The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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    f ' iV'i;
. the Oregon statesman, salem, Oregon
'vm r nm
The Mental Genius Who Can Prove That Which Is in Your Mind
Can Become a'Realitj
rpHAT .-which is in your imagination soorjer or later becomes
X'an effect or result. Whether that kind of thinking or con
centrating has been good or bad it brings in a short time good
s op bad .results, v Some people are afraid of their imagination
they think they are dreamers.
The imagination is nothing else but the sub-conscious mind
; at work whether it is day or night. We must understand imag
ination, intuition, inspiration and reasoning in life, particularly
. in this mental age; to make any kind of success. The successful,
salesman ; must play upon the imagination of the buyer and
' aIlIn eV6ry walk: of life, must be" salesmen.' It is a cheap mind
' which sells cheap - things the man whd invokes some of his
. artistic ideasland temperament into his daily business positively
will reach success; ' - , v ', '.
-Two' 6ftBeV'great;principle'- Psychology are the proper
1 . forms, of ; concentrating and the great . use of the sub-conscious
mind; j then' when you have learned quickly how to; use these,
you begin to fornvthe law of attraction. You form an attractive
" , mind which attracts the things you want. When you have
understood the law of attraction you learn how to create the
law of association; then you begin to attract the kind of people
you wish to associate with, the kind of home, the kind of
person you grow to love, etc.
The kind of things and people we attract depends upon the strength and power of our minds. Your
money-health-love success comes to you only in proportion to the quality of your mind. It takes well
developed minds to do anythingbut think how much more we can do when the conscious mind discovers
that it has a greater partner, the sub-conscious mind, which is the three-fourths mind.
Come Tuesday night and hear this young scientist who by the use of Psychology discovered the
great law of attraction.
He will speak' at the armory at 8 :1& sharp-doors open at 7 :30.
Admission freecollection to help defray expenses classes on Practical and Applied Psychology will
be prganized after the' lecture.
Don't forget the hour, 8:15,
... 'rFfi
t IV
t -
- a
4 e Ve t il iimu i V a i
It appears that the bugaboo of
re-radiation;; 'is soon to be banish
ed from well regulated radio
premises. One device is'' now ad
vertised for (this purpose, possibly
by this time there are several of
fered tor sale. The device may be
attached to any radio set by the
owner in a very few minutes and
the set will thereby be made
"bloopless('faecordlng to the man
ufacturers. :',
This is evidently the answer to
the (juestioB that so many fans
have been asking about how they
were going 'to use regenerative sets
and still comply with the proposed
law concerning which so many ru
mors have been floating about.
Radio is developing a new era in
drama. As5 ancient custom requir
ed of the actor his highest art
sermon at 7:8il p. in. and Holy commun
ion. Preparatory services tii-glu. at ?
p. in. The I -allies Aid meets t tfco home
if Mr?. Cha. Soos on Weduseday aftcr
noon, 1390 X. 19th street.
" CiUe ebapeT,' corner or 17tS utreef and
7fhraHka ae. Oaorge Chapman, paator.
andar school 10 a. m., C. P. Wells, u
Irintendent. Morninr worship 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor :3t).: Top l". "In His
Mep." 2.4 '"How and - What JB
TauBh., JoniorX;. B. :3Up. ra; Prarh.
ins 7:SO. Ladies' Aid Wednesday after
noon. Prayer meeting; Thursday evening,
7j30. You are cordially invited to all
these services. Come and bring your
friends and worship with us.
- .,; i-"
. riElt ' BiTZST CHUICH . i
Kv. E, MJ fchanks. paster; BiWe school
at p :4i, Ed. Hchunke, superintendent.
Morning) worship utmt 11 :0Q Hrmon :
"Lovinf ihe "Word bf God." ' Precinct
leaders at the church at 2:30.
Baptist Young Peoples' Union meets' at
tiKl'p. m. Evening; worship at 7:30.
hermon: "When Jesns Saw Their Faith."
Prayer meeting Thursday .evening with
Biblar ' lecture oa tha third chapter of
uoiossians. ... ?'.f- -i
' ; svaxoeucaxi i : ; . -
' Cheneketa street, ,1". W. Lanncf, pastor.
Sermon at 11 a. m. Subject: "Fouling
Our 8avionr.V 8ondsy school at 10 a.
a. if Evangelical league at 6:30. Miss
Alt Zinn, leader. Sermott at Anbnrn at
7:a0-p. m. iThe Revival services Jk1U
continue daring the week; ' '
I '
pminuja science
FItsI church Dnrbin and Hajhes hall,
over the J. C. Penney store.- Sunday
morning services at 11 o'clock, evening
services at 8. Subject of f lesson ' ser
mon, "Spirits." Sunday school at :30
a. . Wednesday ' evening testimonial
meeting at 8 o'clock. Beading room, 209
Masonic Temple, open every ' day except
holidays and Sundays from 11-15 to 5:30
. m.' All are cordially invited to nr
services and to' our reading room.
f :
. , ATiTJAWCS - . v iL
Tabernacle pn"erry street, near Church
street. Pastor. It.iL Caswell and Mrs,
Caswell. The- Sunday school .opena at 'i
p. jn., followed by the 3 o'clock preach
ing service. Subjeat J 'The Mysterious
lrag Set.' ' j Kvening, evangelistic service
, 7:30 p. m. Subject: - "Impossible-With
: MaaV Possible With Uod." Tuesdsy even
ing 7 :30, prsyer ami prafse service. Fri
day evening: 7:30. Bible study. ' Saturday
evening. Young People's service. The
young people are making preparations for
a big rally on Washington a Birthday,
(February 22nd.)
Rev. ('has. Tibbcts, pastor. Bible school
at 10:00. Come and study God's word
and learn the way of salvation through
the blood of Christ. Kom. 5:8. Preaching
at ll:UO. Prof. Baldon from the Agri
cultural college of Oregon will preach in
the absence of the pastor, who ts in Ra
nter, Washington, holding a revival. Chris
tisa Endeavor at 6:30. Come and learn
of the Lord Jesus Christ, John 14:6.
Leader, Miss Winnifred Plant. Evening
service at 7;30. Mrs. Hiday-will speak.
Corner of North Winter and Market
streets. Rev. Mortimer C. Clarke, paster.
Sunday achool at 9:45, Dr. Frank S.
Schutz, superintendent. Clssses for sll
size and ages. Preaching hours .11 and
7:30. Class meeting at 12 :1 J, A. Oil
lette. leader. Young People's meeting at
6:30, JCmory Goode, leader. ; The -Fnnda-meTitals
Bible class meets this week, 7:15,
a Monday evening. Between 40 and 50
have now enrolled and the Interest is
growing wt-eklv. Prayer meeting each
Thursday evening at 7:30. The pastor's
subject on Sunday morning will be.
"Heaven, Where Is It, How to Reach It."
In the evening be will preach an evange
listic message. All are invited to all or
any of the services.
- The regular all-day monthly meeting of
the Marion County Holiness Association
meets next Tuesday at the South Salem
Friends Chnrch with Rev. Csrl Miller,
psstor.' The services begin at 10 o'clock
with preaching at 10:30 by Rev. C. How
ard lavis. At two o'clock Rev. F-. W.
Launer will preach and at 7:30 Rev. W. N.
Coffee will preach. Bring your lunch and
spend the day. Uot drinks will be served
with meals free. These meetings are
strictly interdenominational in character
and all are invited. W. H. Wright, sec
retary. E. I. Harrington, president.
' 843 V Court street, C. S. Johnson, pss
tor. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Services
at 2 and 7:30 p. m. Special meetings
are in progress. Meetings every night ex
cept' Monday. Good singing,; Full gospel
messages. We prsy for the sick. - The
meetings are growing in interest and the
Lord is blessing us. Everybody Invited.
Paul f Althouse
Opera Tenor
' and j":
The Apollo Club
i't : In One Big Concert
I Armory,? Feb. . 20
H ' .. '- "..-" i
' Become aa Associate- nicm
?rbcr and get lnson the "good
seats." . IS-SO1.- for -the re- ;
mainder of this season
t , . -
Two seats for .February '
,ftoucert. , ,
I Two seats for May concert." '
t8end yodr check to Aiberl
H. Gllle, ' treasurer, l252
'Center St
Liberty and Centet atreets, W. C. Ksnt
ner. minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Classes for all ages under competent teach
ers. - M. !.' MeV Ulster, snperlntendsnt.
11 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon sub
ject, "The Two Souls." o:30 p. m.
Young People's meetinf. 7:30 p.
Rev. Dr. Boddy, pastor of the Riverside
Community church. Hood Rinr, and one
of Oregon's 'greatest preachers, will speak
in .this cborch. You will want to hear
' Commr-rcial . and Washington, Carl P.
Miller, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
lr. Carl F. filler, superintendent. Wor
ship 11 a. in. Theme: "Ttfe Sinner's
Refuge." Special music by the male
quartet. Evangelistic service 7:30. Pray
er meeting Thursday 7 :30.
134C Xorth Church street. J. J. Gilles
pie, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Our
Snnda-y school is small but there is good
Interest manifested in the lessons. Preach
ing service 11 a. m. Subject: The law
made nothing perfect, bat the bringing in
of a better hope did: 1Kb. 7:19. Young
People's service 6:t5 and testimony and
preaching .service 7::t0. Prayer meeting
with R. S. Gresa. 1590 Highland Avenue,
Tuesday evening 7:30 and prayer meeting
at the chapel Wednesday evening 7:30.
"The Dense of Worship." Corner of
Church and Vhemcketa streets.- Rev. II.
D. Chambers, rector. Holy Eucharist at
7:30 a. m. in chapel. Corporate for Loy
al Junior Class' So.' 6 in church school
with breakfast in parish house after the
service. Chnrch school at 9:45 Students
rfmffflber the nnota for attendance. Morn
ing prsyer. with sermon and vested choir
at It a. in. An most eordiallv invited
to worship at St. (Paul's. The 'Y. P. S.
meets in the parish house at 7 p. in the
subject being: "Why I am a Churchman."
All young people most cordially invited.
Bethany Reformed Chnrch Corner of
Capital and .Marion streets. Sunday
school 10 a.: to and English preaching
service 11 a. ra. Xo evening servce.
M. Denny, pastor.
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Kccd, president,
will have charge. Prayer service, Thurs
day evtiiing, 7;o0.
Unitarian Church -Rcv. Martin Feres
hctian, minister. . Services are held in
the Women's club building. Cottage and
Center streets. Chnrch school at lo a.
h. Graded -instruction. The minister
conducts a clans for adults in the critical,
study of the New Testament Literature.
All invited. Devotional services, at 11
a. m. Subject of the sermon, "Job and
he Modern World." Mr. Fereshetion
will discuss the background before which
the Book of Job stands and will consider
and apply the problems involved in that
book to modern problems. Mrs. M.
Fersehetian will sing "Tbe Publican,"
by Yandcwater. Mrs. W. A. Denton at
the piuno.
Corner Church and State streets.
Blaine E. Kirkpatrick, miuister. Class
meeting, 9:15 a. m., in the' northwest
corner room downstairs. . Sunday school
9:45 a.m., II, V. Shanks, Superintendent.
Intermediate and seniors meet in the
Tabernacle oh Ferry street; .lowers, on
tha first floor of main building; begin
ners and primary,, in ,Epwurth hall ;
Adults and yoong people, church audi
torium. Moring worship, 11. o' cloak.
Our choir made a great bit at the Sun
nysidn Methodist chruch m Portland
last week. They will sing this week at
both morning and evening services, un
der direction of Prof. E. W. Hobson,
with Prof.. T. S. Roberts at the organ.
The special numbers' will be: "I Will
Jjilt L,p Mint JSyes, by Oadman: i
Paradise," by llarker; "I'm a Wand-
'rin, by Games, lhe morning sermon
Will be by the pastor on tbe nbjet
"Putting Social Sympathy Into Deed."
Kb worth Leaarue meets at 6:M0 o'clock.
Alice Wells leads the 'First Chapter; El
Rae Maxwell the second; and Francis
Burns, the third. Evening service, 7 :30.
After sn opening song service and spec
ial numbers by the choir, the pastor will
preach on tbe subject: "Genesis the
Wonder Book of Beeinuings.' ' This i
the second in a series of sermons on the
keynote messages of tbe great books or
the ' Bible for our day. Chnrch Night
Service on Thursday evening. Pot-luck
supper and social hour. 6:30-7 ::iu. Stu
dies in the World Service Volume. 7:30-
8:15. Devotional service. 8:lj-9:Ot.
These services are growing in attendance
and interest. Great Young People's Ral
ly and banquet on Friday evening for
young people of Salem and surrounding
Corner X. 17th and Court Strcits
R. h. Putnam, minister. Church school
S:45 a. m.: Chris Kowitz. superintendent.
A graded school throughout. Classes for
aH ages. School opens witn music y
orchestra. (Attendance growing each
weekj' Junior during morning worship.
Grace Von Behren, Supt. iuis group
is growing weekly. , Of interest to boys
and girls. Intermediate Endeavor 6:1
pi mi Senior C. E. C:30. Both live
meetings. Evangelistic service 7:3,
Sermon B. in.; "Christian Fellowship.
P. aw "What the Gospel 0oes." Things
of interest to every member to be' pre
sented at moring worship hour. Be sure
and be there. Monday tJ p. m. building
Board meeting at church. Tuesday even
inir ..;.) nf I,nvl Mn and Women at
parsouige, 1100 Leslie street. Wednesday
evening Loyal fifties social at 645 S 12th
street, Thursday Church Day 2 P- m. 10
9 p. m. A new thing coma hear all about
it Over 50 attended last week. Each
family coming is asked to bring covered
dish; and sandwiches for the supper.
Friday evening loval Sons and Daugh
ters social at 015 S. 12th strct. Some
thirty a..,i ll iha time. You are wel
come. A "friendly baud shake awafts
Highland avenue aud A'. Church St.
I. G. aud Ida J. Lee, ministers. Bibln
school at 10 a. m, A. M. Walter Klan
ton, auperintendent. Wo have a well r
rsnged school with classes for all ag
and a borne like- welcome for everyone.
Preaching service at 11 a. in., and i :"
p. m. Junior Endeavor at 3::J0 and Sen
ior 0. E. at 0:110 p. in. Beginning with
m.j... i.-in i there will be
liiumua; c . , j- .
special evangelistic services contiuuinK
over" Sunday, itrv. varey.
preach each evening. Salem guartcrtj
;n i... Kai,i l liiK church on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February
15-17. Friday at 2:30 p. m.,
on Minis and Oversight. R-v. Carl Miller
will discuss the "Richmond Declaration
of Fitith." Saturday at 10:3 a. m. Div.
votional and preaching service alter
which lunch will be served in the base
ment. Business session in the afternoon
and preaching at 7:.'i0 p. m. The public
is cordially invited to all our services.
Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor, toiuunion
mass i at 7::t0, Children'a mass at 8 :40
aIju Miss E. Starbuck'' of Portland.
Preaching at 11:30 by the pastor. Young
peoples meeting at '4:30 n. iu. Prayer
meirting Wednesdays at 7:0 Sunday
at 7:a0 p. ui., tbe paMor will show
from the Bible just the rcry year that
Jesus was to be baptiied. the year he
was to be crucified, and when the Oospel
was to go to all the world. A wnudcrful
prophecy covering 'JJIOO years. No excuse
for unbelief. Kvcrythiug is certain and
settled iu the Heavens. No matter what
your creed this lecture will strengthen
your faith. Come and bring a. friend.
N. C. Ernston, pastor.
South Commercial and Alyers streets
H. F. Peniebrton, pastor. We will bo
glad to welcome you on Sunday at the
following services of this cbwrch: Sun
day school itt. 9:4.", K. A. Rhoten, sup
erintendent. ''J'he building of Christian
character throHigh the study of the Bible
is the aim of this school. You will make
it profitable lo be a member. Epworth
League at (ISIO. Young people especi
ally enjoy this hour. Morning worship
at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject: The
Christian Win Is All -'things to Alt Men.
Evening meeting at 7::io, subject: The
Marks of (treat Men. This is a Lincoln
day memorial .wibject. You will enjoy
the hours you spend with us. Gospel
preaching. Christian fellowship, fine mu
sic happy- aingtog ,snd cordial - gretinz
will make you want to come axain. ,,We
will be happy' to have you spend the day
with us, . .j
without tbe aid of accessories nd
lighting effects, so again , during
the last few yeaHf. there has beetf
a tendency in;ti?niatic center la
retnrn to theater conditions' that
demand imaginative sympathy
from an audience and inspired act
ing on the part of characters. . .
Sow radio has given another
turn to-the art making it is neees
Bary'that all illusions be created
without the aid of the eye .but de
pending upon the ear alone. It
would seem impossible to develop
dramatic situations and create
suspense under thes conditions,
but these things are being done in
the broadcasting studios.
In one play, given not long ago
from a California station, the
scene was laid in India. Through
out one scene there was the alow,
weird, unvarying beat -.of a native
drum that did more than much
stage equipment could bave done
to suggest the native setting. In
the same play, by. the way, there
were some hair-raising gurgles
when one of the villains was be
ing throttled. One .could then
hear his limp body drop with a
thud to the floor oh, yes; radio
plays may be decidedly thrilling.
Christ Evangelical Luthirn Church
Slate aud 18th streets, fi. Koehlcr, pas
tor. Sunday school in English at J:!.
a. ui.. Divine service with sermon in Ger
man at 10:110 a . ni. Young peoples
meeting at ti:'.W p. in. Tonic: ,rHow
Jesus Taught" Evening service- in Eng
lish at 7:3ii p. m. Hie Dorcas society
meets on Wednesday at -' p. m. with
Mrs. Frohm. 1315 X. Commercial street.
Mid-week meeting Thursday at 7:U0 p.
m. Bible school conducted by the pas
tor on Saturday from 9 to l'J a. m. A
hearty welcome to our services.
Fifteenth and Mill streets David C. Has
sel. pastor. Sunday morning service 11
o clack and Minday school J -, liusv. Ana-
erson. 'sunerixitendent. Epworth League
7:15 and evening service o'clock. The
Ladies Aid will meet Thursday aftej-jioon
2 o clock with .Mr. Anderson, h l
street. 'Mid-week service Thursday even,
ing i o'clock with Hible stndy and pray
ed. You are cordially invited to these
fiouth l!th street Harry W. Ji)linon,
minister. Sunday school and morning
worslip at l( a. in. special j,incoin
prograjn by the Pioneer club, Donald
Barnard chief guide, in charge. Young
people's society at 6::t(l p. in. Preach
ing s-rvice at 7 MO p. in. Iloneer club
Monday at 7 p. in. umrsaay mgiu
forum meeting on "What Makes a Suc
cessful Sunday School!"
Sixteenth and A streets 11. W. Gross,
pastor. There will be recular Suntlay
serviees in the German language at 10::to
a. m. Regular English services jwith
Ward Willis Long. ' minister !: l." a.
in. Sunday whool, v Mr. 11. E, Barrett,
Superintendent. 11 a. m. Worship ser
vice. Sermon: "Man ..Proposes iiod li
poses." by the minister. Tbe choir will
B-ing "Arise Shine" by Krey. Orpin
numbers: ;March Uoniaine," Gounod?
''Memories," ' St. Clair : and "Kan Fare"
DuBois. ti:0 p. iu. Christian' Endeavor
societies. The senior society is study
ing a series of lessons on "Stewardship."
Tin; suhject this evening: "Ho We Own
What ffp Possess?" will be discussed by
Joseph Nunu. 7l3o p. m, I'opnlar even
ing Kemce. Address "Cignn-ttes." by
the miilisteri Special music by chorus
nnd ladies flrio. Thursday, 7::io p. m.
Mid-week devotional service and cluss on
Stewardship.', The class is being taught
by the minister aud a lively interest is
develoing. The second Icskoii in the
aeries wjl! be studied this wetk and a
cordial invitation is extended to any who
are interested. ' z
An Interesting experiment was
carried on recently in the Mam
mo dh Caves of Kentucky. Itwaa
believed that radio waves would
not penetrate to the interior of
the 'aves or at least not with suf
ficient strength so that programs
might be heard. An engineer and
his assistant went into one of the
inner," tunnels, set up their appar
atus und listened in at the hour
when ia special program had been
arranged for the experiment. Not
a sourrd was heard. The set was
complettefy dead. Then it occur
red to the engineer 'that the
ground connection might not be
satisfacrtory because of laclt. of
moistut. Then they went on un
til they caine to. the vicinity of an
underground stream, .set up the
receiver once mors and " heard
program clear ana distinct as
though under excellent above
ground conditions.
Corner X, Winter and Jefferson ,1
Thomas Achesou. pastor. LcKoy Walker I
in charge of .itinior enured, lake the
Commercial treet car to Jefferson ave
am'. The theme for the morning service
at 11 S. m;,; will be: "What Must-the
Church Do to Be Saved!" by the pastor.
In the evening at 7:30 p. m.' the theme
will be: "Ijestfcnsi Front, the Life of Ex?
President Wilson." Both services are
open to the public and a home-like greet
ing will be given to .ill whd attend. Other
iinnnrtant services of the day are 9:4i
n. in. school of religious education.
Taree separate departments are to he in
keSsion and a most interesting time is
axsured. Junior church downstairs at 11
a. m., with Rev. Walker in charge.
Young people 8 Id 16 years of age vel
row. Large unmlters are regularly in
attendance. ; -The- young peiple will meet
at !:;: p. in. for devotional meeting of
Epworth League. Meetings are crammed
with good things. Testimony and -jrais"
service for adults in the auditorium at
7:"0. Brother Joseph Barber jn charge.
Vou are invited to bring your friends with
von and to assure them of a real wel
tome. Services of the week arc. Church
business meetings on 'Monday evening
beginning with a 6::iO lunch for Suiiday
school workers. Full attendance of
church officials desired. Mid-week meet
ing of the Junior and Senior churches
for devotion and study at 7:15 p. m.
Junior church will lead in the devotional
period. Welcome- to all. Kine attend
ance. , Helpful services are being held.
AgaiQ our country has been
deeply moved by memorial serv
ices for1 one of (he great men of
the world, when these services
were broadcast to the most remote
places, a.; well as to the most popu
ulous. .The sincerity of Woodr-ow
Wilson meets with universal re
sponse now for the first, perhaps.
when he is dead. And the Ger
man embassy in Washington is
discovering that Wilson Is not so
dead as he seemed, after all.
The receiving set of the future
will need neither aerial nor ground
it seems safe to predict. This is
a conuortng tnougnt, tor since
radio is botind to be used almost
universally we would hat&to think
of the world adornd as one vast
hopyard. a forest of hop poles.
Habit is what makes a smoker
reach under the covers to strike
a match on his foot.
ettcM-tert miii4 "niTV
be.isccl with' Blue fltibtea.
Jin m otawe. isnr nw w
3lAalON KRANB riLJJL li ml
ma Um M B. Safctt. A Iwm R d'uhl.
vr u. rhrUJin Church Center and
il1 J- Kans, minister: Mis,
Ilsttw Mrtchett. missionarv. We had a
great Bible achool last Sunday and a new
interest i shown t ,n departments.
Everyman a Bible class wUI bold its last
session in tbe chrnrh Sunday and make
lill h-i!!T- . Tha . Vstor'. aermon
will be Wtie.1 twpks: "Tbe Help
fulnrna f Christ an ty" and 'The clSl
to Higher Service." A7mlxe4 ,.Ttct Vill
VI,. ,J,trlt nc t the raomin
L,1." 8V ;'Tta'W' meeting of the n,'n of . Pea
irii(jYB data yUi s fttA
and high mass and eruion ny ie i'-""'.
"Who shall be the Judget" af 1":J0. In
lhe evening at 7:30 quentions will again
i.- A nviiip wishing to as.
questions pertinent to religion may leave
same at the rectory, mail or leave in tn
box in the rear of the church. Everyone
both Catholic and non-Catholic is wel
come tv all services.
Nineteenth and Marion streets I.
Howard Unvis, pastor. Sunday school,
9: IS a. ni, W. U. Ifardy, Supt. Classes
for 'all ages. Treadling. 11 a. m. and
7:30. p m. Yoein peoples society 6; 30
p m.' A welcome to all. Tuesdsy, Feb.
12. there will he an all day meMing of the
tarn.n Cbhirly' Holiness Association at
the, (South Salem Friends' church at 10
a. m., and on through the day.
i The church was crowded las- Sibblth
at l:30 o'clock the iimo for npeniag of
Soadsy school. - Many,, visitors were
toresebt; .Miss R.CihthcT f Washington,
, V- sv a very iutrestiag talk, and
is Certain
Ready-to-wear Pricea Are Lower Thaii a
, v Year Ago
YOU don't have to make your last year's coat, suit,
or dress do after all--not; wherf they're so rea
sonable as they arc this spring.
Spring Fashions
From far away, are beginning: "to come in every
day. v They're something altogether different.
Watch our , show-windows more closely, better
still come in and see what has-arrived we're al
ways glad to show you the pretty things.
Fori dresses are .Poiret Twill, Charmaignc Flannel
and Printed Harvard & Canton Crepe. For suits,
Poiret and Charmaigiie and for Sportswear Plaids,
Stripes and Checks. Coats are very swagger of
Camels 'Hair, Velours, Plain, Checks, Stripes and
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Many of the newest garments are cut
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ypur money ehcerful
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Salem Store
468 Slats St.
Portland flflk Bhon v
383 Alder hX. v .s,.-, ------ - ......
im - - -
and the
flawless quaM
JEL action of the Knabe Pianolhave
always commanded this attention
and reverence of the famous artiste,
who have; all claimed greater; power; r.
and eloquence of expression pn the"
Knabe thaii on anv other niann:15
ftThe perfection of this noble instrtU
Ment is apparent at tttt tlme& jfe
tone yery large and verf beaiaifid
having an instantaneous response,
The wonderful briUianct and vsheef'
.-i-. r. .ft :t J ' .-; -:"?
m 7 vj tune awpiea WiW 4M. Uflii ir uv
surpassable evenness and delicacy of
aaion; nas maae my Knabe a con--
. stant source o,
It gives me extreme pleasure to con -a
gratulate you on " the Knabe Piano- ;
' hr me personalty it is an inspi'fm
' -. c Knabe is indhpensablei lis
volume and purity of tone btend'ex
quisitely with the voice anJthk artist I
v who chances to be without its friendly ; t v
support is indeed unfortunate " . .
To my mind the Kiiabt lsthe Kino; '
of ff&ruments. find justifies every,. ;
past word spoken bfiti I have never " v'
:-. i
within the reatdremepts of perfect '
balance o f combos? tone malityS i
actton and response. ' -. " x
s e H N A 1 Et
"The Knabe a dear and truthful'
friend, responsive and reliable af
any moment, in fact a generous
friend who puts all the means at my
disposal to carry out my musical
- i.-v
-. ' 1-
The Knabe is magnificent i I con
sider it the greatest help to a singer
to be supported by this fine instm
went in which sonority and charm
blend with the voice,"
"The volume and quality of its tone .
is a delight and inspiration and as
an accompaniment for the human
- tvke I cannot imagine its ' equal" ';:.:::r
, ' . ; ''i : ' .-''.
"' . : . ' ..' .. .' i . '.' . '
432 State St.