The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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& UUdi. JLLIU.1V4
, eggs, etc-fobd whole
?some materials plus
l your; time ana; labor
Tall go iri, but iv ha t
' comes out as a finished
f bakitigZy Soggy bread,
sad cake; heavy bis-cuits,-all
because you
'tried to save a fraction
j of a "cent by using an
inferior leavener in
stead of
t! saves
of (dollars
i ibr 'millions of. House
r. wives every year be
localise it never spoils
- 0
K s anv of; t he ingredients
l useavyim iu -
jRdieivedL-- highest
iWards at the 'World's
Pure Food Exposition
Chicagp, Illinois, Paris
1 lExppsition Paris, France,
f .Tested and retested be
f fore leaving , the factories
i'Calluinet conies to you
pure, wholesome andide
. iCalci 2 Va times a3 much a-
that el .any other brand
MOT ymi M A TSliSf
Mrs. Robert McNary, with her
two children, Robert, Jr., and
Nancy, left Saturday afternoon for
Hood River, where the McNary's
plan to make their home. Until
Mr. McNary joins them,' Mrs. Mc
Nary and the children are to vis
it at the home of her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. Guttery of Hood
Mr. ,and Mrs. Justin McEach
ren of Portland who have been
visiting for the past fortnight at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam A. Mullen, will depart to
morrow for the east where they
expect to visit for Borne time with
friends and relatives in Chicago
and other eastern cities. Mr. and
Mrs. McEachern are the parents
of Mrs. Mullen.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hawman and
family of Hillsboro and Mrs.
Charles Hawman of Portland
spent the week end as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. West on Court
street. Mrs. Charles Hawman is
the mother of Mrs. West. The vis
itors returned home by
motor I
Sunday evening.
;Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stolz, with
Miss Nina McNary and Margaret
and Richard Stolz are leaving by
motor this afternoon for a two I
months tour through California
and. the southwestern states, going i
as far east as Texas. They plan (
on returning sometime during the
latter part of April or the first of
Melba Williams, Gayle Roberts
and Evelyn Foster of Eugene, mo
tored to Salem to spend ,the week
end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl E. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald C. Roberts. Saturday,
Mrs. Roberts entertained the vis
itors with an informal luncheon
with covers placed fOr eight, and
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson were hosts for a small din
ner party.
Miss Williams, Miss Foster and
Miss Roberts returned to Eugene
late Sunday afternoon.
, As a surprise for . Mrs. William
A4;Mullen of North Summer street
a. number, of ,her friends . from
PortUndvinfttored down to spend
Saturday; visiting at the Mullen
home. A basket luncjwasjperj-
fwl at noon and the. remainder of I
the day was spent with music and I
visiting, and later a long drive on i
the highways surrounding . the I
city. I
Those who came from i'orwana i
were Mrs. . ij iaryeuie, i-wuB i
- 1 . . . lfl.M 1
Dorothy Carpenter, Mrs. James I
Morrell, Mrs. B. L. Brainard,
Mrs. S. B. Hodson, Mrs..ianey
S. Catching, Mrs. Charles E. Bran-
In. Mrs. William 'Hadgson, .Mrs.
D. L. Rich, Mrs. Adda Ryan.'Mrs.
Hush A. Piatt, Mrs. George M.
Kihgi Miss Charlotte Hunt, Ches
ter Rich. Mrs. Justin, w.. Ale-
Eachren, the mother of Mrs. MuMtBer Qulllford, and Doria Ptteni-
len. and Mrs. George E. Waters
of Salem.
Mrs. Arthur Rahu will enter-
tain the Tuesday bridge luncheon
cluh today.
The Salem Arts league will hold
the general . monthly meeting at
the Gilbert studio this evening. An
especially Interesting art craft ex-
hibit has been arranged lor tnei
j , - .. (
Mrs.,Paul Hauser is entertain -
lng the members of the S. L club
this afternoon. J
: I needlework. At the lunch: 'hour,
The Junior Guild of the St.lMl8g McKlnney assisted; the hos-
Paul's Episcopal church will mcettegg ln serving delectable refresh-
at the home ofMrs. W. Carlton
Smith this afternoon.
Before the regular monthly
evening of Monday night dancing
club Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law were
hosts for a 10-cover dinner party
In the Tose room at the Spa, last
night. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rob
erts were special guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Law for the dance.
Accepting the invitation of the
WRC of Silverton, tho members
of the GAR and the WRC are
plahhing to. go to Silverton today
to attend the dedication of the
monument which is to be erected
to the memory of the old jsoldlers.
The service are to be held in the
Eugene Fieldf uditorim at 2
o'clock. -: , . - -ry-I
' ' - ' " ' &
Mr." and Mrs, Fred Bishop and
daughter Elizabeth Ellen, spent
the' week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. CP- Bishop.
Frank Shafer. Jr., was the guest
of hli brother Earl, this Week-end.
Earl ;is attending the . University
of Oregon at'Eugene. V ,
i 1 On their way to California', Dr.
and Mrs. C. &. Tompkins of ,Ta
coma. Wash., spent the week end
as ' guests 'or Mr. and Mrs. II. F.
Peters. u ;
-..fw- 53
After spending the past week in
Pendleton visiting with his father,
Ohahricy' , Bibopr Charlca ; Kay
Bishop has returned to'resuiuVhis
school work at the beginning' of
tho semester." -,-
Renee Chemet, the famous wo
man violinist, will play before the
members of the Civic Music club
Friday evening, February 15. Che
met is said to be the successor
of Maude Powell's title as the
world's best woman violinist. She
will play upon her predecessor's
Miss Mable Robertson, with
Margaret Stolz and Louise Pear
son, spent the week-end in Eugene
as guests at the Alpha Omicron
Pi sorority house. Miss Robertson
was also the guest of Mrs. Virginia
Judy Esterly,. dean of women at
the university. They were for
merly classmates and sorority sis
ters at the University of California.
The Little Light Bearers of the
First Methodist church with their
mothers, held their thank offering
party at the home of Mrs. A. A.
Lee Saturday afternoon, celebrat
ing the occasion with games and
a special program arranged by
members of the class. After the
period of games under the direc
tion of Miss Adelaide Cchriber,
Mrs. Newton and Mrs. J. E. Pur-
dy, a program of recitations was
given by Clara Maud Newton,
Kenneth Hunt, Lloyd Powell, Pen-
By Schriber, John Marshall and
Betty Abram. SmaU five year old
George Gutekonst repeated the
Twenty-third Psalm, and. eight of
the Senior Kings' Heralds sang.
Muriel White recited "God's
Girls," and Dorothy Gutekunst
gave a reading of "Little Orphan
Festoons of hearts and cupids
were pretty decorations for , the
rooms where the children devoted
several moments to searching for
hidden candy hearts, and later
they marched to the tables to Te
vel In the refreshments of ice
cream and heart shaped cookies,
served by the King's Heralds
A thank offering of eightt dol
lars was received, and ten new
members joined the Little Light
Rearers. Assisting Mrs. Lee dur
ing the afternoon were Mrs! W.
C. Tonng, Mrs. George Gutekunst,
Mrs. R. W. Marsters, Mrs.' Hoi
comb, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Purdy
land Mrs. Schriber
The Standard Bearers of the
First Methodist church on joyed a
Valentine party at the "home, of
Mrs. A:'A.Lee ' Frfaay 'evinlng.
The first part of the evening was
gpeht making bandages and gauze
pads for the hospital box to be
sent to Baroda, India. During the
business meeting, Mr. Nori Yam
. .. I 1 ' T i ,
asmta gave a ian un jib, aim
later responded to the question
nalre prepared by the girls of the
order. Joy Starr, Jn costume,
gate a humorous reading. "How
Sockery Sat the Hen," and Doris
Phenlcie played, a piano solo. A
thank offering to the amount of
over seven dollars was given.
Fern Warner, Lois Lippold. Es-
cie as hostesses served refresh
ments later in the evening.
After spending two weeks visit
ing as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Bowen, and also of her
brother, Dr. L. E. Barrick and
Mrs. Barrick, Mrs. Edna DeSart
departed Sunday for her home in
MJgs yiorence McKihney and
I Mrs. Kittle Craver joined the "mem
Jbera ot the priscilla elab.ThuTS-
1 dttv afternoon as they met' at;Ahe
jhome of Mrs. A. L. Brown for the
I usual afternoon of chatting and
ments. The club will meet as the
guests ot Mrs. Ida Babcock in two
Following the contest dinner to
be served at 6 o'clock tomorrow
evening at the armory, Barbara
If this Signature
. is NOT on "the
"There is no other
; Proven Safe for more than a
and effective rmedy for-Colda,
The.Firsi and. OriginalCold and Grip Tablet
Freitchle tent, Daughters of Vet-,
erans-. will : bold their regular
meeting. . The dinner is the for
feit of the losing side in the re
cent contest to raise funds for the
tent. All members will take part
in a short program in which epi
grams and sayings of Lincoln will
be. quoted. Mrs, Anna Simmons
and Mrs. Anna Fisher are in
charge of the dinner.
Mrs. E. Cooke Patton and Mrs.
S. P. Kimball were hostesses
Thursday afternoon for the mem
bers ot the Piety Hill club, with
Mrs. D. F. Wagner, Mrs. Karl
Kugel and "Mrs. C. P. Bishop as
special guests, at the Patton home
on Court street.
During the afternoon Mrs. Kug
el very kindly spoke of her im
pressions, of Venice, and displayed
for the pleasure of the women, a
splendid and unusual collection
of Venetian beads. Sewing and,
chatting pleasantly sptnt the af
ternoon until later the hostesses
served a dainty luncheon at the
Bmall tables placed informally
about the rooms. For the next
meeting of the club Mrs. W. F.
Fowle and Mrs. William Brown
will be hostesses.
The ladies aid of Ihe First
Evangelical church will hold an
all day meeting tomorrow at the
church. In the afternoon the new
ly organized woman's Bible class
will hold the first meeting since
the organization.
The ladies of the GAR voted at
the Saturday meeting to change
the date of meeting from the sec
ond ana iourtn Saturdays ot tne
month t6 the firsf iulrd, Thurs
days, at the armory; '
; . ' '. . . '
Mrs. J. SheUy Sfeiinikin enter
tained with a1 bridge, ; luncheon
Thursday, inviting as guests a
number of prominent society ma
trons. Daffodils and freesias cen
tered the table for the 1 o'clock
luncheon, and were used in the
rooms where the ma
trons spent the afternoon playing
bridge. Mrs. O. C. Locke won the
high score at the tables where the
following matrons played:
Mrs. O. C Locke, Mrs. John Mc
Nary, Mrs. T. C. Smith. Jr., Mrs.
George A. ,White, Mrs. George
Rodgers, Mrs. John J. Roberts,
Mrs. William Walton. Mrs. Fritz
Slade, Mrs. Paul Wallace, Mrs.
Joseph Baumgartner, Mrs. Wil
liam H. Lytle, Mrs. William Boot,
Mrs. David W. Eyre, Mrs. Louis
Lachmund and Mrs. Prince Byrd.
Friday evening, as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bowen. the
members of the pot-latch dinner
club with additional guests en-
Joyed a 7 o'clock dinner party in
Derby hall. The tables were at
tractively centered with large bas
kets of colorful fruits, with cov
ers placed for Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. De
lano. Mr. and Mrs. Lewi3 Mish-
ler, Mr. anda Mrs. E. A. McElvain,
Mr. and Mrs. James Teed, Mr
and Mrs. R. L. White, Mr. and
Mrs. Harley O. White, .Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Day, Mr. and Mrs. .O.
L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hol
mes, Mrs. Margaret Cotter, Mr.
anda Mrs. Hobart Slade, Dr. and
Mrs. Armin Berger, Mr. and Mrst
Harry Weis, Mr. and Mrs. A. I,
Eoff, Ruth Eoff, Phyllis Day,
James Teed, Cynthia Delano, Dr.
W. B. Mott and Mr. and Mrs. ft
A. Bowen of Albany.
After the dinner hour, the re
mainder of the evening was spent
with social dancing.
The Sons ot Veterans auxiliary
will meet at the armory for the
regular business. luetUos at 8
o'clock this evening.
The O. A.. C. club, will meet at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs". E. F.
Underwood, ' 1970'-Fairmonnt
street, Thursday evening, for the
regular monthly "meeting ot busi
ness, followed with a social time
Chadwick chapter. Eastern Star
will meet for the social afternoon,
today In the lodge rooms. N'eedle
work will be in order for the af
fair, and for 3:30 o'clock a musi
cal program has been planned. On
the hostess committee are Mrs
Charles Elgin, Mrs. H. D. Cham-
Box,l it is NOT
Quarter of a Century as a quick
Grip and Influenza, and as. a
bers, Mrs, Pcrgy Cupperi Mrs. Roy
Burton,, Mrs. . , Harry Crawford,
Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Mrs, E. T.
Busselle. The women are asked
their needlework.
Water Applications are ,
Filed v With Engineer
The fpllowing applications for
authority to appropriate water
from Oregon streams have been
filed with the state engineering
department: i r
John Corrpa of Echo," water
from Umatilla river- fo.r; irrigation
of 20 acres fh Umatilla county.
Henry Hansen. of Medford, wa
ter from mouth of mining tunnelj
located in creek bed of north fork
of Swansou cree,k for irrigation of
20 acres in Jackson county.
Yamsay Land & Cattle company
of Klamath ?Falls, water from
springs, tributary of Williamson
river for irrigation of approxi
mately tSOO acres in Klamath coun
ty. Mrs. Hannah Elizabeth White
of Portland. Avater from' an, un
named tributary ot Eagle creek
for'trrigition of 2 acres and de
velopment of 10 theoretical horse
power in Clackamas county.
E. C. ThurBtqn of Lakeview, wa
ter from Sottth Fork of Cogswell
arid cr.eekand springs for irriga
tion of abou 1 6W acres in Lake
county. t
Shawanda Lumber company of
Carlton, water from Turner
creek forHurtling lumber in Yam
hill county.
W. F. Xcal of Broadbont, water
from springs for domestic purposes
in Coos county.
Charleston Bay company of
Korth Bend,; water from five un
named springs for1 municipal pur
poses in Coos county. " -
Charley A. Taddock of Oakridgc,
water from -unnamed springs for
domestic purposes in Lane county.
. ,
The following Oregon concerns
yesterday filed articles of incor
poration at the olfice of W. K.
Crews, state' corporation commis
sioner: Chisnik Alaska Silver Fox
farms, Astoria; incorporator.
James S. 'Osmund, Tom Wootton.
. C. Trcnbrock; capitalization,
30,000. , -
First Methodist, Episcopal
hurch of Warrentoo. fOr.; incor
porators, C. S. Bowers, R. D. Har
per, F.. M. Wilson, W. C. Wick
line, Sidney Campbell; assets,
$750d. :
Junction , City Hardware com
pany. Inc., Junction City; incor
porators, R. A. Babbi James R
Hughes, Eleanr Hughs; capitall-aation-,.
15000.' ... i
aietala Extraction company,
Grants Pass; incorporators, -C. F,
Sutter, F. V Sanford, O. J. Cath-
erman; capitalization, $36,000.;
New York Fidelity Adjustment
company, i'ortlana; incorporators.
D. J. Kenney, II. M. Isaacs, M. E
Piiterbauglr;- capitalization, $10,
000. .
Notice of an increase in eapi
talization from $10,000,000 tn
$15,000,000 was filed by the
Cleveland Metal Produce company
J-T ; , . 1 ,
! D ) :
M , - I f
-. f " ' - -. n
: 4? I S 'I"'
H i il l
AnpED INDUCEMENT To all those placing Ihdr
repair and press your siiit for one year.
; I 167
: Street
urn" Tf'ii"
between your business and our judgment
iare at
: Notices of dissolution were filed
by the following: L. S. Bentley
company, Tne, Pendleton; Inter
state Film exchange. Inc., Port
land; Union Land company, New
port. Under the blue sky. act, a per
mit was issued to the Natural
Carbonic company of Ashland to
sell stock, in the sum of $13,000
Further Colonization of
Tumalo Project Under Way
Plans are being made for the
further colonization of the Tum
alo project, according to Rhea Lu
per, stae engineer, who returned
yesterday from a trip over that
project. .
We ire Featuring In This Sale
J j -u
' ' ' S - ' '
you are business man,
professional man, or industrial worker,
our, banking knowledge and judgment
your service
Check up your plans with our experience.
Take advantage of the rich harvest of
knowledge we have carnered from our
J i , '"'
association with many individuals and
many enterprises.
We are ready any time to form that im-
portant partnership between your (busi
ness and; our judgment which is our idea
of Banking Service. 4 :
National iBank
129 N. Commercial
"Charles O'Neill of Prinevillej
has been retained as project man
ager," said Luper, "and it Is ex
pected that the 2600 acres of Car
ey act land which is now arailable
will soon be open to settlement.
In addition there are about 4100
acres of '.unimproved land in pri
vate ownership that can be bought
at very low prices. It is proposed
to sell the Carey act land to bona
fide settlers on a basis of $5 per
irrigable acre down. In addition
the settlers' land will be subject
to the bond lien which was incur
red by reason of, the construction
of the Crescent lake reservoir end
the big canal from the Deschutes
river. No further payments, ex
cept for operation -and maintcu-
ance, will be required until the
T OUR Portland Store the list
customers showed d marked,
Salem People. Naturally, consistent with our pol-
icy of "Better Tailoring Service to Men," tie have t.
opened a Branch Store in Salem. -
.!.. ' : ..-j j, . -..... , :
Opening Special This Week Only
to Order
1 '
orders this wcek--Wc?will
. . y t
r commercial
' ' . - i r v
11 . . " , 2. t
Horn of th
Per-Cent dub
expiration . oft the . agreement lor '
' . A
- I ' -r t r
firmer, (it' C
,! ' I 'a-
' H1
: :
payment of interest witn the stAtiirt
of Oregon, the plan being to allow j: J
the settler sufficient time to. im- , ,
prove his-land and bring It ncder.
cultivation - before . further - i pay
ments are reuIredtJv.A.i-it.-':
','The project is designed to de-:,t -:i
liver three acre feet of water pe v
acre on the land,' and the. records
of the stream flow-for many yoari-V;?
Indicate that water will be avail
able at all times. !
As a prtTtntive, tntlt and -
1 1 ' inhale night and morin v
of out-of town
percentage of
' - ---,
,4 .
' t
- -