: ! " f DID YOU KNOW THAT SALEM WILL SURELY BECOME THE CENTER OF A GREAT POTATO INDUSTRY ,THE BQY SCOUT MOVEMENT IS ONE OF THE VERY FINEST INFLUENCES IN AMERICAN LIFE 01 f It's the Easy Way to Find W hat. You Want; or to Dispose ! of What Yon Do Not Want Use Statesman Class Ads; TODAY TWELVE PAGES Ii SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1924 PRICE FIVE CEJfTS tip J I; t 5 li1 r . 1 ! M V i s. v A i J1 ; v 5 i . it ! F 1 it t Pi Ideals and Objects of Or ganization Set Forth at Initial Meeting Wednes day Night UNIQUE MEMBERSHIP i SCHEME IS ADOBD I Various Clubs, Represented Mrs. cartwrignt uect l ed President Organization of the Woman's I Civic ; league "was : effected at a meeting held last. night at tne I Chamber of Commerce- with rep resentatives present irom various -women's organization of the city. 'It was said that some other organ izations also wilt have member-1 ship In the league, Mrs. R.. Cart-I wrieht was elected cresident. Mrs. I ?C. S. Hamilton vice president and I 'Mrs. George. Hug secretary-treas: nrer. . 'Meetings are to be held the I 'second Wednesday of each month. I Several committees were iiS i pointed and some others are to be (named at the meeting next montn. Those appointed last' night. were: J- Antnmahita narV Mrsl E. K. I fUher. MnL W. E. Anderson. Misa I 'Lillian Applegate, j -- . i Tree planting Mrs. J. L. Brady, Mrs. Mark Skiff, Mrs. P. E. Gra- ,ber. Education Mrs.' George Hug, t Mrs. 'Dr. W. H. Byfd, Mrs. J. L. Brady. t Sanitation Miss Grace Taylor, , Mrs. Dr. F. L. Utter, Mrs. W. A. Reeves.'l' - -y ; " ; t Finance -Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mrs. P. Stolxhelse. Mrsv Llzxie t-VJlSmith. i : .) .v i i , I v T ml- v., , rt 1 1 nrt t. R somewhat unique in its member- shin, its personnel being drawn f from the various women's clubs and organizations in the city, each Pone sending a member. The league is bound primarily to offer assist - k anca to the civic bodies ot Salem, Including city council, cnam- ber of commerce, park board andlcrat, Texas. other societies. 'While doing so It p will be entirely independent and at all times, will maintain, a dis- P tinfitlve personality. The study r a annlied to the arowing city's needs and its permanent heantificatlon will be the definite f object of the league. The Initial list of members is: 8 Salem Woman's Club Mrs.! ;john L. Bradv. r Daughters American Revolution Mr W. H. Hvrd. - .. w--i- nuui f war Moiners Mrs. mars. BKHi. Etnkta Mm. E. E. Fisher. i Business and Professional Wo - lien's elnbs Mrs. W. A. Reeves. TWCA board-Mrs. P. E. Gra- her. 4 Salem Heights club Mrs. Paul Stolzheise ; ': AAI'Wfra. Reorcn Ww Hug. . ' Daughters of Veterans Miss lull K Webster' 1 Raphetarlans Mrs. Floyd I rtter. ,:. Catholic Order of Foresters-- f wnm.fi'. nnublican atudv club Miss L. Applegate. i ,.,.. Aiii.. r. a u.miimn.. Catholic Daughters of America ! MrS. B. F. Dimeter. t - Salem Woman's Club cbt. ' .Mrs. W. E. Anderson. , Woman's Relief corps Mrs. , Lizzie Smith. " h Vi Storm in Teaoot Grows 1 ; ( X- IIaoAoI , Msseris oeiwiui iwiudcoi NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Men greater consequence than yet have v j ni lnntli r H.u.H.r, 7 i. Oil ' scanaai pquiry oeiuro ii. is nmf a1 ' Sdnoth Clearer H. Moses ' V. u , - " , Af X' Vratnrahtr rAnubllcaH. as- serted on his arrival her tonight V to address the Marquette club. THE WEATHER OREGON: Rain and cooler Thursday; winds. moderate easterly , I LOCAL WEATHER ii (Wednesday) Maximum! temperature, S3. Minimum temperature, 4 6. Ttaln, trace. ik ;; River, 5,8 feet above. Atmosphere, cloudy. ., Wind; northwest4 f ' a PUIUNG TEETH PART; r0F MISSIONARY JOB REPORTS Rev. Ira A. Gillett Returning From Five Years With Methodist Episcopal Board in Africa Says Duties Included Chasing Hyena Through Village in Moonlight While Clad in Pajamas. CHICAGO, Feb. 1.1. (By sionary needs to be a jack of Ira A. Gillett, who arrived here wife, on his way to Oregon after five years' work for the Methodist Episcopal church m Africa. WEDNESDAY IN WASHINGTON Diplomatic, relations between the United States and Honduras were severed bv the state denart ment : The house passed a senate bill extending the life of the war fin- ap-lance cornoration. - t The senate adopted an inquiry (into Senator Heflin's charges of franrtnlo-nt lanif nnoratinna in Texas. Representative Baker, democrat. tasked for Investigation of inter- esta working to influence legisla tion affecting development of the Colorado river Senator Ralston, democrat, In diana, in his first senate speech, suggested that all incomes under I $5,000 be exempt from taxation. Estimates of th revenue re I MAm maw fav 'Kilt A,a given to the house ways and means committee by treasury actuary Joseph McCoy, J House democrats in party caucus 1 bound themselves to support tne tax redaction plan put forward by Representative Garner, demo- Senator Robinson, democrat, Ar- Kansas, predicted puDltc opinion would force President cooiiage to remove every official concerned with the naval oil leases. D. F. Stakelbbach of the Den- ver Post told tne senate on com- mittee he believed the correspond- enc offered by Karl G. Schuyler j was "sensational. I Vvnnlr A VanlArlin 'iw TnrV i -- . ..-. nnancier, was sumniunea ior e lamination by the senate ou com mittee about remarks relating to the sale of a certain Marion news paper, The resolutions by Senator Dill, democrat, Washington, inquiring into ratification of the Columbian treaty ana state uepannieni cum- munications concerning oil conces sions abroad were adopted by the senate Advised by administration lead ers that the senate will not con- firm either Silas H. Strawn or Atlee Pomerene as special oil counsel. President Coolidge ap- parently is preparing to withdraw their nominations. J. Leo Stack, Denver oil man, testified before the senate oil com mittee that the Pioneer Oil com pany officials had told him confi dentially a week before 'teapot Dome was leased that Harry F. Ctnolql u-a a in pet thp lease. . Attorney General Daugherty sub- tA lAtallaH rennrt to Presi- ofl'"" " " nnnn ;pnartmpn 0f ...... .,. roiattn? to war Nu"'" . , fraud cases. Attorney General Daugherty in formed the senate tnat tne ae- nartment of justice had made no settlement - In contract cases by which Immunity from criminal prosecution was promised provided the civil liability was met. An Investigation of the status of ' land grants to the Northern Pacific railroad was asked by con gress at tha request of Secretaries Wallace and worn. Secretary Hughes, in a letter to Chairman Johnson of the house immigration , committee, declared certain provisions of the immigra tion hill vending ra the nonse were inconsistent with treat, ob- ligations with Japanese. ' OREGONIAN Associated Press.) A mis all trades, according to Rev. today accompanied by his Inham Bane, Portuguese East "I have preached, taught school, dug roads, pulled teeth, baptised babies and grownups, sawed the horns of bulls, built houses of stone, of dirt and of poles and mud, been district superintendent over 75 preachers, exhorters, class leaders and teachers in the gold raining district of the Transvaal, whipped kids, killed snakes, man aged a 1,200 acre farm, rode bucking mules, suffered from ma laria and Jigger fleas, raided stills, and while robed in pajamas have chased a hyena through the village with a shotgun by the light of the friendly moon," he said, almost without catching his breath. "Since this I taught for two months in Japan at the Aoyana Gakuin in Tokio, which is the larg est mission school in the world, ' and I expect to go back to it at the earliest possible moment." The natives in east Africa, Rev. Lriiiett observed, reversed cigart when they smoke, putting the lighted end in their mouths and smoke until there is no cigar in sight. Rev. and Mrs. Gillett ar en route to Tangent, Or., to visit his parents. He attended: the Uni versity of Denver, Oregon Agricul tural college and Oherlin college. WORLD NEWS BERLIN, Feb. 13. (By The Associated Press) An attempt to hold Dr. Wiedfeldt, the German ambassador to the United States responsible for the failure to low- er to half staff the flag on the embassy building at Washington in respect to the memory of Wood row Wilson, seems reflected to day in a section of the press close to Chancellor Stresemann. These papers presume to know that the ambassador will retire from the post at Washiugton at an early date, although it Is added that the resolution so to do antedates the flag incident and is in keeping with Dr. Wiedfeldfs desire to re turn home and rejoin the Krupp directorate. TOKIO. Feb. 13. (By The As sociated Press) Japanese finan ciers generally and the press in particular, today adopted a pessi mistic view over the terms of the reconstruction loans in New York and London, the details of which were announced this morning. MOSCOW. Feb. 13. (By The Associated Press) Maxim Litvi- off, deputy minister of foreign affairs, in connection with the re- cent action of Great Britain and Italy in recognizing the soviet as de jure government in Russia and today's announcement that Norway also had accorded the gov ernment full recognition, gave an interview to the newspaper cor respondents here. M. Litvinoff outlined the general principle that fuse to sign any commercial treat- iee4with countries prior to their do jure recognition of Russia. LONDON, Feb. 13. (By The Associated Press) Premier Mao- donald's remedies for dealing with the evils in Europe and the.prob lems of his own country weare searchingly analysed in the house of commons today by former pre - mien Baldwin and Asquith and other members of the opposition, quiry into department of justice The lines -included in the con Most of the criticism was directed affairs, the attorney general be- solidation are Portland-Saiem against his policy in recognizing ing charged in a resolution with stage line. Central Motor bus liae, Russia before the soviet gave any pledges concerning the fulfillment of obligations to the British gov- j ! The senate resolution offered by I line, Newport line, 3 Roseburg ernment corporations or Individ- Senator Wheeler, democrat, Mon- Scottsburg flinei central stage nals. PARIS, Feb. 13. -A dispatch to J prosecution In many cited instan the Havaa agency from Mayence ces and proposed to invest the says 200 persons, some of .whom wore the uniform of German po licemen appeared today at the sep aratist sub-prefectur bureau: in Kaiserlantern and ordered the sep aratists thereto -leave. ; S INCONSISTENT Singling Out of Immigrants for Exclusion Incompatible With Spirit of 1911 Treaty BILL WOULD UNDO WORK OF ARMAMENT COUNCIL Secretary Suggests Substi tute for Johnson Bill in Letter Published WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. Pro posals of the Johnson immigra tion bill which "single out Japan ese immigrants for execution" are 'inconsistent" with the treaty of 1911 and should be eliminated; Secretary Hughes informed Chair man Johnson of the house immi gration committee in a letter ade public today at the state depart ment. "I believe such legislative ac tion would largely undo the work of the Washington conference on limitation of armament which so greatly improved our relations I T .... - -r . TT..Unn H.n.nA.1 r,1 "" ' "u,ucu Substitute Proposed As a substitute for the excln sion proposals, the secretary sug gested that Japanese be placed on the same quota basis as other na tions and that the -immigrnt cer- I tificte plan now in tne bill to pro vide for selection abroad be made applicable to Japanese nationals Active cooperation of the Japan ssfi immigrants for exclusion" are chis Plan and also in preventing surreptitious entry of Japanese JAPANE was to be expected Mr. HugfieHtlu?aime3 ltfte today in the study :ontlnued, adding: It is believed that such an ar - rangement, involving a double control over the Japanese quota of less than 250 a year (under the 2 per cent quota based on the 1890 census, as proposed in the bill) would accomplish a much: gration committee in a letter made assimilable and undesirable classes of Japanese immigration than it would be practicable for as with our long land frontier line on both north and south to ac- c0mplish by attempting to estab- iisn a genera par agauisi jaau- ase subjects to the loss of cooper ation with the Japanese govern ment." Conference Held Publication of the letter to Chairman Johnson, dated Febru ary 8, followed a series of White House conferences on the ques tions involved. Chairman John son first discussed the subject with President C'ooli.-lge and thn Secretary Hughes. Later the pres ident saw Secretary Hughes in the same connection and still later talked with Secretary Davis of the labor department. Commenting on Mr. Hughes' letter which he. will lay before (he committee tomorrow Chairman Johnson predicted it would not change the committee's view that the exclusion provision should re main in the bill. He pointed out that 14 of the 17 members of the committee had aprfroved the pro vision, adding that his own stand in favor of that provision had not been changed. "If the suggestion of Secretary Hughes means that Immigration is to be arranged only by treaty, I feel pretty Bure that the commit tee will not accept it. Chairman Johnson said. Daugherty G VeS Fraud CaSe CVldenCe tO Chief WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. At- torney General Daugherty ac- quainted the president and the eenate today with what the de - partment of justice is doing with I respect to disposition of the many I "war fraud" cases. Simultaneous - ly there was a formal move in the I senate to provide for a broad in - failure to perfor mproperly the I duties of his office. tana, declared that Mr. Daugherty had failed and neglected to press senate iudiciary committee with lwwer to delve into all phases of departmental affairs.- The reso- lation was. laid on the table at Its sponsor's request and may not be called, op for-several days KING TUT TOMB WILL BE CLOSED ANOTHER WHILE Carnarvon Deal Tied Hands of Carter and Made Trouble With the Natives fLUXOf!, KRypt, Feb. 13. (By the Associated Press). The crisis which broke, with dramatic sud denness today between Howard Carter and the Egyptian ebvern ment and resulted ir. the closing of Tutankhamen's tomb, undoubt edly had Us origin . in a contract signed by the lato Lord Carnarvon f.r-curini; . llie sole rights of de scriptive articles uiid pictures of the discoveries in the tomt, to a Londoi. newspaper. The Egyptian government. which lnaintamH that its rights over the toning are incontestable, has been etah&rrassed seriously by requests from American and British newspapers in behalf of iheir iorreonVeuts at Luxor for lacinties in iescrihiair t!if disrov- ein s. faciliueH cf the exeavat or? iiav defined to frant. relying upon the so-called copyright douse in excavators' -licenses granted by the department of an tiquities m b-half of the Egyptian government. Consequently,- be tween the excavators, jealous o: their newspaper contract, and the government, jealous of its rights! there . has been a whole series of mcKerings mainly on this ques tion of visitors, which, however, did not find serious expression m.til today. PRIEST IS HELD SnOOting Claims it Was Accident Girl's Sister Held I PITTSBURGH, Feb. 13. Miss I Anna McDoMmgh." 45. was shot jot the parish house-of St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic church where she was employed as house keeper. The Rev. John J. Grady, pastor of the church, was arrested and is being held upon a charge of murder. He admitted the shoot inir. according o thft nnlice. hut claimed it was accidental. Miss Mary McDonough, sister of the dead woman, aLd Robert Shields janitor, both living at the parish house, were being held as mater ial witnesses Under questioning the Rev. Fa ther Grady issaid to have stated that he found a pistol while clean ing a drawer of his desk ii the study. While fingering it, the priest said the pistol was dis charged and that whet, he turned about in his chair he saw Miss McDonoujth stagger out of tho doorway of the study into the hall. She died a few minutes later. A bullet pir-r-ed her right shoulder and police claim her dress was burned by powder marks. 10 CONSOLIDATE Portland and Roseburs to Be Distributing Points for Willamette Valley ROSEBURG, Ore., Feb. 13. Representatives of the main auto mobile stage lines in Oregon met here today to arrange final plans for the coasolidation of these lines into the Oregon stage sys tem. Portland is to become the distributinr center for the Wil- lamette valley and Roseburg for southwestern Oregon. Through automobile stages will start operating between Portland I and Roseburg on March 1, a fleet jof six busses being put in opera- tion on that date with two to be I added whenf needed. AH busses I belonging to the system are to be (painted the same color, red tops, 1 cream oodles, black running gear. I interurbaa stage company, Eu- gen e-Roseburg line, coast an to I terminal and hotel company. BAsrc to orux LEWISTOWN. Mont.. Feb. IS The first to reopen of the Fet gw couaty banks tnav cioseti nar lag the past few weeks, the First State bank of Moore, resumed bus- iiness today,! ' . ' . . .i ON MURDER CHARE OREGON STAGES IS MUDDLED BY LATE OOP E New York Banker Sum. moned to Testify Follow- ina Assertions In VOlvinn rnpmop ProeiHont 1 MANY rAn ArlhLU Anh INVULVhU IN OIL UhAL SeRators Shocked By New Disclosures Gather to Dis- cuss Latest Development I WASHINGTON', Feb. 14. De velopments in the oil scandal tumbled over each other so rapid ly today and went so far afield that when night came the national capital had not recovered from the shock. President Harding's name and the circumstances surrounding tne sale of his - newspaper, the Marion Star, were brought in by Frank A. Vanderlin'. New York banker, who promptly was sub- poened by the oil committee to appear tomorrow morning. Bainbridge Colby, former -.'.cre- tary of state and one time law partner of President Wilson for a brief period, was mentioned in in formation brought to the corooiit- tee in connection with the vast array of lawyers retained by vari ous oil interests. President Cool- idge, informed by republican sena tors that neither Silas H. Strawn nor Atlee Pomerene could be con firmed as special government counsel in the oil cases, made pre parations to withdraw their nomi nations. Garfield Also Haired James R. Garfield, secretary o'i the interior I under President Roosevelt, was considered for ap pointment as one of the govern ment attorneys, but investigation showed that Mr. Garfield's , firm had had legal connections with the Doheny interests in Mexico. Without a record vote, the sen' ate adopted a resolution by Sena tor Dill, democrat, Washington of the oil committee, calling on the state department for all dip lomatic correspondence relating to the Colombian "treaty, ratified by the senate afteT Secretary Fall had urged that It was necessarj to protect American oil interests in Colombia. Then the senate adoptM ar other resolution by Senator Kill catling for similar correspondence with Great Britain and other coun tries relating to oil concessions. Ground work for a sweeping in vestigation of the administration of Attorney General Daugherty particularly his alleRod failure to act in the oil scandal and on other matters, was laid in a resolution presented by Senator Wlmeler, democrat, Montana. iSutro to Testify Steps were taken by the oil committee to question probably tomorrow Oscar Sutro, counsel for the Standard Oil company of Cali fornia, regarding his statement that his and other oil companies refrained from bidding on the Fall, oil leases because they coil sidered the leasing policy to be without authority in law. A subpoena was issued for Karl C. Schuyler, a Denver attorney, to produce correspondence relating to Teapot Dome which was de scribed to the committee as sen Rational. t J. Leo Stack, a Denver oil op erator, followed up previous testi mony of an understanding be tween Harry F. Sinclair and Standard Oil interests by testify ing that he; had been informed a week before hand by officials of the Pioneer Oil company that Sin clair would get Teapot Dome. Resignation Rr ported - Replying on the senate floor to President Coolidge's statement on Secretary Den by, democratic lead er Robinson declared that eventu ally the president, would have to put out of his administration all of those connected with the Fall leasing program. Some senators professed to have definite informatiotr that both Secretary Denby and Attorney General Daugherty soon would re tire from the cabinet but ; there were no outward developments either at the whie house or the navy or, justice departments to in dicate that the resignation of either was impending. ' The , injection of President Harding's name into the oil mud dle created a sensation of scarcely Continned on page 2.) MYSTERY WQIAK AT ' STATE HOSPITAL IS YET UiMNTMEIl Mystery sarrounds the identity of a woman who pre- ?ented herself at the receiving ceraay, ana tnougn eiiorts were in life, it met with failure last annarel. and is wearinir a -dark coat with fur collar, gray beaver nat, silk hosiery, gloves and expensive lingerie. Her general appearance i-that of refinement. She weighs about T 1 Mass Meeting Called By Mayor Giesy to Discuss Needs of Camp Condition's of the Salem. auto- mobile tourist park wilt be dis- cussed at a meeting called by May or J. B. Giesy at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at 8 o'clock to- night. Practically every organi zation in the city has named 'a committee to attend this meeting and present the attitude of the organization. By an open discus sion of this sort it is hoped that the general attitude of the com' mu&ity may be learned. Figures compiled by J. J. Rob erts, former chairman of the park board, in his report for Decem ber 11, 1923, show a constant gain in registration at the camp grounds. In 1922 there were. 2963 automobiles stopping in the camp, . with,, receipts totaling $227.5.50. Last year this number was nearly doubled, when 4535 automobiles registered, represent ing total receipts of $3408.50. If the automobile ccmp is adequate and sufficiently attractive and convenient to attract the attention of visitors, who are criterions of camp conditions, based upon the increase of the last two years it is estimated that 7500 automobiles will register this year with esti mated receipts of $5000. Many Different Leaders To Be Asked to Meeting CHICAGO, Feb. 13. A nation al conference of McAdoo support ers, representatives of labor, farm ers, "and other liberals" to con sider the availability of the. for mer secretary of the treasury as a candidate for the democratic presidential nomination was called tonight to meet in Chicago Febru ary is. "The means yon propose for aa- certaining whether the present I partisan attacks unon vou have in any degree lessened the demand for your candidacy is the surest method that can be devised." Judge David Ladd Rockwell, na tional director of the McAdoo cam paign, said in a letter to the can- didate acknowledging the latter's suggestion that such a conference be called. KT SUBJECT TQtyibHT BY A MOTHER "He was getting to be 12 years dd! He gave me respect and obedience but for pure satisfaction and delight he turned where but to his own world? J "He would go from me whistling, his hands in his pockets, down the street to join his 'crowd'- in a world of their own It was a rough world, heaven knows, full, of the average boy's vices and crudities. There were In it, too, the usual 'bully,' 'braggart' and 'rowdy.' and plenty of lawlessness which among boys passes for manliness. , "As the-days went on and these boys influenced him more and more, there was in the whole situation sufficient danger and promise of disaster. t "Just at this time there fell into my hands a pamphlet called, 'The Boy Scout Scheme." In it were the - T TWELVE SCOUT LAWS "A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helptnl, Friendly, Courte ous. Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent. "These are laws, mind you, not advice and admonitions, bat laws self-imposed by oath. - ' , : i ' - ' "That settled It. If the Scout movement stood for these things, I was with It, heart and 'soul. ' ' " ! - l ' "I have not told you that the 'gang had by this time joined. Well, of course, tbey had. They were Boy Scouts now. From the start the whole thing was a great success.? The "boy, for one, benefited immensely. I tell you, humbly, that some of the faults I had worked with for years began to disappear and,' without fret or friction. He was ' trying to be a good Scout, that was all. -V --'! . "Now they have been Scouts for six months. - I can see the organisation effecting the very changes I have longed to effect. The 'bully' no longer deserves the name; the 'braggart became a silent, useful member of 'society and-the 'rowdy as fine a', boy as you would care to see. And neither their-mothers nor I am responsible for that but only and solely the Scout Law and the Scout's .Manual, compiled and written" by" men whd were once boys themselves and4 who understand, as no woman ever does or can, a boy's world. If custom permitted, I would take my hat off to them. As it does not, I say Lord Bless you. Gentlemen." "Woman's Home Companion. - - ward of the state hospital yes- ' maae to ascertain wno sne : night. - . : " ir,t:' '' one - piece dress, a Errav mottled 160 pounds. " Appa:renlly suffering" from In- ternal disorders or from a mental rtrain, she has refused to or IS unable to say word. ' Dr. Jt..' K. . Stein er, who has taken, personal ' charge of her case, : believes she ; may have met with ar. accident. Seen by Attendants l. Hospital attendant' were ithc , first tt see her whea she presest ed' herself at the receiving ward. They took her in and-called Dr. ; Steiner. A complete .diagnosis will be made of her case, today. In an effort to learn her idee- ; : tity railroad men were - inter-. . i viewed and shownx pictures, but done remembered having seen her leave a train. The searcir was ; taken to the stage terminal where all drivers were 'questioned to see if they remembered her as ' a passet-ger. Several Salem i peo- pie who hive a wide acquaintance in the district were taken to th1 a state hospital but' all failed5 to -recognize 'her.' It was the -belief I that she lived outside the district. " Singlo Clew, Foand Only one clew was afforded as the result of a careful, search, ot her person. Her shoes bear ;the trade mark of Meier & Frank store, in Portland, Last night no word hid beet received at the po- ; lice station or the sheriff's office concerning a missing woman. -' Photographs, were taken yester day afternoon and will be sent--i broadcast throughout the state. -The woman, who has dark half, ' wears this close to her head and parted about the middle. ' Landslide Does Damage Near,. Sauk on; Skagit SEATTLE, Fea. 13. A great ; slide of earth and rock, covering a maximum spread of more than 400 feet, today carried a larg -hillside into the Skagit river jusl ' west of Sauk, taking with it the ' Great Northern railroad tracks; a ' portion of the county highway, v and telephone and telegraph wires, according to a telephone message received here tonight -from Hamilton. Sank: la out of Rockport, Wash., 'eastern termi- nus of the Rockport and Anacor- ! tes branch of the Great Northern railroad' In Skagit county. This county has, thus .far,' suffered little damage from the overflow- . ing of riversand creeks, ; caused by recent' rains, during the last three days.' ' - ; J ' Dyke breaks and the failure of Ui.. waters in Snohomish; county rlvms to decline created havoc to- i day throughout that county, espe- dally in- the ' vicinlty' of Everett ' and north to Stanwood; In the town of Snohomish1 100 families ? have been driren from their ' . homes on account Of the flood. - r t