8 SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1921 t HE OttEGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON i Use Your Credit Pay As You Can NoMnterest C-Slfamiltoii 340 Court 'Street'" Your Old Goods Taken in' Ex-" change for New Why not have your windows measured for drapes and have them made before the spring rush is on. They can be. held until after your housecleaning is done and hung promptly when you are ready for them. This store carries a very complete line of all kinds of Drapery Goods, Fringes, Edgings, Tassels, etc. Special for Monday and Tuesday Chicago Lace Curtain Stretchers $1.98 A REAL DAVENPORT And a Real Bed All in One MEN FLAY MELLON Nation-Wide Demonstration Planned to Combat Mem. ber of Cabinet iiook nr.viF.w Fly YKItA I'.KAHV SlMIVVfAN ; : : - Notice the illustration and note how the bed is taken from underneath he davenport, thus enabling you to still use the deep comfy springs that are much desired when you purchase a davenport for your room. You will also note when not in use as a bed it is impossible to see the bed or even know it is a davenport bed. This is absolutely the best two irr one davenport made; we ask you to call and inspect itand see for yourself. Oregon State News ''Picked a Winner. - COTTAGE GROVE, Feb. 1. Tliie frontispiece of the" January 17 Issue of the Washington Farm er Is a picture of a Shorthorn steer -which Richard Hanna, at that time herdsman at the Stcte College of Washington, took as a calf to the Chicago InterniUionAi livestock exposition in 1922. The yearling took second place and van bought by the Oklahoma Ag ricultural college, "which tint him on exhibition the following sea son,' when he w6n a dozen or more first prizes. !-V Mr.-Hanna has been a resident of Cottage Grove during the past year but is eagerly watching the rareer of the animal Vhieh he p'cked for a winner. , f I' Favors Heavier Ioads : MT. ANGEL, Feb. 1. A dele gation, composed of business men ot Mt. Angel and Scot ts Mills, mo tored to, Salem last, week for the purpose .of, having the County Courts reconsider the' blanket or der of December 22, limiting the - "weights to be (hauled over hard surfaced roads, says the News. This order would make.lt impos sible for the Wilson-Martin Wil son Lumber Company, of Scotts Mills to haul their lumber to Mt. ,'Angel for shipment, therefor fore ring this company practically out or business.1' , , . 'tThe County Qourt has granted relief by raising the weight 500 pounds' per tire inch to be hauled .over the road from Pine Tree '.ToUr Corners to Scotts Mills pro viding "that the Wilson-Martin-Wilson Lumber Co., would put up 'a $500 bond to protect the coun ty of Marion, against any damage thai might come to the two miles - 'of improved road, by the hauling ..of lumber, in accordance with the new decision. V , ' , : Perry Growers to Meet ALDANT. Fb. ' 2. By action taken Monday, evening at the re vlval being held in the Fenton building on Court street there is to be another! religious congrega tion in Dallas, says the Polk Co Observer.- to be subject to the Chr's- and Missionary Alliance, and the chief; difference between its ; jnembera .and those of others, is 'that a prime requisite of memher- 1 fcliip la, a beliel la diylne healing and the preaching of the four square" or "fourfold" gospel. The tenets of the congregation will be beat fived in the- minds of the reader when it is stated that Dr. PricP, who created considerable of a furore In tne valley a year ago. is one of the principal teachers of the doctrines. Rev. Chas. O. Tlenham has been holding the revival all during Jan uary, with services twice a day ex cept on Mondays. He was ending his service in Dallas and submit ted to three hundred people pres ent the uestion as to whether they wished to continue the work permanently. Fifty-two declared their willingness to become active members of the new congregation and eighty-seven agreed to be as sociate members, these latter re taining their present church mem-j bership. Those , most interested say that this means that the new congregation will hecome a perm anent feature of church life in Dallas. It was also decided to continue the revival. Rev. Dr. Webber, who is just concluding work in Silverton, to have charge. Dr. Webber began his meetings Wednesday evening. Rev. Newberry, dean of the Simpson Bible Institute at Seattle preached the sermon Monday night. He contended that but 20 per cent of the citizens of the United States attend church, Pro testant or Catholic, and that there is plenty of room for evangeliza tion. Quite a number of those attend ing the meeting testified to h?.v ing been physically healed during the meetings. There are several in Dallas who hold that they were healed at previous times, or dur ing the visit of Price. Some of the cases are so well authenticat ed that they have attracted much attention. One result is that the outlook for the formation of an influential church is very promis ing. Local ministers have had nothing to do with this revival. attended the conference is expet ed to be present to discuss various phass of the industry. George Thompson, president of the Albany berry association, and also a member of the state execu tive committee of the association, has called the meeting in response to many growers, with tne view of having a general discussion. A. L. Wallace of Salem will also bo in attendance to discuss plans of marketing and preserving the crop. All berry sections of the county are expected to be repre sented, said Mr. Thompson today. ) Observe it; is Jtian an Six Water Applications Filed With Department The following applications for authority to appropriate water from Oregon streams have been filed with the state engineering department: F. W. Ham mack of Lostine. water from an unnamed spring for domestic purposes In Waliov.a tounty. Peter J. llomelsen of t;.? Dalles, water from Fiv Mi lt creek for irrigation of S.12 acr.-s nd for domestic purposes :.: Wasco county. " hversreen Memorial Park ceme tery of Mc.Yiinnville, water from north fork of Yamhill river for cemetery irrigation in Yamhill county. A. w. 'I norpe or Taft, water from springs for u.se in boilers and for domestic supply for camp in Lincoln county. Dr. Philip T. Meaney of Port land, construction of the Silver Peak extension works for the storage of water from Middle creeA anu irioutanes; and the ap propriation ol the stored water for mining and reduction of ore in Douglas county. W. H. Teaslcy of Los Angeles. covering the appropriation of va ter from Heaver creek for plncer mining purposes in nortaern Cali fornia. Kerry Growers to Meet ALBANY, Feb. 2. Linn county berry growers will meet In a con ference at ths Albany Community house it 1 o'efock next Wednes day afternoon to listen to a re port oi the berry industry, as dis- cusseo at the recent economic con ference at O. A. C. A speaker from the college who RAILROAD TAKEN WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Ad vices received by De la Huerta agents tonight from Border points stated tnat Revolutionary forces had taken the important railway! and mining centers of Parral and Jiminez on the Mexican central railway in the state of Chihuahua and are now advancing on Camar go. Trains' were declared to be running only as far south as Chi huahua City. Men's spring straw lid brims are so wide a few fill a street car and only niae make a dozen. WASHINGTON. 1. C. Feb. 2 Secretary Mellon lias failed to consider in his estimates of an ticipated revenue the sum oT ap proximately $ 1 cn.nuo.00t annual ly accruing as interest on the t'.ritish war debt, twice as much as is needed In pay (he adjusted compensation hill, according to John It. Quinn. national com mander r the American legion. In making this declaration. Commander Quinn added that Secretary Mellon had also failed to lake into account the estimated savings of $ 22n.nnn.nno to $2".n.v ttnn.nnn which economies of na tional administration will pro duce. Demonstration Planned The statements were made ;:t the all-day session of .legion's na tional legislative committee held at the Hotel Washington vbn plans for a nation-wide demon stration by ex-service men v."i" laid. "The secretary of the treasury is the greatest ell MilV of the --x-service men in this country." Comm. mill' tiiinn told the ib-lf-p..ttes from 4S states. ' Here stands a great adminis trative official of th'j . overTiment persistently lobbying to defeat a specific measure of legislation a measure which the majority of duly elected legislators repeatedly have declared should he enae'ed into law. "lie has consistently altered the estimated cost of meeting adjust ed compensation, but even his big gest estimates can be met our. o: the interest on the British war debt and the economies ellectel in administration. Mellon Combat I eel "There is about $16n.0'i0,noo a year paid on tne oent ana .i"i- lou's latest estimate is $475,000.- 000 for the first four years, an average of a little less than $119,- 000.000 a year. It will Dot cost that much as Mellon undoubtedly knows.b tit meeting him on his own ground we nave more man enough to pay the cost without inflicting hardships on any class of people, and without hindering tax reduction. It can be seen that taxes can be reduced. 1 want them reduced and so does the legion. And Mellon is insulting our intel ligence when he says that there can be no tax reduction if the ad justed compensation bill is paid." The vanguard of the legion's legislative forces which have been augmented daily by such men as Governor James Scrugham of Ne vada, received reports of the mass meetings which are being held in all parts of the country. Thou sands of pamphlets detailing Mel Ion's "billion dollar error," to gether with the true figures on adjusted compensation costs will be distributed in every state. Fight to Finish The committee declared itself in the fight "to the finish." Commander Quinn and John Thomas Taylor conferred with Senator Curtis of the finance com mittee. Each legion committee man naid a visit to the senators and representatives from his dis trict. Donald Strachan, national exec utive committeeman ttoni .New York, introduced a resolution which declared that adjusted com pensation was a constitutional question, a right and debt owing to ex-service men under the con titution. Text of Resolution The resolution follows: "Whereas, the motives of the ex-service mpn oi uie i imeii States' in approving the proposal ol congress to adjust war pay have been misconstrued, and ma ligned, and Whereas, we are aware that when property is taken by the government under constitutional principles, compensation is re required to be made therefor, and "Whereas, it is the duty of this American legion to express the sentiments of the ex-service men, "Now, therefore, be it resolved, That we consider adjusted com pensation a constitution question. recognizing the great const it utfon al principle that the duty to de fend the I'nited States in time of war rests equally upon all citi zens and that neither a mans property nor his time (his life) can be taken without adequate compensation as a fulfillment of the promise of the Declaration of Independence that all citizens are equally entitled as inalienable rights to life, liberty and proper ty." Personnel of Committee The legion committeemen in session included John R. McQuigg; Ohio; O. E. Cain, New Hamp shire; Albert Greenlaw, Maine; Donald Strachan, New York; Ed gar B. Dun lap. Georgia; R. J. Laird. Iowa; J. Danforth Bush, Delaware: Dr. E. J. Barrett. Wis consin; Maco Stewart. Texas; J. Leo Collins, Pennsylvania; Mis W. B. Beals, Seattle. Mrs. Beals represents1 the American legion auxiliary which has joined the legion in pusning the tight t oa conclusion. THi: CAI.1. 01 THE CANYON, ' by ane (.rev. Published by ; ROO(, t!ii!igs Dawson has done. Harper Brothers. ev York n,,.,-,. ls a relitrious element which 1 ''' I'li'v U'.on m i. is underlying his stories. "The Vo11 l 1111 P"1-' l'"' f;ir ; Kingdom .Around the Corner." and country, line thrill of the chase i - The Little House." which is pres and abandon np lawlessness in a lent in "The Coast of Foily," and Zano Grey novel. His best sellers ' adds dignity to its plea to young .ire tUo'-e of the deser t - romance. ' people to return to moderate liv The Call of the Canyon, which is ini.'. It is :t 'most enjoyable story alrt rtdy in the itiovies, is a thrill- ! and one which s' ts its ail think ing story of a war shocked east- j jM.'. book full o waj-nings to the Amer- ing. landmarks in Liverpool with a icon youth who runs on tinminditfl J guidebook which turns out. to be of the yawninj; chasm of disripa- j years old. resulting ill his ex lion and falls unwittingly, w li"n : ploring the town and its places of but in search of pleasure. The love story is equal to any of the intereM adds historical value to the story. T thought Moby Dick was Melviib's best, but "Uedlmin" is a close rival. erner who is miiffl"d by the sham and hypot t'isy, of society. Leaving all. he journeys west to recoup hi hf-alth and to .Might a wrong men tal attitude. The irl he loves is as easterner of typical social sui-roiindiiu-s who lives fioni one whirle of society to another fling. How the romance works itj;elf out I or were (here no real romance, there would be no Zane Grey story) is an interesting tale of t ho land of the Grand Canyon -of th" Arizona and a .i-ioiip of typical wholehearted western folk. It holds your in forest, not a dull mo iwnt, and the hjst endorsement I can say is that it is as. good as the "Riders of the I'nrple Safe." by I same w riter. 'Rl'STLKIl'S VALLF.Y." by Clar ence Mulfqiil. Published by. Doubleday I'.ie Company, Gar den City. New York. Price $2. tin net. ' The w riier of llopaiong Casi dy bis created auoilp-r group, of we: t. in characters with a quaint humor which appeals to its r-:ni -rse. A falsely .chat ged ban!; coll iery iiiak.es of .led llotlisters nn alias Mafi SkiiMier fugitive lion; justice. Willi a pal. Laidy to gether they ( tear Hustlers' Valley of a deep mvsterv. If vott like a thriller you writ be ::. i i .f ii-.J with! Million's latest. "THE COAST or FOLLY," by Coningsby Dawson. Published by the Cosmopolitan Book Cor poration. New York City Price $.0 0 net. A novet of society, the affection of a married tvja n unhappily turn ing toward an unwise, but beauti ful, girl v, ho with oih":s of her social set lingers on "the Coast of Folly." A stern awakening from a threatened correspondency oi di vorce courts, pictured in the daily papers and a formidable grandfa ther whose lagacy is to be with drawn unless at tlie end of a year the g,i:l finds God and thereby happiness, a visit to a longlost err ing parent, and returning to face the music and clear her name. makes a culmination of . events which leads to the meeting of the hero and heroine. Joy finds her hearts desire and just how and where and when, is the story of how she leaves the Coast of Folly and reaches the Coast of Content ment. It is n cleverlv written The Wee Book published by the TIIK KKLIGloi S EXPERIENCE ; OF JOHN H F M P H U E Y j NOYES," by George Walling , ford Noyes. Published by the Mac.Millan Company. New York. ; Price $2. r.ii. ! A books of the life work ol" the founder of the Community of Put I j in-y Vermont, which was the fore ; runner of the famous Oneida com jmunity of .New Yoik stale. The j religious view's of .this man, a I Yale and Ifcinmoiitli theological scholJr and a perfectionist, whose! personal bein ,was without sin ac- ( eordinu to his ow n admissions, j makes an extremely interesting! character study and volume of! omhiecl original documents aiuL narrative of religious happenings, i It tell: of the youthful endeavor, the boy as a man, brinidug his I community around him to cany out his work of Xionistic trend, to: lead his people IhlotiL'b th" llilldj of penVct reality. The-book wav. . ililendid to be a collection of or iginal dn.'inneiits bill its editor upon liiiding (lie material enler- tainitig and beneficial ideas in many ways, wove it into a story; of lif audi aor whciein the char acter of .1.1. II. Noye.; cent'M-s. P.i- : ogr.'iphtos ate valuable for their t imitative value as wll as scholar ly attributes. As such. t1iis"Tmok j i-. scarcely to be consiileted. I'.llt iti the i it: lit of good reading, of in-, teresting viewpoint of a religious i fanaticism and evolution of an j idea into a project, its value is not easily overestimated. j j ' RKIMU'RX," His First Voyage.! by Herman .Melville. Published! . by the St. Botolph Society of Boston. Mass. Price $2.00. An autobiographical story by t Herman Melville of his early voy- j eging. written in 1 s 4 and rewrit- i ten now for th first time into I present day style. It is a narra-, five of sea longing fulfilled and t descriptions of life on board a brig. ! for Wee Folks Henry Aitemus Company of Philadelphia, are an adorable group of little picture and verse booklets for the very small child. They are priced nt .",0 cents and any mother can ac quire such a little book at the end of a days shopping .i a reward r pood behavior in her absence. There are t lie fairy tales told with pictures and a verse or two, there are several splendid stories of Pet- i .... er Katinit anil Ills ooillgs, mm e.n ii is a cunning little gift in itself. There are five series besides more than a dozen tides of variaus Mo ther Coo-'e lore. The series of Peter Babbit, Little Bunny Bun niekin. Wee Folks. Cinderella, Bi ble Stories, and Wish Fairy - isn't that an entrancing group to choose from? My small girl, who goes to school leads them to my smaller girl who has not yet acquired that distinc tion and t he deoision is unanimous in favor of the books being highly desirable. There is an example in tie- "Don't Want to Go to Bed" heroics which might lead young America to better behavior. Any way, the books are cunning and you can please your child by add ing an Aitemus book or two to your shopping list. : Till'. MIDI. ANDKK," by Ilooth T'arl'.ilii ten. Published by Dou bleday. Page K- Co.. Garden City. N. Y. Price 2 net. A stoiv of the commercial rise of a middle west town and its visionary promoter, a native son, Dan Oliphant. A midlander by birth, Tarking ton seems to feel the pulse ol" bis small town folk. His people are rear, living persons meeting com mon everyday situations in com mon everyday ways. I know of i;o writer who vrites of the heart of the small town folk as Tark ington. His Alice Adams, his Pen rod, his Gentleman from In diana, are notable smatl towm c pics. To a city cliff dweller, the ap peal may not show itself in the p.idlander. But to the middle westerner' himself, who has spent his lite as such, watching the growth of his home town, watc-h- strength. Dan is not a Babbitt; He does not care for - persouaF glory. His is the heart "of genuine promoter who promote!) for the ultimate rise of the envirv oument, and little thinks of the difficulty in passing. ' Dan's marriage choice i3 unfor- lunate, lo a city, doll-like crea ture who hates the west with its burred It's and its flagrant (to her) provincialism. She tolerates it only a she doesn't think of something better to do. Their one; son grows up typically a "cake eater" whose childhood is divided1 between European. Tesorts and' American joy rides. Martha, thtl girl next door, has always loved?; Dan and auhwiifently is the con- , slant butt of Dan's wife, Lena's,; caustic tongue. Dan has always been wholly unaware of Martha's affection. i The story of the town, its de velopment and its personal strug gles is the real sory of the ,Mid lander. The life of Dan Oliphant is so entwined that it might be called a joint story of "Midland and The Midlander." i The ending is not. true to the tcoepted modern motion picture "lived happy after all distress' ending, but praise be to Mr. Tark ington. bin ending is real. Again, you feel sure thai Mr, Tarkington knows the heart of the small ' town and its people. I It tells of the other sailors, the I ing the changing, the building of landings at Liverpool, how the car goes were loaded and' disposed in fact a general descriptive story of life of a sailor of the times. Redburn is but IS, and his exper iences are as fine a chronicle of ship life of the late forties as can bo found. Melville was a sea wri ter of experience and his tales bear the marks of truthful narrative. The laughable experience of find- "additio'ns" and the extensions of cat-tracks, the Babbitts- who have been and always will be. Booth Tarkington's story might be a Salem, Oregon, and Salina, Kan sas, or a Uloomington, Illinois. Dan Oliphant, and his cold cal culating brother Harlan, are na tive sons. Dan's inheritance of a tract of farmland begins his vi sion, lie dreams of the city's Republicans Have Stolen I Democratic Campaign Dope . i Col. .L lORaley, of Pendleton a leading Democrat of eastern Ore gon, while in Salem yesterday exT pressed for publication the opin-v ion that the oifyexposS as it aN, fects William G. McAdoo, means' that the Republican party has cap- tured some of the Democratic campaign thunder. "My opinion how," said ColoncC Raley, "is that the oil question will bo dropped by both sides, sinco both now seem to be involved. Iv don't think it reflects against" the integrity of Mr. McAdoo. but it is . bound to have its effect, and doubtless both sides will consider ; it wise to let the matter drop." .'' It's a 'wise shoe dealer who. numbers women's shoes two sizes smaller than they really are. j WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE i AND TOOLS ' . Capital ) Hardware' & Furniture Co. Best Prices Paid 285 N. Oom'l St. Phone 047 Watch Tuesday's Statesman for Announcement of Plus $2.00 This Is the Sale You Have Been Waiting For SUITS Priced Regular at i - $30, $35, $40, $45, $50, $55 On Sale for 10 Days Beginning Wednesday at 2 tor the Price of 1, plus $2. 00 ' See Particulars in Tuesday's Statesman v BISHOP'S CLOTHING AND WOOLEN MILLS STORE, Inc. 136 N. Commercial St., Salem Ore. j : - - i .-- V ' "... .5 - i -: