The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Celery Men Meet Saturday
Fpr the j purpose pt getting to
KetlHr,,and jU$cussIng celery con
ditions and prospects, members of
the Labish MeadoVs Celery union
.will; meet in the committee room
of the Chamber of Comnierce at
2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Dance at Schlndler Hall I
v , Saturday night.
: Amtwrr Filed
"M. a. Lange has filed an, answer,
Jrojvnter claim pr cross complaint
H the divorce suit filed by Nora
,MAnn( Lange. lie claims that sud
den wealth in the form of inheri
tances and government land pat
fnU turned the head of the plain
tltf in such a manner as make
hf, neglect her
farm home.
duty on their
Debate Tonight at High Srhool
Saleni High vs. Stayton Jlih
free. - fir
IWwfft Party SaturOay
Thn Salem Woman's chili will
Fbonxor a benefit card party at
.the club rooms Saturday afternoon
and eveninc. Brlde will be
Tlayed in the afternoon and fiTe -
htmdred in the evening. The affair-
is open to the general public,
according to .Mrs. C. K. Spaulding.
member of the building fund com
mittee, which is In charge. Tables
e jceiyc .v;V Mtr..Sva
tUaz ; M rs. . tU K. , AuderRon or
'Mrau Homer Gimlet.
:R f : -
Innate Tonight at High .&-liool
rkilem High vsoStaytpn High
la..,' .. , .
,fMTrmnr to Move
; 2t is l understood that Governor
Pierce and family will soon move
-from the residence they occupy oi
.South Twelfth street, which is
owned by George Graves, into a
house owned by Dr. yB. Ij. Steeves
- on State street.
Vood Special
FIve loads 16 inch, inside mill
wood, $17.50. Order now. Prompt
delivery Spaulding Logging Co.
I r r. t fl5
Thought, Sold and Exchanged.
- pO N. Coral St. Ehone 403
f ..'I , " ; -We Pay CnahTVk . j;
i 1 " . . I i "
i &n Italian Prune' Trees. 1 :Good
' Prices on Walnuts, Seedling Chef
itf Trees, 8c to 15c. General Nur
ty Stock, Sales Yard and Office,
J44 Ferry St. f
v i. i . A. J. Mathis, Prop.
t Office Phone 190. Res. 1140M
You Should Know
.That we diagnose, locate and
neasure, from a drop of blood any
' llsease -active or latent.
1 We purify the blood and cure,
not electricity), 85 per cent of
tanceri, tuberculosis, colters, dla-
ietea, female and digestive diaor-
lers, etc. V'
t The Era Clinic
" 1484 SUte 6C
i Wm. Neimeyer
i In Business For Your j
?) 1 Health.... --.rii
175 N. ComtL Phone 167
l Oregon rttlgrr Telephone 45
STvSs sicavey Rell Insurance
?.v," ' ' AzencV -l
nnMl tkanrtnM
'Wily Bell , ' , '; Frank "Wagar
(formerly Dr.': fichenkij ,
', V :- -249 S. CotUge SC. .
PHONE - - - v 1182
1 The Original and Genuine. Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. Skill
ful, ' Painless Adjustment i that
$eta "results. '; yv s ;:. v."-.
- -" Osteopathic Fbyskian and '
l SurKeon; .
K2S Oregon Bids. 'Balean
; . Osteopathle
v . i Physiclanj and Surgeons
The only physicians In Salem us
ing Dr. Abram' method of Elec
tronle Diagnosis and Treatment.
60f U. S. Natl Bank Bid. Salem
f Established 1868 "': '
t 1
Ceneral Banldne Business . . . .
lllO.fficwiffoB'Id a. mrfeicinrr
Will Issue Invitations j Abstractors Active Members
Polk county real estate men.1 Through a resolution passed at
will be invited to Salem to hearjth Thursday luncheon of the
Mr. Herren, national real estate j Marion-Polk County Realty asso
association riian, who will be here (elation at its regular meeting yas
March 8. In addition, invitation ; lerday. ih. I'nion Abstract com-
will be extended others in the city
who are interested in similar lines
of activities. The invitations will
be sent by the Marion-Polk County
Realty association.
Debate Tonight at High School
Salem High vs. Stayton High
free. fl5
Would Be Citizen
George Bessos Athanosopolos,
also known " as George Resso
Paulus. yesterday filed his declar
ation of intention to become a
citizen of 'the United States. lie
is a native of Greece.
Dance at SchinUler Hall
Saturday night.
To Stanford Again
Prof. James Tv Matthews of Wil
lamette university has again ac
cepted the offer of Stanford uni
versity to join its teaching staff
at the summer session school and
will leave the. local institution im-
iJ1MHU:U', - v following the comple
tion or the school year to spend
the summer in the south. He will
toacb a 10 weeks' course in calcu
lus. Lf,t Jhae- the graduating
class of 23 presented Professor
Matthews with'-, gift of $750, to
bo nsod for ajrip to England and
France, which Jhe has planned to
tako tor many years. The trip
will now ho. postponed tint1 next
l1iy n CoM?
. K-X-0-"X A C-O-T-D Tablets
sure knox It. At Darby's drug
store only, Court and Liberty. Sts.
Will Discuss Goiter
. The next meeting of the Polk-Yamhill-Marion
Medical society
will be held at The Spa Tuesday
niftht. Feb. lftr beginning at 7
o'clock. Dr. J. Earl Else will read
a paper on "The Status of the
Treatment of Toxic Goiter," and
discussion of the paper will be
opened by Dr. II. J. Clements. Dr.
F. H. Thompson, official physic
ian ' for the state industrial . acci-.
dent commission, will read a paper
on "Industrial Surgery," and, the
discussion will be opened byvpr.
C, A. , Downs.
We Have Remodeled
Our, store and added new cases
etc., and are now ready to show
our spring line, of hats, dresses and
coafe i-Our line of Madge Evans
hats for children is now complete.
Our prices on these goods are
right. Call and see them. Mrs.
W. P. Stith, 333 State St. fl6
Welfare Day Endorsed
Governor Pierce yesterday sent
a letter to llrs. Harold, of Port
land, chairman of child welfare
in Oregon for the Parent-Teacher
association, expressing the desire
thatv special attention be paid the
welfare of children in Oregon on
February It, which is child wel
fare day throughout the United
A Good Place
to Eat
Government Loans on Farms
5 per cent
, KeoTreM.
20tt7-S. Bank Bldg.
Excellence is the Lever
upon which, we depend to move
large Quantities of coal. "While
our prices axe -the same as those
for. ordinary coal we strive to
makethose, prices pay for more
and bigger epal satisfaction. How
well we succeed can be learned by
a. trial. Why, not make the test
when It costs no more. Give ns a
trial, :,;
Litrmer Transfer Co.
469 State Si. Phone 930
;any and the Salem Abstract com
pany were admitted to active
membership in the associations
Heretofore these two companies
were only associate members. 'p
on the passage or the resolution,
Jotn G. Scott, president, turned
the meeting over to W. E. Han
sen, who presided as chairman of
the day.
May Build Overhead
The possibility of an overhead
crossing at Macleay on the Wood-burn-Springfieid
'branch of the
Southern Pacific, is being consid
ered by the Marion county court.
J. T. Hunt, county commissioner.
inspected the road yesterday with
Southern Pacific attorneys. . The
particular crossing is considered
bad from the point of view of pos
sible accidents and is ideally lo
cated for the construction of an
overhead crossing. The estimated
cost of construction is $10,000 and
the court desires to secure the co
operation of the Eailroad company.
Will Iliiibl Crossiiiff
The state highway commission
has applied to the state public ser
vice conimission for authority to
cotv?A.tcA. a T5Ue ctosswr oxer
the Great Southern railway1 In
Wasco county.
Joint Meet ins (allod
The state public servico com
mission and the bureau of public
works of the state of Washington
will hold a joint hearing in Port
land on FebVuary 2S relative to
track scale inspection.
Wool Men Protests-
The Oregon Wool Growers' as
sociation has filed with the public
service commission a. protest at
the action of theailroad compan
ies in doing away with the free
half return fare on one-carload
shipments of livestock.
Buys Controlling Interest
Controlling Interest in the
Worth & Gray department store
was obtained Thursday by H. R.
Worth who bought the half inter
est in the establishment that was
owned by Mr- Gray. Mr. Worth
will be the sole proprietor of the
fctore in the future, which will be
known as Worth's Department
store.; The store was purchased
two years ago in May by the two
men. Mr. Gray withdrew, from
the firm because he was unable
to devote all his time to the busi
ness, it was said yesterday. Be
fore locating in Salem two years
ago, Mr. Worth owned a large de
partment store in Albany, where
he moved frOm Centralia, Wash.
Elks to McMInnvill
Over 100 members of Salem
odge.No. 336, BPO Elks, left by
train yesterday evening for Mc-
Minnville where they visited the
McMinnville lodge last night. The
trip was made over the Southern
Mr. Klorfein at Home
G. Klorfein, proprietor of the
Bake-Rite bakery, is home from
a trip of three weeks to the east,
mostly on pleasure, but partly on
Basketball Games
The Baptist basketball team
wow: from the First Methodist
team last night at the YMCA by
a score of 9 to 7. The First Chris
tian church won from the Presby
terian church team by a score of
11 to 10. The church league
game3 are played each Thursday
evening' and the series is about
played out.
Attend YMCA Convention
Salem will be well represented
at the interstate YMCA convention
in Portland today and tomorrow.
Official delegates to the conven
tion, who will leave today, are
Ikie White, Earl Pemberton and
Winston Williams from the Hi-Y
clubs; George Oliver and Orey
Heisy from Willamette university;
Edwin SocolofsRy, Marion county
YMCA, and C. A. Kells, represent
ing the Salem YMCA. It is ex
pected that several others who are
interested In this -work will also
attend. The, men will return to
the city Saturday afternoon.
galem iitortuarp
Fkons 16SS
itmeicnt Work Uodmts Mes
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmeri v
t - v .. - r. .-( -v
Uneqnaied Serrlet
Duberts Pays Fini
Fine of 1 10 for speeding waa
paid in Justice court yesterday af
ternoon by (Juy V. .Roberts. Hf
was arrested by Jay Morton
Moiorniaii ik Thoughtful .
Perhaps it was because he re-nu-nibered
his boyhood days or
perhaps if was because he is na
turally a thoughtful mat., but a
motorman on the Center 'street
line won the friendship of one
young boy yesterday afternoon.
The street car was about to turn
cast on Chcmeketa off Liberty
v.hen the boy missed a baseball
tossed by a playmate. The sphere
tolled onto the streetcar track
and lodged ir. the space between
the brick and the rail. The mo
torman, though he was not sup
posed to stop at that point,
brought his car to a halt in time
to prevent the destruction of the
"LM" Due This Week
Members of the Marion-Polk
County Realty association who be
long to the multiple liating bureau
will receive the bi-monthly issue
of "The List" today or tomorrow,
according to Miss Martha Leaven
worth executive secretary. This
publication contains all properties
listed wiyi the bureau and is dis
tributed to all members.
Judge Orticiates
Judge W. H. Downing yester
day officiated at the marriage of
Ernest ("rabtree of Linn county
nhd Kio Oahoun of Marion coun
ty. A license was also issued yes
WTday to AeoT'Ae Veve.T t Otfcfccin
City and Adele Hoffman of Salem.
Grange to Meet
The Kalem Grarpp will meet
Saturday morning at l::'.tt in tlie
Grange hall. -
Trennre for Round-iif
Nearly 200 of the Salem and
Marion County Pioneers are' ex
pected to gather at the Salem
YMCA Saturday, March 1. for the
annual Round-up. A feature of
the meeting will be the champion
ship basketball game between the
Jason Lee and SHverton Pioneers.
A pennant will be awarded ;vthe
winnins team. All sorts of tbftnss
to interest the boys will be fctfc(d
during. the da including a sum
ming contest, in(which eachub
may place two entries. There are
now eight clubs in Salem vand
eight in the county, and members
of these are expected to turn out
in force for the Round-up. "The
Pioneer Trail," mimeograph pub
lication, ;will be distributed-;4o-
Bail is Forfeited
Lewi3 E. Abdill, of Dayton, for
feited $5 in the police courts.
terday. He was arrested for driv
ing his machine, on the wrong side
of the street; Ward E. Weeks' of
Vancouver, Wash., forfeited $5.
lie was charged with failure to
dim hi3 headlights while passing
through the city.
Reckless Driving Charged
Reckless - driving and speeding
is charged against Foster Winter
mute, of Gervais, who was arrest
ed on Fourteenth between D and
Marion yesterday by Officer Ed
wards. He was cited to appear
in the police court at 4:30 o'clock
this afternoon. '
Hirce Are Fined
Three traffjc violators
fir.ed by Marten Poulsen,
judge, Thursday afternoon.
were LaDoyt Davis. 941
Cottage and L. Imlah, 2340 Nob
Hill, $5 each for speeding. Jos
eph Nunn, a 190. .North Nineteenth,
was fined $2.50 for not leaving a
light on his bicycle. The fnen
were arrested by Officer Sproed.
noseburg Hotel Opens
The new Terminal hotel in
Roseburg will be opened today.
according to W. W. Chadwicc,
president of the Central Stage &
Terminal Hotel company, who has
returned from a trip to that city.
The new hotel will have 4 2 rooms.
All of the stages will stop at this
central station. Copyright of the
trademark and slogan of the
stage company was authorized at
a meeting held Wedr.esdav. Two
daily stages operate between
Roseburg, Ashland, Klamath
Falls, Portland arid the Coos Bay
district and about April 1 an addi
tional stage will be added. Busses
are to be painted alike, each to
have a red top, cream body and
black running gear.
Visit North Howell
Several Salem men will attend
a .meeting of the North Howell
community club tonight. An:n
viataion to participate in the an.
nual corn show and industrial ex
position, to be held at the Salem
armory next fall, will be extended
to. the community by C. E. Wilson,
representing the chamber of com
The verage hen does not
pay a profit
and have made hundreds of;
poultry men wealthy. Fout
teen trios of world cham--
pion purebred chickens will
be given free to ambitious
men, women, boys and girls
&ena name ana aaaress, ana
full information will be
.Korthwest JPonltry lJonrnaI
-' Salem, OilctUB.,ycpK'2Cr'
Dental Society Meet
Dr. Wallace C. Shearer of Port
land" will conduct the clinic for the
regular monthly meeting of the
Mariori-Polk-Yamhill county dis
trict dental society, which meets
here today. In the evening he will
be the principal speaker;.
Attend Pioneers' Meeting
Several Salem residents were in
Portland last nish.t for the
anniversary of birth of the state,
as guesu of the .Sons and Daugh
ters of Oregon Pioneers at a ban
fi'iet' and. reeeption in the blue
room of the chamber of commerce.
All Oregon pioneer.? and those
having pioneer ancestry were in
vited. Approximately 200 persons
were present. Salem was repre
sented by Judge P. H. D Arcy, Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. Moores and Murray
Wade. Though Hal J). Patton
and E. Cook Patton were invited,
they were unable to attend.
f '.tits Due Sat unlay
Frank BUgh and Troy Wood,
owners of the Yellow Taxicab com
pany, leTt for Portland yesterday
for three yellow cabs and touring
cars to be operated by the new or
ganization. Headquarters will be
established the Mligh hotel.
The new vehicles are due tn make
thefiy appearance, on the streets
I (Xt avians Visit Corvallis
Presentation of a charier lo the
Corvallis Rotary club last night
found a large mtm,her of Salem
metk'in attendance. Miles M. Hig
feyv'pveFnor of the first distikt.
of Spokane, arid !. O. SaoUing,
president "M the Salem Rotary
cHib.'fcpent the entire day in Cor-
vaiHa.:i vAnong those making the
trip lasj'uight were C Miles.
ICric jailer, Joe Baiimgarlner,
Ieslie Iarr, Dan Langenberg. W.
C. Firanklin, W. I. Sta'ley,.-Walter
Minier, Luther Chapin, Fred Thiel
son. Waiter Mulloy, George Hng
and S. E.; Davis.
"IHir; Ilusuk Is Hark r
W. J Rusick, the grocer, is
!pme from a trip of about three
weeks to California points! He
8peut some time in Los AnReles,
whre he found a very lively city.
With much building, including
many large structures. He found
Joe McAllister, formerly of the
Oregon state engineering depart
ment, settled in Los Angeles, en
gaged there as an engineer. Mr.
Busick jiet former governor .Ben
Olcott in Long Beach, where he
Is in charge of the branch bank
of the Bank of Italy, one of the
gFtj&jna4Cial institutions of Cal
ifornia. Mrf B,usick is, of course,
glad to be hack.- ai. iiome.
Without an Oregon Permit '
A large, motor truck owned by
the Joy Transfer company of Van
couver, Wash., and loaded with
(Continued from page 2)
patipn of music week which is to
begin with Easter Sunday, the ex
ecutive committee, Elma Weller,
Julia Weigel, and Allie Chandler,
were authorized to beijin the nec
essaryessary preparations, and so
liciting the interest 'and Co-oper
ation of the other musical organ
izations of the city. .
The association will meet on
March It at Elma Weller stu
dio. 4?
Mrs. W. F. Woodward accom
panied Mr. Woodward from Port
land to Salem last night; he com
ing to jtidge the Willamette-Oregon
debate. She will 'remain in
Salem for a few days a guest of
the Newton McCoy home on Mar
ion street. The McCoys and Wooji-r
wards were -neighbors in Portland.
Mrs. Woodward' was With f Mr.
j Woodward during the last session
or me legislature, ana sue iein in
love withthis city. She will likely
attend the next session, for Mr.
Woodward will be a candidate to
succeed himself.
Use Grandma's Sage Tea and
Sulphur Recipe and Nobody
Will Know
The use of Sage and Sulphur
for restoring faded, gray hair to
its natural color dates back to
grandmother's time. She used it
to keep her hair beautifully dark,
glossy and attractive. Whenever
her hair took on that dull, faded
or streaked appearance., this sim
ple mixture was applied with won
derful effect.
But brewing at home i9 mussy
and out-of-date. Nowadays, by
asking at any drug store for a bot
tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," you will get this fa
mous old preparation, improved
by the addition of other ingre
dients, which can be depended up
on to restore natural color and
beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown drug
gist says it darkens the hair so
naturally and evenly that nobody
can hats been applied. You
simply) dam. pea a- sponge or soft
brush j with it ands draw ; this
thf!sjfttThair, taking -one
the graiyvhair disappears, and al
ter another application or two. It
becomes' j' beuti fully dark' i and
household goods . for an Oregon
destination, was stopped by state
officers in Salem yesterday be
cause it did not earrv a permit
from the public service com mis-'.
sion of Oregon. The driver left
tl;i truck and load in a garage
here ;ind returned to Vancouver
to arrunge for the proper bond
and nsurahce. He is expected to"
tile the required papers with the
public service, commission today-.
Inventories Filed
Inventories of the estates of Ed
i:i;.si'd ai-.l L.aura McFnrland
were filed yesterday in probate
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and
son, FloydrTTillamook. are vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. II. Barker, near Zena.
L. H. MeIahan is back from a
week's tripito San Francisco.
J. It. Lerof Albany was a re
cent visitor in the city.
Lester W. Thompson of Rose
burg was in Salem Thursday on
Rich L. Roimann, local realtor,
will leave for Seattle early today
where he will join his wife an
return with her to Salm. Mrs.
Reiinann has . been'away from the
city for the last two weeks. The
trip is being made by automobile.
Alex Sweet. Portland attorney
ht.d former registrar of the Unit
ed States land office in Portland,
S. ff. 'an Trump spent part of
.esterday at Cloverdalo and
C. H. Hartman of Scotts Mills
was in Salem yesterday.
Col. W. F. Wrisht of Clover-
dale was a visitor in Salem yes
terday. Ernest F. Brown, of Albany,
was in the city yesterday, remain
ing overnight.
C. K. Gray, of Eugene, is ' a
business visitor in Salem. He ar
rived yesterday afternoon.
Lewis E. Abdill. of Dayton, Was
Sun Maid seedless or
315-oz. packages OC n
for OO C
3 Three Crown, OCp
pounds OOC
Extra fancy Petite Pois,
sifted No. 2, lithograph
tins. !
T tins ...
By the
Eastern freshly milled,
white or yellow
9 lb. bags ...
Meco brand, s
3 tins 5QC
3tz;.. 98c
2 tins I5c
Silver Leaf Brand.
4-lb. net
8-lb. net .
Hooker brand pure gran
. ulated.
O 13-oz. tins
Fancy Sweets, Navels,
. medium, size.
fci dozen .t.... 49c
Large Sweet Navels.
2 8ozen7lii..ij. 59 c
a recent visitor loathe city.
Rons Miles, yho has-been een-
fi tle.l
to Ills home- With i'iieuma-'lliotdk'
i. ai;ai UHf to be dowr. j
Member o f International
YMCA Committee In
spects Local Activity
Albert E. Roberts, county work
secretary on the international com
m it toe of the YMCA. visited Stay
ton, Gervais and Woodburn
schools yesterday with Edwin So
colofsky. county secretary for Mar
lon. He will visit in Silverton to
day, speaking in the morning at.
the high school and at. noon will
speak before the Silverton Com
munity club. All who may desire
to attend are being invited to at
tend this noon meeting, according
to Mr. Socolofsky.
Mr. Robert 3 spoke at the boys
training school Wednesday night.
He will be the main speaker at
an interstate Hi-Y contention in
Portland which begins this eve
ning and ends Saturday afternoon.
Five dollars' worth of Shrubbery will be given tire first
party making a purchase of 25 or more. Special sale tra
Harflcit poar and Italian prune trees. We have fcorjrhiiig:''
in trees: Black Mazzard Cherry Seedlings 8c each. VV"' 'V'" "
Sales yard and ofrice opposite tho O. R. Depot." at. thv
Cherry City Hotel. ' ":t
Mathis Nursery Co. : ;
Office Phone 17r8. t . ' Res. lOF
i '
. ' I II ,1 !
Large white flakes,
9 lb. bags
The favorite Anier
kan Beauty brand,
3 tins for
K tins for
.Made irtPortland
10, bars 39C
There' is none bet
ter Skajfg'g Clov
er Queen
Lb 50c
.. -
Fancy, Firm Fruit
,2 Lbs 1.25 c
3-oz. r
, , Pkg. r0C
f Sugar cured
Lk 13c
Armour's Stockenet
1 3 to 5 lbs. each
Lb. 17c
Barton's - medium
weight sugar cured
; Lb 22c
Fancy 10-oz. frames
2 f0r 45c
Committeemen from Marion fOufi
fy who will attend are Lloydr:
Lloyd' Rey-
L.l Ht."ftHhr.'""flni 'rrtAt.i
nee'ves ' of Silverttm. ; -
The boyg front tho Ybu'nty'Nyho
are delegiitc are Lelahd. Keith ly.
mid Elmer Boyer, Stayton; -Boss
Hill, Walter Peterson, Turner; ? j,
Paul Blazer and AUijon-.BririUl, '
hiiveriou; aroia MCKenzle and
Jack Miser, Silverton. .. j
Jack Miser will represent all r
of the boys of the Hi-Y In a speech ,
at the banquet Friday night.' Ed- l
win oucuiuiMty win remain in
Portland Saturday and : willaN
4r.l n tiiAAiln -rxf T)vm 1t"l. .
retarios there. ?- -
The soft drink king, heing sued
for jack by his former . fifteen
must feel like the very deuce. -
( .
Imperial Valley's -finest
firm heads,; , !
" heads ..... ,25c
2 in 1
Good grade large boxes.
1 md cartons ...
Climax; Star or Horse--'
shoe, by the,
plug ----- '
Pound loaves,
wrapped, each . j
gem nut mar-
Made in; Portland.. Fresh
because made at home.
Fancy Rome '
Beauty, box
v J
Large heavy fruit.
3 for 28 c
TRACT Vanilla or lemon,
2 -4 oz. bottles
Golden Rod Full Cream'.
C Pounds . 55c
i r Ti miv i
glossy, Jj
1 ' " - . ,., . -