The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Deputy Regional Executive
Looking Oyer Field of :
" Four Counties ;;
K. U Uaga of Seattle, deputy
Albany yesterday, ,ia conference
with members of the Linn county
council; Accompanied by Howard
Zinser, scoutmaster, h. will meet
with scout councils 'today at Dal
las, Chemawa, Lebanon, and this
evening at Corvallis.
- Thesn. rpneral I rnnfmnrea ' in
held for the purpose of outlining
general plans for Boy Scout work
fn Linn. T!fnfnn Mirlnn nA
counties.- R Is probable that, with
the four counties working togeth
er In Ttnv Snniif wnrV orninrol
offices for this district, including
the four counties, will be opened
In Salem. K -t j ' :.;
, ; Preparatory; Work Done
AU'work noyr being done' in
these four' counties is to some ex
tent preparatory to the general
scout program this coming spring
uu auiuuie r : :
. Bridge building is part of the
education of a Boy Scout, accord
ing to Howard F. Zinser, and for
this reason the 'miniature bridge
shownin the Liberty street win
dows of (the , Miller . -Mercantile
company Is of especial interest.
: It is estimated, that this minia
ture bridge is built on such sclen-
Hi oxUl.. 4 V . . i -,.,.1,1 ...tlo
withstand a weight of 100 pounds.
' 1 Can Bnild Heal Bridge
When It comes to real bridge
. lllll- . if A 1
uutuuiug vi t jiraiucui ua.uic iu
the mountains, ( Mr. Zinser says
that a troop of boys can assemble
and build a bridge across a 1S:
'foot creek substantial enough to
permit the passage over it of au
tomobiles .t wlthlnf a half day. .
Bridge' building for Boy Scouts
is part of the jwortf to be done
when a boy aspires to become the
owner .of a Pioneer merit badge.
In order to be worthy of this
Is obliged to build a bridge cap
able of withstanding a weight of
suu pounas. ,,-, ,
Another bridge attracting much
interest as illustrative of Boy
Scout; work .is the miniature
shown in thp- disnlav windows Of
John J. Rottle on State street.
- . y: - These Are Qualified
, Boy Scoots who are now quail
fled for Pioneer merit badges are
as follows: , Dolos Griffin. Robert
Shattuc. Hugh hEhattuc, Herbert
Erickson, Tristram Edmundson
and Frank Clover. . ,
in order to bo worthy of wear-
hov mil at turn nnxcrrl Ihrrtneh the
stages of being, a' tenderfoot, sec
ond class scout and then first class
scout. .Then he) may aspire to be
come a merit badge scout.
Lemon Yellow Quintet r
Goes on Northern Jaunt
EUGENE, J Or., Feb. 1 1. The
University of Oregon basketball
squad left here this afternoon. for
Moscow,' Idaho,! where Wednesday
night it will roeet the University
of Idaho in a.' contest that will
decide the leadership in the north
ern division of the Pacific Coast
conference. 1;
The University of Oregon now
holds this position . by virtue of
victories over the ' University of
Washington ahid Oregon Agricul
tural college, and so far is un
beaten. 4 Although the claim Is
contested, it is held that Idaho is
in second place with three vic
tories and one; defeat. The con
troversy arises; over the 'manner
of figuring the; four games with
Washington State college, which
were divided. I
Coach Relnhart will take along
his regular starters. Gowans and
Hobaon, forwards: -Latham, cen
ter? Share r and Gillenwaters,
guards. Yost and King will go
along as utility men..
The squad will be' minus the
services of Chapman, veteran
guard, who has not recovered from
a recent injury.
(Continued from page 1)
Huunccd as follows: . ;
Caraway for, . with,. Watson,'
against;. Glass! for, with Milan,
against; Harrison for, with El kins
against;; Jones of New Mexico tor,
with - Fernald ajainat;1 Owen for,
with McCormack against;' Smith
for, with Sterling against; Stanley
for, with Ernest against-'
Senator Stan field, Republican-,
Oregon, the other absentee, was
without a pair. It was announced
on behalf of Senator Caraway, who
7 i io)n
1 1 " :ia;jv 'n(4
was 4he only Democrat absent,
that had he been present and per
mitted to vote, he would have vot
ed for the resolution.
WASHINGTON', Feb. 11. The
special mission seeking independ
ence for the Philippines presented
kits plea today to the senate insular
commission. flannel Koxas,
speaker of the Filipino assembly
and head of the mission, declared
that "there was evidence that we
are a homogenous people, with the
same customs and habits and pos
sessed of a strong sense of na
tionality." '
Methodist and Catholic Uni
versity Basketball Teams
Will Clash
With Willamette playing a vast
ly improved game from the first
of the season and having as their
opponents a team accredited as
possessing the better of the odds,
indications promise a fast battle
when the Bearcats and Gonzaga
university of Spokane meet on the
Willamette floor here tonight.
Finding proof in their perform
ance last week, the dope sheet is
not without evidence that Wil
lamette may be able to hand the
visitors a real surprise, and the
local five are out with a strong
determination to deliver. !
The game tonight marks the
first appearance of a' - Gonzaga
team in Salem. The visitors come
with an enviable record for this
season, having defeated Whitman
and Montana, and played Close
games With Idaho, W. S. C, and
O..A. C. Itotchford, the Gonzaga
star forward, is reputed to be a
crack shot of the first caliber, and
Allen, a guard, comes with a bril
liant record of stellar performance
behind him. ( .
Rathbun's men have been im
proving by leaps and bounds since
the early games of the season, and
are in good shape to take on a
team of the Gonzaga metal. At
last, Kathbun seems to. have found
the lucky combination In Fas
nacht, Robertson, Logan, Erikson
and Pattoa. What these men lack
in experience and smoothness,
they have been making up in hard
fighting, with satisfactory results
in the last two games that they
have been working together. Lo
gan has been out much of the sea
son because of a bad knee, and
was taken from the game when he
strained another ligament.. It he
is unable to play tonight a big hole
will be lefW in Iho Bearcat sys
tem, but tbe latest word is that
he will start.
' An interesting sidelight on to
night's game is found in an old
rivalry between , Rathbun and
Coach Dorais of Gonzaga. Dorais
is" a former Notre Dame star, and
after his graduation served there
is assistant coach in basketball
and baseball, making a brillint
record. At that time Rathbun was
at Indiana, and teams from the
two schools met regularly. When
Dorais went to Gonzaga, Rathbun
was at O. A. C. and their teams
met' again. A considerable rival
ry exists between them over who
can take the most victories, and
to date Rathbun has one the bet
ter of the Gonzaga mentor. Yes
terday Dorais called Rathbun on
the long distance from Seattle,
where his men were playing last
night, emphasizing among other
things that he fully intends to
even the score.
; The game tonight will be called
at S o'clock.' A section of the
seats has been reserved for local
fans, and the tickets are now on
sale at Hauser brothers.
" xVO Now Showing I
Wmmmmm Theodore Roberts ;
V) . t55v ;? X r90 ' Here's "To the Ladies!" the sparkling i
; si WlT''V TiSv. VrArw.'' stage comedy that made millions howl. ; B
iJft!lV','? iSNs. And here's to James Cruze! the man t who ; jj
y'Jyi"' &i Hr made this picture version even funnier II
Two pictures of more than
pleasing moment, both of them de
clared by critics to be worthy of
the wholesale praise that has been
showered upon them, are coming
to Salem today. They are "Shift
ing Sands," which opens at the
Liberty, and "To the Ladies."
which tbe Oregon will offer for
the next three days.
Real shieks, handsome and oth
erwise, a sun-scorched Libyan des
ert, glittering lights of London's
night life, and the fulfilled pas
sions of wild youth beneath the
starry heavens of Tripoli, are some
of the things which give "Shift
ing Sands" an appeal that is uni
versal. It is said to be one of the
most realistic portrayals of desert
life as it really is that has ever
been produced.
Woman's place in business and
industrial life is the theme of "To
the Ladies," and with such art
ists as- Edward Horton, Theodore
Roberts, Helen Jerome Eddy and
Louise Dresser cast in the prin
cipal roles, the public is assured
that it will be splendidly handled.
Also, it's a . Paramount.
For real novelty. Innovation,
surprises, jingling melodies and
infectious fun the new musical
comedy, "Bringing Up Father On
Broadway," which is to be the
next attraction at the Grand
theater tomorrow, i3 said to be
the last word in the world of
modern amusement. Unlike most
of offerings bearing the stamp of
musical comedy the piece contains
a genu'ne plot with the action
carrying the various characters
all over ths world. They go to
Honolulu, King Tut's tomb, Italy,
Paris and various other localities.
Jiggs Mahoney, as "Father,"
has plenty to do to keep off those
who are not in sympathy with his
idea of how he should live his
own Tfe. Of course, Maggie is as
ubiquitlous as ever, with her so
sial aspirations placing quite a
d(ain on her husband's purse.
As long as it is all done in the
cause of wholesome fun "Father"
does not mind it. He is a good
fellow and believes in perpetuat
ing the fame of his" creator,
George McManus. The play re
quires two acts and five scenes to
tell the story.
Hop Contract Offers
Getting No Response
Hop offers on contract are not
meeting with response on the Eng
lish markets, according to local
dealers. Advices received from
the same source were to the effect
that there is little or no interest
shown in contracts and that there
is no market.
Practically all buying that re
cently caused a flurry in the hop
market was from American and
not English channels.
Skyline Orchard Owner
Inspects Property Here
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Noble, of
Youngstown, Ohio, are spending a
few days in Salem to look over
their big Skyline walnut and prune
orchard located seven miles south
of here. From Salem they will
leave for the Orient where they
expect to remain a year in the in
terests of the fireproof roofing and
metal lath concern in which he is
interested. Mr. Noble attended
the Chamber of Commerce lunch-
benhorst. 1
The Skyline orchard consists of 1
248 acres and is one of the finest
properties in the Willamette val
ley. Mr. Noble said yesterday
that the orchard was not for sale
and that he placed a valuation of
f240,00O upon his property. . A
majority of the orchard, is set to
walnuts, interplanted with prunes,
it has had particular care and is
considered a model orchard Ui ev
ery respect.
Need of advertising the Oregon
prune, which Is hardly known in
the east, was stressed by Mr. No
ble, who said that the California
fruit was crowding out the Ore
gon product, due to advertising.
Occasionally he saw an advertise
ment for the Orogon fruit and
found it once in a while featured
upon the menu. Walnuts had a
wonderful year in the east, he
said, but urged that they be sent
back in sufficient time to make
them available for holiday trade.
C. F. Giese Returns From
i i. i - a r - f.t ;S
jauni into uauiumia
California people have been go
ing around with long faces because
they have had no rain, according
to C. F. Giese, of the Giese
Powers Furniture company, who
returned during the week-end
from San Francisco where he at
tended a buyers' convention.
"There was rain the last four
days of the week and it helped to
pep up the people," Mr.' Giese said
yesterday. "They are not like
Oregon people, however, for when
it rains they kee off the streets. In
general, business conditions ,are
good in California."
Mr. Giese said that GOO manu
facturers were represented at the
Furniture Exchange, which has its
own home and is kept open the
year around. Furniture dealers
meet there twice a year, in Jan
uary and in August. The Califor
nia exchange is surpassed only by
one other of a similar kind, the
one held in Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Mr. Giese said. Eastern and New
England manufacturers had many
West Linn and Dallas
Play Here This Week
Two more teams will be met
by Salem high school this week
in their march toward eligibility
to participate in the state cham
pionship tournament, the first of
these a return gam with Dallas
high school and the second the
first of a two-game series with
West Linn high school, to "bo
staged Sauvday night.
Dallas is intent upon evenins
up the 14 to 7 defeat recently
given them on their home floor
by Salem. With the txception cf
a five minute period when Salem
exhibited a sudden burst and
jumped into the lead, the two
teams were evenly matched and a
bitter conflict is anticipated.
West Linn has an enviable rec
ordj having not been defeated in
any of the four district games
In New Willamette Gym
TUES FEB. 12 S:00 P. M.
Scats Reserved at Hauser Bros. Admission , 50 Cents
they have played. .West Linn is
the only other team in the dis
trict that has not been defeated
and have had only 17 points
scored against them while they
were amassing a total of TO
points, Another game, wfll be
played with West Linn in the
near future, the second contest to
be playe3 on their home floor.
D. C. Minto Continues His
War in Court Against
Water Company
Having failed to compel the Sa
lem Water Light & Power com
pany to vacate the island belong
ing to him, or pay $18,000 pre
viously adjudged him, D C. Minto
yesterday filed- two damage su.(3
against the company totaling
He alleges that the activities of
the company have prevented him
from removing gravel from the is
land and that the work of the
company has prevented vegetation
on the island which has furtnr
damaged ,him. In the original
suit Judge Kelly held that the op
erations of the company could not
be interfered ,with since it con
cerned the health and welfare of
the citizens of Salem.
Los Angeles Police Officers
Take Eight in Boat off
Malibu Coast
Eight alleged rum runners who
were arrested early today off
Malibu coast, northwest of her,
after a gun battle with prohibi
tion agents and .police officers o
Santa Monica and Los Angeles,
tonight were lodged in jail b5rv
None was able to raise $25,000
temporary bail set in the case ot
each defendant by the Unitwd
States commissioner pending pro
liminary hearing ' on charges ol
violating the national prohibition
law. '
Seven of the prisoners'. wer
placed in the county jail, but thu
eighth, F. C. Neal, a former pro
hlbili$a officflr. . who resigned a
month ago. under fire, was lodged
in the city Jail, authorities fearing
that he may inee with personal
violence, if put as a prisonet
among nren serving sentences as
Tires the old, lowers their vital
ity. The best standard family
cough medicine for old and young
Good for very member of U family
W 1
" Tuesday morning,
a.rctsul.t of the evidence given
a gatai st them.
As a result of the arrest ot
eiyht men, the coup resulted In
t'e seizure of the motor ship
"jCrni and a cargo of 800 gallons
of alcohol and high proof whis
key. The vessel, valued at 16,
000, is bsing held.
After a "72 hour watch, the of
ficers are sa!d to have apprehend
ed the asserted liquor runners as
they were endeavoring to land
their liquid cargo. In a gun bat
tie which ensued, in which the
smugglers attempted to escape to
sea, the pilot of the Ernit John
Yuribani, was shot' in the chst
and arm. lie was only slightly
wounded and was placed in jail
tonight with the other prisoners.
Others were: Captain Frank
A. Rebbek Arab of the Erni. D.
W. SmUh of San Francisco, Wil
liam Morrison of Chicoga, Tony
Duzivieh. Nick Zanetich and Haas
Willamette Debate Squad
Completed Last Night
Warren Day of Portland and
Victor Carlson of Toppinish,
Washington, were victors in the
final men's varsity debate tryouta
of Willamette university last
night and were added to the team
which will now consist of . Robert
Notson, Ward Southworth, Ralph
Emmons and the two winners of
the contest last night.
Willamette will this year de
bate the heaviest schedule in the
history of the school. The first
clash will b3 on March 26 when
a two men team from the squad
will meet the University of Wyo
ming, an aggressive squad now
having 13 consecutive victories to
Its credit. The Wyoming team
will then be on: a tour of the
coast and will have debated the
question at issue seven times' be
fore meeting the local team.
. Following in a series Willa
mette Will debate Michigan Agri
cultural collegs, the University of
Southern California, Whitman
college, the College of Puget
Sound and possibly Washington
State college.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Feb. 11,
President Coolidge was endorsed
by large majorities today in the
Kentucky Republican district con
ventions. -4.
To Remind You
Aryan Kelton s
on Practical and Applied
Psychology at the
Tonight 8:15 Sharp
Door Open 7:30
.February: 12,' 1924 V
Baldwin Again Chosen'-to
Head Defeated Con
servative Party
LONDON. Feb. 11. (By The
Associated Press. ) - The conser
vative party defeated at the elec
tions on its policy of protection,
decided at a party conference to
day to drop protection and meet
the challenge of the new labor
government by going into opposi
tion in the new house as nominal
ly a united party, still loyal to its
leader, Stanley Baldwin. Though
Mr. Baldwin, as prime minister,
led his administration to defeat,
he was unanimously reelected
leader of his party and thus was
given another chance.
Strong efforts were made by a
large section of the party and a
powerful body .of the conserva
tive press to choose another lead
er, hut without avail. The reso
lution to retain Mr. Baldwin,
however, seems to have been bas
ed purely on a settlement of loyal
ty and a desire to avoid dissensions
in the party councils at a critical
Mr. Baldwin, in his speech of
acceptance gave his party some
E. J. Carpenter Offers : M -
tin I VVW'-i. I i
Nite: .55, .85, $1.10,
T - y ?
Matinee Children 50c
One of the great pictures of . the year, with a
story that leads from the heart ojf London to the
heart of the flaming Libyan desert in Africa
TP!! lhlW a.ctl" am.ld the sPndor and mystery
of the Last, where love and passion and hate are
ruled by a code unlike our own.
. ,
vrholesomo advice on its future
conduct and policy, declaring that
its enemies ot the future were not -the
liberals who i werO , moribund ,
but the laborltes, jvho wereTer3r .
much alive. :. , ' . .. -
Parliament reassembles . torn or- ,
row without ceremony and the
prime minister, RamBay Macdon
ald is expected to occupy two hours
in his exposition of the govern
ment's policy. .. I ' ' i ::' x
Mr. Macdonald had an audience
of' a half hour with the king. at j;
Buckingham . palace today, ac- ,
quaintlng Ills Majesty with the
rinal arrangements for the com ?
ing session of the house. 4 f
Pay what you will
. you will never find in
any other cigarette
the unique delight of
the toasted process.
$1.65 Including Tax
Adults 75c
3 i
r - w
r. '
- - .a
: 't.