The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    .1 "
Final Service Tonight
I Tonight the successful series of
evangelistic meetings tha have
been conducted by Envoy Jesse In
man at the. Salvation army hall
will be brought to a close. In
spite of the bad weather the at
tendance has been considered fine.
Envoy Inman has preached what
have been considered powerful ser
mons and when it is remjembered
that he is a man of 75 years and
has- been through some of the
most trying experiences and expos
ed to many things that would
have brought to a close many a
life he Is classed as one of the
modern miracles showing that the
day for them is not passed. En
sign llolbrook says that he hope
that as many as the hair will hold
will avail " themselves of the
chance to hear him speak tonight.
China Painting
Lessons, phone 1788W3.
Bicycle In Stolen
That his bicycle was stolen was
the copmialnt made to-the police
yesterday by Vernon Mentzor, 507
North Twentieth.
Health Through Chironracti
Mild treatment. Dr. Itedmond,
328 Oregon building. - Tel. 1C38.
- f3. .
Wtjen Story Featured
The lead story in Colliers, issue
of February 9, is the first install
ment of a two-part story entitled
The Outlander1 by Albert Rich
ard Weijen of Salem. The story
opens with a quotation' of lines
from Gertrude Robison Ross' su
perior poem "I Was Male of Th's
and This." As a short storv
craftsman Mr. Wetjen is register
ing high in recent months, easily
above the average of, American
short story writers and with a
considerable' margin above any
Radiate Love and Cheer where
ever they go.
Seo our .complete line.
Little Lady Store
Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
120 N. Court m. Phone 402
We Pay Cash
Dn Italian Prune Trees. Good
Prices on Walnuts, Seedling Cher
ry Tres; 8c to 15o.!,,General Nar
ery Stock, Sales Yard and Office,
644 Ferry. St. . ; . ; ,,
A J. Mathls, Prop.
Office Phone 190. Res. 1140M
You Should Know
That we diagnose, locate and
toeasure, from a drop of blood any
Unease active or latent. j
We purify the blood and cure
(nbt electricity). 95 per cent of
lancers, tuberculosis, goiters, dia
betes, female and digestive disor
ters, etc.
The Era Clinic
1484 State St.
Free Public Lecture Friday,!
7:30 P. M.
Wm. Neimeyer
In Business For Your
175 N. Com'l. Phone 167
411 Oregon Bldg. Telephone 457
The Seavey Bell Insurance
n General Insurance
BUty" Bell . Frank Wagar
1 - ' -
'. hydro-electric !
therapeutic institute
(Formerly Dr. Scheki) jf
240 S. Cottage St.
PHONE - - - US2
The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. Skttl-
fni. Painless Adjustment that
gets results. '
Osteopathic Physician and
228 Oregon Bldg. Balena
: ' Osteopathic 1
Physicians and Surgeons
The only physicians In Salem us
ing Dr. Abram'f method of
tronjlc Diagnosis and Treatment.
- I . . I. ' ' !
BOO 17. S, Natl Bank Bldg. Salem
Established . 1 868 .
General Banking Business
; Office Hours from
I Other OrPfnn write. nt nretann f
. . M h V., -IV Hi..
His stories are appearing in
Everybody's, Colliers, The Blue
Hook, and others. Mail copies of
Colliers containing Mr. Wetjen's
latest story were received in Sa
lem yesterday.
Mazdas Reduced
Mazda lamps reduced from 32c
to 30c. Salem Electric Co:, P. S.
Barton, prop: f3
Former Resident Writes
L. W. Kobbins has written to
the Chamber of Commerce for in
formation regarding the leading
rose eulturist in the vicinity and
for a 1924 catalog. In his letter
he states that he was born in Sa
lem in 1867 but has not been here
for 40 years. Mr. Robbins gave
his address as 533 East Fifth,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Guthrie to Address Class
F. B. Guthrie, field man for the
Oregon Growers association, will
address the Live Wire class of the
Leslie Methodist church at 9:45
o'clock this morning. For four
and a half years Mr. Guthrie was
in Africa as an industrial mission
ary. Wanted to Secure k . .
A loan of $1500 on Salem resi
dence. Socolofsky, 341 State. f3
Cigarette Smoker Fined
His second trip before Marten
Poulsen, police Judge, cost Walter
Chance $5 Saturday. He was ar
rested by Officer White for smok
ing a cigarette.
Will Iio Interesting
The young people's anniversary
that is to take place at the Salva
tion army hall Monday night is to
be an interesting affair, according
to Ensign and Mrs. llolbrook, the
commanding officers of the local
corps of that organization. The
little folks have been practising
for the entertainment that they
are to have part in. Tableaus
and recitations and special singing
is to be part of the program. At
this annual affair the prizes for
regular attendance are given and
the young folks try to make this
program as attractive as possible.
A cordial invitation is extended to
ail to come and see the program
and a pleasing program is prom
Baby Chicks
Second hatch ready for delivery
Monday, Feb. 4. All our varie
ties. Lower prices this year. Sa
lem Cbickeries. 558 State St., Sa
lem. f3.
Will Broadcast Lecture
A lecture entitled "The Battle
of Santiago," which will be mainly
about the feats of the famous old
battle ship Oregon, will be broad
cast from station WJZ, New York,
at 10 o'clock p. m., New York
General Office Practice
Cancers Treated
Office, Tyler's Drag Store
157 S. Commercial Street
Sea Foods a Specialty
Experienced Caterers
Court Street, Near liberty
Government Loans on Farms
BV2 per cent
202 U. s! Bank Bldg.
Excellence is the Lever
upon which we depend to move
large quantities of coal. While
our prices are the same as those
for ordinary coal we strive to
make those prices pay for more
and bigger coal satisfaction. How
well ws succeed can be learned by
a trial. Why not make the test
when it costs no more. Give us a
Larmer Transfer Co.
469 State St. Phone 930
1 0 a. m. to 3 p. m. ;
time, which will be 7 o'clock Pa
cific coast time, Thursday night,
February 7. The lecture will be
sent by Lewis H. Rogers, who once
sailed on the Oregon and who is
author of the book ' From the
Golden Gate to the Tartar Wall,"
a history of the old fighting ship.
Suspension Order
The public service commission
ha3 suspended in tariff schedules
of the Tualatin Valley Electric
company, the Yamhill Electric
company and the Sheridan Light
& Power company the provisions
relating to extensions of electric
energy. The suspension is made
because the provisions are at var
iance with the policy of the com
mission and the order is pending a
hearing that has been set for Feb
ruary 15 in Portland.
Dr. Anne Ilrekke
Osteopathic physician, surgeon.
Phone 859, 469J. f3.
Auditor Employed
H. B. Fenwick of Portland has
been employed for the state pub
lic service commission, taking a
place that has been vacant since
the death of C. F. Hagemann sev
eral months ago. The work has
been done in the meantime by O.
R. Lester of the department. Mr.
Fenwick comes highly recommend
ed. Recently he has been with
the department of public works
of the state of Washington as an
investigator of railway valuations,
preparing data to be submitted to
the interstate commerce commis
sion. With Tax Commission
George T. Frey, formerly with
the First National bank, has taken
a position as cashier for the state
income tax department, lie begfen
work the middle of the week.
f 2 cords at 98c, while they last.
They fit any iron or appliance.
Hurry! Salem Electric Co., F. S.
Barton, prop., Masonic Temple.
Phone, 1200. f3
Attend Portland Meeting
Dr. M. C. Findley and Dr. B. L.
Steeves were among the physicians
attending a meeting of the Medical
College of Surgeons in Portland
Saturday .evening.
Burghardt Offers Prize-
William H. Burghardt. Jr., of
fers an annual prize of $25 to the
best student in certain subjects
n mathematics in Willamette uni
versity. The prize will be award
ed publicly at the commencement
exercises in June. The title of the
prize will be the Burghardt Prize
in Mathematics.
Accepts Position
Graham P. Sharkey, formerly
with the Standard Oil company,
has accepted a position as sales
man with the F. W. Pettyjohn
company, dealers in automobiles
located at 219 North Commercial
street, Salem. He is an exper
ienced salesman and is very en
thusiastic about the Oldsmobile
line, that is now handled by this
Raby Chicks
Second batch ready for delivery
Monday, Feb. 4. All our varie
ties. Lower prices this year. Sa
lem Chickeries, 558 State St., Sa
lem. f3.
Legion Has Opening-
Monday night Capital post No.
9, American legion, will hold an
open meeting to which represen
tatives of the city, county and
state offices and institutions have
MORGAN At a local hospital
Feb. 1, 1924, John F. Morgan,
85, husband of Ellen Morgan,
and father of John Morgan of
Crescent City, Cal. Funeral
services will be held from the
Rigdon mortuary Monday after
noon, Feb. 4, at 1:30 o'clock
Interment IOOF cemetery.
WORLEY Ridley Byron Worltfy,
85, died at his home, 487 North
High street, Friday, Feb. 1.
Survived by the following child
ren: Mrs. W. W. Birtchet and
Hugh Worley of Salem; Mrs
Otto Byerly of Polk county, Mrs.
Nora Henelin of San Francisco,
and Thomas Worley of Corvallis
Funeral services will be held
from the Rigdon mortuary Sun
day, Feb. 3. at 11 a. m. Inter
ment, Lone Oak cemetery.
talent JHortuarp
Pooue 165S
efficient Work Mod ents Prtci
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalm era
I , pneqxialei Serried ,
been invited. In addition invita-
Uions have been issued to each of
the luncheon clubs which will be
represented by several men, none
of whom are ex-service men. There
will be a short entertainment fol
lowed by a feed.
Army Store to Move
The Salem branch of the United
Army Stores, which has been lo
cated for the last four years at
230 South Commercial street, will
move about March 1 to 197 North
Commercial, the storeroom for
merly occupied by Gale & Co.
10-inch Block Wood
Three large loads for $15.00.
Quick delivery. Fred C. Wells,
phone 1542. f3.
To Demonstrate Mah Jongg
At the Nelson & Hunt drug
store Monday and Tuesday there
will be a demonstration of the
playing of Mah Jongg. This will
be given by Mr. and Mrs. N. Paul
sen of Portland. Mr. Paulsen is
manager of the Far East Import
ing company.
Hoop Contest Called Off
The basketball game scheduled
for last night at Chemawa between
the Indians and Albany college
quintet, was called off.
Raby Rorn at Macleay
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ramsden of
Macleay are the parents of a boy,
born January 30. The new arriv
al has been named Dolphie Eu
gene. Harold Ij. Cook
Public Stenographer, 416 Ore
gon Building. Phone 412. f3
Contagious Cases Increase
Reports that should have been
in a week ago Friday and Satur
day swelled the weekly report for
contagious disaeses completed yes
terday by Dr. William B. Mott.
city health officer. There were
50 new cases coming to his at
tention during the week, in com
parison with the 32 the previous
week and 4 2 the week before that.
Paving Petitions Filed
Petitions to pave two streets,
one of which is the shortest in the
city, will probably be presented to
the city council at their next meet
ing Monday night. The petitions
are for Stewart street, in Parrish
Grove addition, filed by R. A.
Harris. The other is for Shade,
a street one block in length, also
in the Parris Grove addition. This
petition is being circulated by Mrs.
Buffe-Morrison. Shade connects
Capitol and Stewart streets. 4.
Contract Is I -ft
Contract for the new cooler
room at the Valley Packing plant
has been let to Edward J. Leon
ard of Portland. In competition
with four other firms the Port
land man was awarded the con
tract for $29,135. Work on the
cooling room is expected to get
under way in about a week.,
Attend Legion Meeting
Governor Walter M. Pierce,
George White, adjutant general,
and George P. Griffith, state vice
commander of the American le
gion, attended the Yamhill county
council of the American legion in
Amity Friday night.
C. I. Bishop Returns
C. P. Bishop, who went to Cali
fornia three weeks ago on a busi
ness trip, returned last night on
the Shasta limited. He first went
to Eureka, where he attended the
annual meeting of the Eureka
Woolen mills, then went to San
Francisco where he awaited the
convention of the western division
of the Chamber of Commerce of
the United States which took place
January 29 and 30. Mr. Bishop
reports a wonderful meeting.
Modern Homes
Close in, on paving. Terms like
rent. Hewlett. Phone 171 0W.
Choir Going to Portland
The choiri of the First Metho
dist church will go to Portland to
day and give a sacred concert to
night at the Sunnyside Methodist
church in that city. The choir of
71 voices will be directed by Prof.
E. H. Hobson of Willamette uni
versity, and Prof. T. S. Roberts
will be at the organ.
Panrr Wednesday February Ctli
Derby hall. The 5 Orioles will
play. f3.
Against Income Tax
T. E. McCroskey of Salem, for
merly, manager of the Salem
Chamber of Commerce, is circu
lating initiative petitions for the
repeal of the state income tax. He
was at Albany recently and left a
number of the petitions there. Mr.
McCroskey declares that if the tax
is not repealed the state will lose
many of its Industries.
Stayton Precincts Changed
The voting precinct boundaries
cf Stayton and East Stayton were
changed yesterday by the county
court following a petition of 135
voters of the two districts. In
the future the two precincts will
include the same territory as be
fore but It will be divided diffei
ently. East Stayton formerly in
cluded the district surrounding
Stayton but outside the townsite
limits. Because it was often hard
to find places in which to hold the
election, voters petitioned to have
the precincts divided so that the
division line passed through the
town of Stayton, and each would
' t
. 'ji' fs, Vs;,s
Dr. Mendelsohn
Does Not Belong to Any
HIS PRICES are very rea
sonable: for the mater
ials and service given. More
than one third of a century
of practical iexperience is at
your service. He guarantees
satisfaction in every respect.
If glasses do not give Satis
faction, they will be changed
free for a period of one year.
PHONE 723.
210-11 United States Rank
include a part of the surrounding
territory. It is planned to hold
the election in both precincts with
in the town of Stayton.
Reserved Seats
For conference basketball, at
Hauser Bros. f2
Licenses Issued
Marriage licenses were issued
last night to Gilbert Caiman, Scio,
and Rosa Keneide, Silverton, and
to Charles Bngene Gerton, Aurora
and Martha Rutsch of Mt. Angel.
Would Become Citizens
John Schmidt and Louis Scher
ger, both born in Russia, yester
day filed declaration of intention
to become citizens of the United
States. Mr. Schmidt's father was
naturalized in Canada. In filling
out the declaration of intention
for those desiring it, in the case
of Russia, the party swears to
renounce allegiance to "the pres
ent government of Russia" withr
out specifying just what the gov
ernment may be at the present
time. Deputies in the county
clerk's office look up just what to
write in on tka declaration each
time, since it is so apt to change
and new instructions are received
frequently from the naturalization
On Book of JolJ
A study of the Book of Job will
be presented by Rev. B. E. Kirk
Patrick of the First Methodist
church at the evening service to
night under the title of "Job and"
His Comforters." Special music
will be furnished for the occasion.
Employment Situation Better
An even 100 men applied for
work at the United States employ
ment service bureau at the YMCA
during the weekending Saturday
night. A majority pf these called
the first two days of the week,
but few coming after the hard
rains. Of the 100 men, SO were
referred and 24 reported placed.
There were calls for 3" men. Com
mon labor headed the list, with
5S applicants.- Seventeen were in
demand, referred and reported
placed. Woods laborers were sec
ond with 39 registering, 16 in de
mand, 11 referred and 10 placed.
Two engineers and one farm hand
registered, with one in demand,
referred and placed. Eight cham
bermaids registered, with calls for
four. Three 5 were referred and
two reported placed. Three office
clfrks, female, registered.
Free Instructions
In Mah Jong will be given Mon
day and Tuesilay at the Nelson &
Hunt Xew drug store. Court and
Liberty. f3.
Paved Itoads Many
Salem has 36 miles of paved
roads, according to figures com
piled by the Chamber of Com
merce. In addition towns ntar
Salem have 12 4 miles. Exclusive
of these two classifications there
are 137 miles of paved roads in
Marion county. Other roads are
asilt Solved Bh
rr"HE man who burns
i.JLj our Ca' n to urn
has no worries. He
knows exactly where to
order he knows the! price
will be right and he
knows he will get a
prompt delivery. We ;solve
the coal question for
those who know where
to buy)-
"Our coal la all coal"
Broadway at Hood
PHONE 1855
dirt, 302 miles; graveled, 614;
macadam, 1&, and four miles of
trail. This year Marion county
will build 25 miles of paved roads,
making a-total of 124 miles built
by the county with the $850,000
votPdl five years ago. If the street
pavements and ' paved roads in
Marion county were straight they
would extend nearly to Grants
Pass. The paved streets of Salem
alone would reach almost to, Cor-vallis.
PrcfeiTed Stock
Salem's paper mill. 8 per cent
payable monthly. Hawkins &
Hoberts. f 3
Found Guilty
In the case of the state against
Vail, charged with assault, the
jury found the defendant guilty,
and he was fined $250. Judge
Bingham presided in department
No. 1 again yesterday for Judge
Percy R. Kelly. Judge Bingham
goes to Portland Jhe coming week
and Judge Kelly will open court in
department No. 2 Monday. Wed
nesday is naturalization day,
while cases will be set for hearing
Monday by Judge -Kelly.
Salem Riding Academy
Horse Show Stadium, Fair
grounds. Classes every day in
cludiing Sunday morning, after
noom and evening. Class riding
$1.25, private lessons $2.50, for
one hour. Instructor, C. M. Wil
son. Phone 1191. Vi
AriTStcdi for Xon-Support
For the last two years Mrs. Carl
W. Nelson and her children have
not seen the head of the family
until he appeared in justice court
yesterday afternoon to answer to
a charge of non-support. He was
arrested under an assumed name
in Portland and was committed to
the County jail to await action by
the grand jury, unable to provide
$1,000 bonds- Neison was well
dressed, and upon being informed
that he would have to stay in jail
until March, was bitter toward the
world. He told Judge Kuntz that
he was just beginning to get ahead
and now he would be ruined.
John Carson, district attorney, in
formed him that he was mighty
particular about work all of a sud
den, and while he might be able
to tell his wife such yarns, the
officers would not believe them.
Mrs. Nelson did not know where
he was until advised of his arrest.
Warrants had been issued some
time ago.
Minister Kiwanis Speaker
Charles C. Jessee, a Congrega
tional minister on .the Chautauqua
platform for the last 17 years, will
bei the speaker, for the Tuesday
luncheon of the Kiwanis club. K.
H. Hobson will be the soroist, ac
companied by Dorothy Pearce.
There will be no luncheon a week
from Tuesday owing to ladies'
night ' being observed with a spe
cial program and dinner at night.
Miss Adelaide Lake of Portland,
was in the city for a few hours
yesterday. Miss Lake is a former
Salem newspaperwoman, now con
nected with the Oregonian.
, Mrs. Jack Henderson, of Sheri
dan, was in Salem Saturday.
George P.- Griffith, state vice
commander Of the American le
gion, attended state executive
meeting in Portland yesterday.
W. W. Chad wick, of the Term
inal hotel, was an Albany business
visitor Saturday.
II. C. .Seymour, state boys and
girls' club leader from Corvallis,
was in Salem yesterday.
Miss Roselle Richardson and
Mi33,-FraBtfer"Kibb; teachers at
Central HowellH.were in - Salem
yesterday. '
Joe .Eber oLEroadacres was a
visitor in Salem Saturday.
Mrs. Mabel Odell of Portland
spent Saturday with 'Mrs. A. L.
Mr. and Mrs. N Paulsen of Port
land are visiting their son, E. A.
PauIsenTof the Webb funeral par
lors. Roger Miller of Dallas was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
Mrs. W. T. Brown of Falls City
spent Saturday in the city.
J. D. Lister was in Salem Satur
day from Dallas. '"
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley. left
last night for a visit in California.
Urs. Florence Ash was in Sa-
All Sizes.
, Headquarters For
280..X. Commercial St.
DO you remember your
wedding day? Then
surely you can remember
that flowers predominat
ed on that day. There is
nothing like love's young
dream. Revive It on your
anniversary by sending
her beautiful flowers
from our gardens.
"Say it with flowers"
1276 X. Liberty. Phone 293 J
Phone 1249.
Union Abstract Company
We have a complete set of indices of Marion County
Records. Before parting with your money for a deed or '
mortgage, satisfy yourself that the title is good by get-V
ting one of our abstracts. " v.
V. S. PAGE, President.
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.:
Balem, Oregon
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap- s
pings. Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine,
Drug Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties, :
Re;enacts the Pianist 1
No cultured
home should
be without one
lemj yesterday from her homej aV
Marcola. v'i.i
Willamette Yalley
Transfer Co.
Fast Through Freight to ATI
Valley Point Daily.
Oorrallis - Eugene - Jef feraom
Dallas - Albany-Monmouth
Independence - Monroe
Sprtigf leld '
Metropolitan 0wra Tenor
In Concert
Armory, Feb. 20
Become an Associate Menv-
ber of the Apollo club for the
remainder of the ' season for
$3.50. Entities' you to 2 seats
February concert; 2 seats May
concert Selected and'reserved
before public seat sale." ' .
Send your check to
ALBERT If. GILLE, Treasurer,
1252 Center St."
Big reduction on all cherry and
prune stock get our prices before
buying. . ' I
Sales .Yard Opposite O..E. Bldg., .
at Cherry City HoteL Phone 1758.
345 State St.
W. E. HANSON,. Secretary;