SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1924 SI.FIJED ADS-Community Offerings and Wants THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON CLAS I X I 1 1 CLASSIFIED SECTION Thono 23 Advertising Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Hat per word: Per Insertion Three insertions e 68 NORWICH UNION TIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. U. Burghardt. Jr. Resident Agent 371 SUte St. Money To Loan On Real Estate T. K. FORI) (Over Ladd Bush Bank) AUTOMOBILES Repairing la JACK 1ERFER. AIOTOR K KIM I It, the shop that they all like. 410 S Commercial Mrift. Iaf3 FOR REXT Apartments 2a TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, CLEN n'. reasonable, close fn. 355 Marion Mr t. Phone 13a I. 2d fti AT 713 NORTH COMM ERCIAL STREET I liavc two, throe and fiv -room apart ment for rent; newly painted and pa pered rent reasonable. Call Tuesday and look them over. 2af3 TWO LARGE COM PORTABLE TWO room apartments, furnished, business block. (15 a ad $20. Phono '630 2a-f3 THREE ROOM FURNISHED APART ment, groirtid floor, close in, phone, light and water furnished. T. G Al bert, 800 Mill St. 2af3 FURNISHED 3 ROOM APARTMENT fur nace heated, gai. 945 8. 12th. Phone 8725. 2a-f2 FOR RENT1 2 ROOM APTS., . heat also one room apis, street, phone 928. FURNACE 1191 Oak 2a-f2 THREE ROOMED FURNISHED A PART -roent, furnace heat, private bath. 545 Court St. Phone 1037. 2a f3 APARTMENTS AND HOUSE. PHONE 2-f3 056J. FOR .KENT MODERN APARTMENT, Houses furnished and unfurnished by Gertrude J. Mi Page. 2 j21tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS, Oommerflal. 891 NO. FOR RENT Houses 2b FOR RENT A LARGE HOUSE, COR ner C'ottag and Center; housekeeping and room renting uses. For particu lars, see ffm. Fleming Apartment. 2l-f3tf THE LARUE HOUSE AT CORNER Outer and Cottage at. See Wax. Flem ing, S41 State at. Also a j r. bunga low and a 6-room modern with base ment. 2h f3tf FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHED house, SCO Mill. Phone. 1763 during i office hours; rail Sundav and evenings at 860 Mill or phone 1533W. 2h-f3 FOR RENT Rooms 12ESIRABLE ROOM AND BOARD REA8 onably pxirod for.l .or -2 Inquire home, : close in, not ether boarders. Phone 467J. ; 2c-f5 rOR RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms. Leonard hotel, 254 N. Front etreet- PRINTED CARD8, SIZE H" BV 7V4" wording "Furnished Room," price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Of fie. Ground floor. -FOR SALE Miscellaneous ; i ii BALED CLOVER HAY. Binegar. Cull 1U3F13. 10. B. ( Lewittou road. 4 fy FOR SALE PRUNE TREES. LOGAN Farm Nunery, Rt. 0. Box 121, Salem. Oreron 4 f3 TO HIRE A HORSE FOR ONE i"nth. for- rarden plowing. Rt. 7. Box 72, Wells. 4-f6 ALCAZAR COMBINATION WOOD AND gas range,. Will sacrifice for cash. Phono H23J. 4 13' SWAP - Phon ALCAZAR WOOD, GOAL AND ige for 101 e iiz.mI. 4 VI TERRY W.OTH DRAPERIES. VERY beautiful patterns and colorings, l.o Tnrd. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. ' 4-fG A LAB A ST INF., known wall shades. Max THE NATION'S BEST tint, many new pastel O. Buren. 179 N. Coin l 4 f5 MAIKNIAN'Y BED. DAVENPORT WITH . tnulberrv upholstering, and a black - Harlcy Davidson bicycle. Phono 1173W Monday. OVAI. PICTURE FRAMES. PORTRAIT sire. 14-20. with convex glass, walnut and roid finishes. S3.23. Max 0. Bu- Ten 1 170 Vo. Ciim'l. 4-f6 MeCLANAHAN INCUBATORS CHEAP Thone 1I8F2. i-FOR SALE-t-TWKNTY SASH, 36 IT.; Route 1 I 4-f5 Box 11. ! ' ' ; 1 ' i f i 6 TON MILRURN WAGON GOOD shape, cost over $200. For quick sale, 9 7j. A II. Crawford, Rt. 1, Lyons. Oregon. 1 i ; , H tinfe.uaiiK BREAD. CAKE. PIES ! nnkLro. hked ' to order. Also lka1 lMn macaroni and cheese po ... ..1.4 .t Tilt N. Hizh. Phone ninw '7 mOKIN-U APPLF.8. DELIVERED, u 1kx. Ward K. Ricbardbon, Phono 491. 4 15 GOOD CLEAN OATS, VETCH AND ITAY Will deliver. Phone 86F3. 4-u roil I'PJOHNS GLADIOLUS CATA- logue, phone 1700 or address D. Inkn am K I.ihertv. Salem. 417 rnSTOV HATCHING "SAVB: MONEY l l,v nainff the bis Wish bono Incubator. Lloyd Lee. p.h,.n B2K21 I i 4jiJlI Willamette Valley Nursery v.. . . nt Ir Bean's Big French . i tar & Iua walnut and fil t j Mathis. Rt. 7. Salem Silverton highway. 1'hor.f 103F3, 4 tf ha vp vntrn nTRVITURE OR AUTO n.l nnllohed ' With KW4K ahino" or will sell yon the ""',"' A aa, 4ba, VAtm elf r.Oe and SI. v ill ww my v vi as . also Tour wallpaper or . a ..j t o Box 423 or 4-jl5lf I'bona 1820. Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Oregos aongs together , with lino collection of patriotic aonga. uinl-l (and miST Oja IUDI "' ALL-FOR 35e. ! (SpecUl price in quantltr Especially adaptable for school comma . ity or homo aiogtog. Bend for I lir..i..MCAnretitP i WSSWril aJVSSSra v 70 psgea now In Its third editloBi Publiabed br riV.',ir nrinrtrna MONTHLY One week (six insertions) Be One month 20e Six months' contract per mo....l5e 12 months' contract, per mo 12o Minimum tor any advertisement 25o UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. Have your machine repaired by the people who make it. Special rental rate to students. 300 Masonic Bldg. Phons 262. n28tf fOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cents a bundle. Circulation department Oregon Statesman. PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY '7t4" wording "For Sale. Enquire at." Price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office. Ground Floor. FOR SALE Livestock 4a 2 HORSES. GOOD WORK HORSES NOT old; 7'. miles on Dallas highwav. C. n . Ht-nkI". i;i f( HIS FOR SALE IT ION E 10K:i. 4 a -M PIGJ $3 EACH C. JOHNSON, , Salem. Phone 3'JFII. lit. 7 la fti Box 1 1: Why Delay? Place Tour nr.lf, Tnr ioo ..;,v. with the White HatcherT. th hateherv with a reputation for good chicks. Safe arrival, full count guaranteed. Mem ber of Accredited Hatcheries Sonoma County. "A" and "AA" stock. Piice right. Send for catalog. WHITE HATCHERY. Petaluma. Calif. o28tf HELP WANTED Agents 5a BECOME REPRESENTATIVE LARGE concern. Establish your self perma nently. Simplified method selling shoes factory to wearer. Your daily profits larce. Apply immediately. STYLE-ARCH SHOES, Cincinnati. 5a-n HELP WANTED Female 5b AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR G EN- eral housework references rtquired. 290 N. Front street. fb-f." HELP WANTED Male 5c ELECTRICITY TAUGHT BY EXPERTS. Earn while you leurn at hom . Elec trical Book ii nd Proof LeKxous Free. Satisfaction guaranteed and position secured. Write to Chief Engineer Cooks, 2144 Lawrence aye., Chicago- 5cf3 WHOLESALE HOUSE, 13 SUCCESSFUL years with a xtrong, u 11 advertis d line for retail trade. We have imme diate opening for two callable men with good records. Men able to earn four to i ight thousand dollars. Perman-nt connection. Miles F. Bixlrr Co.. Dent. 3i:-, Cleveland. Ohio. 3c-t.i MEN WANTED TO SELL OUR GOODS in country or city. Be independent; have a business of your own, with St. ady income. We sell on time if you wish. Team tir auto needed for coun try. No outfit for city. We train you no selling experience needed. Mr Connon & Company, Winona, Minn. Mention this paper. 5c-f3 SELL . MADISON "BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct from our factory to wearer. No capital or experience re quired. Easily sold. Big profits. Write for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS. 503 Broadway. New York. HELP WANTED Miscellaneous 5d TYPISTS ADD MATEIM T.LY TO your income by typing authors' manu scripts. Free detailed information on request. R. J. CARXES, Authors' Ag ent, Tallapoosa, Go. 3d 13 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people. Ad dress the Pacific Homestead, Statesman Bide.. Sslem. Or. HELP WANTED Salesmen 5c SALESMEN GET THIS Make bijr money selling T'inko Servic' to l'ti!ieviy". Your money every day.' Nothing like it. Very at tract ive Needed in every home and bnibling. Dept. P., Twinko Mf. Co.. Monrovia. Cal. f:i LOST AND FOUND WILL PARTY WHO PICKED UP black silk umbrella at postoffice aft'-r 3 p. m. notify Statesman office? f-f5 PERSONAL YOUNG. ATTRACTIVE LADY. VERY wealthy, wishes early marr'age. ( El nore), B 1022, Wichita, Kans. 7 f3 CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY. BOOKLET FREE. Address HOME CLUB, L-Box 23, Grand Papids, Mich 7 f3 ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'S strvl Snd bir'h date and dime for trial reading. Eddy, 1085-B., Suite 3-A, Kansas City, Mo. 7-f3 MARRY BUSINESS GIRL. 27, WORTH $73,000: -widow, 26, worth $50,000; owns own business: wants kind, help ing husband. Katherine, 5f)7 Lander shim bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. 7-f3 MARRY IF LONELY: MOST SUCCESS ful "homemaker:" hundreds rich; strictly confidential: reliable years ex perience. Descriptions free. "The Successful Club." Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland. Calif. 7-f3 LEADING CLUB, LARGEST, MOST RK liabl for lonply piople. confidential ; decriptions free in plain sealed en velope. Thousands wealthy members. ; v -rit. K.vtnlilislif-d 20 yars. Old Reliabla Club (name copyrighted). i Mrs. wrubel, Box 2, Oakland, Cali- fornia. 7-f3 GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. I Kti. PQNDENT. Toledo. Ohio. 7f4 IOULTRY 7a THE I. X. L. HATCHKKl, rt.iAiAM.v Calif., i the only natciiery. in reia luina ' producing grade A A chicks ex clusively. Authent'c records of double pedigreed cockerels and accrlited by the Sonoma County Farm Bur-au. Write now for inforinatiouland spring prices. "( RHODE ISLAND RED HATCHING egg and cockerel. M. M. Mage-, Rt. Sa lem. Phone 81F25. THE AVERAGE HEN lK)Y.Si NOT PAY hens bred to lay a tirolll. l-ureureu pay big profits, dreds of poultry and have mado nun men wealthy, rour- teen trios oi worm brel chickena will U- given free to am bitious men, women, boys and gT. Send name and address and full infor ..tKn will be mailed l'uroGrd rjii.F Vnrthwst Poultry Jowr- Mlrin reOTii. DeP t. A. 7a J-t'ttf Miscellaneous 0 CARPET AND KCG WEAVING. 9t5 S. o fb 13th. Phono ALL FOR $5 w- k... an automobile Accident policy paying for total or partial, dis AUo death and hospital ben -tu. Alt foe onlv $3. Ask us about it. Phone 77. i' A. C. BOHRNtJTEDT tit v rim'L . EL.. Ealem, OrciSoti . - I ' - j30t! REAL ESTATE City OWN- HOME WHY KENT Hendricks. U LONGER ? . S. Hunk BECKE A bid;. H f.itf OWN YOL'R OWN HOME Roll IN SOX 12 Oregon Bids NEW MODERN sIX-HttoM llol SE. OX paved street and cur line. Price "'0, some terit.. J.'1." Fairgronnds ro-l 8 13 LIST Your vacaiii loti or house nnd lot thai is for sale with Childs & Bechtel. 540 State strict, jf xnu want quick act ion. 8 f:itf WE NEED MORE LISTINGS ON ME dium priced town ropertie-. H.-ive a numi r of afiplicai ions on hand. Come ill and ste u. The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Slate st. 8-f3lf I75" CAS! I OK HALF CASH rooms with most everything TAKES. 5 vou want. East front view, lot sont'i furnac , fireplace and iarc. Bet k & Hen dricks, I". 3- itjtik bldg. 8 f;;tf NEW HOMES -BARGAIN PRICES Four modern homes, finished and un der eonstract ion. close in. paved stre-t and excellent location. The price and terms ar" n snap. Hewlett, phone 171lW. 4"5 X. Jltli. 6 -f;:t AT A tJREAT BARGAIN" PRICE, LO cated on South High s'rcet.isix large mod tii, coinl'urtabli rooms, with every known convenience; cost $.V2ou less than three years auo to build, besides the cost of kits and street . improve ments; n'ce yard, garden and chiek n house; now r nted for 4." per month. Am a iifn-reideut and will sacrifice for $."U"H. Some terms can be ar ranged. J. A. COBB, Marshficld. Oregon. 8 fti IX LARGER CLOSE IN" HOMES WE have two dandy at $tj3oi and $73iu. Quick possession, and in center of all schools. Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank bldg. 8-ftf 5 ROOM COTTAGE. BATH AND El. EC trie lights, very cloe in, on N. Sum mer street, $l!iio cash $500 and 2'i a month and interest. O-room semi-n-oilern house, larie burn, best residence, i lose in, -$2iU0; good t rms. Beautiful suburban home near city lim its, 4 rooms and breakfast room, ga rage, n and every modern conveni ence: 4',2 acres in fruit: ?;!ui) will take citv property as part payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. infi Oregon Bldg. 8-f3tf LOOK AT THESE VALUES 5-rooin plastered house, bath, toilet; a fine home, at $2300, $1000 down. $7."0O buys a 9-room house. $160 income a month: $ tooo down. A good 5-room plastered linu -, pave ment, side-.ralks, close in: .flooo down, $25 month. $4400 buys a fine modern bungalow, near Capitol tt.. $2250 cash. A fine J-roopi modera home, in, at $.1500. lono down. List your proprty with us. We ha-' buyers waiting. We sdl or exchange what you don"t want for what vou do want. MO! SAN & I (.RICH. 122 X. Com' I. 8 fntf WELL BOUGHT REAL ESTATE IS AN INVESTMENT WITH INCREASING VALUE. Here is a fine buy: 5-room bunga low, basement, garage, wonderful view. Surely a Hiiap at $3400. Easy terms. For $1800 you can buy a five-room cottage, with ' a-rp ground, dose to car line. Name your o'.vn terms. Think about this buy: I room bun galow, breakfast nook, basement, only 20ot: paved s"reot: east froni.' You may also name your own t rms on this deal. A new I room bungalow, basement fine view; Think 21oo- easy terms 7-room- bungalow, bij lot. paved street, ictraiiee ball, living room, din ing room, kitchen, pantry, sleepmg porch, I b"drooms. huth. toilet, fire place, furnace. dec , -a. shades, acreens, etc. A most biautifil place. Only $i5oo. 20-aere hi-ki-n farm, good 'miildinzs. good road. This place vild a few sears ago for $ Can now- be bought for $3500. V- ry good terms. Always money to loan on real tate. If it is a house, farm, lot, or trade, you want to see me. RICH L. RE I MANX. Realtor. Office phone loin. R s. phone 72'R. 22'J Ore. Bldg. 8 f:jtf LOOK I 8 room house 2 lots, chicken house. barn. A iiiau for $1300 and $200 will handle. 3 room pasterrd house; $800; terms. 0 room nice lot, good location. Ilss garag-1 and wood shed. Price $2350: terms. A irood 8 room ulastered bouse, well located on nared str et. This place nffei-tl at a bargain for $2000 and $100 cash will handle. THOMASON. :;.il . State St. 8 fitf BUSINESS FOR SALE A p:iing confectionery and news stand, best location in town, at a sac rific price. Se. Childs k Bechtel. 340 State street. 8-f3tf 2 -ROOM HOME AND INVESTMENT, clos in. is best buy for a home prop erty that would make good income on sid . Price .:!50O over all. Becke & Hendricks. I". S. Bank bldg. 8-f3tf Best Byys and Exchanges SUidobaker enr in gofd condition for vacant lots or small residence. Ford car for vacant lot. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, gara;e, fruit, psved street, at car line. S3 100; easy terms. 5 room bungalow, basement, fireplace lots of built-in work, paved street, clos in. $3600: terms. 1 acr", 3 room bouse, $750; $350 rash, balance $10 per month at G per cent. Want to secure $1500 loan on Salem residence at 7 per cent for 3 years. 240 acre farm for rent for 3 years Socoloffsky 111 State St. 8 f2tf NORTH SALEM HOME $::000 for cash. Near psved street, school and churches. Neat, comfortable room house, basement without furnace. Two corner lots with nnrch frnit. shade and gard- n. Phone 150311. 1805 X. Church. 8 f9 HAVE A GOOD $1500. running k MORTGAGE years. OF $1000 t! loan. lri . A very neat little- j room house, l.atn. toilet, electric lights. Range heater and linoleum go in. Price $1800; $750 down. J. A. MILLS 311 '.3 State St. 8 f3 LOTS IX CAPITOL ADDITION .$300 $100 down. City lots and business lots for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page. 8j29tf HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR rent by Gertrude J. M. Page. 8 j2ftf FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW SIX room modern bungalow in South Sa lein. Cement walks, cement floor base mctit. fireplace, furnace. ok floors, laundry i trays. Cement floor garage Irfit 50x182 on paved street and only 8V blocks from the corner of State and Commercial street. Priced for short time only at $5500: $2800 cash and balance ou suitable terms. Phone 1781, f FRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7',a" wording. "Rooms to Rent." prica 10 cents each. . Htstesuua Butiaesl .01 I4fc Urvuad floor. ." 8. FOR SALE FOUR ROOM HOUSE. $850. Five room house $2'2oO. Six room house, close in. at $1500. l ive room new bungalow .:I7."0. Apartment houc. close ill, O0O Good business build ing $15,000. Exchange 80aeres fruit and grain ranch in Calif, to trade for dairy farm up to $l".noo. A good house in Salem to trade for 30 to 40 acre farm. Money to loan on farms, ti per (tut. F. L. Wood, 3tl State street. 8;2"lf STILL BETTER Bl.'YS $1000 buys rto'n house, new roof, corner lot : . 2po down Fine new modern bungalow, five rooms, paved street and walk, $2750; $70o down. $4500 buys nine room house, paved street, garage $18C0 buv s five room house, bath, toilet, linoleum in three rooms, range, healer, kitchen cabinet: $iO0 cash. Fine 7-room modem house on paved Street, $:i2iio; terms or trade. If tlore is anything in our line you want, it will pay you to see us. MOISAN & I LRICH. 122 X. Com. 8j27tf NEW HOMES, 3 TO 5 ROOMS. ALL have plaster, bath and hot water; .ltoo to $:I50'. You can move in any in 15 davs. and buv like rent. Recke A: Hendricks. U. S Bank bid;;. 8f:Hf LARCE CORNER LOT. 0 ROOM HOUSE $2700. Large lot 75x45 and room house $1850, for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page. 8 j29tf FOR SALE A (eOOD TEN ROOM house suitable for apartments. 5 blocks from business center. Call owner for terms. Phone 2022.1. 8 j22tf LOTS! N o i .' have got & 1 lee III ( LO'l S! time to i)ts: them. We up. Childs 8 t:;tf the buy and St. s at 175 4o State PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7V. wording "For Rent," price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, on Ground Floor. FOR REXT 5 ROOM FLAT. UXFUR- nished or furnished. $10 and $45. See st OCG Ferry. 8 tf LOTS $100 AND UP; AT $100 DOWN and up Located in most all parts of Salem. For sale bv Gertrude J. M. Page 8 j29tf A HOM E AND INCOME FOR SALE OR Tit DE ffood 10-rooin house, larce l"t, only 3',i blocks north of postoffice. for :fn.oii, 0r trade for a smaller house. Another One of 7 Rooms Clos in. on Church strret. that's a bargain for $0000. Owner living on first floor and the upstairs with a ga rsae rents for ;t." u r month. Want A Smaller House We have a two story modern bunga low, built of best material and v. ork manship: "8 large rooms, bath. 2 toil.-ts, electricity, full eem-ut basement, fur nac, fireplace, stationary wash trays, some built-ins. garage, fruit and nut and shade trees, shrubbery: estra lare lot: well located: pave 1 str et ; at 1 'iO North Summer street. For quick deal pricid low; $55oo with terms, or will take a 5-room house as part pay. A Good Buy Also 70oo. at 860 E street, between Sum mer and Wint-r s'reet, striitly modcru, 7 rooms. Good One Fur $ iooo, with ter:iis. t I SO S. 2:trd street; modern 5-room bungalow, has incut. For Real Estate SNAPS. See CHILDS & BECHTEL. 5 10 State Street. 8-f3tf BARGAINS IX REAL ESTATE 5 acres with good 5 room bungalow located one mile east near Silverton road. Price $2625; on terms. $100 down and $15 per month btiyi a 4 room bouse in S. Salem, Price $800: immediate possession. $250 down and $25 per month buys a good four rooi house with small merit basement, ' plumbing and lights, corner lot. Price $2250. New- up to date modern in every way, bungalow, 5 rooms, in S. Salem. 1 rice $55o0; t'-rms. Go id s.x room hous-- at "235 E. Wil son St. '.s block west of Commercial. Pr.ce $1200; immediate possession, rental $30. -New up to date modern 5 room bun galow in Oaks addition. $'."hio. h room hous. at 17ao Center St., Price $3800; terms. Gooil 7 room house on Cli' iin keta St. lare lot. paved St . $425". Mod' rn up to dt hoice at 1 105 Chimekcn St.. 050o. 7 rooms. 7 room house and lot 75x150 at 1 1 13 S. Com'l. St.. $2800. Lot on X. Capitol St.. near B'-Imoiit $750. Pavement paid, 35xloo. Close in modern home with G rooms at 475 N. Com'l. St., $6500. For v our fire insurance, sec W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors 275 State St.. U. S. Bank Bid;. Phone 51" 8-fltf REAL ESTATE Farms 9 10 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS, Wood, 311 State slr'et. I . I.. 9 fe ll O W E L L 1395W. PRAIRIE FARM- -PHONE 9in'25 REAL ESTATE Timber Oa A good piece of fimher, all grnb oak, 1 II miles to R. R. switch: some stump land; about 40 a. plow land: small house and birn. Enoogh wood to pay for place. Price $80oo; $1000 down and $300 per vear. " per cent See J. A. MILLS. 331 State W. TAXI SERVICE FOR QUICK SERVICE AT LOWEST rates call R'd Top Cab. Phone 1900. Dnv snd night service. USED CARS FOR SALE 11 FOR!) SEDAN, NEW PAIN T. GOOD shape. $100 down, balance ( asy. ;:o5 S. 14th. 11 16 1921 FORD COUPE. .SHOCKS. SPOT, automatic swipe, lots more extras. Ask for Smith. 19J S. Coin'l. M-fS FOR SALE 1922 Over'and touring, run 5000 miles: runs and looks like new; also 1924 lie-ens-. Slim. 1922 Dodge dd'.vcrr. overhauled coruplete'v, cord tires, $."on. 1920 Dodge sedan, looks like n w. runs Al. equipped rord tires ami disc whe, Is. $750. 1921 Dodg" road-.ter. lots of extra equipment, car rebuilt. . 1 1 ". 1916 Dodge touring, good running condition, $100. 1922 Ford road-!er, box on rear, good ligli' d divcry. $25o : terms. BOXESTEEL MOTOR CO. 11 -f SQUIRE EDGEG REAL ESTATE City ftCU K- TVKOlll I ncuo -n so ! aD SeVC ,A IAjir , c MF N THW VQO I Als 7. J I crf erui 5 tlrl ( T-a.TuvlL WcJ, USED CARS FOR SALE 1 1 RED TAG SALE si :jp: USED look : CAR SALE PROGRESS. listen: IN NOW BIG IN No brokerage. No insurance. 1!2I license on !l cars. Large variety 'for yu to m1c t from. Fords Franklin Essex Dodg s CheVTolc ts Cle elated 1 ai'JC- llni.ks Kl.'iiis Ov rbiiids Briscoe dial in rs -Ml ears pfieiss at a big saving that yo'i cannot afford to miss if you ex p 'c t to buy an iiutoniobile tliia season. Terms : Sin it 1 1 pavment down, jou r:de. balance pay as F. W. PETTYJOHN' CO. ;19 X. Com'l St. Phone 12"-'L Sabm, Oregon. 11 -f5 certified Used cars extraordinary models to select from 192 1 LICENSE FREE: Ford touring, (lots of extras) $200 Buiek touring (new pa'.nti. . . 45o Nash roadstej-, (new paint I .. 550 Star touring, driven, very little, 4S' Maxwell touring (i8o Dodgi-. rebuilt 490, 30 1020 1919 I 92 1 1 92 : 192 J 1920 1923 1919 Late Studebaker business coupe 1150 Elgin touring (new paint) 275 1922 Oakland touring .'... . ... 700 COME IN AND EXAMINE THEM CERTIFIED PUBLIC MO'IORCAR MARKET 255 X. Church St. Phone 865 GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH MO tor Co, 210 State. nl-tf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1917 touring ...: 1919 touring , 1920 touring 1922 touring 1923 touring 1923 roadster 1922 rmipe ........ 1922 sedaaii...: 1923 truck I...., 1921 deliver? Other cars from $45 and All cars ar guaranteed. 95 ro .... 145.00 .... 215.00 .... 295.00 .... 385.00 .... .... 400. on ... 495 00 .... 350.00 .. . 200.00 up. S" us before buying. Liberal terms; open evenings Sundays. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Phone 1993 260 No. High and 11 j2otf FINE CAR FOR LADY TO DRIVE good paint, tires and condition, 9-B Franklin touring, extras; cost new $22d0, now $875; Terms. Inquire at this office. Ili27tf FOR SALE OVERLAND SIX IX GOOD shape. Will he sold at bargain if ak en at on.-e. 194 S. Cottage. 1 1 f 3 WANTED Employment 12 DRESSMAKING I SPECIALIZE IN children's - clothes and men's fancy slurt.. Cor. Fir and Laf lle. f5 PLAIN" .Mrs. SEWING BY DAY OR John Javcs. :t tl S. 25th PIECE 12 f i WANTED Miscellaneous 13 WANT lO 1 1 EAR FROM OWNER H A V ing farm for sitle; give particulars and lowest price. Jphn J. Black, Chippewa Falls. Wis. 13-f3 JrNTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER OF "Sfarm. for sale for spring delivery. Answir immediately, staling lowest price and full part icubirs. O. HAW J.E Y. Baldwin. Wis. 13 -f 3- W A X TED TO SKCl RE A $1500 LOAN on Salem res d-nc . Socolofky, :t 1 1 State Si. ' !3-f5 REGISTERED JERSEY COWS WANT ed. State what you have and price. Address "Dairy Farm," Car States man. d4tf And repairing. For quick service. . call Phone orders or call at 22nd and D. D13F8 WOOD FOR SALE 14 DO YOU WANT GOOD WOOD AT REAS onablc prices?: Then call 1879W for ash. old or second growth fir Prompt delivery1. ll.j'26tf OAK. ALSO SECOND GROWTH 4 ft., $7.50 cord. We do hauling of all kinds. Insured carrier. Phoue 19F3 M. D. Mayfield. 1 lj25tf FOR DRY WOOD Phone 77F2. CALL 0. D. QUERY, - n27tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mill wood Dry second growth fir Dry old fir. 16 inch BLOCK mill wood is the best fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivety and reasonable price. Fred X. Wells, 280 8. Chorea, Phone 1542. n9tf YMCA Midgets Win From Albany Sophomore Team The Y. M.'C. A. ,Midget3 mo tored to Albany yesterday after noon and defeated the fast Albany sophomore team by a score of 19 to 7. The game was played at the Community house. The Albany team defeated the Midgets in a close game in Salem two weeks ago. The Midgets' teamwork was much improved, and at .no time were they hardpressed. Art Ham ilton chaperoned the Midgets. Sehwabbauer. one of the for wards, was High point man for the Midgets. ' ATE Experience SpcaU to Youth CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ARCHITECTS FREEMAN & STRUULE, REGISTERED of Commerce Architects, 510 Bauk Building. AUCTIONEER G. SATTF.RLF.E Auctioneer!!!.; Room 15, Breynian Bloc I'lfon - 1st or 1211.) f I -tf BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO -LITE B A T T E R Y SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electriral 'work. Ferri Bros., Phone 1803, 418 Cturt. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. . BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY repairing; 387 Court. cles and BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PET LAND, BIRDS, FLOWERS Pets. 2 7 1 State. CARPET AND RTJG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any size Without seams. New mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff ruzs. I3V and Wilbur streets. Phone 115 l. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES disease. 153 8. High St. ANY KNOWN , Phone 283. CHIROPODISTS DR. S. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE SA University Sciences, Chicago. J. a son icTempte. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT fc SCOFIELD, P. S. C. Chiropractors, 414 19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87: res. 828-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suits cleaned and pressed, $1.50. Suits sponged and pressed, 50c. 1215 S. Com. s Phone 1868 CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, -CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Surveya, esti mates. Jno. II. Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg Phone 775. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 N. Summer street. Phone 671-J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building." Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 18o7R or 59F12 d26tf CORSETS SPIRELLA CORSETS BOLD BY ALICE A. Miles, 451 North 2 let. Phone 1902J. DRESSMAKING THE ADSITTS, DRESSMAKING. Phone 2085R. 352 X. 12th St. fG DRESSMAKING A X D DESIGNING Carrie Fisher, McCornack Bldg., over Miilers. nl5tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 11" BY 7'2" wording "Dressmaking"; price 10 cnU each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. DRUG STORES WM. 17 N El MEYER p N Commercial. "JUST DRUGS,' Phone 107. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO building. Phone 1200. -MASONIC ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 X. Liberty. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN House wiring ty hour or contract. Es timates furuikbed. Phoue 980. 414 Court St. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEO trical machine repairmg, contracting. 337 Court. Phone 488. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the weat. The articles and advertise ments are of special int'-rest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com- 1 mercial street. Salem. Oregon. iF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST ' tarm paprr, send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. FINANCIAL LOAN'S Farm and City, lilierul rates and payment Most privileir s HAWKINS 205 Ore Bid;. & ROBERTS. Salem; Ore. . f3 tf CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO., General contracting and building esti mates gladly furnished. Phoue 18o7R or 59F12. d26tf 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property. Reserve De posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land, Or. FARM LOANS LESS INTER E S T, longer time, no commission. Protects against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly instalments, pre pay ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room 2, over Ladd & Bush bank. LOANS LOANS UJANS can make your farm or city loans, best service given. If you need a loan, see me; and if yon have money to place, see me I always have takers. G. W. Laflar, Oregon bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL FARM LOANS No additional expense ANDERSON k RUPERT, 400 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decorations. C. T. Breithaupt. florist, 123 X. Liberty Phone 380. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC- tors. 210 Center. Phone 1 0. FURNACES SEAGROVB FOR FURNACES SIBLl- coo Pipeies, 8j, lltto terry St. Phone 885W. o2 4tf FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for less money. 372 Court, Phone 461. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second band furniture; 271 N. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING, PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Busicka. n29tf SALEM ELITE HEM STITCH I NO pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon bldg. Phone 379 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING .stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN, IIOMEOPATHIST. Does a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, and Drocsy, arising from diseases of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Offica and resi dence, 296 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or, Phone 147. JUNK I JTJNX! JUNK WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR any kind of stoves, furniture, metal, paper -and junk. Willamette Bargain House, 975 North Commercial. Phone 588. nl8tf LADIES TAILORING D. H. and MOSIIER TAILOR women. 474 Court Sr. FOR MEN LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest largest b?st. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; IS Broadway. Phone 15. 04 COURT STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Msterm y Home and Rest nanitarium, 1899 State. Phone 527. ill MEDICAL MOUNTAIN' BALM Phone M7-W. COUGH REM EDY MUSIC LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music. Semi-classic and ballads 1 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Mc Cornack Bldg. MUSIC STORES SHERMAN. CLAY t CO.. PIANOS Steinways, DuorArt and others. Moore's Music House, 415 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PH0XO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. II. L. Stiff Furni ture Co.. Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER chronic diseases; Phone 110. -' ACUTE AND 415 Oregon Bldg. NURSES FOR 1 1: HtACTICAL iM. NURSE PHONE n'35tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND Pearcy Bros., 237 SHADE State. TREES COMPLETE. LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co.. 426 Orion Bldg.. Phone 75. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co., 325 State street, opposite Ladd & Bush Bank. "Use Quality Proven Shur ons." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg. Rooms 301 to 304 PAPEEHANGINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLEXX ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMIXE IN B FACT I ful colors: $1 does a room. Mox O. Buren. 179 X. Commercial. PHYSICIAN Or PHTSIOTHERAPHT DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF FH Tel etherapy, treats all ailments, women's ailments especially. 203 N. Commercial street. Phone 2005M. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools cleaned and dead animals removed Garbage and refuse of all kinds remov ed by the month. Reasonable rates Phones: Office 529; residence 2058. i ....I. ' 1 EADIAT0E8, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS, BODIES mad or repaired. J. C. Pair, 230 StateBL SECOND HAND OOODfl WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTIJ ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 342 North Commercial Phone 1368W. STOVES AND STOVE REP AI KINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National : fence, sizes 20 to 28 in. high. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove) Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. ' TRANSFEB-HAULINQ WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0C8E hold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make eoun- . try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call oa us for prices. Wa five food measure, food quality and good aervice. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 030 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. ' Ct . our rates. TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stage Terminal, Salem. Oregon. , . SALEM EUGENE ' Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. as. 11:15. a m.; 1:15 p. m.; 3:15 p. m.; 5:15 p. m. 7:30 p. m.; to Corvallis only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Orero. 8ALEM-SILYERT0N DIVISION . Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: . 7 a. ro; .11 a. m.; 5 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a. m.; 1 p. m.; G p. m. Salem-Ind?penJene-Monmoath Divisions : Leaves Salem, Central Stag Terminal: 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. so. ' 5:10 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ITotal: 8:15 a. m.: 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. as 4 p. id.; 6:30 p. m. Leaves Central Stag Terminal, Baled for Dallas at: 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m. 8:10 p. as Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas at 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. W make connections at Salem to ah parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. -J. W. PARKER, Oeaersl Manager. VETERINARIAN FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 220 South Liberty. Thone 1191 Res. Phone 1948 J. n WATER - - SALEM WATER, LIGHT sY POWEB CO Office, 801 South Commercial St. Tea p-r cent discount on domestic flat rite paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any cans unless water is shut off yonr premises. AUTOMOBILES Tops lb Auto Tops HULL'S TOP SHOP. 256 State St. lb f3 NEW CORPORATIONS The following articles of incor poration were filed here yesteir day. Northrup Acres Water com pany, Portland; incorporators, J. B. Smaller!, D. L. Cleaves, H. L, Buchanan; capitalization, $2000. The Flash Light Holder, Inc., Portland; incorporators, W. B. Ross, Lee Rusk, Rachel Kemp; : capitalization, $10,000. The DeBellis club, Portland, in-'; corporators, John DeBellis, Rocco' Tunzi, Ralph DeBellis; assets. $750. V Standard Gold Mining company,' Grants Pass; incorporators', Herb ert H. Warner, Martin Rozeruan, Isaac Best; capitalization, $100,-' 000. Northwest Legal Adjustment, company, Portland; incorporators, Mattie S. B. F. $1000. Notice by the C Sever, Zoe E. Lindas, Lindas; capitalization. of dissolution was A. Smith Timber filed "com-K pany of Marshfieid. Notice of dissolution was by the Heyburn Hardware pany of Bend. Hied com- Officer (just bawled out). Not a man in this division will be given liberty this afternoon.; Voice Give me liberty orj give me death! J Officer Who said that? Toice Patrick Henry Awg wan. It must be awful to feel grouchy and have nothing to kick about. BY LOUIS RICH AKD moyim 1 :--'V ft tt ' i '.1S B. Cvmioereitl bl. oaum, w. I