The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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ft ix there to mmmm
Cmer North Winter and. Market Sts.-f--Kev,
Mortimer C. Clark, pa it nr. Sun
day arhool II J).i, Dr.J'fank 8. 'Srhntx,
MipoHnteodent. .Classes for alt ale and
Preachin kmirs it'll mit 7;0.
-J'la..a meeting ai 13:13; A. D. Gillette,
leader, f Jnnlor missionary meeting at .1
J. m. t Mn. Ethel 1 H. ClarkN leading.
vonn Peoples' meeting at :30, Lutner
J. Cook, Lading. -The Fendaroentals Bi
ble clans meets Tneday evening at 7:15.
fl'rayerineetinc earn Thursday evening at
7:80; Tpe pastor' suhjeet Sundsy mora
Jn will he, "Holy Kir or Fox -fire,
4VMrht" la the evening 1her4 will b an
vanjceliatie sermon." hjr 4h pastor. AVI
re cordially' invited to all of these ser-
; I FIB8T PEBSBTTEBIAM '-s. : - i I,
f Ward Willi, mini.ter 9:45 a.
, Sunday arhool. It: fe. Harrett, superin
tendent. ll :5H a1 n; sermon,, - "Navfor
lint -Not Ixrd,'t the mini st?r. Anthem
t "Like U the v Hart,'., Kisser. , hx- the
rkftir llrtin nnmUr. nr.i. ; '
Jlsttsle "Andantlno," Lemare; and
Ilywn Twne j'oatlude." Wbiiing. :30
T. ni.. Christian Kadeavor societies. Top
ic, "Ow Hundred Per Cent for Christ
and the Churrh." Ttom. 12:1-8. 7:30 p.
popular .evening service, , Special mu
aic, eongrejrationali singing and aermon
ljr the minister. -A Vauur- Man'- Damn
ed, l.y Jlia Hal.H." j. Monday, 7:30 p. lit.
Monthly meeting of the session in ehnrt-h
parlors Wednesday,-6:30 p. u. Father
and Hon dinner at the rhureh. Hoys le-
wee it the aces' of'S aad 16 years are to
1m prevent, lUa General Oo. A.-Whito
"The Cigarette; and American Jtlau
j Jiood." Every, man: ahoahl hare a hay'.
Fifty rents per plate. The Woman's ili-
aionary society will serve the dinner.
S Corner Twelfth and Mixtion streets-1-
I Cunday arhool 10 J m preaching 11 a.
J la. Evening service., Christian Kndeavor
; , 6:3l. Huhject Onef Hundred 'ler Cent
!i r Christ . and the Church. 1 'Preaching.
. at 7:30. Prayer meeting. Wednesday eve
i aing at' 7:30. Ton are Invited to attend
1 all of tbet4 aertrinta. C. W.' Tihbet, pas-
. ' ' -TOUTED BIXTHEEIT :t : .
Cutle Chape corner of Hh and' 5V
hranWa . ae.-Oeorgo Chapman, pastor.
iSunday arhoof 10 a. ra. 4 C. P. Wells, sup
erintendent. Morning worship'. It ' a. m.
4Thritiaa'- Ka4ar- :-' Topks
On llundredf Pedrent for Christ and the
CJinrt h. ' Junior C K. 6:0. Preaching
7:30 .p. m. Ladtea- aid Wednesday afterr
. noon; Prgyertneetfne Thursday evening, Womana misaioaary aoeLetyt. meeta
Fridar. t o. m. . Veu,. are invited to ' all
; Vaene services'. ' Came and , bring 'your
;friend.-t;::' i ,i.t -t
J - TTM-tiea T1V etTTTrti ot l" -if
Rer. M. Kereahetian, minister Strricea
- Cottaca and Center srraet. Chnreh arhool
at 10 a. m. Graded instruction. Class
are held in the Womens' club building.
f sr adults condnrted by the minister' in
, the literature of Jt he ew Testament. Die
' casaion. Perotionai aerrices a -ll-'a .m,
AnbjetHT or fhe aermoK ,Tha Slare'Mh'
Itet." .Jdra. aU,Fereahetian will oMer ss
contralto nolo, ' lgnt,- : pj bfott. Jira
Y. A., letrton at the piaao. J' j
i CfiSISflAM'sCIEaCE , !
Firsf cbnreh Thirbin, ahd Hughes halt
oyer the 1. C. .Pay store. 8uiday
ntorning serrii-ea at 11 o'clock, evening
erricea' at T '' Sabject of lesson aermon,
-t O..A. mKm.1 - q .jia m .
"Wednesday ereciug ttvtiinonial meeting at
8 o'clock. - Heading room: 20V Masonic
, fPemple,. pen, try day except holida y
and Sundays from 11:15 to 5:30 p. m.
All are cordially invited to our servicea
and to oar reading room. .
Corner of Capitol and Marion afreets
Sunday M-hoot 10 a. m. and German preach
ing servir it a. m. o evening service.
M, Denny, pastor.
f At 134 X.. Chnrch sireet J. J. Gilles
pie, pastor. Sunday school 10 m.
lreaching service 11 a. m. Subject: "The
Xew Covenant Iwa Written in the
Hart." The old -covenant having waxed
old aud vanished away, God has given
n a better covenant established upon
better promises. Young Peoples' services
6:45 and preaching and testimony ' 7 :30.
Prayer meeting with 1. H. Gross, 1590
Highland avenue, Tuesday evening 7:30
and prayer ineettnr at the chapel Wed
nehday evening 7 ::t0. ' t'ome
your Bihtet and see what some of the new
rovenaat laws are. i
wight, special bnsiness.' Carl T. and
Minnie (I. Miller, pastors.
Corner 5th and Gaines SI reel Rab-
bhth arhool at 10:30 aim.;. It will do
yon good to visit this division of trie
church and eatch the spirit of enthusi
asm:. - Preaching. '- :80 ;b j th' pastor.
Vnunv Peonies: meetinc at ,4:30 p.. m.
TiW is a gKd place for yoting peopM to
spend n fconr; tnlR i itaiiy- peopio am
'Sry mufB iniervstew m me m"--
lion. Kund'av keeping' mihistera are say
ing ihat Saturday 4s' h.Kahhath without
any douhu ead. Mau. 15; la. 5-58.
Hot lot anything: keep 'yon from hear
ing the lecturde isonday-f isp p. m. on
the subi-t. "Wat! Will Wo Have An
other Oner Will U '.I ' a terrible aa
the last one? How many nations will be
Hiring a friend and ' jr'onr ' notebook. N.
C. Krntson, pastor.
, Kiueteeatb. and Marion streets T. How
ard Davis, pastor. -Sunday school 9:4.
a.- m. , 11. H. Hardy, snpertntenrtent.
Preaching It a. m. ' and 7 :30 p. in.
Young 1'eoplea' .aoeiety .4S-..10 Midweek
prayer service. Vednesday, 7:30 p. m.-.V
wHcoine to all.
sAtvxTioif xaiirY
Holiness meeting 11 a. m. A meeting
where tha Ppwer . oftGod is, clearly ex
plained and talked about. Music and
singing suitable to the-occasion. Envoy
1 moan, the oldtime Indian Scout preacher
and rnnverted infid4, will bring the mes-
affe: fidndav school 2 p. m. A meeting
with th children with classes Jor ail
I iwlir rhnntl 4tin?iiiff bv the little
fiw. rwie and bring the children.
PVLA. AvYonng People's meetingthat
apei "r'aH Battle for souls T.-.
and nng , ,n .,u,. intereMins incidents of
hi. exeentianal career, tie Jias seen life
.ti im ,.tii,.s nn ma eonviion. i cuu
in ii (-. - - - . ,
Mdered one of toe mnsi pronouncea oi ni
en miracles. .Monday nia i
rime when the voune iKoples' anniversary
.:ii l.. ...iv.rieil This nieelinir is to "he
will --. . . - , , .
4i -.l. L- teetiim W edaesdaVi r ri-
m r , - i
.!-. Himrtlav and Misniy. r.nsiB- y
Mrs. A. M. Hollirook officers in charse
Highland avenue and North Church
G. and" Ida J. pastors. Bible
school at 10 a. ui. Walter Stanton, su
perintendent. We have . a good . school
with classes suited to all ages. V have
a 'special class for yoang married people
who have babies nad yon will find a real
welcome in, that class. 1'reaching services
at 11 a. ra. and 7:.10 p. m. Junior C. K.
at 3:30, Senior Christian hndeavor at
6:30 p. m. .. Our yeatly meeting, 8npt.
U Clarkson'llinshaw will preach at the
morning service, lton't fsil to hear him.
he is an intensely interesting preacuer.
Prrver meting, and monthly business
meotins r Thursday at 7:30 in. ,
At 3 43 'I. Court street C. 8. Johnson,
pastor. .- Sunday achool at 1 P. m. ser
vices at 2 and 7:30 d. m. ripeciai set
rtres1 ererv ntrht net week' except Mna
daa. .Toe Pull Gospel is preached. Sal
vation for the sinner, baniism with the
Holv Snivit: healing for tho nca ana
the second and imminent coming .of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Meetings begin a
1 :S0 everv -. eveninr. Tome ana neip
and le helped. .The I-ord baa been
hlessinr ns Manv have been aaved. bap
tised with the Holy. Spirit, and healed in
our . meetings. JCverybody . invited.
Stats and Eighteenth streets. G. Koeh-
1t, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
IMvine aervfee with aermon in Knglish
at 10:30 a. m. Young Peoples' meeting
at 2:30 p; m. Topic. "Serving "Christ and
the Chnrcn. tm-weeic meeung ,
Thursday at 7:30 p. ra. In these meet
ings we study the lite ot unrtst. uioie
ScWl conducted by the pastor on Sat:
arday"fr"om" 1o"I2 a.' raV Youare" hear
tily invited to. our services by the pastor
and congregation. ' ' r-.
"(Vashington and Commercial afreets
Sunday achool 10 a. m. Dr. CaH E. Mil
ler, superintendent. There ar new schol
ars coming to our school right along,
and" are well .pleased". Worship 11 a. m
Huhject. "Why I beevo iitt U 3eity
of Jesus Christ.' Kveninir meeting. 7:30
Vnytt meeting" Thursday 7:30. Monthly
business meeting will be this Thursday
nrnr Xonh Winter and Jefferson
strecK. Thomas Acheson, pastor c
Kov Walker, assistant, in ehnrfre of th
Juniof Chunh. At II a. m. the pastors
mill be: "The Church a Success
w oVnihire. .At tlie same nour iw-
W.lkee will preach to the Juniors down
stairs. This service will appeal
1' i -
nennle of from 8 to 16 years oi
Bev.3. B. Buck, pastor.; Communion
mnva a l7-:nn; Children a mass at
aelemn . high sas Ming by- lv. raner
k'eennn. ir being the first anniversary
of hi anilnatloii,) at 10:30. Tlie It-y.
tUirnelitis Haerty, 'SC,; of ColMinnia
nniversitv will preach, his subject being
"The "Priesthood.' , Solemn benediction
will follow the last mas auu mere win
be no s-rvices in the evening, r.virynn
bth Catholic and non-l'ntnonc is roi;
ly invited.
I.tliertv and Center streets, 'W. C.
Katitner, minister Sunday school at i"
a. m. Classes for all ascs under compe
tent tearhers. Program includes special
numbers. Welcome to nil. M. I), mc
Callisfr, superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11 a. m., with Holy Cominiinion.
Sermon suhject, "The Apostolic nenc-
diction." Junior Endeavor 3 p. m. Young
Peoples meeting 0:30 p. "m. At 7:HO
p. m. an interesting service incinoing
song service, a brief address on "A Rev
olutionary Ueligion." and a fine picture
ot "The Lake of Hanging Glaciers, i
This is something superior. A glad wel
come for all. Pr'ayermeeting Ihnrsday
at 7:30 p. m. Subject "Jesus and His
Mother." T. S. Mackenzie will lead the
song service at this mpcting.
South 19th street. Harry W. John
son, minister. Sunday school and morn
ing worship at 10 a. m. Story-sermon
by Ihe pastor, "Out of Tune." Young
Peoples' meeting a tf!:30 p. m. Preach-"
ing service- nt 7 :30 p. m. Vocal duet
by Annie and Myra Gleason. "Teach
Me to Pray." Anthem by the choir
"Lord Incline Thine Kar." Sermon top-.
ic, "The lllinil Man's Creed." Monday
night. Pioneer rljih. Thursday night,
prayer meeting and choir. j
Corner Church and Cbemekcta street
"The House of Worship," Uv. H. 1.
Chambers, rfctnr. Fourth Sunday after
Kpiphaoy. Iteing ihe first Sunday in
the month there will be two celebrations
of the Holy Eucharist, one at 7:30 in the
chapel and one at 11 a.m. with music
and sermon. The church school will meet
at 9:4i and all children will he most
cordially welcomtd. The VPS meeta
at 7 a. m it; the parish house. The sub
ject will l.e "Sunday Amusements and
Ibe Church." with Miss 1.. Steele as lead
er. All vonnic people cordially invited.
St. Paul's laways extends a cordial wel
come to all at uy and nil of lis services.
. ..u in tne .rrmnr mi i " m
-7 :'., . n.l nrnfit in all will he held
mi.. .uviHied hv the orchestra will
i..j ; rnu sin? sone .service, and the
pastor will deliver an appropriate go
" a (.utendid nirit of frtend-
ihin urevaila at all of the scrvicett and
. .... ill feel at home. Other im
.i.i servii-js ofthe day are A M-i-
SlOX of the church school at ,9:45 a. m.
with classes for all ages. ou will feel
at borne in this important department
of reHg'wu work. F.pworth leagn" de
Totioiial meeting at 6530 p, m. 'Voiing
people welcomed. Testimony and praise
art-vice for adults in the auditorium at
7 p. m. Brother. Joseph Barber will be
in charge. The pnhlic is coraiauy in
vited to join us in alt the services of
k dav Mid week devotional and study
hour for junior ana senior rnum- .sertices at Auburn
Ihnrsday evening at 7:15 p .m. Come I rival servM-e m ill h.
and bring your frienos wim
Ijotheran 16th and A atreeta. H. W.
Cross, pastor. There wrill be regulsr
Sundsv services in the German language
with Holy Cmmanion at 10:30 a. m. Pre
paratory services berin at 10. There will
v. ,t;nr of the Sunday school.
Sunday sc
street K. W. Enunr,
i i
iii-iin-scia sireei r. . i.nttnr, pas
tor. sermon at 11 a. m. "Life
Storms," will bo the theme. A talk at
7..H0 on "Keyivals." Sunday school will
Hold Us session at 10 a. m. Classes wllP
ne rnaiig! and new teachers will be in
charge. Wilson l.annr will lead the
Kvangeirnl league ut fi:W p. m. All
members requested to be present. The
prayer services on Thursday evening.
st 3 p. m. A re-
heein st Auburn com
mencing ilonduy morning, conducted by
the pastor.
Center and Court C. C .Poling, pas
tor. Pebruary 3. services will be held
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. J.
Herwig of Portland will speak at the
morning hour. Subject. "The Maiestv of
hool teachers will meet' Monday J the Law." Hear this great message.
ine aaaress of Jir. Jitrwig is the ad
dress of a new era. Much of the old
has passed. ( but 'this is new and appeal
directly to the church. If the church is
to accomplish its mission it must, not
be blind to facts he so forcefully--1 pre j
of the
Corner Marion and Mberty streets. TUr.
E H- 8hsbks, Ph. D., acting pastort Bible
. i - va uliiinliA . sunerin-
!"nooi ';-T- Momlni ser- wnts. Because of the indisposition
".' . r. ' I tlustor Kev f R Stover irill nrrh .
SvpVt ZS?a . 6'W v . TEven ngser- Khe evening service. Midweek service
"Thev Cifc'uU" Tuesday Thursday evening. Senior and Junior Kn--;-
Brotherhood will meet drT he t :30 p. m. Bible
I-;; ?Z-.7nZ Vine as Honor guest and school at 9:4a. J. V. I Inch supennten
" u" nmrsdav ve- dent. A welcoi
Will BU 41 irnS IHU saa- v-s..-a- ' . -
ning Mid-week meeting 'for prayer , and
Bible atody. Second Chapter of Coloss
ians will furnish the liasis of Dl.
gchank'a expository readings.
?' by Flora' ritHherr . L ... fsaa
! Schubert Octette.
Piano-solo Liettt-straiiW '...:. u Mart'
. norths Vick. ,
Voiienia ( Hay in Venice) evin
A Cycle' of Kour'Love Poem- i
() Morning .in "' St. .Msrk's
Niiare -Lovh k ,twakeninK.. '
' (hi In the Hondola Declaration
of IjlVC, . . , ' -. r
(c) A Ixire Song Love's t'oiisnm
instion. -! " . 1
(d) The Farewell Ueiufu. to . Kt.
Mark's Square and iiod-Ue.
Schniiert Ot-tette. 1
Violin Uomartce in- 4t ; Bathoven
Mrs. I'.. W.. WaWoff. wyth Mrs. Sum'
ne Pit rce s( the pilitio.
JTard Trials i.i. .............. Dcents'-Taylor
Since You Went Away ....... Victor Harris
hietitucky Dahe Gardner-Koma
Krhnhert Oetette. 1
Vocal Slos-fr , 1
The Little Damot'el .......: Xovello
Homing ....i....-...4..i..-. 1W Kiego
Love' in My .Heiirt Woodman
Flora Fletcher- ' Buth Bedford, accompanist.
Sa iss Yodel Song! Brown
Serenade, violin obllgalft '. Schubert
Mrx.t Waldorf.
Soprano Solo -,
Hilds" Amsler.
The peraotafi0 ot the octette Is
as follows : r Efirapads, Flora 'Pletl
chef. Gladyl SfoVehsott! meiio so
pranos, Hilda.: Arilsler; Rnth B&t-;
iora; iirai aii9, itmu ttvi, ir
la Amslerf seeontl'- altos, Grace
Fawk, Helen i Hamilton ;. 'accom
panist. .'.Bertiir Victt ; ; tHreclbr,
Minnetta Magf fs. .
e j. . ' 1 ... f
At the. invitation of Mrs. W. F.
nchnr. ntHj Mrs. G. W. Laflar. a
grou p of 30 ; matrons enjoyed a
very pleasant afternooB' Friday at
the htmie ot Mrs.. Buchser, with
bridges .as the bjain diversrtori-Mrs.
L. J. Kearna of pbrtlaml assisted
during jt he", after noon and Mrs. R.
E. Anderson won Tlve pnxe ror in
bridge game-1' -
Rose carnations and potted
plants wert used about the rooms?
adding to the, icneer oi um ucca
sion. , The invited guests were:
Mrs. E. P. Rasselle, Mrs. Arthur
Moore, Mrs. AV. ft. Byrd and her
house guest, Mrs. Samuel Fisjle
JoOr of Chicago; Mrs. F. G. Bowi
ersox, Mrs. Harwood Hall, Mrs.
H. F. Poisal, Mrs. S. P. Kimball,
Mrs. J. W. Lewis, Mrs. W. I. Need
ham, Mr, Anni Klein, Mrs. David
Wright, Mrst CJay Taylor, Mrs. B.
X. Beechler, Mrs: C. E. Cashatt,
Mrs. J. A. Bernard!. Mrs. Eliza
beth Lamb, Mr. F. P. Fowle, Mrs.
H. R. Worth, Mr8. L. P. Aldrich.
Mrs. F. E. Shafer, Mrs. J. C. Cur
ry, Mrs. J. R. Pollock, Mrs. R.- C.
punter, Mri Fi G. Brock Sr., Mrs.
R. E. Anderson, Mrs. William Mc
Gilchrist Sr.; Mrs- John McCourt,
Mrs. E. E. Fiiher and the host-
bust it jOh
; JUSTICE John McCourt;' mem
ber i of the "fttate sii9r,ne ; court,
KaAJe the following1 addroBg on liiw
enforcement before this Six o'clock
ddh,' men's j organization . of the
Melliodist clinrch. Moiidajr night:
themselves. The ni'akfe the laws
and ihey ttn force, the laws maic by
tliermselves. Every , breach of law
to some extent weakens the force
and Strength, of ,the compact .to
whicH every citizen is'aparty; and
tbrrespohdlngly " weakens the
The prevalence of the' violation structure, and 'Spells danger to its
11... . t 1 T w 4 AflA
of the criminal lawS throughout lounaauon ana ie saiety .ui,
the country, as recorded in ? the
has become a matter
lcome to all.
Watch for the Statesman s
(35tK Annual)
Ramsay MacDonaid nnas
no eight-hour' job running
British Empire.
Ari edition larger and better. tKait ever ahd: ohef..tKat1yo,fr;'
will be pleasecl to send to your friends. It's the largest
,ahd most unselfish 3 bundled of optimism on Willamette
.Valfey ever published. .
To The Advertisei4
- Tlie Diversity Mition-'offersAdverHseTS circur
lation, and opportunity ; to bring :t6 your imiriediatef field,
I new customers I and new , industries. Make applications
now for rates- and, space agreements.
Wateh for Announceitlent of
! Release Date
Corner State and Church streets. Blaine,
E. Kirkpatrick, minister. Class, meetiug
at 9:15 a. m , in Ihe northwest corner
room, downstairs. (ieo. .. J.itchfield,
leader. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. H. V.
Shanks, superintendent. The Sunday
school is just greeting its stride again
after the Christmas holidays. If you are
not connected with any other Sunday
school, you are cordially welcome to join
with ns in study. Morning worship, 114
o ckclc. JJusic by the choir under the
direction t Prof. E. W. Hobson, "with
iProf. T. S. Kohert at the org-an. The
pastor will preach on the subject: "Turn-
in) .Leisure Into Profit. The Junior,
lea true meets at j o clock in Epwortbj
hall. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Missi
V.. A MilliA Vritl im. nl,l mix Th.
aermon will be by tue pastor on the suh
ject, "Job and his Comforters," which
will be a re y lew of the message of tn
book of Job for our day. Visitors are
welcome. Chnrch Night service Thursday
night. Pot-luck supper, 6 :30. Special
I feature, 7:10; study classes in the "World
Service, 7:30. Devotional service 8:15.;
Everybody invited.
South Commercial and Myers streets-
IT. . Pemberton. nastor. You are cor
dially invited to the Sunday meetings of
this church as follows: Sunday school at
9:43. E. A. Khoten, superintendent. A
going school with class-s for everybody.
Enworth league at fl:30. A live young
peoples' meeting with not a dull minute
in it. .Morning worship at 11 o riocK.
Sermon suhject: "Christian or Pagan,
Which Shall it Be!" Evening meeting
at 7:30. Subject: "Salvation For All Who
Want It." Spend Sunday at church. It
will bring a fresh view of life's duty and
opportunity. We will be glad to navo
yoti worship' with ns. You will enjoy
the Gospel preaching, the excellent mn
sie, the fine fellowship of Christiana and
the snirit of helpfulness which mark this
church. " we win be giao" to welcome
you. Come with ns.
""ta!AinIHAVIAN M. E.
Fifteenth and Mill streets David C.
nassel, pastor. Morning worship at II
o'clock. Sunday school 12. Gust. Ander
son, superintendent. Kp worth league at
7:15 and evening service 8 o clock. Mid
week service Thursday 8 p. m . witn Mr-
bl studv and prayer. Thia ia a profit
able hour. The monthly business meeting
Thnnilar eveninr. Come yourself ana
bring others. A hearty welcome to all.
T.hem.rle on retry street. near
Ch'titch street. Pastors, H. E. Caswell
and Mrs. Caswell.. Sunday school 2 p.
m;; B. M. - Hcibee, superintenaem.
Preaching service 3 p. m.; subject, '.'The
Costly Pearl." Evening- evangelistic
service 7:ao. -mesoay t :a p. m-. irj
r" and praise. Friday evening we are
.lnCn Ik Ttihl .tllltv ill the UOOK
of . Keveiaiion. rnmitr i. - i
is extended to all.
- The man with jr grouchy look
seldom gets a pleasant one,
daily pres
of great concern t the public,,
moring citiienR everywhere to in
quire what' their duties are in the
circumstances. The! degre to
which any duty, is rfischdrged de
pends primarily upon the under
standing of the requirements of
that duty possessed by the indi
vidual upon whom the duty rests.
Without a reasonably ;dear tinder
standing of th subject-matter of
the duty and tlie relation that the
individual bears to the snbjecr
mafUer and to others Owing a like
duty, citizenst cannot know the ob
ligations that are ' imposed upon
them nor how to discharge sucli
obligations. . I siially when men
and women know that they have
a duity to perform and 'also know
what that duty is, they arise to the
occasion and exert the" effort nec
essary to properly respond ta that
duty; This applies to alt human
conduct and particnlarly to the re
sponse that the average citizen
makes to the enforcement of lawk
enacted to guido his conduct and
to protect his rights, j :
If follows from this that; the
first duty of everyone is to'-ac-quire
a fair knowledge "of ,theJ prin
ciples of our; government arid the
relation of the individual to it. In
the formation' of this government,
the people themselves entered into
a" written compact in which, by
Implications which are stronger
than any express terms could
make them each citizen agreed to
obserye and abide by the law and
all laws which might; be adopted
In conformity to' the requirements
niescribed by the constitution.
Necessarily the obligations of that
compact rest upon the citizen with
full force so long as the govern
ment may endure. In that com
pact the rights of the citizens and
the 'powers of the government are
definitely stated in writing, and
constitute conclusive evidence of
the! character of those rights and
powers and the limitations and ex
tent thereof. Ail the powers of
the government thus ; established,
dependent upon Its continuance
In- this connection. it should' be
remembered u that, 7 the , constltn
t Ions which the people have adopt
ed pursuant ttf'the' principle men
tioned, all expressly deflnr the Hm
its and powers v of ; government;
both state and federal as they af
fect' the' rights of the individual
citizen; -and not only prohibit one
citizen from; invading the righU
of another;-bat. alscr expressly restrict-
the? BOverrtmeut front breach
ing or' invading the fundamental
rights of citiiens. This is very
important in a consideration of
law enforcement,, for it is an easy
matter for the government in the
guise of Jaw enforcement, to in
trench upon the rights and secur
ity of the innocent In violation, of
the organic law and itt tnat man
ner, not only nullity essential pro
visions of our constilution, and by
precedent jUBtify a continuance ot
that' nuHificatioh.
The1 law-enforcing officers are
the affents of the people. They can
rise no higher, ami have no fireat-
ef power, than the people" them
selves. And the powers of such
officer are not arrived solely from
the written compact, but from the
powers expressed therein, plus the
constant support, assistance and
encoura'gement of the people. A
law-enforcing officer caa- accom?
plisli littleinjhe way of enforcing
anv rjarticular law without an ac
tive, I aggressive public 'sentiment
and public support behind him
The duty of the citizen of any com
munity la not' completed when of
ficers are .elected and lnstauea.
It will not data set up an officer
and go away and leave hlm ex
p'ectfag bini to carry on the gov
ernment without any further inter
est on the part of the citizen. An
officer so abandoned is very much
in the same situation as working
boss without a gang, of workmen
or an armv officer without any
army. Jn. all mass activities, the
men in the ranks carry the Dur
dens and mak whatever advances
the .officers, the bosses or leaders
direct. . If those in the ranks' tail
are conducted by
the leader or officer Is bound f to
staif d' still or rttterTlllsr princi
ple prevails In a large degree in
the inatter? ot v law- enforcement.
Tlie -layman corresponds to the-
man in the ranks, and-like him,
must carry the tiurdens, : and ?n-;v,r
ergetically and agressively respond
to the law-enforcing officers need. ..
. . . - .... .. : . .
or df rections, or the . latter wiu.7.
have? no success In earrylng Tor- '.
wdrd-the work of aw-enforce-
Onft hundred, per ; cent: observ
ance of the law ha never been at- .
tatoed under any form ot govern- A
ment. LaWs aga'inst homicide, far-, i'"
cen burglarly, , arsri, gadiblina ; ;
arid laws' to enforce observance of '- "
the -social eOnventionsi are a old,jT ..:
as society itselfl But violations, or , ' V
thoso lawrfare of frequent commis-' " '
sion;'i regardless of' tlie .extent or- r
character of the punishment that '" '-' ;
is : meted out' for BUChlolaUdns; ' '
Yet'Tio one- will gay that such laws
shouhl bo dlapensed'with.'or that
there Is any abatement of the ab- ' '
solute'tibllgation" ,and duty ot the ?
citizen" to observe them or refiain : "-' y
from their f violation. - The great -
majority of people observe them v
constantly and frown npon those '
who ! violate them- We hear no v;
suggestions from any quarter, that.
citiien may disregard, any law en-. .r
acted under the forms prescribed r?y
for its adpotlon until attempts aro . : ;
made to regulat what some peo o
pi ar pleased-to designate as prW.t ,7.-
vate conduct or the private af f air
of the citizen. ' . ' . , i '-'t
When this government ' was-".'--
formed, society and business were - 4
without the complexity tbeypre-; .
sent today. The . population wa i. .
small; there was ample room - for
communication.' ' And necessarily:
such Intercourse as was possible ;
with the cruce-jtransportalioiv fa-
cilities which then obtained, was
carried" "on without any "Interfer
ence by - one neighbor, .with' an
other. But! now our population "
Iras become so great, Oaf necessary ;
contacts' one with' another 60 yar- .
led,- frequent" and cohstant, that ;
many regulations affecting nthc
conduct of the citiaen are absolute-,
ly necessary in order that we may , T,
live together ifieaceaoiy5 ana in t 1
manner - most conducive .to . Our ' .
comfort ' and happiness. - 'And so
regulations thaV might hate been. '
regarded' as ant Interference with ?
the citizen In times past are abso
lutely easenUal now, .The govern- V
ment formed by the fathers 'was- -
not -intended as a temporary tr- - th generation , n,
which it waa created,-but was de- , t
signed to endure and to promote ;
(Continued on page j
tile ucopic .y icoyyu w - .- - - 1
A Feature ule ot
t"' -
' Why not send a copy of thla big paper to your friends?
l Think it over. If you were to receive 7rom soni e, of your friends. a great big
dltlon of that friend, home town paper and' It.: war tUled withlfacts from cover
i I ? wonldiTit make an Impressioa on ; yoa?. It certainly would, and- If you
'J?SliiSl?? the location of your home or business, tha Tery
TrfiHcirf wonld nrobably sell you the Idea that there was the place to go. lExacUy so;
" "he Statesman brought several families tothe Willamette
'il'-SSmSynMi and all are good, clean, prosperous folks, and we're
vauey. owiuo . . n .v -.vii-. i vu.'i.. m tlmorat from
Vld thev came, we neea new pwpw u ie wuc, i vtA,.- .
; i i getting Into the proTerbIaL"fut",and;jlttmplng. h t-V,
OrBtt ybur
earlv. Price 10
ceritsi Do it tbcifiij
fore you" forget it.
Salem, Oregon. ; "y r;. v
:Gentlemen:--Etclosed piease And f'-"
cents in postage 'stamps for whlck .inall
. ,-copies ot Statesman Annual Edition to
t " !- '"V :k: .
'. tl i
Anyaddltionalxiiamer write on
another sheet of. paper.
The ; members of 'the Phoenix
High School club entertained' a'
number of guests with a line party
at the Oregon theater Friday eve
ning and later enjoyed a supper In
the rose room at The Spa.
The Modern Writers will meet
Tuesday evening, Penrdary 5, "at
the home of Mrs. Blanche' Hones,
606 South Church street.
t : -' &
-Salem radio fans will have the
pleasure of hearing a bit of their
own talent Monday evening irom
8 i 3 0 to 1 0 : 3 0, wben' the Schubert '
octettn will broadcast a musical
Inrogram from KCW In Portland.
During the two years or ita,or-
ganization the octette has appar-i
ed a number of timbes in concert
and on chautauauas," and has al-
; wrava keen ; well ' received. For,
those who do "not have recerfini
seti In their homes. Mr. Barton
Is treceiTing'the program on his
radio in the Masonic ouuaing. v
I 1 -
... : ;"li-
Your Corset the Basis of
"Beings slim may-be a matter; of pounds;
bat looking slim is a matter ot wher those
pounds are placed." . !
All the new clothes in the world won't help you main
tain a smart appearance' if the corset beneath isn't ex
actly right.' Burit you select your corset here, our ex
pert corsetieres will see that It fits you as it should and
that the straight lines of the mode .are transferred to
your figure! We have corsets in every favored fabric
and at erery sensible price of brocade,' elastic,' coutil,
or broche; as well. as front or back lacing models.. A , ?
little .time spent in the choosing now will perfect the
fitting of your gowns later. ; ... ;
All this week we will feature special numbers -of Gos- :
sardsf at introductory prices.
No. 3820 .
Special $4.00. ,
This model" is' an-: elastic; top,
long skirted' style. Fitted with i
six" garters. : ; :
Sizes 23 to 32. J
Same 5lbdel- in -. Silk-Broche 4
lfc -$7-50-
Special $d.50
e--Silk broche In medium top
elastic insert in front. Mado for
medium to stout figures. ...
SItes-28tO-38, . -
SI 1 .
1 ' i.. ' .
The" following' program will ibfc
WngcT-llsfed - b-;the OCtette:
a rarmenT WUsw
1 1 Lassie i' Mine .....i..-......".....(W ait
- "A Little Gray Dots (toprtne obufatw