The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 14, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    Silverton Girls Win .
y from Chemawa Players
)Thr Silverton basketball girl"
"ft On 'the fastest game played this
reason . from. the. Chemawa cirU.
Wednesday, by . the score .ft 2S to urday 'night
24. ThV gamp was played on the
(phernawa floor. . This is the
jightu' ;, earao the Silverton girls
nave von this .season.
The girls will meet th Corval
Hs RirU on the Silverton floor Sat-
, If this Signature
on the Box,, it is NOT
"There is no other BROMO QUININE "
; Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as a quick
find effective . remedy for. Colds, Grip and, Influenza, and as a
Preventive-1 " '
The lineup: .
Silverton. Oliphant.. 3; ohnsnn.
3; Ani 21; Alon. Johnson, Xor
gard Booth.
Chemawa Wilder, S; Downe.
17; Oule, Pott.s. Crofoot. Smith.
Program-" IV Prepared "
For Theatre Bible Class
nrprilljrn Tnf program fr the first meot
nr lii IVr II "r ,;u 'i",,H Evans nibi ,,asH
IlLULl l.o held at the lilfeh theater at
1 - - f
T !
The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet
Price 30 Cents
1 -
456 Court Street. . Phones 256-257
- Country Hams, ib. 25c
Country Breakfast Bacon, lb. 35c
. C. C. Milk, can.......... 10c
)l doz. Maine Corn !..75c
Raisins Seeded and Seedless,
.2 pkgs. J........... .... ...... ...:.2Bc
Jam Austrariian, can 10c
White Wonder Soap, 24 bars 98c
White.Beans, 3 lbs. .... ...25c
We Carry 30 Day Accounts
Free Delivery
r 'ii ; ti i
uomrn uee w Auena ?Supt. Fulkerson Hears
Water Meeting at Albany; Good Grades in Many
Wntnr DuvplnnitiPiit l5ir,m nrn OvIIUUlo
urged to attend a meeting at the
Hotel Albany at noon Friday, a
letter to thi.ii effect having been
received in the city from Waldo
Anderson, president. This league
Is endeavoring to work out an in
ter municipal plan of supplying
the' chief cities of the Willamette
valley with water from a single
source. Governor Walter M.
Pierce is expected- to attend this
Several Albany men interested
in the project met with a group of
Salem men. As a result of this
meeting Harley, O. White, presi
dent of the chamber of commerce,
appointed the following commit
tee to investigate and keep in
touch with developments:
Thomas B. Kay, Fred Erixon,
William Gahlsdorf, John II, $cott.
Joseph N. Albert, Mayor John B.
Giesy. Fred A. Williams. J. C
Perry, C. A. Park, T. M. Hicks, P.
M. Gregory, N. C. Kafoury, Joe
Adolph; E. E. Grcenbanm. Dr. II.
II. Olilinser and George II. Gral-enhorst.
.Shipping Tui-keys
ROSEBUUG, Feb. 13. Unlslon
Bridges, the big turk of the Oak
land Gobblers, and a member of
the firm f J. T. Bridges company,
was a business visitor in Rosoburg
recently. Mr. Bridges states that
a carload of Douglas county turk
eys was shipped from Drain last
.Saturday by 'his firm, consigned
to Seattle markets. ThisJ is the
latest carload shipment of turkeys
in the history of the' county, he
states, and cleans up the last of
the? crop. The birds were all of
excellent quality and were gath
ered from the growers of Drain,
Yoncolla, Elkton and Oakland.
Capital Hardware
& Furniture Co.
Best Prices Paid
285 N. Com! St. Phone 047
The report of the njid-year tes(,s
were compiled yesterday by the
county superintendent. Mrs. Mary
Fulkerson. -Sev-n schools are yet
to report, while ll." reports have
been received. A perfect grade
of 100 per cent was won by 2S1
pupils, according to reports on file
eo far. A total of 3,825 pupils
took the examinations and the
average grade was 80 per cent,
which is considered good, accord
ing to Mrs. Fulkerson.
Donald school made the best
record for schools with more than
ono teacher with an average of
IS 4 per cent. Pratum school was
second with 03 per cent. One
room schools with the full eight
grades with the highest average
were Iooney and Thoma, which
tied fcr first honors with S4 PT
cent average.
Questions covering all branches
wet- sent out from Mrs. Fnlker
pon's office to the different schools
Five questions for each of the
first four grades were used, with
10 finest ions for each of the next
four grades.
Among the questions included
in the eighth grad" list were:
What connection with Oregon
history did the following have:
Jefferson. Clark, Astor, Lewis, Mc
laughlin. Iee, Whitman, Young.
Lane Blanchett?
Why do we note the following
dates: 1497. 1619.' 1559. 1S23,"
1C20, 1S4S, 1803, ISC.'., 1787 and
Define, crop rotation, osmosis,
cross pollination, bitnnials, seed
testing, scions, budding, gang
plow, fertilizer, tillage.
Who are the following: J. A.
Churchill, O. D. Bower, Walter M.
Pierce, O. P. Hoff, U. G. Boyer,
W. H, Taft. Sam A. Kozer, R. X.
Stanfield, Calvin Coolidge, Elion
The assessed valuation of a
man's property is $13,300. What
is his tax if the millage rate in his
town is 19.6 mills?
Name five powers of congress:
three powers denied congress;
three powers denied the states.
About the only difference is that
upper class people are tired in the
morning instead of at night.
Continues, to Attract Shrewd and Thrifty Buyers From All Parts of the Valley, and
: ; f Why Not? When You Can Buy
2 Suit
S for the JrTSCe of 1 dIus
Men's i Hats
$5.00 and $6.00 Values
'-- -
, For Three More Days
Hens Neckwear
1 1 Knitted or Cot
$1.00 Value k
About 200 Men's Suits
Regular Prices from $25 to $50
Two Suits, or Suit and
For Three More Days
for the Price of
Plus $2.00
Wool Shirts
Men's Khaki Shirts
$2.50 and $3.00 Value
$1.95, $2.15
Merino Shirts and Drawers
$1.00 and $1.25 Value
55c, 85c
Suits from
Regular 25 Suits now $19.85
Regular $30 Suits now ....$23.85
Regular $35 Suite now $27.85
Regular $40 Suits n(w;:-,.::;$315
Regular ?45 Suite noyf - .i$35.85
Regular ?5Q Suite now 'ttiiMM
Regular $55 Suite now
Regular $6Q Suits now ......
Regular $05 Suite now
s Knicker Suits
Lot No. IBoys' 2 Pant Knicker Suite
Ages 6 to 17 yrs. Regular Prices $8, $850
and $9. Sale Price
Lot No. 2 Boys' Knicker Suite
Ages 6 to 17 yrs. Regular Prices $10, $QQC
512.50 and $15. Special $O.JO
Lot. No. 3 Boys' Knicker Suite
Some with8 2 pair pants, ages 6 to 17
rears. Regular values to $15. Sale
':." o'clock Snnday niorninp, has
born completed and advertising
Will be pluocd in the local papers.
according to an announcement
made yesterday by C. J. , Hull.
chairman of the" mm mil tee an
charge. Other members of this
committee are Bea H. Walcher,
". M. McMorris, Jesse. Campbell
and Chester Lee. ' ' !
The program as announced will
include an assembly call by bugle
calls promptly at 9:4.V o'clock.
This will be followed by a 13-miji-nte
old fashioned song service, led
by Dr. H. C. Eple An instru
mental quartet, composed of two
cornets, a trombone and a bari
tone, will render several numbers.
Bugles will again; be called into
play for the patriotic exercises
which will be featured by a pledge
to God, country and flag. All will
join in singing "The Star Spangled
Banner." A male oaartet will al-
o sing. -Following
the roll call, Hev. J.
J. Evans will be introduced and
take over the class for a short
Bible lesson.
Address at Luncheon -Here
Yesterday Given By Miles
M, Higley ! t
Welt Known Player and Man
ager Has Plan tor boocf
Club in Salem
Unable to obtain' the Oxford
park baseball grounds from the
Albert estate upon a rental basis.
'Biddie" Bishop announced Wed
nesday that, he had secured an
option upon the ground and if
necessary, will purchase the prop
erty if his plans for organizing .a
baseball team prove successful. It
is understood that the option calls
for the purchase of the property
Bishop is planning to have 100
merchants pledge $5 a month dur
fng the five months of the se&son,
to be used as salaries for five
professional baseball players. He
will retain $100 a month as sal
ary as manager and a similar
amount will be paid each of tha
four player. The balance of the
team would be composed of local
men.and these would receive their
pay through gate receipts. Bish
op proposes to guarantee person
ally all of the incidental expenses
of running the club.
To Build Ibtrrtsbnrg Bridge
ALBANY, Feb. 13. The state
highway commission will submit
bids February 28 to build the
much discussed bridge at Harris-
burg crossing the Willamette river
and thereby making the last con
necting link in the highway
through the state.
This information confirming
press reports, was given out nere
today by W. E. Wadsworth, presw
dent of the Harrisburg Chamber
of Commerce and M. D. Morgan,
publisher and editor of the Harris
burg Bulletin, who have been giv
ing the preliminary maneuvers
close attention, from start to fin-
h. They are of the opinion that
all necessary preliminary w-ork
will be completed by that time.
They expect no trouble with Lane
county not coming tip to the pro- L
mise of the court.-
The state highway commission
has offered, it is said tooan the
county the mOnejr in the event no
funds are available.
Under the law it is believed that
the county would be obliged to
pay itsshare under the existing
conditions regardless of the opin
ion of the voters, ir either of the
counties, after the state and ohe
of the counties involved has en
tered into an agreement.
Ai2s and of the Ro
tary club, including t'uo motto:
"He profits most who serves best,
and service above all," were
stressed in a forcpfn! message to
Ttotarians by Miles M. Higley of
Spokane, governor of the first dis
trict, consisting of British Colum
bia, Washington and Oregon, who
addressed the club at its Wednes
day hincheon.
"Rotary obtained its growth and
position through selective mem
bership," Mr. Higley said. "Ro
tary is one of tile greatest de
velopers of men of all organiza
tions. It is necessary to fit, men
to classifications and not classiti-
itions to men. if you want to
obtain the most harmonious re
sorts, for, it is easier to pet men
into the club than it is to , ask
them to resign."
Mr. Higley stressed the import
ance of attendance at luncheons.
which, he said, leads to fellowship,
one of the basic principles of the
club. Ho urged that men put the
i'lVKMp'.t of Rotary Info their
every-dAy .&uiucsst declaring Vunl
the golden nil", wv.s not idealism
Ivut the In sl business policy, and
that honesty in merchandising and
transactions always pays. Ho al
so urged Reparians to take a great
er interest in young l-oy: and girts
:;nd to hfli influence th'eni along
the right lines.
Some of the features cl the an
nual district convention, to be held
in Spokane April 1 toj 13 inclu
sive, ware outlined by Mr. Higley.
Tho convention will open on a
Sunday night and a splendid
meeting is being arranged, suit
able for the day. K. A.- Booth of
Eugene is slated to make a fellow
ship address that night, while
music will be furnished by the
well known Yakima quartet. He
urged that the Salem delegation
come prepared with : a special
stunt, along the minstrel lines,' if
Clean teeth the
right way with
a dentifrice that
does hot scratch or
scour. "Wash" your
teeth clean with
lie isn't a real politician unless
he waits till election year to air
the scandals he knows.
All Kinds of Goods On Sale
We have all kinds of silk kimonas, dress goods, and men's"
and women's furnishing goods. We also keep a nice line of
hosiery, neck wear, and silk waists, beads, baskets, table covers
If you need any chinaware or baskets there Is no better place
in town to get them. s ,
264 N. ConVl St,
90 f
in in
Quick action is the word if you want
to get in on the Gaeat Bargains
in closing out the stock of
We have fertilizers for aril
purposes', just tell us what crop
you want it for and we will
give you the nest adapted for
your land.
We have that high grade
makes such fine . lawns.
v We have some extra good
Sheep Guano and the price is
very low. Fine for lawns, gar
dens, berries, onions, trees, etc.
OR MOSS FILLER. This is the
kind of lime you use on jonr
lawns to kill the moss and it
surely does the work. "The price
is very reasonable. Car load
due within a few days. Now
booking orders.
XL will pay yon wben fixing
up your lawn to sow seed in
the light spots. We hare all
the different kinds as well as
the Fancy Mixed.
rhone 1UO.
SGI State
You Can Buy32-in.
And Ladies Fibre Silk Hose
You Can Now Buy at pr.
DRESS FASTENERS at card vv tc
PEARL BUTTONS go at card . . 1c
All L adies' SUITS, COATS,
DRESSES, etc. Are Selling
at lz PRIGEsonrie less
Ladies' Fancy Crepe Bungalow $
Aprons, $3 values now selling I
And that's just the way the prices fun
throughout the stockanything just
to get rid of it in a hurry.
i . i
3T w