The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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    .4 -
I !
a. V
' t '
kl I i:
if I
if j
give the honor to someone else. A.
L. Dalrymple, warden at the state
penitentiary, is secretary ot the
county committee.
Hearing at Yakima
I The . public service commission
received Information from, the
Interstate commerce commission
Saturday that the interstate com
mission will hold a hearing at
Yakima, Wash., March 1 relative
to freight rates on fresh fruits and
vegetables for the Pacific north
west, j Examiner Kephart of the
interstate commerce commission
will conduct the hearing.
ocal dairy, failed to appear in
police court yesterday and his bail
of 20 declared forfeited.
Sco Our Drapery Man i
Extra special , for one , we,ek
only we . will make your draperies
up at! a great discount. C. S
Hamilton. J29.
Card of Thank
We wish to thank our many
friends and neighbors, also the
Odd' Fellows and Royal Neighbors,
for the beautiful .floral offerings
and help rendered during tho ill
ness asd death ot our huband and
father, V. A. Nelson. Sarah E
Nelson and family. J27.
Buy That Boy a Pup !
Airedale, collie and bull pups
at special prices. Flake's Petland,
273 State. J 2 9.
Bicycle Is Found-
A bicycle, fonnd at Thirteenth
and Mission, has been brought to
the police station by Officer Victor.
iiet Your Tickets Fr
"Nothing But the Truth." Aus
pices Order of DeMolay. j27.
Speeder Forfeits Bail
G. E. Odekirk of Portland for
feited $10 bail deposited about a
week ago when be was arrested
for speeding.
16 Inch Block Wood
Three large loads for
Fred E.
att, Henry Hartley, Don Lock
wood. Esther Bauman and Lily
Allinden. These youne Deonle Quick delivery.
were entertained with a social last Pnone 12- J2'
night. Others will assist in the'
West Salem Methodist church ser
vices tonight, beginning at 7
Judfcc Marries Two Couples
Judge W. H.' Downing officiated
at two marriages yesterday. Adin
Blakley and Gladys Tucker were
. . . . 1 If
UiiikMllne Oiwrallon I me Iirsi coupie weuaeo auu i-
' I - -w i a it liAlnn
I. R. Smith, proprietor ot the oen nenry i.uni anu aiu. r,u
Smith cigar store, underwent an
operation for removal of tonsils
at the Willamette sanitarium yesterday.
Barstad were the second married
by the judge. All are from Salem.
Baby Chicks
First chicks for 1924 ready lor
delivery Monday, Jan. 28th. Tat
ronize home industry. Salem
Chlcktrles. 558 State St., Salem.
j27. "
Bugs at January
Clearance sale prices,
ton. j29.
Settlt His Hash-
Efforts to locate V. A. Hash
wanted here In connection with
having issued worthless and forged
checks, have proven successful and
the wanted man is being held in
Roseburg, according to a wire re
ceived; by the sheriff's office Sat
urday.! Deputy Sheriff Sam Burk
hart ?wiH leave today to bring
Hash back to Salem.
Health Tlu-ough Chiropractic
Mild treatment. Dr. Redmond,
328 Oregon building. Tel 1638.
Business Methods Topic
Charles Francis Walker, presi
dent of the Northwestern- School
of Commerce; will give the Salem
Kiwanians some inside informa
tion on "Business Methods" at the Many Are Out of,Worlc
regular luncheon to be held Tues- Nearly 200 people sought em-
day noon. President Walker is an ployment at the United States bur
authority upon his subject and hisleau at the YMCA during the week
address promises to be one of high tending January 26, when 175 men
imnortance to all business men. and 16 women registered. Com-
Prof. E. W. Hobson, head of the mon labor headed the list, with M
vocal department of Willamette J applying and calls for 10, the
university, accompanied by Pro- same number being referred and
fessor Launer, will provide the! placed. Thirty-eight farm hands
January Clearance Sale
1 Our; entire, line' ot cretonnes.
S. Hamilton.l-j29. '
32-Pieee Set DislJes
Several patterns to choose from
Tan nar v clearance sale. $5.10 at
Took Corner Too Fast
For cutting a corner at High
an Chemeketa yesterday, L. Hill
was arrested by Officer Thompson
He was released unedr $5 bail and
cited to appear in police court on
Baby Chicks-
First chicks for 1924 ready for
delivery Monday, Jan. 28th. Pat
ronize home industry. Salem
Chickeries, 558 State St., Salem.
Riley Forfeit BaK , .
William Riley; charged with as
sault and battery upon Walter D.
Gardner, driver of a truck for a
Several Patterns of High Grade -Bedroom
suites in ivory, mahog
any, walnut and gray, greatly re
duced during Hamilton's January
clearance sale. 327
Salvation Army-
Salvation army Sunday services.
Holiness meeting, 11 a. m. A real
time where the children of God
will come for full gospel preaching
and Envoy Inman, the "Old
Scout" preacher, will preach a
live wire sermon. Sunday school,
2 o'clock. Classes for all ages
and a fine time with the children.
Come and bring them. YPL, a
young people's meeting and a
happy time for all the young
folks. Battle for souls, 7:45. A
sottl saving time- with the old
fighter on the line for God. At
this meeting Envoy , Inman will
bring some inspiring incidents
from his life of varied experience
Music, singing and solos. Meet
ings every night excepting Monday.
Feed ia n d Entertainment
Scheduled for McCornack
Hall Monday Night
Dance Thursday, Jan. 29.
Derby hall. The Orioles
play. J27.
music for the luncheon.
$1500 Ixwin Wanted
On Salem residence.
sky, phone 970.
Only Three More Days
To take advantage of our Jan
uary clearance sale. Hamilton.
Ambulance Not Sold
Though the Oleson Used Car
exchange held an auction sale in
an effort to dispose of its property
prior to going out of business, the
ambulance has not yet been sold,
it was announced yesterday. The
garage occupied by the exchange
will be leased and it is expected
will take over the ambulance ser
vice, though ft may be disposed of
to private interests who will con
registered, with eight each
mand, referred and placed and 30
woods laborers, of which 22 were
In demand. Fifteen were referred
and 11 placed. Salespeople are
seeking work, 17 registering, with
one sought, seven referred and one
placed. Others registering were
five carpenters, one laundry work
er; eight chauffeurs and six engin
eers. For female labor, eight
cooks registered, with two each
in demand, referred and placed;
seven domestics, four of which
were in demand, three referred
and two placed. One dressmaker
applied and received work.
Naturalization Class lleld--
A number of men who will ap
pear before the county court Feb
ruary 6 for examination as to their
eligibility for first papers attended
the mock naturalization class held
at the YMCA last night. The men
have been attending regularly and
this method was adopted in order
thoroughly to familiarize them
with the actual proceedings and to
prevent possible nervousness upon
their parts. Elmo S. White acted
as judge with C. A. Kells, execu
tive secretary of the YMCA, as ex
amining officer.
The Oleson Auto Exchange has
been sold to H. H. Harris, who is
sole owner of the business at this
S. C. STONE, M J).
General Office Practice
Cancers Treated
Office, Tyler's Drug Store
137 8. Commercial Street
Building 'Permits Issued
According to building permits
issued by Marten Poulsen, city re
corder, Adam Engle will build a
dwelling at 925 North Summer at
a cost ot $5,000, and.E. H. Dick
inson a dwelling at 965 North
Winter, to cost $3800.
time. We are out for business.
tinup the service on a commission Day and night storage and service
at reasonable rates. We are in
position to give you first class me
chanical service. Ambulance ser
vice continuous. For any immed
iate service phone 666. H. H.
Harris, 173 S. Liberty. j29.
E. M. Page will leave tonight
for Portland. He expects to re
turn to Salem Thursday. Mr. Page
ia Oregon campaign , manager for
United States Senator Charles L.
McXary. f
Lee Chapin will be in Gervais
tonight where he will have charge
of the Christian Endeavor services
at the Presbyterian church.
Myrtle Ann Martin, a student
There may be a long, long trail
a-winding but those who hit it
Monday night will find that it
leads to the big entertainment and
feed in McCornack hall, given to
all ex-service men of Marion and
Polk counties by La Societe des
40 Homines et 8 Chevaux, the
play order of the American legion.
Invitations have been sent to all
legion posts In the two counties
and representatives of the Silver-
ton, Dallas, Independence, Wood-
burn, Mt. Angel and Albany posts
are expected to b-i present
Some attractive features are of
fered on the program. George p.
Griffith, state vice commander.
fill make the introductory remarks
followed by short addresses by
Chief Justice Thomas A. McBride
of the Oregon supreme court, and
Col. Peuram C. Whitworth of
Among the special numbers ar?
a violin solo by Mrs. Muriel Wood
of San Francisco, who has jus'
returned Trim a concert tour of
South Anurlca; a double act by
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hickman, of the
Hickman-Bessey stock company
vocal solos uy Mrs. Hickman and
a specialty number by Jack Bessey
E. Cooke Patton, Salem's premier
magician, will mystify the audi
ence with some of his sleight of
hand performances for 15 min
utes, offering some of his claver
est work. WTilliam McGilchrist
fir has consented to give some
special musical numbers.
Hobnails and mess-kits are ta
boo for the big feed that will fol
lnv the entertainment, ana me
it looks shorn, for few weeks or
mdnths merely, look' wise' and per
haps suggest that "'it's a good, idea
to-try-it -that way," or. merely say
"it will be nice to keep It curled,"
etc' 'r '.
But watch the newly bobbed
ones, wpraen and girls. The first
time it is cut long, the next time,
it's off to. the tip of .the ear, and
after tber first week or so only
those who are particular and are
willing to lose, toeir precious rest
hours have it curled. It takes too
much time and then "straight
bobs" are such nifty affairs. . Of
course the curl is popular but
among the busy business women,
not the flipper, who still must be
different, the-straight, short bob
is the thing. And every day or
so, some one whom you never
dreamed would do it, finds out it
is mighty convenient and so easy
to care for.
The' most pojjujar roadhuse,
howefer.Ms if little shaek;buflr6D
a jitney xWuial;V 1 5:' .- r.V--
Miferes ntoneu
: 1 .
T3URNING poor- coal
TlnnuaFSemor Play Is
Given By Indian Students
"Green Stockinsrs," a three-act
comedy, was the arnnal plav of
the senior class at. the Chemawa
Indian school Friday night. Mrs.
Ada B. Risser, senior teacher at
the school, directed the play. A
part of the proceeds goes to the
high school loan fund. Music for
the play was furnished by an or
chestra of senior boys.
Members of the cast were Jesse
Morgan, Ernest Hill. John Petel
lin, Harry Frost, Alex Eyle, John
Long, Eli Karabelnkofsi Clara
Hamilton. Sadie Seeds, Eva O-
Bryan, Lora Gray and Anna T ee
Thomas. v
D like burning paper doi- jL .
lar bills. You spend a 10t ; J
of money and get no heat, v
But when you invest yodr 0
money in coal ot the high- Q
est quality such as we are , Q
offering - you. are,. indeed, )
. saving money and getting - U
. big result. jL
Broadway at Hood I V
4:1-. n
PHONE 1855
Tha rebels in .Mexico now con
trol almost everything except the
capital and the situation.
98 Cents Buy)
A fine rag rug at Hamilton's
January Clearance Sale. j29.
be sufficient chow for ail, even
to the extent of "putting out seconds."
Italian Prtne Trees.
Prices on Walnuts, seedling uner
ry Trees, 8c to 15c. General Nur
sery Stock, Sales Yard and Office,
644 Ferry St.
. i A. J. Matbi nop.
Of flee Phone 100.
Gospel Teams Arc Activ
Three gospel teams, composed of
Good I Willamette university students,
All Short Ends
' Of drapery; greatly reduced Jan
uary clearance sale. C. S. Hamil
ton. j2 9.
will be active this week-end, ap
pearing at Aurora, Bethel and
West Salem. Those going to
Aurora will leave at 8:45 o'clock
Writ Dismissed
Judge Bingham yesterday sus
tained a motion to dismiss the writ
of habeas corpus brought against
Debates to jllegJ
The debfite season for Salem
high school will begin February
15 when the high school team will
meet Woodburn and Stayton high
school. The Salem negative team
is Bernice Mulvey, Elizabeth Fair
childs and Homer Richards and
the affirmative team is Benoit Mc-
You Should Know
That wo , diagnose, locate and
Heasurc. from a drop of" blood any
:. lisease active or latent.
' v ,"We purify, the blood and cure,
5 (not. electricity J, 95 per cent of
V tancers, tuberculosis, goiters, dia
ketcs, .lemala' and aigeitlYtt'dlior
: lers, etc. v ' . -
r; The Era Clinic
r i - ,1484. Stata St. '-; '
; k. JTteo '. Public Lecture Friday,
. "V' 7-.30 P. M. "
Dr. J. N. Smith by the guardian
rni, morn nB Tand will - Ve unrer of Myrtle O'Grady who is confined Cro.key. Edgar Tibbets and Av
this morning and wi 1 1 be tinder j feeble- ery Thompson. The question is
minded. The attorney general "Resolved that a severance tax Is
represented Dr. Smith in the liti
gation. The hearing was set' for
1:30 Saturday afternoon.
All the Ravings of Folk Who
Don't Like it Have
No Effect
Marvin Stolzheise. captain. Others
. Res. 1140Mof this team are Katherihe Ross-
man, Adelia White, Elizabeth Sil
ver. Robert Notson. Glen Stone-
man and Ruth Hewitt. They will
be accompanied by Edwin Soco
lofsky and have charge of the ser
vices at the Presbyterian church.
At the Bethel Presbyterian church,
east of Woodburn, the following
team will participate in the serv
ices: lUth Hill captain, Roy Hy-
a desirable feature of a system of
state and local taxation
Stars tell life's story! Send
birth date and dime for trial read
ing. Eddy, 1085 B., Suite 3A,
AU Living Room Suits
Greatly reduced during Janu
ary clearance saie. uamiuon.
ym. Neimeyer
Druggist. i
In Business For Your
175 N. Com!. Phone 167
Sea Foods a Specialty
Experienced Caterers
Court! Street, Near Liberty
Extra Special
-On our entire line of draperies.
For this week only we will make
up your draperies at a great re
duction. See our drapery man.
C. S. Hamilton. yi'J.
Fine Line
Braided rag rugs January
Clearance Sale prices. At Hamil
ton's. See cast window. j29.
SOI v. R. National nan jsuuaing
Phone 83 Res. Phone 469-J
411 Oregon Bldgj. Telephone 43
The Seavey Bell Insurance
4 Agency
General Insurance
'inf Beir Frank Wagar
(Formerly ur. ovf
24 S. Cottage St.
- , - 1182
The Original'and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. Skui
Adiustment that
' ui. i
'- gets results.
OslcopatWe Thysiclan and
!: '-': Burgee
MO n.. itiri;. - r Salem
; jfi ff va.WM mm - v
- '
Dr. Abram Electronle
Diagnosis and , treatment, j The
public ihoold know that there are
Z om i titty : f Imitations ot J
: Abramfc' machine. - Persons In Sa
lem are noW 'advertising and tising
one ot these Imitations under the
rr Abrams. . For the
1 liauio w
' troth about the Abrams Method
address Dr. D. H. White. 606 U.
S. Nat'l Bank Bids., Salem, Ore-
' gon. Adr. '
Osteopathic Physician and
' Surgeon
I . '
Day and Night Calls ,
Free Consultation Salem, Oregon
Notice of Appeal Filed
Notice of appeal to the supreme
court was fijed yesterday by the
defendants in the case of Ella
Soules against Maude Silver and
others. The case is that in which
Judge Bingham recently ordered
the farm sold which was left by
the husband of Ella Soules and
father of the defendants and the
money invested. The will provid
ed that the widow was to have the
proceeds from the farm but testi
mony was offered to show the
farm was not producing enough
to pay taxes now.
Tho Rev. H. D. Chambers,
Rector of St. Paul's church will
take for his topic at the 11 o'clock
service today, "Healing From the
Church Standpoint."
Between Independence and Sa
lem or Salem and Albany, one
traveling bag, containing books,
papers, keys etc. Finder will
please notify Mrs. Sarah Smith,
S41 Ei Second St., Albany. Phone
566R. Reward j2 7.
at the University of Oregon, is mess heigeant promises there will
spending the week-end at her home
on South Commercial.
Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Chambers
will leave for Portland Monday to
attend the. annual meeting of the
iocese of Oregon and the wom
an's auxiliary.
J. E. Anderson, of the Used
Car Corner, will leave the first of
the week for a buying trip to Cal
ifornia. A
Li. A. McCoskine or Baker ia
stopping at the Bligh hotel over
the week-end.
Carlton Savage or the Oregon
Normal school is here over Sunday
from Monmouth. Mr. Savage Is
secretary to President J: S. Lan
ders. ,
"Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Burke
Knapp of Portland have returned,
homo after a few days visit with
Mrs. Knapp's parents, Warden and
Mrs. A. M. Dalrymple, of the state
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mitchell
registered at' the Marlon hotel yes
terday from Roseburg. &
Floyd T. Fox of Silverton was
in Salem yesterday.
Harold, Herbert and Walter So-
colofsky, students at the Univers
ity ot Oregon,, are spending the
week-end with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. I). D. Socolofsky.
E. C. Lucas of Klamath Falls
Is registered at the Terminal.
D. E. Norcross of Metzger was
a Salem business caller Saturday.
M. F. Leach of Tillamook is a
week-end guest in the city.
Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Welter are
ia Salem from their home at
Beaverton. .
Mrs, Jacob GondccK or uregon
Bob. bobs, what a world of
trouble they make!
The men rave, first because
women will bob their hair, then
when it is done and really she
seems to type as well or cook as
well a3 ever, then they rave be
cause she keeps them waiting for
their turn In the barber's chair
And now the unbobbed sister Is
beginning to rave, why? Because
she cannot get a hat to fit her
since the makers of hats tniB
spring; so the unbobbed ones say
at least, have built the spring cre-j
ations with the bobbed ones in
mind aud so unbobbed sister has
another reason to be disgusted or
envious ot her bobbed sister.
Do you think that Martha Jones
will ever bob her hair Presto!
In the morning she comes with it
all bobbed and curled. Do you
think Mary Jane could ever wear
a bob? Don't be surprised if
Mary Jano becomes quite a beauty
a simple
v v m --"v vj-v iMin r
FOR RENT Two ; flvefroom
Bungalows, one 8-room. 7
and m 6-room. . Immediate
DOfiMsslon on three. '. Rents
$20 to 945. , j
three 'small Homes . oi tnree
and four rooms. ' Brand new,
South. For sale on terms
you' can handle. . Priced
f 1600 to $3300. Quick pos
session. - j -
Dr. Mendelsohn
Does not belong to any COM
BINE. His prices are very
reasonable for the materials
and service given. More than .
bne thfrd of a century of
practical experience is at
your service. He guarantees
satisfaction in every respect.
If glasses do not give satls-
faction, the Will' be changed .
free for a peridd of one year.
Phone 723. 210-11 United
States Bank Building.
$10 a month. High: and dry
south.- ' , r'j,
Close In 8-room house snit-
' able for renting rooms, ex
cellent condition, furnace and
fireplace. Immediate posses
Becke & Hendricks
I it ts nni T1l..
lut a lleatrol
In your home,
room the same. C.
It heats every
S. Hamilton.
a-ith her hair cut in
- .
City is among out of town people shiQgle
in the city. , Most of those who contemplate
W. A. Cummings of Roseburg f cohhi nc heir hair say: "I am go-
is snending the week-end in the . . n it cut ioD and im
Get Your Tickets For
"Nothing But the Truth." Aus
pices Order of DeMolay. J27.
Excellence is the Lever
upon which we depend to move
Quantities ot coal. : - While
our prices are the same as those
tor ordinary coal we strive to
makei those prices pay for more
and bigger coal satisfaction. How
well we succeed can be learned by
a trial. Why not make tho test
when; it costs no more. Give us a
Larmer Transfer Co.j
469 State St. Phone 930
Meeting Scheduled
W. H. Downing, chairman ot
the Marion county Democratic
central committee has sent out let
ters to the various precinct com
mitteemen notifying them of a
meeting to be held next Saturday
at the court house. Judge Down
ing says one of the big pieces of
business will be the selection of a
new chairman since he wants to
Rev. and Mrs. Jf. D. Chanibcrr
Will motoir to Portland Monday
to attend the annual convention of
the diocese of Oregon and the Wo
men's auxiliary.
Harold I Cook
Public Stenographer, 416 Ore
gon Building. Phone 412. 13
McKIBBEX Eva McKibben, age
20 years, at local hospital yes
terday. Body at Webb Funeral
parlors. Announcement later.
When You Can Buy
The best fence at a price as low
or lower than is being asked for
fence of an inferior quality, there
is no reason for buying any but
Square Deal", and that is the
fence we sell. Charles R. Archerd
Implement Co., Salem, Oregon,
210 State street. j27.
l5alem Jfltortttarp
Vfcont 1658
Efficient Work ModeraU Wen
- -J -
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmeni
Uneqnaled Serriet
Iuti-odutc Xew Members-
Five new members will be in
troduced at the Chamber of Com
merce luncheon Monday noon.
These are J. E. Purdy, field secre
tary of :Wlllamette university;
city. Mrs. Cummings, wno nas
been visiting in, Astoria, is expect
ed to return the first of the week.
J. W. liamb.of Eugene was in
Salem Saturday afternoon.
' Elsie: Downing of Oakdalo was
in Salem yesterday on business.
Hugh McGee of Scotts Mills was
raiipr yesterday at the county
school superintendent's office.
Esther Dowd Demarcst of Wood
burn was in Salem Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Diesch of Gervais
was in Salem yesterday.
Lee ''-Dyers of Habbard was in
Salem oA school business yester
day. He is principal of tho school
at Hubbard.
Lcla Recti, a teacher at Stayton,
is spending the week-end with her
family in Salem.
W. F. Wright of Qloverdale was
in Salem Saturday.
Lenna Perdue of Gervais was
in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. X. D- Elliott have
as their euests over the, week-end
E. G. Hodson of Prinevijle and
Mrs. Eduar Bundy of Portland.
associated 1 The visitors are brother and sister.
keep it curled."
Those who have had their tress
es or hair, depending upon how
Mrs. Lelace H. Ellis.
with Mrs. Gertrude J. M. Tage in of Mrs. Elliott.
tho Golden Rule real estate firm;
Addison M. Pago, farmer living on Mr. and Mrs. Russel of Chicago
route 9; Ira W. Jorgensen, black- win the loving cup. The RusscU
smith and automobile accessory have been married 62 years.
and repair business 190 South
High, and O. J. Hull, who recent
ly bought .out Grunert's auto top
shop at State. The member
ship committee last week consist
ed of George 1L Alden, Mrs. Ger-
trudx? J. M. Page and C. E. Albln.
The committee for this week Is R; :
O. Snelling. Ueorge H. Graben-
horst and Thco M. Barr. Seven
teen new members were received1
during January.
Professional skill H not tho
only requirement of r fun
eral director. He must per
form his sensitive tasks
quietly and " unobtrusively,
and in a tactful manner that
inspires confidence and good
Our service includes friend
ly and sympathetic under
standing of the task in hand.
The personal clement, we
hold, is equally as important
as proficiency in technical
Ter willi ger Funeral
770 Chemeketa Street
, Telephone 721
29 'W
1:30 p.m.
On Lansing Road Between Silverton
Road and the Garden Road, just one
mile east of Fairgrounds i -
10 Fresh Jersey Cows with calves at
side. 2 horses,; Farm Machinery,
Household Furniture, 10 tons of Hay,
Tools and many other articles. Terms
cash. - l-
- .
Woodry & Woodry;
Auctioneers. - '
Mrs. G. P. Livingston
American Legion
Thoso playing basketball "ill
meet at Armory Monday evening
at I to. Iprio. a team. -J27,
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
j Balem, Oregon r
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrapi
!pings,l Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassinc,
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties,, :
The Fence Which Gives Satisfaction
: ' - , . . -5
The Fenc which is easy to handle when being pul
and which gives long service. , I
How Do These Prices Look to You?
7- 26 34c per rod
8-32 SSc per rod
9- 39 43V2cperrod
Look good, do they not? And this is not all Come
and see us, and we will show you where the ."SQUARK
DEAL" Fence is better; and the above prices are not all
we have to offer you, for we allow a discount for
Spot Cash. . 4 , . ; :-
Chorlco Rm Archeird
Implement: o
' " ; Salem, Oregon, , 210 Stale Street. '