SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1924 "4'i THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON Iiaaed Daily Kicept Monday by . TE2 STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMTAJTT 215 South Commercial St, Salem, Oregon B. J. TTeadrlcka Jan li. Bra4y frank Jaakoiki Manager Editor Manager Job Dept. U ! . ,1 ntXMBE Or THE ASSOCIATED PKESS Tn Aaioelated Preaa la cxcluaively entitled to the ote for publication of all ewa dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the erai iiwi paonsBM aereia. Rv 4. ! HENDRICKS . ' Provident CARLE ABEAM 3 Secretary J. L. BRADY Vice-President . BUSINESS OFFICES Tkoaaa P. Clark Co., New York. 141-145 Wet-36th St.; Chicago, Marquette Build ; i inc. w. a. urouwini, at (Portland Office. 801 Worcester Bldg.. Phone 6637 B Roadway, 0, i, WiUiamt, Mfr.) Baslaese Office Nawa Department ' Job Department TELEPHONES: 23 Circulation Office 23-106 8ociet Editor T 583 683 106 Catered at the Potftofflce in Salem, Oregon, as aeeond-eass matter. SELLING OREGON. TO OREGONIANS." T What could be more timely than the campaign of the Portland Realty Board to sell Oregon to Oregon- lansl "Why I like to live in Oregon," is example of the kind of discussion now taking place at the board's weekly luncheons. A series of such addresses is a tnaono Kv trliiik if ij npnnnooil in cell flrofffin tn it ' j ' board's own members, and through those members to the Oregon people themselves. . I I There could be no plan more timely. The endeavor . i. might well be extended throughout the state. Other ; " business clubs in Portland could effectively join the r ;; tndvement. !. I , It is a kind of education that is sorely needed in this state. We are familiar with what we have, and Afj ' da hot sense our many advantages in comparison with X Other states and other peoples. We put too low an ap- ; praisal . on , our privileges, our surroundings and our comforts because we have never been any wnerc or nave forgotten the discomforts and disadvantages under which we struggled when we lived somewhere else. -' In California, for example, every resident is a I booster for California, and the most they have to boost I, is sunshine.1 Every Californian gets up in the morn j ing and. goes to bed at night with "sun-kissed" or "sun-mad? on his lips. And with the highest respect for that splendid state, it may be added that much of ' its "sun-kissed" is barren ' land ind bleak hills, that an Oregonian wouldn't live on, and a lot . of the "snn-made" stuff is growing in Oregon and branded with a California label. 'But the plan works. -California is well sold to v,faliforniaiTs.-;AndCalifornians'are selling it to the rest .of the world, and selling it at an immense protit. - f - -It's the thing? to do in Oregon. The pessimist can . v be srrovhr things in Oregon that he never heard of, or V he -nrouldn't be. a pessimist. Tell every Oregonian the whole of the wonderful sto!ry of what Oregon does for v, ni .And giveso him, and every Oregonian will be an opt i ; . mist about his state. And when every Oregonian Incomes a believer in Oregon, and a spokesman for Oregon, Oregon will go Y on the map of the United States m brighter and more . beautiful colors than ever before. The Portland Realty Board has hit upon a worth-while plan. Don't you think so! r- t o it- or, and wno honored toe nation. Partisanship has no place in re counting hi9 deeds and fixing his place in history. lie has made his record and it belongs to his lory7 li is our judgment that when values are made Mr. Wilson will live as one of our outstanding presidents, liis individuality, his devotion to the welfare of the country, his integrity and his al most ruthless determination to al ways have his own way made him a figure upon whicn was centered all the venom and malice that us ually is scattered among- many men. He never ran, away from a fight, never shifted responsibility, never hesitated to step in and as sume the leadership. He was president in trying times in times that required just such a leader. He believed in himself and never hesitated to impress his will upon his party in the country generally. Mr. Wilson was recognized as a great democrat, always; but he j will henceforth receive recogni tion as an administrator, as a man of affairs, and as a states man. He was a consummate poli tician, but he was also always a partisan and in every act believed earnestly that he was doing the best for his country. Now that the partisan necessities have pass ed, we can view the man as he was, a great figure emerging out of the school room where his training fitted him for strenuous leadership as the head of a nation that was upset for years and fi nally embroiled in war. With an i iron hand Mr. Wilson held his leadership until his physical pow ers failed. Then, and only then, did he loosen his firm grasp on affairs. The last eighteen months of his administration was a tra gedy which will cot be permitted to dim his fame. The man and the president had done enough up to this time to leave his fame se cure. Speculation is idle as to what would have happened had the ! president's health not failed him. No man can tell. Hut every man knows that this intrepid fighter would have come mighty nearly shaping things his way. palpably emitted for partisan ends, there was danger that this vital point would be obscured. Fortunately, the house naval com mittee, with a deep understanding of the situation, decided to exam ine Secretary Denby and other naval officials and interior de partment officials, to determine whether the Sinclair and Poheny leases are in the best interests of the government. Appearances against ex-Secretary Fall are dark and damaging. But that is no reason why the pub lic should leap to the hasty con clusion that Secretary Denby has acted improperly. He should not be condemned until shown to be corrupt or incompetent. A GOOD KKCOMMKXDATIOX There is nothing like doing a good job well when you under take to recommend a man. Here is one from the Columbus Ohio Recorder which might be used as a model for all recommendations that want to raise the limit to the sky : "Professor George W. Tush has developed into a basso of no mean ability, and is a valuable acquisi tion to St. Paul A. M. E. choir, and the deficit ia the musical ren dition of the choir is very pro nounced when his excellent voice is absent. Tush sings like he likes to, as though he means it and with deliberation, and utters his words so you can understand about what he is singing. Mr. Tush is also an instructor or a whole lot of ability and a number one stationary engineer;" FOOl JSH . UON'TFXTIOXS Now conies Mr. Hoff, state treasurer, wanting '., still another site for the boys' iiidustrial school. This horse play will soon give rise to a suspicion that for sonic reason none ot the men want the site secured. It should be such an easy matter when there are so many sites offered, to select one that would answer ;every purpose. Governor Pierce has a site that ought to meet every objection. Sam Kozer has a sight against which not a single valid Objection can be made, an,d Mr. Hoff is just throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery. The pity of it. Things To 1K The Boys and Girls Statesman The Biggest Little Paper nl the World. Load of Fun 1 J Copyright, 1023, Associated KdJtor. PUTTING IT OVER ON THE GROUNDHOG A PRUNE MARKET The prune market is moving fairly satisfactorily,' but it will not move entirely so until we major on markets. There is no question about the product any more. We can always produce 'enough. The question is about finding a mar ket. It is the selling end that must cause the- concern from now on. If we center on markets we can find a dealer in the United States alone lor more than double the prunes we are now producing. Walla Walla is very much pro voked because the health commis sion broadcasted unfavorable con ditions. It was a mistake to broadcast it. These things should be kept at home and told at home. COMING OF THE KINGDOM The year-clock began to stir and buzz with' a jangling sound. The groundhog turned over in his bed, muffled the alarm and yawning, said, "That means it's February. Time for me to get up." He rub bed his eyes, sleepily. "Such a nuisance, this early rising and I got to bed so late last fall." Th groundhog washed his face in cold water, brushed his hair and went out to look for his sha dow. "It really isn't time for the sun to come up yet," he observed. "I may as well doze a few minutes," and was soon in a deep slumber. When he awoke the sky was gray and dark. "I don't believe the sun's; coming out today," j mourned the groundhog, "and that means I've got to stay up for the summer. I never wanted to crawl back in my- soft bed so badly in my life." Just at that moment a bat. flew along "What are you doing, flying around in the day time?" demanded the groundhog. "It isn't daytime, it's evening," replied the bat. I " " " " ' 1 CASTLE JU'SIXESS It is amusing in watch the at tempt of the wets to befog the prohibition issae in claiming that if one paragraph in the constitu tion is violated, the violator is Immune in another paragraph of the same law. If a man's castle contains a still, mash and moon shine is it his cstle or is it a distillery Or if the castle con tains illicit intoxicating liquors is It his castle, or a store rooni for contraband goods The complacency of some prose cuting officers and some peace of ficers whose duty it is to detect and puqish crime is very aston ishing to the average citizen. These same officers rear back in their chairs and say "Bring on tho nrinnnera I am horp hut he ages in-many ways. $io. one has to be an optimist to believe very careful you do not in any this.-' Jle needs to be only a realist. The truth about Oregon is way vloiate any of the inherent guuu cuuugu. it oerjr vregun man, wuuiaii aim euuu cuuiu uc I rights of the accused. V The above is the gospel The Statesman has been preaching for many, many years, and with especial intensity with its blogan campaigns for nearly five. years 1 But there is one statement in the above, from the Portland Journal, that needs correction. It is this: "We arc familiar yrith what we have." ' t-We are.not. in any degree of thoroughness. The States- man'is proving this, week after week. New values and added advantages'by comparison are showing up all the time. Oregon is a wonder state. It stands out in natural advant- Jed to learn the truth, and learn it thoroughly, about this land of diversity, this country of opportunity, we would have no pessimism y And we would be as great boosters as the people of Cali fornia are -, v And we would have much more to boost j I" It the Portland Realty Board can put over their idea," and iaw Furthermore, all should see put it over thoroughly, Oregon will become the most prosperous that their friends and neighbors state in the Union: with a prosperity built upon the basic indus- do the same, if a man. Dassing tries' that "will mean Gibralter prosperity; built upon an annual along the street, sees a dog fight flow of new' wealth every: year from her basic industries that U'e wni inform his friends and will make her the wonder of the world. These words are almost verbatim the words of the chief of ' police of Salem, presumably after a confer ence of the city administrators. American citizenship is a sac red trust, and all should obey the WOODROW WILSOX Wood row Wilson Is dying, v The end of a remarkable life comes peacefully and be' says he f ident .faith and knows how to is ready. . He l a man of con met the Inevitable. MrWilson. will stand In his tory as one of the great presl-lenU.-,.lle .bad . an - outstanding personality. He had courage to a marked degree and he believed in 1 himself as few men are able to do. i He was a great phrasemaker sad could say In terse language what the people wanted to hear. This came because be was per haps the mpst scholarly man who eves -'ecett pled the white house. He -was always a student with a faculty ' of, 1 making t values in the abstract but was not always happy in his Judgment of men. He had will power that has seldom been equalled and never surpassed. He i'ji "(One man president. He had advisers,, of course, 'all presidents must have. -but he differed with everyone,- His cabinet functioned as ;bls personal secretaries. 1 He whs- the bead of every portfolio andl to him was reported every thing' that was done, lie had a . character so strong that he' held . men by his will and his cabinet held together better than the average;f-4 ' ' 1 wr. wuson, . oi course, -was charged with many -thlngsr-and of one he was always. 'guilty. He was a . partisan president. 5, He tried non-partisan Vhen the war came on ut, made, asorry figure in such, a rolec-Tbe "jnajt's r !al was essentially partisan; he Just naturally saw only one side and that was his1 side. This did not interfere with bis administra tion except when the war came on. Up to that time his partisan ship was accepted as usual but accepted just the same. Being a war president, fate put him in a peculiar niche; but it also immor talized him. IU the conduct of the war there was. the usual per sonal scandal, but none of it ever reached the president. He could never be charged with dishonesty or with a lack of patriotic inten tion. He believed with: all his heart that everything he did was best for the country. And Mr, possibly his family. Also, if he sees a man stealing chickens from his neighbor he is horrified, and immediately reports the act, but if he sees a boot-legger selling booze he shuts up like a clam, de claring it is none of his business Our citizenship will uphold and protect our private rights and should be held sacred. It should be the duty of any citizen to re port a violation of any part of the constitution, as we would a dog fight or a theft of a chicken. OIL The oil scandal has reached its slimy hands out and made a first Wilson did think a lot of things class job of besmirching McAdoo. Jt is considered such a good job that McAdoo will not be consid ered much of a presidential can didate. However, now- that we are in this terrible mess we must go to the bottom of it. We must go to the fundamentals. Were the leases in the public interest? through more than any other president. , (Mr. Wilson made one colossal mistake which has been recog nized alike by friend and foe. He went to Paris. From that time he worked at a disadvantage. People paid he was ambitious and that rarely fails to prove fatai to Secretary Denby affirms that he public men.' ' ' became convinced that "the oil Ir; Wilson did not dominate was being lost to the govern- the peace table and when he came ment"; that it was being drained home he was unable to secure a I away or was in danger of being ratification of his treaty. No drained, from the sinking of wells good, can come from recounting on lands adjacent to the govern- tho reasons here, but under simi- ment reserves lar circumstances Harding ap- Secretary Denby offers the fur pointed both democrats and re- ther defense that "it would have publicans, and got away with it. taken at least six months to de Wilson appointed his personal liver fuel oil to the navy from the friends 'and Quarreled with them I ground to the coast, and the pur- wheri the spot lixht centered onpose, of providing for oil storage them. i He even quarreled with I at, t seaport contemplated, in the Colonel 'House, his ? Interpretative I leases was that there, might be an shadow But that-Is. Wstory now.jinBtan mart the nation deligbfed to bon-l Amid all tbei sound '-and fury, (Copyright 1024, San Jose Mercury, San Jose, Calif.) Our lives are what we make them, and the kingdom of heaven, when we reach it, will be of our own building. For according to the Master the kingdom is not akin to the kingdoms of this world that come with outward show of worldly pomp and power, but is an inward state or c ondition of our souls This kingdom will be established for us when ou r hearts have been purified so that our souls are in harmony with the soul of God, so that we shall always know what His will for us is and have the ability and power to do it. If then, we are to believe the words of Jesus instead of the dogmas of the theologians, we shall reach heaven not by a miraculous transportation to a locality, but by an inward trans formation of our own beings. Whether this transformation come to us instantly, miraculously, or by the orderly and gradual processes of spiritual growth and development does not so much matter. The all-important tilings are the order of its coming and the certainty of our ability to reach it. The Master does not limit tho coming of this kingdom to some future state of existence. Although He does not specific ally state that it may be of this life as well as some other, the plain inference is that it may be,; that it will have come for us when God rules our inward lives as He now rules the outward universe. - And is this kingdom simply a gift from the Father, or have we some duty, must we put forth some effort, in order to attain it? The plain teaching Jesus, as revealed in the Gospels, is that if the task of bringing this heavenly transformation in us is not very largely ours, it certainly can not come to us without our effort; that we can not even make progress toward it! with out such effort. Moreover, experience and observation should teach us independently of the Scriptures, that nothing that is really worth while can be acquired without erfort. tThe things mat do come to us'witnout mis eriort do not bring to us me ullness of blessing that these things do for which we have striven, which we have earned or acquired for ourselves, which we have merited. Indeed, the principal value of success in our business is not the wealth it brings, but the development we get in our efforts to reach it. Education is much more valuable for tlie mental growth and strength which come as an incident a.. ii i.i i . i ' - ml.. lit. to one who laoors, as laoor ne must, ui acquire n. i ue weauu them go on the same as ever and that may come to us as a gift or an inheritance from another, j we Wjn caVe the movies on the lacking the development which its acquirement brings, is not front pages of our best papers and always an unmixed blessing. . everybody can see them free of charge, and the movie houses will go broke and our Poor Rich Old Silly Foolis will all die of broken "Well, I'll declare! I must havt slept all day! What sort of wea ther was it, sunny or gray?" "Don't ask me," replied the bat. "You know how blind I am." "Ha, ha!" laughed a rabbit in passing. "You slept so soundly there in the sun, you don't know what sort of a day it was, do you?" "Thank you, brother." smiled the groundhog, "for telling me the sun shone. That's what I was try ing to find out," and he started for his hole. "Hold on there," cried the rab bit. "You didn't see your shadow, did you?" "Why, no, not exactly," the groundhog apologized, "but I would have if I hadn't gone to sleep. I can always see my sha dow when the sun shines." "You really ought to take a few lessons in being logical," scolded the rabbit, "because the point isn't whether the sun shone or not, but whether you saw your shadow or not. I admit if the sun hadn't shone you couldn't have seen your shadow, but the ridiculous part it, the sun did shine and still you didn't see it." "He's" right," agreed a raccoon and a fox, who had just joined the party. "You can't pull any tricks on us to bring six weeks more of bad weather." And they guarded the groundhog's hole to keep him from crawling back in. "It does seem to me you're put ting it over on me, but I'm too sleepy to start a quarrel," grum bled the poor old groundhog. "But if you'll just go away and let me have my rest, I'll promise six weeks of good weather," and he went to sleep again. Edited by John M. sillier. THE FUN BOX Definition Boy with belt Optimist. ; Boy with one suspender Slouch. ' Boy with pair of suspenders Conservative. f Boy with belt and suspenders t Pessimist. - His View of It Chinaman: "Tell me where railroad depot?" Citizen: "What's the matter, Kan Lee? Last?" Chinaman: "So. Me here, depot lost." Answer to today's picture puz zle: Since the strong man is lift ing 500 pounds, it would take four strong men to lift! two thousand pounds or a ton. f 5!f An Arithmetic Puzzlo 1 CU J -m i i IF THE WEIGHT OF THE OBJECTS! IN THE STRONG MANS HFT HANO TIMES THE WfJCKT RIGHT. HOW STIJOrjr, MFN VUDULD 8 NEEDED TO UPf A TON? 15 499 OF THAT MANY. ; 1 EDITORIALS, OF THE PEOPLE Albany. Or., Feb. 2, 1924. Editor Statesman: Dear Sir: After reading an ar ticle in your valuable paper under date February 1, 1 924, and title 'Should be Barred.' I can't keep myself from adding a few lines. Your article is very true, sorry to say, and funny is putting it mild, but I say let's not bar these silly love letters written by our rich old men. Maybe they will read them again in the papers and get hep to theirselves, at least we would think so and you know peo ple are always wanting something for nothing, and the Rich Old man is the most popular now to the young lady who wishes to get married and go on living just the same and rich old hubby will soon die and leave much money and "Oh, Bob, what a nice time we will have you won't even have to work and we can go to Honolulu on our honeymoon." Yes, let Not only is it true that wc shall never come to the kingdom of heaven by supinely and .lazily waiting for someone, even Christ or God, to take us to it, but it is also true that it will never come to us until wc have made the necessary effort to bring it. We can not even make progress toward it or toward any degree of spiritual strength without this effort. To believe otherwise is to shut one s eyes to the plain, unjform, positive teachings of Jesus. Not all people not even all Christians, appreciate the supreme importance of attaining this inward kingdom of heaven. Few have come to know that when we are only constantly seeking it with singleness Of heart: and earnest and determined purpose, all other things that are worth while are added unto us." But nearly all yield unconscious admira tion to Christian character and would be glad if they had attained such'development that they could themselves manifest some of the spiritual, the heavenly graces. All should, therefore, be interested in the processes of the coming of this kingdom in us and our part in bringing it. The first indispensable requisite to its coming is our own attitude toward it. We must want it. Something more is required, how ever, than a weak, spasmodic and unfruitful desire for the things of the spirit since without them we can not escape the inharmonies, imperfections, .sins and resulting suffering and unhappiness of the carnal life. Weak desires prompt us to no effort. The young man would not even start upon the struggle to attain success in business, to say nothing of making any progress toward it, .unless his life was filled with the desire and determination to reach it. The student would never get far in the acquirmcnt of an education unless his thoughts and ambi tions" were constantly dominated by his longing for knowledge. The same is true of the man who would be a Christian, who would reach this heavenly condition, who would acquire any degree of spiritual life or strength. He must be ready glad to make the necessary sacrifices and to put forth tlie labor without which any degree of attainment is impossible, in his quest for the things of the spirit he must have something of the fervor of the Psalmist, "My stful longcth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord! my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God." 1 e :. This is, of course, not at all in harmony with the ideas of our fathers, who believed that we had nothing to do hut to cast all our burdens, sorrows and sins upon Jesus, who would not only bear them for us during our sojourn here, but when this life ended and the general resurrection came would immediately transform us into angels and bear us away to the pictured local heaven where we would foreverVnjoy, uot what we had striven to make ourselves worthy to enjoy, not what we Iiad merited, but what He had merited. Such, a belief is utterly destructive of all spiritual ambition and can produce nothing but religious and spiritual stagnation.. y Fortunately Jesus taught ho- such thing. His words as they come to. us in the Gospels are one great clarion I call to us to watch: Dravandlabbr rwfth6ut eeasiner in the effort Wkb bring arhTes into hattftOJik with Him sq that we may become li, hearts unless they get wise. A READER. Highland, Feb. 1, 1924. Editor of Statesman: A few days ago an article appeared in your daily paper in relation to the "first dwelling house built in Sa lem" and you sent out a "call" for a person or persons who would be willing to take the first step toward turning this historical building into some permanent po sition to be kept as a memorial for the years to come. I have been thinking since read ing that article I would glaTy be the one to make a start and the more I consider the question the more I am inclined to offer myself and undertake the task which pre sents itself. I have not wealth to offer but with interest. love and effort am very sure I could accomplish just a little as it takes years to put all things in suitable shape and as you have given out this timely call I take this method of answering through your worthy paper, hoping this will meet the approval of every missionary in Salem and all who wish for the best interests of our fair city. A missionary's daughter in gool faith, MARY L. WALLER. I FUTURE DATES T February 8 to 14 National Doy Scoot week. IVIirHary 12. Tuesday Lincoln Day dinner. Salon Kiwanis club, CrDO o'clock Hotel Marion. February 12, Tuesday Annnal Ladief nijht, iKwania club. February 16, Saturday Hotel men of Oreon to meet in Salem. Feb-.irv ! -7Tn,,1r w AntfU. day Lions Club Minstrel nbow. Grand '-krater. March 13; 14 and 13 Stat Intr Kholarttie baiketbaU tournament, WU Umtt fymnaaiwnt March 14 and IS, Friday and Eatoa day Marion county Sunday acbool branch of relirioua education meet at Stayton. April: 19, Saturdar Dedication of atatue "Tho. Circuit Eider," ia iUte house (rounds. May : 16, Friday Primary alaetiOB U Gren. Jan in, Tneaday Republican nation- nenti owwu ia C1t1b4. . 24, Tuesday Democratic aatkta i McMAHAN MAY RUN 1 The Oregon Voter contains this notice of political action that may be still more interesting reading later on: "State Representative L. H. McMahaJi, of Marion county, is so positive and emphatic in his dis gust at Mayor - Potentate - Candi date Maker's candidacy for Re publican nomination for senator, arid his contempt of Speaker 4(ubli is so deep-rooted, that no one need be surprised if he turns up at the last minute as an inde pendent Republican candidate for United States senator against the winner of the regular nomination. McMahan ha3 a vitriolic tongue. He can lash a man or measure with a vengeance born of a con viction that only a social revolu tion can secure to the common people" their rights before the law and society. "A correspondent describes him as 'Salem's most picturesque char acter.' We are not sure about the use of the superlative degree. But he is a sinewy reminder of fron tier days, quick on the trigger in repartee, a right dangerous ad versary in debate. He is a former newspaper man, now a lawyer by trade. McMahan- does not seek publicity, but once he gets started publicity seeks him. He has fought many public improvements in Oregon with his nimble pen, and braved courageously the ig nominy ot seeing public opinion- sweep past him. If he runs for the senate McMahan will get a lot of votes. He could torpedo ueorge below .the mayor's bul warked water-line before Hizzon er could shirt his course.' Kap Kubli's K K K platform would be dipped in corroding acid by Mc Mahan ere the campaign was un uer way. And who among the T . . ... democratic candiuates, with the possible exception of Strayer, could Ions escape unscathed from the rippinz attack that he could mane upon their platform as it bears upon McMahan's conception of what constitutes social justice for the farmer, the laborer, and the alleged victims ot the so-call ed capitalistic class?" SALEM WAS PIOUS The Oregon City Enterprise has been looking over its files and finds this published in 1868: Salem Is Pious Place The town of Salem is essentially pious place and the inhabitants thereof are, generally speaking, a l.od fearing and law-abiding peo ple, there are teven -or eight churches, besides the Methodist church south, which is out of re pair and not running any more. There are few whiskey shops, the neaner soit being frequented only by constitutional democrats. To iMI appearances Salem is a fctraight-laced, pacitic, orderly, church-going town, with very lit tle of ;he humorous in her coin position. But, when fun has worked to the surface, it becomes contagious and iiresistable, Ttnd lolks laugh with a recklessness and continuity perfectly dismay ing to the unhappy victims, says the Unionist." Cap'n Zyb MR. GROUNDHOG SAYS Somewhere else In this paper today you will probably see few remarks about the groundhog-- the old codger who comes out to see his shadow. If he sees it, the weather is supposed to be bad for the next six weeks. Here is the : . absolutely truthless story of how", this tradition came about. One. February "Second the ground-hog came .out from? his burrow and the sun was shining brightly (it was midnight.) In fact, ,the sun shone so brightly that it Was comparable to moon shine. This went to the ground hog's head, giving him a sunstroke.- He immediately became dizzy and started spinning on his tail, as shown above. I happened to be walking along near his home about that time, saw this awful sight of a crazed groundhog spinniug ori his tail and administered first aid. The ground hog was grateful and crawled back into his hole. . , J A newspaper reporter also saw this strange eight, and he is the person responsible for printing the story that because the groundhog; saw its shadow there would be six weeks of bad weather. As a mat ter of fact, the groundhog was too dizzy from spinning on his tall to see anything. CAP'N ZYB. Past Exalted Rulers WilLReceive Honors Honor will be paid to the past exalted rulers of the Salem Elks meeting. Although the lodged was organized in 1896 and has 27 past ' rulers, 26 of these are living,1 and 1 a majority are expected to be pres- ent Thursday night. The late George Rose, who served as ruler in 1904-05, passed away last fall. Names of the past rulers and their terms of office are as fol lows: John Knight, 1896-97; W. , J. D'Arcy, 1897-98; P. T. Wright man, 1898-99; P. H. D'Arcy, 1899 1900; W. D. McNary, 1900-01;' F. W. Durbin, 1901-02; W. H. Byrd, 1902-03; H. H. Olinger. 1903-04; . George L. Rose, 1904-05; A. II. Steiner. 1905-06; Charles L. Mc- ' Nary, 1906-07; W. Carlton Smith, ' 1908-08; H. E. Albert, 1908-68; B. O. Schucking, 1909-10; Aj S. Benson, 1910-11; Charles V. Gal loway, 1911-12; Roy Buckingham; 1912-13,' Aug. Huckestein, 1913 14; M. L. Meyers, tl 9 14-1 5; A. J. Anderson, 1915-16; Louis Lach mund, 1916-17; Walter E. Keyes, 1917-18; H. J. Wenderoth, 1918- 19; Charles R. Archerd, 1919-20; E. A. Kurtr, 1920-21; Roy D. Byrd. 1921-22, and D. O. Drager. ' 1922-23. . I . .1 ., . - ! It may cost more to drink-your- iq aeatn now, but it doesn't nnuoa bmm la Jiw Tore.