The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 14, 1924, Page 12, Image 12

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    ; .' ' I. J. .u I''i'i II J Hill i I n 'Jinn n - .-'"i J " u .ir.,-1 iijii .!. jf. in., n J. f ii iii'i'i ( mii-ioifii . in.. pu... I..,! .,. .. iii,iiiiiy.i.i. ! ..,.KiiiMi,M)l,J.i...t--...t. ..i.uifi. g-""' .!" '" i m ii ,- j . -;CTm-rr- --' - ----- - -I . . ..
I By B1STTI KESSI, Phon10S. ,
Ilealy a charming bride elect,
whose marriage ; to Joseph Ray
mond De Jardin will be an event
of, February- 20, Mrs. E. J, Na
deau and her two daughters, May
and Josephine entertained with a
Valentine shower at their home in
Portland Monday alternoOn.
, About 20 friends of the guest
of honor were present and tna af
ternoon was spent in a delightful
ly; informal, manner.,, Valentine
cnpids and other suggestions carry
lag out the same motif were ef
. f actively , used as ; decorations in
the rooms. ; Lajter in, the afternoon
the guests found .'places 1 at the
lancheoa table, which was center
ed with large clump of tulips.
Valentine favors were found at
the places, and at the bride elect's
place was a large heart upon
which .were placed la bride and
bridegroom. , ,
4 Alias Ilealy returned home yes
terday. She 1$ to be .feted much
during the next few, days with a
number of informal affairs.
...' -.,;
i. Celebrating, the birthday of her
twin isterMrs B. T. Hall and
herself, Mrs. Ji N. Skalfe enter
stained with an informal luncheon
party Tuesday.- Four covers were
laid, for Urn. F. M. Harding, Mrs,
Sophia Jteene arid Mrs. Skaife and
Mrs! Hall. ' :
I . . . . . .
Over 50 members of the Yomar
6 class of tie First Methodist
v. '
' 4
- :
Paul AltKouse
Opera Tenor
:-i:' ! and -
The Apollo Club
In One Big Concert
Armory, FeK. 2Q
Seats $1.50. Special to stu
dent $1.00 (io tax.) On
sale at Will's Music Store'
Moore's Music 'House.
cbnrch met at thehome of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman Tues
day evening for the regular month
ly social evening.' Red carnations
with hearts and streamers of the
same color decorated the rooms
.where the hours were pleasantly
spent at games of various kinds
arranged in the spirit of the sea
son. I In the soft light of many can
dles placed on the small tables
and about the rooms, the supper
was served In a most delightfully
intimate way.
The hostess was assisted during
the evening by Mrs. R. F. Dillen,
Mrs. Blaine Kirkpatrick, Mrs.
Newton, Mrs. Eric Butler. The
class will meet in March at tthe
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swaf
ford. The following list of names
comprises the class roll:
Mr. anad Mrs. Carle Abrams.
Mr., and Mrs. J. C. Baleh, Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Barton, Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. D C.
Burton, Dr and Mrs. G. C. Bel
linger, . Mrs. Mary Boeschen, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. R. Boardman, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. R. F. Dillon, Mr. and
Mrs. Grant W. Day, Mrs. Inez
Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Glover, Mr.-and Mrs. R. V. Hol
lenberg, Mrs. Belle Hawley, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Kirkwood, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Kloepping.
Mr. and . Mrs. Roy Melson, Mr
and Mrs. E. B. Millard, Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Minier, rs. Esther
Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rey
nolds, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sie
wert, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sisson,
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sims, Mr. and
rs. Ray L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Severn, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd
Utter, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Thomp
son, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Va"n
Orsday, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. White,
Mr. and Mrs. James West, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Foley, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
L. t Forge. Mrs. Charles Rolling,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck. Mrs.
Allie Mackenzie, Mrs. Lola C.
Bellinger, Prof, and Mrs.. T. S.
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pur
dy, Mr. anda Mrs. Eric Butler, Mr.
and Mrs. D. H. Mosher, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Bushnell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Forty-five women of the For
eign Missionary society met at the
home of Mrs. U. G. Boyer for the
usual monthly study of the mis
sion work. During the afternoon,
Miss Neva Cooly pang very delight
fully, "Let Not Your Heart Be
Troubled," and "My Task." Mrs.
J. D. McCormic and Mrs. John L.
Brady led the lesson study with
the assistance of Mrs. C. E. Pow
ell, Mrs. Charles Lisle, Mrs. M. C.
Findley, and Mrs. A. A. Lee. Mrs.
Blaine' E. Kirkpatrick led the de
votionals and Mrs. D. W. Fisher
was in charge of the mystery box.
The members of the OAC club
will hold the regular monthly bus
iness and social meeting at the
home of Mrs. E. F. Underwood,
1970 Fairmount street, this eve
ning at the usual hour.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wenderoth
arrived in Salem Tuesday evening
from British Columbia where they
have been motoring for the past
two weeks, before going to North
Bend to make their home. While
In Salem they were the guests of
Mrs. J. H. Gantenbein. They are
leaving for North Bend this morn
ing where Mr. Wenderoth is to be
manager of the new hospital.
Complimenting Mr. and Mrs.
Wenderoth, Mr. and Mrs. George
Richards entertained with an in
formal dinner party last everting
at their home, inviting as guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidmer and
daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs.
John Brophy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Wenderoth and their son, Henry.
In their rooms at the armory,
attractively decorated with hearts
and greenery in keeping with the
Valentine season, the members of
Hal Hibbard auxiliary, Spanish
war veterans, were hostesses to
Hal Hibbard camp and their fam
ilies Saturday evening. During
the evening the following musical
numbers were given: Piano and
saxaphone duet by A. F. Adams
and daughter, Mifis Alice; piano
solos by Miss Adaline Seymour
and Miss Edna Raymond; two
poems, "A Toast to the Flag," and
"Only a Volunteer," contributed
by Mrs. A. F. Adams were read
by Mrs. Hewlett. Piano. solos, "Bar
chetta" and "Dawes Melody,"
written by Brigadier Gen. Dawes
were played by Mtes Alice Adams.
A violin and piano duet by E. J.
Raymond and daughter Miss Edna
and a vocal duet by Chas. Lisle
and J. ,R. Caruthers. Following
the program a number of Valen
tine fetunts were enjoyed, after
which refreshments were served.
iMr. Carruthers, of Wetaskiwin,
Alta., who is visiting at the Chas.
Lisle home, was a guest.
The regular meeting of the aux
iliary will be held Friday after
noon, the 15th, at the home of the
president, Mrs. Fred Thompson,
1575 South Commercial street. It
is desired that all members at
tend. 1
A pretty wedding of the past
week took place Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Jensen, when in the presence of
30 friends and relatives, Miss
Gladys Jensen became the bride of
I. Norrte Bacon of Forest Grove.
Reverend Millikin of Portland
read the service. Pink and white
carnations and frens formed an
appropriate background for the
very simple ceremony.
After a solo by Mrs. Thompson
Pohle, the wedding party took
their places before the altar as
Hollis Vivk played the wedding
The bride wore a gown of dark
canton crepe and carried a bou
quet of orchids, lilies of the valley
and roses. Attending the bride,
Helene Greig carried a bouquet of
ophelia roses and sweet peas. D.
L. Griener of Timber, Oregon act
ed as best man.
After the ceremony a buffet
luncheon was served and an in
formal reception held at the
bride's home. After their return
from a short wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Bacon will make their home
in Forest Grove.
Mrs. M. Fereshetian and Mrs.
Katherine C. Moore will entertain
the Woman's Alliance of the Uni
tarian church in the Unitarian
parsonage, 657 Chemeketa strees
on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs.
J. M. Devers will read "The God3
Ml .11 till I t
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; Court. Street at Liberty,
f ' 'ww,,, W-Mtn.iww W!ilW
of the Mountalna " by Lord Dun
sany. The Alliance of the church
has been working oh quilts for the
benefit of the Associated Chari
ties. At this meeting the ladies
are urged to bring foodstuffs for
the benefit of the Associated Char
ities. After spending two weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Robert Kin
ney of Astoria, Mrs. A. ,X. Mooros
returned Saturday evening. Mr.
Moores met her in Portland Sat
urday and the two returned to
Salem together.
Word received from Mrs. V. S.
Page who with her small son Kim
ball are spending several months
in Los Angeles, is to the effect
that Kimball is fast recovering his
health. Mr. Page accompanied
them to California Just before
Christmas but returned Just after
the first of the year.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs. Jus
tice John L. Rand went to Port
land Tuesday to attend a party
Riven by the Women's Research
class in the new Elks building. In
the evening they attended the Lin
coln banquet at the Portland
chamber of commerce.
STAYTON. Ore., Fob. 1?,.
Everett D. Crabtree was honor
guest Sunday when his mother
entertained with a dinner party
at her home. The birthday of
her youngest son, being the in
spiration. Those in attendance
were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Taylor, Mrs. Ward Halford and
children, Everett D. Crabtree, wife
and daughter, and the hostess,
Mrs. S. G. Crabtree.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mayo and
Mrs(. V. Lyle McCrosky formed a
motor party driving to Portland
Tuesday morning. The Mayo's re
turned while Mrs. McCrosky re
mained for a week's visit with rel
Dr. W. N. Pintler drove to Port
land Sunday, being called to the
ity by the serious illness of a
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Thomas
of near Albany were recent vis
itors here at the home of his
brother, T. H. Thomas. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas were residents of
Stayton 40 years ago.
Mrs. R. W. Van Nuys and her
daughter, Mrs. Stella Howard, two
prominent women of North San
tiam spent Tuesday afternoon
shopping in Stayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Todd and
children of Mehama are spending
the .week here, at the Albert
Frank home, while Mr. Todd ?&
recovering from an accident.
which left him crippled in one
George Mielki left Monday
morning for Portalnd where he
will visit several days before go
ing on to Seattle where he has
been given the management of a
The parent-eachers' meeting
held in the high school auditor
ium Monday night, proved an en
tertaining social function as well
as a business meeting. After the
community sing, led by Edwin
Socolofsky of Salem, a short pro
gram consisting of solos and a
piano solo by two young men from
Salem and a male quartette of
Stayton business men. The busi
ness program of the evening was
taken up and discussed pro and
con. Several business proposi
tions were brought up, calling out
short but able speeches from citi
zens. Measures pertaining to the
benefit of the school, voted upon
and adopted and committees ap
pointed. A lunch was served in
the banquet room after the meet
Lindsey H. Wright, proprietor
of the Stayton feed store, and his
family, spent a day or two the
first of the week visiting in Salem.
Felix Wright, one of the Stayton
high school students', had charge
of the store during Mr. Wright's
Lane Morley, aspiring candidate
fo rtho office of county assessor
on the republican ticket was in
Stayton Tuesday.
Mr. Mosler is having a neat and
showy electric sign placed in front
of his Jewelry store which will
prove both sightly and attractive.
Walter Miller of the Bon Ton
confectionary store has installed
a radio set in the store which is
attracting considerable attention.
Frank Lesley retunrel to Port
land Monday after a few days
spent with his family. He was
accompanied by E. Roy who will
visit a few days with hfs son, A.
E. Ryo in Portland.
But few Stayton people realized
what a splendid male quartette
Stayton has among its citizens un
til it made its appearance at the
Parent-Teacher meeting Monday
night. The quartette is composed
of Dr. H. A. Beanchamp. Dr. W.
N. Pintler, C. A. Beanchamp and
A. Broms.
C. P. Neibert and wife drove to
Salem Wednesday whefS they saw
Bringing Up Father", at the
Mrs. Oglesbee who died at her
home near Stayton Sunday night
was known to many people here
and was the mother of Mrs. Archie
Bates who lives between here and
West Stayton. The funeral wai
in charge of the Weddle mortuary
Tuesday. imitat
A philosopher is a ham actor
who thanks Heaven he didn't live
back there when the dinesaur laid
Beginning this morning and continu
ing until the stocks last
SILK and
This fs a seemlesrf hose In .
silk with silk lisle top. Near
ly all colors and all sites.
We do not use comparative ffcices and for that
reason we ask that you inspect these hose and
judge the values for yourself. They are from
broken lines and broken sizes but are in no way
defective. We are desirous of cleaning our stocks
before the new shipments are put onto our shelves
and have selected this means of cleaning up quickly.
This full fashioned silk hose comes in gray,
black, havana brqwn, wood and nude. There are
quite a number $f pairs at $1.48, but not, every sic
in every eolorj One would not go amis by purchas
ing several pairs for future need out of this col
lection. ! . .
9 T
TKe world's greatest inventors would He wasting
their talents if their creations were such that they interest
ed no one else and unless some one else were able to en
joy; and benefit by them.
Nothing amounts to much that is confined to one
person or to a limited group. Stop and think for a min
ute 1 Isn't it because thoughts are so easily exchanged and
spread broadcast that this country is so fine a place to live
Trie advertisements in The Statesman are thoughts.
Many of them are thoughts conceived with you in mind-
thoughts for your comfort -your pleasure your health
your satisfaction. .Thoughts that will save you time,
money and comfort.
Do you take full advantage of them? Do you read
them, every Hay ?
Advertising i$ the voice of American business
Don't close your ears to it