The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 22, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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1 1 ' . I " '
l o sa ve time and trouble and
tThe, piversity, Edition of
the Oregon Statesman will be
released Thursday, February
28th. : . ' 7- -, . 1
moneyr consult the Classified
-4. i t.-
a l a
No Official Business in Salem
Today Most Stores Ex
pected to Remain Open
Dog Lost By Brazier Family
in Indiana Last Summer
Arrived Home Friday
' tv:
former, Governor; of Oregon
v Passes Away in t Portland
; V;; Aftert Brief v Illness -With
:' Native" Son Achieved H
,r est Honors in Power of
. People to Give 1 '
PORTLAND. pr.Feb."21. -
, Theodore TV v Ccer, pioneer ! and
, native son ot Oregon, and on
whom Oregon has'showered In hu
lifetime' - higher, honors than she
. ha? accorded to any of her other
i native sons, is dead1 after, a lifo
that has , wrought powerfully in
the' civic and political develop
v . weotjof tbissttte. -MMi j . .
, Ex-Governor Geer was stricken
- with paralysis a. short time ago
aacl did not rally fromi the stroke,
A few dayt ago hla condition be?
came critical and ho rapidly! sank
to Ws death. .. 'j
" ' Death came at 1:30 o'clock this
afternoon. Funeral arrangements
- wili be made by Finleys,. 1 " i
h V; Pure American from 'the colon
ial days was his ancestry and bis
'personal, contact: reached back to
4 the f ormatlve 'days of the Ameri
can republic, for his grandf,- uer.
a pioneer of 1847 in Oregon, was
v also a veteran of the war of 1812,
' and was born In the pr jeding
century wbile the IS colon; were
engaged In solidifying thtr liberty
that they had gained In the jrevo
lution into the form of a perman
ent republic. . , I '
1 4 George Jeer Ma first .colonial
' ancester, came io Connecticut in
1630 and Theodore T. Greer is
sixth iri the direct line of descent
from George Geer. -j'
. ' - , a-
Bora ia Oregon la 1831 v. . .
Joseph Cary Geer, bis grand
. r father, came to Ohio ia 1818 after
' his serrice in the war and in: 1840
! 1 moved to Illinois. Seven years
E later a man past 50 years, he gath
ered his family of 10 children and
set out with the emigrants ficross
; the plainsjto Oregon. . " I
- Herman J. Geer, the father; of
T. T. peer, was 19 years told when
they reached Oregon and a year
later married and settled tofarm-
IngMn Marlon county, in the Wal
; do hills, where Theodore T. Geer
was born March "12, It 51. r
Theodore T. Geer left his Bchool
f": ing when 14, after having been in
the public schools and in Wlllam-
ette university in Salem, and for a
year he was. employed with .his
; uncle, Ralph C. Geer in Marion
S f county after which be went to
Unlodcounty where he engaged
with "his "father in " horticulture;
; His father was one of the earliest
: horticulturists on a large scale in
" the state.. - f-- f;:' y'-
t ;'- H returned H tbe Mfdo hills
! tn 1817 ind began farming on his
'yy own." but ia U10 hi was called to
i i the legislature and for the 44
i years following he baa been! iden-
titled prominently' with tbe polltl-
rat tifn of the state., v '
; i - His legislative service Included
' ; terms of 1880. 1889. I8i wnen
; he was speaker of the house, ana
i 'I 1893.
4 - ;; Republican juccior. i "t ,
l i ! In . 1898 he was named one-of
V ? I the republican electors for Oregon
t j ana in mo iwrowim ; "-r
v this state's vote for; William Mc
i 1 tcinlev to Washington. D. C
; A year later at the ate repuo
i 1 ; llcan. convention in ;Asiora,, be
C - was nominated" for thb office of
t goternor by acclamation. His
'r ' lMtion followed and hi8 term of
: J office marked a .Prlo4 of sound
J and conservative kprogteaa.!(a; ,i ;f
f'-j v Wbllelio.waslin the governor's
J! ' chair he. was InvlUsd to' jOhio to
tanVasa'lhat istale for Governor
I.' l Nash. nV,made a swing Of'that
J tato,-delfcve'rijig''l speeches.
'i , " . ' After 1903 be bought the Salem
-v" Ciatesman,- which bo edited for
t rtwo Wrs, nt then took the Fan,
v ; (Contlnncd pae
lb H KGON: Ipbably im Cb nal ;
, rain Friday!, 'jnoderato; oalhr
"eily winds. v V-
. . --. ' i ' ijkm.-y:i,:,
J' iricXL WKATHER ; ; 4
yn- v'TbHrfidayl-.uU-'!
-. Maximum, temperature, u2..
Minimum tempfraturr. 4 lif
: mver,' 3.3. m: . :
vHaln.fa.Ur..5' .- i '
s Afini-vrn l '""tly cloudy.
Numerous Improvements for
City Set in Motion By
At the most enthnsrastlc meet
ing ever held by the Salem feder
ation of clubs, in session last night
at the chamber of commerce, the
following business was transacted:
That the city council be- urged
to buy equipment in order that the
streets of the city may be kept 'in
a sanitary condition. It was point
ed , out . by, several members that
while Salem was the "City Beau
tiful." yet its business streets in
the matter of cleanliness, do not
live up to its good name.
.The committee appointed j to
meet wjtb trustees of the IObF
cemetery, H. 8. Clle, C. E. Albin
and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, recom
mended' that the Odd Fellows be
urged to create a fund, the Inter
est upon which should be used
for the purpose of maintenance.
''This recommendation was made
In view of the fact that the Odd
Fellows organization finds itself
Without sufficient funds f with
which to beautify the cemetery
properly. The trustees of the Odd
Fellows expressed themselves in
sympathy with tho movement for
improved conditions at the cem
etery. - r ;;''''!
The committee meeting with II.
E. Canada, owner, of the lot 'on
North Capitol street upon Iwblcb
there is an pbjectlonal coijectioh
pf, machinery and various mater
ials, reported that Mr.' Canada was
very willing to improve conditions
at .anw early date, in order tbat
Vprtb Pi.tol street may be rep
resentative of the city. I
" MrS.'Itlchard Cartwrlght, pres
ident of the Woman's Civic league
reported that the objective "of the
club was to secure better condi
tions at the auto "park, this to in
clude in lime; jtb'e erection of a
community house. . v-
Mrs. Winnie rettyjohn spoke of
thefe belter homes campaign to be
f put "on i Salcm early in May. Tbo
wasto '-show by .the liuildirfg kt a
home '"sm d 7,rdperly vf urnishlng' it,:
now" attractive a podium i priced
The assistance of the Floral 0-
rlf y wilt be BKef In the iiuprov
Tn of th; auto arkfi Represen
tatives -riW ih'Saleav FJoral;f6
rfi'tv' Biir-pstorl 'the .planting of
(C-i.-uci on paga 4),
Washington's Birthday
LL HONOR to that day which
Gave birth to hint who Freedom's cause
j espoused;
6if his ardor. in the sacred fight,
The fare and strength of patriots aroused;
Who knew no master, save that One Divine
Whose strength, was his; who knew no fearf
. save one
The fear, of doing wrong! All hail the dag .
" Tha t - gave . to Freedom 's cause George
Charles B. Warren of Detroit
was nominated amDassaaor to
The gunboat Tulsa was ordered
to Tuxpam as a protection to
Americans there.
A house elections committee re
commended the unseating of Rep
resentative Sol Bloom, democrat,
New York,
A bouse resolution appropriat
ing $100,000 for the oil lease
cases was passed by the senate.
Attorney General Daugherty in
a letter to Senator Pepper, repub
lican, Pennsylvania, vigorously as
sailed his critics.
Senators examining tbe ballots
In the Mayfield election contest
said many ballots were being
challenged on both sides.
Democrats and "republican In
surgents in the house joined to
gain more amendments to the re
venue bill, although the demo
crats rejected an insurgent amend
ment to tax undisrtlbutcd profits
of corporations.
French Premier Given Vote
of Confidence on Elec
toral Bill
PARIS, Feb. 21. (By Associat
ed Press.) The Foincare govern
ment weathered the long expected
crisis in the senate today when in
a test vote on the electoral .-bill-the.
premier was sustained y a rote w
ISO against! 3 5.X Unattferable tn
its - determination to --stand upon
this measure as it-wispassed' by
the chamber of deputies' and ab
solute in bisroXsat to; entertain
any. comproinlsefand n face- '-of
tho earnest , pleas . or : me Jong
friends and supporters, not to make
it; a ; question of. confidence, the
premipr placed jKurclx bet9r.e. ibje
snhatol tbe reaponstbilttr: of over
throwing': blifr.'JHe futfwjsta -hi
twill upon, the upper house and de
featcd the most f rcmenaous oaas
b ? f ?,9 P.3 rllame'' el nee
long ago
Oriental Masterpieces Valued
at $15,000 Displayed
Last Night . ,
Through the courtesy of Cartozl-
an Brothers of Portland, dealers
in oriental and Persian rugs, Sa
lem Rotarians and their wives
were last night given first hand
information upon conditions in the
countries represented by a gorge
ous display of rugs and how these
were made.
Draped and festooned around
the dining room of the Marion ho
tel were 145,000 worth of rugs.' in
dividual prices ranging from $80 Q
for the carpet size, approximately
9 by 12 feet, to a' large specimen
valued at 114,000. In addition.
four silk pieces, masterpieces of
their kind and rare even in Persia,
were displayed. These were woven
and designed by master weavers.
Explanation in detail of oriental
rug weaving, lives of the people,
preparation of the wool and trat
ment of the animals was given by
Aram Cartozian, Portland Ro
tation. He told how the wool Was
dyed and the care taken in select
ing colors and in designing the
finished product. Miss Hazel Car
tozian demonstrated on am origin
al loom of Persia how the rugs
are woven. C. W. Dolan, general
manager of the firm, gavo a' talk
on interior dpcorating that was of
particular interest to the women.
Mr. Hoss, a professional entertain
er, delighted the audience with his
Italian dialect features.
Turkish coffee, prepared by D.
O. Cartozian, senior member of the
firm, and cakes were served. '
The affair last night was staged
as a surprise party to the wives
of Rotarians by their husbands.
A surprise feature of the eve
ning was a great birthday cake
with 19 candles set within the de
sign of Rotary wheel. It was cut
for tho members and their friends
attending. The cake was baked
and presented by Walter Molloy
of the Cherry City Bakery, who
is a'Rotarian.
.... - - t . , . . -V
H PORTLAND., Ore., Feb.. 21. -By
defeating a team from , Seattle,
Portland.debaterj tonight won the
momUuualif ilpcround fotrep
rewenflog jthe-tPfidific faortawest.
tiorotbe'-nationaj .conference of
ihe American Jnstitqta, v of -bank
ing.. .The final dcbatoAla the
eeries - will ' be; bjeid-a t , ? fokanei i
There will be no deliveries made
by city mail carriers in either tbe
residence, or business districts to
day, according to an announce
ment made by John H. Farrar,
postmaster. The general delivery
window will be open between 9
and 10 o'clock for the benefit of
transients. .
All of the banks, city, county
and federal offices will be closed
during the day. The state house
wgMe officially closed and while
some of the offices will probably
re occupied, there' will be no of
ficial work done.
No action was taken by the bus
iness men's league yesterday re
garding the closing of stores by
retail merchants, it being left to
tbe individuals whether or not
they close. Vhile a majority of
the business houses' will remain
open it Is expected that some of
the professional men will take ad
vantage of the day and take a
Schools will close at noon, after
patriotic exercises lasting an hour
and a half are completed.
World Program and Local
Participation Outlined
Here Last Night
Nearly 300 representatives . of
various Methodist churches in the
Salem district gathered at the
First Methodist church last night
to hear plans outlined for the new
wr1dservice program, benevolent
prlc tp follow tbo five-year cen
tenary movement which Isoees in
May. Pot-luck supper was served
tat 6:30 o'clock to nearly 250 per
sons from -Turner, Dallas, Inde
pendence. Silverton, Jason Lee,
Leslie and First Methodist church
es of Salem, ' C
History of the centenary move
ment was given by A. L. Howard
of Portland, area secretary of the
Portland area. In the best year
of this movement the benevolences
amounted to $15,000,000, while
$12,000,000 was received in the
poorest year. These figures were
offered by the speaker in compari
son to the $3,000,000 raised in
the best year prior to the inaugu
ration of the movement. ' The cen
tenary movement is merely a step
ping stone toward the greater work
which must follow, be said.
Laymen, known as "minute
men," have assisted .in the move
ment, Mr. Howarth said. In view
of the new movement the name of
the minute men was changed to
that of world service broadcasters.
Three ' "broadcasters" spoke
briefly, Joseph Barber, of the Ja
son' Lee church, on "Why Every
Loyal Methodist Should Enlist' in
the Movement." Professor Daven
port, principal of the. Lincoln
school, emphasizing- the layman's
point of view, and W. C. Winslow
representing the First Methodist
church, on "Is the Centenary
Movement Worth While?" He said
the church dared not fall down.
but as it had created a demand
it must make delivery.
Bishop W. O. Shepard of Port
land brought a personal mewsage
to the gathering, pleading for all
to put over tho new movement,
which ho' said was needed by the
world and that the gospel was the
only hope of the world. He point
edf out that Methodists had visions
of world peace and had no time for
theological debates in the church,
such as those between the funda
mentalists and modernists, for
though both were right and both
were wrong in some respects, no
one group could lay claim to a
monopoly of the truth.
" Methodists will ' be asked for
pledges in the next few weeks, he
said.- The test pf their belief will
be demonstrated in their ability
to-raise $18,500,000 annually. He
urged upon all to be ready o carry
n the work, declaring it would "be
a tragedy to go back now.
Dr. E. E. Gilbert, who presided
at -the meeting, outlined what
would be expected of the Salem
district. Tbe canvass for pledges
wiUi begin about the middle of
March. Educational j campaigns,
district meetings and rallies in all
the i churches will help pave the
way. be paid. rv
, Sidney W.. Hall of SHverton of
fered a prayer at the beginning of
the serf Icq ,witb icyf tBlaine E.
KJrkpatrlck. pastor of t ha first
Mothodist tchnrch Offering the
fclonfijg prayer1 R. D. ftavton gave
a'vocal-feoloj with a piano solo by
lude Enggfrom,
Amendment to Revenue Bill
Hits Snag After Party
Joins With Republican In
Debate, Lasting Three Hours
Is Continued Today,
Though Holiday ,
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21 Dcm-l
oc rat a jammed on the brakes in
the rpvision of the revenue "bill !
today, after joining republican in
surgents in gaining some amend
ments and refused to support an
amendment offered by this group
proposing a tax on undisturbed
profits of corporations.
In opposing this amendment
Representative Garret of Ten
nessee and Garner of Texas, the
democratic leaders in the tax
fight declared it was "unsound"
and warned their party that it
must so change the bill, already
carrying the democratic income
rate schedules, that no ground
would be given for a presidential
Discussion hrerr u led.
The chairman just previously
had overruled a decision of the
chair that the amendment was not
in order, by a vote of 164 to 150.,
With debate on the amendment
occupying three hours, little pro
gress was made with the bill to
day although Chairman Green of
the ways and means committee; in
charge of the measure predicted
later a vote on passage would be
(possible' Jjyv next" Tuesdays." An
agreement was reported between
him and Representative Garner
that no vote would be taken be
fore that date. Consideration of
the measure will continue tomor
row, although t is a legal holiday
A new compromise on the in
come rate schedules developed in
negotiations during the .day -be
tween republican organization
leaders who are' determined to up
set the democratic rates when the
bill is up for passage, and some of
the 17 republicans fwho support
ed the Garner income tax amend
ment. Compromise Discussed
Representative Long worth, tho
republican leader, said he would
be willing to cut the normal rate
on incomes below $'4, "000- from 3
per cent as recommended by Sec
retary Mellon to 2 pec cent If the
6 per cent normal tax on incomes
above that amount, the treasury
proposal were retained.- The cpm
promise also includes the recent
offer of organization republicans
to raisji the minimum surtax from
the 25-per cent rate proposed by
Mr. Mellon to 37 per cent. Such
a schedule, Mr. Longworth said,
would be acceptable to several of
the insurgents.
The vote oh the Garner plan,
222 to 186, with 11. republicans
absent." A majority must be gain
ed on several parliamentary votes
by the republicans to make pos
sible tbe overthrow of the Garner
rates, after the byi comes. up for
final vote. ' -
Mystery of Woman's Disap.
pearance Is Unsolved
Husband Better
SEATTLE, Feb. 21. Arthur
Weaver, 8 4 years old., was arrest
ed late today by deputy' sheriffs
of Snohomish county, who were
seeking to solve! the mystery "of
the killing of Mrs. Laura Mum
mcy, the critical wounding of her
husband and the burping of their
home at Seattle Heights. 1C miles
north of this city." Mummey in a
statement in Ju. hospital here bad
accused Weaver.; ;.;is-.
The statement made by Mum
mey to Sheriff McCulloch of Ever?
ett. was a repetition pf ono made
earlier in the day to Dr. J. Jate
Mason, his physician. On the way
to Seattle to obtain Mnmmcy's
sattement Sheriff McCnlloch and
Ucputy F. i'lymalc stopped at
Seattle' Heights where hey qucs-
ii ,t 'Sherif f, so bojp pie Cod, J am
not; guilty'; Wearer informed the
olfker.t iflmm an old feeble man
and. I, Qoujda't bave. done such a
thing if I bad wanted to,-," -
. .. . - . . . -
SILVERTON, Or., Feb. 21.
(.Special to The Statesman.)- L
F. Braxier. proprietor of the Reo
restaurant, has made the discov
ery that the famous word; "eats,"
Ut not, as some folks believe, tbe
only thing that draws a crowd.
A collie dog is Just as effective,
provided he is such a dog1 as Mr.
Brazier possesses.' Here's, bow! ;
rly last summer tbe Brazier
family, which includes the dog
BobV made a' motor trip to east
ern' states. They were gone two
months. While visiting' at Wol
cott Ind., "Bob" deserted. A
great deal of searching and a
at deal of advertising failed to
ring any knowledge of tbe. dog's
whereabouts. The family return
ed to Silverton. " This was more
than six months ago. Friday
Bob" walked In foot-sore and
tired hut seemingly enjoying the
far-famed health of all pedtstri-
ans. The mystery ol now tne dog
found his way is unsolved. It be
could talk he could perhaps re
gale many a diner at the Reo with,
interesting tales of long and lonely
hikes, over dirt roads, graveled
roads, paved roads, and no roads
at all. However, "Bob" has i not
found an interpreter and the mys
tery of how be found his way from
Wolcott, Ind., to the home of his
birth, for be was born on the Abi-
qna, will perhaps always remain a
mystery. Bob is three years old
and has been with the Brazier
family since puppy days." "
State Department Asked to
Consider Contract With
MEXICO CITY, Feb.. 21.-r(By
the Associafed-.J'resS)'. The. ap
proval of the American state de
partment was sought today by the
Mexican government ' upon , the
terms of the basic contract be
tween the government and a syn
dicate Of United States bankers
involving the proposed loan - of
125,000,000 in exchange for cer
tain concessions in Mexico. ;'J l-
It is stated that the Mexican
charge d'affaires in ' Washington,
upon Instructions from the mini
ster of foreign affairs, has-submitted
the contract to Washington
for approval.
The sreater Dart of the pro
posed loan is understood to be on
deposit lit is'ew York banks' and
the basic and subsidiary contracts
have been approved by the Mexi
can government. '
Arizona Member Sa.ys
rnipps voxea to uwn Aa-.
vantage on Bill ;
WASHINGTON. Feb. u 2.1.-
Senator Fhipps, republican, Coio
rade, was accused today in . the
scnat.e by Senator 4brU. demo
crat, Arftona; of voting " to put
money into his own pocket when
he opposed an appropriation of
$230,000 for a hydro-electric plant
in tho Yuma irrigation projUct' In
California and Arizona; .: -
'AVarning" Senator Ashurst "not
to impute motives, Senator Phipps
toldi the- senate- why voted as
he did, not because he was a stock'
bolder in the Southern Sierra
Power company with which the
proposed . government hjdro-elec
trie plant would compete.
He explained, that he and other
committee men felt that no new
expenditures should be made in
irrigation projects until after the
report of the fact finding commis
sion of tUe department of interior
investigating ... those projects - is
available. - , -. -
Poem By Reiaelman Is iv
Accepted 6y Periodical
Perry Irescott Reigelraan
member- of the Modern Writers
section of the -Salem Arts league,
received, notice yesterday from
Harry Noyes Pratt, editor of The
Overland Monthly, of 8an Fran
chyra, that bis Epcm, of the 'west
fin : verse libre has been accepted
ior puoiicaiion soon. The verso is
entitled ''Tbo Magic Carpet.' Mr.
uejgeiman is asked for a ebort
biographical sketch also, .
. i - i A f i f.i.
Attorney r penerat Turns cr
Assailants and Threats
to : Carry Fight - Befcrt
Cabineti Memtier Says ? He
Has Been convicted With
I Out Hearing
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Attor-
ney General Daugherty turned or,
his assailants today with a threat
to take to the country bis fight
to retain, bis place in the cabinet.
It the senate, be said, alreadj
has, convicted him without hearing
and on '.'insinuations and false
hoods," nothing remained for him
but to plead his cause before the
bar of public opinion.' 1' f
The attorney general challenge
was Issued after it had been dti
closed that the oil committee wa:
investigating a report that he bac!
dealt in Sinclair oil stock.
This report, brought to Wash
ington by a special investigator
not only has been laid before the
committee, but also has been called
to tbe - attention. of President
Coolidge by Chairman Lenroot anc
other administration leaders in the
senate, .j ? ?:u
WrJtes to Pepper
la-his public statement, whicl
look the orm of an open letter tc
Senator Pepner, republican, Penn
gylvamia, Mr. Daugherty made nt
Bpeclfio mention of the reporter
oil transactions or, of any of th
individual '"charges made , publiclj
9rainst him.J Instead, he declare :
In general terms, that some sens
torf wefpdenving hip- constltu
tional privileges which are accord
ed r'tbo besi 'crimlnal.w , ;
Is the preservation of the or
derjy processes of the law and th
preserratlon : of ; constitatlona
rights of : no importance?" h
asked "Shall reputations be de
stroyed and public officials drive:
from office by clamor, inslnuatloi
and falsehood?'! : I '
The letter was written to Sena
tor. Pepper in response to a not
to which the senator sent to bin
late yesterday after be and Sena
tor 'Lodge of Massachusetts, th
Republican leader bad urged upo
President 'Coolidge tbe retlremen
of Mr.Daugherty.
The attorney general wrote th a
he noted "with amazement you
sngfestlon that my Interests ar
not on the basis of "justic
or-inJustice-'reTen though m
honor, reputation and all that
bold dear - in this . world, are a
takefr . ?: .
Quoting Senator Pepper tha
Mr. Daugherty is "on the wron
side of ; an Issue In the mind o
the public." the letter said th a
apparently that statement referre
to the charges' made in the senat
Tuesday Tqjt Senator ,Wheeler, den;
ocrat, Montana.
- y Hearing Sought
'Voil ibayo. then concluded.
Mr. Daugherty wroe, "tbat I ar
on1 the wrong-side of an issu
without bearing, without evidence
and accepted as" final the baseles:
scandalous and defamatory charf
es of my politicl adversaries.
L will, ar yer. fre. Party to such
program' v
tgenator-Peppe.r said In a' state
ment tonight that he had sent hi
note, tb.thp attorney general afte
(Continued on page Z.S
snows Die em
Increased Hope Is Reflecte
Following Physicians
L , WASHINGTON. Feb. 21- Ii
creased hopo concerning the cot
dition f . of Senator Frank I
G reeae of Vermont was ref lec te
in a physician's bulletin issue
late today after'; an cxaminatio
of the patient. ; .' .
"Senator Greene has been re t
ing quietly during the day.nn
his condition - seemed improved,
the bulletin said.
Although a right side paralv
now exists t was, learned, the do
tors hope this will clear up if tl
Vermont senator recovers. ; II
temperature late today wa3 rr
mal and. bo -bai ti?:cn' r---r-