'
Victor record 19123. H;:ar it at
Stiffs. f22
Coplfy Talks to IU-altors
Albert L, Copley, who recently
returned from California where he
spent several months, was a guest
of the Marion-Folk County Realty
association at its weekly luncheon
Thursday. He spoke briefly, urg
ing the realtors to better condi
tions at the camp grounds, as the
tourist is the best advertiser of
any community. He was invited
to be the principal speaker at an
early luncheon.
Quality Supreme-
Prices subordinated. We invite
your inspection, hats from $5 to
910. Derby bldg., 517 Court St
Hoys Get Sew Muftio
Some new music has boen 're
ceived by Dr. H. C. Epicy, direc
tor of the Salem boys' chorus and
will be on hand for the regular re
hcarsal tonight at the YMCA
More boys lare lining up with tho
organization and an excellent pro
gram is being prepared for the an
nual concert, to be given late in
April or early In May.
On Vacation .
Dan J. Fry and wife arc on a
trip to California points. They
were accompanied as far, as San
I Francisco by Mra. Kitty Graver.
sister of Mrs Fry, who goes with
tlicin aa far as San Franc lsco,and
' - '
Oregon concerns filing articles
of incorporation yesterdary were:
Milton garage, Milton; incorpor
ators, George H. Bryant, Lulu B.
Bryant. Dale 1). Dorothy; capital,
Oregon Independent Machinists
and Workers' association, Port
land; incorporators, C. Hill, A.
Swansou, J. 11. Howe; assets, 1,
000. . -
Woman's Convalescent Home as
sociation, Portland; incorporators,
Mrs. Jacob Rosenberg and others;
assets, 9100.
Coos County Finance company,
Marshfield; incorporators, il
Gordon, W. S. Wells, Charles Hall,
capital, 950,000.
O-W Investment company, Port
land; incorporators, C. II. Greene,
S. Gray, F. C. Miller; capital, 928,
000. United Pacific Motor Transit
company, Portland; incorporators,
J. H. Ainseough, E. M. Stodel, O.
II. iSkcthcim; non-par value stock.
Notico of a decrease in capitali
zation from 9300,000 to 975,000
was filed by the Wonder Electric
Manufacturing company of Port
land. Notices of increase in capitaliza
tion were filed by the following:
Peninsula Lumber company,, Port
land, from 92,000.000 to 93,000,-
000 ; Washington Building com
pany, Portland, from 9100,000 to
9200,000. . .r v ;
, A permit to operate in' Oregon
was issued to the West Bend Alu
minum company.
Under the blue ky act the Di-
atemite Products company of Bend
was issued; a permit to sell stock
in the sum of 9122,690. and. Red
field it Wood of Portland were
issued a permit to operate as stock
brokers. , ., ;..'" , ' , .
Cheese la Sold '
' Tltt IMftflir Pull flL-IlMul
tically all of the 1923 production
of Tillamook county cheese ha.t
now been sold, according to a re
port from the office of Carl lla
bcrlack. secretary of the ' Tilla
mook .County Creamery associa
tion. There Is a small amount
lofH In otnMcrA in T rta A n rr a 1 dm unri
v. . v ii Dbviagrj tu v ?
San Francisco and probably, one
car all told In Tillamook county.
Most of the factories" In- the
county are now making the largest
part of the curd Into loaf cheese,
for which ; there , seems to be an
Insistent demand. .
Special Sale on Bartlct Feaf,
Italian Prune and Cherry trees
Yard Opposite the O. 13.
Tkonnt st riinFn fH Uniol .
Office rkone 1758. Kes. 10F
A. A mum of many 1I1. Hrm
I ul to elderly people.
Aimryt reHtf m taking
Easy pleasant effective only 2T
.. w.
Mrs. Clara Ferguson, of Dallas,
I was in the city Thursday.
George W. Wagner and L. V.
Coulter were In Salem yesterday
from Falls City.
John Irwin, of Klamath Falls.
was in the city recently.
E. Reeves, of Lebanon, was u
recent visitor in Salem.
Mark Aspinwall, of McMinn-
ville. is in the city on business.
Mr. Aspinwall is an insurance
L. A. Sheelar, owner of the
Sheelar wrecking houae, was a
Portland business visitor yester
Harry Clifford, of Prairie City,
a member of the state game com
mission, was in Salem yesterday.
Ward Irvine, private secretary
to Governor ' Pierce, was called to
Portland Thursday afternoon on
.Mr. and Mrs. Lenquist of Silver
ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. M.
Fleflet Wednesday.
Mrs. W. F. Wright has been
sick for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich of Mabel,
Ore., have been visiting with Mrs.
Aldrich's mother, Mrs. Caroline
Drager. Mr. Aldrich has been
employed in the saw mills at
Mr. and Mrs. William Butzky
spent Saturday visiting at the
Gotzian Sample Shoes
We have several hundred pairs
here for your inspection, all
leathers, all styles Hi or Lo shoes
For men, women and children,
priced to you at regular whole
sale and less.
One Lot of Women's Shoes
Louis and Military Heels, shoes that were made
to sell for $5.00 to 912.00,
Choice 50c to $1.00 pair
New spring styles of Suede, Oxfords' and Straps,
plain or fancy trims,
$4.45 to $5.90
Ladies' Hosiery
Canton 15c-23c
Wingfoot Mera. ..45c
Mercerized Outing 45c
Fibre Silk . ..50c
Pure Thread
Silk to 91 .S3
Coquette, Lest .$1.90
If J?
Infants' lambskin. 100 per" cent wool .... !
In rants' Silk Wool . . . 63c
Children's and Misses Black or Brown Cotton
Hose ' , . . .23c to 30c
I , .
. . i;. .S3c
DojV Heavy Illbbctl IIo .
1 141 No. Commercial Street . ,
Men's Heavy Work Shoes '
Black or Brown Blucher Style
$2.65, $3.25, $3.90, $4.45
; 1 j',:, i ; . , t--v
Men's Moccasin Toe Hi Shoes
8 in. $6.45, 12 in. $7.45,
16 in. $8.45 ;
Men's Black or Brown Dress;
New and Staple Shapes
$3.85, $4.45, $5.00, $5.90
to $6.90
Boys' School and Dress Shoes
Big Lot to Chooko.Fromlat Most Any Price
You Want to Taf.
' Boys' Knee Pants
Corduroys -Also Grey ud,- Browni Mixture',.
'''-::9fe-to $2.25;BK::;;r1
Men's Overalls, Blue Bib
Heavy, $1.25, $1.45
Pay Car Union Made, $1.G5
; You Do Dcllcr:
! Here for Less