' 4 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALE3M, OREGON , ; ! SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1924 n . I k t '? -; m us 5 M t i ( i ? ill !H if) I J I lit ill i v. i f I i I i i lit I - I i ' i f Mi i " '' a j" " ii My I " ' : i i, B VISI1 OUR GRAND DEPARTMENT ., . Last year thirty-eight per cent of all pianos sold were .grand pianos and it is predicted that over fifty per cent will be grand pianos this year. As the public grows in their ap preciation of music, the demand for grand pianos grows. Grahci pianos have finer actions, better shaped sound boards, therefore you have a finer tone than is possible in an upright piano. ! Then, too, grand pianos are now made so they do not take up any more room than an upright. They also add an air of refinement to your home that nothing else will give. We have in stock such grands as Knabe, Haddorff, Starr, ' Schulz, Clarendon - Priced $685, 850, $950, $1225, $1425, $3600. , Your old piano taken as part payment and we will give easy terms on the balance. Used Pianos and Players Bradbury $60, Emerson $85 Kimball $90, Fischer $275. Krakauer $155, Miller $260, Hamilton $125. and over twenty others. Terms $6 down, $6 a month. 5 ; t 1 ,.t Will Building JUSTICE JOHN ; ;;V McCOURT TALKS (Contlnoed from page 3) ther itpptne8 and safetT of th , Amerlcaa people for all time, hbw 1 S ICt numerous the ' nonniatlnn might becotne, and however com- t BVKmij Hna iia commercial en- tTprlseg might be. The duty of ; ;i; ; : . r r -'' . . - j .. " - , v ' .,; , '.. . ' 'I ' ; ' i-.,: . . -W ' 33 '. :;.V, '. : ' ' V i . ' , ' : ....-it - . , 1 1 i the citizens to obserre. all law? f continues regardless of the'num- r 1 the people think necessary, to i it adopt for .the regulation -of their ! f l conduct, "While by reason of the -j I greater number of laws, the dut 1 1 i becomes more difficult. "our facil ities for understanding those du ties and ou capacit and ability for performing them has corres pondingly increased.--. -;.;;-j-:v Under ' deBpotlc j governments, here law are made ly decree or ;dl:t; without regard to the needs or requirements of the people, and upon the whim or caprice of the ruler, naturally those affected -by th8 laws voice their just protests against laws adopted In that man ner by resistance to their enforce ment. In this country, that situa tion Is altogether different from that VtrfiIi:crcall3undct'lh6"tuIo vt despots. Here laws, with very rlPhoirograph Sale Columbia ..:.:. ..$ 10 $50 Victrola ,t...l.... $ 25 $35 Columbia $15 $125 Victrola .$ 75 $150 Columbia $ 75 $250 Edison $150 $225. Victrola . $165 $200 Pathe .......$100 $150, Phonograph $ 75 and many others . These are the best nKnnn. . graph buys in Salem. Come in and see for yourself. $5 down sends any of these phonographs to your home Balance in easy payments. GEO. G. WILL 432 State Street few exceptions are the outgrowth of changes and development which have taken place over a consider able period of: time, nd finally find their expression In the form of a law after that change and de velopment has ' been completed. The law thus adopted is the ex pression of the people themselves as to the provisions that are nec essary for their guidance under the conditions that have develop ed,. Until that time, they have lived under a Uiffereat law or1 no law- upon the subject-matter. Not only is the law thus adopted, the expression of the people them selves, but such enforcement there of as occurs, finds its. power and force in the people themselves, and unless Jhey observe the laws gen erally,' and enforcement is carried on aggressively, the government in the end must fail and whn that time come,t nobody will be safe is rfny" light of his rights, because the disposition of one . men - or group of-men' to oppress or Wrong other men or other groups f men Is present, today among all peo ples, including our own, as it has been in all ages. ' It 1s sometimes said that every la; Is ! tbeeO vef IMTCbll man or men. l hose tniertaiu i' ing such an aversion to any parti cular law, are careless in observ ing the same. In such cases the individual may, feel that it is un important that the law should be observed by anyone. Or in cases more numerous, he thinks It is a fine law for everybody but him selfhe don't need it. For ln stance, most of our citizens are perfectly in accord with the traf fic laws, the violation or which en danger lives and property. But many of them frequently break those laws, and sometimes with results equally dangerous to the peace and Bafcty of the commun ity as arises from the indulgence in contraband booze, z Another example of the trait un der discussion, is the Jaw against gambling. Some men think it is a fine law for minora, women and men who cannot afford to gamble, but to deny them the right to a little friendly game of poker, is invading their private personal rights..: Others think the game laws are made or tb.e so-called sportsmen, or for the follow who only goes hunting once a year. The law that Is receiving the most, atlcfiH is the constitutional' and statutory provisions against the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating liquor, commonly called the pro hibition law. That law is vigorously denounced in many quarters as an unwarranted in terference with the private rights, of the citizen. It is said that it was foisted upon our people by long-haired reformers, backed by an organized minority. The law is denounced as obnoxious and it is asserted that the law is not enforced and cannot be en forced, and a considerable number of people seem to think that it may be disregarded. My recollection does not accord with these claims. The liquor ha bit was prevalent with large num bers of our people throughout the nistory or our country, up to the time of the adoption of the 18th amendment and the laws adopted for Its enforcement. With many it was a habit4hat it was difficult. If not impossible, to overcome, so long as there was a supply of al coholic liquor to be had, however obtained. Aud upon that account it is not surprising that more or less evasion of the law has con tinued since its adoption, but it does not follow that It is not a wise law, or that the reform which it evidenced, was not accomplished before its adoption. Thirty years ago, when I started out to make my way in the world, every city and town of any consid erable size, supported a saloon on most of its best business corners and at strategic points in its best business blocks. They all did thriving business, not only in dis pensing good, bad and indifferent liquors, but in carrying on gamb ling and all the evils incident to gambling and drinking to exceRa In those days many business men pursued tne nawt of consuming strong liquor, even to partial or complete intoxication in business hours. Manv of the fnrtmn n, feesional men were heavy drink ers, and in many quarters it was thought that some lawyers render- ea tneir best services when Dartlr arunK. They entered - mnrt an a presented causes while under the mnuence of liquor. Doctors at- tedned their patients reekine with tne smell of drink. Railroad drank as did others having the du ty to safeguard the lives and pro perty of others. No party, no ban quet, no election, no Catherine nf a public, nature was complete with out tne accompaniment of strong drink and more or less intoxica tion. It was not long thereafter, that observing men came to realize that no man was as proficient or effic ient, whatever his vocation, if he had taken an alcoholic stimulant, as he was before. It was realized and appreciated that a great wast of human talent.--enerev anA human value were daily destroyed' UHa wasted by the consumption of Intoxicating liquors. Business men began to frown upon drinking among their associates, and by their employees. Indulgence In such liquors aroused distrust by one business associate of another. It became sufficient cause for an employee to lose his position, whe ther done in business hours or out of them. The nrofessionai who drank found his employment gone. His clients or patients did not trust him any longer. Rail-. road companies and other employ ers of labor where skill and care in tne sarety of lives and property were involved, made drinking by such employees a cause for dis charge. Merchants, in scanning their lists of "deadbeats," discov ered that drinking men made up the majority of such lists. It was discovered that widespread and ex cessive indulgence in the liquor habit accounted for a large propor tion of the public charges, consist ing of the impecunious, imbeciles. criminals and the insane; as it did for want and squalor and poverty ana neglected children. In the face of this great waste of human value proceeding from the same cause, the country a a whole, wakened to the truth that tne liquor question was not alone social evil or a political ouea iion, nut it was a great economic question, concerning which there could be no two opinions as to the need of its correction. According ly, the 18th amendment to the fed eral constitution was adopted by large majority, conclusively es tablishing that the reform involved therein, so far as the country as a wnoie was concerned, had ben fully accomplished. Moreover, the 18th amendment was not enacted by the efforts of a determined mi noruy laboring upon an indiffer ent citizenry, but on the contrary lira law was adopted in the face of a most stubborn and determined resistance, fully and completely organized and financed. Of all the laws that have been passed in this country, the prohibition law was most fully, fairly, clearly and aggressively presented to the peo ple for their decision from all an gles and in all its phases. And it does not at this time speak well of the sportsmanship and good cit izenship of those who were defeat ed In the contest, to now sav that the people were deluded by a few reformers. Notwithstanding the agitation against this' law and the propa ganda which Is constantly spread for the purpose of discrediting it' we. find no business man, no pro fessional man arid no man dis charging great responsibilities. transacting business or the duties of his prof eii Jon or vocation with iquor on his breath.? Xof ilo we find It anywhere else In the .ordin ary normal conduct of our ectlvl tles, manifold as they-amVe no Fongerse8"lhe spwtaclelbllne la- boring man who has performed his week's work, leaving his pay-check in a corner saloon, and taking nothing home for the support of his wife and children for the en suing week except a" strong alco holic breath. We see women and children that formerly lived in want and fear, enjoying the "nec essaries and comforts of life, pur chased by the wages of the hus band and father. We see savings accounts increasing in leaps and bounds, wberethey were rare In the pre-Volstead days. Much more might be said to the credit of the prohibition'law much that is obvious to everyone. President Coolidge, in his recent message to Congress, said in ef fect that it is Snot .only the duty of the citizen to observe the laws, but it is his daty to' show by his disapproval, that he resents the non-observance of those laws by others. President Coolidge in making that statement, voiced a sentiment that is taking form in the minds of the average citizen, and upon which he is beginning to act in a manner, the certainty and emphasis of which cannot long es cape those who have an inclina tion to evade the law. The citizenship of this country is not going to allow-the govern ment to be defeated or its founda tions to be impaired in order to satisfy the appetites of a compara tively few of its citizens for strong drink. Like petty larceny and some other minor' crimes, there will or course always be more or less evasion of the law, but it will be no more of a menace to the government than are violation ot those other laws, which I have mentioned. The extent of the power ot the American public, when its energy is aroused in any direction. Is be yond measure, and whenever the public sets about with determina tion to enrorce the prohibition law, or any other law, we may rest- as sured that it will be enforced. In respect to, this-particular law, as with many other laws, the public is slow to realize that the efforts of the law-enforcing officers need to be supplemented "by the aggre- slv assistance of the public at large in order- toi bring about proper observance of the law mat understanding upon the part of the public too often comes when insufferable conditions have developed, o,r following some vio lent crime. ' in those cases the public is apt to strike out blindly and punish the innocent, as well as the guilty. For that reason, the active efforts of the citizen in be half of law enforcement should be constant. In the early days in California and Nevada, the enemies of law and order brought the communl ties to Bnch a state of disorder. that the citizens being aroused. In sttaa of pursuing the forms ot law, formed a vigilance committee, who tried men summarily, Without the protection of the forms of law, and hanged the innocent as well as the guilty, thus committing great crimes in the name of the law. And so it was in other parts of the great west, when the activities of the lawless element appeared to them and too often to the law enforcing officers as well the dominating influence in the com munity. To correct this false im pression, the law-abiding citizens aroused themselves, and in the name of Iawand order, often -Inflicted great wrongs upon the in nocent while punishing the guilty. And I notice today that this mob spirit which 1 1 have alluded, is al ready abroad In the land, threat ening the safety of innocent peo ple. Men cannot, when they are angry, even while attempting to pursue the direction of the law, render justice "in that calm, fool, deliberate manner demanded by our constitutions. Iq Philadelphia they have supplanted the regular police force by the United States Marines, officered by a major-gen eral of the regular army, whose directions are to "treat them rough," offering a reward of $100 for the first bandit killed. Mar tial law is in effect in the staid, old city of Philadelphia, brought about by the Indifference of its cit izens to the performance of their obvious duties About the first thing we will hear, is that some oolice otficer under that regime, has killed some fool bov inno cent of all things, except taking a joyride, upon the presumption that he is a bandit. What has occurred I tILM 1.1 ... m i-auaaeipnia,- win occur throughout the land unless the people arouse themselves to a dis cnarge of their plain duties. And there will be more crimes inimical to the freedom and safety of the citizens commuted in tne name of that law enforcement than could possibly.be perpetrated by all the thugs and crooks and boot leggers put together. As an example of the force of public sentiment as an aid to the enforcement of law and the convic tion of offenders, I need only re fer to a series of prosecutions in stituted and conducted in the state of Oregon a few years ago, known as the land fraud cases. They arose out of violations of the pub lic .land .laws jin this state, com mitted by numerous citizens this and, other states." In connec tion with those matters, the gov ernment obtained all it asked for its. land, but -men who were not entitled to got tracts of land, ob tained the land desired by thfem by employing others to take the land, and paid them a smal stipend for their services This action Involv ed perjury and subornation of per jury and the acquisition of titles of lands by persons prohibited by tne statute : frouiicq.uirInff la' same. The disclosures made at the time incensed the people, and aroused them to such an extent, that those who had personal knowledge of the transactions of the character under consideration voluntarily and freely gave evi dence concerning tho same. Jur ies convicted promptly when guilt was established, with the result than many prominent citizens of the state were indicted, prosecuted and convicted, and the shame and humiliation Incident thereto were visited on their families and as sociates, as well as upon them selves. Conspiracy to defraud the government or to commit an of fense, against; the U. S." were the charges usually made against those involved. Up to that time the evasion of the public land laws was regarded as unimportant and not involving any considerable de gree of turpitude, but when men found themselves confronted by a charge of conspiracy, brought by the United States government which threatened heavy fines and ft term in the penitentiary, the matter took on a very serious as pect, and one which destroyed pro mising careers, brought on ill health and immeasurable unhap- piness. That incident of bygone days Is an illustration of the Inexorable power of the machinery of gov ernment for punishing violation of laws, when vigorously supported by the public. attended the District Attor neys' Convention in Portland a few days ago, and there had an opportunity to observe all the dis trict attorneys of the state coun selling together in the interests of law enforcement. They pre sented as fine a body of young, active, ambitious, earnest men as could be found anywhere. Their appearance at once refuted the im putation sometimes indulged, that they, or any of them, are not In accord with enforcement" of the law. or that they are indifferent to the discharge of the heavy re sponsibility imposed upon them in that connection. All that they need to render their efforts wholly ef ficient, is the hearty and earnest support of their constituents, the duty of each of whom in his sphere is as urgent as that which rests upon the district attoreny him self. Referring again to the federal prosecutions to which I alluded awhile ago, conspiracy was the charge to which the government resorted to secure conviction In those cases. Conspiracies are formed in the dark, in private rooms, usually only with the con spirators present, and necessarily evidence of the conspiracy is dif ficult to obtain. In those cases convictions were secured under the rules; of evidence which permit the merest detail to be considered in determining whether the conspir acy was in fact formed, and that was supplemented in many cases by offering and giving Immunity to the co-conspirators, who might in the case of a sale of moonshine, correspond to the bootlegger. The decisions ot the Supreme Court of the United States authorize a charge of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, the parties to which conspiracy are the bootlegger and the man who buys, his liquor. In this connection, let me Issue a warning to those gentlemen who ar large employers of labor, occu py high social, official or profes sional positions, who think pro hibition is good for the common man, but not necessary for them, and acting upon that assumption. freely patronize the bootlegger. Sooner or later, such men will find themselves confronted by a feder- el prosecution for conspiracy to commit an offense agains the Uni ted States, in which they are the chief and prominent defendants. Conviction wjll be secured by giv ing the bootlegger immunity, and let those gentlemen make no mis take, the bootleger and all his as sociates will take immunity and give the needed testimony, and the juries In these cases, as they did Experts Will Tell You to Build With Wood fHE ease with which a house built of wood is heated in winter; its coolness in summer; its beautyare onlv a material the advanta8es of S the logical - building The low cost of our lumber and its extraordinary qualiKr should prompt you to order immediately. ; PHONE 576 Yards at West Salem, Lents, Hubbard, Yamhill, HilUboro, LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 Court St. in the land fraud cases, will be lieve the defendant who has been accorded immunity, and will con vict Mr. j Prominent Defendant. There will, be no prohibition jokes' then. A conspiracy .conviction by the United States government is no funny or laughing matter, and the man who so regards it, is yet to be found. A 1 10,000 fine and two years on McNeil's Island, is the penalty which follows such a conviction. And it will also be attended by all the shame and sor row and humiliation and unhappi ness that attended these convic tions in other days, of which I have spoken. It is to be hoped that the in difference of the average citizen, working together with the stub born refusal of men, who are oth erwise good citizens, to observe this law,- will not continue until the situation which I have pre dicted is brought about. Read the Classified Ads. m him men nit mmti sutc tie m t . mmmmmm'trttxr -. . mttmtBtUmttm - mm inaiwMcaMii . BrmiiT i i I , f I f " 1 I I I 1 I i ii wLie o CTafnaw icrtoTva. T) ID farming pay In 1923? Farmers are checking ttp the year! ac- count book to see where they stand. Results are encouraging. Only wheat and hog farmers and cattlemen of the range have suffered heavy losses, according to the Sears-Roebuck Agricultural foundation. f Corn, cotton, lambs and butter are selling from 50 to 100 per cent I nDove tne pre-war level. Butter, buww a yeany increase over those cents a hundred higher, cheese from market, and 92 score butter started has held above 19C2 prices. Corn prices are ?onring. The upward trend reached Its height la October when No. 2 yellow corn sold for several days on the Chicago 4 market at $1.14. It is not likely that October's high price will be duplicated, still there isn't much evidence of any cheap corn from the 1923 crop. . Poultrynien made money In 1923, but not as much as they made two years ago, due to expansion of production, v.tnr nrfwfntinn hm.. ; Pr rent last year. Receipts of dressed poultry jumped a good 22 per Th P.f!fes are w-kiiig lower, but the profit margin of the poultry dollar still measures above the average of most farm products, f ptv0 years corn Xn cott,e fHls have been working at ft ' .,V?md catt,e tove been cheap, beef cattle high. Good fir durin8: 1923 araged $10.00 per hundred . against ESoi S.?! elE,lt ra?nths pf 1922' RaD?e catt,e dId nt re so well. leeder cattle re selling low. even those that go as beef. t are dow,n wn'omprW to corn. Still the producer Is work- . Ing at a reasonable profit. Hay brought higherprlce.s than In 1922. t King Cotton Is up. For three years there have been short .on ; In spite of higher prkes. nnSiilnfSSSi- V iSJKTV Us ton-Tl,e p53 conon4a S .; JSTl?;11 SHa?ted ,n rem favorabIe tTtho imndsLe profits! ,,ht and farn of this area are making in i,lXhcat,an?,hT nrLe nvo Iaartl farm prosperity. Curtanment i in hog production has been started, thou-h the nJutV im kL i5- large. AYheat growers, too, have declared for a subst-intin? rlrtn? program. The price pendulum promises to mdualS w1m Vo Si S X i before 19- UPWard. Ef the fffSiSS SS . ' ' M ' 11111 ' . " -? i A Bicycle will make .your . boy more happy, than any gift that you can pur chase for" him. ' We handle the DAYTON and COLUMBIA No Answer Yet for Teel . ; ; s Irrigation District M Representatives of the Teel irrl- ; gation district of Umatilla county ' again left Salem yesterday with Out definite information as to what the state will ,do for them ' j to get their project under way. 'v Another meeting will be held Feb. 9, and on that date the state irri gation and drainage . securities . f commission has promised to out line the conditions on , which it. . will certify the district: bonds.: The district asks, the certifies tlon of bonds sufficient to complete I : Pthe project, estimated at about . $2,000,000. This will take up out- ' standing indebtedness ' of about ' $230,000. The acreage, is 16,600, , ; making ' the estimated cost about ' , $120 an acre. . ''. --: C y.f v7 k , j . i The commission will, meet' Mon-" ! day to take up unfinished matters relative to the Summer lake. and -the Talent projects: The letter Is A.' asking "the certification of $450,- l 000 bonds. cheese and whole milk prices all '7 of 19J2. Milk averaged nearly 5Q .1 5 to 7 rents hl?hi nn tm ria, at 12 cents higher last January and ; . M: